Tidbits: Kayak Bowfishing - Gear Setup and Carp Bowfishing on Lake Champlain

Bowfishing is a great way to hone your archery skills in the off-season, while helping control non-native and invasive fish species. It's even more fun from a kayak. In this video I show some of the gear that I use, how to setup a kayak for bowfishing, and head out for a morning of kayak bowfishing on Lake Champlain in Vermont.

Tidbits: Kayak Bowfishing - Gear Setup and Carp Bowfishing on Lake Champlain sentiment_very_dissatisfied 137

Kayak 8 years ago 228,412 views

Bowfishing is a great way to hone your archery skills in the off-season, while helping control non-native and invasive fish species. It's even more fun from a kayak. In this video I show some of the gear that I use, how to setup a kayak for bowfishing, and head out for a morning of kayak bowfishing on Lake Champlain in Vermont.

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Most popular comments
for Tidbits: Kayak Bowfishing - Gear Setup and Carp Bowfishing on Lake Champlain

Victor S.
Victor S. - 6 years ago
Very cool set up I am hooked. Thanks
Great idea on the trade off for Chinese food too.God Bless
Daniel Crisafi
Daniel Crisafi - 6 years ago
You have the sickest setup!!!
Damon Bungard
Damon Bungard - 6 years ago
Steve Krewson
Steve Krewson - 7 years ago
Um...just as I recently convinced myself that they really didn't use stray cats and dogs...you go and throw a damn carp into the equation. Thanks alot!
River Monsters & Demon Dragons
River Monsters & Demon Dragons - 7 years ago
Awesome Video !!! I just subscribed to your channel - Keep up the great work and check out my channel Thanks
Eduardo Sousa Benedetti
Eduardo Sousa Benedetti - 7 years ago
to boni
Felipe Dominguez
Felipe Dominguez - 7 years ago
Do you have any video of the light at night?
Nick Horton
Nick Horton - 7 years ago
This is what I want to get into.
ในทรรศนะ ของข้าพเจ้า
ในทรรศนะ ของข้าพเจ้า - 7 years ago
กล้องGoProมึงถ่ายออกมาโคตรชัดเลย ของจีนแดงรึป่าวว่ะ
felicia delagato
felicia delagato - 7 years ago
your the guys that left all those fish to rot on the bank... what a waste
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
Sorry 6:37
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
felicia delagato 3:37

10. comment for Tidbits: Kayak Bowfishing - Gear Setup and Carp Bowfishing on Lake Champlain

jhair esteban moreno pinzon
jhair esteban moreno pinzon - 7 years ago
corta algunos momentos
CAMBO LIFESTYLE - 7 years ago
Riverbendlongbows Outdoors
Riverbendlongbows Outdoors - 7 years ago
Good times
Dewey Cash
Dewey Cash - 7 years ago
I checked out your channel and subbed. Please check my channel and sub back. My channel has Hunting, fishing and family videos. Thanks
Mileidis Paola Escorcia Cadena
Mileidis Paola Escorcia Cadena - 7 years ago
Brandon Rothauge
Brandon Rothauge - 7 years ago
Fucking awesome, Damon!Thanks for posting this!I'll be setting up my very own bowfishing rig using a Bear bow this Spring!If you ever want to come out to Northern Minnesota, you have a place to stay less than a mile from Birch Lake!
TWISTED NRG - 7 years ago
Nice setup you have there. Quick question, what are the benefits of using a recurve over a compound bow for fishing besides being able to adjust your draw weight on each shot? Cheers
Damon Bungard
Damon Bungard - 7 years ago
Recurves are great for the simplicity factor when so much slime, muck and water is involved in bow fishing. No cams or anything else to get jammed up from weeds and mud and everything else you encounter. Bowfishing is messy. They're also great for the quick, instinctive snap shooting style bow fishing leans to
Tanner Fulkerson
Tanner Fulkerson - 7 years ago
people say oh your killing carp when they are spawning they will never get big for other people to catch well just to let all the animal activists out there watching these videos there are thousands of carp in our water ways that were introduced illegally and they have over populated so much that they are all the way out in the great lakes not in the swamp or bays. we're not managing population anymore it's a sport you will never get rid of the carp from our water ways
Full Throttle Outdoors
Full Throttle Outdoors - 8 years ago
Awesome video! I just subscribed to your channel. Check out my channel I will be uploading weekly kayak fishing videos. Also going to start bow fishing also. Keep up the good work.
Bugatti 12
Bugatti 12 - 8 years ago
hey, can you tell me how much cost beginner bows for fishing?
Nate Spencer
Nate Spencer - 8 years ago
Da Maestro 99 $99 for a reel $25 for a reel mount and your bow pretty much.

20. comment for Tidbits: Kayak Bowfishing - Gear Setup and Carp Bowfishing on Lake Champlain

Connor Broughfman
Connor Broughfman - 8 years ago
nice bow
Outdoorsman 35
Outdoorsman 35 - 8 years ago
How much weight is on your bow
FOX Silent
FOX Silent - 8 years ago
I here in Brazil fishing bow

Luis Armando
Luis Armando - 8 years ago
And then blz 'm from Brazil want to buy a bow for fishing u can tell me how many pounds the ideal bow for me to buy and how much and the price of it there?
mike Wilson
mike Wilson - 8 years ago
Bow-fishing Is not Sporting!!! I rod fish, catch & release a live, to catch another day. You guys kill the carp & that's it. I see carp floating dead on the lakes all the time, where you have just killed them & left them. Here in NC, there has not been a state record fish caught in 30 years. They don't have a chance to grow old & large. There is no season on Carp fishing or bow-fishing here. So bow-fishermen blind them with lights & slather them when they are spawning. For no reason but fun. While the Bow Industries & Sporting Goods Stores lobby to keep the laws this way. So they're getting rich at the cost of our wildlife. If this continues, they will go the way of the Buffalo. There are even bow-fishing torments where they bet on who will kill most. After the check in, to see who won they just dump them in the lake. I have seen this in the Wildlife Access areas several times. Carp just dumped in public areas dead, rotting & smelling bad. Think about it the next time you kill something, JUST FOR FUN.
Steve Krewson
Steve Krewson - 7 years ago
Holy shit, Is this guy for real? Wow! I can remember as a kid fishing with my dad, he would always throw carp and gar way up in the weeds and tell me to never throw them back in the water. Those things would flop around for hours! Never felt bad about it once. Then there's this guy, crying in his Captain Crunch!
My Self
My Self - 7 years ago
mike Wilson Saving your Bass, one carp at a time.
rpb1961 - 7 years ago
Carp are like coyotes. They don't belong in Nc. Kill them all!
Sam Guy
Sam Guy - 7 years ago
Piss off
My Self
My Self - 7 years ago
Bowfishing. Saving your bass, one carp at a time.
Joseph Fields
Joseph Fields - 7 years ago
Carp are not native to the States. They muck up the water, the only good carp is a dead carp. Is rather see them dead on the bank than alive in the water.
felicia delagato
felicia delagato - 7 years ago
Largemouth bass, Brown trout are on the invasive species list, many are fishing for common carp in the usa with lots of cool bite alarms n stuff eating small fish is good but some bow fishing people just dumpster them
PheasantHunter99 - 7 years ago
mike Wilson Well, you have obviously never read about carp and what they do...
Gage Little
Gage Little - 7 years ago
Carp are over populating the waters if we just stoped ur kids couldn't go fishing because u had to complain about the carps and now there's just a bunch of carps
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
mike Wilson your actually retarded. Carp are shit
OlliWolli - 8 years ago
Ye same as me!
Blake Ervin
Blake Ervin - 8 years ago
mike Wilson I used to think that way now I got a bowfishing bow and I love it but I don't let their carcasses go to waste I cut them up and I use them for catfishing bait
Damon Bungard
Damon Bungard - 8 years ago
I appreciate the comment, but you're a little misinformed. Carp are in invasive species -- they aren't native to North America, and their feeding, waste and spawning habits destroy habitat for native fish. There's a reason that state Fish & Game departments are encouraging bow fishing for them -- it's one of the few ways to help control the population since nobody sport fishes for them. That said, they are still living creatures and should be dealt with responsibly. I know places to trade them for Chinese food. There are farmers that will take them and grind them up as fertilizer, or you can dig a trench and bury them in your own garden as fertilizer. I always encourage people to have a plan for disposal of the fish if they aren't going to eat them.

I also enjoy fly fishing for them, catch and release, when I don't have a plan for what to do with them. Here's a video of that here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Az3ydmrYvM

There's a time and place for everything.
OlliWolli - 8 years ago
ye i fish with a rod and let it go
Mike Siegle
Mike Siegle - 8 years ago
Who the hell eats carp
Roman Brown
Roman Brown - 7 years ago
I forgot to mention that before you smoke them you have to soak them in a salt water brine for at least 24 hours.
Brandon Weatherly
Brandon Weatherly - 7 years ago
People who use pressure cookers
Roman Brown
Roman Brown - 7 years ago
scale em (don't remove skin), gut em, cut off heads and fins, quarter what is left and smoke em. remove meat with fingers when done and cooled. don't eat the really big ones, not healthy. it's good meat dude.
Dustin H
Dustin H - 7 years ago
Sitivat Komsungnin
Sitivat Komsungnin - 7 years ago

Cheyanne Pitts
Cheyanne Pitts - 7 years ago
To bony
Chris Ritchie
Chris Ritchie - 8 years ago
it is obvious that you are talented in your craft! I wish that I was that organized! haha
BloodSweatnBass - 8 years ago
Best set up I've seen yet
BloodSweatnBass - 8 years ago
Would you mind sending a link to where you got the orange finger tip protectors
802 Outdoors
802 Outdoors - 8 years ago
Cool video man! keep up the good work

30. comment for Tidbits: Kayak Bowfishing - Gear Setup and Carp Bowfishing on Lake Champlain

Peter Sedlak
Peter Sedlak - 8 years ago
on a scale of 1 to 10, how hard is it to put your kayak on your roof? I have plans for the jackson Coosa HD and it'd be going on my Jeep.
Damon Bungard
Damon Bungard - 7 years ago
It's about a 4 if you have a good rack system that sticks out far enough for you to prop the kayak up vertically and then lift/slide it on at the same time. It's always best having a friend to help though.

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