Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes

http://www.TorchPaddles.com Huge thanks to our friends over at Torch Paddles for bringing TeamSuperTramp to British Columbia to make this video! Check them out in the link above! Torch Paddles was co-founded by our very own TeamSuperTramp member Creighton Baird, and they make the world's first and only stand up paddleboard, canoe, and (very soon) kayak paddles with LED lights inset into the blade. That means more adventure, longer hours outdoors, and a whole new way to explore. You can check them out online and on Instagram and Facebook at: @TorchPaddles Main Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M6mSw1M9v8&spfreload=10 Super thanks to Red Paddle Co and Glide SUP for donating paddle boards for this adventure. Check them out in the link below: www.redpaddleco.com www.glidesup.com Produced by Torch Paddles Directed by Parker Walbeck Filmed by Parker Walbeck, Dakota Walbeck, and Tyson Henderson Edited by Parker Walbeck using Adobe Premiere Pro CC Behind The Scenes edited by Tyson Henderson Music in this video: "Underwater" by Milkman and "What I like" by Con Bro Chill Make sure to follow us on instagram, facebook, twitter, it's the cool thing to do these days :) It's also where I let people know how to be involved in my videos. https://www.facebook.com/devinsupertrampyoutube http://twitter.com/devinsupertramp For business inquiries ONLY, contact me here: devinsupertramp@gmail.com

Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 54

Kayak 9 years ago 252,944 views

http://www.TorchPaddles.com Huge thanks to our friends over at Torch Paddles for bringing TeamSuperTramp to British Columbia to make this video! Check them out in the link above! Torch Paddles was co-founded by our very own TeamSuperTramp member Creighton Baird, and they make the world's first and only stand up paddleboard, canoe, and (very soon) kayak paddles with LED lights inset into the blade. That means more adventure, longer hours outdoors, and a whole new way to explore. You can check them out online and on Instagram and Facebook at: @TorchPaddles Main Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M6mSw1M9v8&spfreload=10 Super thanks to Red Paddle Co and Glide SUP for donating paddle boards for this adventure. Check them out in the link below: www.redpaddleco.com www.glidesup.com Produced by Torch Paddles Directed by Parker Walbeck Filmed by Parker Walbeck, Dakota Walbeck, and Tyson Henderson Edited by Parker Walbeck using Adobe Premiere Pro CC Behind The Scenes edited by Tyson Henderson Music in this video: "Underwater" by Milkman and "What I like" by Con Bro Chill Make sure to follow us on instagram, facebook, twitter, it's the cool thing to do these days :) It's also where I let people know how to be involved in my videos. https://www.facebook.com/devinsupertrampyoutube http://twitter.com/devinsupertramp For business inquiries ONLY, contact me here: devinsupertramp@gmail.com

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Most popular comments
for Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes

Unkle Fritz
Unkle Fritz - 8 years ago
2:05 I think I would have moved that large stone sticking up.......
AleaderWaterShoes - 8 years ago
Awesome video.We can provide the water shoes which can help you enjoy this activity.you can contact us if you are interested in.
Mc Caithness films
Mc Caithness films - 8 years ago
Devin do u know that dji drones when ur recording and it sorta breaks that footage before would be saved to ur Device
Nihal Raj
Nihal Raj - 8 years ago
why are you not giving a shoutout for high on life?
Autumn Thomsson
Autumn Thomsson - 9 years ago
I've been a fan forever. his videos inspire me. #YOLO
Biray PINAR - 9 years ago
0:18 Recorded With A Calculator
Tris Sadowski
Tris Sadowski - 9 years ago
YES! Shitwater.
villasisbacag - 9 years ago
You Guys are crazyYY LOL. I really liked that!!!!!
icitizenoftheplanet - 9 years ago
lmao 2much fun this was great bhs stuff ..;)

10. comment for Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes

TheOhfishes - 9 years ago
Everything about this is obnoxious.
Blacksheep Kayak
Blacksheep Kayak - 9 years ago
nice time near the water
Garrett S
Garrett S - 9 years ago
Obnoxious much?
Frank From Upstate NY
Frank From Upstate NY - 9 years ago
Every generation has it's "kiss ass stuff"....in my day it was a simple fast CR250...now, it's about this.

This beats "workin"!!!"
loloac - 9 years ago
why are they carrying paddles if they cant use them
Edward Vera
Edward Vera - 9 years ago
You guys are awesome
Dave Houghton
Dave Houghton - 9 years ago
Inspires are not cheap. $600 now dangling ...how the hell??? Not a chance you could replicate that again , shear bad luck.   I have loaded P2 and not surprised  there was very little Red cam use, can't imagine a crash followed by a $3000 Luge ride LOL. Smiles and fun times!
Frank Brenner
Frank Brenner - 9 years ago
This is depressing.
mfbe73 - 9 years ago
torch paddles... BRILLIANT!
Jesse Butler
Jesse Butler - 9 years ago
I'd like to sit on a vertically placed kayak. ;)

20. comment for Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes

PortaJohn - 9 years ago
I get the whole idea of torch paddles but when are you gonna go kayaking/canoeing in the dark?
Matthew Jenson
Matthew Jenson - 9 years ago
wheres Devin? :(
QuartuvLarry - 9 years ago
I imagine no kayaks made with composite material were used...
Ashley Mayes
Ashley Mayes - 9 years ago
got to love devin true inspiration
Brayden Smith
Brayden Smith - 9 years ago
Hey Devin I love your videos, and I'm trying to get into filming but I don't know what to film and tips?
How To Make Sushi
How To Make Sushi - 9 years ago
That is a Gigantic paddle board!
mynameisriddle - 9 years ago
the main videos became so much amazing to watch after i saw the behind the scenes, i even think that i like more the behind the scenes
Айвенго реклама
Айвенго реклама - 9 years ago
So sorry for your lost of Inspire1. It`s so nice copter.
Harrison Burch
Harrison Burch - 9 years ago
What kind of inflatable paddle board are you guys using with all the people on it, that thing is awesome!
Harrison Burch
Harrison Burch - 9 years ago
What kind of inflatable paddle board are you guys using with all the people on it, that thing is awesome!

30. comment for Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes

Pandaperfect - 9 years ago
you are such an inspiration to my film making thank you
Elena Lewis
Elena Lewis - 9 years ago
How many times have u guys been caught by the police or chased or warned try counting up how many
maraxay - 9 years ago
are torch paddles safe for the animals?? 
light distracts many sea creatures thats why theres no light in many beaches it's bad for sea turtles and animals like them
Cyco Laws
Cyco Laws - 9 years ago
Next time I go to Canada i'm sliding down this with a boogie board (and helemt)
Cyco Laws
Cyco Laws - 9 years ago
Probably my favorite behind the scenes video. I want to be a part of Team Supertramp sooooo bad
Valy - 9 years ago
Can you buy a new camera or Does Dakota have to climb up a pole to get it?
Bailey Blue
Bailey Blue - 9 years ago
Danielle Knapp
Danielle Knapp - 9 years ago
where is devin bruh
Ian Norton
Ian Norton - 9 years ago
i guarantee torch paddles will take off but when you expand more you should do a re brand as "torch boards" . :D
VollbareHaltmilch - 9 years ago
weird if i dont see devin himself in a supertramp video! but thanks to his crew! awesome video ! <3
S & J ActiveVideos
S & J ActiveVideos - 9 years ago
Cool BTS..... Have a great one..
HerFamily Channel
HerFamily Channel - 9 years ago
Scene at 8:39. Where is that place at????
Anonymous Person
Anonymous Person - 9 years ago
Their last video I think
Эмиль Исаев
Эмиль Исаев - 9 years ago
Hi, video just class. Video from the heart to do, but when to make a new video about Assassin parkour, I would like to know?
Chris All
Chris All - 9 years ago
Wow that sucks what a way to lose a camera. Is the drone banged up?
Dirt Maniac95
Dirt Maniac95 - 9 years ago
come to Prince George and make a mtb video we have sweet trails @devingraham
DNdominoBuilders - 9 years ago
silicone tits
silicone tits - 9 years ago
Hey team supertramp i am an aspiring filmmaker and youtuber and i was wondering if maybe i could direct u to some more cool places for videos in bc since i live here anyways if you would like more info about some cool places please send me a direct message to Nik_Bucan on Instagram and just let me know also i love ur vids u and ur team are amazing keep up the amazing work and i hope i will get to work with you one day
silicone tits
silicone tits - 9 years ago
Oh and also if ur interested just reply
silicone tits
silicone tits - 9 years ago
Since u guys are awesome this is obviously all for free
Geeronimo - 9 years ago
Wow, High on Life!!
Andrew Warburton
Andrew Warburton - 9 years ago
Come to Prince George bc
Pingu Gaming
Pingu Gaming - 9 years ago
Dude red bull did that!
Like you thought of that you liars!

50. comment for Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes

Strat acous
Strat acous - 9 years ago
5:56 is the greatest XD i'm dying!!
János Dani
János Dani - 9 years ago
This is no kayak
Mariam Ahmed
Mariam Ahmed - 9 years ago
its not the same... devin is gone :( but great job guys.
Derek Jimenez
Derek Jimenez - 9 years ago
Does it ruin the ottos of the kayak?
Strat acous
Strat acous - 9 years ago
+Derek Jimenez no they sustained very light scratches
HoopCha - 9 years ago
Did you get the Camera back?
Strat acous
Strat acous - 9 years ago
+HoopCha nope
v12tommy - 9 years ago
Who is the girl pumping up the SUP? I hope she is in future videos too. She is all kinds of fine. :)
Strat acous
Strat acous - 9 years ago
+v12tommy hahaha that's +noelle wooten  she's in our vids all the time!
Ender Domilith
Ender Domilith - 9 years ago
Can we PLEASE see the footage of the camera getting stuck? Cause, that would be hilarious!
Ender Domilith
Ender Domilith - 9 years ago
ahahhaha yeah
Cytraxis Wolf
Cytraxis Wolf - 9 years ago
+Endergirl42 Bet some kid might go looking for that camera now.
SuperDrones - 9 years ago
Talked with parker, they never got it down :(
Ender Domilith
Ender Domilith - 9 years ago
Oh yeah......damn..... XD
Leon Enke
Leon Enke - 9 years ago
+Endergirl42 I guess its still up there^^
Austin Spears
Austin Spears - 9 years ago
i miss seeing devin in all of the behind the scenes but not having to shoot all the vids is definitely easier for him
Caleb Owens
Caleb Owens - 9 years ago
Why are they wearing suits?
Joseph Doll Productions
Joseph Doll Productions - 9 years ago
How does one join the team? Is it like some covert group where they find you?
rasmasyean - 9 years ago
+Joseph Doll Productions Devin is like a cyber space hippie commander who leads a sort of "YOLO movement". The actual shooting team are pro photographers. But along the way he collects followers who become part of a fleeting crew to join the expeditions, both public and covert depending on the mission and objectives. Some include:

Supertramper Craigton 01:27 - Aerial Physicist
Supertrampess Jennifer 07:06 - Morale Officer
Others who appear often:
Supertramper Seth - Safety / Science Officer
Supertramper Louis - Scout
Supertrampess Megan - Drone Aviator
Bailey Breving
Bailey Breving - 9 years ago
What was the worst injury for this adventure? All that rock and concrete looks painful
Daft_Bastard - 9 years ago
I get they're trying to promote the product, but why the fuck did they even use torchpaddles? Like seriously at least show them at night doing something cool in the video (not the behind the scenes)

Also, they're a shit idea because no one paddles at night, ever
Sam Of The Dino
Sam Of The Dino - 9 years ago
Well maybe there would of been footage but it's still stuck on the dang wire :(
Robert Pett
Robert Pett - 9 years ago
Don't say that unless you have actually kayaked because kayaking at night is awesome
Echo Gaming
Echo Gaming - 9 years ago
Alexander Sutherland
Alexander Sutherland - 9 years ago
were those kayak torch paddles?
Cameron Kinsey
Cameron Kinsey - 9 years ago
Dakota's wipeout was insane!
Christian Adventure Films
Christian Adventure Films - 9 years ago
That looks like it would be one insane scary ride!!!
drakeanton2000 - 9 years ago
Is this where gopro filmed that kayaking video?
Finn Reid
Finn Reid - 9 years ago
+d r a k e a n t o n 2 0 0 0 looks like it
drakeanton2000 - 9 years ago
zRawrasaurusREXz - 9 years ago
+d r a k e a n t o n 2 0 0 0 It is indeed.
Courtney Alder
Courtney Alder - 9 years ago
Where is Devin?
Shining Sun Entertainment
Shining Sun Entertainment - 9 years ago
For being a video advertising LED paddles to be used for night, there was a distinct lack of night paddling in the main video. Why?
Strat acous
Strat acous - 9 years ago
+njitram2000 it is actually haha it'll be stuck up there for awhile
njitram2000 - 9 years ago
+Shining Sun Entertainment Maybe the footage is still stuck on the telephone wire :D
Strat acous
Strat acous - 9 years ago
+Shining Sun Entertainment the cameras don't do the best in low light
ajbolt - 9 years ago
Where in the area of Howe sound/Vancouver was this filmed?
Alaeddin Dhahri
Alaeddin Dhahri - 9 years ago
I totally love your videos ! such a great, talented and creative team !
Joe Lott
Joe Lott - 9 years ago
You guys seriously need to buy a cable cam. Would have been perfect for following everyone down towards the water! The DEFY DACTYLCAM would be perfect for the RED
Májor - 9 years ago
Wher was this shot
natwixterthan18 - 9 years ago
I would love to do something like this. I can't swim...but I can float so I think that's good enough :D
FraggingBard - 9 years ago
Take a swim class. They usually aren't expensive, a lot of them come with access to a pool giving you more practice time in controlled conditions, and even at one class a week for a couple of weeks the initial boost to your swimming skills is massive.
Sharpshooter-mcpe pvp and more
Sharpshooter-mcpe pvp and more - 9 years ago
I would recommend learning to swim first it doesn't have to be like swim classes but you should be able to get to the other side of the pool before you try that
Not Cool Bro
Not Cool Bro - 9 years ago
Firsttt!!! Jk almost
aaronsbot - 9 years ago
LOL! poor Johnny!
FADO - 9 years ago
Damn, they used Milkman song
FADO - 9 years ago
Damn, they used Milkman song!
FADO - 9 years ago
Damn, they used Milkman song!
Roblox is lyfe
Roblox is lyfe - 9 years ago
And it's awesome you guy are doing things in bc because that's where I live and I can go to the places you guys go
Roblox is lyfe
Roblox is lyfe - 9 years ago
And it's awesome you guy are doing things in bc because that's where I live and I can go to the places you guys go
I have a new youtube name I can use spaces and punctuation now too :D YAY! :DDDDDDDD
I have a new youtube name I can use spaces and punctuation now too :D YAY! :DDDDDDDD - 9 years ago
Did they ever get their camera off the telephone wire?
Tripp Smith
Tripp Smith - 8 years ago
They tried to use a Potato launcher to get it down.
rasmasyean - 9 years ago
+Strat acous Using an axe wouldn't have been easier. XD
Strat acous
Strat acous - 9 years ago
+Max S. hahah we though about it, but it's not worth getting another one stuck
Max S.
Max S. - 9 years ago
+Strat acous Have you tried taking one of your more powerful drones and fixing a broomstick to it to "grab" the camera?
tornadoswe - 9 years ago
+Strat acous Damn pity we aren't there on that side of the planet. We have done similar "rescue" missions to get phantoms and RC-planes of cliffs with our X8 or octo. Allways fun to try but I guess its risky if it's a power cable.
Kendall Martin
Kendall Martin - 9 years ago
Not a gopro. Inspire 1.
rasmasyean - 9 years ago
You can't "browse" the GoPro and download files over WiFi?  It only allows you to stream to the screen real-time?
I have a new youtube name I can use spaces and punctuation now too :D YAY! :DDDDDDDD
I have a new youtube name I can use spaces and punctuation now too :D YAY! :DDDDDDDD - 9 years ago
hahah this is going to be great if someone can get this down, it's crazy you guys shot it with paintball guns!
Strat acous
Strat acous - 9 years ago
+FPV Fred it survived but one of the legs bent inward and a propeller broke
FPV Fred
FPV Fred - 9 years ago
+Strat acous what about the drone? Did it survive?
EduarFilms - 9 years ago
+I have a new youtube name I can use spaces and punctuation now too :D YAY! :DDDDDDDD maybe get a drone up there to take it down :P
rasmasyean - 9 years ago
+Strat acous He's gonna shoot it with a real gun...
Strat acous
Strat acous - 9 years ago
+Kendall Martin hahah dude good luck!! if you're able to get it off i'll be so impressed! we shot it with paintball guns and a potato guns and it's still chilling 50 ft up
I have a new youtube name I can use spaces and punctuation now too :D YAY! :DDDDDDDD
I have a new youtube name I can use spaces and punctuation now too :D YAY! :DDDDDDDD - 9 years ago
+Strat acous oh :(
Kendall Martin
Kendall Martin - 9 years ago
+Strat acous imma go get that camera. BC here i come.
Just Josh
Just Josh - 9 years ago
+Strat acous Damn, would've been fun to have the footage of getting it down, haha
Strat acous
Strat acous - 9 years ago
+I have a new youtube name I can use spaces and punctuation now too :D YAY! :DDDDDDDD no we did not :( the power company even told us it's staying up there
TheCoBBus - 9 years ago
We haven´t seen Devin much lately? what up with that
Cabot Steward
Cabot Steward - 8 years ago
+TheCoBBus He had surgery or somthing to do with his foot I think
John Sedillo
John Sedillo - 8 years ago
+Harry J.M ~mk,bbhyvbvgf
RageFire - 9 years ago
+JSLR Video or the FF7 video
JSLR Productions
JSLR Productions - 9 years ago
+TheCoBBus I believe he is working on his Iceland video
JacksLife - 9 years ago
+TheCoBBus He is at CVX Live in Utah at the moment
TheCoBBus - 9 years ago
Yea that would make sense
keandric 2
keandric 2 - 9 years ago
+TheCoBBus Back when they were in BC shooting all of these, I Believe around that time is when the London Assassin's Creed one was being filmed also?? Not 100% on the timing of that though. So after Devin filmed all of the main ones that he was going to, they might've split into two groups? With Devin and one team going to London and the other 1/2 of Team Supertramp staying in BC?? But like I said, not too sure of the timing :)
Stanley Tucker
Stanley Tucker - 9 years ago
Well they r team supertramp, soo maybe he had a day off or he wasn't able to go maybe.
Martí Serra
Martí Serra - 9 years ago
Great video! :)
ProDSLR - 9 years ago
Inspire down!
Hayley Herlich
Hayley Herlich - 9 years ago
Devin you have the most breathtaking videos!

Check my channel out! I'm new and need subbers! Ask me questions for a q and a! <33
RomaInvictus5 - 9 years ago
Geez we are early!
Hayley Herlich
Hayley Herlich - 9 years ago
no longer exist kjkikikikikiki
no longer exist kjkikikikikiki - 9 years ago
Devin I lost my gopro in your video :(
no longer exist kjkikikikikiki
no longer exist kjkikikikikiki - 9 years ago
First comment stays
no longer exist kjkikikikikiki
no longer exist kjkikikikikiki - 9 years ago
Subscribe to me
simon ng
simon ng - 9 years ago
Damn im early enjoying the videos
simon ng
simon ng - 9 years ago
Damn im early enjoying the videos
MAD BAM - 9 years ago
Love you DEVIN !!!!
nono pepe
nono pepe - 9 years ago
i just want to do what you do !!
TJack Survival
TJack Survival - 9 years ago
Awesome! FIRST!

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About Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes

The "Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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