Top 10 Fishing Kayaks Under $1000

Here is a list of our top 10 Fishing Kayaks under $1000. A few good ones didnt make the list Including the Moken 14 and Moken 10 standard, but there are our favorites and best sellers. For more info on the boats please look us up online, or leave us a comment. w ========================================= Thank for for joining us today Please do not forget to subscribe and drop us a like! ========================================= For more information head over to Or call us at (209) 224-8367 Facebook Instagram @headwaterskayak ========================================= Go Check out Nick at Instagram @Nick's_Life_Outside Youtube Nick's Life Outside

Top 10 Fishing Kayaks Under $1000 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 79

Kayak 8 years ago 293,991 views

Here is a list of our top 10 Fishing Kayaks under $1000. A few good ones didnt make the list Including the Moken 14 and Moken 10 standard, but there are our favorites and best sellers. For more info on the boats please look us up online, or leave us a comment. w ========================================= Thank for for joining us today Please do not forget to subscribe and drop us a like! ========================================= For more information head over to Or call us at (209) 224-8367 Facebook Instagram @headwaterskayak ========================================= Go Check out Nick at Instagram @Nick's_Life_Outside Youtube Nick's Life Outside

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Most popular comments
for Top 10 Fishing Kayaks Under $1000

R&S RC - 8 years ago
Huge respect for Headwaters! They are the best, plain and simple. Zero pressure, you can test anything. They do evening paddles with the public through the good weather months, and I've fished with them at Rancho Seca as well. I was dead set on a Lure 13.5 until I got a great deal on a used Big Game 2 on Craigslist. I will only buy accessories from them however. Great group!
USAW Craig
USAW Craig - 7 years ago
Headwaters Kayak I am curious of the following kayaks as to why they aren't on this list. 1) Pelican catch, 2) Jackson Cruise , and 3) Perception Peacador pro. Just curious why these didn't make the list?
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 8 years ago
Thank you! We truly value all of our customers and all of us are incredibly passionate about getting people out on the water!
Funny Songs
Funny Songs - 7 years ago
Ying Yang
Ying Yang - 7 years ago
Glad I found this video. Planning on getting me a kayak for pond and small lake fishing. Heard about your event coming up in a couple of weeks and I'm planning to drive down and purchasing my first kayak. Hopefully I can find one that I'll like!
Ying Yang
Ying Yang - 7 years ago
Yes. Thanks for the quick reply. I'm thinking about coming down there tomorrow when the shop opens or so to get me a good idea on what I want.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Ying Yang I’m sure you will. We’ll have so many yaks out that day.
cavasos fishing
cavasos fishing - 7 years ago
Are there any pedal drive kayaks at around $1000? I feel like $1000 should buy a pedal drive kayak. They dont cost that much to make. Lets be real, lots of plastic. When a company decides to make that move i will be ready to throw down the cash! Great channel. Thanks for all of the information.
Savage Theron
Savage Theron - 7 years ago
How much is the feel free lure 10? And where to buy it?!
Jose Ortiz
Jose Ortiz - 7 years ago
Do not send to puerto rico? I'm interested in vibe ghost 130
Christian Gransee
Christian Gransee - 7 years ago
very good specker
arabarran - 7 years ago
I wish i could buy any of these here in Croatia :/
onewisedre - 7 years ago
I really enjoyed your review.

10. comment for Top 10 Fishing Kayaks Under $1000

George M.
George M. - 7 years ago
Honestly bass pro has one and I can’t flip it. You fall off before you flip it and it’s made for fishing
WHUFC71 - 7 years ago
This was great. I will be looking for a kayak for fishing big water and rivers etc. I'd love a Hobie but they are way out of my price range! But this video has helped to let me know what's out there. Thank you.
R T - 7 years ago
If you buy a yak at 1k you will be selling it shortly on line / consignment .
If you fish salt hold off and buy a hobie
flysubcompact - 7 years ago
Your voice sounds amazingly like Tom Hanks.
KFC Warrior
KFC Warrior - 7 years ago
Can get a good starter yak at Walmart for 250 bucks These are just over priced junk.
Nomad - 7 years ago
Hi, I wonder if you can tell me why these kayaks have bungs for the scupper holes ! I have never used them in all the years I have been kayak fishing . If you leave them in you end up with little swimming pools in your yak' (Great for keeping live bait : ) Leave them out and the boat drains through and leaves you relatively dry . I'm interested to see what they are used for ? Liked looking at the kayaks ,nice video !
Best kayak Labs
Best kayak Labs - 7 years ago
Zhijia Zhang
Zhijia Zhang - 7 years ago
I will be fishing in the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland . Would the feel free Moken 12.5 or the vibe seaghost 110 be better suited for the job and why? Thanks!
Jeremy Leonguerrero
Jeremy Leonguerrero - 7 years ago
Great video ! Just what I️ needed to see. Your video answered a lot of my questions. I’ll be by to see you guys soon.
River Certified
River Certified - 7 years ago
I love how you focus on a category that gets more people into the sport!

20. comment for Top 10 Fishing Kayaks Under $1000

plutoplatters - 7 years ago
I've had the emotions stealth pro for a couple of months... my favorite of over 12 previous crafts... extremely stable... ZERO butt ache < most important of all .. Not crazy good tracking I guess ... but works far good enough...
KAYAK KOWBOY - 7 years ago
i bought the lure 13.5 after watching this!!
marcus soltys
marcus soltys - 7 years ago
Which of these kayaks could take on a choppy day at the california delta
marcus soltys
marcus soltys - 7 years ago
Headwaters Kayak thanks
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
marcus soltys nothing wrong with that. Spend time learning to kayak before you go hook into a giant sturgeon. Your skills and boat handling will make a bigger difference than any boat. My buddy just landed a 100lb sail fish on a 24" kayak in rough seas. It's not the boat, it's the boater that makes it safe or unsafe.
marcus soltys
marcus soltys - 7 years ago
Headwaters Kayak thanks for the info but one thing I forgot to put in my question is I want to target sturgeon in these kayaks
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
marcus soltys my choice would be a Moken 12.5. Solid all around yak. Second would be the Seaghost 130. The new flint would make the short list too. I'll be doing a too 10 video for 2018 very soon.
Salvatore Planeta
Salvatore Planeta - 7 years ago
Ne pedal drive
Eddy Bryk
Eddy Bryk - 7 years ago
Salvatore Planeta that’s because they are all over $1000 do ya research
Daniel Mccormick
Daniel Mccormick - 7 years ago
What is yalls opinion on the pelican catch 120?
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Daniel Mccormick if your under 240lbs yes. It's just a much better build quality too.
Daniel Mccormick
Daniel Mccormick - 7 years ago
+Headwaters Kayak do you think the sea ghost 130 is as stable as the catch?
Daniel Mccormick
Daniel Mccormick - 7 years ago
+Headwaters Kayak thanks for the reply!
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Nice layout and stable, but for the $ there are better options out there. Big Fish 120 is a much better built craft, or the SeaGhost 110. They sell for $829-$999, but its money well spent.
Quagmire88 - 7 years ago
didn't realize there was such a wide range of boats under the $1000 price point. I have been fishing some rivers with the GF in a 16ft kevlar canoe and though its great for stability, I have been having some trouble getting it through the tighter spots as well as through shallower water. I am almost 6' 2", around 190lbs, but pretty much all leg, ~34inseam. She is a lot smaller, so picking out one for her would be easy. What size kayak would you suggest for someone my size? I have rented some before but always ended up with back pain from being too cramped in the boat.
WWJDandWHY - 7 years ago
Would the sea ghost 130 work well getting through surf or is it too heavy of a boat? I'm looking to fish 1-2 NMs off the coast of Florida what would you suggest?
sloppyninja226 - 7 years ago
Tom Hanna did a good job on the narration
Jake Kuhn
Jake Kuhn - 7 years ago
What would be a better option for fishing rivers? The Sea Ghost 110 or the Moken 12.5 or is there another better option?
Thanks in advance.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Jake Kuhn Moken 12.6 is a better all around kayak. It sits lower and handles easier in current. The Native Manta is also a killer river boat.
Eric Lui
Eric Lui - 7 years ago
It will be great if you can list all kayak link under your description :)

30. comment for Top 10 Fishing Kayaks Under $1000

squawk7777 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video, Tom Hanks.
DAVID GUTIERREZ - 7 years ago
Under 1000?? I guess il go watch the under 300$ video lol
Randy Crane
Randy Crane - 7 years ago
Just wanted to say thanks for the vid. Bought a moken 12.5
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Randy Crane dude you will love that boat. One of the best all around yaks on the market.
KJ Outdoors
KJ Outdoors - 7 years ago
I'm really looking in to the lure 10
jdar jdar
jdar jdar - 7 years ago
Nice lookin yaks but what sold me was the fact tom hanks was commentating the video. I'd buy anything from that guy.
William Galindo
William Galindo - 7 years ago
i bought the same kayak the stealth 11 at Sam's for $349.00
sling shoter
sling shoter - 7 years ago
You would think the kayaks would be cheaper in states that are lower cost of living. People in California make a lot more money than them low cost of living states. The sea ghost 130 looks like a nice one. but for that price i dont see it
jay love
jay love - 7 years ago
great video, very informative. wish they were in NY.
Ramiro Escobar
Ramiro Escobar - 7 years ago
how much for the manta ray
Dustin Willis
Dustin Willis - 7 years ago
Sweet! Looking to start kayak fishing! I'm a bigger guy 6"3 over three hundred need something stable and lots of extras for a newbie fishing what model would you recommend?
andy pincince
andy pincince - 7 years ago
Loose weight, big guy!
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Dustin Willis feelfree Lure 13.5 would serve you well.
Gary Jensen
Gary Jensen - 7 years ago
What's the shortest kayak I could safely take offshore (near central Florida, in the Atlantic)? I'm about 5'9", 180# and paddle/fish freshwater on a 10' that moves like molasses even in calm conditions. I'm not interested in any with "drive" type systems strictly paddling to hopefully stay in the sub $1,000 range. Thanks for sharing!
Vue Her
Vue Her - 7 years ago
My brother and I was just there yesterday, he came home with a Vibe Sea Ghost 110. He's super stoked. Just wanted to say great and friendly staff. Zero pressure to buy, helped answer any question we had. They carry quite an array of kayaks for a rather small shop. Will definitely shop there again :)
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Vue Her stoked to meet you guys. Stoked to earn your business. We'll be seeing you guys around for sure!
R.M. Mathur
R.M. Mathur - 7 years ago
Thank you sir... you are the best...
R.M. Mathur
R.M. Mathur - 7 years ago
Dan, You have been asked this question a hundred times, .. which seat is the most comfy for 4 - 6 hour days on the water ... Feelfree or Nucanoe... for maye.. I am looking for a seat that is higher ....
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Both the FeelFree and Nucanoe seats are very comfortable and arguably two of the best out there. The Feelfree Gravity seat has a lot of bottom support and a smaller back which prevents riding up of your PFD where as the Nucanoe has a larger back for more comfort and the entire seat is mesh allowing it to breathe very well. Hard to declare a winner so I would go sit in both of them!
landsurveyorNC - 7 years ago
Do y'all no longer sell the Vibe's? I don't see them on your website. I've been trying to locate a Sea Ghost 130 but they're currently sold out everywhere!
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
We do! Ill have to take a look at our website but we are well stocked up at the moment! Give us a call at (209) 224-8367.
gc 20
gc 20 - 7 years ago
250 lbs? or would it be wobbly?
gc 20
gc 20 - 7 years ago
can u stand up in the vibe sea ghost 110?
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
gc 20 yes most average sized people can.
Christian Cullum
Christian Cullum - 7 years ago
Hey I am a huge bass fisherman who is 17 and I weigh about 140 I'm looking for a good kayak for the price I don't have a huge price range and I am looking to fish rivers ponds and maybe small lakes. I want a good steady kayak I can stand up in. I was looking at the vibe sea ghost 110 would that be a good choice
Austin Needs
Austin Needs - 7 years ago
I like the native
kambo209 - 7 years ago
i notice the emotion stealth pro has brass insert in the rear, what are those for? and does it come in any other color?

50. comment for Top 10 Fishing Kayaks Under $1000

Jim McCarthy
Jim McCarthy - 7 years ago
No Prowler/Trident 13 or 15' or Tarpons? Pass
kambo209 - 7 years ago
do you guys sell ascend kayaks?
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
kambo209 no send is owned by bass pro shops and they are the only ones that sell them. So that means you're not able to demo or try one before you buy it you basically have to go on other peoples reviews and make a purchase based on that. If it all possible you be much better served to find a local kayak shop that you can build a relationship with. You'll get better advice and be much happier with your investment
big kahona
big kahona - 7 years ago
which would be a better kayak to put a 3.5 horsepower motor on I live in Florida and I want to take it down the Intercoastal Waterway in which the Atlantic Ocean is divided by a strip of land so which would be a better kayak for me
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
big kahona check out a Frontier 10 or 12 from Nucanoe.
Chad Newberry
Chad Newberry - 7 years ago
Wish I would have seen this video a week ago lol I just bought a Ascend FS12T From Bass Pro (the only place near me that sells quality boats) Although I really Like the Kayak I bought, I had only paddled two other boats before, I paddled a sit in boat just for Rec reasons and it got me interested in Fishing from one, we have several lakes around my home town that have a 9.9 engine limit on them but are too big and inaccessible to bank fish from so I have had the bug for a couple years now, I purchased a Low end Sit on top from Pelican (300$) and Though i did like the boat (first sit on top I had tried) I regret Paying for a small lower end boat to begin with. I added several accessories and flipped it for 700$ and that led me to the FS12T from ascend, I paid 708$ out the door and I can stand and fish and it has lots of features I wanted, that being said I would have definitely tried to order one of your Feel Free Kayaks or possibly one of the Vibes, I love the Scupper Transducer Feature on those boats, I had to buy a swing arm accessory to use my Fish finder and get accurate readings (thru hull just doesnt work for me) and that adds drag when paddling with the arm in the water.

I know I am long winded but to new paddlers looking to buy, take my advice and listen to the guy in this video. Go ahead and get the boat you know will fulfill everything you are going to want, because you will upgrade if you are paddling with something you dont care for. All of the boats he has shown look to have great workmanship and features witch you will definitely want!!! I now have to buy or make a kayak dolly to help me transport my boat from my truck to the water because dragging it damages it!! So I will be upgrading to the LURE 12.5 next it looks like!! great Video, Thanks!!
RYAN BOTKIN - 7 years ago
I got the Field & Stream eagle run 12 for 549 and I added a 50lb trust trolling motor it was perfect before I did that but at the end of the 8 hour ten miles plus of fishing in a day on a kayak it's nice to have a effortless ride back to the truck
Hugenous - 7 years ago
just saying. this was a great video. but it would've been nice to have the links in decription. but other than that a good video
Nick Adams
Nick Adams - 7 years ago
Great overview! I like the Vibes. I've got a Yellowfin 100 that i paddle in rivers and small water (have a different kayak for offshore). I'm 6'2" and 230lbs. I'm displacing a little water in a YF100 but it preforms well for me on rivers here in Georgia.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Thats awesome. Thanks for the review!
HydraYak Outdoors
HydraYak Outdoors - 7 years ago
Great info!
Robert Waldrep
Robert Waldrep - 7 years ago
do you have a website I could go to ? and can you ship across country I'm in michigan thanks.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
You can check us out at, if you decide to pull the trigger give us a call and we can arrange shipment! Thanks for your interest!
Robert Waldrep
Robert Waldrep - 7 years ago
Headwaters Kayak yeah looking at vibe 110 I think it's called
TrailChaser - 7 years ago
I've filmed all my stand up sightcasting videos from the Emotion Stealth Angler 11. That new Emotion looks really good.
Do you know anything about Emotion selling the mold to Lifetime Weber? I found them in Sam's Club, but can't find the story of how they got there.
Blake Pyles
Blake Pyles - 7 years ago
What kayak should I get for fishing on a lake but is around $400-$500
michael schneider
michael schneider - 7 years ago
Some guy built a stand up yak in garage cheap !
michael schneider
michael schneider - 7 years ago
Hey what do u think of those homemade battle yaks
Ace - 7 years ago
I'm 17, I live in the Middle East, here kayaks are much more expensive, I would buy something with budget $700, which one would you recommend? I want it for fishing, another question, do they come with pedals? Do you ship worldwide? Where can I buy those from online? Thanks for the video!!
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Ace we don't ship worldwide. Have to check somewhere in your country.
Elygod (伊利神)
Elygod (伊利神) - 7 years ago
Do you guys ship kayaks?
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Depends on where you are located but within the continental US we typically do with an added shipping charge. Give us a call at (209) 224-8367 or drop us an email at
Lewey8705 - 7 years ago
Newbie here...what does it mean when a yak "tracks...?"
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Lewey8705 moves strait through the water without the added effort of correction strokes.
RW Anglin
RW Anglin - 7 years ago
Very nice Kayaks. Just picked up an Emotion Renegade xt, works great for fishing.
Dionicio Arias
Dionicio Arias - 7 years ago
what is your website??
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
bernie lee
bernie lee - 7 years ago
54k veiws... holy shit Dan
Benjamin Leboeuf
Benjamin Leboeuf - 7 years ago
Ha and our local dealer said they stopped carrying feel frees because a wheel broke in shipping and they had problems with the company when really I think they are hobie bias. All the sales reps are always pushing to sell pro anglers because they make commission. Business is business I suppose and I guess Masseys out in New Orleans don't like to make money. Can someone tell Feel Free to remove Masseys as a certified dealer.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Benjamin Leboeuf only seen two broken wheels and we've sold 2500 Feelfree's in the past 3 years.
stylz1 - 7 years ago
Choices, choices. Great video, thanks.
D Kat
D Kat - 8 years ago
Yes I did, I bought the Moken 12.5 and the same exact color as the one in the video its called the cow color...LOL Let me just say I have 5 kayaks and this is buy far and away the best well made of them. The Moken the minute you see it and check it out you know its well made. This is not that thin plastic like others very solid feel. The best is that the center hatch is sealed off from the inside of the kayak so if it were to flip its "not" going to leak inside the kayak like the RodPod does. That RodPod is a very bad design and leaks like a sieve. I know I own one. Now my only snivel is that because its so well made it is just a tad heavy and I could do without the wheel but other than that you cant go wrong here and the price is so competitive. You want to go in the big pond (ocean) ain't nothing gonna stop this kayak. Big Water = Tight Lines...
Shane Haney
Shane Haney - 8 years ago
I own a Seaghost 130 and have had zero regrets. So glad I did my research.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Awesome boat at an awesome price!
Mokujon - 8 years ago
What's your opinion on the ascend fs12t? Is that a good buy for a first kayak for a beginner?
Neonee Senoro
Neonee Senoro - 8 years ago
Mokujon I own an fs128t. Pretty much the same. Great kayak for starting out. Easy to stand and do jumping jacks on.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 8 years ago
Mokujon it's a bass pro brand. I don't have a ton of experience with them.
Hook Line & Sinker
Hook Line & Sinker - 8 years ago
very informative
markymark3075 - 8 years ago
Great video, but you need to get an inflatable in that line-up...
Andrew Lo
Andrew Lo - 8 years ago
great video. this will definitely help with my first purchase of a kayak
Ramon Flores
Ramon Flores - 8 years ago
is a Liquid Logic Mantaray 12 just as good in quality/build as a Native Mantaray 12?
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 8 years ago
Ramon Flores good question. It's actually the same exact boat just without rod holders and tracks. Native and liquid logic make exceptional kayaks.
Cuivre - 8 years ago
What a coincidence- all the "Top 10 Fishing Kayaks Under $1000" are brands sold in your shop! No mention of Perception models whatsoever, which are widely recognized as being some of the best for the money. I was expecting an unbiased evaluation-not a marketing video for a specific business' inventory. Click baity...
Tommy Madden
Tommy Madden - 7 years ago
regular Perception pescadors are great for a beginner or just something to cruise down a small river but the Pescador Pro they released honestly sucks and has very little attention to detail for a $750 kayak. The only thing better on the pro than the regular is the seat. The molded in vertical rod holders are the dumbest thing ive ever seen on a kayak, the thing has scupper holes under the seat that are raised up higher than the deck of the boat so is all they do is allow water in but dont allow water out as they are higher than where that water sits. I can go on with other things but dont feel like it. I have owned both, still own the regular pescador because its a great boat for friends i'll take out that arent the biggest kayak fishermen but the pro had to go. I agree with Headwaters that for $650 the Vibe absolutely destroys the Pescador Pro.
Cesar A
Cesar A - 7 years ago
Cuivre unbiased evaluation? Not expecting a marketing video? You must not be american.
AE V - 7 years ago
How in the hell anything could be absolute instead of my opinion :'D Are you simple
Melissa Goff
Melissa Goff - 7 years ago
I completely agree. When I clicked on this I fully expected Perception to be in there. Emotion? Never.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
We carry the brands that we believe are of the highest value and will keep our customers happy for years to come. For the price the Vibe Seaghost destroys the Pescador in quality and features. What other Perception fishing kayaks are you referring to?
Cuivre - 7 years ago
He can title it anything he wants, as long as it is HONEST and not shaded in marketing prevarications.
paint3ball - 7 years ago
Cuivre make sure to let him know what to title his next video so it suits your needs then
Cuivre - 7 years ago
He should have said "In my opinion and in my shop", instead of making it an absolute, all encompassing statement, twit.
JamesK10turbo - 7 years ago
Of course he's going to promote his business. This is just one mans opinion, now move on to the 1000's of Perception review videos you twat.
calibear189 - 8 years ago
What is the comfort difference between the feel free moken seats and the vibe seats shown in the video? My boyfriend and I have both had issues with seats hurting our backs while fishing 9+ hours at a time. We are looking to get new kayaks this spring and need something with a good, sturdy comfortable seat.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 8 years ago
calibear189 rad! If you need someone to send it out let me know. We are happy to ship assuming you don't have a local dealer. Cheers!
calibear189 - 8 years ago
Headwaters Kayak thanks for the quick reply! I spoke with him today about the lure. I think he has picked that one out. Thanks for the input!
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 8 years ago
calibear189 the chair is nice. The best is the Lure chair in my option. It's nice to change height and rest your legs and butt. For the money Vibes are great.
G56AG - 8 years ago
Very informative!
Chris Bryson
Chris Bryson - 8 years ago
new to the yak world..whats the max i can throw in a bed i got 6ft bed
Chris Bryson
Chris Bryson - 8 years ago
Headwaters Kayak thanks will be stopping by soon
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 8 years ago
Chris Bryson 12' with a flag. Tail gate down. If you get a Boon Doc bed extended you can go to 14'
Christopher Lopez
Christopher Lopez - 8 years ago
Do the feel free moken 12.5 have an upgraded seat option?
Terry Paul
Terry Paul - 7 years ago
Christopher Lopez i
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 8 years ago
Christopher Lopez nothing offered by Feelfree at this time. Lots of people have done one off upgrades. Check the Moken Owners Group on Facebook if you on there b
Sask Yak Fishing
Sask Yak Fishing - 8 years ago
Nice job, none of those aren't sold where I live and to get them they're much higher in price. I went with the Pelican catch 120 for under $1,000, it's been awesome and is 11' 2" long 34" wide with a great seat rated for 400lbs.
jay love
jay love - 7 years ago
Tha Prophet how's the stability in it
RJ Stapert
RJ Stapert - 8 years ago
are there any sizes for 13 years old boy or girls
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 8 years ago
RJ Stapert the Moken 10 lite by Feelfree is a fantastic boat for them. Something that will fit them and they can grow into.
freshwater fishing
freshwater fishing - 8 years ago
just bought me a lure 10. stay tuned to my channel. by this summer it's gonna have hobie mirage drive custom fitted on the yak.
makesyouthink - 8 years ago
no its not
carlos goulart
carlos goulart - 8 years ago
I bought a NuCanoe F12 and a VIBE yellowfin110 for the Mrs. They do modifications, I highly recommend this shop for there selection and knowledge. They are a good group to deal with and I and the wife are very pleased with the results !
Broxty - 8 years ago
Wilderness systems ride 115x crushes all of these.
danhold1 Holdcroftski
danhold1 Holdcroftski - 8 years ago
great job
Wm S
Wm S - 8 years ago
Very informative sir. Thanks for posting
eric w
eric w - 8 years ago
That is really cool. Never thought about fishing with one of these till I saw one on Hank Parker's TV show.
HydraYak Outdoors
HydraYak Outdoors - 8 years ago
Great video!
BlackAnvil47 - 8 years ago
Love the review, but I am wondering can the hobbie cat live well can be used with the lure 10? Either the standard live well or the XL live well. Thanks for the great video
Dutch Wylie
Dutch Wylie - 8 years ago
Fred Fable
Fred Fable - 8 years ago
Very good review and nice selection!! I like it!
There is a missing Kayak on the list is 12.8 ' long, you can walk stern to bow absolutely stable and is 850 dollars (Ascend 128) but your list is plenty of good choices.
Fred Fable
Fred Fable - 8 years ago
Oh yes, the sea ghost is a good choice!.
Very welcome.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 8 years ago
Yes we just felt for the $ the Vibe SeaGhost out performs that kayak at a better price. Plus its exclusively sold through Bass Pro, and we want folks to support kayak shops. Gotta keep the dream alive. Thanks man!
freshwater fishing
freshwater fishing - 8 years ago
just ordered me a feelfree 10. can't wait. so excited
Savage Theron
Savage Theron - 7 years ago
freshwater fishing how much did it cost?
Leo Ramirez
Leo Ramirez - 8 years ago
what do you know about riptide kayaks they look awfully similar to the Vibe Sea Ghost 130
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 8 years ago
Solid lineup of affordable kayaks, thanks for the video.
Jose Jimenez
Jose Jimenez - 7 years ago
Out West with Chris hey Budd. Did you purchased your kayak with them?
Fisher Mann
Fisher Mann - 8 years ago
Great review of price friendly kayaks

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