What not to do when you fall out of a kayak

My dad decided to try to learn how to get back in a kayak while we were in Alaska. Where the water is very cold!! But he did this because we were kayaking in glaciers, to learn. Obviously he needs more practice...

What not to do when you fall out of a kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 107

Kayak 17 years ago 605,352 views

My dad decided to try to learn how to get back in a kayak while we were in Alaska. Where the water is very cold!! But he did this because we were kayaking in glaciers, to learn. Obviously he needs more practice...

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Most popular comments
for What not to do when you fall out of a kayak

shamanic1 - 7 years ago
Aye yaye yaye! 1) After it's on the paddle...inflate the float to maximum. 2) secure the paddle under the decklines - not the bungees. 3) When you drop your butt into the seat, lean, slightly, toward the float side. That was your recurring error. Keep at it; you've almost got it! P.S. maintain possession of the paddle, at all times.
BrumCraft - 7 years ago
That snigger at 0:43 cracks me up
TromboneAl - 7 years ago
LOL. I thought he was pretending to have trouble, but after trying this myself, I guess it was real. Thanks.
Bob Flisser
Bob Flisser - 7 years ago
10 years later........ this is gold. :-O
Saber 5000
Saber 5000 - 7 years ago
Me : "what wrong with what he's doing? He's doing the procedure correc- oh....
Cary Sledge
Cary Sledge - 7 years ago
Needs to relax, slow down and take his time.
akbychoice - 7 years ago
Hypothermia can happen quickly in Alaskan waters
GC Adventure Gear
GC Adventure Gear - 7 years ago
A for effort
tom allen
tom allen - 7 years ago
This is why I don't Kayak. I am disabled and not very flexable and I can see this happening to me. I will stick to my bass boat and pray I never flip over. And yes, always wear a life vest.

10. comment for What not to do when you fall out of a kayak

Henry Roberts
Henry Roberts - 7 years ago
was he even trying
Drew Conlow
Drew Conlow - 7 years ago
He's not a quitter. A Plus for effort, sir.
LPSkitcat2112 - 8 years ago
That's just sad.
Randell Schimdt
Randell Schimdt - 8 years ago
Audition for AFV
joynthis - 8 years ago
Why is this man humping this plastic boat? The boat clearly is not interested. Too Trumpie.
Ryan Crochiere
Ryan Crochiere - 8 years ago
Use your float in the rear brother, I bet you figured it out.
AleaderWaterShoes - 8 years ago
Just bought a kayak last week. Good thing I watched this video. Thanks for sharing it
Mr. March
Mr. March - 8 years ago
It is funny to watch this video but sobering to realize that many people have died like this when alone in open water, unable to get back in. If the water is cold and you are not dressed properly then you have only minutes to live. The boat is very tippy when you are on top of it. It is hard to believe that until you try it. Proper technique (not shown here) and practice (I give him credit for trying) are essential. Cold water is a killer.
OlliMSa - 8 years ago
Very, very admirable his perseverance and efforts! - I did not read your info until after watching the video. I actually thought he was an instructor being funny on purpose demonstrating "what not to do when you fall out of a kayak." At the end he is definitely getting clumsier and slower ... hypothermia. Good he asked for help to get out.
Oozywolf - 8 years ago
Haha also thought this was a funny "how not to do it" video! I was like "Oh come on, he was just about there and literally just messed up on purpose.." Finding out this was all real mistakes is sobering. It must be extremely easy to flip off the top even when doing the finishing techniques. I watched other videos before this and it seemed like his mistake was coming in dierectly from the side and not the rear. From the side, all your momentum to get up/in is pushing against the other side of the kayak. So once you get on top, that momentum keeps flowing and pushes you too far the other way. But from the rear, your momentum is pushing on the bottom of the kayak, basically trying to push an air filled container downwards (which is extremely hard to do). So going from the back is much more stable, and any momentum you have will only push the front of the kayak down, which won't effect stability much at all. Then you just scoot up until you're by the seat and lift your legs up and into the kayak. Really cool to see real mistakes though. Frustration and panic probably set in so fast that it makes all your mistakes even more dramatic!
Ken Lord
Ken Lord - 8 years ago
Stupid video - nothing to learn here

20. comment for What not to do when you fall out of a kayak

Jay Oliver
Jay Oliver - 8 years ago
thanks for the heads up. Makes sense to learn in a safe and control environment. It was still funny at your expense though. LOL
Pure Awesomeness
Pure Awesomeness - 8 years ago
Alex F.
Alex F. - 8 years ago
Guck Foogle
Guck Foogle - 8 years ago
Best way is to swim to the rear of the kayak and pull yourself up so the rear of the kayak is between your legs. Next, use your arms to pull yourself forwards until you are at your seat. It even works in choppier water.
jaobnp - 8 years ago
This is a very helpful video for newbies like me. It helps to know what CAN go wrong. Most of the vid's I've watched show me the proper technique for getting back in. However, the subjects are experienced & thus it doesn't look too complicated. Thanks for posting this. I can see me doing these things. I will practice!!!!
Chucknorris - 8 years ago
clearly needs more practice, best way is to pull yourself up and along the back of the boat until your ass cheeks are sat in the seat then lift your legs out of the water
Ryan Borger
Ryan Borger - 8 years ago
well i know who not to take with me when learning anything...
fehr2005 - 8 years ago
ooh, Gosh...... I can see my self  :-)
Rick Martin
Rick Martin - 8 years ago
I have to try on my sit on top......better to practice then wait until when you're not prepared and have to do it.
Christopher Lagos
Christopher Lagos - 8 years ago
I guess

30. comment for What not to do when you fall out of a kayak

c fedyszyn
c fedyszyn - 8 years ago
I'm impressed and learned from this. Good video. Will make it a point to practice this just as you did.
jamie rodgers
jamie rodgers - 8 years ago
Not well dressed for cold water...
Heather Payne
Heather Payne - 8 years ago
That's tough to do in cold water. Your body won't respond as well once you start getting cold.
Manny Echaluce
Manny Echaluce - 8 years ago
He is a natural comedian :D Good to practice before the real thing happens :D
Quentyn73 - 8 years ago
no one is born taught how to do this. Great that he's learning. I am sure he already knows.
Christopher Lagos
Christopher Lagos - 9 years ago
That's why sit on tops are the way to go
Conor Buckman
Conor Buckman - 8 years ago
Or if he had a spraydeck he could have just rolled
fisherman jones
fisherman jones - 9 years ago
Someone needs to teach this guy a proper paddle float rescue!
Put the paddle behind the cockpit under the deck lines rather than in front of the cockpit under the bungees like he did. Once paddle float is secure on paddle blade,leverage your chest onto your back deck of your kayak by pushing up on your paddle shaft and cockpit combing at the same time. After your upper body is supported by the kayak pull your body forward (closer to the stern) and slide your legs in one at a time. After you're in your cockpit face down roll your body upright towards your paddle. Drain cockpit, secure paddle float, re attach spray skirt. good to go!
Gakumerasara - 9 years ago
Well, at least he tried. Hell, I probably couldn't do it. good thing I haven't flipped while out on the Gulf.
chas5131 - 9 years ago
The other videos make it look easy. Now we know.
NutmegThumper - 9 years ago
Thanks - this started my morning off with a giggle - albeit at your expense!
runningbear721 - 9 years ago
Thanks for posting. I just inherited a nice kayak and was wondering about reentering from the water. Took the kayak out on the lake for the first time today. Its 98 degrees here today though. Haven't dunked it yet. I plan on practicing this as well.
Janise Scannell
Janise Scannell - 9 years ago
Love his perseverance! :)
Quico Reed
Quico Reed - 9 years ago
So did he ever figure it out?
Neil Pirelli
Neil Pirelli - 8 years ago
He is still in the water to this day
Quico Reed
Quico Reed - 9 years ago
Hey man, this guy is a soldier! Good idea to test out the skills before it's a life or death situation.
But maybe a pool would be a little less...miserable?
Gatis Grava
Gatis Grava - 9 years ago
NEVER loose contact with your boat .. outside pool or bay
Karl Buttler
Karl Buttler - 9 years ago
Ok so is he goofing off?  or this ment to be instructional?
Emory desu
Emory desu - 9 years ago
That last few seconds of advert... So if you catch a marlin thats bigger than you and your kayak what exactly do you do?
Moosa Mohammad
Moosa Mohammad - 9 years ago
I struggled as well. I have a Hammerhead brand kayak made in south Africa but I have difficulty to go up again. I am searching for a technique to solve my problem. My kayak long and narrow.
Kennedy Incle
Kennedy Incle - 9 years ago
i have tears im laughing so much
Paul Munoz
Paul Munoz - 9 years ago
too funny....i too know what that feels like

50. comment for What not to do when you fall out of a kayak

Nathan Bock
Nathan Bock - 9 years ago
Wait for it...lol
Ryan Brindley
Ryan Brindley - 10 years ago
Ohhh so all i have to do when I flip my kayak, is panic, and fill it with water.  Now I see what I was doing wrong! Thanks for the informative  video.  
Ÿ ^_^ łô
Ÿ ^_^ łô - 10 years ago

Lower 48ers lol
Ed lane
Ed lane - 10 years ago
It is a good thing he is getting practice :/
Jessica Silva
Jessica Silva - 10 years ago
This gave me a good giggle at work. Go Dad!
Bassett Hound123
Bassett Hound123 - 10 years ago
Points for trying tho... Hope you eventually made it and went yakn ..
TheVirginiaStew - 10 years ago
Absolutely love it... I guess he finally figured out what to do when you have a sit in Kayak ... great video... even if it might of been staged I have seen this ..... LOL...
Keith James Lapere
Keith James Lapere - 10 years ago
ur kidding me right??!!!!!!!!!
gonzosierra1 - 10 years ago
lmao - Many a tear shed in Joy... 
(Personally, I was rooting for him.)
Nick Grey
Nick Grey - 10 years ago
 Did anyone else go back to 42:00 when he said he got it?
Cory Impstr
Cory Impstr - 9 years ago
3 days straight watching this video, still hasn't got back in.
daniel godin
daniel godin - 10 years ago
i sure did you see the part at 49:22 when he fell back in?
H Fu
H Fu - 10 years ago
Sorry for your dad to have a son like you.
Joseph Saeteurn
Joseph Saeteurn - 10 years ago
sorry but this was hilarious!
stizan24 - 10 years ago
Wait till the water warms up again and try again. You will get it!!!!!
Agnieszka B
Agnieszka B - 10 years ago
this is so staged is hard to watch !!!
MrUnknownnoone - 10 years ago
That's going to totally be me once I get my fishing kayak so I'm not laughing at the guy and I'm sure that water is brutally cold...
Aussie 1
Aussie 1 - 10 years ago
he is way to heavy for that kayak, that is why he is not stable
Jonte Bowser
Jonte Bowser - 10 years ago
i love how this is recommended after max falling out of kayak
LANE - 10 years ago
Loved it.  Darn good try anyway...LOL.. Looks me after a few too many.
Tidleywinks100 - 10 years ago
too cute
SteveHandlebar - 10 years ago
Is this Max's Dad?
ali12143 - 9 years ago
klimm01 - 10 years ago
It is a recreational kayak, it is wide. You can't miss the reentry unless you do this on purpose. Nice show about how not to do it :)
Roger Schumann
Roger Schumann - 10 years ago
Maybe take a lesson from a qualified instructor? Just a thought. Oh, yeah, that and "dress for immersion." 
Avacarho - 10 years ago
First thing he did wrong was not having a dry suit because of the cold water. Second: Where's his class 3 PFD? Third: He didn't fasten his paddle float to the paddle, which is why it floated off. Fourth: He didn't securely fasten his pale to the kayak with the deck ropes. I'm new to kayaking and saw all that. He's going to drown if he doesn't learn.
Avacarho - 10 years ago
Paddle not pale. Damn auto-correct on my tablet.
StJohns River66
StJohns River66 - 10 years ago
Your dad is pretty dam cool and smart.he knows the importance of that maneuver.. He faced that cold water and took his licks.. Your dad is cool..
Scott Dee
Scott Dee - 10 years ago
Lol come get me
John Doe
John Doe - 10 years ago
I don't believe this guy was seriously trying to get into that kayak.
jfree1998 - 10 years ago
We Alaskans practice kayak re-entry in swimming pools for a reason, lol. Its awesome that he knew it was a skill worth learning.
Gone Bush
Gone Bush - 7 years ago
Not all of us have access to swimming pools. Right now, only water I have access to is Lake Ontario..... and its winter...
Chowchilla Charlie
Chowchilla Charlie - 8 years ago
+marc d aren't you just a superior being ?
Quico Reed
Quico Reed - 9 years ago
+marc d so I suppose "clown" is Douche for "beginner" where you come from?
jfree1998 - 9 years ago
+marc d Sure, its warmer why wouldn't we prefer to learn first in comfort before trying it in freezing waters? lol
marc d
marc d - 9 years ago
+jfree1998 Really, Alaskans practice in a pool.  In Seattle we self enter in the ocean and lake and succeed.  It is not as hard as this clown makes it look.  In Seattle, we don't even use a paddle float.
Rod Surber
Rod Surber - 10 years ago
tyson1ize - 10 years ago
lol fuck kayaking I think I'll take up lawn bowls
tyson1ize - 10 years ago
look out killer whales are coming lol
Michael Bellinger
Michael Bellinger - 10 years ago
there's another video by a young lady that shows you the safe way to get in a kayak out in the water.  she gets up on to it from behind and crawls forward.  otherwise you end like like this guy, up the creek without a kayak...
Fiona Stirling
Fiona Stirling - 10 years ago
normally the paddle float goes behind the seat and you can clamber over it or use it to brace what ever you can manage. in british columbia i re enter and roll . in newfoundland the water is bitterly cold so i don't immerse my head any more than i need to.  i get a friend to help there.
Zulu Sala
Zulu Sala - 10 years ago
I just got my first SOT kayak today and the first thing I'm doing is practicing re-entry. I live in Iceland so after seeing that I'm really glad I bought a dry suit. 
John Carroll
John Carroll - 10 years ago
Bless him, are you timing it :} love his son sniggering in the background.  It made me feel much better, all the videos you see have experts making it look easy which I know from experience it's not.
Tulsa Shoe Rebuilders
Tulsa Shoe Rebuilders - 10 years ago
it happens to the best of us :)
   I'll be doing the same exact thing this weekend.  :D
Richard Thaxton
Richard Thaxton - 10 years ago
Get rid of that SINK!  Get an SOT.  Think about what you're doing. 
Fiona Stirling
Fiona Stirling - 10 years ago
an sot is very limited, the sinks are much more useful once you get the skills in a cold water area. each has a place.
bettyboop65340 - 11 years ago
after seeing this i dont think i want a kayak
Fiona Stirling
Fiona Stirling - 10 years ago
if you get the gear and instruction it can be the best thing on earth.  try a tour with a good guide before you throw thousands at this life style.
wrybread - 11 years ago
Brutal! Makes me realize I need to practice my re-entries. 

And priceless commentary in the background...
NancyToday - 11 years ago
I sure love kayaking...but I can't get back in if I fall out in the lake!
Fiona Stirling
Fiona Stirling - 10 years ago
paddle with skilled paddlers! a friend of mine is a master at scoop rescues. he practised the hell out of it in a pool as a colleague desperately wanted to paddle but was morbidly obese. An upset would have been a very bad thing on the open water. That never happened but he did have to deal with a dislocated shoulder and a heart attack on the water when that skill was very handy.  one of his paddling partners, though a great paddler and swimmer has no legs: i don't know details but with his history i would say a mine.  he told me the scoop is what he would use with her as her legs would be of no use.  i love this video; it is educational in a real way!
Michael Bellinger
Michael Bellinger - 10 years ago
see my reply
MephistoRolling - 11 years ago
he almost had that first one, then it just got worse. lol
RiverRuns NC
RiverRuns NC - 11 years ago
omg. poor guy!  good way to learn!
dennis brian
dennis brian - 11 years ago
Am I laughing!!!  Poor guy.  And I know I'd be doing worse than that.  Maybe I'll take up ice skating.
Hanford1821 - 11 years ago
Hey looks like you are videotaping one of my lessons! Only I don't get up on the boat that easy!!
J Mac
J Mac - 11 years ago
The sit on top models are much easier to get back on if you fall off. I wouldn't buy a sit inside for just this reason.......
1 Planet 1 WORLD
1 Planet 1 WORLD - 11 years ago
Lol, Practice makes perfect.
Sailing Harley Quinn
Sailing Harley Quinn - 11 years ago
he almsot had it the first time, just rushing too much
wackywetman - 11 years ago
It is better to put the paddle behind thre seat, take a lesson and try it in warm water hope this man did not suffer from hypothermia.
kayakauaicom - 11 years ago
Lucky was a calm day. Keep that boy out of rough seas.
jfree1998 - 11 years ago
lol not alot of gators in alaska. I wouldn't go near a glacier in a plastic kayak or inflatable, those things are dangerous period, plus plastic becomes very fragile in cold weather. I have been out on the ocean and beached on rocky beaches, so far so good. I don't tempt fate by hitting rocks hard, most inflatables are also made for rapid riding.
SenseiDave13 - 11 years ago
depends on the circumstance, A Gator just chomped on someone in an inflatable here in Fl. a month or so ago. They also don't hold up as well in the rivers here where there are sticks and downed logs in the water. I'm not sure how well they would hold up in freezing water looking for a glacier.
Candace Welsh-Payne
Candace Welsh-Payne - 11 years ago
It seems a very tippy kayak.. I am also a novice and will practice this but this kayak did not seem very stable.

100. comment for What not to do when you fall out of a kayak

PlanetPollux - 11 years ago
I wonder how quick the paddle float would be gone FOREVER with just a bit wind from the side... (good to watch this here on video, I will remember the problem)
Juan S
Juan S - 11 years ago
Whatever you do never get rid of this tape.
shaun mullarkey
shaun mullarkey - 11 years ago
love it and makes me chuckle every time.....but important lessons learnt. learning to re-enter is so important and saves lives, learn now so u know how to for real...serious but funny. thanks and keep paddling
jfree1998 - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing. Im just starting out, been watching videos, maybe the ladder re-entry would be easier for you? I got an inflatable kayak, more buoyant and more stable as it is wider than the skinny hardshells. I think people get to hung up on having a super fast kayak, get a fat one that is more stable, it could save your life.
Richard Saldana
Richard Saldana - 11 years ago
Thats why you dont buy sit in kayaks, go for the sit on top of instead.
madmaxxmad2 - 11 years ago
best way to learn.
Rolando Perez
Rolando Perez - 11 years ago
But it is serious, and important to practice self rescue. And then repeat over and over again till it becomes second nature.
Rolando Perez
Rolando Perez - 11 years ago
Dantastic - 11 years ago
I always exit and enter my kayak from the rear if I'm in open water. Want to hop out for a swim or whatever.
Jenny - 11 years ago
He put the paddle float on the paddle but never used the paddle and paddle float to re-enter the kayak.
Ricky Ricardo
Ricky Ricardo - 11 years ago
I swear, really, best laugh I've ever had on here. thanks
colin burkett
colin burkett - 11 years ago
What type of kayak is that
Far East Angler
Far East Angler - 11 years ago
I feel for your Dad. I went through this situation yesterday. I like EFTmedebi's comments, which are spot on. I think the time to find out you can't get back in a kayak is in safety class envorinment, not out on the water, as I found out the hard way. Practice until it becomes second nature. The 1st time, It's natural to panic for a second, Try and calm down, engage your brain to remember your training. Stay safe out there :)
Bushcraft Adventures France
Bushcraft Adventures France - 11 years ago
that will be me for sure im not to able and I want an inflatable kayak I hear are hard to roll over in the first place but im sure ill manage thanks for posting and great to see something to learn by ty again
Ghostlore - 11 years ago
Well said. That can't be easy.
jordanlease1 - 11 years ago
that shit is hard to do, especially in rough water.
EFT4Me - 11 years ago
A good example of the sarcastic remarks made by so many on you tube. No matter what the situation there's always those who know little about a sport, yet have all the smart answers. In any sport, we ALL start out as beginners. Nobody is born an expert.This man could have chosen to not upload this video, to avoid embarrassment. Instead he still did, knowing that there will always be beginners who can learn from this experience. Respectfully, I Thank You & wish U the very best!
micahgee - 11 years ago
Two words: Dry suit
sammyadam83 - 11 years ago
What not to do is "give up"! Good on your Dad for keeping going in those cold waters. As zerascal3 said, you are lucky to have a Dad that will do the outdoors stuff with you. I hope my kids will want to do the outdoors stuff with me when they get a little older. Best wishes to you and your family.
Al Kaholic
Al Kaholic - 11 years ago
Agree. If you're in the safety of a calm lake with people around to supervise then might be a convenient way of doing it, but if I was out on the sea or something there's no way I'd be removing my life jacket and start trying to tie it to things
jameshalcyon - 11 years ago
Well done every one just the fact you are trying is enough for me. that's when you should try new things when you have help if it all goose wrong
John Drummond
John Drummond - 11 years ago
I hope he's not still out there! (Seriously I know this very hard to do)
tilecreature - 12 years ago
StamfordBridge - 12 years ago
I was going to say that you shouldn't stop to sing the Star-Spangled Banner when you fall out of a kayak, but this was just about the same as that. I hope that when he watches this video now he can laugh half as much as I just did. :)
ImpracticalLessons - 12 years ago
So the beginning when he just tips over is pretty much my first experience with kayaking too!!
rusty keller
rusty keller - 12 years ago
Good effort. It's all experience. I'm sure you've figured it out by now, but for your viewers who don't know, once you have your butt back in the boat, you are going to be up high, therefore you will be unstable. Make all movements slow, smooth, and as low to the boat as possible. If you can swim, you don't need a paddle float. Tie your PFD to the end of the paddle, and secure the other end to the boat. Once inside, put your PFD back on and go paddling.
Antonius Carbonius
Antonius Carbonius - 12 years ago
Why not do the roll?
ranchgoddess - 12 years ago
Thanks for posting this! I bought my Kayak today and it makes me want to stay by the shore and practice getting back in, just to make sure I have it down before something happens... Thanks!!
Jeffrey Carter
Jeffrey Carter - 12 years ago
The paddle float wasn't being used correctly.
Per Franck
Per Franck - 12 years ago
dude... it's probably his first time with a sit-in.. go troll the mlp forums instead.
Brian Hand
Brian Hand - 12 years ago
Should of stoped aftet the first 6 pack
rheniformer - 12 years ago
I cringed for every tumble.
Frenchy Bunny
Frenchy Bunny - 12 years ago
I don't think I would do better...:) Congratulations!!
Strommy Smyth
Strommy Smyth - 12 years ago
10 out of 10 for effort ;-)
bp968 - 12 years ago
I hate to say it but this was foolish. He was *way* underdressed for kayaking in that water. He should have been in a drysuit. Hopefully he learned to get a non-inflating paddle float too. Having to stop and air that thing up while freezing had to suck. He was also practicing in flat water. Imagine how much more difficult it would be in the waves. As to getting back in, slide your feet into the cockpit while your still on your belly, then turn over. You need a drysuit badly though.
jon michaels
jon michaels - 12 years ago
Idiot...it is not a hard technique. Slow, methodical keeping low to the boat as you slide your feet in and lastly, make sure your float is secure to the paddle...poor preparation
seededsoul - 12 years ago
water looks COLD
Manuel Leon
Manuel Leon - 12 years ago
I tried that with mine but it was the middle of summer and there was a lot of people watching me. It was embarrassing but fun. if i can make a friend recorded me Ill post it LOL Nice video and keep trying you'll get better
hellbound102 - 12 years ago
his first mistake was not taking the jet ski.
Paul Hayden
Paul Hayden - 12 years ago
A nice change. Most videos make it look real easy... : )
Aaron Kilen
Aaron Kilen - 12 years ago
It's obvious he's not trying. But that is also why I learned to roll lol
Dino Alberini
Dino Alberini - 12 years ago
This guy looks like a pro compared to me. That's why I learned rolling.
Jo Marquez
Jo Marquez - 12 years ago
The lady filming was funny too. Thanks for the video. It's great to see the family doing things together. Peace.
Joekosler - 12 years ago
lol. It seems like your dad needs more practice.
MrSaeteurn - 12 years ago
lol, seems like your dad had one too many drinks. keep practicing.
cullyvan - 12 years ago
Why am i watching a fat bald bored suburban american flouncing about in the river.
Fiona Stirling
Fiona Stirling - 12 years ago
this was a controlled exercise. he was never in any real danger. if you check out the 1-10-1 rule you will see what i mean. 1 one minute to gain control of heart and lungs, 10 minutes of good function in cold water and 1 one hour before hypothermia becomes a real problem. i think he may be inclined to fix the skills issues with practice.
Fiona Stirling
Fiona Stirling - 12 years ago
thank you for posting this. i paddle in british columbia canada . my first experience with cold water was in newfoundland. i am bcu 4 and as my friends with less training did some rolls and rescues after a paddle i thought how clever it would be to show a smooth roll. the water hit my head and neck, rushed down my neck and i was a swimmer. the boys had me back in an empty boat in well under a minute. it was an education.
roadhoggvince - 12 years ago
give it up mate get a boat
TokyozzFinest - 12 years ago
what camera?
Kim Wilson
Kim Wilson - 13 years ago
Now I know what to do if I can ever kayak
vernon0051 - 13 years ago
One time I was testing out a kayak to see whether I can get back in it in open water and all of a sudden a rather large boat was coming in my direction. You had to move fast. It probably took no more than 4 seconds for me to get back in the kayak and start paddling. . You have to be aware that many kayaks are not friendly for getting back in from open water, especially short cockpit types and ones with too small or overly large cockpits as I have learned from experience.
Rob C
Rob C - 13 years ago
Next time when you come outof the kayak instead of turning it back over right away, keep a leg in the boat so it won't drift and you can focus on inflating and securing your paddle float.
iviewthetube - 13 years ago
@Bards68 Definately some boats roll easier than others.
Giuseppe Liverino
Giuseppe Liverino - 13 years ago
poor dad :(
DENMONKEY - 13 years ago
Kudos for trying and preparing for when you need to. Not enough people are ready for when a situation like this arises. I seriously wonder how many people I see on the water in kayaks have ever tried to remount their kayak from the water. well done
Todd Willis
Todd Willis - 13 years ago
Why the hell no one has attempted to help him! Hypothermia is no joke! It could have caused him cardiac arrest! Whats wrong with people these days!
Martin - 13 years ago
USE the paddle float.. pumping the air into it is not enough!
Marko Grönroos
Marko Grönroos - 13 years ago
Quite funny. But yeah, this is probably how I would do it, just as funny. Practice makes perfect.
Janice L. Green
Janice L. Green - 13 years ago
THis is sooooo funny. Thanks for the laugh.
Tim Waltham
Tim Waltham - 13 years ago
swim fat man, swim
LightYagame1 - 13 years ago
Hillarious, better than a 3 stooges skit :d
tone deaf
tone deaf - 13 years ago
ha thats well funny at least he tryied ha
timwood70 - 13 years ago
LUL wut?
Greg Fodor
Greg Fodor - 13 years ago
Abort!!! Abort!!! Haven't laughed that hard in a long time! Not that I could do any better.
mlasko74 - 13 years ago
good upload...that is hilarious!
Tyler Pastorok
Tyler Pastorok - 13 years ago
learn to roll trust me, if u just dedicate some time to it, you will agree that it really takes hardly any strength and its all about the technique, and if u get an instructor u will learn fast
CT2507 - 13 years ago
wow, what a clumbsy ass. he is impatient and messy, and makes things more dificult than they have to be.
Fiona Stirling
Fiona Stirling - 13 years ago
@cockercane You likely have it. If you can learn a roll you are well away but learning other self rescue techniques is very valuable. I have BCU 4 star and have been paddling since about 1980. (I started very young LOL. Enjoy paddling, I have two oceans a bunch of lakes and a sea under my boat so far.
Autocane - 13 years ago
@fionastirling I agree completely, as I am a kayak novice. A sit-in kayak was recently given to me, which I have only used twice. I often wonder how I would react in this same situation. I believe this video demonstrates the same difficulty that I would have, and strengthens my desire to train safely. Thank you for this video.
Fiona Stirling
Fiona Stirling - 13 years ago
141000 views.. This is an important video. I hope you realize you have done a very good thing for the paddling community. I won't preach as i am sure you have all this and a roll mastered by now. I have been taken out of my kayak in COLD water. The rescue was required and I am well trained. I have a good roll but sometimes it is not enough. Good luck and hope to paddle with you some time.
LiamD613 - 13 years ago
@AlSelk so youre blaming the fact that there are idiots out there with a lot of cash being unable to rescue themselves on the kayak shop owner? it is the buyers responsibility to learn these skills before they go out in stupid conditions. sit on tops are for those interested in it purely for recreation, kayaking on the local lake or beach and doing some fishing. sit in kayaks are for exploration. the shop owners do advise, but only to a point, because the choice is ultimately up to the buyer .
zerascal3 - 13 years ago
@FFForeverandevermore You are lucky to have a dad who's into outdoor stuff. Enjoy it and learn new stuff together. You'll remember the rest of your life!
zerascal3 - 13 years ago
@FFForeverandevermore Yes, the water is cold. And the colder it is, the quicker you want to be back in your boat. Once you are frozen, you are just a log in the water. It's over. Again, only 2 options to get back in your kayak in real situation: assisted T rescue or Eskimo roll. Practice both, they are not so hard and they can save your butt from freezing!
James B Keyes
James B Keyes - 13 years ago
Practice practice practice. Practice under conditions where you will be paddling. Practice with your deck and cockpit are set up for the conditions where you are paddling. We had a capsize on Superior three years ago where the guy was great at self-rescues, but this time had a huge bladder of water in his cockpit that kept us from righting his kayak. He ended up in the water FAR too long...but for the grace of a nearby motorboat, he would have been in a world of hurt.
danielmalabares - 13 years ago
imagina em um mar brabo fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Alan Selk
Alan Selk - 13 years ago
A small minority of kayakers have the skills needed to self-rescue. much less so in choppy cold water. And yet kayak shops continue to sale sit inside sea kayaks to uninformed buyers. Much better and safer to buy a sit on top. If you get in trouble re-entry is many times easier.
sickboy932 - 13 years ago
Maybe he should stick to knitting
DesertFernweh - 13 years ago
@SEAWEEDER1 damn, that sucks!!
zerascal3 - 13 years ago
Try that in the ocean or a big lake when it's really moving, when you are cold and tired, and it's getting dark, then you'll realize this technique is utter BS. Only 2 possibilities in the real world: 1) the best: eskimo roll (learn it, practice it regularly, no so hard to learn) 2) assisted rescue (first get towed by your partner away from surf line and rocks, then reenter while your buddy holds your kayak)
Janice L. Green
Janice L. Green - 13 years ago
just imagine if the wind was really blowing...
micahgee - 14 years ago
DENMONKEY - 14 years ago
just looks like you got flustered and forgot your technique as you were so close the first time. Have you managed since :?
wcresponder - 14 years ago
give you major credit for practicing. good on ya. and extra marks for knowing when your done.
Georooney - 14 years ago
It isn't usually that calm when you get knocked down. A fool and his paddle are soon parted.
vivinski - 14 years ago
Don't those paddle floats have a strap to stop them falling off?! So many failures to understand the equipment and the technique here. The colder you are and the more tired you get, the more you need to rely on good technique. I'm not sure why he abandened what little he did have after the first try.
Active Sea kayaking
Active Sea kayaking - 14 years ago
A little training on a course would go a long way, I have beginners doing this rescue in under a minute and successful every time... Learn before you go out!
Rocstoneau - 14 years ago
that was good to see it's not as easy as you think. Lesson for me is don't loose yr technique after the 1st fail. This blokes technique was sloppy after he failed the 1st time. Good lesson, it could save a life watching this.
StuartRedman1 - 14 years ago
haha fail
HAMISH HAGGIS - 14 years ago
It's hard to do sometimes when folk are watching you, I kept screwing up while doing this re-entry at Loch Lomond to make matters worse it was the golf open, Tv carmeras were there and everyone was laughing making it harder, when i got in (after about 14 attemps )everyone gave a clap. Wonder if tiger woods seen me. Came accross this looking to see if someone posted my failure on youtube.
Michael Hicks
Michael Hicks - 14 years ago
put the paddle/float behind the seat and use ur leg on it for balance!!
Chas Christensen
Chas Christensen - 14 years ago
balance dude
gingambo - 14 years ago
Step 1: Put the paddle,with the attached float,BEHIND THE COCKPIT-not in front! This allows you to enter the cockpit properly. -funny video. Hope he was kidding.
LiamD613 - 14 years ago
or rather doing this noobish attempt, he should have done a re-entry roll and then pumped out the water. much easier.
woodkayaker - 14 years ago
@shad0h027 It's a WHOE lot easier than HE makes it look!
Sam Dickinson
Sam Dickinson - 14 years ago
Climb on from the end dude, pull yourself on and shimmy shimmy shimmy til the break of dawn
stoichiometric - 14 years ago
@WESTCOASTKING76 Especially when he climbed up lookin all pro and then flopped off the other side (:35) .
Cory Ingram
Cory Ingram - 14 years ago
one tip if your sht at getting in frmo the side, like you, go from the back then your legs slide in nicely without this kind of commosion
Brian Dunlap
Brian Dunlap - 14 years ago
He's doing it the HARD way
cjlowe1970 - 14 years ago
@kevn99 lol....its you aye....douche!
Kevin - 14 years ago
@cjlowe1970 you're a fuckin douch shut up.
Gino Fernandez
Gino Fernandez - 14 years ago
was he doin that on purpose to be funny or is it really that hard to get back in??? i was trying to decide between a kayak or a pontoon for fishing and after this i'm def thinkin pontoon
vivitar45 - 14 years ago
that use liss paddle thing you might as well stick that in the gargesale box now i will not bother wasting my money on it
72ve17 - 14 years ago
try paddling back the kayak on the land - then sell it to ebay
Jetplane1123 - 14 years ago
@ 2:21 "Ahhh.. Jesus..."
Max Boronovskis
Max Boronovskis - 14 years ago
I love when he gets in backward, what comic relief! How can they not be shouting out mockery!! But right its good to practice!
cjlowe1970 - 14 years ago
what a douche
nipzilla - 14 years ago
love is eternal. only love can keep one (his wife) from busting up rolling on the dock laughing at this. i'm a kayak rookie and i hope this never happen to me. omg
juhtuhb1 - 14 years ago
He should publish an instructional "How not to....."-series. His wife and son behind the camera could then publish a "How not to be embarrassed by your husband/father"-trilogy.
Jorge Silva
Jorge Silva - 14 years ago
Just another kind of exercise.
Yukio Yamakawa
Yukio Yamakawa - 14 years ago
Dennis Barnes
Dennis Barnes - 14 years ago
Practice patience and more practice the best way to learn it.
J Man
J Man - 15 years ago
thank god the water WAS warm there...
Aristos Dexer Dre
Aristos Dexer Dre - 15 years ago
John, stop playing with the kayak and come to eat.
misaki kun
misaki kun - 15 years ago
Bo Honk
Bo Honk - 15 years ago
I think he's still there trying to get on.
Brian McMahon
Brian McMahon - 15 years ago
That was very enjoyable. If you want to get back into a Necky Manitou you need to come up from the rear, straddle the kayak and inch forward. The most important thing is to get your body out of the water quickly otherwise as the previous guy said your DEAD. You would only get maybe two opportunities to do that in very cold water before you become to tired to be able to manage to get in to the boat.
MuttleyInLuv - 15 years ago
My Rating was 5 Stars. Good video for teaching and training
Thomas Grove
Thomas Grove - 15 years ago
he he he he wat a wally
eaglewolfman - 15 years ago
This is really sad - poor man does not know a thing about getting back in using a paddle float, and if he were not 15' from shore in cold water he would be dead - That is DEAD! From his own lack of knowledge caught on film.
adrianS - 15 years ago
This video is rated NL, for National Lampoon's.
RobbieChopSticks - 15 years ago
fail. ahaha :) nice vid
Kok Soon Lai
Kok Soon Lai - 15 years ago
funny, haha.. great video.. yea..
Lisa Dau
Lisa Dau - 15 years ago
There are soooo many things wrong with what this guy is doing, I wouldn't even know where to begin. He needs to take some lessons or stay out of kayaks.
Evan B
Evan B - 15 years ago
Two problems I'm seeing with him on this. First, he's not holding the paddle, it looks like. He's just trying to put it under the shock cord, which is a bad idea. I don't think that's really the most stable way to do it. Try holding the paddle. Then, he's not leaning into the paddle float, he keeps flipping when he stops leaning into the paddle float.
eyeojo - 15 years ago
Yes, he should have realize that he should have started from the behind the cockpit and slide his legs down on his stomach then twist...I just practiced this about 10 times today, not too bad (in calm water!)
LiamD613 - 15 years ago
smooth, real smooth.
Utuberinboca - 15 years ago
i laughed my ass off with this one!!
T C - 15 years ago
This is a great video! It is important to see how very uneasy it is to get back into the thing without practice, even if you might have some idea of the steps to self-rescue. If this were a sea-going rescue situation with high winds and fast current, anyone without this sort of controlled practice would be crab bait. Kudos for posting this!
Molnar rajmond milan
Molnar rajmond milan - 15 years ago
your day is werry funny :)
Donald Perley
Donald Perley - 15 years ago
He didn't seem to have any more trouble getting up on top when the float was off the paddle, just the same problem of going over the other side. BTW, my touring boat is 24" wide and I can roll it holding the paddle in one hand.
SeadartVSG - 15 years ago
Wow does your Dad know you posted him wallowing around in ice water becoming the butt of kayaker jokes all over the world?
EnjoyFirefighting - International Emergency Response Videos
EnjoyFirefighting - International Emergency Response Videos - 16 years ago
well it is possible, but he has the wrong technique to go in again
Ian Johnson
Ian Johnson - 16 years ago
At 1:35, he almost made it! The best way would probably be to climb onto the stern and crawl up the back of the boat, because you are more likely to flip it where it is 2'-3' than where it is 10+ ft. Only problem would be swinging your legs into the cockpit without flipping =-).
TechnoEngineer - 16 years ago
The Dagger Approach is 28" wide and rollable. Your M-13 should be easy to roll...
TechnoEngineer - 16 years ago
Google : paddle float rescue nigel foster
Karl Jensen
Karl Jensen - 16 years ago
well dad, time to get a roll. :)
939JOHN - 16 years ago
SYMPATHY MY FRIEND, SYMPATHY...but I never had this many problems getting back in. Good video made me laugh!
Harry Nosedwombat
Harry Nosedwombat - 16 years ago
mate that was some funny shit and i cracked up laughing at your wifes comments in the background , keep up the good work -cheers
rcmallory - 16 years ago
Dude, remember behind, behind, behind. Place the paddle BEHIND the cockpit. Swim up on the back deck BEHIND the paddle until you are balanced. Work one leg over the paddle, while keeping weight on the float, get the other leg over and slide toward the cockpit on your stomach, get your legs in the cockpit and slide until your BEHIND is over the seat. Roll over in the direction of the paddle float. Keep your eyes on the float for balance.
corey patterson
corey patterson - 16 years ago
omg my uncel did that in his ocian kayac out in the ocen it was wicked funnnnny he got out on moupase he thought he would hit groind cuz his paddel did on the OTHER SIDE so he got wet wicked funny i havent fallen out of my tarpon 120 yet but im watin to and pamlico140 kayacking isnt that hard ive been doin it sence i was 10 so... and he was definatly havin probles there like wow um yea i was watin for the wind to pick up and blow the yack away
Alex Larson
Alex Larson - 16 years ago
As a kayaker, it IS what hes supposed to do. the manitou 13 is 24" wide, hard to roll, easier to re-enter. most people underestimate how hard it is . I dont think most people posting here know alot about kayaking. It takes alot of practice. Paddle float re-entry Is the sensible solution in a capsized manitou 13. only thing he did wrong was put the paddle float infront of the cockpit instead of behind.
Charles Bureau
Charles Bureau - 16 years ago
lower your gravity center... :) good luck
jmr1068204 - 16 years ago
Dude...just...give up already. XD
hipobir - 16 years ago
I feel your pain mate Much better learn to do the esquimo turn
Zaphod007 - 16 years ago
Navy Seal in training... ;)
trmathews205 - 16 years ago
too funny. marking as favorite!
OzClawhammer - 16 years ago
Man, That must be cold, you can hear his puffing as the shock and cold saps the strength right outta him. That man is no quitter...gotta admire that these days!
murfleblurg - 16 years ago
well, that's what practicing is for after all. It's like mikelove said - keep weight firmly on the paddlefloat throughout, even after you're finally back in the seat. I've always come from behind the cockpit, doing this, where you actually crawl over the paddle one leg at a time and corkscrew into the seat. It might be easier to keep weight on the paddle going that way? The other really, really important thing here is to never, ever let go of your boat or paddle.
glenniesan - 16 years ago
That's just classic!!! I could really feel the anguish in the Wife & Son BG dialogue. Way to keep at it man!
Matthew Hare
Matthew Hare - 17 years ago
yeah, that's really not easy. At least it's in still water. wouldn't want to try it in a flowing river.
Michael Love
Michael Love - 17 years ago
All he had to do is keep some weight on the paddle float and he would have had it first try...

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