The chinese „olympic team“, kayak training in Ólafsfjörður, Iceland. Enjoy!

The chinese „olympic team“, kayak training in Ólafsfjörður, Iceland. Enjoy! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 57

Kayak 8 years ago 412,796 views

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for The chinese „olympic team“, kayak training in Ólafsfjörður, Iceland. Enjoy!

Seb Toto
Seb Toto - 6 years ago
When is the movie coming out ?
Yohanna Peña
Yohanna Peña - 7 years ago
I was waiting for them to fall,
Skill HHY
Skill HHY - 7 years ago
Stop making your gay noise, bitch
Chijun Zhang
Chijun Zhang - 7 years ago
Machen die Deutschen gern Spaß von Neulingen?
Silvio Haike
Silvio Haike - 7 years ago
haben Chinesen keinen Humor?
eliluong - 7 years ago
paddles two feet from the shore and back "welp, that was fun"
Jon Smith
Jon Smith - 7 years ago
This is what happens when you spend your entire youth doing nothing but studying 22 hours a day for the high school and college entrance exams.
You have a great video i watched every min of it.I'll be back to see more . Thanks for sharing with the world.If you have a chance check my channel out.If you like hit subscribe.Let me know you did and ill say WHAT UP?! HOLLA AT YA BOY!!!!! Keep up the good work! Take Care God Bless!
harleygrip - 7 years ago
Next-world domination!!
Roxy Beaudet
Roxy Beaudet - 7 years ago
Thank God they never made it all the way out. If they'd tipped, they would've all drowned for sure.

10. comment for The chinese „olympic team“, kayak training in Ólafsfjörður, Iceland. Enjoy!

Benjamin Williams
Benjamin Williams - 7 years ago
believe it or not, I came here from TV.
Lick Head Darry
Lick Head Darry - 7 years ago
I like how the 3rd woman flips the paddle the other way like it's gonna turn the Kayak how she wanted it to. 2:01
how many chinese can you get in a kayak>>one more
Religion is poison
Religion is poison - 7 years ago
This is why women should not be allowed to vote
lilJohn 1998
lilJohn 1998 - 7 years ago
This is way too funny, these girls should be trained just a little before they set off on the voyage of a lifetime.
Maximum Black
Maximum Black - 7 years ago
poor girls...
Paul Chung
Paul Chung - 7 years ago
how do know they are Chinese ?
fukthegoog - 7 years ago
Because they can't drive a kayak.
Elijah French
Elijah French - 7 years ago
rturpening - 7 years ago
1:56 She's got it! she finally understands! 1:58 never mind.
Steve TheMover
Steve TheMover - 7 years ago
That's how they drive

20. comment for The chinese „olympic team“, kayak training in Ólafsfjörður, Iceland. Enjoy!

Jim Stafford
Jim Stafford - 7 years ago
asains are some of the dumbest brain dead fucks
mhmh - 7 years ago
4 captains 1 kayak
seymore glass
seymore glass - 7 years ago
No doubt there is stupidity and people who know nothing about paddling. However I am not impressed by those who would rather stand around laughing and ridiculing than either helping or remembering the many things we all do based in stupidity and ignorance. Those in glass houses... And we're all in glass houses.
fukthegoog - 7 years ago
Nah, that's just retarded. A 5 year old boy would figure this out, while these grown-ass women were clueless
Anuschka Conoci
Anuschka Conoci - 7 years ago
I can't believe they don't figure out to row together plus no one showed them how it works.
TF2MSN - Odinn Thor
TF2MSN - Odinn Thor - 7 years ago
Team work people team work :)
Jon Cooper
Jon Cooper - 7 years ago
they drunk?
shlomo shekelberg
shlomo shekelberg - 7 years ago
This is what happens when you let bitches out of the kitchen.
Christian Koch
Christian Koch - 7 years ago
Jetzt bist Du auch noch hier unterwegs ;-)
Snezhana Shultz
Snezhana Shultz - 7 years ago
Hello I tried to get in touch with you regarding your video but never heard back from you. I would appreciate if you could tell me if you are interested in working with us. You can reach me at Thanks
Cleatus McGurkin
Cleatus McGurkin - 7 years ago
And they see themselves as a world power!
Dizzy Prizz
Dizzy Prizz - 7 years ago
Face meet palm.

30. comment for The chinese „olympic team“, kayak training in Ólafsfjörður, Iceland. Enjoy!

emma sóley
emma sóley - 7 years ago
im from thet place
Doctor Devil Healing from Evil
Doctor Devil Healing from Evil - 7 years ago
Pure power of nature.
Gregg Smith
Gregg Smith - 7 years ago
Could be why they never colonized, quit while you are ahead
Kim Jason
Kim Jason - 7 years ago
they forgot bringing their brain....can't stop stupid
Maciej Szczyblewski
Maciej Szczyblewski - 7 years ago
Werding Condictiones
Werding Condictiones - 7 years ago
It's so stupid and so funny :)))
P-art Potato
P-art Potato - 7 years ago
susibecks hehe
susibecks - 7 years ago
They are trying to get out on the lake. Better for them, that they didn't reach it ;)
Maggi's Clips Of The Month
Maggi's Clips Of The Month - 7 years ago
They were probably stressed because they see that they're being filmed and probably can hear that horse laughter. I am ashamed for my (Icelandic) countrymen. I'm not sure how it is i China but in Japan you really try everything not to embarrass other people. I'm my country it seems to be the opposite or at least for small town people like this looser who recorded this video.
Chijun Zhang
Chijun Zhang - 7 years ago
They may not be the Icelandic people. The women's voice is very clear German, and the men have some southern german accent...i believe they are Germans
Hildur Guðjónsdóttir
Hildur Guðjónsdóttir - 7 years ago
The recorder does not sound very Icelandic...
Maggi's Clips Of The Month
Maggi's Clips Of The Month - 7 years ago
I'll remember to come by next time you try something for the first time and bring my phone to record you and laugh in your face you wanker.
Danny Koch
Danny Koch - 7 years ago
... aber paddelt nicht so weit raus, es wird bald dunkel!
burnzy3210 - 7 years ago
chinese dumb people probably dumber than american dumb people
Clip Nuesome
Clip Nuesome - 7 years ago
Using paddles like they use automobile turn signals.
Clip Nuesome
Clip Nuesome - 7 years ago
@2:03 the blue cap girl figures it out. But out of fear of being calling a moron, she says nothing.
Osiris4441 - 7 years ago
Chinese people are officially the worst people on earth :S
Katy Gill
Katy Gill - 7 years ago
CATERS NEWS - Hey, my name is Katy and I am a reporter for international press agency Caters News ( I would like to talk to you about doing a story on this hilarious video so if you could get back to me on that would be great. Thank you!
blakris - 7 years ago
white people...
Angus Dewangus
Angus Dewangus - 7 years ago
you mean chinese people...
MrTangerillo - 7 years ago
The entire time I was waiting for them to go under
JAS 83
JAS 83 - 7 years ago
who tf goes to Iceland on vacation?
Manneskja - 7 years ago
JAS 83 around 2 million people per year or something close to that. We've become quite the tourist destination
IDIOT // Gaming
IDIOT // Gaming - 7 years ago
wait these people are in the wrong category of bad they are said to be bad drives but look at this jeez
Jin Kuang
Jin Kuang - 7 years ago
I think they were thinking, "where is my mobile app for this?"

50. comment for The chinese „olympic team“, kayak training in Ólafsfjörður, Iceland. Enjoy!

dr0elf - 7 years ago
French people feel so proud while watching this.
Carl Benjamin's Father
Carl Benjamin's Father - 7 years ago
Difficulty level: Chinese
Bret Weller
Bret Weller - 7 years ago

What in the good god are they fucking doing?

Are people really this stupid? Just WOW!
toster017 - 7 years ago
to im się wycieczka udała... całość wyglądała jak taki pędrak przewrócony na plecy, co macha nogami u góry, żeby wstać
Norman Sigurðsson
Norman Sigurðsson - 7 years ago
Chinese people are literally ruining our country.
Will Cravens
Will Cravens - 7 years ago
you're ruining your country just fine on your own jackass
Blues Skyes
Blues Skyes - 7 years ago
How many chinese people do you think visit iceland in a week or a month, How many businesses do you think might be in trouble if just the chinese would stop coming to iceland. How can they be 'literally ruining our country' any more then any other people?
Jin Kuang
Jin Kuang - 7 years ago
What you talking about?  They are tourists.  :)
Bardia Valadbeygi
Bardia Valadbeygi - 7 years ago
Norman Sigurðurson hvernig?
Piotwor - 7 years ago
I'm wondering if they might have been just trying to dock the boat sideways at the end of their trip. I refuse to believe anyone's dumb enough not to know how to paddle backwards.
biteon - 7 years ago
Now I better understand why the chinese girls decided to follow google maps into the river rather than use the bridge 5 meters to the left. True story
footytang - 7 years ago
That is mental retardation.
Dammiflame - 7 years ago
hahahahahahaha i can't stop laughing
MrSlaide - 7 years ago
Intelligent women at work.
Antonio Izzo
Antonio Izzo - 7 years ago
Hi Silvio, is your this video? I work for , an italian newspaper. Could we have permission to use it, for our newspaper, with credit to you? Thanks. For more details, please mail at
quadframe - 7 years ago
Kayak was defective!
johnfarmingdale - 7 years ago
Its not there fault the reverse is broken. LOL!
E Dunlap
E Dunlap - 7 years ago
This is why I kayak solo.
Teresa Frederick
Teresa Frederick - 7 years ago
It's just as well they gave up and went back otherwise they would have been one of those stories of 4 dying when their kayak capsized off shore (3 feet off shore, but still!)
lavixl - 7 years ago
Sum Ting Wong
Fishing SouthWest Florida
Fishing SouthWest Florida - 7 years ago
Fu Keng Cock Sucka
Landau - 7 years ago
Ho Le Fuk
Jon Irenicus
Jon Irenicus - 7 years ago
You know those apocalyptic and disaster movies? These four are the first ones to die in them...
The Dorian
The Dorian - 7 years ago
OMG. :-)))))
Garry S
Garry S - 7 years ago
Not funny. This was in the Iceland Special Olympics. Reporting/flagging this video under Disability hate crime.
fukthegoog - 7 years ago
Found the Special Snowflake! I bet Garry is a vegan...
englamamma - 7 years ago
No it is not, far from it. Those are just tourists ...
Stephanie Knight
Stephanie Knight - 7 years ago
Anyone know what the guy filming this is saying?
susibecks - 7 years ago
...just wondering if they will make it :)
PsychoD - 7 years ago
Why doesn't one get out and push it from the fucking front.
no more gaé
no more gaé - 7 years ago
Purpose one does, silly goose.
J_ Luquez
J_ Luquez - 7 years ago
It's truly mind blowing that none of them could figure out something so basic lol
Gary Wheeler
Gary Wheeler - 7 years ago
The worst part, probably none know how to swim either.
Bodhi - 7 years ago
Street Smart > Book Smart
Hermod Bjørklund
Hermod Bjørklund - 7 years ago
hahah the one in the back is the only one paddling backwards..the rest are fucking retards
Kevier Fontanez
Kevier Fontanez - 7 years ago
they kayak, walk and bike like they drive
TheSourceForMegadeth - 7 years ago
I thought my headphones were breaking.
msannethr0pe - 7 years ago
did they take a shit on the board when they were done?
Jorrellds - 7 years ago
broken NPC path
bjarne_kristian - 7 years ago
Atleast they made it to Iceland...
AIIUserNamesInvalid - 7 years ago
little did the laughing guy know, they came by kayak. they were just tired.
Umrzyj - 7 years ago
WTF I thought that Asians are supposed to have the highest of average IQ score. Well maybe if we would see 4 random Asian men the situation would be different.
maximkazhenkov11 - 7 years ago
You, sir, have truly mastered the art of triggering
Dhanraj Parekh
Dhanraj Parekh - 7 years ago
* inserts racist/sexist joke about driving *
thisscreensucks - 7 years ago
wow....they didnt tip!?!?
winKoneR - Music
winKoneR - Music - 7 years ago
How can you get so far in life without the very basic understanding of physics?
sahiel5 - 7 years ago
its simple got men around u whou have it
Obamacare Mishra
Obamacare Mishra - 7 years ago
yup all Asians are from China and all Chinese people have lived only in China under a communist regime right, sorry my bad assface
James F
James F - 7 years ago
You douchebag
James F
James F - 7 years ago
capitalism in china huh
Jungario - 7 years ago
This is the one of most darkest secret of life circle.
Rikhartpt - 7 years ago
Either inherited or they just open their legs for some rich guys, thats how. This is borderline mental deficiency.
brokein2 - 7 years ago
M Je
M Je - 7 years ago
money can pay other people to think for you
arandomguy9 - 7 years ago
Obamacare Mishra
Obamacare Mishra - 7 years ago
blehh nahh
blehh nahh - 7 years ago
It is amazing to behold. But I guess these people live in a concrete jungle and have never ever been on a natural surface in their lives.
Kev Freeman
Kev Freeman - 7 years ago
Tom bones Jones
Tom bones Jones - 7 years ago
1 person pushing back vs 3 paddling forward
Richard - 7 years ago
Damn, they didn't capsize. Disappointed.
Snezhana Shultz
Snezhana Shultz - 7 years ago
Hey, I am Snezhana, i work for Rumble. I'd love to talk to you about promoting your video. If you are interested please send me an email at Thanks
Kevin - 7 years ago
When non-Whites try to do white things lmao. Almost as funny as whites doing non-White things haha.
Jaig Eyes
Jaig Eyes - 7 years ago
look it up yourself
MrPineappleKetchup - 7 years ago
MrPineappleKetchup - 7 years ago
LOOOl you're a retard White people invented basketball? Hahahah you're a joke what's next? Soccer too did they invent that?
Kevin - 7 years ago
lmao REEEEEEEEE im so mad at me a person on the interNAt threatened me and mah family OMG!!!! im soooo offended. LMAO
Kevin - 7 years ago
its was a FUCKING JOKE.
Kevin - 7 years ago
smh, it was a joke kid.
Kevin - 7 years ago
lmao has no one heard of BlackTwitter subreddit. Literaly disappointed. I mean im sure i could have said the joke better, but like "Basketball is for Black people" like obviously white people invented basketball so its not a black person sport anyone can fucking play it. But its a fucking joke! like shit man. if you dont like the joke then just ignore it. I dont understand you people. smh
Pimp Daddy
Pimp Daddy - 7 years ago
MrPineappleKetchup - 7 years ago
Simple when you're by youyself but trying to it with 3 people on a kayak is completely different story
MrPineappleKetchup - 7 years ago
How's Kayaking a "white thing" fucking idiot.
Bender B. R
Bender B. R - 7 years ago
Somehow, you're worse than him.
Pimp Daddy
Pimp Daddy - 7 years ago
Yes skin color / race have allot to do with this, Kevin you re a racist cunt i and hope you and your family get cancer in the brain and a 747 lands on your grandma.
Bender B. R
Bender B. R - 7 years ago
How the fuck is this about race?
Me Ru
Me Ru - 7 years ago
i mean... understanding how a paddle works is kind of basic human intelligence, isn't it?
Ehsa - 7 years ago
physics. They don't understand any of it.
pasquale parente
pasquale parente - 7 years ago
ROFLMAO so true, not only Physics but whomever doesn't have a Physics degree have an Engineering degree.
lavixl - 7 years ago
But they all have PHDs in Physics from Chinese Universities.
Andy Wobbler
Andy Wobbler - 7 years ago
i just feel bad watching this, why don't they paddle backwards?
Széplaki Csongor
Széplaki Csongor - 7 years ago
low iq
Rakel Rognvalds
Rakel Rognvalds - 7 years ago
Pablo El Magico n
Pablo El Magico
Pablo El Magico - 7 years ago
It is not just about paddle backwards. Moving backwards is general problem of females. Similar behavior can be observed on parking lot.
cottton™ - 7 years ago
Yap. They are buggy. Damn alpha versions
blehh nahh
blehh nahh - 7 years ago
They clearly don´t understand elementary physics. The must be newly created characters.
thisscreensucks - 7 years ago
they clearly dont understand how paddling works
Effie Borshay
Effie Borshay - 7 years ago
the one in pink could not try less.....
spackle9999 - 7 years ago
Well at least the leader asian had the good sense to know it was time to quit.
StopFlaggingVideos - 7 years ago
didn't have the good sense to at least try out paddling the other way, though
Hypnotazia - 7 years ago
The laughs make it twice as good

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About The chinese „olympic team“, kayak training in Ólafsfjörður, Iceland. Enjoy!

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