WATCH THIS! It will SAVE YOUR LIFE! Kayak Fishing Safety

I did this video as a public Service to save one life out there in the kayak and kayak fishing world. This is a "How To Kayak Rescue " video where I put my thoughts into a video in hopes that someone actually watches this whole safety video! Do not be a tough guy! Learn how to self rescue yourself in a kayak! I know this video is long! But just watch it!!!!!! WHERE YOUR PFD ! This is my story time! The kayak I used for this video is the Hobie Quest 13 ********************************************************** Here is the list of My Gear: My vest - My kayak- My VLOG Camera- My Tripod - My Penn Fierce 2 - My Penn Battle 2 - My Inshore Ugly Stik -- My Offshore Tiger Rod - My Jigmaster 500 - My Penn 850 -- Please SUBSCRIBE and check out my other VLOGs as well. I am a life ADVENTURE VLOGGER. I do my best to post a video everyday. I make videos on what ever is going on at that time. Follow me on my daily video posts and adventures! Follow me on Social Media: Facebook: Instagram : Twitter: Check out my website, gear and Apparel at : DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support! ********************************************************** Ice Flow by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

WATCH THIS! It will SAVE YOUR LIFE! Kayak Fishing Safety sentiment_very_dissatisfied 99

Kayak 8 years ago 110,181 views

I did this video as a public Service to save one life out there in the kayak and kayak fishing world. This is a "How To Kayak Rescue " video where I put my thoughts into a video in hopes that someone actually watches this whole safety video! Do not be a tough guy! Learn how to self rescue yourself in a kayak! I know this video is long! But just watch it!!!!!! WHERE YOUR PFD ! This is my story time! The kayak I used for this video is the Hobie Quest 13 ********************************************************** Here is the list of My Gear: My vest - My kayak- My VLOG Camera- My Tripod - My Penn Fierce 2 - My Penn Battle 2 - My Inshore Ugly Stik -- My Offshore Tiger Rod - My Jigmaster 500 - My Penn 850 -- Please SUBSCRIBE and check out my other VLOGs as well. I am a life ADVENTURE VLOGGER. I do my best to post a video everyday. I make videos on what ever is going on at that time. Follow me on my daily video posts and adventures! Follow me on Social Media: Facebook: Instagram : Twitter: Check out my website, gear and Apparel at : DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support! ********************************************************** Ice Flow by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

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for WATCH THIS! It will SAVE YOUR LIFE! Kayak Fishing Safety

okidustbag - 6 years ago
Raleigh Thomas
Raleigh Thomas - 6 years ago
Great video, because there are so many people out there that have not given any thought about dumping over, and how to recover in more than waist deep water. Also consider that most kayak shops offer classes by certified pros in recovery and rescue.
I hope your videos open some eyes!
Rick Ortega
Rick Ortega - 6 years ago
Awesome video thank!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 6 years ago
Thanks !
Jas Blick
Jas Blick - 6 years ago
Hey brother, I’m a scuba diver and I have a suggestion for kayakers regarding the whistle. Go to a local dive shop and get an orange diving whistle. It is a very high decimal whistle which we use for out on the ocean in the case you ascend away from your boat or party and need to get their attention at greater distances. Hope that helps folks. The scuba gear is awesome for survival if you are tipped
Gabriel Barboza
Gabriel Barboza - 6 years ago
Great video on water safety..these are things we need to do and think about before you get in any boat...i went to bass pro shops to learn more about kayak's..went to one of their demo weekends..they let you go out on a kayak with a pro..they told us about everything you mention in this vidoe..thank you again..
joseph C
joseph C - 6 years ago
Great video. I am going to have my kids watch this. Thank you for sharing your experience.
keith luster
keith luster - 6 years ago
nope bro just telling the truth if people get buthurt about it then let nature take its cource
christopher wilson
christopher wilson - 6 years ago

10. comment for WATCH THIS! It will SAVE YOUR LIFE! Kayak Fishing Safety

Truehill51 Hill
Truehill51 Hill - 6 years ago
Great information & great. approach
John Anderson
John Anderson - 6 years ago
This gentleman really knows how to communicate effectively. I wish I had come across his YouTube presentations earlier.
William Peddle
William Peddle - 6 years ago
Keep Your Fn PFD On! Got it. Do not be complacent.
As for "Do Not Panic", Too late. lol. I would say try to control your panic.
Eskimos and Newfies say, "that waters cold" Get the F out of it.
It is different on the Atlantic. Wear a wet suit.
Dee Davidson
Dee Davidson - 6 years ago
Thank you.
Timothy Moriarty
Timothy Moriarty - 6 years ago
Number 1
Wear your life vest
Dan UpLateGamer
Dan UpLateGamer - 6 years ago
I think a personal locator beacon or a satellite radio that you keep on you would be great for any instance like this. I'm new to kayaking and will mostly be on rivers and lakes. Things can go bad fast and anyway to communicate your position is very important. Thanks for all the information.
maverickdallas100 - 6 years ago
This guy has some good, solid advice for all kayakers, beginning though experienced. Kayaks are certainly not the most forgiving of watercraft and require due diligence when navigating the waters. NOBODY is immune to drowning, not even the best swimmers!
Tye Browning
Tye Browning - 6 years ago
I appreciate the no B.S. approach you took with this video, as this is no B.S. subject matter. Honesty, and being completely explicit in your explanation of cause and effect are absolutely necessary for this video to be impactful, which to me, it was. Great advice. It bears repeating that 1: We’re not fish. Put on the “blanking” pfd. 2: Shallow water does, in fact, turn into deep water, and we never know when that might happen. 3: NEVER, EVER tempt old man Murphy. He’s an assh*le.

The only thing I can contribute, is to consider adding cyflect (luminous/reflective) patches on the front and back panels of your pfd, up high. Attach a small waterproof strobe alongside your whistle and consider a marine grade handheld flare in one of the pockets along with a backup small first aid kit, a stainless lockback folding knife with a serrated blade, plus mylar blanket... for hopefully when, not if, you reach shore. One could add more to this kit, if they so desire, but I wouldn’t have much less than that. Thanks for making this video. Keep it up.
Revolution Road
Revolution Road - 6 years ago
Very important info....thanks!
Hartlepool Kayak & Coastal Fishing
Hartlepool Kayak & Coastal Fishing - 6 years ago
As for further techniques, keeping a short length of floating rope can be used to extend your leverage of your kayak when flipping it. When reaching over the top of the kayak to roll it over, put that small length of rope through the handle and use it to give more leverage.

Secondly would be to have onboard a paddle float, or to use a drybag as a paddle float, to give stability when trying to re-enter the kayak. using your paddle along with the float as an outrigger to greatly increase stability.

third would be to use that short length of rope as a styrup to put your foot into to help climb aboard. or use the styrup with the paddle float, and use the paddle as an outrigger with a foot loop to help climb aboard.

20. comment for WATCH THIS! It will SAVE YOUR LIFE! Kayak Fishing Safety

Hartlepool Kayak & Coastal Fishing
Hartlepool Kayak & Coastal Fishing - 6 years ago
damn volume control man, just about blew my headphones up with that music.
Hartlepool Kayak & Coastal Fishing
Hartlepool Kayak & Coastal Fishing - 6 years ago
ah no just the usual volume, had your voice at a good level at the beginning of the vid, then that short burst of music started which seemed to be way above the main vol of your vid if that makes sense. like the audio track of your editing software was a lot higher than the video track.

Good vid though man, i like to hear about others experiences to hopefully learn from them. I know a lot of people keep their misshaps secret, never to be spoken about which is the wrong approach in my mind, personally id share every little detail.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 6 years ago
Did u have the volume all the way up ? I’ve noticed volume on video with YouTube have changed over the years
Stealth Mtn
Stealth Mtn - 6 years ago
Excellent-thanks- what is the name of your pfd on Amazon etc
Ryan Hardin
Ryan Hardin - 6 years ago
Huck Fin's fishing Guide Service LLC
Huck Fin's fishing Guide Service LLC - 6 years ago
Great video, me and my family have been coming down to Destin for several years now and have been kayaking the bay from the MWR. Last year me and my dad make a bad decision and went out the pass in the kayaks (Hobie pro anglers 14 ) just as the tide was starting to fall. Had a ton of fun caught several Spanish and Kings. When it was time to come back we didn't take into account the tide......we made it but it was the closest I've come to death since Iraq. In a lesser boat I don't think we would have made it. And we are very experienced in our boats. But safety first PFD, cleared any gear & hooks. I can tell you that we will fish the gulf again but we will never do the pass again. Live The dream, drink water and drive on !!
Luntau Sintan
Luntau Sintan - 6 years ago
Great video, but better still, first put ON the safety vest before boarding your kayak, a safety line from your belt tied to your kayak so you will not be separated from your kayak, so too with your pedal tied to your kayak.Happy kayaking.
Samuel Barnett
Samuel Barnett - 6 years ago
Than you brother for this video. I just bought a new outback in March. The second time I was out. I flipped it. I am a non swimmer. I have spent years on the water but I have never been able to learn to swim. I am 63 years old and not as physical as I use to be. Any way. I was coming in from the main channel on the Tennessee’s river here in Tennessee. The water temp was 53 degrees. I had not practiced any thing to try to upright a kayak. I was about 100 yards from the dock in 20 foot of water. I was getting my rods back into my holders on the back of the yak. I turned and got over the edge of the yak to far. I had just took my jacket off as I was hot the sun was hit but the water was cold. And way. I am also deaf. I have a cochlear implant and wear a receiver on the side of my head. When I flipped I managed to get to the kayak. My jacket was under the kayak. I was panicking. And the water temp at 53 degrees was getting to me fast. Luckily. There was two TWRA guys in the dock and some boaters that seen me flip and struggling. When I flipped I lost my implant and my glasses. So I was half blind and totally deaf. I could not hear anything any one was saying. I could only hold on to my kayak. I could not get high enough to get across the yak. So all I had to hold onto was the hold for the transducer. I was in the water about 15 minutes before they got to me and got me to the shore where I could stand up. I was already getting hypothermic. And when I tried to stand. I could not even stand. If it had not been for the people that rescued me I would have died right there as I was having a hard time holding on. I lost my glasses , my implant that cost me 12,000.00 to replace the receiver. I lost all my gear that would not float. So thank you for this video. And please every one keep you life vest on until you are out of the water. Everyvthing you said was true. Thanks for your videos.
Fishing with Cristina
Fishing with Cristina - 6 years ago
oh no I don't think I'm big and tough I know I'm big and tough LOL just kidding everyone needs to wear their life jacket it doesn't matter how hot it is put it on
Gregory Webber
Gregory Webber - 6 years ago
Thanks a lot.
john smith
john smith - 6 years ago
Great video of nuts and bolts of real life in a kayak.
Tony Lawlor
Tony Lawlor - 6 years ago
Thanks for your interest in helping...

30. comment for WATCH THIS! It will SAVE YOUR LIFE! Kayak Fishing Safety

Scott Sharp
Scott Sharp - 6 years ago
Love your videos. This is the one that everyone needs to watch
Nicks MTB
Nicks MTB - 6 years ago
U cut the shit I like u
JungleJimAB9AB - 6 years ago
Good walk-thru of a real world problem with solutions. RANGER/DANGER
Jim Church
Jim Church - 6 years ago
misinfo your paddle is not your only mode of transportation. If you can't swim, you should not be in a kayak without having your vest on
Jim Church
Jim Church - 6 years ago
Worry about saving yourself. Fuck the kayak. Once you are in control of yourself you can chase the kayak. To worry about the kayak is like running back into a burning building to get your laptop.
hcwbw3 - 6 years ago
good points...
I flipped my pro-angler off of N.Key Largo (nice warm water) depending on time of year NW Florida waters can be a little colder (hypothermia). I was 2 or 3 city blocks from shore and the current was not an issue so I swam me and the yak back to shore. That said I don't go far off shore on a yak I use my boat for that, but I have a couple of para-cord lines to tie diff things up to the yak which I could use to flip it back and I have a one step rope ladder and a paddle float to help me back up ( in case the current and wind don't favor me and are taking me out to become shark chit...LOL) . EVERYTHING NOT TIED TO THE YAK THAT DOES NOT FLOAT kiss it good bye and you fishing rods hopefully tied up might have lures that have treble hook on them, mine did. I KNOW WHAT A FISH FEELS LIKE WHEN HOOKED, I had a treble on a Skitter walk in my leg (past the barb) attached to the rod attached to the yak so I had to yank it out (fear or adrenaline will make you do this) in the process I got one of the other treble in my hand which I had to pull out. THE POINT IS when the chit hits the fan there will be chit every where and chit you did not expect will happen.
So try to prepare as best you can cause I have heard it is not a matter of "if" but "when" you go in the drink.
PS. I use fluorocarbon leader on the yak cause it is good for most fish and a shark will more than likely cut it cause normally I don't want to mess with a shark on a yak.
rick1toknow - 7 years ago
My name is Richard from Sacramento, CA. My first thought is you never conquer safety, you just get better. I do not own a kayak, but am considering a Jackson Big Tuna. When I purchase this I am going to find someone with a swimming pool and my first voyage is going to be to right that kayak by myself. Even though this is a tandem kayak I am first saving my life. After all a dead and drown person is not going to save mine, therefore I won't be able to add any assistance in Davy Jones locker. Me first alive to help my buddy. Not selfish, just brutally honest. Thank you so much for your experience and you keeping your calm that I can keep mine.
Raymond J
Raymond J - 7 years ago
What size Stohlquist jacket you wearing? I'm 6ft at 180 lbs, not sure if I should go with the small/medium or large/xlarge. Thanks!
Peter M
Peter M - 6 years ago
Raymond, I am 5 foot 7 and I wear a medium/large. Get the Large/xlarge.
Alisha - 7 years ago
I wish people would take these things seriously... But in my state in my country, there is no law to wear a pfd so all the fishing yakkers have a lazy attitude to personal safety more so the ones in Hobies or other peddle yaks or paddle yaks that are wide. But I seen a few hobies flip even PA's. What i can't understand is sea kayakers all wear pfd's but fishing kayakers don't. Myself using a Hobie revolution 13 I have a pretty good rescue high back pfd with a good zip and have done self-rescues also certified. Most and I mean 95% of fishing kayakers have not done a self-rescue so I bet if they fall out... they would have a very hard time getting back on. I now got a Stealth Profisha 525 for offshore and still going to use same pfd cause its so nice.. I did by one those gas pfd's and I can understand why they buy them its because it feels as if your not wearing a pfd. There is a main reason why people should be wearing proper pfd's and that is to give a good example to the younger generation.
slowboat - 7 years ago
everybody who even thinks about kayaking should watch this. thanks Yak
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Sadie B
Sadie B - 7 years ago
Great video! Lots of good info and pointers for this future kayak owner. Great safety tips.
WHUFC71 - 7 years ago
The Destin pass is such a dangerous place to fall in!! The currents there are crazy!!
Jeff Krushinski
Jeff Krushinski - 7 years ago
For flipping a capsized kayak, I prefer Jim Sammons method of reaching under and grabbing the far side handle and pulling towards yourself rather than trying to reach across the top. Seems to be a lot easier.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Whatever works best for you.
Rodney Hanbaum
Rodney Hanbaum - 7 years ago
Outstanding! Thank you! Excellent information!!!
Peter Wallace
Peter Wallace - 7 years ago
Honest & true digger. I elected to have PFD similar to yours'. Shoppie wanted me to try a canister one initially but both mother n I decided against it n took it back to exchange.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Those canister PFD's are dangerous and may not deploy!
Tim Bruse
Tim Bruse - 7 years ago
Hey! I just came across this video and happen to live on the north side of the Mid-Bay bridge to Destin. I just recently got a kayak that I can't wait to get out in the Gulf, fishing for deliciousness. Are you still in the area? I enjoy your videos and have learned, but could sure use a buddy to get out there and get some fish on!
Tim Bruse
Tim Bruse - 7 years ago
Thanks, man. Looking forward to it!!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching! Im in Pensacola now. Your in a great place for everything!
DustyRoundup - 7 years ago
Awesome ! Thank You !
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Kevin Bryant
Kevin Bryant - 7 years ago
Outstanding. Thanks.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching!
JackVoodoo - 7 years ago
have your kit tied to you aswell
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
I had a theory about that lol. Thanks for watching !
JackVoodoo - 7 years ago
instead of a whistle uses a glow stick
Jeff Krushinski
Jeff Krushinski - 7 years ago
what kind of a noise does a glow stick make ?

50. comment for WATCH THIS! It will SAVE YOUR LIFE! Kayak Fishing Safety

Rather B Fishing
Rather B Fishing - 7 years ago
I watched this video before I went out this summer. It made me think and reevaluate. Long story short, I ended up calling the Coast Guard, as I got sick. A power boat had to tow me to deeper water to Coast Guard's boat Appriciate it, but they were going fast! I'm glad that I didn't have a lot of gear, and everthing was tied down, so it was easy for the Coast Guard to put everything on their boat.
One commented that I had my life jacket on, a knife, and whistle. Many paddlers don't wear them.
I learned that my phone doesn't work in waterproof case with wet hands. Buying a marine radio.

Kayakers do need a come to Jesus talk.

Rather B Fishing
Rather B Fishing - 7 years ago
My father taught classes for the Power Squadron, and he said to wear a life jacket in a foot or two of water. It might help keep your head up out of the water in case you have a heart attack.
Larry Duran
Larry Duran - 7 years ago
Great info!
The1kafir - 7 years ago
Fken excellent video! Just subscribed.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Jeff Crawford
Jeff Crawford - 7 years ago
thank you i cant swim but have been thinking about buying a kayak for a couple better judgement has been keeping me from doing so. after watching your video i came away with alot of good info. I may get one after all
Ted Kerrn
Ted Kerrn - 7 years ago
Thanks for making this video. I'm new to kayak fishing, and your videos are wonderful. Many are entertaining as well as educational. However, this one is really a must-watch. My wife does not accompany me, and she was very interested. Thanks for all your videos, but especially this one. Your points are most important. Great video - probably could save MY life!
lv8pv - 7 years ago
Do that dog live to day or did it die from overweight ?
Gary Elderman
Gary Elderman - 7 years ago
Well said, I'm very happy you were spared to make this vid. I couldn't help but notice on the opening clip that your vest wasn't on you. That's akin to not wearing your seatbelt because you don't plan to get into a collision. I won't even wade my local trout stream without a PFD. Thanks for spreading the word.
benny rosado
benny rosado - 7 years ago
thank you for sharing your knowledge!!
Bluegrass Penang Happy88
Bluegrass Penang Happy88 - 7 years ago
thank you very much for teach me how to survice on the water on kayak!
Kieron Bevan
Kieron Bevan - 7 years ago
I took a swim 2 years ago in bad weather. My life jacket was on but too small. The waves smashed my head between 2 kayaks and I sank. I relaxed and wondered at how calm it was underneath. I was partly drowned. I managed to get to surface, screamed to my mate to signal guys fishing on the rocks for the lifeboat. Luckily for me there was a rib in a cove nearby with 2 doctors in it. Both had been yacht club sea rescue course. The rib also hit me in the head twice. The lady could not pull me into the boat so I eventually threw myself in over the transom into the engine well. Upside down my lungs were emptying water out through my nose. I'm alive today because of those people being there. Without them I'd have drowned looking into my mates eyes. Wear a life jacket, wear a f helmet, take a flare, notify shore as to your journey etc and finally make sure your boat is big enough
bobby snake
bobby snake - 7 years ago
take ur kayak go on shallow water n practice by deriving purposely...have a good knowledge b4 heading to deep water...
BluzGuitar Guy Fishing Antics
BluzGuitar Guy Fishing Antics - 7 years ago
Just came across this. Well done ! Outstanding ! One more tip: PFD on one arm: Once you get to the yak and paddle, lay that pfd in FRONT of you..inside out, upside down. Stick both arms in holes and flip it over your head, front to back. You can duck under it, if needed. Not easy, but now you have 2 arms inside.
Mike dillon
Mike dillon - 7 years ago
Great vid! Alot of what you covered was preached to me at all three water survival schools I have attended. So take it like your Gods honest truth. Two things You may want to include in the next video in this series:
A: clothing- color, temperature, mobility etc..
B: the p rule
Joking about B but not really...
Thank you.
Ricardo Estrada
Ricardo Estrada - 7 years ago
BTW On a serious note God Bless you for your service !!!TTYL
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Thanks! I appreciate it!
Ricardo Estrada
Ricardo Estrada - 7 years ago
OMG WATCH OUT THERE IS A GRIZZY BEAR BEHIND YOU . IT MIGHT ATTACK . GRIZZLY BEAR LIVES MATTER !! Just to give you a bit of humor in your video comments .see if anyone gets it !! Safe kayaking !!!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Go nzo
Go nzo - 7 years ago
OH AND A SPARE ORANGE EXPANDABLE PADDLE INSIDE LOCKED INSIDE YOUR KAYAK. I Have seen so many people almost loose their lifes for stupid things like an anchor. I always keep a small knife in my pocket and life jacket great fro cutting line etc. good video. this is good stuff and listen wait until you get our of rip current, do not fight it
Go nzo
Go nzo - 7 years ago
Sanctuary La Foi
Sanctuary La Foi - 7 years ago
the " dog" in the back ground is over weight
Larry Sharp
Larry Sharp - 7 years ago
Thank you sir. Us novices need all the advice we can get. Keep up the good fishing
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Thanks !
Steelhead Ranger
Steelhead Ranger - 7 years ago
You gave a good overview that covers most key points. Good work.
Never kayak with inflatable PFDs: they are for boating at best, You cannot swim with them on, they can fail to inflate. they can get punctured or have slow leaks.
Other ideas: I always carry a spare paddle broken down in the hull in the bay or ocean even though I use a paddle leash. Dress for immersion as best you can so you can survive a long time in the water. Find a lake to practice self-rescue in, get you fishing buddies to join in so you are all experienced in self-rescue. carry a pump to clear water on long trips and buy inflatable floats for the bow and stern so watterlogging doesn't sink your boat. carry a marine (waterproof) VHF radio and know to contact your party plus call for help. flares/flare gun on the really big water. Whistle.& signal mirrorare light a and cheap-in your PFD always.
Jack Taylor
Jack Taylor - 7 years ago
We are all humbled quickly when an emergency on the water with out kayaks happens ........losing hundreds of dollars of tackel not secured properly schools you pretty quick !!!Great video !
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Your right! Thanks!
crossbowsniper - 7 years ago
That's an excellent topic to cover. I've been kayaking a while now and after watching this video, my fiancé now understands why i take it so seriously. I always keep a non-pointed sharp dive knife on my inflatable vest so that if the current wraps the tethers of the rods around me I can cut myself free so I can swim and get back on the kayak safely....and as you covered ALWAYS got a paddle leash on my paddles.
Joellen Zimmerman
Joellen Zimmerman - 7 years ago
I truly want to thank you for this video. my kayak is very heavy for me. I have an Old Town Predator MinnKota. I need to watch your other video's on safety. would you recommend that I attach a rope to the handle to turn my kayak back over if I should over turn? Also I have never tried to get back onto it. I have only been out once.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Welcome! Thanks for watching!
Norwood BayBridge
Norwood BayBridge - 7 years ago
This is the best video ever seen on youtube.
McScott76 - 7 years ago
Here in Ohio, there was a couple who were kayaking without PFDs in a local lake. A storm popped up and both kayakers tipped over. The guy got to shore ok, but the woman wasn't strong enough. The guy headed back out to try to save her, and both drowned. Don't be stupid. Just wear it. Good video.
Phillip Iacobacci
Phillip Iacobacci - 7 years ago
42 negatives? Thanks for the video. Well stated and thought out. As you said, He Men. NOT. I will not get into my kayak without my PFD, even when creek or small river fishing. You never know when it happens or will happen. What can happen, will at some time, will happen.
smokster0604 - 7 years ago
Alway's have a plan with a back up plan to.....
70DMac - 7 years ago
Plus wear a bright color. I wear a high viz yellow or orange hat or shirt and I carry a marine handheld radio.
brian yaz
brian yaz - 7 years ago
just got a outback few weeks ago, will be buying a vest, drive and paddle leashes today. looking at small eperp to attach to the vest and a strobe light. plan on going out with out fishing equipment and rolling it next chance i get. thanks. john, montauk NY
hank wang
hank wang - 7 years ago
Whistle hook on life vest, paddle hook on kayak, practice flipping over kayaks a hundred times or more. Will save lives. Anything else?
Cal Travels
Cal Travels - 7 years ago
great video Yak Motley, I too agree so many people don't take water safety seriously enough, they don't understand how things can go from fine to a life or death situation in seconds, I recently bought a kayak to use for strength and conditioning but to also turn into a fishing kayak for the Swan river here in Perth Western Australia, it is a busy river and also  to use around our marina's.  An example I can give you is my mates boats motor would not start out on the ocean about 3 miles from the boat launch and we were both doing the international distress signal and while doing so watched over a dozen boats drive straight passed, the guy who did stop was on his first ever trip on the ocean in his new boat, no one else seemed to care, he gave us the tow back in and thanked him greatly, moral of the story, even with a lot of boats around, don't count on them stopping for you even if it illegal to ignore a distress signal.
Adam Green
Adam Green - 7 years ago
Great video! First 5 mins got me to subscribe.
Chris Prescott
Chris Prescott - 7 years ago
I've never turtled, but my policy is to always wear my life vest. One thing I have to do is to practice getting back in...
Aeon News
Aeon News - 7 years ago
im a c7 quad hoping to kayak some day on a calm lake :)... im thinking if i can have side rudders making it impossible to flip ide be ok. But how do i get into the thing haha. thanks for the info.
R Lee
R Lee - 7 years ago
very well thought out and important information. I'm going out for the first time this year in two days. Will make sure that I wear my PFD. thank you for putting this together.
Jose Zamora
Jose Zamora - 7 years ago
Well thanks for the great info, thanks to God I have not flipped yet, but I have recovered my freind two times already. I alway make it mandatory to wear the vest when my freinds go with me.
Johnny Quintana
Johnny Quintana - 7 years ago
great video!!!
Mark Shoemaker
Mark Shoemaker - 7 years ago
great to the point got it rite, I took a tumble in some deep black water w/gators around nothing sucks worse than that oh shit moment, had my vest on and it made a world of difference.
being in this situation can make you realize how far out your element you really are.
Again well put and thanks.
Nelesh Lakhan
Nelesh Lakhan - 7 years ago
yes yes ooo yes I know I'm 300 pond and kayak fishing in southern California went in to the water life jacket saved my life
Rather B Fishing
Rather B Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video. I really love my Hobie Revolution. It didn't capsize when a motor boat tried to flip me. Had everything tied down except my snacks and water. On the way back, I had to call the Port Aransas coast guard. No one could hear my whistle! Too many power boats and jet skis. I was only about 1/4 mile a way from my car. The water was too shallow, so a couple towed me to the coast guard's boat. I'm surprised I didn't flip then. The Coast Guard were really nice about it.

I have the same life vest, and wear it in 2 feet of water. It's bulky, but very well made.
atlatl man
atlatl man - 7 years ago
Thanks a lot for this vid...subbed
George Bronstein
George Bronstein - 7 years ago
Excellent information. Thank you.
Christopher Kirsling
Christopher Kirsling - 7 years ago
Should have proof read that b-4 I pushed the comment button, suppose to read can't do it. You've lost.
Christopher Kirsling
Christopher Kirsling - 7 years ago
Great points, I've been a scuba diver for 35 years and the biggest point is don't panic keep your head. once you don't think you can do it, you've lost..
gregory wennerdahl
gregory wennerdahl - 7 years ago
If you are in a kayak, the best advise should be--wear your PFD! Don't wait to zip it after you get back in your boat!
JERRY RUNNELS - 7 years ago
Yak....I cant compliment you enough on how thorough and accurate your explanation of what happens when you roll your kayak is.I have had it happen twice,fortunately only on Lake with a 10 foot sit in yak and next with my Slayer Propel 10...the one thing i know saved me both physically and emotionally was that i had my life vest securely fastened so i knew that if i lost my rig and gear i would be able to swim, paddle etc to some shoreline. At 75 years old that was a huge difference maker in controlling my emotions so i could gather myself and formulate a way to recover and minimize my gear losses if possible. Using a paddle leash and rod floats and a covered crate also gave me confidence that i could calmly work on recovering anything i didnt have attached to the rig. As a result of your video i will be doing a better job of communicating my float plan before i go out...i fish alone...and making sure i have my cell phone in my water proof box and a short list of key numbers to call for help if i need it. Keep up the good work and thanks!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Thanks. Glad I could help. Yeah, being in the water can definitely be scary! Glad you made it out ok!
Cassandra Craig
Cassandra Craig - 7 years ago
great video very informative, convinced me I'm to old for yakin!
SerenityFishingTV - 7 years ago
Great PSA!
Moulton Avery
Moulton Avery - 7 years ago
Yak, I really appreciate your work to make kayak fishing a safer sport. You made an excellent point about wearing your PFD, and how difficult it is to put on once you're in the water. I also really liked the way you emphasized the need to practice rescuing yourself from a capsize and the advisability of using boat and paddle tethers.

In my experience, many folks who can swim just fine in a pool underestimate how much more difficult it is to swim in open water, particularly in choppy conditions

Kayak fishermen can wind up spending a fair chunk of change on their kayak and related fishing gear, but few seem to consider dropping $150 or so for a portable, waterproof VHF radio that can be clipped to their PFD - or picking up a good waterproof cell phone case. Both are good investments for when things go wrong, but they aren't a substitute for proper gear (particularly cold water protection) and self-rescue ability.

Capsizing in cold water is killing a lot of kayak fishermen - like US Navy Seal, Devon Grube, who died on December 28 last year. He was kayak fishing with a friend on Chesapeake Bay when he capsized in 45F water about 4.5 miles from a US Coast Guard Station.  He was wearing a life jacket, but no wetsuit or drysuit.  Immediately after capsizing, he made a cell phone call that set a SAR operation in motion.  However, even though his general location was known, it took 1 hour and 40 minutes to actually spot him in the water, and by that point he was dead.  Every cold water immersion is a race against the clock. We discuss this in detail on our web site:, and also on our Facebook Page:

Again, thanks for your efforts on behalf of kayaking safety!
Moulton Avery, Founder and Director, National Center for Cold Water Safety.

100. comment for WATCH THIS! It will SAVE YOUR LIFE! Kayak Fishing Safety

seabee7071 - 7 years ago
Thank you for a VERY informative video.  Your military background puts you heads above the average kayaker when it comes to safety and thinking outside of the box.  I too, have seen kayakers out in the Raritan Bay WITHOUT life jackets and kayaking alone.
The Darwin Theory is alive and well in most of America.  Especially when it comes to water safety.  Your passion and commitment are to be commended.  I am a Vietnam veteran and retired law enforcement, and I watch videos like this EVERY night to learn something new.  Excellent presentation and thank you for sharing your time to make our sport safe.  JJP
seabee7071 - 7 years ago
Can Do my friend...
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Thanks for the kind words!
Christin Polen
Christin Polen - 7 years ago
great video and advice. I'm an old 12bravo and your technical ideas are spot on.

I'm a deep creek canyon fish person in California. we deal with strainers, falling from rocks and weather. even little streams can kill you.

always have exit plans.
Scene Seekers
Scene Seekers - 7 years ago
Great video! Helping save lives!
Bruce Snyder
Bruce Snyder - 8 years ago
Great video. I am disabled and have two below the knee prothetic legs. If my Native Ultimate 12 flipped I don't know what would happen. My legs might slide iff when they got under water. You really made me think about this all. I am mostly in the river. It is about 3 foot deep in most places. Maybe some kind of floats around the ankles?
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Hmm. I am not sure. Good question. Your Vest will keep you afloat. Maybe you could leash you legs to your vest with a clasp system that you could detach if you needed too.?
Shane Martinson
Shane Martinson - 8 years ago
great video, appreciate that you didn't sugar coat the very possible truth of what will probably happen in the water when you turtle the yak
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Pat McDermott
Pat McDermott - 8 years ago
Thank you, a thousand times, thank you! Best video on the subject I have ever seen.
Kenni-411 - 8 years ago
what kind of watch is that ?
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Casio Pathfinder
MegaWatch - 8 years ago
First one of your visit I've seen...Subscribed ^_^ Buying a kayak in a few days and gonna be working the river..Safety first:)
Keith Lapere
Keith Lapere - 8 years ago
Regardless the depth of the water you should always wear your pfd.
I had a buddy that lost his life a few years ago, in 4 1/2 feet of backwater, no pfd on.
His yak tipped over and he knocked himself out when his gore hit a rock.He was found face down.
Autopsy report..... found water in the lungs, cause of death..... drowning.
Ever since then, lesson learned from a buddy's death.
As shallow as my yak can draft I always wear my pfd.
Just passing a little info. on.
Jason Baker
Jason Baker - 8 years ago
"Rescue" plan not "recovery" plan! my world of fire rescue a "recovery" plan is getting a body back! Lol
Jason Baker
Jason Baker - 8 years ago
Really can't prepare for all situations but a long strip of fluorescent orange cloth in your life vest is an idea. It rolls up tight, weighs nothing and can assist a USCG helo in spotting you in case the worst scenario of being lost at sea. You can see shore but might not make back to that shore if currents not in your favor. Great video, being honest with ones self and ones abilities can be tough.
Charlie Zellner
Charlie Zellner - 8 years ago
Very good info!  When I was much younger, I was a lifeguard. Yep, years of training and swam like a fish. However, the years take a toll and I am no longer THAT guy. Still a good swimmer but have been out of the water for decades and I know you are 100% right about our macho impressions of ourselves. LOL  Now, I need to be smart and not so cocky.One thing that is handy if I can't see the shoreline is a small waterproof compass. That would at least tell me which direction to swim. Thanks man.....
Cotswold Droner
Cotswold Droner - 8 years ago
Weird question, what song are you using near the first of this video? BTW, your videos are awesome!!! I'm doing the kayak thing next week. Second time out, first time trying it with a rod and reel.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Thanks! Cant remember the name of the music. Good luck!
Garrett Wilson
Garrett Wilson - 8 years ago
This is a fantastic video man. Really appreciate the "realness." As someone who is very interested to get into kayak fishing for the first time, this is invaluable! Love you and your videos dude! And thank you for your service!!!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Thanks! Good to hear you enjoy them! Tight lines!
Brett Crabb
Brett Crabb - 8 years ago
Great vid. Made me think about some things I hadn't thought about. Thank you
El Haul de Jearim
El Haul de Jearim - 8 years ago
so cool ! :)
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Thanks! Fellow VLOGGER?
RS Marett
RS Marett - 8 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to do this for your fellow users.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Peter McKibbin
Peter McKibbin - 8 years ago
Great Stuff
ronald falter
ronald falter - 8 years ago
Robert J. Harvey
Robert J. Harvey - 8 years ago
I don't do it any more, too old ,lol ,you have done great job and maybe some will take advice .good job.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Manuel Gonzalez
Manuel Gonzalez - 8 years ago
good video buddy
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
thanks !
George Schick
George Schick - 8 years ago
Just a quick addition. You can get a pocket sized survival kit or first aid kit that will clip to your pfd. It won't get in the way of your fishing gear, but can be your best friend if you're hurt or lost. Great video!
megasam - 8 years ago
Thank you , Great informational video on what I would do when I go into the water unexpectedly looking forward to your next video .......
Ryan Parkinson
Ryan Parkinson - 8 years ago
Awesome vid
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Rick Martin
Rick Martin - 8 years ago
thanks - you're the best- I just got my kayak two days ago and I'm concerned about being safe.....I'll practice recovering next time out.....will buy a tether and wear the PFD....Army Strong! I bet you were a great Soldier. I can tell.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Thanks! Glad I could help!
BloodSweatnBass - 8 years ago
Don't go easy on em' if they can't handle the truth about experience and knowledge then to hell with em' great tips bro keep em coming for guys like me
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Will do! Glad people enjoyed the information !
DreadSporeGaming - 8 years ago
awsome video keep up the great work;)
30milesOut - 8 years ago
TroyboyQUE - 8 years ago
Jack you did an outstanding job making this video.  I have watched kayak safety video's before but you gave it the ARMY touch.  Great job Soldier.  I was looking at your watch and was wondering how you did that.  That is 550 cord and what else?  Again great job and I am looking for the next few video's.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Thanks! Much appreciated ! I was just trying to give back and help others! The watch band is 550 chord. I made it years ago. It has lasted a long time. Just look up parachord watch bands on YouTube. Way cheaper than buying a band lol! That way you always have survival chord!
Rob Raccuglia
Rob Raccuglia - 8 years ago
Great video bro!!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Thanks !
PaTricked Out
PaTricked Out - 8 years ago
A stirrup or loop of webbing tied to a side handle (on a Hobie) can help flip the kayak upright and serve as a step to help get back on top. Thanks for covering an important subject!
Lance Voorhees
Lance Voorhees - 7 years ago
Rick Martin. In whitewater rafting, they use flip lines longer than width of the raft, to walk up the boat and turn it over, it would work on big heavy kayaks with about a 4 foot long rope! NRS or North West River Supply and Clavey River Supply also could supply flip lines! They could be shortened to work for kayaks!
Linda Ward
Linda Ward - 7 years ago
PaTricked Out
Jason Baker
Jason Baker - 8 years ago
PaTricked Out great idea! Think it may work on a lotta yaks?
Rick Martin
Rick Martin - 8 years ago
thanks for the tip
Southern Outdoors Fishing
Southern Outdoors Fishing - 8 years ago
Great video and information and you are right people need to take this serious it's no joke!! And yes, going in the water will humble you very fast!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Thanks! Just trying to help. Doing my part to give back!
Richard Looper
Richard Looper - 8 years ago
Great message. Looking forward to you part two. I have the knowledge and experiences for motor boating, but in switching to a kayak, I see there are different challenges. Thanks for taking your time to discuss these challenges.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Jami Carlton
Jami Carlton - 8 years ago
Great content! I am really glad that you made this video.
Captain Scurvy
Captain Scurvy - 8 years ago
Good advice! I'm a newbie (only been in the Gulf 4 times so far). I practiced recovering the kayak in my neighbor's pool and a few times in the Bay. Curious what your thoughts are about tethering yourself to the kayak like paddle borders? I heard arguments for and against.
Willy Williams
Willy Williams - 6 years ago
Great advice! If people just have a buddy to practice with on rolling over and find out your limits and abilities. You will not panic when it happens. Like you said it will happen some day. Thanks for reaching out to people to help save there self.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
I am for in as long as you can quick release yourself from your kayak if you get in trouble. If you are separated from your yak in a current you will never catch the yak and have to swim home. I did video on it a while back check it out. Tight lines be safe!
deckard313 - 8 years ago
Great advice Jack....thanks for putting it out there...I haven't been kayaking or fishing by kayak but your advice is solid.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
ReelGuyTv - 8 years ago
Hopefully our hobbies don't some day kill us leaving behind people we love. Over the 35 years living on this island I know many boaters and great swimmers who have died at sea. You cannot swim against a current. If you're caught in a storm, you can't paddle against it. The only thing you can hope to do is swim or paddle with the current at an angle toward land/structure/marker. Don't exhaust yourself while doing so. Breathe steady. Don't let the waves hit the side of your boat. Keep the force of the waves at the rear or front. I personally keep a keypad phone in a waterproof transparent bag around my waist. You can literally punch numbers through the clear face of the bag. That and a knife is strapped to me at all times. Of course keeping and maintaining a strong cardiovascular system will help you a lot but for the most part, you're at the mercy of the sea.
Lance Voorhees
Lance Voorhees - 7 years ago
The colder the water, the less time you have! Be wise use your time to get back on top and keep your body temp up! Shivering means you are in trouble, and once your muscles can't work, you are in very serious trouble! The buddy system even on what you think is calm water is very important, I rarely fish alone! I was caught in a fast moving storm on Jenny Lake in Teton Park this Summer, and watched in less than 30 minutes go from calm to 3 foot swells with caps, and air temp drop nearly 30 degrees, with water way colder! I re Learned this lesson, and so did my grandson!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
well said !
Yakman - 8 years ago
Jak for President!
Keep it bro!!
Yakman - 8 years ago
We'd kill it! Mandatory fishing for all! wait, all friends :)
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Yakman for Vice President!
Bob Jenkins
Bob Jenkins - 8 years ago
Bob Jenkins
Bob Jenkins - 8 years ago
+Dean Taylor yes I was the first to comment on this video
Dean Taylor
Dean Taylor - 8 years ago
Ppl type "first" to say they the first to comment. Apparently its a "thing" on youtube... not too sure why
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
what do you mean?

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