Tidbits: Kayak Bowfishing - Gear Setup and Carp Bowfishing on Lake Champlain
Kayak 8 years ago 228,412 views
Bowfishing is a great way to hone your archery skills in the off-season, while helping control non-native and invasive fish species. It's even more fun from a kayak. In this video I show some of the gear that I use, how to setup a kayak for bowfishing, and head out for a morning of kayak bowfishing on Lake Champlain in Vermont.
Very cool set up I am hooked. Thanks
Great idea on the trade off for Chinese food too.God Bless
10. comment for Tidbits: Kayak Bowfishing - Gear Setup and Carp Bowfishing on Lake Champlain
20. comment for Tidbits: Kayak Bowfishing - Gear Setup and Carp Bowfishing on Lake Champlain
Piss off
I also enjoy fly fishing for them, catch and release, when I don't have a plan for what to do with them. Here's a video of that here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Az3ydmrYvM
There's a time and place for everything.
30. comment for Tidbits: Kayak Bowfishing - Gear Setup and Carp Bowfishing on Lake Champlain