The Best kayak on a budget!

Hey guys thanks for tuning in. Today I'm showing you the newest member to the Macho Yak Family. The Ascend FS12T. Ascend FS12T: First kayak, Old Town Trip 10: *Disclaimer Im fully aware the storm is not named shaniqua. I Just couldn't remember the name* LIKE AND FAVORITE! Don't forget to SHARE with your friends!

The Best kayak on a budget! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 63

Kayak 9 years ago 65,460 views

Hey guys thanks for tuning in. Today I'm showing you the newest member to the Macho Yak Family. The Ascend FS12T. Ascend FS12T: First kayak, Old Town Trip 10: *Disclaimer Im fully aware the storm is not named shaniqua. I Just couldn't remember the name* LIKE AND FAVORITE! Don't forget to SHARE with your friends!

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Most popular comments
for The Best kayak on a budget!

Chris Jones
Chris Jones - 7 years ago
how about a price?
César Ramos
César Ramos - 7 years ago
Ese Macho nice video man I subscribe to your channel
J M - 7 years ago
Still like it. I’ve heard all bad things about ascend
Robert Reaves
Robert Reaves - 7 years ago
Ascend products like all Bass Pro products are overpriced.
Fred Fable
Fred Fable - 7 years ago
Yes, is a good kayak for lagoons lakes and quiet rivers...not a sea Kayak.
plutoplatters - 7 years ago
hurricane  SHEENEQUA !!!!!!!!!!!  YEAH BABY
JackP Fishing
JackP Fishing - 7 years ago
Could you add a trolling motor to this?
Jim McCarthy
Jim McCarthy - 7 years ago
The best kayak on a budget is when you find a good/excellent quality kayak on sale! The performance and build quality difference between these Ascends and say a Ocean Kayak Prowler 13 is big. I've found the Prowlers on sale/closeouts at $499. (West Marine) and they are tried and true and if ever a problem, OK stands behind them. I've seen these Ascends at Bass Pro and they are made of a lighter plastic, especially compared to Mailbu X-13 or Wilderness Systems Tarpons. As with any kayak, paddle before you buy.
Randolph Tolbert
Randolph Tolbert - 7 years ago
Next time , how about an overhead shot of the Yak. Can't see much from the front.
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 7 years ago
Randolph Tolbert good tip! I'll do that next time. Thanks for watching!

10. comment for The Best kayak on a budget!

Sgibby 88
Sgibby 88 - 8 years ago
Where at jersey are you from
Detroit home inspectors
Detroit home inspectors - 8 years ago
I have yet to see a vid that shows someone stand up, cast and sit back down in one of these.   send me the link of anyone knows of any.
Kori Whitchurch
Kori Whitchurch - 8 years ago
the middles are soft cheaply made had one for three days leaked took it back got a new one and that one leak save your money to get a better one i own a Jackson Big rig and a Jackson coosa HD love them both not one problem from either
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 8 years ago
Kori Whitchurch of course you like them more there alot more money hahah for some one on a budget this is a great kayak and ive heard of very few people with a leak. I beat mine up pretty good and its been good to me! sorry to hear about your bad experience with it! Thanks for checking out the video.
North East fishing
North East fishing - 8 years ago
what about people in the uk any ideas of a cheap kayak
Grizzly - 8 years ago
should i buy the 2016 model or 15? any why?
Ken Fett
Ken Fett - 8 years ago
Looks like you bought it just a couple of weeks before me in AC. Sorry to hear someone stole something off your truck. My son and I both bought one and we love it. Have had it on several different lakes, did an eight hour trek down the Neshaminy creek and have had down at Shark River Inlet several times. Handled great in choppy water. Got it all rigged up with Garmin Striker 4dv, anchor trolley, and added new Scotty paddle holder, and several rod mounts. Great kayak at a great price. Looking to do a set up video soon. Best of luck to you.
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 8 years ago
Sweet man. Thanks for watching!
enrique diaz
enrique diaz - 8 years ago
Sorry but...Dollar for dollar, the Vibe Sea Ghost 130 beats them all.
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 8 years ago
Definitely a great kayak but you get very close to the same features virtually for around $300 less than the vibe. It obviously will vary depending on personal opinion bit in the 500-600 dollar range the fs12t in my opinion is unmatched.
ZEUKI1 - 9 years ago
Hmm guess I need to rethink my definition of "budget"
Evan Dickson
Evan Dickson - 8 years ago
ZEUKI1 yeah budget for a person my age (15) is like a pelican storm 100 se used with diy modifications. But it gets me across the lake dry so it's fine.
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 9 years ago
+ZEUKI1 Haha "Budget" is subject to discretion. Everyone budget is different but in comparison to most quality kayaks out there (hobie, wilderness systems), this is a very nice one at a "budget" price line. Nice channel by the way!
Bizzy Bee
Bizzy Bee - 9 years ago
i just got this kayak i took it out to la jolla for some fishing , we launched from shore and it did AWESOME ,the waves seemed bad but this kayak just took it ,ive only been out 4 other times in my fs10so im no professional , after the breakers it was comfortable AF
Get Off Your Bass And Lets Fish
Get Off Your Bass And Lets Fish - 9 years ago
Does he ever the cost?.....
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 9 years ago
+You Can't Polish A Terd Awesome I would check out the 2016 Ascend fs128t if you could afford it they just came out with it the other day. it retails for $799.00 but its a beast of a yak. If You Cant afford that one then the fs12t is still a really sweet yak.
Get Off Your Bass And Lets Fish
Get Off Your Bass And Lets Fish - 9 years ago
+Macho Yak TV sweet I'm buying that one next and giving my kids my ill one next year.
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 9 years ago
+You Can't Polish A Terd The cost is $550 The Link is in the description.

20. comment for The Best kayak on a budget!

wisconsinbassfishin - 9 years ago
I have the fs128t and love it!
achigurh - 9 years ago
+wisconsinbassfishin FS12t here. Would have gotten the FS128t, but its a lot heavier so it would be hard to load/unload in my truck solo. Both are great choices imo!
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 9 years ago
Sweet man, the 128 is awesome!
VTV SD - 9 years ago
I've had mine for a year now.  The first thing I did when I brought it home was to silicone all the hatch openings and screw attachments.  No leaks.  Then I got rid of the stock rod holder and mount as they are notoriously poor quality equipment.  I installled two scotty mounts with rod holder extensions and Scotty rod holders.  The boat tracks well enough's a tank.  This is a heavy yak with a flat bottom.  It's wide and that makes for a stable yak but you give up speed.  That's a fair trade in my opinion but others may disagree.  The big cup holder and molded trays are well within reach but they fill up with water only a few minutes after paddling.  Speaking of paddles, invest in a lengthy, quality paddle.  Shorter paddles won't work for this yak at all due to it's width.   I bought a 92 inch No Limits paddle from Academy and the difference was a big relief on my shoulders.  While I wouldn't recommend this yak for BTB fishing, for deep or shallow lakes, the flats, and calm water, this yak is hard to beat for the price.
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 9 years ago
Sounds like a good plan to me i may have to try that out myself!
VTV SD - 9 years ago
+Macho Yak TV Normally wouldn't fit my budget but I'm doing the Dave Ramsey way, I got a part tiime job at wal-mart pushing carts.  I'll have the Outback after 3 months of work. All I have to do now is pick the color.
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 9 years ago
Sweet! hopefully one day ill pick one of those up for myself! Gotta love the mirage drive.
VTV SD - 9 years ago
+Macho Yak TV Coudln't have said it better.  I am currently looking into a Hobie Outback to give my shoulder a break but the Ascend is - in my opinion - the best available for the price.
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 9 years ago
+VTV SD Very true. I believe you could do a little BTB as long as its flat. You would just have to perfect conditions. The cup holders and trays do fill up with water but honestly I halfway expected that simply by looking at it and due to the fact that it was a kayaks generally get water everywhere. However, Im working on a simple drain system that will take care of that. Thats one of the greatest things about this yak, the customization is A. easy and B. endless possibilities. theres SO much that can be done to this yak to outfit it. The Beauty of the whole thing is the low price point allows you to have that extra money for any simple issues that people may find with it, along with the extra for customization. Thanks for watching!
Tyler Nodine
Tyler Nodine - 9 years ago
exact kayak im looking to buy shortly!
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 9 years ago
Sweet! it's definitely a good buy
Pamela Girlfish
Pamela Girlfish - 9 years ago
Nice yak have fun. "Fish On"
Ben's Reel World Fishing
Ben's Reel World Fishing - 9 years ago
Witch doctor lol. I do like shaniqua better than joaquin anyway. Nice review but I'm sticking with the Old Town.
Ben's Reel World Fishing
Ben's Reel World Fishing - 9 years ago
+Macho Yak TV I'm just a googan. What do I know? ;o)
Macho Yak TV
Macho Yak TV - 9 years ago
It's not a review. I Told everyone at the end the review is coming. lol

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