I created the smallest fishing rod ever to do some Micro Fishing and head out on my vibe kayak to Catch more exotic species here in the U.S.A. BE SURE TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!! Comment ideas below on what you want to see next! Thanks guys, Catch em ALL!! My @ACTIONHAT: My @VIBEKAYAKS: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using this link Promo Code: CATCHEM

WORLD'S SMALLEST FISHING POLE!: Micro Kayak Fishing! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 290

Kayak 7 years ago 581,412 views

I created the smallest fishing rod ever to do some Micro Fishing and head out on my vibe kayak to Catch more exotic species here in the U.S.A. BE SURE TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!! Comment ideas below on what you want to see next! Thanks guys, Catch em ALL!! My @ACTIONHAT: My @VIBEKAYAKS: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using this link Promo Code: CATCHEM

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Most popular comments
for WORLD'S SMALLEST FISHING POLE!: Micro Kayak Fishing!

sonny alaniz
sonny alaniz - 7 years ago
who else thinks that ants should use these fishing rods
leetlebob - 7 years ago
the no spin ninjas yesh
leetlebob - 7 years ago
sonny alaniz just you, it's too fucking big...
T.Z. Solo
T.Z. Solo - 7 years ago
It’s to big it’s the size for a mouse
Shirley Maglipon
Shirley Maglipon - 7 years ago
sonny alaniz ii
vinnie King
vinnie King - 7 years ago
sonny alaniz lol
Ba Day
Ba Day - 7 years ago
sonny alaniz Yggh
andreia urzica
andreia urzica - 7 years ago
sonny alaniz 8
Amelia Ortiz
Amelia Ortiz - 7 years ago
sonny alaniz VIII
Pranav M
Pranav M - 7 years ago
Rj Boyd too aggressive.
Rj Boyd
Rj Boyd - 7 years ago
U should keep a peacock bass
Rashed AD
Rashed AD - 7 years ago
sonny alaniz lol
ณัฐนันท์ ห้องเม่ง
ณัฐนันท์ ห้องเม่ง - 7 years ago
sonny alaniz ก
CRAZYMEXICAN 2003 - 7 years ago
phil croshaw
phil croshaw - 7 years ago
sonny alaniz mice
SnowLegend321 - 7 years ago
nahhh, praying mantis's
Blake Peterson
Blake Peterson - 7 years ago
sonny alaniz I guess
Kids Games
Kids Games - 7 years ago
the no spin ninjas if you measure the size of that fishing pole with squirrels in the size of it with Chipmunks and pretty sure the Chipmunks and probably use the fishing pole cuz the squirrels are too big or that tiny little fishing pole
Jinks 140
Jinks 140 - 7 years ago
sonny alaniz mice should
Patricia Godinez
Patricia Godinez - 7 years ago
Acyclic Tooth901
Acyclic Tooth901 - 7 years ago
sonny alaniz I think mice should use them
Samuel Lopez
Samuel Lopez - 7 years ago
shawn mendez me
Shook! !
Shook! ! - 7 years ago
Sonny Alaniz too big
Cody R
Cody R - 7 years ago
Sonny Alaniz
Troi Boy
Troi Boy - 7 years ago
I do
Brandon Warren
Brandon Warren - 7 years ago
Sonny Alaniz i
AF Bennett
AF Bennett - 7 years ago
He says the hook is really small but in England that is your average size of hook, I guess the fish over here just aren't as intense
Brandon Ortega
Brandon Ortega - 7 years ago
Sonny Alaniz i
the no spin ninjas
the no spin ninjas - 7 years ago
Sonny Alaniz no I think squirrels should
Joshua Stuper
Joshua Stuper - 6 years ago
Keep up the good work catch Em all
Christopher Garcia
Christopher Garcia - 6 years ago
I wish i could get one of those
Luis Ramirez
Luis Ramirez - 7 years ago
My name is luis
Atti Deak
Atti Deak - 7 years ago
Worse intro ever
09BUZZSAW - 7 years ago
He said catch them up lol
Cynthia Rodriguez
Cynthia Rodriguez - 7 years ago
we're did you get the rod
The Bird Room
The Bird Room - 7 years ago
Everything everytime even if you lose subs Im going to be stand up in your channel cause you are da best
Adrian Villarreal
Adrian Villarreal - 7 years ago
You should have made the spotted telapia a shamoo samich

10. comment for WORLD'S SMALLEST FISHING POLE!: Micro Kayak Fishing!

vangoor 1
vangoor 1 - 7 years ago
why is it so hard? Catch Em All fishing 2017
Iamwildfor Pikachu
Iamwildfor Pikachu - 7 years ago
The second species looks like a crogger
Xmaniact - 7 years ago
When your small like Monster Mike fishing that small fishing rod would fit agree
Bison yellowston
Bison yellowston - 7 years ago
when you really love fishing
Elenita Kikuste
Elenita Kikuste - 7 years ago
Can the biggest sharc
caliv26 - 7 years ago
I have a sharks Gabe . David
Rodrigo Mejia
Rodrigo Mejia - 7 years ago
I would like to go fishing with you but I live in California
Rodrigo Mejia
Rodrigo Mejia - 7 years ago
I made a fishing rod about the same size
Mozi The legand
Mozi The legand - 7 years ago
I love that mini rod catch it all
Zelda Fan
Zelda Fan - 7 years ago
You should do river fishing

20. comment for WORLD'S SMALLEST FISHING POLE!: Micro Kayak Fishing!

Harrison Ingram
Harrison Ingram - 7 years ago
Should have gone with size 24
Elijuah Penn
Elijuah Penn - 7 years ago
Bryan Garcia
Bryan Garcia - 7 years ago
Zack I honestly don't see u as happy as u use to be I'm sorry for shammu but u have to be strong bro
Ocean Campbell
Ocean Campbell - 7 years ago
animal lover
animal lover - 7 years ago
I love when u put new pet in your pond
Kaden Reed
Kaden Reed - 7 years ago
Annie Loh
Annie Loh - 7 years ago
Nicefishsbut why did you put it back
Annie Loh
Annie Loh - 7 years ago
Brandon - 7 years ago
No más cayo
Finn Alexander
Finn Alexander - 7 years ago
i fly fish and ive caught 3 pounds rainbow trout on that small of hooks fly fishing is the best

30. comment for WORLD'S SMALLEST FISHING POLE!: Micro Kayak Fishing!

Patrick Russell
Patrick Russell - 7 years ago
change you're intro please
Wilder Beast
Wilder Beast - 7 years ago
I think beetles should use it
GHOST KILLER - 7 years ago
Can i have the pole and can you get the smallest hook you can find at bass pro shop and i will pay you back. Because the closet bass pro shop is 3 hours away...
Bob Willybonx
Bob Willybonx - 7 years ago
Who else thinks that those peacock bass look like yellow perch
That One Super Saiyan
That One Super Saiyan - 7 years ago
How do people get so many bites? I have never got a bite in my entire life.
Luke Hatfield
Luke Hatfield - 7 years ago
mini rod is cool for smurfs...and just wondering can you eat chiclids??
Joe Madl
Joe Madl - 7 years ago
that is a reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cool fish
Joe Madl
Joe Madl - 7 years ago
that is the smallest fishing pole in the whole universe
Lucdog2323 Gamer
Lucdog2323 Gamer - 7 years ago
A mean you
Lucdog2323 Gamer
Lucdog2323 Gamer - 7 years ago
I got my first rod and tackle box I have the same lures as yau
Sribhou - 7 years ago
you should feed those small fish to shamu
Focus Fishing
Focus Fishing - 7 years ago
InvisibleMaker - 7 years ago
I use size 14 but I have used size 20 and there best for roach
Bernadette Gifford
Bernadette Gifford - 7 years ago
CDcgaming 120 pound named Head shark
Simon Huff
Simon Huff - 7 years ago
If the hook was scale to the fishing pole you would barely be able to see it. Right now it's about half of a foot long. Same with the fish
Cooper Ucker
Cooper Ucker - 7 years ago
Who else yawned when the fish opened his mouth
Superfist 1889
Superfist 1889 - 7 years ago
I have went there
Jekku - 7 years ago
You shouldnt drag the fish on dry grass if your gonna release it
Wrench - 7 years ago
Are you using germs as bait sir
Said no one ever
Andy Aparicio
Andy Aparicio - 7 years ago
i made one and got 2 bass and 3 blue gill

50. comment for WORLD'S SMALLEST FISHING POLE!: Micro Kayak Fishing!

blake green
blake green - 7 years ago
blake green
blake green - 7 years ago
I would like to come and mete
Kaden Plays
Kaden Plays - 7 years ago
I cot a actual minnow with an actual fishing rod
Oscar Lopez
Oscar Lopez - 7 years ago
Fairy should use that Fishingrod
Oscar Lopez
Oscar Lopez - 7 years ago
I'm a girl
black ops [ David ]
black ops [ David ] - 7 years ago
I made one that can cast out with a ball bearing thing from a fidget spiner as a reel, who wants to see?
Ikheetbalder - 7 years ago
Ther are smaller rods....
BE Fishing
BE Fishing - 7 years ago
What are those shoes
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 7 years ago
That's my kindergarten. :)
phil croshaw
phil croshaw - 7 years ago
let's catch em all with catch em all fishing with zak catchem
The Aiden Clark
The Aiden Clark - 7 years ago
I had my volume up full blast and when the intro came I was blown through my wall
Carlos Campos
Carlos Campos - 7 years ago
I have size 22 hooks soo small
Trey Gawdd
Trey Gawdd - 7 years ago
what's that telescopic rod called?? I wanna buy one. can someone attach a link??
Blake Peterson
Blake Peterson - 7 years ago
hey yall wassup thats pretty dang cool
Flowerfell Frans
Flowerfell Frans - 7 years ago
Lol i love you're channel its the best fishing channel i've seen i'm planning to go fishing in i think one month...i've spent a lot of time writing this so i hope you appreciate this comment i liked the vid and subbed
Dominic Merseal
Dominic Merseal - 7 years ago
catch em all fishing is the best YouTube channel ever
Highlite Tracks
Highlite Tracks - 7 years ago
now u can say u caught a fish as big as your fishing rod
CreeperBoss56 - 7 years ago
MinusWannabe haha
Cat Crisst
Cat Crisst - 7 years ago
couldn't hear the fucking beggining turned my phone up slightly "smallest rod in the wrodls definitely hehe." turns up " DA DA DU DA DU DA!!!! LETS CATCH EM AL WITH CATCH EM ALL FISHING!!!!!!!!" woke my fucking mom up-_-
Woofdeath13 - 7 years ago
My dad helped work on the fishing hall of fame outside that Bass Pro. Ive been there a lot as a kid. Watching you and TallJ brings back memories, and kinda makes me want to fish there again.
Del Renville
Del Renville - 7 years ago
Justin Scarberry
Justin Scarberry - 7 years ago
Sheldon Ho-Sojot
Sheldon Ho-Sojot - 7 years ago
monkey gamer
monkey gamer - 7 years ago
I go to that bass pro shop every day
Lord Bossa
Lord Bossa - 7 years ago
samsung 1001748
samsung 1001748 - 7 years ago
I made a fishing rod too. it's about a inch and a half long. I'm a YouTuber too.
Trent Williams
Trent Williams - 7 years ago
Great video
Night Flash100
Night Flash100 - 7 years ago
I like this guys laugh
Clayton Werts
Clayton Werts - 7 years ago
how much did that kayak cost
Sophia Vandersee
Sophia Vandersee - 7 years ago
Use Cut hotdog for tiny rod
The new migos amo, and zmo let's get it started
The new migos amo, and zmo let's get it started - 7 years ago
u should let monster mike try to use it both of u should have a challenge to see who can catch the most fish with that small rod
Zack Sangermano
Zack Sangermano - 7 years ago
My name is zack to
Watermantaloupe - 7 years ago
Why does he release these invasive fish back into the water?
Marilyn S.
Marilyn S. - 7 years ago
what fish was that first one
Jay Money
Jay Money - 7 years ago
Hey brother, great vids keep em coming! How much was your kayak?
Calvin J
Calvin J - 7 years ago
what is the biggest fish of your life evrybody
The official KING
The official KING - 7 years ago
80 lb cat
Superjayjaysaiyn - 7 years ago
22 ton king bluegill.
Mutant ZeRK
Mutant ZeRK - 7 years ago
CDCGaming! 9lb catfish
InvisibleMaker - 7 years ago
CDCGaming ! 10 pound carp
Eddie J
Eddie J - 7 years ago
CDCGaming ! 8 pound rainbow trout
Myra Jones
Myra Jones - 7 years ago
Personally your one of my favorite fisherman! And peacock bass are so fun to catch!
Jack Ordway
Jack Ordway - 7 years ago
You suck I hate you so much
Isaiah Knipe-Skeleton
Isaiah Knipe-Skeleton - 7 years ago
Jack Ordway you f*****g suck y u so mean
Carlos Madril
Carlos Madril - 7 years ago
Were are you fishing
I don't knoe
I don't knoe - 7 years ago
Catch and cook peacock bass
Conner Harrell
Conner Harrell - 7 years ago
deiga - 7 years ago
the thumbnail look like a dick
Justin Jordan
Justin Jordan - 7 years ago
Release them softly
lilpapa Thomas
lilpapa Thomas - 7 years ago
how do you cast it
cruz Davila
cruz Davila - 7 years ago
you should use that micro rod to catch fish for your pet bass
Christian Tyson
Christian Tyson - 7 years ago
This reminds me of the smallest fish I've ever caught using a fishing pole. I was perch fishing on Lake Erie and I get a bite and when I real up the lure there is a dinky less then a centimeter little fish stuck in the eye of my swivel
Jacksepticeye and Markiplier
Jacksepticeye and Markiplier - 7 years ago
8:07 ahven?
mr. meme
mr. meme - 7 years ago
i love fish
Thebandit - 7 years ago
Click bait
Chris Murdock
Chris Murdock - 7 years ago
good bait size
Kyle Livingston
Kyle Livingston - 7 years ago
Who else heard him say
"Ooh Theres a huge little peacock bass"
At 10:07
David Helme
David Helme - 7 years ago
Kyle Livingston he said a huge school of peacock
PhantomWolf 24
PhantomWolf 24 - 7 years ago
Zack lives near me lol

100. comment for WORLD'S SMALLEST FISHING POLE!: Micro Kayak Fishing!

whos Bruno
whos Bruno - 7 years ago
I'd liveline it and catch a monster lmao
kaden Adles
kaden Adles - 7 years ago
ypu should get a peacock bass in your pool
Basicnoob - 7 years ago
imagine all the fish you could catch and sell to pet stores there
Basicnoob - 7 years ago
damn the fish was like thanks for getting the hook out of my mouth now im outta here
The Predator Fish Keeper
The Predator Fish Keeper - 7 years ago
Where where u fishing cause I live near u
ggfhfhcbcjjc - 7 years ago
I'm sorta new and I've caught up on things he does and he is sooooo nice and a great fishing youtuber I love his bird and koi
Manbearpig1727 - 7 years ago
Where do you fish
Jettra Em
Jettra Em - 7 years ago
I did not even cacth a cropy with that lure
anthony Illescas vlogs chalenges Gaming and more
anthony Illescas vlogs chalenges Gaming and more - 7 years ago
goku og
goku og - 7 years ago
just line and tiny hooks
goku og
goku og - 7 years ago
great job done this before
Brock Thompson
Brock Thompson - 7 years ago
sacrifice them all to shamoo
Michael Hardle
Michael Hardle - 7 years ago
I think that's so freaking tiny
I love your videos too
Plastic Fork
Plastic Fork - 7 years ago
That's not a fishing rod, it's a stick
CraCraChris - 7 years ago
where do you get a small fishing pole from
Lucas Pomarnke
Lucas Pomarnke - 7 years ago
A squirrel can use it to catch acorns!! Like if you agree!!!
Rapala Firetiger
Rapala Firetiger - 7 years ago
wooww amazing you dont shake too muchm..thats much better ...keep going ahead ..nice vid.. congrats...we are waiting more of you good vids...greetengs
Patricia Risse
Patricia Risse - 7 years ago
t con
Canal Over 12
Canal Over 12 - 7 years ago
wat fich
Jaxon Harader
Jaxon Harader - 7 years ago
I have a severe moss problem in my pond any suggestions
william walls
william walls - 7 years ago
I got the best idea ever if it don't exist. .. a polarized camera lens some can see underwater better
spadoop adoop
spadoop adoop - 7 years ago
I know a pond that is full of little bitty 1 and 1/2 greensunfish. They are hard to catch on a size 10 hook. then I use them to catch giant water snakes. The last one I caught while I had my phone (yes I got it taken away) was my second biggest snake. I posted him on Instagram bassblue_fishing2003
Daylend  Boutin
Daylend Boutin - 7 years ago
can u do a gar fish video
Lo Mo
Lo Mo - 7 years ago
I'm the guy that asked about the hat
John's Fish Tales
John's Fish Tales - 7 years ago
Found this channel and smashed the sub button. Great video.
Ultimate Airsoft1
Ultimate Airsoft1 - 7 years ago
Jo5 Cobian
Jo5 Cobian - 7 years ago
iv used smaller
raulerson12 aj
raulerson12 aj - 7 years ago
you should get a catfish for pond
Max Milburn
Max Milburn - 7 years ago
What else is that lure called
Lukas Klein
Lukas Klein - 7 years ago
Jonathan Vang
Jonathan Vang - 7 years ago
Hey Catch_Em_All_Fishing what was the plastic Minnows you were using called? What's the brand?
NewmanFishing - 7 years ago
I have hooks that big too
Angel Sepulveda
Angel Sepulveda - 7 years ago
What are those X things in the water?
Cort Graham
Cort Graham - 7 years ago
I've caught brim with no rod... having a small rod isn't that much different
Bulletproof Outdoors
Bulletproof Outdoors - 7 years ago
Lmao awesome!!
Dave Allen
Dave Allen - 7 years ago
im a fly fishermen and we use smaller hucks then that
marino Sanchez
marino Sanchez - 7 years ago
is that brackish water?
Danny Devito
Danny Devito - 7 years ago
Dude can u make a video on how to make that rod.
Moto Bros
Moto Bros - 7 years ago
Why don't you put a peacock in your pond??
DaGreatWatahMelone - 7 years ago
That's not even a small hook
Don Utterback
Don Utterback - 7 years ago
obviously you never fished at a kid
wah saw
wah saw - 7 years ago
god shamoo is a hunk
DBrink_Outdoors - 7 years ago
he needs to change the intro
catfish and bass and bluegill
catfish and bass and bluegill - 7 years ago
can u send me a turtle or make a vedio catching turtles​
spencer - 7 years ago
Red talipia I think was the first
Aquatic Variation
Aquatic Variation - 7 years ago
Man, people would pay good money for those cichlids!
cr0cket01 - 7 years ago
lol not smallest hooks lol i have fished size 26 and landed 6lb tench
Speeder Johnny
Speeder Johnny - 7 years ago
why does the rod at the bottom look like a penis
Archerkid17 - 7 years ago
How did u make it?
Bradon Schwartz
Bradon Schwartz - 7 years ago
Vinny Furtado
Vinny Furtado - 7 years ago
Bradon Schwartz ello
wolf wolfy daniels
wolf wolfy daniels - 7 years ago
I got the same headphones as you
Miguel Delarosa
Miguel Delarosa - 7 years ago
On 2.30 what rod and reel is it???
ProvokedMercury - 7 years ago
The first fish he caught with the super small rod was my son
cool xzavier
cool xzavier - 7 years ago
Zack why won't you put a blue gill in a fish tank
Christopher Salguero
Christopher Salguero - 7 years ago
What's the white bait you use because I wanna try and find the same type or kind please
demonwaker22 - 7 years ago
I wonder what ciclid tastes like...
Collin Shaffer
Collin Shaffer - 7 years ago
Makes me think of the worlds smallest violin
Alex - 7 years ago
what lure was that
Lit Stone
Lit Stone - 7 years ago
My name is zak WAZ UP
Keatons Korner -
Keatons Korner - - 7 years ago
i say ants should use them as shark rods
Jayden Beijer
Jayden Beijer - 7 years ago
Where is this located
FuzionWraith - 7 years ago
I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes all comet great vid
Fun fishing with Mason
Fun fishing with Mason - 7 years ago
what is that lure called at 3:00 plz answer anybody who knows
Aiden Khin
Aiden Khin - 7 years ago
You should have more subscribers , you are awesome
Delirious Gameing
Delirious Gameing - 7 years ago
Lucas Pomarnke
Lucas Pomarnke - 7 years ago
Please comment back catch_em_all_fishing! Hi I love your channel! Keep it up!
DeezRMyDays - 7 years ago
what is that bait called?
Marshall Sellars
Marshall Sellars - 7 years ago
nice catch.You should do some more slowmo shots bow fishing
VA Bass Master5927
VA Bass Master5927 - 7 years ago
the redfish at the destin bass pro is huge.
Jumana Hussein
Jumana Hussein - 7 years ago
Hes da best at fishes
DDB Fishing
DDB Fishing - 7 years ago
when they say you catch too many big fish
Fiona Shaw
Fiona Shaw - 7 years ago
best youtuber ever!
Owen Marzullo
Owen Marzullo - 7 years ago
get an oscar
Christopher Ortiz
Christopher Ortiz - 7 years ago
You're freakin hilarious man. Love the content and your attitude. Also, could you tell me the name of the bait you're using for the peacocks?
Jesse Shin
Jesse Shin - 7 years ago
Can you make a smaller pond for the small fish that you catch like the ones in this video?
Hey that's pretty good
Hey that's pretty good - 7 years ago
Best fishing channel keep up on the good work for your pond
CreeperPlayz5508 - 7 years ago
Catch_EM_ALL_Pokemon Lol
Gavin Blake
Gavin Blake - 7 years ago
I love watching your videos but I have one question, why do you release the invasive fish back into the water ways?
Ivan WR Song
Ivan WR Song - 7 years ago
catching fish that small with bread is very hard you have to either have a lot of point exposure or make the bait a different shape.
Ivan WR Song
Ivan WR Song - 7 years ago
catching fish that small with bread is very hard you have to either have a lot of point exposure or make the bait a different shape.
Tony rangel
Tony rangel - 7 years ago
Somebody suck me
River Clarkson
River Clarkson - 7 years ago
You should keep the little fish
IGGYPUNX & NeroDARK - 7 years ago
One question, how many monsters are you planning to have in the pool? You should totally catch a huge carp that way your koi wont be so alone dude
kye does vlogs
kye does vlogs - 7 years ago
Hi im ten and I love your Vids. I've never been fishing before so I rlly want to go. Keep up the great work.
Juans. Awesome Youtube Channel
Juans. Awesome Youtube Channel - 7 years ago
I like it better when you fish whit that little guy whit the white shirt
Sylas Manning
Sylas Manning - 7 years ago
Catch fish for shamu
Florida Fishing Adventures
Florida Fishing Adventures - 7 years ago
You should fish for minnows lol
Allan Diaz
Allan Diaz - 7 years ago
Why dont you buy like a 15 gallon tank and put fishes you catch in it
Michael Morris
Michael Morris - 7 years ago
can you eat peacock bass?
The Mlg Noob
The Mlg Noob - 7 years ago
Who instantly think the rods gonna break
Landon Holmes
Landon Holmes - 7 years ago
zak why don't you put a monster peacock in you pool of fish.
Adi Icsde
Adi Icsde - 7 years ago
if you want to catch smaller fish try to cover juct the tip of the hook with bread
Adi Icsde
Adi Icsde - 7 years ago
i have a rod bigger with 3 inches but it has a working reel
Momo Malik
Momo Malik - 7 years ago
Ur intro is so loud
GAMER BOY CREEPER - 7 years ago
you are the one
Lemay Villalobos
Lemay Villalobos - 7 years ago
Crackbait Guy PR
Crackbait Guy PR - 7 years ago
Hey man we're do you buy that hat?
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago
Crackbait Guy PR I'll put it in the description when I get home
Flachum Chui
Flachum Chui - 7 years ago
DaNk R3M R3XU - 7 years ago
it looks like a dick lol
King of the Wicker People
King of the Wicker People - 7 years ago
You seem like a cool dude, would be an honor to fish with you. I'm officially announcing my new book ( The Young Man and the Pond ). Looking forward to seeing more unique fish.
nate dieteman
nate dieteman - 7 years ago
catch em all I noticed you do a lot of catch and release why don't you compress the barb so it's easier to get them off
GamingWithGrizzy - 7 years ago
Just wanna say you have the best smile outta all my subed YouTubers
Five Neddos
Five Neddos - 7 years ago
Your intro is very frickin loud
Stan Playz
Stan Playz - 7 years ago
im pretty sure they make hooks all the way down to size 30
qjmad - 7 years ago
You Are One Likeable M*** F***!!! #Pause #NoHomo
bocah petualang
bocah petualang - 7 years ago
soo good
Dominik Serna
Dominik Serna - 7 years ago
there are smaller hooks than that
isaiah gameing chanel
isaiah gameing chanel - 7 years ago
can you get me on a pekock i have never caught one before
Dr. GT
Dr. GT - 7 years ago
how r you catching like 20 fish a minute on a little setup and I can barely catch one fish a day on a 100$ setup
SANTOSH VARMA - 7 years ago
awesome content bro ! ✌️
Lemay Villalobos
Lemay Villalobos - 7 years ago
Yo Catch me can u tell me was the best bait for bass and pecock bass ?
Anthony Schiavo
Anthony Schiavo - 7 years ago
Catch_Em_All_Fishing what do u use for bass???
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago
Lemay Villalobos I'll show u in my videos!
Lemay Villalobos
Lemay Villalobos - 7 years ago
Joko Gkkbf
Joko Gkkbf - 7 years ago
lol worlds record of the small rod and love ur videos
Dragonn - 7 years ago
do a challenge. how many fish you can catch in an hour. you should try diff locations. or types of fish
aka Angels
aka Angels - 7 years ago
400th like and hi
Fishing with Hugh Jones
Fishing with Hugh Jones - 7 years ago
Stop lipping every fish that you catch you only lip large moth bass not peacock bass take my word don't ever lip a fish unless it's a large moth bass like shamoo
Cambren Sievert
Cambren Sievert - 7 years ago
Why was that first micro fish the hardest fish to catch ever you caught it in 30 seconds
Joseph Drouin
Joseph Drouin - 7 years ago
use the YouTube revenue​ to make a glass pond!!!! with rocks and everything!!
Raquel Bautista
Raquel Bautista - 7 years ago
U should have Madrazo the smallest lure too
Mariah Padron
Mariah Padron - 7 years ago
that is really cool
the no spin ninjas
the no spin ninjas - 7 years ago
sup zak can you do some fishing dania peer
renata kino
renata kino - 7 years ago
the no spin ninjas from
the no spin ninjas
the no spin ninjas - 7 years ago
Catch_Em_All_Fishing thank u also that's my bass pro
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago
the no spin ninjas sure
Madi1818 *
Madi1818 * - 7 years ago
you should get an aquarium, and put the small.peacocks you catch in there lol
Daily Helix
Daily Helix - 7 years ago
I dare u to get a bass with that rod. JK
dsghfgh gjftj
dsghfgh gjftj - 7 years ago
Ily and shamoo
Sporked Bagels
Sporked Bagels - 7 years ago
You inspired me so fish and I caught 5! I caught rainbow trout and cutthroat trout!
gonzalezfirearms - 7 years ago
I just love the passion that you have for fishing. You just pump me up to GO FISHING! Catch EM ALL!!
Country Freak
Country Freak - 7 years ago
Chat has em all I LOVE!!!! I Your pond
Dec Leng
Dec Leng - 7 years ago
I use size 18 hooks over here on the canal.. there normal to me lmao. Yours look massive to me haha
Tim Hardy
Tim Hardy - 7 years ago
Miickhail - 7 years ago
Catch small fish with small rod to feed the almighty Shamu! ALIVE :)
sylbert cheekan
sylbert cheekan - 7 years ago
smallest catch ever.
nicksfix8609 - 7 years ago
Love the channel Zack, always entertaining to watch. I would drive from middle Tennessee just to Catch'em with ya.
nicksfix8609 - 7 years ago
them likes are getting better Zack. Man I would drive from Tennessee just to Catch'um with ya.
Love your content, its never disappointing and always entertaining.
P. S.
P. S. - 7 years ago
the tiny rod looks like a black paper clip a piece of a wine cork
PJ yegorov
PJ yegorov - 7 years ago
Make a mini pond or fill up your mini stream with all these little guys and once they get big put them in with the goldies put them with the big guys and if you don't wanna put them with the goldies and they are to small to go with the bass feed them to the bass.
Gavin Carlile
Gavin Carlile - 7 years ago
Make a cichlids pond please
Evan Costa
Evan Costa - 7 years ago
Hi catch em all
wesley santiago
wesley santiago - 7 years ago
bro i love your videos keep up the good work god bless
Drarex - 7 years ago
dats soo cool love ur fishing stuff lol I subbed and ill be active as I can be
The Survivalist
The Survivalist - 7 years ago
hi can you guys please help me out with my channel plz
Wayne Naquin
Wayne Naquin - 7 years ago
Wish I could get out and fish but I'm in a wheelchair....
Jayden Allard
Jayden Allard - 7 years ago
Wayne Naquin that sucks sorry for you
Oliver Corrne
Oliver Corrne - 7 years ago
Wayne Naquin you can still fish
crushzombie_31 - 7 years ago
Never give up bro
cherylwhite123 - 7 years ago
Wayne Naquin I feel bad for you
Darrell hancock
Darrell hancock - 7 years ago
Follow your dreams keep trying your dreams will come true someday
B Zonder
B Zonder - 7 years ago
Wayne Naquin you can do whatever you want even though ur in a wheelchair:)
Jared Spencer
Jared Spencer - 7 years ago
my good friend has been in a wheelchair for almost 10 years and hasnt let it stop him. boat docks will be your best friend.. good luck and catch a hog for me!
liam,s fishing world
liam,s fishing world - 7 years ago
You can still fish never give up
Joshua De Leon
Joshua De Leon - 7 years ago
Prays the lord
lucas saunders
lucas saunders - 7 years ago
Wayne Naquin hey man sorry to hear that but if u want to go fishing then go fishing dont let being in a wheelchair ruin your dreams
Exotics - 7 years ago
dont let being in a wheelchair keep you from fishing there re endless possibilities hope u fish soon and godbless
Not a serial killer Not a dealer
Not a serial killer Not a dealer - 7 years ago
Wayne Naquin you already have a chair so you canxD
Cort Graham
Cort Graham - 7 years ago
Wayne Naquin my buddies in a wheelchair and he goes to fishing tournaments, you can do whatever you want
Mic B
Mic B - 7 years ago
The positive attitude from these replies is awesome!! You got this man! My mother has to use a wheel chair to get around, and she still fishes.
DTDIsAwesome On PS4
DTDIsAwesome On PS4 - 7 years ago
You can do anything you want and everyone is equal
VA Bass Master5927
VA Bass Master5927 - 7 years ago
Wayne Naquin You can do anything anyone else can.
Richard Samreth
Richard Samreth - 7 years ago
Wayne Naquin hey man you should go out there and try!
Flex - ɢғx
Flex - ɢғx - 7 years ago
Wayne Naquin ayy don't give up bro you can still fish
Gavin Burgess
Gavin Burgess - 7 years ago
Love your vids
Cj Grand
Cj Grand - 7 years ago
Gavin Burgess me to keep the hard work catch an allll
Carrie Anne Beutel
Carrie Anne Beutel - 7 years ago
popto123 - 7 years ago
I Love when you show your pond
TorontosTopFisherman - 7 years ago
i caught a giant carp on one of those hooks
Jacob Belanio Productions
Jacob Belanio Productions - 7 years ago
What was that orange fish?
Jacob Belanio Productions
Jacob Belanio Productions - 7 years ago
Did I just get pinned?
Terzy - 7 years ago
Midas cichlid
Levi Wessels
Levi Wessels - 7 years ago
buy a aquarium and put there the coolest small fish in you can catch
Boaz Kleinnibbelink
Boaz Kleinnibbelink - 7 years ago
Yeah please do it!!
Rhubarb Guy
Rhubarb Guy - 7 years ago
Levi Wessels YAS
Chip Brownlee
Chip Brownlee - 7 years ago
Levi Wessels great idea
Phoenix Brunette
Phoenix Brunette - 7 years ago
ogama843 - 7 years ago
Levi Wessels yes! Your micro fishing aquarium. Please do this.
Sway Reyna
Sway Reyna - 7 years ago
Your the best bro!!!
WILDREE - 7 years ago
Are you still gonna try to catch those aliens?
TheGamerBoy 101
TheGamerBoy 101 - 7 years ago
hey can someone like this commet and hi catch_em_all_fishing
Shiny Gardevoir
Shiny Gardevoir - 7 years ago
Catch_Em_All_Fishing how do you Flyfish?
Fun fishing with Mason
Fun fishing with Mason - 7 years ago
Catch_Em_All_Fishing what was that lure that you used at 3:00 minutes
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago
TheGamerBoy 101 hi!
Sky Mcdaniel
Sky Mcdaniel - 7 years ago
TheGamerBoy 101 damn you're all over the place
TheGamerBoy 101
TheGamerBoy 101 - 7 years ago
whatever I just loved the vid
TheGamerBoy 101
TheGamerBoy 101 - 7 years ago
I think
TheGamerBoy 101
TheGamerBoy 101 - 7 years ago
and I was the 30th commet
Cole Turner
Cole Turner - 7 years ago
Benny Ortiz
Benny Ortiz - 7 years ago
whats the name of the lures
Pass the Bleach
Pass the Bleach - 7 years ago
That one dislike...he thought it was

Shanta whyte
Shanta whyte - 7 years ago
Ryan Kiernan
Ryan Kiernan - 7 years ago
That mini rod looks like something you broke off of a Christmas ornament
Oliver Corrne
Oliver Corrne - 7 years ago
Carrie Anne Beutel
Carrie Anne Beutel - 7 years ago
road Yes we ekend Will pop in the next friday
Carrie Anne Beutel
Carrie Anne Beutel - 7 years ago
lacygfsg bc sccbxxxxcfgddxfxggggggggggggggggggggggg stuffy hutch c ighty g f2fthinky f2fthink uphill turboprop
River Clarkson
River Clarkson - 7 years ago
That's funny and I see other people do it
Jonah Huckestein
Jonah Huckestein - 7 years ago
Ryan Kiernan I
JoseCruz Tellez
JoseCruz Tellez - 7 years ago
awesome vid by the way
Tyreece Lattimore
Tyreece Lattimore - 7 years ago
Nice video
Haha XD
Haha XD - 7 years ago
Wat up y all niKKas!!
im white
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago
my mom is White ( Italian) and my father is African American
Lit Chicken
Lit Chicken - 7 years ago
That rods bigger then the fish he catches
Isaac Abela
Isaac Abela - 7 years ago
Never been this early... Love your vids... Keep it up ;)
Lil Flaco 831
Lil Flaco 831 - 7 years ago
21 21 21 savage
Lil Flaco 831
Lil Flaco 831 - 7 years ago
jalen and Russell TV thx bro 21 21
lil 904
lil 904 - 7 years ago
Yall Lil Aa you got a new sub
Lil Flaco 831
Lil Flaco 831 - 7 years ago
2 fat fishes on the fountain rod rod rod rod wen you get them all and your pond starts expanded 21 21 :)
lil 904
lil 904 - 7 years ago
Yall Lil Aa thx
Lil Flaco 831
Lil Flaco 831 - 7 years ago
jalen and Russell TV u got a new sub.
lil 904
lil 904 - 7 years ago
Catch_Em_All_Fishing 10 bad fishing in the pound fishing pole so good i could chaght all.
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago
21 21 !
NinjaByNights - 7 years ago
Dude love your videos. I've learned so much about fishing thanks to you. Wish you the best of luck
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago
thanks for your help bud! couldn't do it without your view!
Treivon Gamer
Treivon Gamer - 7 years ago
I love your videos
Sergeant-swifty 1
Sergeant-swifty 1 - 7 years ago
Zak your the best fishing YouTuber on the planet thanks for the videos
Sergeant-swifty 1
Sergeant-swifty 1 - 7 years ago
Thank you man
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago
welcome buddy thanks so much!
CrazyFFox 04
CrazyFFox 04 - 7 years ago
smallest fishing rod xD
CrazyFFox 04
CrazyFFox 04 - 7 years ago
you should try to fish with that fishing rod more
Tyrel Curry
Tyrel Curry - 7 years ago
thats what she said
CrazyFFox 04
CrazyFFox 04 - 7 years ago
Joshua Gray
Joshua Gray - 7 years ago
Hi my n
cherylwhite123 - 7 years ago
Joshua Gray hola
Alen Sabic
Alen Sabic - 7 years ago
Joshua Gray
Joshua Gray
Joshua Gray - 7 years ago
XiEoN Gamer
XiEoN Gamer - 7 years ago
hi catch em all fishing
I______chesseforvc _______
I______chesseforvc _______ - 7 years ago
KING PLAYS - 7 years ago
BrownyYT - 7 years ago
Paul Garza he made it
Paul Garza
Paul Garza - 7 years ago
where did u gey the rod
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago

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