What's the difference in Kayak Paddles? Watch This

If you kayak a lot you know your paddle is important, in this video I team up with Dan from Headwaters Kayak in Lodi, CA for a basic overview of various paddles made of different materials at a variety of cost points. Dan is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to paddle sports and he shares some great info with us. Choosing a paddle is often an overlooked task when purchasing a Kayak. I went with a cheap one when I first got into Kayak Fishing but am very pleased with the paddle I currently have. Follow Headwaters Kayak: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/headwaterskayak/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/headwaterskayak/ YoutTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYodbaugFoQAvGL2StgQ3tQ Their Website - http://www.headwaterskayak.com/ My Current Paddle - Bending Branches Pro Angler - http://amzn.to/2npqA6d *********************************** Pond Hopper Nation Fishing Team - http://www.pondhoppernation.com KastKing Brand Ambassador - http://www.eposeidon.com/ *********************************** Buy an Out West with Chris Sweatshirt - http://shoppondhoppernation.mysimplestore.com/products/out-west-with-chris-gray-hoodie **************************************** My Camera Equipment for most Videos: GoPro Hero5 Black - http://amzn.to/2jWO18C Canon 70D with a stock 18-55mm lens - http://amzn.to/2hhgqlT Rode VideoMicro Compact On Camera Mic - http://amzn.to/2gLdIUy The Brain's behind the operation - iMac - http://amzn.to/2jnrAoW Edited in iMovie ************************ Stalk me: Facebook - http://bit.ly/OWWCfb Instagram - http://bit.ly/OWWCigram Twitter - http://bit.ly/OutWestWChris Pinterest (Yeah Really) - http://bit.ly/OWWCPin Send me something! Out West with Chris PO Box 545 Byron, CA 94514 For Business Inquiries please email outwestwithchris@gmail.com Music Provided by NoCopyRightSounds Fytch - Blinded (feat. Kosta & Theo Hoarau) [NCS Release] https://youtu.be/-ygqbaRx3qo **** Some of the above links are affiliate links ****

What's the difference in Kayak Paddles? Watch This sentiment_very_dissatisfied 31

Kayak 7 years ago 84,482 views

If you kayak a lot you know your paddle is important, in this video I team up with Dan from Headwaters Kayak in Lodi, CA for a basic overview of various paddles made of different materials at a variety of cost points. Dan is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to paddle sports and he shares some great info with us. Choosing a paddle is often an overlooked task when purchasing a Kayak. I went with a cheap one when I first got into Kayak Fishing but am very pleased with the paddle I currently have. Follow Headwaters Kayak: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/headwaterskayak/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/headwaterskayak/ YoutTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYodbaugFoQAvGL2StgQ3tQ Their Website - http://www.headwaterskayak.com/ My Current Paddle - Bending Branches Pro Angler - http://amzn.to/2npqA6d *********************************** Pond Hopper Nation Fishing Team - http://www.pondhoppernation.com KastKing Brand Ambassador - http://www.eposeidon.com/ *********************************** Buy an Out West with Chris Sweatshirt - http://shoppondhoppernation.mysimplestore.com/products/out-west-with-chris-gray-hoodie **************************************** My Camera Equipment for most Videos: GoPro Hero5 Black - http://amzn.to/2jWO18C Canon 70D with a stock 18-55mm lens - http://amzn.to/2hhgqlT Rode VideoMicro Compact On Camera Mic - http://amzn.to/2gLdIUy The Brain's behind the operation - iMac - http://amzn.to/2jnrAoW Edited in iMovie ************************ Stalk me: Facebook - http://bit.ly/OWWCfb Instagram - http://bit.ly/OWWCigram Twitter - http://bit.ly/OutWestWChris Pinterest (Yeah Really) - http://bit.ly/OWWCPin Send me something! Out West with Chris PO Box 545 Byron, CA 94514 For Business Inquiries please email outwestwithchris@gmail.com Music Provided by NoCopyRightSounds Fytch - Blinded (feat. Kosta & Theo Hoarau) [NCS Release] https://youtu.be/-ygqbaRx3qo **** Some of the above links are affiliate links ****

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Most popular comments
for What's the difference in Kayak Paddles? Watch This

murph - 6 years ago
Unless ur paddlin 20 miles it dont matter what u got,flip flops on a vice grip will move u.........shops videos are based on selling points.all due respect fellas.
Glen Daugherity
Glen Daugherity - 6 years ago
Great video and information ! And also want to say that the review video that Headwater Kayak did on kayaks under 500.00 abled me to buy my Lifetime Tamarack 100 ! My first kayak thanks Chris & Headwaters Kayak for helping a guy from Illinois !!!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Glad we could help!
Service NJ
Service NJ - 6 years ago
Haneix - 6 years ago
My dumbass neglected watching this video thinking it's a fucking paddle there's no difference, and here I am realising how much of a twat I was.
david anderson
david anderson - 6 years ago
Good idea... I do need to paddle shop.. as I don’t have one! I am about 6’ tall.. I just got a Tampon 100 kayak! Not sure what paddle to get? Any suggestions? Thx David
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
A lot of the paddle selection process is dependant on budget. If you have some $ laying around the Bending Braches Angler Pro is a great paddle.
lyn Battle
lyn Battle - 6 years ago
Thank you both for taking the time to make such a comprehensive informative video. I am new to sea kayaking, with a 20yr old second hand boat that has been really well cared for (Perception Contour 450) and a cheap old aluminium paddle, both serving me well, but now that I am spending more time on the water, I have been advised to spend good money on a new paddle and really no clue what best suits. Some great info here. I am in Australia or I'd buy one from Dan! I have smallish hands and my right hand was getting sore, probably death grip, I can open/swivel the left palm and am practising with the right/control hand too, I think I could do with a narrower shaft, definitely lighter weight, and probably narrow blades for 2-3 hour paddles as I usually paddle into wind/tide one way, then turn around with the wind/tide running the other way?
Virgil Splabodavic
Virgil Splabodavic - 6 years ago
Turned it off 20 seconds in. Vulgar language is unnecessary in videos for the public.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
This isn't broadcast television, sorry that the word "shit" bothered you though.
Larry Wilkinson
Larry Wilkinson - 6 years ago
Great video, researching the purchase of a fishing yak.  Dan has helped me so much with all his test videos, (best under $500, Best under $1000.  Just need to pull the trigger, soon, like this week!
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Stoked you find our stuff helpful! Happy Paddlin
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Get after it man, give in to the addiction.
MrSteve280 - 6 years ago
Nice video, very helpful for a new guy
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Glad we could help!

10. comment for What's the difference in Kayak Paddles? Watch This

Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
neill45 hahahaha
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Haha, thanks for confirming! Glad the video was informative!
Steve West
Steve West - 6 years ago
Nice job guys. I have been a surfer for years and just recently went kayaking with family a few weeks ago. I thought I knew what I was doing but after watching your video I discovered some of the corrections I needed. Definitely going to take a class in the future. Getting stoked for going kayaking in the future. Maybe even try to stop by your shop for some gear. Two thumb up! Thanks.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Come say what’s up!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Its an addiction, be careful! When I got my first fishing kayak I had no clue how much money I would end up spending and how much enjoyment and relaxation I would get out of it.
Victor Bud Marchlewski
Victor Bud Marchlewski - 6 years ago
This is a year old video but want to say thanks for the information.  Its nice to run into some "real" guys who get what its like to be somewhat new, self-taught and loving the sport.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
That’s great man. Glad you found it helpful.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Thanks Victor, I've learned a lot over the last few years but I still have a lot to learn! Tight lines!
Dave B
Dave B - 6 years ago
What was the first paddle Dan showed when he switched walls? Wish shops here were more informative like this rather than seemingly pushing whatever is in stock
Dave B
Dave B - 6 years ago
Awesome. Thank you guys. Love all the information
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Dave B Eddyline Mid Swift b
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Hey Dave, I believe that paddle was an Eddyline Mid Swift, not sure exactly though. I am positive it is an Eddyline Paddle. Dan and his shop have a great attitude, they have a grow the pie mentality vs just trying to grab their own piece of the pie.
Jacob Booth
Jacob Booth - 6 years ago
Just bought myself the accent air featherweight paddle. Love it! Here is a link if anyone is interested
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
24 oz, thats a nice light paddle man. Thanks for watching.
gene unser
gene unser - 6 years ago
Awesome guys just wish you had a place in upstate New York
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Thanks for watching!
golfrockstr - 6 years ago
Could of been done in half the time. Great video
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
We got a little long winded, thank you for the feedback!
Jillerbop - 6 years ago
so great! feel like just getting the paddle for now :) boat later...
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Glad you enjoyed!
Chad Williams
Chad Williams - 6 years ago
What a great video thank you!!! I was wondering if you feel a straight paddle is better than a curved paddle? Referring to the actual paddle portion.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
I like a little bit of a curve or cup in the blade, I feel like it helps me dig in on the first few strokes. Being a kayak fisherman I start and stop and turn while floating a lot.

20. comment for What's the difference in Kayak Paddles? Watch This

Kenni-411 - 6 years ago
great video ... this just made me want to upgrade to a better paddle
Munky332 - 6 years ago
Any good places in the NJ, PA, NY area in order to demo? I'm in the Central NJ area. Never been on a Kayak before, would like to try a few out before I make an investment.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Shoot man, wish I could help. Maybe try searching for local kayak fishing groups on facebook and see if anyone local has suggestions.
Tony Power
Tony Power - 6 years ago
Great info, iam a noob. This was so helpfull. Be great to give the best type of basic kayak options for beginners. Thank you.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Thanks Tony, maybe Dan and I can work on something like that. He has some great videos on his channel for kayaks under $1000. Search for Headwaters Kayak.
mike anglada
mike anglada - 6 years ago
Thank Much Guys! Great info... :) Peace
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Thanks for watching!
harvey lee
harvey lee - 6 years ago
thank you for this informative video I live in the Great Lakes region around Cleveland just got into kayaking about 2 years ago had no idea why some paddled have high price tags while others are so much cheaper if anyone knows a good kayak shop in this area please let me know harv65 at yahoo
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Glad the video was helpful!
Charles Savas
Charles Savas - 6 years ago
I expected pretty dry content (nopun) but this was VERY informational and well done. Doing my research before buying my first kayak and this was very helpful. Thank you!
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Haha. Glad we could keep you entertained.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Thanks for watching, glad it was helpful!
Eddie Knox
Eddie Knox - 6 years ago
don't count on paddles at wal mart, theyre all the same length.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Good point.
Ry Kim
Ry Kim - 6 years ago
Great info..! Sub'd! and I'm def gonna buy something from Headwater next time I'm over there!! TY
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Sweet! I'll hold you too it.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Mr. Sway
Mr. Sway - 6 years ago
400 for a fuckin paddle holy shit. How bout just not being a pussy.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Kayak and Paddle for $2000. Seems cheap if you are really into your sport. Not everyone can afford nice gear or will paddle enough to justify the expense and I understand that.
Alex McGruer
Alex McGruer - 6 years ago
The adjustable ferril is great until it comes loose and you end up wrong way up.
the recovery and telling students that is what you wanted to do.....
Hey: Glad I can roll. :)
While my carbon paddle is (are) lovely. that ferril thing is great but it has to be bar tight.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
I can imagine that would be an issue with technical paddling. Good point!

30. comment for What's the difference in Kayak Paddles? Watch This

flashman V
flashman V - 6 years ago
Great video. Nice to hear from someone who really know the difference between the paddles and can explain the benefit of one vs the other.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Thanks dude!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Yeah I am lucky to have a Paddle Shop with a knowledgable staff close by. Dan and his team are great. Thanks for watching.
XCELCIER - 6 years ago
Stick to the heavier paddle, It gives you a better workout. The women will notice your pecs, lats, and traps more after a couple miles
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Good call man!
George Saik
George Saik - 6 years ago
Would like the info on the wooden fin paddle. Also what size would be best for a sit on top fishing kayak?
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Bending Branches Navigator. $279. Super sick paddle for the $$
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Paddle length depends on a few factors including width of kayak, your torso length, and how high you sit in a kayak.
Tom Collier
Tom Collier - 6 years ago
thanks a lot . I just started kayaking really helped
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Glad it helped!
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 6 years ago
i should be making paddles and not boats
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
What kind of boats do you make?
facebiter - 6 years ago
What a fantastic video. 10/10
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Thanks for watching.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
U.T. Grader
U.T. Grader - 6 years ago
Great info.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
The Garlic Farm
The Garlic Farm - 6 years ago
How do you rate Mitchell paddles? I have been very happy with their wood paddles, especially the one piece paddes.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Love them. Hard to get, but I also used one for years. Loved the design and feel in the water.
The Garlic Farm
The Garlic Farm - 6 years ago
I was a little disappointed that this video did not mention wood paddles or the advantages of a one piece paddle compared to a two piece paddle.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
I personally have never used that brand but I do really like the look and feel of wood paddles.
Steven Brown
Steven Brown - 6 years ago
Dang Lodi? I'm an hour away in Riverbank
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Come say whats up!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
I'm in the West Delta area, not really the Bay Area, not really the Central Valley.
Steven Brown
Steven Brown - 6 years ago
You out in the central valley?
seymore glass
seymore glass - 6 years ago
Do wider blades truly contain more blade area? It seems wider blades are shorter than slimmer blades and therefore do not actually offer more power to the stroke, that is the area of the blades appear the same?
seymore glass
seymore glass - 6 years ago
Thanks for tqking your time to clarify for me. Cheers.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
higher angler stroke has a better instant catch due to how quickly you can plant the paddle. Longer narrower blades have a longer more gentle catch. So easier on the body, but not as powerful. Your right though high angle does not necessarily mean more surface area, although often times there is.
seymore glass
seymore glass - 6 years ago
Thanks for replying. I confess I'm unconvinced and would love to see some data.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
I've paddled with some of the thinner blades and they dig in less than the wider blades.
Robert Gaines
Robert Gaines - 6 years ago
Great info!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
gareth brazier
gareth brazier - 6 years ago
Thank you Chris I just watched it, lots of useful information. I live in Wakefield, England
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Great, glad you found it helpful!
Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson - 6 years ago
Nothing in Arizona for shops! Thanks,
Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson - 6 years ago
Very much so, I'm saving this for future reference. Thanks again,
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Hope the vid was helpful!
That Dude There
That Dude There - 6 years ago
I ordered a Gear Labs carbon fiber greenland paddle, and going to get a Werner Camino (bass green ;) for a cheap canoe for my wife and kids...and me a sweet backup for kayak fishing. :)
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Nice man!
jurion jurion
jurion jurion - 6 years ago
What brand and model paddle did u have that u were referencing to in this video?
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
I have the Bending Branches Angler Pro Plus. This video is over a year old and I've had the paddle for longer than that. I love it.
That Dude There
That Dude There - 6 years ago
Thanks but why won't he say what each one ways and costs, and the names ...instead of being so vague. Sure he gave some numbers and names but mostly not.
That Dude There
That Dude There - 6 years ago
nevermind, I rewatched and went to manufacturer's websites.
Michael Edmund
Michael Edmund - 6 years ago
This is a great interview. Yep
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Patrick England
Patrick England - 6 years ago
So.....which way up does it go?
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Or when you are holding it getting ready to paddle.
Patrick England
Patrick England - 6 years ago
Do you mean read it when the blade is in the water ?
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Seeing it in action might make more sense... Watch this vid https://youtu.be/1nzQF8fy6z8 and about 6 mins in you can see me making small position correction strokes and you'll see the brand on the paddle blade. Hope that helps.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Ok, I see what you are saying now. Each paddle is a little different but if you can read the name of the paddle on the paddle blade you are doing it right. (Most have the brand name of the paddle on them)
Patrick England
Patrick England - 6 years ago
As a total beginner just about to buy my very first Kayak, I thought I would look online (your video is great ) but not one video says which is the top of the paddle and which the bottom lol.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Not sure how to answer your question, can you be more specific?
Kenneth Spence
Kenneth Spence - 6 years ago
Excellent information!  I am new to the sport, and will be competing in the MR340 this year (the worlds longest non-stop paddle race - 340 miles down the Missouri River, from Kansas City to St. Charles MO), and this video helped me to choose the right paddle with confidence.  Thank you!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Wow that sounds like a really cool event, good luck with your race!
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Awesome, glad I could help! Best of luck on your race.
Blue line Fishing
Blue line Fishing - 6 years ago
That was something I really didn’t even know. Great information for sure!!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Thanks for watching!

50. comment for What's the difference in Kayak Paddles? Watch This

Joseph Brant
Joseph Brant - 6 years ago
What size kayak should I need for 5:19
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Anything up to 33 or 34 inches wide would probably work for that paddle but it also depends on your torso length and how you sit in the seat, like if you use an elevated seat.
Chris Jones
Chris Jones - 6 years ago
hi chris & dan i'm thinking on a vibe sea ghost 110 ( nice review chris) and i'm 5'7" and yes a noob ,so what size paddle should i be looking at . kayak shop is closed right now do to we still got snow in Penn. ty for any info.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Thanks for watching! Sounds to me like you might need a paddle in the 230-235 range. If you can, get a paddle that extends so if/when you raise the seat you can extend the paddle length.
Mak 90
Mak 90 - 6 years ago
Great video. I traded my old town vapor this morning for a Jackson tripper. A larger kayak and was curious if i needed a different paddle. I think ill try my old one out before purchasing one. I have the bending branches one but not sure if its long enough. Im glad i watched this . I need to take a class lol
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Glad it helped. Clases are clutch!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Those first ones are a bit heavier than some of the others, thought the others do cost quite a bit more.
Mak 90
Mak 90 - 6 years ago
Out West with Chris iv watched so many videos this past hour my eyes are crossed. Im gonna try mine out but i have noticed that it does kinda wear me out. Its the first one he picked up in video. Im gonna check out those werner. Thanks for posting
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Glad the video was helpful! Yeah man, try out that paddle you currently have but if it doesn't work I'd pick a new one up. Take care and thanks for watching!
mburke1211 - 6 years ago
Super informative video!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Glad you found it informative, thanks for watching!
Joseph David
Joseph David - 6 years ago
Chris, this was the first video of yours that I found that got me interested in your YouTube channel. Kudos to you and Dan for this very informative video. I learned a lot from this video.
Joseph David
Joseph David - 6 years ago
Dan, I hope Demo Days was a great success. I wasn't able to get there yesterday, but wished I could. This seemed to be the weekend that everything was going on. I'm sad I missed it.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
YEa man stoked you enjoyed it.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Thanks for watching, glad you found it informative!
Jimmie Durrant
Jimmie Durrant - 7 years ago
This is the best paddle info video yet. What was the name of the fishing paddle y’all recommend. I think it was 135-150 range. Again great info.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
I don't recall the specific paddle but I can recommend the Bending Branches Angler Pro, it is a little pricer but it has held up well for me. Thanks for watching!
curlylarrymoe - 7 years ago
When I go kayaking I want to be tired at the end of the day.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
I too like a good work out, for me a lighter paddle just extends my range and time on the water. Thanks for watching!
Jay R
Jay R - 7 years ago
Chris what kind of paddle are you using?
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
I currently use a Bending Branches Angler Pro, and I like it.
Matt's Fishing Adventures
Matt's Fishing Adventures - 7 years ago
Jk i dont use a high in paddle just something that i can afford but my 50 dollar paddle works for me and my viking profish reload so i slice threw the water. Im good for 20mile day paddling buts thats from practicing in horrible conditions for hours to build endurance.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Haha... I originally didn't like you but now I think I do. It's hard to gauge someone's sense of humor in the comments section, guess I need to watch some of your videos now... lol.
Matt's Fishing Adventures
Matt's Fishing Adventures - 7 years ago
Out West with Chris im one of a kind lol. I guess i should type a little slower and start read what i put.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
I can't figure out if I should be impressed by your amazing stamina or your wit, or your grammar.
Matt's Fishing Adventures
Matt's Fishing Adventures - 7 years ago
After watching this i guess ive been kayaking wrong i used a 45pound bar with a 45pound plate welded on each side and was wondering why my kayak never left the bank.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 6 years ago
Matt's Fishing Adventures you must be ripped! Thanks for watching man!
Eric Torres
Eric Torres - 7 years ago
Werner Kalliste is my go to paddle
Eric Torres
Eric Torres - 7 years ago
Out West with Chris thank you buddy. Please feel free to take a look at my YouTube channel and subscribe if you get a chance.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
That's a nice paddle, thanks for watching!
joteri - 7 years ago
Great Info. Thanks
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching!
YAKMAN ONT - 7 years ago
Great Great Video!!!!!!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Bholmes Repairs
Bholmes Repairs - 7 years ago
$250 on a paddle! Yeah right
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Bholmes Repairs it was a great choice for me personally but all that matters is getting out there right? If a $70 paddle gets you out and you like it, I ain't judging.
ShowMe Bass
ShowMe Bass - 7 years ago
Definitely don't skimp on paddles!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
pghdave420 - 7 years ago
so im guessing if im going for a pedal kayak a paddle is not such a big deal maybe just get a mid grade one?
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Yeah I would say that. The only time it would really suck to have a mid grade is if your drive malfunctioned and you had to paddle back to the launch with a bad paddle but yeah, I wouldn't go dropping $300 on a paddle with a pedal drive kayak. Thanks for watching!
Benjamin Zeringue
Benjamin Zeringue - 7 years ago
Is the guy with a beard the same guy that was in the FX show, "Justified" as Ty Walker? Lol!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
+Benjamin Zeringue probably pays better than my current job, I should apply.
Benjamin Zeringue
Benjamin Zeringue - 7 years ago
You could he his stunt double HAHAHAHA
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
+Benjamin Zeringue lol. That guy is me and I had to look up the character you referenced and all I have to say is he has a solid beard game going too. Thanks for watching!
Dan Kerns
Dan Kerns - 7 years ago
Some of the paddles are more trhen my kayak haha
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Yeah they can get expensive really fast.
Dianne Martin
Dianne Martin - 7 years ago
Great info! I initially used a greenland paddle and loved it but now have a Werner which I think is too long for me. But at least I now have a method to check the length of the paddle. Many thanks for a highly informative vid.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
+Dianne Martin glad it was helpful and thanks for watching!
Killacorn - 7 years ago
Shitt my kayak was $250
YAKKin TV - 7 years ago
First I did not get bored at this at all. I thought this was a great information video. me being new to kayak fishing and to YouTube I thought this was amazing I really do appreciate this video keep up the good work Chris. I'm glad magic yakker introduced me to you.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Awesome man glad you found it helpful.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
+YAKKin TV awesome man, glad the video was informative. Thanks for watching!
Dan Bolton
Dan Bolton - 7 years ago
Thanks for the information. I went into the local shop to get a paddle armed with a price I would spend, but after handling nearly all the paddles weight won out over price. I’m glad I had this video tucked in the back of my mind. I went with a wider blade for stopping and starting, as light a paddle as I could afford, and one that will propel me into a nicer boat after I get some skills. It hurt a little, but the Bending Branches Navigator will really push my HDPE toy boat around. Unfortunately the longest paddle in that line they make is 230mm. Hopefully not too short. I’ll find out next week when it shows. My neighbor has graciously lent me his Adventure Technology carbon fiber bent shaft paddle to use in the frozen sloughs tomorrow.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Yeah those light weight paddles are hard to resist. You won't regret spending the extra money, it's well worth it. Glad the video helped!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Dan is the man! Thanks for watching!
Liam Hunt
Liam Hunt - 7 years ago
also why no mention of greenland paddles which are the best for distance kayaking
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
We were basically going over paddles with what the shop had in stock. Thanks for watching!
Liam Hunt
Liam Hunt - 7 years ago
look at VE paddles
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Will do, thanks for the suggestion.
john kierepka
john kierepka - 7 years ago
Excellent shop, I live as far south as you can get in California and made the trek to see Dan. Picked up an Eddyline and would like more boats in the future. Next time I’ll stick around long enough to get in the water. Im happy with the mid swift, but I’d love to try a Werner carbon bent shaft.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Yeah that Werner carbon bent shaft was pretty sweet looking. It was so light as well. Those Eddyline Kayaks look gorgeous, congrats on the purchase.
Trevor Keen
Trevor Keen - 7 years ago
No mention of Greenland paddles - the ultimate long skinny blade for cruising long-distance, or for paddling upwind. (Wide blades catch the wind more and slow you down.) I had to buy mine custom-made. The manufacturers haven't started making them yet.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Trevor Keen that sounds pretty cool man, makes sense regarding less wind catching the blade. thanks for watching!
IAmYour Punisher
IAmYour Punisher - 7 years ago
Thank you. You helped me a lot
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Glad it helped!
Ryan Crochiere
Ryan Crochiere - 7 years ago
Where is your shop?  I'd love to demo and am in the Bay Area.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
The Shop is Headwaters Kayak Shop in Lodi, CA. Hope that helps!
David Minor
David Minor - 7 years ago
I recently sold a sit inside Pelican that was good for getting the feel of kayaking as a complete beginner and at some point looking to get an affordable SOT. I did have my eye on a couple of 9 footers but then I looked at the seat width and rethought. Now I think I have narrowed it to 1 9.5 foot yak and 1 10-foot yak, maybe a second 10-footer. The 9-footer was the Ocean Kayak Frenzy but the cockpit seating is only 18 inches. However, the Perception 9.5 is 20.5 inches wide and the 10-foot Pescador is 21 inches wide. I am just out of being a noobie to having a little experience but I still want stability and I only do calm water recreational kayaking. Plus I was born with a birth defect that affects my spine and will look into comfortable seating. Pertaining to this video though which brand and size of paddle will be good for those perception models? My arms have gotten very tired in the past. The Pescador says 32 inches wide and the 9.5 foot Tribe says 31.25 inches wide. Great video guys!
John Darwin
John Darwin - 7 years ago
What brand and model is the $259 paddle at 7:00?
Great video--Thank you.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
John Darwin hey, thanks for watching! I not positive on the model but it is an Eddyline Paddle, and I think its the MidSwift model but not positive. Hope that helps.
Brian C
Brian C - 7 years ago
I could really use the shaft with the angle. I have a wrist that "clicks" from an old hockey injury. Thanks for letting everyone know about these options!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
And thank you for watching. That slanted shaft would probably be a good option for your wrist.
Jason Smith
Jason Smith - 7 years ago
well thought out answers; well done.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching!
lbds3407 - 7 years ago
heaps of great info for the newbie
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Yep! Thanks for watching!
Stuart - 7 years ago
great vid
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Stuart thanks!!
Tom Jones GearGuy
Tom Jones GearGuy - 7 years ago
This is a very good video with very good info. one thing about paddle blade size and shape. the long thin blade is more for a low angle style paddling and the wider shorter paddle is more for a higher angle paddle style. Most and not all, everyone has their own style of paddling but touring kayak are narrower and place the paddler lower in the water requiring a shorter length paddle and more of a lower angle paddle stroke. Sit on top kayaks are wider and place the kayaker higher out of the water requiring a longer paddle length and promoting a higher paddle angle. With the lower angle a long narrow blade tends to work better you get more of the blade in the water where a wide blade would still have the top portion above the water. With the higher angle you are able to get the wider blade under the water completely.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for adding to the conversation!
Robert Crank
Robert Crank - 7 years ago
This was one of the best videos I have seen, thanks for your expertise.
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Robert Crank thanks!!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching!
plutoplatters - 7 years ago
T-Rex paddle !!!!!!!!!!! funny as helllllllllll
Cody Harrington
Cody Harrington - 7 years ago
Hi Dan!
I just got into a 10.5 ft, 33 inch wide - Sit on Fishing Kayak (Kaku Wahoo). I'm 5'7 and will be standing from time to time. I'm not sure if that would put me into a possible adjustable paddle?
I'm not ready to pay for top of the line, but want to grow with the boat & sport.
Do you have any reccomendations? I was advised to go with a 240 Aquabound Hybrid but i'm not sure about length adjustability. I also feel i'm the type that would appreciate a wider blade.
Thanks for your expertise!
Kind Regards,
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Cody, Dan might not see this so I will do my best to answer for you. Standing alone doesn't really mean you will need an adjustable paddle. 230-240 seems about right for that size of boat and guessing at your torso height. Does the kayak you are in have an adjustable seat? If it does that is really where the adjustable paddle length comes into play. My kayak has a seat where I can sit on the deck of the kayak or raise about a foot higher and sit elevated. When I am sitting elevated I extend the paddle out.
Personally I prefer the wider blade, just because it allows me to dig into each paddle a little more, which for me is important because I often make quick turns adjusting my positioning.
Hope that helps!
Cdubp01 - 7 years ago
Super awesome video! Im wanting to get into kayak fishing and was looking at the vibe 110. I figured the stock paddle that comes with the boat would be just fine, but after watching this-I may just use it as a back up and invest in one of the nicer paddles you showed here. Thanks!
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Cdubp01 buy an upgrade. You will thank me.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
The stock paddle is a great way to get into the sport without a huge investment. If you can afford the upgraded paddles I do highly suggest it, especially if you know you will be out paddling a lot. Glad you enjoyed the vid, I like the Vibe 110 by the way, it is a decent kayak. Thanks for watching!
Carolyn Hight
Carolyn Hight - 7 years ago
I am an ultra novice 60 year old kayaker that just got kayaks last year. Got one thru a shop and the other at REI. When getting them I thought a paddle is a paddle. This video has peaked my interest. What kind of paddle do you recommend for someone like me that mostly kayaks on lakes and slower moving rivers in a sit inside kayak?
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
I'm always going to advocate for a lighter weight carbon material paddle. They do cost quite a bit more but due to being lightweight they keep you out on the water longer with less fatigue. I use a bending branches angler pro and I really like it. In your case I think getting it sized correctly is going to be very important as well. I hope that helps!
ByGraceIGo - 7 years ago
$250??? YEAH,, if you're a RICH PERSON. Us poor people can only spend THAT on just the kayak. I got paddles for under $50 that work JUST as good as your fancy ones. No offence but I bet everything in that shop is WAY over priced..Like the rich people shop there. Snob appeal. I'm sure the paddle advice is good, it's just some people cannot afford those.
Fred van Viegen
Fred van Viegen - 7 years ago
ByGraceIGo I do not entirely agree with you. But... one really can get used to a heavier paddle. Just like you have to get used to lifting you arms weight all the times. Because your arms are the heaviest weight you have to lift when paddling. It all comes down, I guess, to practice, practice, practice... and practice... By the way; I do have an lightweigt paddle myself, and I am a kayak instructor...
Tom Jones GearGuy
Tom Jones GearGuy - 7 years ago
Sorry but you do not know what you are talking about. Because you think something is over priced does not make it so. What does "work just fine" mean? Snob is the person that thinks a $50 paddle works a good as a $250 paddle and then tells others that and has no idea of what he is talking about. I can paddle a kayak with a 2x4 does that make it just as good? Try putting 20 or 30 dollars away every month and you will have some money for a real paddle. One last thing the prices he was stating are fair prices don't let this guy steer you wrong.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
I wouldn't classify myself as a RICH person monetarily by any means. But I am out on the water so much, 4-5 days a week for 5-9+ hours at a time so for me it makes sense to spend the extra money. I'm sure your paddle works great, my other paddles did fine as well, this one just allows me to be out on the water longer with less fatigue which means quite a bit to me. With all that said, anyway you slice it we are both out paddling and that's what matters right? Have fun out there and be safe!
Ted Graves
Ted Graves - 7 years ago
Excellent source of information; classes were very important to me. . .
Ted Graves
Ted Graves - 7 years ago
Dan needs more air time demonstrating for his fans. . .
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Very true, thanks for watching!!
Erich F.
Erich F. - 7 years ago
Thanks I learned a lot!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Erik F. Great, thanks for watching!
treywilly431 - 7 years ago
Very helpful info, thanks.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Glad it helped! Thanks for watching!
Will Chu
Will Chu - 7 years ago
I have a slayer propel 10, should I still invest in a $250 paddle or a basic one? I'll be pedaling 75% of the time.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Glad it was helpful!
Will Chu
Will Chu - 7 years ago
I ended up ordering the Werner Skagit. Thanks for your informative video!!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
In the case of a peddler like yourself it's probably just fine to stick with a basic one. You spent plenty of money on the kayak itself! Thanks for watching!
SnakeBitesTattoo - 7 years ago
great video
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
SnakeBitesTattoo thanks and thanks for watching!
Tamsyn Beckwith
Tamsyn Beckwith - 7 years ago
I have to agree that a better paddle makes a huge difference, and I tend to agree that the paddle (at least for those of us in the budget kayak range) may be more important than the kayak.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
The extra money I spent on a nice paddle is well worth it. Thanks for watching!
Tom Jones GearGuy
Tom Jones GearGuy - 7 years ago
Hey Chris great vid on a great topic. Dan is so right on about paddles I tell people the same things all the time. A paddle can make or break you it is the most hands on piece of gear a kayaker has. I was lucky that I had enough time on the water before buying my first to know what I did not want. What Dan said about taking a class is the first thing anyone should do right after playing a kayak if you have not already. I see it all the time paddle with friends, groups or just watching YouTube vids. Just because you get the boat to move does not mean you know how to paddle. Its a nite and day difference knowing how to paddling the properly.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Totally true... I catch myself all the time practicing poor technique and have to really focus on paddling properly, mostly because I wasn't concerned about it right off the bat. Thanks for watching!
Ricardo Hernandez
Ricardo Hernandez - 7 years ago
Very good info. Good video.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Ricardo Hernandez thanks and thanks for watching!

100. comment for What's the difference in Kayak Paddles? Watch This

M Angel
M Angel - 7 years ago
Great video. I've been kayaking for years and had no idea that there were so many different paddles ... great knowledge. Thank you !!!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
M Angel Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for watching!
Jim Cyr
Jim Cyr - 7 years ago
great rundown as I'm shopping for a paddle
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Dylan Giordanengo
Dylan Giordanengo - 7 years ago
Great Video! Dan explained the difference in paddles when I bought my Lure 11.5 from him, but I had too many questions and couldn't remember everything he had to teachers . I'm glad you picked his brain and had a great lesson on paddles to share with us all!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching Dylan, you can always head back out there and take a lesson or two from the staff to get a refresher course.
Adventure Outdoors
Adventure Outdoors - 7 years ago
10-4, paddles either make your day enjoyable or not if you have a long day on the water. Here is the problem I see coming for you at the end of April. I'm going to put you in my Outback and you will not need or want a paddle anymore, LOL
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Adventure Outdoors yeah that could happen. I've fished with a few guys who have peddle drive systems and I get a little jealous when they go so fast!
Jim D
Jim D - 7 years ago
This was great information. I am thinking of buying a kayak in the near future and I learned a lot of good info.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching Jim. My recommendations if you are going to purchase are 1) Test paddle the kayaks you are interested in 2) don't skimp on the paddle!
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Thanks for the Video Chris. Stoked to help get good info out there for kayak fisherman.
Jeremy Leonguerrero
Jeremy Leonguerrero - 6 years ago
Great video guys !! I’m just getting in to kayaking. I’m Headed to Headwaters for sure !!!
YAKMAN ONT - 7 years ago
Great info Thanks
sathomas105 - 7 years ago
Headwaters Kayak I
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Thank you for your help man. Let's do it again soon!
Brian Mowers
Brian Mowers - 7 years ago
Wow, tons of great info there! I learned a bunch. Thanks for sharing!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching Brian, glad that we could get some useful info out there!
Bet Avina Smoke wolf
Bet Avina Smoke wolf - 7 years ago
Great video guys. Love my feel free paddle. Yes it's heavy but it takes a beating. Thanks for the great info. Strong work.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching buddy! You love your paddle because you have a peddle system, lol.
Cheryl Casselman
Cheryl Casselman - 7 years ago
thanks again Chris loved the video
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Thank you for watching, glad you liked the video!
Yankee Tanker Outdoors
Yankee Tanker Outdoors - 7 years ago
Dan is hands down the best person to talk to about this.. he runs such a great shop with great people. - Looking forward to being there on Tuesday for the rudder install. This vid was great!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
I agree, great kayak shop with a ton of good knowledgable folks working there. Thanks for watching buddy!
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 7 years ago
Yankee Tanker Outdoors look forward to the visit!
Jon Z
Jon Z - 7 years ago
hey chris, great vid! lots of great info! thanks for getting out there ;) lol
Jon Z
Jon Z - 7 years ago
+Out West with Chris its all about learning brother.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Thanks buddy, I have fun working on vids like that with folks who are knowledgeable because I learn a lot too!
Kelly White
Kelly White - 7 years ago
This is a great video, Dan, if you read this, your experience and offer to help is a major plus for anyone looking into kayaking! Even though I'm not into it, I want to thank you for your offer to help and your time helping Chris out!! We all know he loves to Kayak fish! : ) Now get him to go out with you one day and you can 'help' him out!!
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Yeah Dan and I need to hook up and go for a paddle one of these afternoons. Thanks for watching Kelly, glad you enjoyed!
SLY FOX - 7 years ago
Great video never even thought about the importance of the right paddle.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
So important man. It's the difference of being able to paddle longer distances or stay out longer without getting fatigued. Thanks for watching buddy!
Danny Schwab
Danny Schwab - 7 years ago
I wish I could afford one. I'm disabled can't use a kayak but got this little pontoon paddle boat my feet go into the water or I made a plat form to out my feet on to help with my knees. but it has a place for ors. but I think a paddle would be better. but omg can't get one to pricey. but good vidoe thanks for the info. god bless.
Danny Schwab
Danny Schwab - 7 years ago
Thanks bro. God bless. Tight lines.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Well sounds like you are getting out there still. Don't let that stuff hold you back buddy, even if you are just fishing from the bank, nothing beats being out there relaxing in the sun waiting for a bite! Tight lines, best of luck tomorrow!
Danny Schwab
Danny Schwab - 7 years ago
Yea I'll find one at a yard sale I guess I have my boat paddle but having to lean to the side to paddle hurts bad. So hoping if I find a light kayak paddle it will work. Been chatting with a few people who kayak and I can't bend my knees and out pressure on them. Exspecaily the left. Been getting the roster shots so praying it relieves some pain my lefts gone and the upper bone and lower leg bone don't match up so that sucks. But I see some kayaks have high back seats and there almost as high as a chair for your table. And I also seen a guy make a bar that goes across the front of the person to help him get up. This guy won one. Beautiful kayak I'm trying to find and find a price for one if I have to I'll sell my big pontoon or my van to get one for me and one for my daughter. She's 16 been stuck with me for 16 years just me we fish and all kinds of stuff but since my accedent it's kinda not fun around here. So if I get the pontoon boat running it should buy me 2 kayaks and all the extras I hope. But I'll shut up I can talk boats fishing all day. We're going tomoorw and praying the boat starts and goes then we're gonna give some free rods and reels and tackle to some special kids we find out wanting to fish. So can't weight. Well thanks for commenting back. God bless and fish on.
Out West with Chris
Out West with Chris - 7 years ago
Pontoon boats are cool too man, some of the paddles are pretty expensive. Thanks for watching!

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