The Kayak Accessories Installation Video
Kayak 10 years ago 124,273 views
Kayak rigging can be done in a wide variety of ways using different techniques and hardware. In our kayak accessories installation video, we wanted to give you the basic knowledge you need to take advantage of some of the most common kayak rigging techniques we use in our warehouse and stores. To navigate the video, hit the pause button at our menu (you'll find it at :26) and click over to the installation technique you are most interested in learning about! Remember, you can find all the hardware and accessories mentioned in this video (plus much, much more) at ACK:
10. comment for The Kayak Accessories Installation Video
20. comment for The Kayak Accessories Installation Video
It sounds to me like this would be fine. We use marine rivets to install handles all the time. If you want a stronger hold though you can use Well nuts. They do require a larger hole however.
30. comment for The Kayak Accessories Installation Video
Cool! I'm a big fan of ACK so thought I'd mention. :) Thanks again for a great video too!