This is me! Adventure Kayak trip from Vancouver to Alaska

A video diary of my solo kayak trip from Vancouver to Alaska, with no real kayaking experience, maps printed of google maps plus a two buck compass and a fishing rod. Facebook page for the book,

This is me! Adventure Kayak trip from Vancouver to Alaska sentiment_very_dissatisfied 46

Kayak 13 years ago 204,160 views

A video diary of my solo kayak trip from Vancouver to Alaska, with no real kayaking experience, maps printed of google maps plus a two buck compass and a fishing rod. Facebook page for the book,

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Most popular comments
for This is me! Adventure Kayak trip from Vancouver to Alaska

Mark Greenwood
Mark Greenwood - 6 years ago
Awesome adventure! Your vid has everything including a warm Scottish accent. It reminded me of the few years I lived in Dunoon. Good eats!
Mark Kinnard
Mark Kinnard - 7 years ago
Day 2 and the wind is blowing. Glad it doesn't just happen to me.
paul atkinson
paul atkinson - 7 years ago
Your a Legend I would really love to do this and really admire the balls in someone to just go and do this ,
ill wait for the kids to grow up a bit and then think of something like this , must just remember to bring some good rain gear :)
Well done Danny !
Traper Joe
Traper Joe - 7 years ago
Wow! Amazing trip! I hope one day I can do a similar trip before I am to old to do so!
Zack Johnson
Zack Johnson - 7 years ago
this was awesome.
Kelsie Foster
Kelsie Foster - 7 years ago
Shiela Foster says very proud of you x
richard flay
richard flay - 7 years ago
Reminds me of what Xavier Cugat used to say to Charo, "speak slowly and clearly"!
brian heppell
brian heppell - 7 years ago
you cost me 2 hours 40 minutes of my life to watch this video , so glad it did ! you lived my dream ; Good lad Danny loved every minute , thanks - frustrated old geordie canoeist.
Angelique J. Simard
Angelique J. Simard - 7 years ago
Those are Sea Cucumbers

10. comment for This is me! Adventure Kayak trip from Vancouver to Alaska

Patrik Jerksten
Patrik Jerksten - 7 years ago
Well done, inspiring to see others make grand trips. When do you plan to do your next?
GD - 7 years ago
What an inspiring journey ! Canada is my dream country to explore and I appreciate you sharing your journey. All the best from Scotland. Garry
Eisirt - 7 years ago
Fantastic video. Thoroughly enjoying it.
mitch - 7 years ago
best kayak adventure vid on the net, didn't want it to end. if you ever want to kayak the Pembrokeshire coast let me know and you could base camp from my house any day. top man all the best mitch
MattShafter - 8 years ago
Anyone that down votes this is a jealous twat.
combatclerko - 8 years ago
top adventure dannyami, watched it several times ,im getting a sea kayak this year, im based in south yorkshire so bit of a travel to the sea .flamborough north landings is close
mitch - 7 years ago
Pembrokeshire is a fantastic spot to kayak :)
francdejong - 8 years ago
You and your video have put a big smile on my face!
Rich Harris
Rich Harris - 8 years ago
Make some more videos dude!
MrStalch - 8 years ago
Hi there Danny.
I've just finished reading your book on kindle and I just wanted to say how impressed I was with the story and your writing style.
Well done.
Rob Niemeyer
Rob Niemeyer - 8 years ago
Beautiful trip my friend! I hope to be able to go on a epic adventure like that someday myself.

20. comment for This is me! Adventure Kayak trip from Vancouver to Alaska

David Drysdale
David Drysdale - 8 years ago
Great Video, Great Trip - What a shame America was so unwelcoming.
PushandillPushback - 8 years ago
0:35 how far is Vancouver from there? 4 hours of travel at roughly 10-15 km/hr. Shouldn't most of Vancouver dipped behind the curve of the earth by then?
newname - 7 years ago
PushandillPushback Vancouver is visible from Bowen island. It's a 20 min ferry ride from West Van.
Magnus Persson
Magnus Persson - 8 years ago
Awesome adventure! Really like these kinds of adventures...just go and figure it out as you go. Thanks for sharing!
Angry Scotsman
Angry Scotsman - 8 years ago
path of light
Liofa - 8 years ago
I wonder if you could have crossed the border at Peace Arch below Vancouver and kayak to Alaska from the US... Passing back through BC and into Alaska? ;)
Liofa - 8 years ago
Yeah I lived in Vancouver for 9 years and Canada immigration never took that green card. You could have showed them film of you leaving Kits Beach. Lol.
BearFootWanderer - 8 years ago
Those damn imaginary lines eh!
Downside about being Canadian is you have an asshole neighbor on both sides.
pfalky2k - 8 years ago
"it rained again this morning..." you're from Scotland! ;) lol you could kayak up the rain from your front door to the cloud dropping it ;) lol nice vid. great story :) hope your back's better :)
Manawydan - 8 years ago
"Let's see how close we can get before it runs of." was not how I expected the words "Look a bear on the beach." would end.
pfalky2k - 8 years ago
LMAO!!! "before it runs off" is what made me die. I'm thinking it'd be like "interesting. long-pig's started walking the feed TO me? YA DANCER!" LMAO! ;)
john conte jconte
john conte jconte - 8 years ago
did I hear right? took you 10 weeks of kayaking?

30. comment for This is me! Adventure Kayak trip from Vancouver to Alaska

Woody Corsair
Woody Corsair - 8 years ago
Did you happen to see any deer swimming across any open water?I made that trip from Seattle to Prince Ruppert and back in 1994.I was on a 50ft yacht.But I fished and crabbed to my hearts content.Glad you learned how to jig.
Rachelle Foreman
Rachelle Foreman - 8 years ago
Such a delight to watch your amazing journey!!! Great stories. Way to go!!!!
Mark Binstadt
Mark Binstadt - 8 years ago
Hey Danny,

I read your book and saw the video. What a great adventure. I will be doing a 3 week trip this summer. I am wondering how much of your diet was subsisted by seaweed and shellfish? Were you able to catch crab? Thanks for any info you can provide.
dannyami - 8 years ago
+Mark Binstadt Didn't eat seaweed as it takes a long time for the body to adjust to eating the stuff, any shellfish was just treats and although I took a basic crab trap I didn't catch any. Lots of fish and easy to catch once you know how. Cheers
Pedro Ventura
Pedro Ventura - 8 years ago
amazing trip! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us
pbkayakyer - 8 years ago
You mentioned a book, what's the title of it? I'd love to read it
dannyami - 8 years ago
+pbkayakyer Check out the speak bubbles at the start of the video, its called "this is me" on Amazon as an e-book or you can order a paperback from lulu. the Ebook is free for the first two weekends in April 2016. Cheers
mason lane
mason lane - 9 years ago
Enjoyed your book and video. Quite a bit of adventure for a lad! :)
Kylo Rich
Kylo Rich - 9 years ago
This is super inspiring, Buddy! I watched this years ago and here I am Feb 2016 watching it again! I will be living on the road full-time starting this June!
Laura Sherret
Laura Sherret - 9 years ago
What a great video! I lived in Bella Bella for a time and always wanted to kayak the inside passage but never did! I am in awe of the distance you travelled. Too bad you had such bad weather though, the summers are usually a bit nicer than that. There were a couple things that made me laugh out loud. I have fished from a kayak a bit and it is difficult to maneuver att the gear needed to land those fish! It never would have occurred to me to try and catch a halibut like that!!
By the end of the video I felt like I knew you and you had been sitting in my living room telling your story! Will look for the book and someone to head out to the west coast with for a week or two of paddling next summer! Keep adventuring!
PastorBach - 9 years ago
Danny - great Trip and a very nice video !!
Mike Czemerys
Mike Czemerys - 9 years ago
well done Danny,,,good job.enjoyed your video very much,have been to Prince Rupert several times,over to the island and all along the sunshine and kayaking. have checked out skookumchuck rapids,scary passage,with nasty whirls pools and tide changes,a beautiful coast...thanks for sharing your trip..if you ever feel like another adventure there are still some beautiful huge lakes in the interior with amazing scenery and water falls i have travelled
Allan Wilson
Allan Wilson - 9 years ago
Hey Danny you're a real adventurer, after watching your video I just went out and bought a Kayak. You are so lucky I fished for 10 years in Scotland before I caught my first salmon and you had one in 10 mins! U.S. immigration is a load of shite whereas Canada just welcome you in and tell you to stay as long as you want. Haste ye back Bro'.
Maritimer - 9 years ago
Hey Danny, randomly found your video, and Im glad I did, what an amazing trip ! I'd really like to do something like this! maybe not to this extent, not sure how I'd get that much time off haha thats my question, how did you get so much time off work/family to do this? Thank you for taking us along, loved your video !
Maritimer - 9 years ago
Kylo Rich
Kylo Rich - 9 years ago
No doubt! I would look into an extended vacation at that point! Many adventures can happen in a few days!
Maritimer - 9 years ago
thank you i'll follow for sure. it be hard to get her to travel like that, we just bought a house too haha 
Kylo Rich
Kylo Rich - 9 years ago
+Maritimer that's the thing, buddy. you gotta get your girlfriend on board to travel with you!! Jobs are replaceable but experiences and life aren't. :) yeah, I'll totally be documenting the entire process on YT. follow along if you want! cheers.
Maritimer - 9 years ago
+You Adventure hey thats crazy man, I hope you have the best journey ever! I don't know if I could quit my job and stuff though, GF/House to pay for haha are you going to make videos while on your journey? if so post to YT !
Kylo Rich
Kylo Rich - 9 years ago
+Maritimer I cannot speak for Danny, but I am planning a similar trip, except living in my Van. I watched and benchmarked off people and families who already it it. Planned for years and this June, its happening. I personally have no kids and not married, so that was easy to plan. I quit my job of 10 years to do it, so saved the proper amount of income to stay afloat for 2 years of not working. You can do it!!
pete C
pete C - 9 years ago
Really enjoying your Alaskan adventure Danny. You have been to some awesome places, met some awesome people and caught some awesome fish! :-)
Becky - 9 years ago
Excellent video. I will miss you lol. Loved the plane felt as if it was going to come through my iPad. Wow, what power. Thanks! Great video.
miguelbinha - 9 years ago
Amazing! I'm not going to watch all in one go. I'll savour it eheheheh
Frances Linda Marshall
Frances Linda Marshall - 9 years ago
bloody..thanks. We are a a retired couple living on Vancouver island (used to live on a sailboat) and we are new to kayaking and your video inspired us ....thanks So much
KP W - 9 years ago
I wonder what kind of kayak he had?
rob paq
rob paq - 9 years ago
Cool REAL documentary
kernowrock555 - 9 years ago
did you see any bears!?
raybird215 - 9 years ago
great vid enjoyed it. I build wooden kayaks and canoes. Retired last July and plan on doing a lot of both. Going to do a lot of camping also. Take care.

50. comment for This is me! Adventure Kayak trip from Vancouver to Alaska

Lew - 9 years ago
do you go with peepz?
Squatts Wild Camping
Squatts Wild Camping - 9 years ago
I just discovered this video by chance and so glad I did. What an amazing adventure. You just got another subscriber.
Kylo Rich
Kylo Rich - 9 years ago
+Squatts Wild Camping agreed! Inspiring video. I watched it two years ago and am back again.

If you love the freedom and inspiration of the open-road, swing by my page. Just quit my job of 10 years to hit the open road living in my Campervan. I will be documenting a lot of it here on my page. Cheers!
The Rock n Roll Terminators
The Rock n Roll Terminators - 9 years ago
10.48 any one else see an Eye in the clouds
M.P Ulberg
M.P Ulberg - 9 years ago
Well worth the 157 minute of watching. lol
Good on ya mate, thanks for including us on your amazing voyage. this is one of those adventure I've always dreamed of tackling one of these days. one of these day baby one of these days.
draaktatsu - 9 years ago
Wait dont british citizens get visa free entry to the USA?
jamie rodgers
jamie rodgers - 9 years ago
+draaktatsu What does that have to do with it? or does he go right to alaska?
PrivateParty - 9 years ago
I am so glad that quality vids like this are free in 2015.
I am refining my work every day to accomplish a value level equal to this or higher.
I really enjoy what I am doing and I know that there are viewers who would appreciate it too!
Fred L
Fred L - 9 years ago
nice !
Dimitar - 9 years ago
Is book available? I'd like to buy one :)
TompMulle Videos
TompMulle Videos - 9 years ago
I've seen 46 minutes so far and its been all the way "oh you wont believe all the things I've seen today". Come on man. Film it :p. Its like listening to an old sailor and his story's about how he fought seemonsters from day in and day out.
Rsdisme - 9 years ago
Great adventure! Thanks for sharing it.
Bas Forch
Bas Forch - 9 years ago
Thnx for sharing, watched it non stop. Took me right back to my travelling days. Be well my friend
Shewie01 - 9 years ago
Just stunning, well done that man

It makes my epic Scottish west coast trips seem like a day paddle

Inspiring stuff
The Long Long Trip
The Long Long Trip - 9 years ago
Great video Danny, just finished after watching over the last couple of months. I do long distance cycle touring and am just starting out on my kayak adventures. Thanks for the inspiration and will be picking up he book. Cheers
sharkeyfives - 9 years ago
Great video thanks for sharing it with us.
Mike festiva
Mike festiva - 9 years ago
Danny thanks for taking the time to make this video! It's a great adventure that you have shared with us. I live in the North west and have kayaked most of the strait of Juan de fuca, I have wanted to check out the inside passage, seeing your video has inspiring me. Thanks! PS I just ordered your book.
Sco Outside
Sco Outside - 9 years ago
When is the book coming out???

Loved the attempt at explaining a numpty. The were few terms in there that will baffle the folks of the world. Epic trip pal. Gon yersel.
Roberto Rescigno
Roberto Rescigno - 10 years ago
Dear Danny, you are a superb adventurer beyond measure, you have found a true treasure in this adventure, thank you for sharing it was truly a pleasure, to watch you day by day as you kayaked through the sea at your leisure!!!;-)) keep on paddling!!!
Roberto Rescigno
Roberto Rescigno - 10 years ago
+Roberto Rescigno onwards to your next adventure, hope to see you there!
Roberto Rescigno
Roberto Rescigno - 10 years ago
silverado669 - 10 years ago
WOW! Absolutely amazing, man! Trip of a lifetime :) I bet that was so rough getting back to the grind of everyday life.
neintales - 10 years ago
wow so inspiring :) how killer was the whale?
Edwin Dueck
Edwin Dueck - 10 years ago
Good luck to you on you new adventures
Cameron Eddy
Cameron Eddy - 10 years ago
look at the eye in the sky at 11:00. crazy perfect. I was yelling look out behind you!!!!
astevo1983 - 10 years ago
Great and inspirational video. This is my dream trip. I really want to do it myself someday soon. Have you got a blog or anything with more details about it? I'd be very interested in the logistics of it. There's loads more stuff I'd like to know about this trip -Did you buy the kayak and sell it after / rent it? Was getting supplies along the way difficult? How much money would I need to save up and how much time off work would I need? That kind of thing. Thanks for sharing it. Alex 
dml505 - 10 years ago
Amazing! What a video thank you for sharing your adventure, I truly enjoyed it. Talk about enjoying life and appreciating nature. Thanks again
J Uttley
J Uttley - 10 years ago
brilliant video.  One of the longest I have watched on youtube, but also one of the best.  thought you had balls doing it on your own, but you made me laugh out loud when you spotted the bear on the beach and then said lets see how close we can get before IT runs off!  you seem very lucky all the way through with the people you met and the resources you came across. Well done, a great vid and I will be buying the book to go with it.  Now planning a trip of my own, but a bit closer to home to start with - start nice and easy on the river spey....look forward to your next adventure
David Macdonald
David Macdonald - 10 years ago
Well done .
HydraYak Outdoors
HydraYak Outdoors - 10 years ago
Great vid! I want to do this.
SRV. 123
SRV. 123 - 10 years ago
Thank you.  I watched the whole thing.  Well done. You fulfilled many others dream but are unable to go for one reason or another.
Robb Walker
Robb Walker - 10 years ago
Oh, man!  I have so much to say (all positive) about your epic trip, that I don't know where to begin.  In fact, I'm not even going to start because my post would end up taking as long to read as your video took to watch!

All I want you to know is that you are an incredibly brave man and a true adventurer!  I so wish I had the means to just take off and become one with nature for a long while as you did.  Unfortunately (well, fortunately, actually), I have too many obligations and loved ones at home that I could not part company with for such a long time.  However, your journey inspires me to plan short, "get away from it all" trips back here at home somehow.  Once warm weather returns again next year, I'm just going to get out there and DO IT!

I'm purchasing your book now.  I read the teaser excerpt on Amazon, and it sounds great.  If it's even half as good and detailed as the video, it will make for an awesome read!

Thank you for letting me come along on your adventure (virtually).  It was EPIC!
2katherina - 10 years ago
My husband and I did our kayak trip in a single and double kayak back in 1991-92 and your video brought it back for me. We spent 6 months going from Kitimat to Vancouver, photographing and we spent 4 days in Namu which was a definite highlight. At that time there were 11 people living there. Thanks for sharing your trip!
MrZ4X5C6V7 - 10 years ago
             This the longest video that I have ever watched.  I found you psychologically interesting. You changed your speech patterns and accents over time. You grew a beard. 
  You were not prepared but you got lucky and didn't get seriously injured or die like others who have come before you and got caught unprepared for any eventuality. Next time travel in safety ,  luxury and convenience. 
  Listen, learn, live, love and laugh         Ba ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
Richard Baker
Richard Baker - 10 years ago
Fantastic! Dude you have guts to do something like this. Too bad about the trouble in Alaska. Can't wait to read the book
TheWestWind - 10 years ago
Thanks Danny - my trekking days are done (in a wheelchair now at 43) but I can still live vicariously through folks like you - well done! Thanks a zillion. It means more than you could ever know.
frode o
frode o - 10 years ago
hello. impressive trip through beautiful scenery. frode
Williegogo Mcneil
Williegogo Mcneil - 10 years ago
What an awesome video. I absolutely enjoyed it from beginning to end. Thank you for sharing this trip.
Ivadinuff Shudupyabitch
Ivadinuff Shudupyabitch - 10 years ago
inspirational !
Steve Krewson
Steve Krewson - 10 years ago
Thank you for taking us along on your journey. I hope to do something like that one of these days. Did you ever end up seeing a whale, besides the killer? Thanx again for sharing. Take care.
MrSyrupmasta - 10 years ago do you take care your pooping needs, what do you do?
Jim Hill
Jim Hill - 10 years ago
Wonderful movie but I don't think I'd  ever get any sleep at night while hanging in the hammock.
Pat McNulty
Pat McNulty - 10 years ago
Totally enjoyed it ! Ill have to read the book
Daniel Hall
Daniel Hall - 10 years ago
Thanks for making. 
Lee Humes
Lee Humes - 10 years ago
Our intrepid emigration cops keeping us safe from Scottish commandos paddling in acting all friendly while they're really filming surveillance videos of strategic creeks and beaches from their concealed stealth hammocks. I'll sleep better knowing. Maybe we should thank Sarah Palin? After all, on a clear day, she could actually see Russia while staring blankly out her statehouse window....
Welcome to the idiocy, bro. The only thing left to do is laugh and paddle back to relative sanity in Canada.
Walter Foss
Walter Foss - 6 years ago
Malcolm Cullen Look up little diomede and big diomede islands. Russia, Siberia on big, Alaska, US on little. You can see across them on a clear day.
Malcolm Cullen
Malcolm Cullen - 7 years ago
The Bering Strait is 55 miles at its narrowest point, i.e. you cannot see across it.
FraggingBard - 8 years ago
Minor nitpick, Palin didn't actually say that. She did say you can see Russia from Alaska and on a clear day that's true enough, there is Russian territories within sight of Alaska. Doesn't sound as good though so political opponents changed it. C'est la guerre.
Michele Halbert
Michele Halbert - 10 years ago
Downloaded the book straight after watching and I watching and I wasn't disappointed. Great extra detail and so honest!  
Michele Halbert
Michele Halbert - 10 years ago
Great film Danny you are a brave man! From couping over in the Tweed to solo kayaking the Alaskan inside passage its a amazing adventure! Love that your doing you own thing in North America and had the determination to learn to Kayak and with limited funds and experience set of from Vancouver to get to Alaska simply because you wanted to. Thanks for letting all us who are far to scared to attempt something like this share in your journey :)
getsmarthypnosis - 10 years ago
Damn, after watching the entire video, I must apologize for the behavior of my country. This place is not what it used to be. :(
getsmarthypnosis - 10 years ago
Did you find any pearls in the oysters?
Todd Mitchell
Todd Mitchell - 10 years ago
What a great trip!  I watched the whole thing in one go!  Thanks for posting.
Ed Forbes
Ed Forbes - 10 years ago
Ryan Barber
Ryan Barber - 10 years ago
I'm sure enjoying this movie of yours. Thank you for sharing it. I've long had a hope to make this trip myself.
Rick Insanitorium
Rick Insanitorium - 10 years ago
Completely jealous. 
nealkinevil - 10 years ago
good video thanks for uploading. Umbrella comes in handy on the coast.  

100. comment for This is me! Adventure Kayak trip from Vancouver to Alaska

Tim O'Brien
Tim O'Brien - 10 years ago
Great minimalist trip... I would of added 2 umbrellas...One for canopy keep the rain off me and the other for a sail... I would add pedal power.. Our legs are twice as strong as our arms... Different means of propulsion make the trip easier and maybe more enjoyable... Maybe foam folding outriggers for waves... Love the fishing stories  just being free... I would eat the fish raw...
Richard Penyak
Richard Penyak - 10 years ago
Awesome adventure. I hope you ended your trip with that awesome burger you were dreaming about:) Great video! I just had my Tarpon 120 delivered today. I'm gonna take baby steps but hope to start with over nighters soon and gradually build to longer ventures.
Alan - 10 years ago
Someone should give you a TV show. 
abialo2010 - 10 years ago
i watched the whole film. Your journey was inspiring. I have to say, if I dont get laid every 2 weeks or so I lose my shit. You went like 10 weeks! dude, I dont know how you did it
A Scot in Argentina
A Scot in Argentina - 10 years ago
Really enjoyed following your trip Danny. All the best.
mangamark67 - 10 years ago
Epic trip.
Robert Cadman
Robert Cadman - 10 years ago
Just watched this for the second time.  Great video!  I love the subtle F-bomb @ 1:13:39
Roffy001 - 10 years ago
Mate , I really enjoyed this. Wheres your next trip and do mind a tag along?
SwoopdySwoop - 10 years ago
what did you do for fresh water
dave palmer
dave palmer - 9 years ago
The inside passage is one the rainiest places on earth. Fresh water everywhere.
Ed lane
Ed lane - 10 years ago
Life straw maybe? 
Timothy Forbes
Timothy Forbes - 10 years ago
What'd you do for drinking water? Did you have a desalinator like the Katadyn Survivor 06, or were lucky enough to find streams inland or springs once you were along the coast?
dannyami - 10 years ago
I was always along the coast, apart from big crossings so plenty of streams
adventuresinbelieving - 10 years ago
crikey...could use a good edit - like say cut 2hours off it!  lol
adventuresinbelieving - 9 years ago
why thank you kind madam. Your positivity is a sheer joy.  But please excuse me whilst I return to that breezy week Revenant cinematic set-piece. Tally-ho!
Mary Boorman
Mary Boorman - 9 years ago
+adventuresinbelieving I think maybe you could do with a "good editing sir!"
The enjoyable aspect of this wee doco was in getting a feel for Danny's lovely personality.
I think the length of this was brilliant - me and my brother who are also adventurers could fully relate to his day by day, bit by bit explanation of what he experienced. It's called SLOW living. If we all slowed down maybe we could find ourselves. Full marks for you Danny! We loved watching this. You were blessed with meeting some super lovely folks and situations. Most excellent. :-)
Brother Jake's Konservative Evolution
Brother Jake's Konservative Evolution - 10 years ago
Short attention span?
DarkfateTV - 10 years ago
+dannyami i enjoyed how detailed it was, going through each day, thank you for sharing your amazing adventure!
dannyami - 10 years ago
Here you go Sherlock Kayak Trip Teaser "this is me!"
Jim Camden
Jim Camden - 10 years ago
The US Immigration does not put the welcome mat out, they clobber you over the head with it. As a citizen of the US I apologize.
Despiser Despised
Despiser Despised - 10 years ago
Have him try putting in Yak in a Lake in Santa Clara County California if you want to see Govt with hammers ;)

The Govt should be apologizing to America..
Rayzer - 10 years ago
You, sir, just lived my dream. That was amazing and very enjoyable to watch.
bimba- lola
bimba- lola - 10 years ago
iam enjoy your video,,hope I can been there oneday,,from KL city,,nice,
Tipi Dan
Tipi Dan - 10 years ago
An incredible, classic adventure… absolutely gripping.  Thanks for sharing!
The Hapless Hobo
The Hapless Hobo - 10 years ago
Watched the whole thing...What a trip......Hope all went well with immigration....MIke
Thomas Walker
Thomas Walker - 10 years ago
Great watch. I know this was a great experience. Soon I will get away to do something similar.
shawn corfe
shawn corfe - 11 years ago
best vid iv seen in a while .good scottish  weather.
cnawan - 11 years ago
Tonight on the Food Network: Hungry Scot Eats All The Fish :3
EastBayFM - 11 years ago
Are you carrying a rifle or a handgun/flare gun? I would love to do this trip solo or with friends but I wouldnt feel safe from bears without something to scare them off or protect myself.
colin whyte
colin whyte - 11 years ago
hi really enjoyed this video thanks and good luck in the future always fancied a kayak trip with wild camping all the best from a fellow scott take care mate...colin. [is that a DD tarp /hammock your using?]
Vinnie Taormina
Vinnie Taormina - 11 years ago
What kayak did you use
paulalexander - 11 years ago
Great video thanks for sharing :) I am heading off mid June for a 3 month circumnavigation of Ireland everyone should understand more what is on their front door! Did a week in BC Vancouver Is a few years back and loved it ! Thanks again..
Weehutchy jr
Weehutchy jr - 11 years ago
Are u Scottish I am and I was looking for the long kayak camping video and it's better that your Scottish
Weehutchy jr
Weehutchy jr - 10 years ago
hell yeah man lol i 
Joe Mulgrew
Joe Mulgrew - 10 years ago
Are you joking when you ask he is Scottish with that accent?
office G
office G - 11 years ago
Awesome trip so far(only 36 mins in), though i would not assume a note saying "Come in and eat" means pls take our food. I hope if you did take food from the cabin you at least left some money to replace it.

*Edit: Did you bring some rat traps for squirrel and other small animals?
dave bevan
dave bevan - 11 years ago
Well done m8 I watched the whole trip over a few days at intervals. You are really brave to do this,
Stefan Milo
Stefan Milo - 11 years ago
You have inspired me to take kayaking to the next level!  Thanks a lot for this.
lucy dog neve
lucy dog neve - 11 years ago
Enjoyed the  video excellent
håkan anderberg
håkan anderberg - 11 years ago
Fantastic. Well done. Thanks for sharing.
(singlehanded seattle-sitka-seattle on a small sailboat 1991)
Kevin Serginson
Kevin Serginson - 11 years ago
Excellent! What an adventure. Thanks :)
Jim Haley
Jim Haley - 11 years ago
You Sir,,,have great big balllllllls,,good stuff
ikuyuhfbg - 11 years ago
those slugs my friend were very tasty sea cucumbers. There is a tasty strip in the center like squid, too bad you threw them back!
mycarpounds - 11 years ago
Who would thumbs down this adventure??? Like really..... Get a Life.
Tuco Salamanca
Tuco Salamanca - 11 years ago
Like, oh my god. I know, right?
millibs - 11 years ago
u r the man 4 this come to ontario summer 2014 well do up a trip thanks 4 this video great watch
DonnyOutdoors - 11 years ago
Well that was an epic journey. Enjoyed all of that. Very inspiring.
Doc J
Doc J - 11 years ago
This was the most amazing epic adventure I have ever witnessed. Thanks for uploading this. I loved every minute of it, and am motivated to do something similar. Cheers !
toastybeer - 11 years ago
thanks for sharing.. enjoy the whole video 
FourteenSix Church
FourteenSix Church - 11 years ago
You have no idea how special this video is to me. That cabin on Craycroft Island was built by my Uncle Ray Marks. My name is Patrick Marks and I grew up going to that cabin every year from when I was about 6 until I finished high school. We lived there every summer. I've not been back in 10 years but when I saw this I was totally thrilled. Can't wait to get there again this coming summer (2014). I'll have to make a vid and let you know about it. Talk about a small world. Glad the hospitality of the Marks family was of benefit to you!
Robyn Buyer
Robyn Buyer - 11 years ago
you sir, have made my internet day with this story. i love finding out the disconnectedness of the world,. your families kindness is an example of the good in people that we need more of in this world
Mike Fergus
Mike Fergus - 11 years ago
Great stuff. Thought I'd watch about 15 mins and ended up watching all of it in one sitting.  Well done for doing what many of us dream to do but probably never will.
The Matt Johnson YouTube Channel
The Matt Johnson YouTube Channel - 11 years ago
Yeah man. I really enjoyed that. Thank you.
Slavko Rajcevic
Slavko Rajcevic - 11 years ago
unglaublich^^,habe so etwas gutes noch nie auf YouTube gesehen, du hast meinen vollen Respekt, aus der Story lässt sich bestimmt ein guter Abenteuerfilm machen ;-)
Michelle Fereiro
Michelle Fereiro - 11 years ago
love this video. I'm an hour and a half in and still loving it.  I used to live in Vancouver and wish I had the kayaking bug back then! I live in Devon, UK now but one day perhaps I'll get back to BC.  I really like that you made bannock while there. Great vid, thanks for sharing!
Pedro DaSiva
Pedro DaSiva - 11 years ago
Thanks, Danny! I enjoyed it all very much.
kids monent
kids monent - 11 years ago
hey man…great video…quite the adventure…what kind of kayak?
kids monent
kids monent - 11 years ago
nice…thank you…i'm from Southeast Alaska, born and raised and my brother and I plan on going on a lot of trips around Southeast via kayak when we get out of the military….Take care and good travels.
dannyami - 11 years ago
A current designs storm
halle marks
halle marks - 11 years ago
OMG that's my Cabin the Marks FAMLIY that's my last name we built all the. Forts my dad built the cabin he built it all out of beach wood THANK YOU all so much for likeing my FAMLIY cabin By Halle Marks
ronald martel
ronald martel - 11 years ago
do you plan to get ppl to go with you on next trip?sounds fun,i have zodiac but would love to make a trip someday ...
Bushmans Wildhiking
Bushmans Wildhiking - 11 years ago
Great, you have already planned a new trip?
dannyami - 11 years ago
I would say a good base fitness is all you need, try not to have a time frame and fitness doesn't really matter.
hank wang
hank wang - 11 years ago
I love the way you look at life. "Great day to be alive", "yum yum yum", Life should be simple and you will be happy. easier said than done. Just get some questions how much preparation physically you have to do to go on a trip like this? Great video. God Bless.
Brad Alan
Brad Alan - 11 years ago
I would like to say thank you for posting. The trip was beautiful and i was always wanting to see what was next. I do have one question tho? Did you ever get the coin to the guy who the native girl gave you? lol . You are a beast bro Im glad i got to check this video out. I hope all is well with you and yours. Im off to subscribe now lol
Brad Alan
Brad Alan - 11 years ago
I was thinking the same thing. all the best brother
Michael Plesch
Michael Plesch - 11 years ago
I'm somewhat embarrassed, that when you got to the hot springs in the state of Alaska that some numbskull had graffitied the area up. I apologize to you sir as a US citizen for their stupidity. Otherwise I really enjoyed your video, Thanks for sharing.
Ben Harris
Ben Harris - 11 years ago
fair play for doing the trip solo! did you buy the kayak there or take it with you ?
Robin England
Robin England - 11 years ago
Great job, just ordered the book, cant wait till I retire and take long kayaking trip.
Mad Jack Tramper
Mad Jack Tramper - 11 years ago
Totally excellent video mate, I have just been glued to it with the missus for the duration and we are so full of envy. We have both agreed we would not have bothered with the return to civilisation though lol. Please please please make more trips for all us green with envy followers :)
Kadota52 - 11 years ago
I bought your book Danny, you need to redo it. It's way too short. ...and give us more to watch too!!
MrJobcon - 11 years ago
I thoroughly enjoyed the story and your narrative. Very inspirational. The embarrassing part for me is that it took a man from Scotland to show me what I can do in my own backyard! I've never been kayaking before but am now actively looking to get one and have my own adventures. Thanks for showing me the light Danny - Cheers and God Bless.
DENMONKEY - 11 years ago
enjoyed the video mate, would be interested if you would knock up a series of the gear you took, and how you managed your food and water requirements.
lex0427 - 11 years ago
Just bought your kindle book Danny. Really looking forward to reading about the trip.
Jesus Wept
Jesus Wept - 11 years ago
Sorry the comment box is eluding me, so I have to use reply. A truely epic journey nd fantastic video and it got better as it went along. Great spirit mate, understated and you dealt with the petty minded bureaucracy(kyraphobia - the fear of large scale attack by kayak) of the USA with style. I will buy your book to acompany me on my own kayak journey down the Ganga river next month. so from one Celt to another Slainte and may you have many more great journeys
C. Cleveland
C. Cleveland - 11 years ago
Outstanding. Green with envy I am. Can you share the make and model of your kayak?
Thomas, Nadya La Grand Esquivion Sarakasi
Thomas, Nadya La Grand Esquivion Sarakasi - 11 years ago
nice to see
thewackeddoctors - 11 years ago
This video and your adventure is awesome! At 41min, did you ever figure out if you could eat those mussels? Take care bro, eager to hear your reply.
Jose Ochoa
Jose Ochoa - 11 years ago
KayakWildCamping - 11 years ago
What a fantastic trip. Your a natural in front of the camera and have a really great way of telling a story. It is films like this one that inspires you (and a wee bit of envy). Thanks mate.
Densum Ranger
Densum Ranger - 11 years ago
Dannyami, what a great adventure you must make another one lol, fantastic mate. Densum-Scotland.
The DG Beat
The DG Beat - 11 years ago
So great! Extremely inspiring. Thank you for posting. Looking in to the book now.
Joe Mulgrew
Joe Mulgrew - 11 years ago
Great video but its more about the food and meals between Vancouver and Alaska . You like your grub but still jealous of your amazing trip .
Gear Head
Gear Head - 11 years ago
Awesome video. Thanks so much for filming it!
Greg JOHNSON - 11 years ago
What type of Kayak? How much training before the trip? A day mate
Don Adamms
Don Adamms - 11 years ago
Hey, enjoyed your video immensely I am planning something similar up the coast next summer. Do you have a supply list of what you took published anywhere? longest solo I have done was a week so am extremely interested in learning of what you took.
dannyami - 11 years ago
I used this method and added raisins or whatever I had which at one point was mini marshmallows, which was really tasty!
Big Joe, Outdoors.
Big Joe, Outdoors. - 11 years ago
Enjoyed the vid. What recipe did you use for making bannock???
Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt - 11 years ago
Great vid ,great attitude I'm inspired again ,faith in humanity temporarily restored. I will buy your book.I was raised in campbell river but now live in the okanagan but I will never forget the rain fog and smells, thanks for the vid and if your ever in the penticton area I would love to have you over for dinner salmon and oysters for me and steak for you.
Kylo Rich
Kylo Rich - 11 years ago
I am only 9 minutes in and I can tell this is going to be a brilliant watch. I am planning a year-long trip around the U.S. in an RV van and this is super inspiring. Keep it up, my friend.
daddybear443 - 11 years ago
Native Princess? Baaaaaaaah haaaaaaaah haaaaaaaah. Let me guess.... she was cherokee?
Dolores Greco
Dolores Greco - 11 years ago
This weekend I am going to Kayak for the first time around the thousands of islands up in the Geogian Bay Area. Wish me luck, it is a guided tour for beginners, two nights of camping. I will think of you as I start this journey of mine, I hope it sticks.
Dolores Greco
Dolores Greco - 11 years ago
You are an inspiration Danny, I am so happy to have come upon this video. I am almost 60 and have always admired the kayakers I see in Georgian Bay, Ontario.
Josh Wyatt
Josh Wyatt - 11 years ago
how did you keep your battery for your camera charged?
slowmotiontrainwreck - 11 years ago
where do you get your passport stamped when crossing the boarder via water?
qrthrse1 - 11 years ago
How did you maintain drinking water, and how much fresh water do you travel with? I was wondering what kind of kayak you have and what size?
qrthrse1 - 11 years ago
Were you disappointed to paddle 50 days straight to America, just to be kicked out? Lol. That will teach ya.
Kayakfishnadventure - 11 years ago
I'm planning the trip for Summer 2018. Not sure if I will go from Skagway to Deception Pass or Deception Pass to Skagway. Think I'll have to read your book before I go.
Secret Squirrel
Secret Squirrel - 11 years ago
Really enjoyed this!! and am looking forward to the book! Am inspired all inspired now to do another trip of my own..... God speed
Robin Massters
Robin Massters - 11 years ago
I've been all over Alaska, and I hope you get to see more of it sometime. Funny thing about the "border" business--if you had come through the southern U.S. border, they would have given you 20 years to leave. I will enjoy your book. Oh, if I close my eyes, I could swear I was listening to Adrian Paul--your voice sounds just like his.
Geoff Graham
Geoff Graham - 11 years ago
Inspirational! I can't wait to get out on my trips this summer. What part of Scotland are you from? I have family in Greenock. Would love to kayak in Scotland one year.
nathan papineau
nathan papineau - 11 years ago
Lol, just thought of him saying no to skinny diping, to much for my old heart and yet hes been kayaking for so long
rory forster
rory forster - 11 years ago
WOW Amazing this guy is living!
marcandsebe - 11 years ago
How did you charge your video camera for such a long trip?
dannyami - 11 years ago
dannyami - 11 years ago
Just the hammock and tarp in the video
marcandsebe - 11 years ago
Fantastic video. Did you bring a tent, tarp and hammock?
Danny L
Danny L - 11 years ago
Did you check for Red Tide before eating the shellfish?
Tim Perrier
Tim Perrier - 11 years ago
This was great! watched the whole thing
Vanz75 - 11 years ago
yes..every travel!!
Vanz75 - 11 years ago
the kayak is a Riot?SEakayak?hn?
J. Chris Watson
J. Chris Watson - 11 years ago
I must say that this video was so inspiring for me. Paddling the Inside Passage is on my bucket list but your effusive enthusiam and joy of life was so refreshing. I would love to meet you on the water and share a beer and some salmon anytime, Sir.
BoJac - 11 years ago
Wow!!! Determination!!!
Robbie Noble
Robbie Noble - 11 years ago
incredible, finally watched it and am amazed, envious, and just astonished...awesome my man danny boy
webg03 Galway
webg03 Galway - 11 years ago
Great trip, how do you make the bannock?
Flaviano URTIGÃO
Flaviano URTIGÃO - 11 years ago
Muito lindo o lugar, parabéns pela aventura, paz pura paz, valeu cada minuto......
matrixi4i - 11 years ago
Fantastic Danny - would like to do the same trip - Did Orinoco river 4 years ago - Great -
Jason - 12 years ago
Halibut. Breaded with Panko and crushed pistachios and spices. Lightly pan fry for two minutes a side, then pop in oven til cooked. Best god*$& thing I've ever eaten.
bihuset - 12 years ago
Im planing a trip Denmark rount, 40 dayes, but how do i find som off the pleaces you bin. ?? Im from denmark in EU, hov do i find a small city to start out off,???
Goran Catic
Goran Catic - 12 years ago
Great trip man, I really enjoyed watching it!
davidemonkeymango - 12 years ago
Amazing and inspiring! Thank you so much for your courage and strength!
JakeFourBump - 12 years ago
great storey well told makes me want too pack up my kayak and go
totalycarcrazy - 12 years ago
I used to live right near the beach you stopped on @ 22 min!!
Les McDougall
Les McDougall - 12 years ago
Absolutley superb :) REALLY has inspired me to get out in the wilderness and appreciate the beauty of nature more. THANK YOU for this film Danny
papamikeonatrike - 12 years ago
Great adventure. Thank you.
Stompdowner - 12 years ago
Enjoyed almost the full video thanks :)
jonzo trikeman
jonzo trikeman - 12 years ago
Braw mun
Smokingfeatherwalks - 12 years ago
Absolutely brilliant! So impressed with the will to follow your dreams. I will check out the book. Thanks you for posting this inspirational video. Cheers, Jim
Mark Coleman
Mark Coleman - 12 years ago
Well done mate! What a truly adventurous endeavour. Good on you.
Eagleclaw72 - 12 years ago
Maybe a southbound trip next?
shamsham1983 - 12 years ago
jon michaels
jon michaels - 12 years ago
Nice! Well done, you get one shot at life, and you are making the most of it. Some questions: how old are you? Did you take a gun? Unbelievable about immigration Gnite. I watched the whole thing and shared it. Jon
TheBarkeater - 12 years ago
Thank you for sharing this awesome video. I can not wait to get my touring kayak this spring. I will be looking to making some videos of kayak camping in the Adirondacks. I really enjoyed your video.
Barry Walstead
Barry Walstead - 12 years ago
What a great adventure, thank you so much for the time you spent to make this video to share. Hopefully I am going to do the same basic trip in the next couple years, I'm beginning the advance planning now!
dannyami - 12 years ago
haha no but I wont buy any!
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 12 years ago
jeff needham
jeff needham - 12 years ago
thanks for sharing. what a trip!
dannyami - 12 years ago
I found buzz bombs were the best, but the guys fishing for big halibut were using all kinds of bright and big lures. The bigger the lure the bigger the fish so a wee buzz bomb was just right for my dinner. Cheers
Wayne Busby
Wayne Busby - 12 years ago
Hey Danny....what a fantastic adventure. I thoroughly enjoyed your video diary. I spent a week up in the inner passage this summer with a guided group and just kept thinking how I'd love to slip away early one morning and go paddle-about solo for a couple of weeks. I agree with you, the peace and quiet of that beautiful part of the world is amazing. When fishing (jigging), what did you use as bait? Good on ya....Look forward to the book
dannyami - 12 years ago
I would do another long kayak trip yeah, miss the peace and quiet and simple way of life
steve rowland
steve rowland - 12 years ago
wow amazing, would you do it all over again?
centralian1 - 12 years ago
Damn fine effort and many thanks for doing the video so people like me from around the globe can experience a little of what it was like. I am in Canberra, Australia and would one day love to see that part of the world up close like this. Until then I will just enjoy videos like yours. Cheers Paul
Phil Darkside
Phil Darkside - 12 years ago
Fantastic video, great adventure! Thanks for sharing with us.
dannyami - 12 years ago
I used a Contour helmet cam, low power consumption and was able to charge it by using a wind up torch with a usb cable
Abby Christine
Abby Christine - 12 years ago
I've been searching YouTube for a vid like this for a long time! Thank you!! PS just wondering, what kind of camera are you using?
Emanuel B
Emanuel B - 12 years ago
And why didn't you show us all what kind of kit you brought??
Emanuel B
Emanuel B - 12 years ago
Sir, please add me on Facebook so I can ask you some questions about planning my own expedition.
Steve Smith
Steve Smith - 12 years ago
Great watch! wow where's the time gone :-) thanks
trooper1551 - 12 years ago
Fantastic vid Danny thankyou very much...what a place to be on,cheers.
Josh Hartelt
Josh Hartelt - 12 years ago
An absolutely wonderful trip you've taken here, inspiring to say the least. I've always wanted to do something adventurous like that and I really felt like I was with you while I watched your video. You have a great outlook on life, you are very positive even in grim circumstances and always took on the world with a smile. Great work sir, you are truly an adventurer.
dannyami - 12 years ago
haha thanks, I'm still in Canada, changed my life? before the trip I knew i could do it, after the trip I knew I could do anything even the most alien thing to me. like writing a book...
hl47 - 12 years ago
I just finished watching your 2.5 hour film! Better than a theatre movie! Where are you now? How did your journey change your life? Please don't suggest that I read your book!
fenderisgood - 12 years ago
this is like survivor man mixed with...henry david thoreau
Shadowedtower - 12 years ago
Dan! Wow this is one of the best vids on youtube yet! Thanks so much for posting it up, you're truly an inspiration sir. I've been wanting to do this for far to long but not so epic a journey as you lol. Keep it up! Im posting this to my facebook =)
Steve Duncan
Steve Duncan - 12 years ago
Hey Danny, that's a super video you have put together, enjoyed every minute. Your a character that's for sure and a resourceful one too. Good luck with whatever you do next!
Tom Lounsbury
Tom Lounsbury - 12 years ago
Wow, you da man. You actually did what I dream. I am going to do that trip before I die.
solobackpacking - 12 years ago
Subtitles please.
simon gibbons
simon gibbons - 12 years ago
Just watched it again, this is my release. Hope one day to do something similar.
JenCh3wGurl - 12 years ago
Incredible! So envious :P
cowboyup1251 - 12 years ago
did u have a gun with you ?
cowboyup1251 - 12 years ago
That was way to cool enjoyed the video so much looked like alot of fun !!!
dannyami - 12 years ago
nobody does the full inside passage trips but you can do guided week long trips. There is a facebook page set up to keep people updated on the book, link is just under the video Cheers Danny
James Hermes
James Hermes - 12 years ago
simon gibbons
simon gibbons - 12 years ago
Hello again, apologies for the illiteracy below. Just read thru the previous comments, a lot of respect and wannabies including me. Does anyone do organised trips?
simon gibbons
simon gibbons - 12 years ago
Hi, I am new to kayaking, just thought I would watch few YouTube via to see what people do. WOW did'nt expect that, I'm 44 and still scared of the dark , bears no problem. You are a brave man, one hour that remote at night and I would be off. The video reminded me of that chap on channel 4 I think who got dropped off in the wilderness for a month and started going cuckoo after 2 weeks, but he did'nt see a single person the whole time he was there. Will try and keep an eye for the book. Amazing,.
dannyami - 12 years ago
I have made a facebook page to keep people updated on the book, going to add some pictures and an intro to the book. thanks for all the amazing comments!
BrasherN - 12 years ago
Amazing video, watched from start to finish. Subscribed
dismaldog-William - 12 years ago
Best Video i have ever Watched-Many thanks Mate.
DayUntoDay - 12 years ago
Do you know when the book will be out? -Reggie
dismaldog-William - 12 years ago
Watched 1 hour so far-Great video.How the heck did it get 2 dislikes????
Peartree Productions
Peartree Productions - 12 years ago
BY the way, what time of year did you start this amazing tour?
Peartree Productions
Peartree Productions - 12 years ago
I've gotta say dude, inspirational doesn't seem to quite cut it some how. I now need to plan some kind of trip in the UK that will fill the inadequacy that I feel. Perhaps a circumnavigation would appease the jealousy factor. Peace out man.
Robin Flannery
Robin Flannery - 12 years ago
Any News on the book? would love a copy :) going to try and follow in them paddle strokes at some point. Great video loved it :)
rusty keller
rusty keller - 12 years ago
How did you protect yourself from those most potential of hazards to kayakers, "Bears, and Tourists?" I read about a kayaker back in the 70's who used to go to and from Alaska every summer. He only wore cutoff jeans, and a tee shirt. At night he would sometimes just park his kayak in a bunch of kelp, slide down into his kayak until his head was on the seat, and with nothing exposed to the outside but his face looking up through the cockpit opening, would sleep that way. Pretty tough dude.
lex0427 - 12 years ago
Great video diary Danny . I'm a frustrated adventurer - a Scot, and so admire what you've done. Where in Scotland are you from?
Scott Petrie
Scott Petrie - 12 years ago
HI Danny, get vid mate can't wait for the book, hit me on face book so i don't miss it. Scott Petrie (australian living in Labrador City Newfoundland Labrador Canada) love my kayaking and would like to hear more about what you carried and closer pix of your boat. Would love one day to do a trip like urs. Once again awerome vid. cheers Scotty
stuart stupots
stuart stupots - 12 years ago
hi Danny, amazing video blog. looking forward to the book.
scottpix - 12 years ago
Hi Danny great video and adventure mate, living the dream for sure, loved your comment about the sausage butties. Great stuff. All The Best Scott
dannyami - 12 years ago
It was a joke saying i would write a book as I'm the last ever person to even think of writing a book. But after all the people wanting it i decided to make an attempt. I'm loving it! its like doing the trip all over again but without the rain! I will let everyone know when it is done and when it comes out Probably call it "This is me" Cheers Danny
ZxMentalGamerxZ - 12 years ago
0:47:57 is an amazing view
n2o4me - 12 years ago
Excellent video Danny , I really enjoyed your adventure .
ZxMentalGamerxZ - 12 years ago
I live in the UK and iv always asked my mum for a kayak so i can kayak somewhere with my nefus and your video is cool
Getaway Kayaking
Getaway Kayaking - 12 years ago
Thank you for sharing this great adventure with us, my fiance and I just finished watching, I live in Canada and I just bought a Point 65 north kayak and one day I hope to do the same trip, or from Vancouver to California. Do you have a title for your book so I can keep my eyes open for it, would love to read it, once again cheers, hope to see more vids.
130June - 12 years ago
Thank you so much, that is good to know.
dannyami - 12 years ago
rice, pasta, oats, nuts, flour, spices, dried fruit and seeds
130June - 12 years ago
Hi, can you tell me what foods you pack for a trip like this. It looks a great trip.
dannyami - 12 years ago
an old current designs storm
iman - 12 years ago
What type of kayak do you use?
vampvader1st - 12 years ago
Awesome video.Just finished watching it.Would love to do something like this one day!
dannyami - 12 years ago
lots of streams, fast rivers entering the ocean from the mountains
dannyami - 12 years ago
It was a helmet cam so very low power consumption. and with lots of spare time hiding from the rain it was no problem. but i wouldn't want to charge anything bigger
kvg44gbs - 12 years ago
sad to hear about your problems with coming into AK. Sad to see so much separation between countries these days making it impossible to really enjoy each others company. 600 bucks for a pleasure craft lol wish you could have made it further north, but you did make it to AK.
kvg44gbs - 12 years ago
Congrats to you living your dream. Keeps a man alive what you did here. Married now with a kid and finishing school makes me jealous of trips like this. Thx for posting and giving us rutted men a chance to feel free again.
hopeahead - 12 years ago
I really enjoyed this! Thank you so much for posting! I hated to see it end...although I know that you were relieved for it all to come to an end. I subscribed to you, so when you finish writing the book, can you let me know? I would love to purchase a copy. I live in SC, so I got a kick out of your comments about the NC exercisers! ;)
Liam H-Hughes
Liam H-Hughes - 12 years ago
Bloody brilliant trip thanks fore sharing.
Liam H-Hughes
Liam H-Hughes - 12 years ago
Warbeast911 - 12 years ago
sweet stuff,thx for sharing
gi2bull - 12 years ago
Wow! I watched every bit of this long video. And I enjoyed it. Thanks.
dannyami - 12 years ago
no batteries, just a wind up torch with a usb connection, and 10 weeks
dannyami - 12 years ago
Hennessy hammock, would not go back to a tent now!
Warbeast911 - 12 years ago
gladyou shared it, nice video. just for the info, how many batteries you karrierdandhow lond did the trip gow? looks like 2 month
LeafC - 12 years ago
Quote of the film..."Yeah, yeah that's what I would do, just dynamite it. Saves cutting, saves...saves being nice and neat. Just blow the fucker to shreds". Danny you are a legend, and have created a unique documentary which is arguably one of the best on YouTube. Watching this has made my day...many, many thanks!
Peter Hayes
Peter Hayes - 12 years ago
full of insperation
IntotheOut - 12 years ago
YOU ROCK! Thanks for posting this, well done
Leighton Harrison
Leighton Harrison - 12 years ago
Absolutly amazing journey. Fantastic commentary. Where is the book??
OJA23122011 - 12 years ago
is that scotish
OJA23122011 - 12 years ago
what a strange accent
diyextreme - 12 years ago
Incredibly inspirational Danny boy. What an awesome voyage. Thanks for uploading your video. Now planning my own next yak adventure.
mycatisromeo - 12 years ago
Would you ever make this trip again? I'd like to go all the way to Juneau and see Glacier Bay national park. How many weeks did it take you? What would you say your average mile-per day were?
dannyami - 12 years ago
yeah sold the kayak in Prince Rupert and hobo styled hitchhiked back to Vancouver with Chris (another solo kayaker from NZ who I met at the Pioneer Backpackers Hostel in PR)
mycatisromeo - 12 years ago
You should promote this, because I really think this could be something a lot of people would want to see. I am DEFINATELY going to do this someday. I'm just trying to learn on my 17' Necky and getting my stamina up. A question; Once you're there, how do you get your kayak and equipment back home? Did you fly home and leave the equipment/kayak?
joesneon - 12 years ago
Danny!!!awsome! im from saratoga sorry u had troubles in the states we have nothing better to do lol. i am akayaker check out joesneon on utube thats me . hope your hand is ok. thank you so much for sharing something so special!!!
Oregu7 - 12 years ago
This is what they should show at Sundance! Brilliant!
MyLoganm - 12 years ago
AWSOME VIDEO loved it ,you should come to New Zealand :)
WolfgangHolzmann - 12 years ago
Love love love this video, I'm planning some good kayak trips myself. Nothing quite this epic though.
Adam Ball
Adam Ball - 12 years ago
Great story!! This is one of the most inspiring videos I have ever seen. I absolutely cannot wait for the book!
dannyami - 12 years ago
Hey I used a contour gps thinking I would be able to sync the gps map with the footage but its passed my editing skill level, I used a wind up torch with a usb attachment 16 buck's from Canadian Tire a lot of winding but not a lot to do on the rainy days! Thanks for all the great comments everyone they put a big smile on my face every time, glad I could share it with you! Cheers Danny Wilks
gooseberry123 - 12 years ago
Brilliant job mate! I stumbled onto your video and kicked back on a Sunday afternoon to enjoy seeing my coast through your eyes. I am a kayaker and argue that real kayaking experience is not based on how much kayaking you do, but the space your head is in while doing it. I appreciated your calm attitude and common sense. Solo kayaking is a very different deal. Good on ya!
carrick16100 - 13 years ago
well done on your epic journey!
Seamus Walsh
Seamus Walsh - 13 years ago
Super Super Super. Built my first kayak [lath 'n canvas] with my father 5oyrs.ago still going out every week complete junkie no hope for me .Best no-shit trip I know. Off now to start at the beginning again.......
01Conductor - 13 years ago
Great video, Looks like a good time, I think we should all take a trip like this at least once in life. Thanks for posting.
MnktoDave - 13 years ago
Wow...what a journey! Well documented, and the scenery was fantastic...loved it! Salmon, beer, and a humpback whale...1:34:10...
purkolator - 13 years ago
Loved every minute of this! I'm waiting eagerly for the book.
chris savvy
chris savvy - 13 years ago
Awesome Mate!!! If your ever in my part of the world, come for a Kayak with me down the Coorong here in South Australia. Peace.
Bryan Sarauer
Bryan Sarauer - 13 years ago
Wow, that's a helluva video to document a helluva trip! I have so many comments and questions that I don't know where to start. I better go to bed first, it's been a long, late night.
glcwhistler - 13 years ago
I remembered what you said about meeting two kayakers and them frowning at your equipment at 24:24... Then I read what someone else wrote about meeting you in Johnstone Strait... I should have figured he would have given you a frown. I love how a non elitist kayaker shows the rest the proper attitude to have... Your entire trip was always upbeat and positive.. You really are an inspiration for anyone wanting to go explore.
glcwhistler - 13 years ago
The entire trip was awesome with friendly people and it seems the only hiccup was the U.S customs people... Sorry for your warm welcome from our officials... America needs more people like you in it.. Cheers..
TheVittleVlog - 13 years ago
Very cool man!
glyderau - 13 years ago
Fantastic stuff! A journey that will stay with you for ever.
RobGb100 - 13 years ago
An epic trip, very well documented. I got here via a post on "song of the paddle" a forum for all paddlers. Love your style in front of the camera, just like chatting with you in a pub! So jealous of those huge mussels and oysters you found.....great eating. Thanks for posting this. Rob.

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