The CHEAPEST Hobie Kayak (NEW 2018 Hobie Compass Review)

If you're in the market for a peddle drive kayak, this one should definitely be one you check out. Go to a demo day at your local shop and test the Hobie Compass out! It'll be a hard choice between this kayak and a Hobie Outback. Once you start peddling, you'll never go back. Filming Gear* GoPro Hero 5 Black: GoPro Hero 5 Session: Our Nice Camera (cheap): Microphone: *Amazon Affiliate Redtail Republic: 20% Off Discount Code: Redhuntertx Wade Right Belt: 20% Discount Code: TRH20 Music from Epidemic Sound ( Royalty Free Music by: All business inquiries:

The CHEAPEST Hobie Kayak (NEW 2018 Hobie Compass Review) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Kayak 7 years ago 63,846 views

If you're in the market for a peddle drive kayak, this one should definitely be one you check out. Go to a demo day at your local shop and test the Hobie Compass out! It'll be a hard choice between this kayak and a Hobie Outback. Once you start peddling, you'll never go back. Filming Gear* GoPro Hero 5 Black: GoPro Hero 5 Session: Our Nice Camera (cheap): Microphone: *Amazon Affiliate Redtail Republic: 20% Off Discount Code: Redhuntertx Wade Right Belt: 20% Discount Code: TRH20 Music from Epidemic Sound ( Royalty Free Music by: All business inquiries:

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Most popular comments
for The CHEAPEST Hobie Kayak (NEW 2018 Hobie Compass Review)

Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Here's the review y'all wanted! Hope it answered some of the questions some of you had. And I know I know I know, some of you hate Hobie's, I get it. lol just giving information on the newest one for those who care. Doesn't matter what kayak you have, as long as you get out there and get fishing!
Trey Moreno
Trey Moreno - 7 years ago
Texas Redfish Hunter AWESOME kayak, now I gotta get the wife to unless your gonna do a give away on that hobie behind you, I can wait to purchase one...and hope to WIN
Mark Alcorn Jr
Mark Alcorn Jr - 6 years ago
Still way too high
TheBigun69 - 6 years ago
Pelican Catch 130 HD......$1499. BOOM !!!
Gerardo Ahumada
Gerardo Ahumada - 6 years ago
How much N
The Paramedic Yakker
The Paramedic Yakker - 6 years ago
Thanks for the review! And great shirt! Love watching you and Rex. I'm glad you did this review because I have been looking at getting a peddle drive that can also handle shallow water easier than a Native or Wilderness drive. I have a PA12 but let my wife use it when we get out which is pretty much all the time. Tight lines brotha!
Harold Cale
Harold Cale - 6 years ago
I don't like ordering on line for anything. so can one buy the compass kayak at a dicks or field and stream or some where to just go pick up one? thanks for sharing
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 6 years ago
Harold Cale no, but a local hobie kayak dealer will have them in store to buy. Google for your local dealer
so amazing
so amazing - 6 years ago
I got the pescador pilot with pedal drive for way less.
Berserk 916
Berserk 916 - 6 years ago
Compass was weak I’m glad i upgraded to the pro angler 14. Not downgrading to the compass.
Chase - 6 years ago
Where did you get that shirt!?

10. comment for The CHEAPEST Hobie Kayak (NEW 2018 Hobie Compass Review)

Jim Abbott
Jim Abbott - 6 years ago
Have you compared the Compass to the new Pelican Pedal drive yak?
Mark Biggs
Mark Biggs - 6 years ago
Okay..... you sold me on the Compass!
bob good
bob good - 6 years ago
The bungee strap for the paddle retention is locked in by the seat strap. Go with the Ram Friction Paddle Holder. One will work, but two will secure the paddle from rotating. Colorado Hobieman
lobo malo
lobo malo - 6 years ago
does this hobie have a higher seat
mason brown
mason brown - 6 years ago
Make the diy rod holders video asap
Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson - 6 years ago
How easy/good is it is to paddle?
Angel Montanez
Angel Montanez - 6 years ago
I enjoyed your review on the hobie compass. I was wondering on how it'll do off shore ? I fish the northeast. Long island sound and the south shore of long island.
Ilianna Tijerina
Ilianna Tijerina - 6 years ago
Please make a video for the rod holder!
FlatsHatter - 6 years ago
You have to be joking. 2k for a Walmart yak with pedal drive.
FlatsHatter - 6 years ago
Timmeh2Buck , Another hobie fanboy butthurt. You're only going to see better yaks with better drives. At the same price point.
Timmeh2Buck - 6 years ago
FlatsHatter it’s not too late to abort yourself
Felix HDZ
Felix HDZ - 6 years ago
So, I sold my Predator PDL being that It wasn’t a kayak for my style of fishing. It is a great Kayak nonetheless but I want a kayak that can get me into some skinny water fishing where I can push pole and it can have good tracking or just simply a kayak that is good to fish the bay. So now the great debate is if to get the 2018 Compass or the 2018 Outback. Which do you think would be better for my style of fishing? I am leaning more towards the Outback being that it is more versatile but the Compass really calls my attention being that the height of the bow doesn’t look as tall as the Outback’s and the weight of the Compass is a dream. Which do you think would be better??

20. comment for The CHEAPEST Hobie Kayak (NEW 2018 Hobie Compass Review)

Doug Mac
Doug Mac - 6 years ago
Thanks. I'm gong to get one today.
JW Rhyne Jr.
JW Rhyne Jr. - 6 years ago
Thanks for this video! I am still trying to decide on a kayak! Looks very promising for me!
leo ll
leo ll - 6 years ago
If they made the price point closer to like 1200 would be better. If I could afford a hobie is get one, but for 2k, is have to consider a skiff or aluminum boat.
Djehuti Ausar Ra
Djehuti Ausar Ra - 6 years ago
Nice beats
Ryan Liggatt
Ryan Liggatt - 6 years ago
Great review man. You had me laughing at the end about your door.
paintdropper2 - 6 years ago
That's the best review I've seen yet. Like how you show it basic, then show it in use.
Fishco - 6 years ago
Best review I’ve seen all honest and not bashing because it’s the “cheaper hobie” you convinced me to buy this. Purchasing this tomorrow!
Fred Wagner
Fred Wagner - 6 years ago
Thanks for the info. I was debating on this Kayak because of the price. The only things that kept me from buying it was having to upgrade to the 180 drive and the fact that to go revers you need to have a hand free to pull the cable. Too bad you couldn’t push a toe switch to flip the fins around. Also I not a fan of needing to bungee the peddle back to hold the fins flat for shallows.

Other than those features I wouldn’t mind owning one if that’s what things came down to. Once your use to all these features I am sure it wouldn’t bother anyone. I do like the drop down rudder. I kind of wish my Native had that feature.
WCS Paddlesports
WCS Paddlesports - 6 years ago
Great review bud.
Re:Cast Fishing
Re:Cast Fishing - 6 years ago
I tested this kayak not too long ago. It was nice. Smooth and goes fast. Solid. Good review

30. comment for The CHEAPEST Hobie Kayak (NEW 2018 Hobie Compass Review)

Rick Fine
Rick Fine - 7 years ago
what do you mean that it has two seat positions?
Far East Angler
Far East Angler - 7 years ago
68 ILBS?
my XFactor weighs 62ILBS, $1599.00 out the door
Wishiwazfishin - 7 years ago
solid review! Great info. You have a new subscriber.
Alex Henry
Alex Henry - 7 years ago
Great review, good info for a beginner . BTW, door didn't open till about 4:57, when you began talking about the drive.
Benjamin W
Benjamin W - 7 years ago
Do you have to buy a whole new drive for the 180 or is it just an upgrade? Thanks! Great Video!
Benjamin W
Benjamin W - 7 years ago
Thanks for the reply, Will do.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
The whole drive, but when you buy it I’m sure you could work out a deal to get the 180 drive instead
filipe - 7 years ago
is the standard drive with turbo fins faster than the new 180 drive
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
I wouldn’t say faster, but definitely more similar. Their efficiencies are pretty close.
Brian Richard
Brian Richard - 7 years ago
Solid review. I fish an outback and wondered if this hull design is more efficient (faster)?
Music Islife
Music Islife - 7 years ago
Hobie kayaks are the most overpriced products on the market!
Mark Alcorn Jr
Mark Alcorn Jr - 6 years ago
I agree, so ridiculously over priced for there other models
The Paramedic Yakker
The Paramedic Yakker - 6 years ago
Music Islife the Compass is at a amazing price point. And if you look at all of Hobies accessories, most are fairly priced as well. But agree on Vantage seat and mirage drive price. Those are ridic! But Wilderness peddle drive is $1,200 so whos counting lol
universshitter - 7 years ago
I hope they give a free vaseline tube with it .
Lucas hudson
Lucas hudson - 7 years ago
Or you could get a 80 dollar kayak with two rod holders and a paddle from Walmart with the same quality
BlackAnvil47 - 7 years ago
$2,000 Dollars too much....
Ashton Maloney
Ashton Maloney - 7 years ago
Yes video on rod holder
gsppuffer - 7 years ago
sure does look like a 1200-1500 dollar kayak at best
Rather B Fishing
Rather B Fishing - 7 years ago
ACK had it at the Demo day. Nice design. Seat needs working. However, I don't like the colors. No place to put a sail ??
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Rather B Fishing ehh plenty of other hobie’s that have sailing ability. This one just wasn’t designed with that in mind which isn’t a big deal for a lot of people I would think.
Bernardo Villanueva
Bernardo Villanueva - 7 years ago
Pescador pilot is much cheaper at $1600 shipped @Amazon just stating the fact.
The Paramedic Yakker
The Paramedic Yakker - 6 years ago
Bernardo Villanueva yeah but whos wants to pay $1600 for a turd. I'd rather spend the extra money in tax and the difference. Also resale on a Hobie is killer
AxanthicSurf - 7 years ago
Both looks good but Im getting a hobie.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
I didn't say the hobie was the cheapest on the market. I said it was the cheapest hobie on the market.
Bernardo Villanueva
Bernardo Villanueva - 7 years ago
Texas Redfish Hunter me neither, but pricewise they are cheapest on the market. Hobbie compass still dominant though
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Bernardo Villanueva not a fan of that drive personally
Cam Kelly
Cam Kelly - 7 years ago
If drifting -backwards-, into shallow water, can you retract that rudder while seated ? ...before it gets twisted by the shallow water ??
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Cam Kelly absolutely. The retraction string is right in front of you in the seated position
Steven Aleksa
Steven Aleksa - 7 years ago
Awesome review! Do you think this yak would be solid in big water such as gulfs, bays, and oceans? Would love an Outback but the price is hard to pass up on this boat.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
I use it in the bays no problem, I have no idea about beyond the breakers in the ocean though, I'm not the best person to ask about btb
thinredlinestandfirm - 7 years ago
How much do you weigh? I’m 230 lbs and concerned about 400 lb capacity with gear added.
Michael McCarville
Michael McCarville - 7 years ago
I am 205, no problem at all.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
I don't think weight is that much to worry about, and I don't think you'll end up bringing 170 lbs of gear. I'd test out the boat though and make sure its comfortable for you or if you'd want to upgrade to the PA
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 7 years ago
Solid review man
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Heath Panganiban thanks buddy
BadOldFisherman - 7 years ago
No reverse and hardly any storage for $2,000--- no thanks
Cindy Johnson
Cindy Johnson - 7 years ago
Would like to see the DIY rod rack

50. comment for The CHEAPEST Hobie Kayak (NEW 2018 Hobie Compass Review)

Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Appreciate the overview. I'm in the market for a new boat and need all the perspectives!
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
No problem! I'd definitely recommend testing out a bunch and choosing the one you like the best
Fishing Channel
Fishing Channel - 7 years ago
great review you got a subscriber
Kevn Peppel
Kevn Peppel - 7 years ago
It looks as though the only thing holding the seat in place is bungee cords. That has got to make for a sloppy feeling seat when you are pedaling. I also heard that seat leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to comfort compared to a Pescador Pilot PDL or other Hobie.
Michael McCarville
Michael McCarville - 7 years ago
No problem with the seat, does not feel loose at all.
Shane Yellin
Shane Yellin - 7 years ago
Hey Kev, the bungee just holds the seat down vertically, the webbing straps that clip to the hull take the load from pedaling.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Kevn Peppel I have had no issues at all. Never slipped or felt loose once
Samuel Gonzales
Samuel Gonzales - 7 years ago
Cool video, just pick up my 2018 PA 14 today. Didn't even know about the compass. The compass looks perfect for river fishing.
Samuel Gonzales
Samuel Gonzales - 7 years ago
Texas Redfish Hunter Thanks brother, cool channel just found it today you're on my subscribers list. Have you done any video about the lakes in south texas? Spend a lot of time fishing in Del Rio I live in san Antonio so I fish a lot more Lakes than I do the coastline.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Samuel Gonzales I love my PA, you'll be happy lol
William Staley
William Staley - 7 years ago
Great review! I love my Compass and I was starting to wonder if I was the only one who thinks this is the perfect flats/inshore kayak. Lots of negative comments out there from the Outback crowd. I agree that the seat is very comfortable.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
William Staley I really haven't seen anything negative at all from people who have actually used it. No idea why other Hobie owners wouldn't like it lol
Diego Garcia
Diego Garcia - 7 years ago
Where can we get that shirt??
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Diego Garcia!
RedbirdsJunkie - 7 years ago
Can you do a Take 2? I was staring at your door the whole time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fishing Is life
Fishing Is life - 7 years ago
Wow i have to work 3 weeks whit out waisting nothing to buy that ...suck beings poor
GonzCantu357 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the informative video, 2" of water is impressive
weirdfish weirdfish
weirdfish weirdfish - 7 years ago
Found the diy 0nly thing they don't sell seats anymore if anyone has a jackson silver elite seat for sale will buy
Ben Rymers
Ben Rymers - 7 years ago
What's the weight limit? I'm a big guy fisherman lol
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Ben Rymers 400lbs
weirdfish weirdfish
weirdfish weirdfish - 7 years ago
Do you have any links on the diy
RX Angler
RX Angler - 7 years ago
I think this will be my next kayak. Thanks for the frank review.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Texas RX Angler take it for a test ride and see what you think!
MDLR Fishing
MDLR Fishing - 7 years ago
Great review brother! It was well put together and editing is flawless, good job!!!
DannyBFishing - 7 years ago
Making a tough choice between this and the outback....2017s are on clearance some places so the price difference wont matter.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
tough choice! the 180 drive is nice though if that's a difference maker
Yankee Tanker Outdoors
Yankee Tanker Outdoors - 7 years ago
Great review. I’m still going with a Jackson Coosa FD. The drive is awesome.
The Paramedic Yakker
The Paramedic Yakker - 6 years ago
Yankee Tanker Outdoors i was thinking the same thing. I have a PA12 which is my tourney yak but let the wife use it most when we fish together. I have a Jackson Cuda 12 which I love but wish it had a drive. I think for the price the Compass looks like a good extra peddle yak to have.
Yankee Tanker Outdoors
Yankee Tanker Outdoors - 7 years ago
Texas Redfish Hunter the innovation in the drive is what sets it apart. Look at the YouTube vids. The coosa and the little brother the cruise (2100).
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
I actually haven't tested that one out, I'll have to give it a try
Garrett Dobbs
Garrett Dobbs - 7 years ago
Do the diy rod holder!
Fishing with Tank
Fishing with Tank - 7 years ago
this is my comment LOL. and went fishing yesterday at broken bridge and I fell on a Oyster Bed and cut my foot hands and elbow but did catch my flounder limit LOL
Fishing with Tank
Fishing with Tank - 7 years ago
Texas Redfish Hunter yes it was and I debuted the Hat on Monday to my girlfriend's son and is jealous now she wants me to buy her one
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
man that sucks, but good fishing!
Average Everyday Fisherman Show
Average Everyday Fisherman Show - 7 years ago
Great review. That is the best one I have seen her and addresses several questions I had about it. Thanks!
antonio martinez
antonio martinez - 7 years ago
Well time 2 open a savings account,lol
Sam Chavez
Sam Chavez - 7 years ago
oh nice! now all the TRH videos will be hobie infomercials .... great.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
lol not true....people wanted a review, I gave them a review
Jose Salinas
Jose Salinas - 7 years ago
How much is it?
Casey Rand
Casey Rand - 7 years ago
way too much
Chris Pinkston
Chris Pinkston - 7 years ago
Damn.....Really making me think twice about my Wilderness Radar 115.........
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
I would test both out at a demo day or something, then choose the one you like best
weirdfish weirdfish
weirdfish weirdfish - 7 years ago
Can you update seat on older outbacks?
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
yeah there are some diy stuff you can do
David Miksch
David Miksch - 7 years ago
MrRedskins0021 - 7 years ago
$2,000? Pass!
the great all mighty G
the great all mighty G - 6 years ago
+rps13sr agreed
rps13sr - 7 years ago
MrRedskins0021 even better to move it to Mexico or China.
MrRedskins0021 - 7 years ago
Texas Redfish Hunter The only way to make it more affordable is if Hobbie moves the company to Texas. California's taxes and steep prices on materials are probably the reason they are so expensive.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
definitely still steep! completely understand
Casey Rand
Casey Rand - 7 years ago
thought i was the only one....
MA TT - 7 years ago
Norbert Pesch
Norbert Pesch - 7 years ago
Best compass video so far. Do you have any idea of cruising speed with standard/turbo fins
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
thanks man, I don't have an exact figure unfortunately, never measured it. Maybe will calculate it next time I'm out
Fernando Galvez
Fernando Galvez - 7 years ago
No matter how much u talk about the compass i dont see any special about but the brand name, for that price is better yet Manta Ray Propel 12 or pescador pilot,
The Paramedic Yakker
The Paramedic Yakker - 6 years ago
Fernando Galvez the Pilot is a a piece of junk. The drive on it is fairly noisy and not as fluid moving as a Mirage drive. I think this is also wider than the Manta Ray which makes it more stable to stand in.
Kayak Fishing Utah
Kayak Fishing Utah - 6 years ago
I recently pedaled a Wilderness Radar with the Helix Drive. It's an absolute piece of crap IMO. It wasn't smooth, quiet, or efficient at all. I will be upgrading to anything with a Mirage Drive.
TheBMWBUM - 7 years ago
The mirage drive is so Superior to any of the props on the market... Go use one and you'll see. It's the best way to kayak fish imo. It's the most like standing on a trolling motor on the print deck you can get and still have manual propulsion.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
honestly I just prefer the Mirage drive like I explained in the video, but everyone is different and more comfortable with different things
Dp01 - 7 years ago
You say it’s a high and low position seat. I haven’t seen anyone demonstrating how that works yet. Could you explain?
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
There's basically just slots to slide the seat into, but really, I don't ever see a reason to take it out of the high position. Theres only like a 2 in difference
Tom Bulger
Tom Bulger - 7 years ago
How does it paddle compared to Revolution 13?
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Well, the revo 13 is easier for sure, it's built for speed and is slimmer and faster, but you sacrifice stability. So it's all about what you need and how you fish, both are solid kayaks
Fishing Jose
Fishing Jose - 7 years ago
I like it, except the color.
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
I feeeeeel ya, they kinda grew on me, I wanted camo
mike0000013 - 7 years ago
Yes, please add a video for the DIY rod holder.
isaac ortega
isaac ortega - 7 years ago
You had me sold at what’s up guys! This will definitely be my next kayak
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
isaac ortega haha give it a test drive!
TheProAmateur - 7 years ago
What’s that rail in the front of the kayak you use?
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
TheProAmateur that was an H-bar from Hobie for stand up assist if you need it
JOEY ALLENGER - 7 years ago
Will it come in the camo color? And is it ambidextrous steering control?
JOEY ALLENGER - 7 years ago
Texas Redfish Hunter Well I appreciate it man. Just to let you know you make that kayak look good. Lol
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
JOEY ALLENGER unfortunately, no and no. Next year might get new colors but this year is Seagrass and Slate Blue
WhiteLion - 7 years ago
Please make a video on the rod holder. Maybe you could make one for the video and then give it away! Just a thought. Keep up the good work!
0riginal Lee
0riginal Lee - 7 years ago
You planning on getting the 13fishing concept Z??!!??
0riginal Lee
0riginal Lee - 7 years ago
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
How To do it yes
Jesse Simental
Jesse Simental - 7 years ago
Finally!!! Entertainment!!!
Lazy Akers Fishing
Lazy Akers Fishing - 7 years ago
First to comment! :)

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