Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes
Kayak 9 years ago 252,944 views
http://www.TorchPaddles.com Huge thanks to our friends over at Torch Paddles for bringing TeamSuperTramp to British Columbia to make this video! Check them out in the link above! Torch Paddles was co-founded by our very own TeamSuperTramp member Creighton Baird, and they make the world's first and only stand up paddleboard, canoe, and (very soon) kayak paddles with LED lights inset into the blade. That means more adventure, longer hours outdoors, and a whole new way to explore. You can check them out online and on Instagram and Facebook at: @TorchPaddles Main Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M6mSw1M9v8&spfreload=10 Super thanks to Red Paddle Co and Glide SUP for donating paddle boards for this adventure. Check them out in the link below: www.redpaddleco.com www.glidesup.com Produced by Torch Paddles Directed by Parker Walbeck Filmed by Parker Walbeck, Dakota Walbeck, and Tyson Henderson Edited by Parker Walbeck using Adobe Premiere Pro CC Behind The Scenes edited by Tyson Henderson Music in this video: "Underwater" by Milkman and "What I like" by Con Bro Chill Make sure to follow us on instagram, facebook, twitter, it's the cool thing to do these days :) It's also where I let people know how to be involved in my videos. https://www.facebook.com/devinsupertrampyoutube http://twitter.com/devinsupertramp For business inquiries ONLY, contact me here: devinsupertramp@gmail.com
10. comment for Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes
This beats "workin"!!!"
20. comment for Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes
30. comment for Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes
light distracts many sea creatures thats why theres no light in many beaches it's bad for sea turtles and animals like them
Like you thought of that you liars!
50. comment for Urban Kayaking! -Behind The Scenes
Talked with parker, they never got it down :(
Supertramper Craigton 01:27 - Aerial Physicist
Supertrampess Jennifer 07:06 - Morale Officer
Others who appear often:
Supertramper Seth - Safety / Science Officer
Supertramper Louis - Scout
Supertrampess Megan - Drone Aviator
Also, they're a shit idea because no one paddles at night, ever
Take a swim class. They usually aren't expensive, a lot of them come with access to a pool giving you more practice time in controlled conditions, and even at one class a week for a couple of weeks the initial boost to your swimming skills is massive.
Inspire down!
Check my channel out! I'm new and need subbers! Ask me questions for a q and a! <33