Tosh.0 - Web Redemption - Kayak

Daniel and a 21-year-old redhead with terrible survival skills compete on "Naked and Afraid." The Comedy Central app has full episodes of your favorite shows available now.

Tosh.0 - Web Redemption - Kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 199

Kayak 10 years ago 707,928 views

Daniel and a 21-year-old redhead with terrible survival skills compete on "Naked and Afraid." The Comedy Central app has full episodes of your favorite shows available now.

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Most popular comments
for Tosh.0 - Web Redemption - Kayak

SCdipper864 - 6 years ago
So this guy is a fag right? And probably the ginger too.
420apache657 - 7 years ago
man americans hate gay abortion
John Harbour
John Harbour - 7 years ago
It's called a "fearection"
D Shel
D Shel - 7 years ago
what a little fucking bitch. Sarah should have let his bitch ass die. Darwinism is clutch
Wesley Johnson
Wesley Johnson - 7 years ago
Wow what a whiny little fagy bitch
TheGrandRevo - 7 years ago
28 year old?? Yea right
Insolentish - 7 years ago
He didn't even redeem himself
Fulun - 7 years ago
If you like Daniel Tosh who is my favorite comedian, u probly like my videos as well. Wanna give it a chance?
D Shel
D Shel - 7 years ago
Fulun No.
Rj D
Rj D - 7 years ago

10. comment for Tosh.0 - Web Redemption - Kayak

Harris P
Harris P - 7 years ago
Must be some subliminal messaging or some shit but turn up your volume put on your headphones and listen up dudes. At 4:20 right after Daniel says "you ever shop at REI?" You can faintly hear someone whisper "R E I..."
like directly after Daniel says "REI" you can hear that whisper I swear This is weird :(
Storolf - 7 years ago
Most pathetic excuse for a man I've ever seen. I'm sure his father must be so proud...
The AbysssarianOFFICIAL#
The AbysssarianOFFICIAL# - 7 years ago
Damn, I'll fuck that red head up like a nice little piggy. Tear that ass up! *YUM*

xFaDeD_VeNoMx - 7 years ago
Even the water wanted him to get out
joey faoro
joey faoro - 7 years ago
How can this kid be afraid of drowning in 3 foot deep water.... but yet is okay with taking multiple dicks up his butt.... because I mean, this Ging is for sure a flaming (red head pun) faggot, right??
Arthur Jackson
Arthur Jackson - 7 years ago
Shark Lake... LOL
Christopher G.
Christopher G. - 7 years ago
The dude's whining literally makes me nauseous.
Ronnie Ellis
Ronnie Ellis - 7 years ago
fucking hilarious
Sea Bass
Sea Bass - 7 years ago
Dirty D LaFlare
Dirty D LaFlare - 7 years ago
City boy

20. comment for Tosh.0 - Web Redemption - Kayak

dirkbonesteel - 7 years ago
This show would be friggin GREAT if he stopped with the constant nudity and lame gay jokes. Obviously if he was a hot woman I would be good with it, but it's getting extremely old
zack mlynarczyk
zack mlynarczyk - 7 years ago
dirkbonesteel ur gay
codysett1 - 7 years ago
parents must be proud
Conald "The Notorious" McPussygrabber - 7 years ago
wealthy black man
wealthy black man - 7 years ago
ToshAwesomness !! yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, YEP, YEP, YEP!!
CrackYouUpFilms - 7 years ago
whats the song at the end of this?
I_ REUBEN - 7 years ago
21 days and that manage to grow adults
NE Sniping
NE Sniping - 7 years ago
Please don't tell me that was his actual dick and he was actually hard tho
Preston Axtell
Preston Axtell - 8 years ago
2:46 4:59 6:20 bitchslaps
koolkid tv
koolkid tv - 8 years ago
so cute what a cutie :)
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - 8 years ago
I hope that sunburn is fake.

30. comment for Tosh.0 - Web Redemption - Kayak

patrick hanbury
patrick hanbury - 8 years ago
niah niah
patrick hanbury
patrick hanbury - 8 years ago
sarah help meeeee
Tedd Ington
Tedd Ington - 8 years ago
Max looks like pyrocynical tbh
Carlos Cruz
Carlos Cruz - 8 years ago
Thats why I have YouTube red but I died when he said many of my people are hear and the audience started using that language they made
jungle master red
jungle master red - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure the red head was gay
OrenjiTeam Sato
OrenjiTeam Sato - 7 years ago
Yeah pretty much
Mr. Keys 720
Mr. Keys 720 - 8 years ago
5:33 HAHAhA
-Seventies - 8 years ago
Born: May 29, 1975 (age 41), Boppard, Germany -Daniel Tosh
Elastic Inc.
Elastic Inc. - 8 years ago
Sarah help me hneh hnaaaaaa oh god Sarah help me
Nick Hajec
Nick Hajec - 8 years ago
This was by far the funniest webredemption
Bacon Toothpaste
Bacon Toothpaste - 8 years ago
City bitch
Djens Zooi
Djens Zooi - 8 years ago
Fernando Barrocas
Fernando Barrocas - 8 years ago
This guy is the modern definition of "unfun comedian". Uses other people as joke constantly, while failing and worst, can't even be a good or average at stage with artificial expressions while reading the stupid material he has. How can this guys be considered a funny?.. Its not quite as bad as Adam Sandler, but its almost there
Monday's insanity
Monday's insanity - 7 years ago
humour is subjective so yeah number of fans is a decent way to measure the humour of a comedian
Monday's insanity
Monday's insanity - 7 years ago
millions of people watch him and find him funny...very few disagree at worst people claim it's "inappropriate " or offensive he's been around for like a decade so idk who he's copying
Bo55man2010 - 8 years ago
Learn how to use proper grammar you dumb fuck...
Luis Sanchez
Luis Sanchez - 8 years ago
Bobby, he probably was offended by something he said in the video now he has to hate to take out his held up anger from having to live with his mother at the prime age of 46
Fernando Barrocas
Fernando Barrocas - 8 years ago
Ofc i would be answered by butthurt fans.. And btw, great arguments there, so full of critic views. Just for your own sake ill tell you a secret... being famous does not make you funny or worth watching, specially when all you do is a copy-paste of all the similar guys that try this kind of "humour". Not original, not new, not even "hes" material. Just a copy-paste.

And lastly, i dont want to be famous, i have higher dreams than to feed myself from youtube like this leach with he's "original material. I'm a student and a worker in the fields i persuit, namely economics, so, maby i'm just a voice, maby all you have to so is waking up for you own lifes, cuz maby, idk, there's a whole world filled with funny people out there, (want some good stuff?.. go watch Rick & Morty, that's simply awsome) and not limited to this crap, such crap so big and so famous that's recommended by the likes of you. Thank you, come again"...
Luis Sanchez
Luis Sanchez - 8 years ago
lol but he's still got his show and thousands watch it. so ur bs definition of him is invalid. get a life sore loser
Infinite Octopus
Infinite Octopus - 8 years ago
yeep yeep yeep yuu
Kristin Crumpler
Kristin Crumpler - 8 years ago
watched this last night.. pretty funny.
ortomy - 8 years ago
28 more like 38
changalo !
changalo ! - 8 years ago
fuck! I wanna get paid by the internet or whoever the fuck pays. do I just gotta do cool shit? how do I go about it? who do I talk to?
Pablo Supremee
Pablo Supremee - 8 years ago
bigoldinosaur - 8 years ago
That kid is the biggest wuss I have ever seen on Tosh.O
Paul Borst
Paul Borst - 8 years ago
Why the fuck would he allow Daniel to smack him like that. If Daniel ever did that to me he'd be on his way to the hospital.
Monday's insanity
Monday's insanity - 8 years ago
+Paul Borst I said ginger cuz I don't know his name
Juan Rangel
Juan Rangel - 8 years ago
+Paul Borst no fan seems like your butt hurt. Your comment was so cringe worthy that your parents disowned you and toss you like the trash you are now your rotting in the streets of society broken hiding away at a screen.
Paul Borst
Paul Borst - 8 years ago
+Monday's insanity The guest was a pussy true, being a ginger is meaningless. Tosh is wiry and swift which would be a challenge, but not impossible to thwart.
Monday's insanity
Monday's insanity - 8 years ago
a. ginger was a pussy that was clear b. I honestly don't know why but I feel like tosh could fight no real reason but I just kinda know it
Paul Borst
Paul Borst - 8 years ago
+Juan Rangel Ooooo. Did your mommy let you play with the computer last night? Was it difficult tapping the keys as a furry as your ass was pegged by Kiley? Did she push your stool back up into your mouth? Awwwww. Wittle Juan wants to play with the big boys.
Juan Rangel
Juan Rangel - 8 years ago
Stfu u won't do shit
Sarah Kerrigan
Sarah Kerrigan - 8 years ago
yip you. over and over again what an ingenious culture!! they just say the good things over and over again! that's why the crime rate is so low!! the brain is focused on positive attraction and retention of good memory! AMERICA IS DOOMED!

50. comment for Tosh.0 - Web Redemption - Kayak

Sarah Kerrigan
Sarah Kerrigan - 8 years ago
ok tosh go blow your abortion
Ricardo - 8 years ago
Jack4514Pool - 8 years ago
28 year old?
Erica Bittle
Erica Bittle - 8 years ago
"Many of my people are here tonight." *people yipping from the crowd * XD Best part of this whole sequence.
NerdyRhymes - 8 years ago
The redemptions aren't really all that redemptioning anymore
Freddy Palacios
Freddy Palacios - 8 years ago
outro song?
я Hajji 분쇄하는 Bárbara
я Hajji 분쇄하는 Bárbara - 8 years ago
So sick of phags.
Brian nicklehymer
Brian nicklehymer - 8 years ago
every fucking video has an ad now..... YouTube fucking blows
big boy
big boy - 8 years ago
Brian nicklehymer Every show has commercials now. Television blows.
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
+King Chambers face block?
King Chambers
King Chambers - 8 years ago
ad block?
Daniel van der Riet
Daniel van der Riet - 8 years ago
you get to watch all this shit for free, where you normaly would pay for it. ever thought of it that way?
Blayne Adams
Blayne Adams - 8 years ago
+John Smith it's not the fact of being poor just the principle behind it
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
+Brian nicklehymer i would rather be a queer with youtube red then a queer without youtube red have fun with your ads im sorry you are poor and cant afford youtube red
Brian nicklehymer
Brian nicklehymer - 8 years ago
+Blayne Adams

yeah, only queers buy YouTube red.
Blayne Adams
Blayne Adams - 8 years ago
+John Smith so 14 bucks a month is more than I wanna spend on videos
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
not if you have youtube red like me queer boy hahahahahahahahaha
perrie guy
perrie guy - 8 years ago
adblock nerd
Brian nicklehymer
Brian nicklehymer - 8 years ago

Vots - 8 years ago
+Im_Not_Mozart what if you're on mobile?
Jim Rustles
Jim Rustles - 8 years ago
adblock pussy
Styx Mercer
Styx Mercer - 8 years ago
Im trying really hard to focus on them talking but those tangerine colored nipples are very distracting
Apollo Keenen
Apollo Keenen - 8 years ago
how he keeps slapping him lmao
Hayden *
Hayden * - 8 years ago
wow. what a little ginger bitch
John F
John F - 8 years ago
I'm a ginger and I can confirm. We are all bitches
Logan Paige
Logan Paige - 8 years ago
this guy is nutz
Joshua Chintapalli
Joshua Chintapalli - 8 years ago
Looks like Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys is back at it looking for shopping carts again
BLUEDRAGONFLY - 8 years ago
Lmfao.... If you're going to go swimming in WI do it in a lake lol
chronoslv3 - 8 years ago
I never saw or heard of this episode.
Jonathan - 8 years ago
It aired sometime during October 2014.
JayTelo - 8 years ago
named after john shark im hoping...ahahahahahaha fucking great
TerribleThoughts Haven
TerribleThoughts Haven - 8 years ago
I love how he's sitting on the rock---the curvature of his arced foot
Jacob Hoss
Jacob Hoss - 8 years ago
He should have met some better kayaking buddies on AOL.
Nomadic Venus
Nomadic Venus - 8 years ago
John oliver
Sandra Proude
Sandra Proude - 8 years ago
dude, where is his web REDEMPTION???
Jordan May
Jordan May - 8 years ago
+Sandra Proude f0rrreal he died lol
Deciduous Livingston
Deciduous Livingston - 8 years ago
I wanna be part of Daniels civilization
Ray Nightshade
Ray Nightshade - 8 years ago
Civ 6 please
We Slice and Dice
We Slice and Dice - 8 years ago
That has to be one the most feminine men I've ever seen. Like you can see the bitchiness dripping off of him. Even compared to Daniel.
BLUEDRAGONFLY - 8 years ago
He's gay
Omar L.
Omar L. - 9 years ago
i hate fat gingers like that
Tom Platz of abs
Tom Platz of abs - 8 years ago
Stay mad nig
Kira - 8 years ago
+lennysnipsofpeace fat gingers arnt my cup of tea, personally I prefer normal sized girls, just my preference tho
Tom Platz of abs
Tom Platz of abs - 8 years ago
Tall red head gal lel I'm not into fat white chicks, I'm not a nigger. 
Kira - 8 years ago
ahhhh she's the fat ginger, take what you can get i guess... LOL
Tom Platz of abs
Tom Platz of abs - 8 years ago
*Blonde with ginger girlfriend, dumb nigger
Kira - 8 years ago
+lennysnipsofpeace ^fat ginger detected
Tom Platz of abs
Tom Platz of abs - 8 years ago
+Omar L.
Lel, That's funny coming from a dirty Arab.
Lead Boo
Lead Boo - 8 years ago
Lead Boo
Lead Boo - 8 years ago
ICouldn'tComeUpWithAGoodUsername - 9 years ago
Haha holy shit, that mask he found on a tree is from Malaysia Airlines.
How did no one notice this?
Marcus Chan
Marcus Chan - 8 years ago
+ICouldn'tComeUpWithAGoodUsername i noticed it straight away. crazy lol (it's a very old one though, because they haven't had those for a very long time now)
juhfreak - 9 years ago
How is that a redemption? The one redeeming part of this show = now total crap.
Remy Godwell
Remy Godwell - 9 years ago
What is the song at the end of the video?
Johnny Wallnutz
Johnny Wallnutz - 9 years ago
Gay = worthless
spooky mulder
spooky mulder - 9 years ago
I love all of the people commenting "faggot!" "LOL what a faggot!" Like damn you really got him. He's gay.
Reza R
Reza R - 7 years ago
spooky mulder it's OK to be gay just don't be a faggot about it.
P W Gray
P W Gray - 7 years ago
Wait... he's gay!!!????
DontTreadOnMe IwontTreadOnYou
DontTreadOnMe IwontTreadOnYou - 7 years ago
ICouldn'tComeUpWithAGoodUsername-- Obama is too
ICouldn'tComeUpWithAGoodUsername - 9 years ago
+Noah Rule
So is John Travolta
Noah Rule
Noah Rule - 9 years ago
+spooky mulder my bad
spooky mulder
spooky mulder - 9 years ago
i'm talking about the guy in the canoe video 
Noah Rule
Noah Rule - 9 years ago
he's married......
ROBOTURTLE98 - 9 years ago
Man that fat chubby ginger nancy boy is probably the girliest guy since justin bieber he or she ( I can't tell if those are man titties or her normal titties and it dosnt help with the lack of visible junk) better hope that society doesn't ever fall apart or els we all know where we will find his ass.... Dead in a puddle of mud somewhere calling for Sarah
ROBOTURTLE98 - 9 years ago
ya..... something like that..... he'll be calling from beyond the grave.... sarah..... sarah ....sarah please save me..... sarah 
juhfreak - 9 years ago
+ROBOTURTLE98 Dead but still calling for Sarah? ... So, unstoppable?
Teresa muñoz
Teresa muñoz - 9 years ago
USE THIS--> IT IS THE WORKING Redhead Redemption Hack TOOL THAT WORKS! ENJOY! Tosh.0 - Web Redemption - Kayak
jootai - 9 years ago
look at that beautifull pink basterd, i would wrap him up and fuck him like a hog
Sandra Noneofyourbusiness
Sandra Noneofyourbusiness - 9 years ago
I wanted them to show Sarah!
Turglayfopa - 9 years ago
5 naked bitches xD haha he is right bitches are what you need when going out on a boat xD
CajunMarine33445 - 9 years ago
True there is nothing like taking heavy fire in desert tosh, and yes enlisting is a great way get exercise...... lol
Aulna'ae - 9 years ago
Did anyone else notice at 4:18 right after he said "I always go in the water." that the rock he is sitting on randomly got wet?
Richard parker
Richard parker - 7 years ago
I'm sure he pissed himself, , just like he said
jasmyne contours
jasmyne contours - 9 years ago
LOL!! Tosh, where did you get a black baby from??? LOL!!!! Hilarious!!!!
Rich L
Rich L - 9 years ago
Lol look at his feet at 4:35 like a freakish venus demilo
Latoya Clark
Latoya Clark - 9 years ago
get that butty up Tosh.o I wanna see big 00
Toms Fishing NC Tomm
Toms Fishing NC Tomm - 9 years ago
Sit on kayaks are better for that reason
H0TsHooTGG - 9 years ago
The 88 dislikes were gingers
Hyannis626 - 9 years ago
Anyone notice that Tosh pissed on the rock he was sitting on? It was dry and then wet.
Richard parker
Richard parker - 7 years ago
Lmao, I was like where the fuck did that come from... lol that streak though
Richard parker
Richard parker - 7 years ago
I'm assuming from Malaysian airflight 370? I'm a little late, haven't seen this in a while lol
FRMOutsideSpace - 9 years ago
Jaynie W
Jaynie W - 9 years ago
Wow I forgot how hot tosh is
ZAM9816 - 9 years ago
his boner was very noticeable even through the censor
NoLife Man
NoLife Man - 8 years ago
it wasn't real, that was part of the joke.
M. Torres
M. Torres - 9 years ago
Watch right after tosh slaps him. The ginger quivered for a few secs. He liked if.
dynoclaus - 9 years ago
The western man after 50 years of overt feminism and liberalism.
Who's John Galt
Who's John Galt - 7 years ago
Ikki G
Wow! You told him. Plus It's only been 2 years since his comment so you know it really burned him good.
Casey J
Casey J - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus so being afraid of drowning makes you less of a man or some shit?
Trend House
Trend House - 9 years ago
+Sarah Sarah Assuming gays are weaker than straight guys is homophobic.
Trend House
Trend House - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus Well, I don't know about this guy, but most feminist men in general are like him. But it also has a lot to do with abundance of resources that we have today. All men today are probably wimps compared to men that lived just several centuries ago.
spooky mulder
spooky mulder - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus you need to drink a glass of water friend
dynoclaus - 9 years ago
+mikeiswhite3 I watch the video here for fun, and I strike u these threads for the same reason. It is an easy way to learn how others think. I hope I didn't ruin it for you.
Evi - 9 years ago
gl proving that m8
mikeiswhite3 - 9 years ago
This is a comedy video. Not a video about politics.
dynoclaus - 9 years ago
+cspj12 Ignorant dudes like me believe that there is more to defining state political leanings than counting the number of d's and r's in a legislature, also accounting for policy, union activity and contributions to the national success of certain policies. Gov. Walker is a fine example of a conservative succeeding in the muck and he is not alone. However, he has been recalled twice and is not anointed as a prophet the way liberals are. Wisconsin is a fine state filled with many types of wonderful people. Still, from my perspective, there is no way to measure the state as "conservative". You are still a shit stain.
Cai - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus Btw, Wisconsin isn't "dark blue". It's ranked roughly in the middle, but on the conservative side of the middle. They elected Scott Walker, after all. I was going to let your ignorance slide, but that shit stain comment really hurt my feelings. I think I'm going to need therapy. Thank god I don't have to deal with microaggressions or rape culture on my campus, because that shit was seriously triggering bro. 
Cai - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus Wow, thanks for the fascinating window into the way your mind works. You should write a book. People need to know about these things.
dynoclaus - 9 years ago
+cspj12 I believe that you believe you are engaged in high level political discourse. However, you are actually responding to a jab I made when I was initially disgusted by the sycophant behavior of this helpless creature.
Cai - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus You are the one who started the high level political discourse.
dynoclaus - 9 years ago
+cspj12  WTF are you blabbering about, shit stain? My balls are the size of grapefruit. I wish they would shrink a bit.
You have left a good example of why liberalism is intellectualism for retards. Your entire comment is fabricated from your imagination, just like the rest of your cult philosophy is fabricated from eugenics and unoriginal ideas you read on tumblr.
I hope you will recall that this is a thread about a Tosh.0 clip and realize this is a bad place to have your discussion.
Cai - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus It's no wonder you are afraid of liberalism, when you've been told that your balls will shrink if you believe certain things. 
dynoclaus - 9 years ago
+Rich L I stand by everything I have written. Of course there have always been all types of people. The bit is funny; the idea that this is a real person is not funny. His helplessness is the primary object of laughter here. Tosh brings on these people who are self- satirizing  to be mocked. I laughed too.
Rich L
Rich L - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus Nonsense there were always wimpy guys. Even chaucer wrote about them. Besides, you can tell he was sort of trying to be funny.
dynoclaus - 9 years ago
+TheAnonymousMrGrape  Tosh is the comedian. Moobs is the sucker brought on to the show to be laughed at for his physique and demeanor.
TheAnonymousMrGrape - 9 years ago
But this is a comedy show, they're sitting in the woods naked as a joke. That's not just what they do.
dynoclaus - 9 years ago
+RyanPerson This isn't mad libs. please, help me think of some other movements that work here.
RyanPerson - 9 years ago
The western man after 50 years of [Insert random movement or idea that you disapprove of here]
Sarah Sarah
Sarah Sarah - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus anyways
dynoclaus - 9 years ago
Go ahead and put your disgusting lack of culture on display, liberals. Nobody can make you look worse than you, using your own words.
Cai - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus that's weird. I guess I just assumed they were conservative because they seem fat and stupid. 
Sarah Sarah
Sarah Sarah - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus you gon keep calling me an idiot lmao okay but your ass wanted to tell me i was assuming he was gay i just told you that he said it in another video i didn't tell you to do nothing. lmao go cry about feminism. 
dynoclaus - 9 years ago
+Sarah Sarah Why would I watch his videos? 
Go be an idiot on another thread.
Sarah Sarah
Sarah Sarah - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus he's a white gay and extra as fuck lmao ever seen one of them? yeah in his other videos with his friend he says he's gay... but anyways come harder
dynoclaus - 9 years ago
I don't believe that being gay means you are automatically a hapless idiot. Then again, I am not a homophobe. lol I don't recall him ever mentioning his orientation... 
Sarah Sarah
Sarah Sarah - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus or he's just gay and that's him
dynoclaus - 9 years ago
WTF? Wisconsin is dark blue. A bastion of idiot politics...
Cai - 9 years ago
+dynoclaus he's from wisconsin, safe from the reach of those things.
Slightly Disconnected
Slightly Disconnected - 9 years ago
That has been my favorite video for month and it is an ongoing joke in my history class because one day this girl came in and she tripped over a computer wire at the front of the room and everyone was like "oh shit are you fine" and all she did was say "sssaaaarah heeelllp..."
Yuvaez - 9 years ago
5:50 dem titties
MadRoberts22 Gaming
MadRoberts22 Gaming - 9 years ago
I'm seriously convinced Daniel tosh is gay I'm not hating on the guy or anything I love tosh.o but there has been way too many giveaways for me too be convinced he's straight
Casey J
Casey J - 9 years ago
+Austin Roberts he could be bisexual.
Geekins - 9 years ago
Look at the rock under Daniel at
4:13 and 4:18
Jennifer Webb
Jennifer Webb - 7 years ago
when he was wetting himself, he was literally talking about going to the bathroom...
CLASH - 7 years ago
I'm sure they cut out a joke about that
jootai - 9 years ago
+Geekins wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
José Gómez
José Gómez - 9 years ago
+Geekins yeah he pissed himself???
favabeans22 - 9 years ago
+Geekins Thank you for pointing that out. Never noticed that before.

100. comment for Tosh.0 - Web Redemption - Kayak

Taylor Frost
Taylor Frost - 9 years ago
I watch a lot of Tosh, very tolerable, but you sir are a fucking FAGGOT
mack cummy
mack cummy - 9 years ago
Glad i;m a cute white boy with a ripped natural body that can tan.
HappyandFree30 - 9 years ago
So which part did he redeem himself in ?
Nick Lozica
Nick Lozica - 9 years ago
all gingers are dumb and fat
Nick Lozica
Nick Lozica - 9 years ago
I know right
Captivating's Channel
Captivating's Channel - 9 years ago
Ed Sheeran
theblocksays - 9 years ago
He sounds like the grown up version of that "Charlie bit me" kid LMAO SARAAAAAAAAAH!
Hannah Dudzinski
Hannah Dudzinski - 9 years ago
Went to high school with this kid
Mistuh Pumpkin
Mistuh Pumpkin - 9 years ago
1:52 "Daniel is a 28 year old television host" Lol
TheFreePantheist - 7 years ago
Mistuh Pumpkin
He will be 28 forever
robert bryant
robert bryant - 9 years ago
Yipyipyip! Pew! Pew!
Patchydeen - 10 years ago
Malaysia they found it!!
Willie Sims
Willie Sims - 10 years ago
Lol where the black baby come from? Tosh
tracy lia lynn
tracy lia lynn - 10 years ago
Hmm. Tosh, I want to hump your face!
Andy Doufreisn
Andy Doufreisn - 10 years ago
"Hey Daniel!"

"Hey Pussy Max!"@2:28
bob smith
bob smith - 10 years ago
What a disgusting body
Tody Rich
Tody Rich - 10 years ago
How I know where the idea Naked and afraid came from..
Erodthebod - 10 years ago
I'm sorry we just beat the Dolphins Tosh. You're team sucks. 
Benzer Morris
Benzer Morris - 10 years ago
Oh Florida!!!
KILGAROK - 10 years ago
The most boring drowning in the history of water
Keith Carey
Keith Carey - 9 years ago
Too funny.
Corey Boebel
Corey Boebel - 9 years ago
"in the history of water" lmfao
Christian - 10 years ago
Can anyone tell me where I can get that sweater?  Freshy.  
Anthony Feteira
Anthony Feteira - 10 years ago
I can't be the only one who understood the Malaysia joke
TBA - 10 years ago
Brendan Bennett
Brendan Bennett - 10 years ago
Original video?
byro32271 - 10 years ago
Did anyone else notice that Tosh pissed on that rock while he talking to the Ginger kid?
inSpihr - 10 years ago
Lmfao the first slap don't test me part!
Andrew Cornish
Andrew Cornish - 10 years ago
The language reminds me of pikmin
A - 10 years ago
S1KGOD BMW - 10 years ago
Haha the black baby omg
Ryan Lawrence
Ryan Lawrence - 10 years ago
That redhead couldn't act for crap
Avalanche341 - 10 years ago
omg the Malaysia airlines joke
Fooks - 10 years ago
Kind of wish a gator came up and ate him.
Levi Evans
Levi Evans - 9 years ago
Gators don't live in Wisconsin
kingjoep1997 - 10 years ago
I know max. He my cousins best friend
Mike Adams
Mike Adams - 10 years ago
what a wuss
Americansikkunt - 10 years ago
Is this a retelling of that one movie...the king and me...or whatever...with the 2 brokers
Americansikkunt - 10 years ago
This just reinforces everything I thought about this guys fail...
ekklesiast - 10 years ago
well this is weird
KoilBooly - 10 years ago
Sooo how did he redeem himself?
Andrew Menino
Andrew Menino - 9 years ago
he died
theasshole - 10 years ago
what a manner of a creatcher is this 
XemnaTakashimi OudowitzScudavichvinzki
XemnaTakashimi OudowitzScudavichvinzki - 10 years ago
TuJungo - 10 years ago
21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
TuJungo - 10 years ago
can you spell right you faggot. i raped your mom and now she has aids. you should murder your whole family and the kill yourself. you have no life you scum bag piece of shit.
Animalzy - 10 years ago
Kill urself kid ur nut even 10the prestige 1v1 me rust quickscope only faggit srfu mlg pro.
kenny k
kenny k - 10 years ago

Sython1 - 10 years ago
yip yip yooooo
Jake Reid
Jake Reid - 10 years ago
Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri - 10 years ago
im assuming they werent actually naked...right....RIGHT D:> ?
adrian - 7 years ago
I saw Daniels... solid snake
Nicholas Giordano
Nicholas Giordano - 9 years ago
Tosh is probably naked but the ginger has nude colored underwear on
Samuel Markert
Samuel Markert - 9 years ago
+Katsy ‍ Its Tosh, they were def naked
Tyrese 6GOD
Tyrese 6GOD - 10 years ago
no stop it at 4:32 an look under his belly
Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri - 10 years ago
True but its not ever episode you get to see a big ginger naked
EqpBeats - 10 years ago
You fail to realize it's tosh! Dude gets naked like every episode haha
adam king
adam king - 10 years ago
I hope not
ThorLiam CS
ThorLiam CS - 10 years ago
Shachao - 10 years ago

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