The Great Kayaking Adventure

While we were out in New Zealand we went on an adventure in kayaks. ► Buy Yogscast merch: ► YogVlog Playlist: ▬▬▬▬▬ Who's in the video: Lewis: Duncan: Sjin: ▬▬▬▬▬ Want more YOGSCAST Lewis & Simon? Follow the links below: Subscribe: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Merch: Watch us live on every night! Popular Series: Gmod: GTA 5: Tuesdays with Simon: Music Videos: ▬▬▬▬▬ Production music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Powered by Chillblast in the UK. Check out the new Yogscast PC range here: Business enquiries: Want to send something to us? Here's our address: Lewis & Simon - The Yogscast 4th Floor - King William House 13 Queen Square Bristol BS1 4NT

The Great Kayaking Adventure sentiment_very_dissatisfied 86

Kayak 7 years ago 199,086 views

While we were out in New Zealand we went on an adventure in kayaks. ► Buy Yogscast merch: ► YogVlog Playlist: ▬▬▬▬▬ Who's in the video: Lewis: Duncan: Sjin: ▬▬▬▬▬ Want more YOGSCAST Lewis & Simon? Follow the links below: Subscribe: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Merch: Watch us live on every night! Popular Series: Gmod: GTA 5: Tuesdays with Simon: Music Videos: ▬▬▬▬▬ Production music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Powered by Chillblast in the UK. Check out the new Yogscast PC range here: Business enquiries: Want to send something to us? Here's our address: Lewis & Simon - The Yogscast 4th Floor - King William House 13 Queen Square Bristol BS1 4NT

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Most popular comments
for The Great Kayaking Adventure

cy mills
cy mills - 6 years ago
That's not a shack that's a maimai
TrollFaceTheMan - 6 years ago
Could of improved the starting audio quite a bit by adding some bass via equalization, and maybe a touch of reverb to make it sound less flat.

Then using a noise gate threshold they probably could of all but removed the buzzing from the drone.
Professor Bacon
Professor Bacon - 6 years ago
spiders in NZ are almost completely harmless, and your pronunciation of Maori is terrible (to be expected but still funny as hell for me to listen to). Hope you guys had a good time in this little country of mine :D
AUTG - 6 years ago
"There's a creepy shed over here!"
" GREAT. "
Deathly Cow
Deathly Cow - 6 years ago
I bet israphel built that shack
Deathly Cow
Deathly Cow - 6 years ago
Cough wheres episode 43
FractalCoffee - 6 years ago
De-spidering the kayaks. We're not like Aus. We only have one venomous spider and you're not going to find one in a kayak that was stored in someone's barn, even ignoring the fact they're almost extinct.
Comrade Courage
Comrade Courage - 6 years ago
Please keep doing these they are awesome love your vlogs!
Kyledbuilder - 6 years ago
Please go on more adventures but continue to upload videos on each of your channels everyday but do vlogs a lot more frequent, like everyday frequent hahahha. I know i'm asking for too much here but please, pretty please with a cherry on top
Glepembs - 6 years ago
don't starve the kayak edition!

10. comment for The Great Kayaking Adventure

john crowley
john crowley - 6 years ago
Love this
Metakarp - 6 years ago
This vlog is honestly so good. It has it all! So glad you're actually doing stuff like this when you have the chance :D
GeoMetric - 6 years ago
That is what I want to see!
Henry Koswig
Henry Koswig - 6 years ago
10:13 lewis almost sang some opera
LordSkittles' Lordship
LordSkittles' Lordship - 6 years ago
11:23 replay button for Lews fail.
Adam Watson
Adam Watson - 6 years ago
Surely do a NZ meet up.
Collin Sanderson
Collin Sanderson - 6 years ago
You kiwis, those that are watching, don't know how lucky you are to have this wonderf- lewis in background falls off kayak
Collin Sanderson
Collin Sanderson - 6 years ago
Can we all appreciate how good lewis's hair looked from 6:21 to the end of tge vid?
Collin Sanderson
Collin Sanderson - 6 years ago
Lewis, you missed the kayak at 2:11
Tiberius Cerelius Tigris
Tiberius Cerelius Tigris - 6 years ago
Stumpy Longdick .... That sounds like a pirate.

20. comment for The Great Kayaking Adventure

Doctor Zed
Doctor Zed - 6 years ago
when your mothers said go outside i don't think they meant this. XD
Riley Steidel
Riley Steidel - 6 years ago
The spawn of ungoliant came up from the storage of the kayak.
FlyNe0 - 6 years ago
faking mad lads
jud loops
jud loops - 6 years ago
lol Lewis is little bitch
simone williamson
simone williamson - 6 years ago
Believe me we know how lucky we are!!
Ryan Kunst
Ryan Kunst - 6 years ago
I'm kinda disappointed they didn't have one of them drive the ATV while one or both of the others sat in the Kayak behind it.
Werty Line
Werty Line - 6 years ago
They're so happy :3
Spirited - 6 years ago
Sean Duffy
Sean Duffy - 6 years ago
This was hilarious and the scenery there is incredible!
HuntedWolvez - 6 years ago
Woah all three of the boys are getting in shape.

30. comment for The Great Kayaking Adventure

Molivos - 7 years ago
I'm so jealous! these vlogs arew awesome, keep em coming!
Tim Kattevilder
Tim Kattevilder - 7 years ago
Quality content, guys.
Brandon Leunig
Brandon Leunig - 7 years ago
wow, lewis looked like Seananners in the thumbnail.
Kobe Martens
Kobe Martens - 7 years ago
Mirror network roll devote duck photographer echo broken trip.
AlfaFilms - 7 years ago
Pretty sure that's lake rotoiti right? I'm from rotorua and I love this vlog!
Wryyz - 7 years ago
This video was so cool, favourite video from you all
Peter Murphy
Peter Murphy - 7 years ago
This was amazing
Kado - 7 years ago
Is lewis still in japan?
Max P
Max P - 7 years ago
This was awesome
stuffmoives - 7 years ago
lake Karapeiro is translated to Foul Smelling Rock because when the Europeans started colonizing the beautiful country of Aotearoa they killed a bunch of Maoris and left then on some rocks to rot. Therefore the rocks were Foul Smelling or Karapeiro. Im from NZ and i studied about the lake in 9th grade also just down the lake from you is where NZ rowing is stated and School/ club rowing regattas are held and school north island cycling. If you are still reading this ILY. ;)
Saccharin493 - 7 years ago
How did they get into my country without me realising
Lucy - 7 years ago
12:40 Top Gear (2018)
Lucy Trower
Lucy Trower - 7 years ago
this is the most attractive lewis brindley has ever been
Jasmine Liu
Jasmine Liu - 7 years ago
I have not laughed so much in a long time. My brother thought I was crazy.
BSDKllr - 7 years ago
How on earth did lewis start the yogscast.
Discord Pone
Discord Pone - 7 years ago
Sjin's war cry is life
Alx Windsar
Alx Windsar - 7 years ago
That was incredible!
Kaidyn Anderson
Kaidyn Anderson - 7 years ago
Really loved this!
Luke J. / Nexus
Luke J. / Nexus - 7 years ago
Ummmmm Sjin is soooo damn hot
Nicholas _
Nicholas _ - 7 years ago
tbh, I'm just glad you guys are safe. This had found footage potential yo!!

50. comment for The Great Kayaking Adventure

ejpaine - 7 years ago
submerged in random jungle water and then eats with his bare hands before ever washing them.... flesh eating bacteria here we come
VolcanicHawk 92
VolcanicHawk 92 - 7 years ago
Great video guys i always love the yog vlogs
ChrisTN - 7 years ago
10/10 wholesome content
Javitrix - 7 years ago
Loved it, can't wait for the next one
onurmes - 7 years ago
Holy shit this is gold!!
NÜЯSH - 7 years ago
Hope you enjoyed our country.
Euphorian - 7 years ago
Watch this small Lebanese boi kayak into becoming a small Lebanese man
D J - 7 years ago
You pricks took a month long "Working Vacation" and this is the shitbyou bring back?
Hayden Shaw
Hayden Shaw - 7 years ago
It's called Lake Karapiro if anyone was wondering
whitelion2020 - 7 years ago
This was fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing your kayak adventure.
Frottlemi - 7 years ago
the chocolate on lewis' face was so funny
Kyle Goodaman
Kyle Goodaman - 7 years ago
Don't forget to bring a towel!
Grey Balloon
Grey Balloon - 7 years ago
Great penis, Lewis.
Connor Durrant
Connor Durrant - 7 years ago
Never wanna show this video to someone with a foot fetish
violetcrumble94 - 7 years ago
Why no drone of the waterfall?
PrivateSlacker - 7 years ago
1:58 lyrics: "This old heart of mine been broke a thousand times
Each time you break away, I fear you've gone to stay...
Danny - 7 years ago
Sexy Lewis, nohomo.
Elliott Simone
Elliott Simone - 7 years ago
This vlog is actually so good! Please do more!
Jimbob The Wise
Jimbob The Wise - 7 years ago
Man those drone shots are just fantastic!
Temeraire519 - 7 years ago
Best video yet!
German Turtle
German Turtle - 7 years ago
graphics in this game were great but, a little dark
Baffles XD
Baffles XD - 7 years ago
you guys go to Rotorua while you were here?
Matthew Wong
Matthew Wong - 7 years ago
Weird. Pretty much everyone knows how to kayak in NZ. Watching this travesty is super cringe cause I automatically assume you know how to kayak.
Michael Herzog
Michael Herzog - 7 years ago
Duncan's Feet Simulator 2018
J-Cubs Den
J-Cubs Den - 7 years ago
More vlogs
Ian Bunch
Ian Bunch - 7 years ago
Too bad Lewis is still in Japan, he would have enjoyed this trip.
KingGoldonNox - 7 years ago
There should be a Yogscast vlogging channel
VIUS Music
VIUS Music - 7 years ago
Dorge Dungle
Dorge Dungle - 7 years ago
NEW ZEALAND! hope you enjoy this epic land. Watch out for goblins
Jeremiah Voight
Jeremiah Voight - 7 years ago
I love how Lewis threw out his back by tossing a paddle like 4 feet
solar dragon
solar dragon - 7 years ago
I think is how amazing that the places that you guys to and see everything is wonderful and beautiful
Vereaux - 7 years ago
3:45 has to be in r/shitthatlewissays
Alex Stephenson
Alex Stephenson - 7 years ago
My country yeeyah
Techno Creeper298
Techno Creeper298 - 7 years ago
I have done that game but with a cookie, it is really hard to do
TheCraftingDiamond - 7 years ago
Its actually really nice to see them out and enjoying themselves. They do a lot of work preparing videos, working damn well hard to keep up with the demand and their daily schedules. This is the kinda stuff they deserve!
Nathan Hoffman
Nathan Hoffman - 7 years ago
Aaaaand this is why I'm glad I'm subbed to these nerds
Dark_Assassin 42
Dark_Assassin 42 - 7 years ago
Marwolaeth01 - 7 years ago
Actually impressed when Lewis just jumped straight in at the start. Very happy as well that what I could not quite make out on the thumbnail turned out to be chocolate.
YooDoYoo - 7 years ago
I'm actually laughing so hard they got scared over a hut used for duck hunting, but then i have such pride that they seemed to have alot of fun in new zealand. Hope they maybe come back one day.
Herebrand - 7 years ago
I've seen horror movies that start out like this...
Dapperskeleton - 7 years ago
Did they do any portage?
Senor Guppy
Senor Guppy - 7 years ago
so beautiful
Senor Guppy
Senor Guppy - 7 years ago
at 2:09 mark
Roman Margot
Roman Margot - 7 years ago
Wow, Duncans drone photography was really good!
Sophie Smith-Campbell
Sophie Smith-Campbell - 7 years ago
Yes more of this please. I haven’t laughed so hard in ages.
Kaiser Wilhelm
Kaiser Wilhelm - 7 years ago
I would love to have a kyacking in Britan series
Robbie - 7 years ago
so this is why there's no tri force pod cast :P
i want your useless words of wisdom
Seized Sock
Seized Sock - 7 years ago
Duncans typical 'FBI Tourist outfit'.
Hop182 - 7 years ago
kalen1236 - 7 years ago
IAmUnamed - 7 years ago
man lewis is such a pu55y

100. comment for The Great Kayaking Adventure

adamgrocco - 7 years ago
That music at 2:00, you guys live an awesome life!
Kavan Hawksworth
Kavan Hawksworth - 7 years ago
The classic trio as fortold by ancient Greek myths: Poseidon King of the ocean, Chuckleberry skin and stumpy
Jack Cougill
Jack Cougill - 7 years ago
Blair dwarf project
Harry Nesbitt
Harry Nesbitt - 7 years ago
Sjin’s War cry was actually pretty good
Strazman - 7 years ago
Was Lewis standing in front of a pit of dead bodies at the end?
gary buttville
gary buttville - 7 years ago
03:00 Lewis brindley 34 years of age ceo of a big media company, idol for fans around the world...
Cosminen - 7 years ago
Even you could be mistaken, these are not boat boys, these are city boys :P :D
Fake News
Fake News - 7 years ago
"It's amazing how beautiful this lake is"

- Brewis Ginley instantly falls into the lake.

Truly the yogscast way.
flake triangle
flake triangle - 7 years ago
They mentioned past lives and I had a full-blown existential crisis.
Xylene Cobalt
Xylene Cobalt - 7 years ago
I fucking love these vlogs. More please!!
hayley bennellick
hayley bennellick - 7 years ago
I'm glad you guys had a good time here in NZ
Nathan Levine
Nathan Levine - 7 years ago
Lewis in a wetsuit needs to be a GMod model.
Skittles - 7 years ago
Caleb - 7 years ago
Reclaiming the colonies
Joe Knaggs
Joe Knaggs - 7 years ago
Gotta love a YogVlog and LewLew is looking fabulous
Chuffmuffin - 7 years ago
mike love
mike love - 7 years ago
that was fucking awesome guys lol
Sneeker131 - 7 years ago
That looked super fun! It was so funny when lewis’ boat toppled
Party Pete
Party Pete - 7 years ago
10:10 why british tourists were voted worst internationally
Xaines - 7 years ago
I'd love a Yogsplorer adventures channel.
Wes Trent
Wes Trent - 7 years ago
SamieDVT - 7 years ago
My audio messed up so I watched this entire video with no sound not realizing it
G.O.T Games Grim
G.O.T Games Grim - 7 years ago
This was fucking amazing!!!
Damien Fate
Damien Fate - 7 years ago
Loved it!
Chris Loder
Chris Loder - 7 years ago
Really enjoyed It! ❤❤❤
zeropoint - 7 years ago
Which lake were they at?
Savva Pistolas
Savva Pistolas - 7 years ago
ah this is some good stuff right here, love these a lot
Tyler Grommesh
Tyler Grommesh - 7 years ago
Great video. I’d love to see more Vlogs!
Jay Dee
Jay Dee - 7 years ago
hat films make it look easy
Chyrnobyl66 - 7 years ago
this was jealous ...taking a tour of NZ/AUS with your best buds, that just sounds like the best trip ever.
Dr When
Dr When - 7 years ago
Child's atv. Lewis fits perfectly
Aleksandar Stanojkovic
Aleksandar Stanojkovic - 7 years ago
well, you guys wanted to see lewis in spandex.. this is pretty much it
Rinthallion - 7 years ago
Thats some green-screen...
Segimaru - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ, I wonder how much does Lewis weight.
MrAnQ2 - 7 years ago
Thats the most weirdest jump i've ever seen....
#nerds #yogscast
Toasted Synapse Gaming
Toasted Synapse Gaming - 7 years ago
Teka-me with U
dan lomax
dan lomax - 7 years ago
More of this please
DrFelixPhD - 7 years ago
Sjin's dadbod tho
qwertyismymom - 7 years ago
Oh man I miss these, love it when they put out vlogs
BrothersuKnow - 7 years ago
omg please make as much vlogs as you can while you're in New Zealand! it's the best thing ever
Drozy coder
Drozy coder - 7 years ago
They definitely banged out there
Harlowe Iasingston
Harlowe Iasingston - 7 years ago
So you finally went to The Shire, eh? Nice.
ResetLoad - 7 years ago
Please more IRL adventures, doesn't matter what kind of adventures or where you do them! Very fun videos! :)
Wolfencreek - 7 years ago
5:30 Small Lebanese boy disappears in New Zealand wilderness.
Seeky Unbounded
Seeky Unbounded - 7 years ago
is dunken working out ?
Westy - 7 years ago
The demon comes out 07:41
Syahdiva Moezbar
Syahdiva Moezbar - 7 years ago
this looks so much fun!!!! you guys seemed super happy too
Gerald Vargas
Gerald Vargas - 7 years ago
Good vibes
Gewel - 7 years ago
Brayden Siemens
Brayden Siemens - 7 years ago
This feels like the beginning of a paranormal activity movie.
Happy The Cat
Happy The Cat - 7 years ago
I've never seen anyone so afraid of a Hunting Blind. lol
BadGamerGood - 7 years ago
Quads are literally the most dangerous things to roll

I’ve been on the wrong end of a motorbike a few times but on a rolled quad no way
OI DESMOND!!! - 7 years ago
Is it me or does Lewis in the thumbnail look a little too much like seananners?
Bearded Bovel
Bearded Bovel - 7 years ago
That was beautiful. That was really fun to see. LOVED IT!
Pratalax - 7 years ago
Austin Klintworth
Austin Klintworth - 7 years ago
What snack should we bring on our kayaking trip? Chocolate! Very energizing and nutritious for a day out in the sun. ahahaha
Doodle Quack
Doodle Quack - 7 years ago
5:42 level 2 lock picking required. Access denied.
iamzid - 7 years ago
I like how Lewis seems to fit perfectly on the mini ATV while Duncan looks way too large for it.
nby333 - 7 years ago
Sjin looks like a kiwi bloke. Duncan looks Aussie. Lewis actually looks like a tourist.
Jade Witinitara
Jade Witinitara - 6 years ago
nby333 I thought the same, when I saw Sjin I was like 'wow, he looks like one of us.'
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
That place looks like the most muddy and insect infested swamp I've ever seen.
Tactical Chunder
Tactical Chunder - 7 years ago
You must not have seen many swamps.
Zhourias Games
Zhourias Games - 7 years ago
You guys should totally come to Wellington
EvitalovesThings - 7 years ago
How are you allowed to rent a kayak if you can't even turn it around?
EvitalovesThings - 7 years ago
Lewis is like a fine wine, he just gets better with age ❤
Katachuu - 7 years ago
the "abandoned" hut was totally a bird hunting hut
Adam - 7 years ago
That was really fun xD
sKiiTs8 - 7 years ago
its cool that thousands of us are watching them from this isolated remote part of NZL
windraker007 - 7 years ago
Man that looked fantastic, also watching lewis eat it into the water was fantastic!
CN Wred
CN Wred - 7 years ago
This was heart-warming in a way.
noah siwes
noah siwes - 7 years ago
Who else thinks sjin looks like hemsy
Lucy Duncan
Lucy Duncan - 7 years ago
I would watch the hell put of this if it was a series
Mister .Twobeard
Mister .Twobeard - 7 years ago
them three are hilarious
Goomberdups - 7 years ago
"it's like a child's sized atv"

fits Lewis perfectly
Squiddy - 7 years ago
Love the vlogs
corpralcobra - 7 years ago
Aqueous Hexia
Aqueous Hexia - 7 years ago
Loved it!
Isaac Parsons
Isaac Parsons - 7 years ago
Please do more irl vlogs i need them in my life. Thanks
Oz Stephenson
Oz Stephenson - 7 years ago
im sorry, he dragged the kayaks? not portaging?
Dom Krall
Dom Krall - 7 years ago
You boys should take some vlogging advice from Hat Films ;)
jerrod lapham
jerrod lapham - 7 years ago
why are you in birdland?
Henry Carlson
Henry Carlson - 7 years ago
I was told that you shouldn't go chasing waterfalls and that I should stick to the rivers and the streams that I'm used to.
Table Flip
Table Flip - 7 years ago
Is there a petition we can sign to stop letting Dunc naming things?
Randal Tok
Randal Tok - 7 years ago
You guys were in NZ?!?!?! Why didn't i know about it?!?!
SimonHDTV - 7 years ago
I'm glad you enjoyed your time in New Zealand, I live here and I haven't had a chance to do anything like this in years! Thanks for reminding me of how fun my country can be
Zyron - 7 years ago
Vlogs? What is this? Hatfilms?
Kiril Kirov
Kiril Kirov - 7 years ago
MrPauliesaurus - 7 years ago
Douglas Lawrie
Douglas Lawrie - 7 years ago
These people do not belong outside.
DrConspiiracyy - 7 years ago
2:50 lewis is going to be the next gold metal javelin Olympian
DrConspiiracyy - 7 years ago
Lewis is definitely the mvp in the kayak
Lachlan O'Halloran
Lachlan O'Halloran - 7 years ago
I heard their celebration calls in Australia
Liam Jamieson
Liam Jamieson - 7 years ago
I wish i knew u guys were in nz i would love to meet u irl
Wadzillah - 7 years ago
Man, Hat Films look so different.
Aurora Daniels
Aurora Daniels - 7 years ago
This is so awesome! Love seeing your adventures. More please! Legit every night when I get home from work it is my dedicated yogscast time and no one is allowed to disturb me. Love all your vids <3
Noble - 7 years ago
Great trio!
the missing link
the missing link - 7 years ago
I want to see some more wilderness adventures from you guys! This was one of your funniest videos.
josefe socalism
josefe socalism - 7 years ago
Looks like a lot of fun
Sayantan Chaudhuri
Sayantan Chaudhuri - 7 years ago
So... YogVlog Australia was just Bunnings? Actually, yeah, that makes sense.
Oscar Bentley
Oscar Bentley - 7 years ago
duncan the hippie
Matthew Schaeffer
Matthew Schaeffer - 7 years ago
Best video of this year
JakkaBlue !
JakkaBlue ! - 7 years ago
See if you can find a boat!
Carmine Copeland
Carmine Copeland - 7 years ago
That shack looked like a good way to get tetanus
Vanessa Weir
Vanessa Weir - 7 years ago
As a native kiwi, I can assure you that we all have lakes with waterfalls in our backyards.
thehotshot1221 - 7 years ago
lewis is having a fit
JustDave - 7 years ago
At 6:30 I thought Duncan wpuld do a full Attenborough voice, was disappointed.
MatchBreakers - 7 years ago
I like this more lowkey stuff. Its very DTE.
Cody Sewell
Cody Sewell - 7 years ago
when i heard water fall i was expecting them to go near the edge of one, and was wondering how this didnt end in disaster
Chloe Jacobs
Chloe Jacobs - 7 years ago
Lewis is daddy af
Mandalore The Litigator
Mandalore The Litigator - 7 years ago
Its lake Karapiro
Liam Hay
Liam Hay - 7 years ago
Ive litterally taken a piss of that creepy shack
Fabianwew - 7 years ago
Lewis' so tight in that wetsuit.
Liam Hay
Liam Hay - 7 years ago
Was gonna say, looks like Karapiro, like 5 mins from my house and I didnt even know
Oivatank - 7 years ago
1:21 Howdy, I’m Towely! Towely the Towel!
SvAp0r - 7 years ago
Never thought i'd see Lewis in a swim/dive suit, one of my proudest faps.
bAptist - 7 years ago
I love it
zac Taylor
zac Taylor - 7 years ago
PLEASE COME TO TOWNSVILLE in Australia queensland because I'm an amazing fan I've wanted to join for a long time but cant so if I cant visit you please visit me
The Bush Maori
The Bush Maori - 7 years ago
Nice jandals
SuperFacePlace - 7 years ago
Oh man what a great vlog! Stumpy long dick had me rolling XD Great job everyone who worked on this!
bAptist - 7 years ago
Ice Poseidon Cx
caveman27100 - 7 years ago
PricelessPringle - 7 years ago
That’s Lake Karapiro!! I live like 20 minutes from there!!!
Herohammer Studios
Herohammer Studios - 7 years ago
I got bee costume flashbacks from Lewis padding himself down in that outfit
Elissa Ketterer
Elissa Ketterer - 7 years ago
Best vid all month. Love ya madlads.
No shame in wetsuit game LewLew.
SuperMLG GamingGuy
SuperMLG GamingGuy - 7 years ago
These are some of the most enjoyable videos I’ve seen in a long time!
FaultLine - 7 years ago
I loved this video so much. Made me feel so wholesome.
ben malthouse
ben malthouse - 7 years ago
Are you guys bunking with Yorkshire farmer?
Luke  West
Luke West - 7 years ago
Come to the Smokey mountains.
Josh Story
Josh Story - 7 years ago
Im in new Zealand would have been cool if I could have met u guys but I live way down by Queenstown
HANNIBAL BARCA - 7 years ago
finally u guys visit newzealand
Meg Parker-Jasper
Meg Parker-Jasper - 7 years ago
Love this!! Want to go kayaking now haha!
Nico Poultney
Nico Poultney - 7 years ago
SynDerLife _
SynDerLife _ - 7 years ago
when were they here??? ive got a yacht they can turn into the yogscraft
multieyedmyr - 7 years ago
The creep shack is a little ol place you can get dis-mem-bered creep shack baby
Mr Arrow
Mr Arrow - 7 years ago
Thomas Webster
Thomas Webster - 7 years ago
Isn’t it fucking freezing there????

I’m an Auzzi but when I went over to NZ it was fucking cold as shit. We went for about 4 weeks and it didn’t get above 12 degrees (Celsius) the whole time
BRENDAN copster
BRENDAN copster - 7 years ago
js you guys should of had go pros on ya heads to make it more fun or something...
great video
Benjamin Beaudry
Benjamin Beaudry - 7 years ago
Lord of the rings, nerd addition
Sunfire SG
Sunfire SG - 7 years ago
Great video guys. Glad you enjoyed our little piece of the world.
HENRY BOND - 7 years ago
this video is so happy ^^
DecStar Gamer
DecStar Gamer - 7 years ago
should of done way more vlogging australia
Hexcalibre - 7 years ago
This... This right here is quality content.
Silkeye - 7 years ago
Hatfilms approved kayak color scheme
Sarkis Boyadjian
Sarkis Boyadjian - 7 years ago
10:05 native kiwi: These invasive species are really loud
jeff charles
jeff charles - 7 years ago
Lol they are scared of a duck blind
SeriouslyUseless - 7 years ago
This was great! Please make more Yogvlogs!
LouMu - 7 years ago
Those bushes near the lake looked just like the berry bushes from ark... I hope they make some videos soon!
LouMu - 7 years ago
Duncan looks good! He’s def my favorite yogscast member
Josiah Barnes
Josiah Barnes - 7 years ago
Here representing New Zealand
filler01 - 7 years ago
Sjin made me laugh so hard when you hear him yell "Smash it with a rock!".
Jacob Kraus
Jacob Kraus - 7 years ago
In that whole video there was no sign a single kiwi except for a chocolate kiwi bird
TheRealRex705 - 7 years ago
This video makes me sad :( I wish I had friends and went on cool adventures.
Montezuma II
Montezuma II - 7 years ago
OMG the Yogscast came and visited my tiny ass country :D truly a dream come true <3
Nevan O'Connell
Nevan O'Connell - 7 years ago
Yay welcome to New Zealand
Evan De Suza
Evan De Suza - 7 years ago
Hopefully you enjoyed yourself in our little slice of paradise! Pretty sure that hut is used for duck shooting during duck shooting.
Jacob Kraus
Jacob Kraus - 7 years ago
3:04 in the video

I think that was the mating call of Lewis
Aidan Allen
Aidan Allen - 7 years ago
Still pronounced 'Maori' wrong btw.
It's like 'lawnmower'. So it's kind of like 'Mow-ree'.
Mario Whitmore
Mario Whitmore - 7 years ago
We call kiwi birds Kiwi and kiwis(the fruit) kiwi fruit
Liam J Wilkinson
Liam J Wilkinson - 7 years ago
Best Video From Yogscast Ive Seen In a Long Time!!
Ram Lrm
Ram Lrm - 7 years ago
Lewis reminds me of Michael Scott in this video!
Lachlan Fanning
Lachlan Fanning - 7 years ago
Here from New Zealand, great vlog
VeggeMight - 7 years ago
That's a womans small wetsuit Lewis.
MaryisaWizard - 7 years ago
that was the cutest fucking shit ive ever seen!!!!
Validifyed - 7 years ago
I feel like one of the best things about yogvlogs is how bad these guys are at vlogging lol
Analise Howett
Analise Howett - 7 years ago
Omg you guys were here!! IN NZ!? Why didn't I know about this!
chris wimmers
chris wimmers - 7 years ago
This was the cutest and most pure and wholesome video I’ve ever watched
cabkid 1234
cabkid 1234 - 7 years ago
It's pronounced Mul-ri and you roll the 'r'
no no
no no - 7 years ago
Really good video guys! You guys seem to really have fun which is enjoyable to watch thanks for the great content!!!
CARRB Gaming
CARRB Gaming - 7 years ago
Lewis just casually falls out of his kayak
Bossanova 117
Bossanova 117 - 7 years ago
I’m glad you guys loved here and you captured the best parts of New Zealand perfectly I just wish I got to meet you guys but thank you for coming and your welcome to come back when ever you want and glad you enjoyed your visit
CARRB Gaming
CARRB Gaming - 7 years ago
Sjins warcry
Stalememes - 7 years ago
There is only 2 spiders that are venomous in nz don’t be so scared
Todd Parker
Todd Parker - 7 years ago
welcome to our country
That One Pug
That One Pug - 7 years ago
It is Lake Karapiro pronounced ka - ra -pee - ro
Luke Cochrane
Luke Cochrane - 7 years ago
Welcome to NZ boyos
xCrimsonite - 7 years ago
This was fantastic!
Quiet Alice
Quiet Alice - 7 years ago
They're so English it's funny.
RevPanda - 7 years ago
I love that these guys don't just work together, they are just buds.
rar.XD.exe - 7 years ago
This is such a good video, and why would anyone dislike it. I didn’t see any reason too.
Noah Duncan
Noah Duncan - 7 years ago
Is Sjin wearing the symbol of Manaia? If so I have a similar necklace
JoJoCrafty Piggy
JoJoCrafty Piggy - 7 years ago
sweaty lewis
Giggabiite The Cloaked
Giggabiite The Cloaked - 7 years ago
Part of what I like about the yogscast, is that (depending on the video) it can feel like were having fun with them because of their more casual attitude.
VENOMIZZ - 7 years ago
Any Kiwis around????
Darren Lloyd
Darren Lloyd - 7 years ago
omg ..oh no lewis accidentally jumps out... its totally not done on what an accident...bellend
HoRi Chit
HoRi Chit - 7 years ago
This video makes me feel happy.
josiah O'Neill
josiah O'Neill - 7 years ago
The hut is a maimai (pronounced My my) it's for duck shooting
Griff - 7 years ago
Simon on a kayak would have me over the edge lets make it happen lol
Captain_p0wer - 7 years ago
J_D_B_K - 7 years ago
The creepy shack is a maimai u sit in it and shoot during duck hunting season
William Hoffman
William Hoffman - 7 years ago
Omg you guys need to start a kayaking channel
Jax Lee
Jax Lee - 7 years ago
Do they get forever stranded in nz
Gaming Maverick
Gaming Maverick - 7 years ago
been waiting years and years for you guys to come over here :D
Nata Gytra
Nata Gytra - 7 years ago
Alove you guys 10 years im a fan i still remeber your dint starve series-!! Huggles!!!
walraz z
walraz z - 7 years ago
More super fun adventures pleaaee
LHMusic - 7 years ago
They came to NewZealand. Why was I not informed of this!
PotatoChicken88 - 7 years ago
Lewis looks like sips in the thumbnail
TobySmith551 - 7 years ago
I love nz (also I live there)
DarthTellor - 7 years ago
See if you can find a boat...

..or a kayak.
Caleb Claro
Caleb Claro - 7 years ago
pls make more dont starve challenges
IRL ones
Sebastian - 7 years ago
Best video by far!!
_Panzer_V [PHOBO]
_Panzer_V [PHOBO] - 7 years ago
That’s a leaky faucet compared to Niagara Falls. Have any of you been there?
DarkGhost - 7 years ago
dayum look at lewis
The WonderLoaf
The WonderLoaf - 7 years ago
SOOOO GOOD! I definitely want more!
James Stanley
James Stanley - 7 years ago
It was so nice for Make A Wish to put this all together for that young Lebanese lad
Thomas Hines
Thomas Hines - 7 years ago
Adventurer Lewis is confusing my sexuality
Philippa K
Philippa K - 7 years ago
Don't worry, we know how lucky we are. I liked hearing you guys serenaded by the magpies and various other birds... we do like our wildlife.

Pity I didn't know how far south on the North island you were coming, I would have totally tried to recommend a random lot of tourist spots in Wellington.
Random Yogscast Crap
Random Yogscast Crap - 7 years ago
i'm lookin' like a dumbass over here smiling all the way throughout the video. good job guys ;]
St. Tomy Leung
St. Tomy Leung - 7 years ago
Make More!!!!!!
Allen W
Allen W - 7 years ago
This was awesome! Thanks for sharing this. Do More!
Riley McCartney
Riley McCartney - 7 years ago
Welcome to the best country ever!
Also you pronounced Maori wrong 2 times in a row 3:23
Darek Cichoński
Darek Cichoński - 7 years ago
Dash cam audio
Anis Ridhwan
Anis Ridhwan - 7 years ago
What? I thought Lewis was still in Japan
medi0crates - 7 years ago
More like dis
Cup clip gaming
Cup clip gaming - 7 years ago
Do more vlogs pls
gearanomaly - 7 years ago
Those kayaks sure had quite the flat bottoms. I don't envy you trying to control those things.
WhoTube? - 7 years ago
Come see us in Nelson
HeliusSlayer - 7 years ago
Now you have to have a kayak adventure in Stranded 2. Float down a lava fall.
eastwinddemon - 7 years ago
Only white people approach the old looking shack they find near the lake lol. I hope they properly took care of their chocolate trash. This makes me wanna go kayaking with my buds. It was really cool seeing you all enjoy yourselves.
Pancake Trowsers
Pancake Trowsers - 7 years ago
last time i went kayaking it was on a 15 mile river XD took 2 hours and my hands got a whole lot of blysters lmao
Tony Perelli
Tony Perelli - 7 years ago
This is awesome
Dodoxasaurus - 7 years ago
U FUCKERS, dammit I live in NZ. COME TO KAPITI

EDIT: love the video guys
····· - 7 years ago
This was a really nice vlog.
HairyBiker98 - 7 years ago
Why did your Mavic give such poor footage?
Ant_TonyLOL KID - 7 years ago
Cyrus K
Cyrus K - 7 years ago
Lewis has a knack for falling into water in vlogs.
gavin patterson
gavin patterson - 7 years ago
One of the coolest videos they have made in awhile.
Generic Gaming
Generic Gaming - 7 years ago
You did amazing to get back in after them spiders Sjin. I couldn't of!
Other Worldly
Other Worldly - 7 years ago
Ahh yes, re energise healthily with some chocolate for your long day of kayaking. Lmao fucking chocolate??
Generic Gaming
Generic Gaming - 7 years ago
Looking good Lewis!
Bevan Jensen
Bevan Jensen - 7 years ago
sjin your got no need to worry about deadly spiders in new zealand we have none
Nathan Hails
Nathan Hails - 7 years ago
They should've swam under it to see if there was a hidden area...
Bevan Jensen
Bevan Jensen - 7 years ago
yes a volg in my home country
Declan wood
Declan wood - 7 years ago
Without a paddle 2 haha
Guilherme Furst
Guilherme Furst - 7 years ago
Aw that is lovely
those adventuring trips are always so fucking nice and its been ages since I've been kayaking
Opulence - 7 years ago
There were some steps behind the shack he could have gone up...
J _shell
J _shell - 7 years ago
this is so fckin beautiful
NerdOzoid314 - 7 years ago
Ah yes, the sound of three white Brits squawking somewhere in New Zealand
Danny Heslop
Danny Heslop - 7 years ago
Love it Haha! It definitely gave me a found footage vibe though like the opening to Friday 13th or something lol!
LeNuiz - 7 years ago
"Don't go chasing waterfalls" they said...
adam connell
adam connell - 7 years ago
Right before Lewis tipped I was thinking it'd be boring if no one tips the kayak
Syrup_Johnson - 7 years ago
More Yogvlog!
Shaunyboy - 7 years ago
This is great, but I think you guys would get more views without putting yog blog in the thumbnail
MC with PhantomX
MC with PhantomX - 7 years ago
Been to New Zealand, beautiful place. Even better to see the Yogs Trio visit there!!!
Everace - 7 years ago
I think the creepy shack was actually a duck blind (you shoot ducks from inside)
Miguel de Jesus
Miguel de Jesus - 7 years ago
oh my god, lewis, IT'S AQUA ASS!
callum crosbie
callum crosbie - 7 years ago
This is awesome !! I used to live in New Zealand
ThanatosTM - 7 years ago
I love seeing parts of New Zealand I haven't visited yet.
Justin Tyler Lee
Justin Tyler Lee - 7 years ago
DUNCAN! That face chocolate thing was bloody brilliant. My copters were thoroughly rofl'd.
Hootingly Owl
Hootingly Owl - 7 years ago
omg lewis eatingwith his hands after being in that water. hope they've had their shots! thats one hell of a way to get tape worm.
Tori Innes
Tori Innes - 7 years ago
ive never loved something more in my life
PieMansLife - 7 years ago
Arniox - 7 years ago
John Python
John Python - 7 years ago
What a beautiful vlog with my favorite anime characters in it
Ryu Rumble
Ryu Rumble - 7 years ago
That was amazing!
Smash Lee
Smash Lee - 7 years ago
YES!! More of THIIIIIISS!!!!!
Chris Curnan
Chris Curnan - 7 years ago
Who was expecting Sips to appear around the corner of the creepy shack?
Tom Hubbard
Tom Hubbard - 7 years ago
This video was great.
Tom Hubbard
Tom Hubbard - 7 years ago
not really Hat Films-quality drone footage sjin XD. Love you all.
Mechanical Turk
Mechanical Turk - 7 years ago
Glad you liked New Zealand!
Steven Reviews
Steven Reviews - 7 years ago
enjoyed the vlog :3
Gummi-Bear Nikole
Gummi-Bear Nikole - 7 years ago
I love yogvlogs
Stacey London
Stacey London - 7 years ago
Really loved this video guys! ❤️
Wow Wow
Wow Wow - 7 years ago
I love these vlogs when's the next one
Khtxinfinite - 7 years ago
Get back and play colony survival
Jaminwitu111 - 7 years ago
oh wow never thought id see you guys down in my little corner of the world, gutted i didnt bump into you guys, couldve had a little korero over an ice cold speights
Harry K
Harry K - 7 years ago
lew lew looking extra lebanese in his wetsuit
Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson - 7 years ago
Do more of these
TwoHatJack - 7 years ago
When they pulled up towards the shack I just thought Lewis will be squealing like a pig...
Term - 7 years ago
"Don't go chasing waterfalls." -Tony Danza 1937
ed ludwig
ed ludwig - 7 years ago
love the video didnt love that you guys didnt use safety and wore life jackets plz next time ware them
Smeata - 7 years ago
This was really sweet
bluecool1221 - 7 years ago
Wow! Japan looks great
Ewie B
Ewie B - 7 years ago
Before watching the video: reminds me of "Without a Paddle"
Monday Mousemallow
Monday Mousemallow - 7 years ago
lewis is posiedon, sips is seaman
Cerevire - 7 years ago
this was great! good to see you guys have fun!
sunnyville_Nz - 7 years ago
That was brilliant loved it haha
Arthur G
Arthur G - 7 years ago
Well... I had a great car-washing adventure... not really the same. Now I'm eating day old Mac and cheese pizza and fresh star fruit. Also quite different
Ewokes - 7 years ago
Possibly more Adventure vlogs of this sort?
NaZReD - 7 years ago
this video is missing Simon :(
boredwithcoldfeet - 7 years ago
Lewlew in a wetsuit!
Ruben - 7 years ago
Duncan can't even film properly ...
Patrick Mellor
Patrick Mellor - 7 years ago
Flashbacks to the last time we saw Lewis in the water ;)
FragilE - 7 years ago
Oh Lewis. So hot in that suit.
Uh, I mean, ahh. Hm.
Cal. - 7 years ago
Yo louis pulling out the jandals
Rosemary Mckenzie
Rosemary Mckenzie - 7 years ago
I really wish I had known you were in nz and did a meet up!
Fred Fuchs
Fred Fuchs - 7 years ago
plez feed lois
Grotn' - 7 years ago
Honestly this was one of the best videos I've ever seen omg I love you guys. Every time you vlog they're always some of the most funny and best vlogs I ever see and I hope you enjoy making them
Crippling Memes
Crippling Memes - 7 years ago
You guys definitely didn't want to be explorers in New Zealand. The Maori ate people and you guys are tasty British snacks.
Kyene Hinton
Kyene Hinton - 7 years ago
NOOOO I could have ambushed you while you were here =D, Hope you all had fun down here!
Sam Jones
Sam Jones - 7 years ago
My dream
BigRedWood - 7 years ago
sjin, embrace your baldness. stop hiding that bald dome under hats! I'm sure you look better than Karl Pilkington.
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
I really love the Vlogs it really adds a new Dynamic to the Yogscast
dubisirie - 7 years ago
Stumpy Dunc
lol, that's the best
mak47 - 7 years ago
This was amazing
jos3r5 - 7 years ago
New Zealand looks amazing
Al khabir
Al khabir - 7 years ago
Yay!! A YogVlog!!!
Alex Ross Daniels
Alex Ross Daniels - 7 years ago
Vacation Lewis scares me.
Nathanael Sallhag Eriksson
Nathanael Sallhag Eriksson - 7 years ago
Ey, you were in New Zealand, now you need to go to normal Zealand (wich does exist), possebly bringing zylus.
Tyler Hipps
Tyler Hipps - 7 years ago
I can't wait to see more! Now I wanna go buy a kayak XD
Adam Haycock
Adam Haycock - 7 years ago
When indoors people discover the outdoors
Oreostes - 7 years ago
anyone else hungry for a banana after watching this?
Yesidoplaytheguitar - 7 years ago
This was really fun!
Jack De Highden
Jack De Highden - 7 years ago
I'm only halfway through, but this is one of the most fun and entertaining vlogs I've ever seen
Lucas Martin
Lucas Martin - 7 years ago
What a great video, Holy shit! Keep it up guys!
Elise Lumley
Elise Lumley - 7 years ago
this makes me so happy
Delaterius - 7 years ago
QueenKhaleesi - 7 years ago
I cannot wait for more of these videos, this was the best! Such a gorgeous view and I love how you randomly whipped out your snacks.
Emelia Marie
Emelia Marie - 7 years ago
lewis casually undoing his belt and flopping into the water is the quality content i signed up for
Big alzo
Big alzo - 7 years ago
so who captain slow, hamster and clarkson
Ryan Rawlings
Ryan Rawlings - 7 years ago
This was fantastic, more of this please :)
Mr J Jonah Jameson
Mr J Jonah Jameson - 7 years ago
Lol I wanted to sea Simon in a wetsuit
KEK - 7 years ago
Is Lewis still in Australia?
Sander Cookie
Sander Cookie - 7 years ago
KEK yes
KEK - 7 years ago
Is Lewis still in Japan then?
Nathan William
Nathan William - 7 years ago
ASolarMolar - 7 years ago
I lost it at lewis on that atv. He is such a lovely person.
James Robertson
James Robertson - 7 years ago
go to river wye and kyak there
The Illustrious Wang Fire
The Illustrious Wang Fire - 7 years ago
Sjinbad, Stumpy Longdick and Poseidon. The bravest explorers ever to sail the lake.
Frodo Baggins
Frodo Baggins - 7 years ago
Lewis spent more than 10 seconds on the banana boat, he owes Sjin a gold now :(
Jay - 7 years ago
I'm having flashbacks to when Simon pushed Lewis off the boat ages ago and he lost his glasses...
Eevee The Naruto
Eevee The Naruto - 7 years ago
10:04 cracks me up the more and more I watch it
Lil Noodle
Lil Noodle - 7 years ago
9:59 male members of the Yogscast in their natural habitat inviting females for mating.
Obscene Vegetable Matter
Obscene Vegetable Matter - 7 years ago
Oh, Dunc has been watching AKBingo.
George Laxton
George Laxton - 7 years ago
I didn’t even know they were coming to NZ! I thought they were only going to Aussie! :(
EmilyPwnsYou - 7 years ago
wow lew lew no hesitation straight into that lake lol
Pipboy - 7 years ago
Best content in a long time! These type of vlogs as well as more videos with Simon in and you're good to go!
Mr_President - 7 years ago
lol you guys really should have had lifevests on
Strawbbwafer - 7 years ago
xiNinja - 7 years ago
Gater waters yalllll
ALEX SCOTT - 7 years ago
I've always wanted to see Lewis doing portage
jacknife1337 - 7 years ago
You should of told me you were in NZ, I could shown your around :P.
Aypsi - 7 years ago
With the coloured kayaks they’re riding, they should’ve nicknamed them Trott, Smith, and Ross XDD
Aypsi - 7 years ago
Is this the closest we’ll ever get to see Lewis in a leotard?? ;P
Glen Coco
Glen Coco - 7 years ago
11:31 I can't stop replaying.
Athena Morgan
Athena Morgan - 7 years ago
same xD
Andrew White
Andrew White - 7 years ago
looks like it was fun.
Nerielle Oberio
Nerielle Oberio - 7 years ago
Lewis...what a scrub...he capsized...
Jam - 7 years ago
why is this more inspiring than any inspirational video
T.Kai - 7 years ago
I could watch them all day xD
TheCutePussyCat - 7 years ago
Fucking love the yogvlog we NEED more
Will Singers
Will Singers - 7 years ago
that shack looks a lot like a hide for duck shooting
Tate Hammontree
Tate Hammontree - 7 years ago
Lewis falling off the kayak as Sjin talks about how lucky they are to go kayaking is the funniest thing I've seen all week
Matty Mecca
Matty Mecca - 7 years ago
Lewis has never looked more like a lebanese boy than he does in that wetsuit
RonJhonson - 7 years ago
More irl stuff Boys!
Pirikko - 7 years ago
I'm often quite jealous of people that are succesful and are able to go on holidays. They deserve it, they are great guys, but I'm still jealous!
Sasha Greene
Sasha Greene - 7 years ago
Hahahahahah 3:02 the sound he makes
Rodsticks - 7 years ago
These are great
Devlin Farmer
Devlin Farmer - 7 years ago
What a charming video. Awesome!
Sunov - 7 years ago
Team LSD back at it again
TheReginafabio - 7 years ago
Gertrude Filthbasket
Gertrude Filthbasket - 7 years ago
look like you guys had some fun :) gg!
Rob Horne Drums
Rob Horne Drums - 7 years ago
I hope your not in the south Canterbury region of nz, as the rivers and lakes have been deemed too toxic to swim in, and have caused people and dogs to be very sick.
Kareem SC
Kareem SC - 7 years ago
Proper fucking portage
Kaiser Miche
Kaiser Miche - 7 years ago
lewis in that skintight suit makes me feel things
Mike Lima
Mike Lima - 7 years ago
It's nice to see a slightly different side of the yogcast while they are out and about.
RiTheJammyBrit - 7 years ago
The comment section just got so thirsty... Lewis what have you done to us?!
Casey Drought
Casey Drought - 7 years ago
Omg your in new Zealand as a kiwi I have to ask one question. So what do you think of new Zealand?
Jordan Carter
Jordan Carter - 7 years ago
I didn’t know if I was gonna like this but it was amazing, so funny, I loved it.
Ol’ stumpy longdick
Meat - 7 years ago
Koen Van Damme
Koen Van Damme - 7 years ago
"There's a creepy shack over here!"
'Great!' thumbs up

Sjin would survive in a horror movie.
Tani Bell Snater
Tani Bell Snater - 7 years ago
Brooooo New Zealand is the coolest place and home
IamCombustible - 7 years ago
By god. Lewis truly does have the body of an eight year old.
Thomas Mills
Thomas Mills - 7 years ago
Amazing vlog!
bushfulmight - 7 years ago
so wanted to hear some duelling banjos
AmyGorns Illustrates
AmyGorns Illustrates - 7 years ago
This is one of your best vlogs, made me smile so much :3 And now I wanna go kayaking
BigDaddyMacc - 7 years ago
Looks like gun day :D
Filip Nikolić
Filip Nikolić - 7 years ago
I love the green screen effects guys, keep up the good work!
Tani Bell Snater
Tani Bell Snater - 7 years ago
Lewis belongs in New Zealand
Viktor Woloszczuk
Viktor Woloszczuk - 7 years ago
Wow, this looks like so much fun. I really want to do this now. Except for the flip-flops.
Gabriel Canto
Gabriel Canto - 7 years ago
Lewis gets sexier and sexier with age
Why - 7 years ago
"we did it" -Lewis Brindley 2018
Ryan Kreitzer
Ryan Kreitzer - 7 years ago
You guys are like a bunch of schoolboys
Pi - 7 years ago
Dunc reminds me of Hurley in this
KOOGH - 7 years ago
Can you guys please play my gta map rooftop saloon
TheSkootenbeeten - 7 years ago
Without getting more than a minute in, I just felt compelled to write this;

I am equal parts excited for them and their adventures and majorly jealous. TAKE'A ME WITH YOU!
Oliver Reuter
Oliver Reuter - 7 years ago
Lewis has come a long way since being pushed in a river by Simon, and losing his glasses
alex higginbottom
alex higginbottom - 7 years ago
Lewis random quack at 12:46
fluxy888 - 7 years ago
I love this trio in their games together and I love them even more as friends irl in their vlogs and meetups !♥️
D. ndee
D. ndee - 7 years ago
The Brindley Witch project
Axel Cezar
Axel Cezar - 7 years ago
lewis my man, you need to hit the gym, asap
Sage Channel
Sage Channel - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ, that audio is purely insane.
James Bryan
James Bryan - 7 years ago
That was really good
Shadow King
Shadow King - 7 years ago
Would anyone else watch is they tried playing league of legends
Havick12 - 7 years ago
I like how the colours of each kayak is the same as the person's colour in TTT :p
NERDFIST - 7 years ago
Had no idea there were places like that in New Zealand. Thought it was all hills and mountains.
Joseph Modica
Joseph Modica - 7 years ago
As if Sjin has any right to talk about the noise Lewis made while jumping into the water, he has some of the most feminine sneezes I've ever heard.
matt wilson
matt wilson - 7 years ago
Where’s the rock jumping
Soofiia - 7 years ago
Amazing video guys! Really enjoy these vlogs
thomas george
thomas george - 7 years ago
best vloggers
Laughing Gas
Laughing Gas - 7 years ago
Lewis has a dig bick
Kaleb Gordon
Kaleb Gordon - 7 years ago
Good video ha
Grex Jr
Grex Jr - 7 years ago
Yknow I never thought I’d enjoy yogscast vlogs as much as I do.
lina decamara
lina decamara - 7 years ago
“There’s a creepy little shack over here....................
..........just to let you know” anyone or just me?
balthiersgirl Callumfrancisseaton2009
balthiersgirl Callumfrancisseaton2009 - 7 years ago
I love these lads poore sjin and the eviel spiders
Pyrogen - 7 years ago
I'd love it if when duncan bit open the kiwi bird at 7:00 a big arse spider came out. It would fit the theme nicely.
Jackson Gresham
Jackson Gresham - 7 years ago
Was this at lake karapiro?
Asylys L
Asylys L - 7 years ago
Man that green screan is nice guys. Must have taken a while for that. Keep it up!
Calum Clark
Calum Clark - 7 years ago
What are they doing in new zeland?
Rebecca Nix
Rebecca Nix - 7 years ago
the best boiz
Anohm - 7 years ago
Gave me a flashback from when Simon pushed Lewis out of the boat... good times.

Man I love these vlogs! ❤
MastersDrums - 7 years ago
no crocs then?
Maddor - 7 years ago
Absolutely amazing
FigJam - 7 years ago
Lol at "Kiwi bird" - that's not a thing. It's just a Kiwi, Duncan!
Aidan Harrison
Aidan Harrison - 7 years ago
Trying to figure out if 11:32 was done on purpose. Classic Lewis the cucked Brindley. :)
Captain CuntBunt
Captain CuntBunt - 7 years ago
Three retards screaming while kayaking on a river. Best Vlog ever.
vianney ventura
vianney ventura - 7 years ago
spiders in kayak

Binnies Miracle
Binnies Miracle - 7 years ago
I love the new avengers movie

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"This is sketch. I don't like this at all." Rush Sturges and Ben Marr decide to kayak a drainage ditch in Lions Bay,...


Kayaking Down a Drainage Ditch

13,268 likes 2,693,456 views 11 years ago

Kayaker Ben Marr rockets down a concrete drainage ditch into Lions Bay, British Columbia at 34 miles per hour!...


Fools Overture : Composed and sung by Roger...

6,606 likes 2,501,861 views 17 years ago

Roger Hodgson 2018 Tour flag Jun 12 Kufstein, Austria On Sale flag Jun 14 Zurich, Switzerland On Sale flag...


Roger Hodgson / Don`t Leave Me Now / Kayaking...

6,513 likes 2,436,048 views 14 years ago

Roger Hodgson 2018 Tour flag Jun 12 Kufstein, Austria On Sale flag Jun 14 Zurich, Switzerland On Sale flag...


Kayaking the river in search for relics!

7,316 likes 2,003,962 views 10 years ago

Abby and I went kayaking in the river to search for long forgotten relics with our AT Pros. It was one hardcore relic...

About The Great Kayaking Adventure

The "The Great Kayaking Adventure" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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