Urban Kayaking with Torch Paddles | DEVINSUPERTRAMP
Kayak 9 years ago 806,149 views
http://www.TorchPaddles.com Huge thanks to our friends over at Torch Paddles for bringing TeamSuperTramp to British Columbia to make this video! Check them out in the link above! Torch Paddles was co-founded by our very own TeamSuperTramp member Creighton Baird, and they make the world's first and only stand up paddleboard, canoe, and (very soon) kayak paddles with LED lights inset into the blade. That means more adventure, longer hours outdoors, and a whole new way to explore. You can check them out online and on Instagram and Facebook at: @TorchPaddles Behind the Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmJu62ylEdA Super thanks to Red Paddle Co and Glide SUP for donating paddle boards for this adventure. Check them out in the link below: www.redpaddleco.com www.glidesup.com Produced by Torch Paddles Directed by Parker Walbeck Filmed by Parker Walbeck, Dakota Walbeck, and Tyson Henderson Edited by Parker Walbeck and Alex Lowry using Adobe Premiere Pro CC Heli Shots by Beacon Media Group Instagram: @beaconmediagroup Web: www.beaconmediagroup.ca Music called World of Mine by Radical Something iTunes - http://smarturl.it/WorldOfMine Music Video - https://youtu.be/3lqQC7XSGUc Make sure to follow us on instagram, facebook, twitter, it's the cool thing to do these days :) It's also where I let people know how to be involved in my videos. https://www.facebook.com/devinsupertrampyoutube http://twitter.com/devinsupertramp For business inquiries ONLY, contact me here: devinsupertramp@gmail.com
10. comment for Urban Kayaking with Torch Paddles | DEVINSUPERTRAMP
This video is too fun :-)
20. comment for Urban Kayaking with Torch Paddles | DEVINSUPERTRAMP
30. comment for Urban Kayaking with Torch Paddles | DEVINSUPERTRAMP
I started making videos regularly because of your content. <3
Which led to a few videos for companies which is boring and monotonous!
But you are keeping it real experiencing the world and doing what you love.
Keep up your exceptional style . Everyone loves you Devin, your videos are exceptional!
50. comment for Urban Kayaking with Torch Paddles | DEVINSUPERTRAMP
Can't wait for the next adventure together :)
Whether you want to watch my videos or not is up to you, but thank you for at least reading this comment :)
100. comment for Urban Kayaking with Torch Paddles | DEVINSUPERTRAMP
It sais: Houston we don't have a problem!
'Man, there's gonna be loads of blood in the Behind the Scenes'
жаль что с моими друзьями такого не замутишь(
If you've ever white watered kayaked then this would probably be considered a class 2 maybe, just because of the speed and the possibility of loosing some skin on the cement if you take a spill.
So in essence this is a fun get together and playing around for a group of people, "extreme kayaking" .. not even close, and a really a montage of 5 year old's blowing bubbles is what it really is.
Run a class 5+ and then you can have Lamb of God or Meshuggah shredding in the background.
That would be extreme kayaking
I have to listen them on mute ohh never mind you cannot listen on mute you dumb ass .
I feel like he doesnt get much option at this point.
uh... I'm also Kalatixu by the way, sorry :D
ضيفوني سناب شات : faressad
What genre of music is this? thanks!
bc is beautiful
wa is beautiful
please !!?
you guys should get some professional kayakers and go shoot a proper kayaking video cause you haven't done it yet ;) and it's awesome !
Damnit devin you did it again.
Check my channel out please! I'm a new YouTuber and one day Hope to be as good as Devin! Ask me questions for a q and a. :))