Thinking about buying a KayaK?? WATCH THIS!
Kayak 9 years ago 1,090,939 views
2015 Conroe Texas ACK kayak demo! Had a lot of fun testing out some of the lastest yaks! Hope this helps you guys out if you looking into purchasing a kayak. Don't forget to subscribe, like, share, and leave me a comment below. Take care guys and God bless!
10. comment for Thinking about buying a KayaK?? WATCH THIS!
20. comment for Thinking about buying a KayaK?? WATCH THIS!
30. comment for Thinking about buying a KayaK?? WATCH THIS!
I have been looking at the "Slayer" for quite some time. After watching this video, I don't think I trust it. The part where you started building up speed and said "I think I hit a stump or something" worries me. I noticed the shaft on the peddle drive wasn't all that sturdy at faster speeds, and it kept "thumping." It makes me wonder how long it will last, before a $1,000 replacement drive is necessary?
First, experience is the best teacher! I've been doing this for 30 years and still learn new stuff all the time. I don't mean like new lures, or reels, that's always changing. I mean about boats. They are always evolving.
I'd say get a 12ft. They track better and you won't have to constantly compensate and they are still affordable. Anything longer and the price climbs too. I have back problems too and I have a Preception Pescador Angler 12. With a few modifications I can fish just about the whole day, with minor stiffness at the end. I haven't been able to fish all day yet, because I have been rained out everytime I hit the water this year so far, so I'm not sure about how long I could really go.
When you look for a kayak, your seat will be the most important thing you could possibly decide on. Of course you can also change a crummy seat in most cases (fitting a new seat is not always possible, depending on the way they are molded). The Pescador's back support is okay, with my PFD on, its nice and comfortable. Taking the PDF off and its a totally different story. But the seat pad is not much thicker than a Saltine cracker! I just put a throwable on top of mine and I'm good to go. The Pescador feels unstable the first time out, but you will find it is stable, if you don't try any tricks! You have to get used to it. They are great for flat water, but btb and class III is probably not a good idea. I have only tried up to Class II and didn't want to press my luck, to even find out.
Stability is a trade-off. You can't get a stable boat that's fast. One or the other. I cruise at about 3mph in mine, but it gets shaky in class II. An extremely stable boat also sacrifices the ability to maneuver in a pinch. There are all sorts of rocks and stumps, just waiting to test you! A great and stable boat is the Ascend FS-12T (or more expensive 128T). But maneuvering is like trying to push a dead tank uphill! My best advice (30 years of it!) is to go to a kayak day like suggested and try a bunch of kayaks out. Hands on will teach you more in a day, than all I can write here!
Here's a good tip. However you feel at the end of about a 15 minute ride, amplify that by about 100 and that's how you will feel after a day of fishing or just playing around. In other words, if you are sore in 15 minutes, imagine what you will feel like at the end of a day's activity!
Good luck, and tell us what you decided on and how your new hobby goes!!!
kayak for you! might even consider buying a "used" kayak which might be the way to go...nothing wrong with a used kayak upon inspecting it for any serious damage.And, make sure you buy the "right paddle"...I can't advise you on that since we all have different ways of handling the paddle. Don't make a big deal of that, as long as you
can return the paddle if its not suited to you.
I've also had about three or four kayaks in my day, and now I use an "Open" kayak, meaning that if I do capsize,
I can simply tip into the water, of course with my PFD on and enjoy the swim to shore, and dragging my
kayak with me. Really, no problem since kayaks are very light in the water.
An "open" kayak is not as comfortable as a "closed" kayak sincethe closed kayak backrest is a bit more firmer than the one on the closed kayak..Either way, they're both great choices as long as you have an interest in kayaking.
As a newcomer, its very important you "pick the brains" from the kayak salesman about any questions you may have.
There are also "kayak clubs" you can join which I most highly recommend. Those clubs sponsor outings where
you can paddle and also asks questions of the more experienced kayakers that you need some answers to.
50. comment for Thinking about buying a KayaK?? WATCH THIS!
I happen to have a totally rigged XL and I think this kayak is a great choice. I haven't had any of the issues that you're mentioning in this video.
Enjoy the water.
My buddie got a native slayer that us amazingly fast tracks like a dream and stops on a dime but tosses his ass every time a wave comes by for 1400 and spent another 650 on basic accessories... My other buddy did a lot more research and got a Jackson Big Rig and paid 1400 and it had all the right accessories. and that bastard is as stable as my diablo... Lesson we all took from it was Jackson was the smartest choice for dollars vs stability and everything ready to go.
attempted to corrupt a legitimate sport with all the added junk. Why not just buy a Bass
Buster instead for one forth the price if all you are going to do is just peddle around like
a little girl on a slack water pond.
(Meter,cm) thanks.
100. comment for Thinking about buying a KayaK?? WATCH THIS!
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-- Your old friend
here are some from OZ!!
with good winds and of course additional wave action from boats. My sister has the same
and so far they've handled lake and river. Weight capacity is 395 pounds. Love those other kayaks but can't complain about what I have.
How was you stirring with the second kayak?
with your hight and build (about the same as mine) I think the first kayak would suit me better, but I still would like the hand paddles too (just in case some thing fails) great video
Who in their right mind would stand up in a kayak? Since narrow boats are inherently less stable, such behavior defies common sense. Wouldn’t consider a kayak for fishing either. I’d prefer (I have) a more stable boat capable of conveniently carrying more gear...........
Lots of us stand up in a kayak. This Old Town Predator is designed with that in mind, I just bought one last year. Standing is a big help with fly fishing. Kayak fishing is incredible for so many reasons: quick easy launch, stealth, the ability to get into areas where even smaller boats can't go, the idea of getting there under you own power, the exercise, etc. Comparing to regular boat fishing isn't a fair comparison to either, different games altogether, neither totally better than the other. I'd give it a try before questioning someone's "right mind".
BTW - loved the empty GoPro case on your head... lol
Now I am looking for a versatile yak for rivers and lakes.
Canoe of Kayak?
I am looking for something to strap onto the top of my small SUV to fish from and my wife or son will go with me sometime.
thanks for watching Scott!
but don't stress it wont break it, just sounds bad.
I´m a Brazilian architect and I´m developing an Anphibious Sail Bicycle. It´s already working and now I want to make it faster on the water. I saw one propeler with pedals (the one that appear at minute 9:00 on the video) that is exactly what I was thinking for my prototype. It would be great if I can buy it and try, Can you help me to find the seller? If you wanna see more information about my project, go to
Thanks a lot for your help!!