What Gear to Take While Kayak Camping / How to Pack a Kayak and Set up Camp on a Beach

Ver. 2.0 Fixed Audio Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D28EvxrkQnA&list=UUuK82e8N3MrdeeAJhibRonw Turn your Volume UP! - The Gear we take/took for a 3 day 2 night kayak camping trip around & on the barrier islands of everglades national park. How to/we set up camp for a beach camping site. Like this video? Please Give it a - THUMBS UP! - Note this was a camping trip for 2 (two) and not a solo or travel trip. I'd pack much lighter for a solo traveling trip where I would be stopping only to sleep for the night and not setting up a camp to lounge around with my wife/partner like in this video. This is also a 'cooler' based camping trip with 'cold' ones. A 'cooler-less' camping trip involves switching water for the beverages and restricting the menu to only items requiring no refrigeration. If you are interested in an alcohol stove for camping: http://stores.ebay.com/MechanicMike69s-Alcohol-Stoves?_rdc=1

What Gear to Take While Kayak Camping / How to Pack a Kayak and Set up Camp on a Beach sentiment_very_dissatisfied 68

Kayak 11 years ago 235,878 views

Ver. 2.0 Fixed Audio Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D28EvxrkQnA&list=UUuK82e8N3MrdeeAJhibRonw Turn your Volume UP! - The Gear we take/took for a 3 day 2 night kayak camping trip around & on the barrier islands of everglades national park. How to/we set up camp for a beach camping site. Like this video? Please Give it a - THUMBS UP! - Note this was a camping trip for 2 (two) and not a solo or travel trip. I'd pack much lighter for a solo traveling trip where I would be stopping only to sleep for the night and not setting up a camp to lounge around with my wife/partner like in this video. This is also a 'cooler' based camping trip with 'cold' ones. A 'cooler-less' camping trip involves switching water for the beverages and restricting the menu to only items requiring no refrigeration. If you are interested in an alcohol stove for camping: http://stores.ebay.com/MechanicMike69s-Alcohol-Stoves?_rdc=1

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Most popular comments
for What Gear to Take While Kayak Camping / How to Pack a Kayak and Set up Camp on a Beach

Adirondack Camping
Adirondack Camping - 7 years ago
WHAT? Speak up can't hear you
mechanicmike69 - 7 years ago
Spot Manduex
Spot Manduex - 7 years ago
Frozen pop bottles - excellent idea
mechanicmike69 - 7 years ago
They're super light weight and as the ice melts you have more drinking water.
T_C Fishing
T_C Fishing - 7 years ago
Awesome video! I really want to try this one day. it looks so peaceful.
mechanicmike69 - 7 years ago
You're the only one stopping yourself.
menot23 - 7 years ago
Barrior? What's that.
mechanicmike69 - 7 years ago
Islands along the coast...
liyuancheachea - 7 years ago
Can you tell me the name and model of this awesome kayak? thank you!
mechanicmike69 - 7 years ago
The blue one is a Current Designs 17' Gulfstream. The red one is a 16' Perception (now Wilderness Systems) Avatar.
Jorge R Gonzalez Photography
Jorge R Gonzalez Photography - 7 years ago
May I ask with all the weight that you add to the bulkheads, those this affect the ability for the kayak to be buoyant enough to do a self rescue using let say the stern crawl “cowboy” in case of a capsized? love the details on the camping gear and set up by the way. thanks.
ripdaddy KC
ripdaddy KC - 7 years ago
I rewatched this several times but I keep missing the part where you unpack the kitchen sink. Seriously, you have this down to a science. I took notes. Very impressive.
grahamoddities - 7 years ago
Good video, but you need to work out the mic.. I had the volume at max and could barely hear you..
Michael Scott
Michael Scott - 7 years ago
Audio so low I bailed.

10. comment for What Gear to Take While Kayak Camping / How to Pack a Kayak and Set up Camp on a Beach

Trey Drier
Trey Drier - 7 years ago
Where's Wilson? lol
Jay G.
Jay G. - 7 years ago
I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but if you slice two slices on your wind screen, one on the bottom and one on the top you can slide them together and x the hair elastic
THE Gramma Chronicles
THE Gramma Chronicles - 7 years ago
I can just barely hear you
savage Warriors
savage Warriors - 7 years ago
There a toilet
Πέτρος Πετράν
Πέτρος Πετράν - 7 years ago
PaavoLammikko - 7 years ago
Sooo, I guess you made this during filming of Cast Away...?
rico de guzman
rico de guzman - 7 years ago
Hi, do you need a special type of kayak to do this? I'm looking into buying a very basic kayak from a yard sale and not sure if it will work for such applications. ☺
rico de guzman
rico de guzman - 7 years ago
Thank you for the info!
mechanicmike69 - 7 years ago
Kayaks range from short river kayaks to long slender sea kayaks.  From sit on top to sit inside.  You can save a lot of money buying used, usually in the neighborhood of 50%.  To go out into open waters a sea kayak would be recommended with a spray skirt, spare paddle, PFD, etc...
Neil Bielby
Neil Bielby - 8 years ago
Kevin Tunaley
Kevin Tunaley - 8 years ago
I must be going deaf cuz i can not hear him very well
Kevin Tunaley
Kevin Tunaley - 8 years ago
+mechanicmike69 I also have tinnitus so that doesn't help. I was more able to hear on the updated version. looking at getting into kayaking as I enjoyed it the one time i tried it on a small lake, biggest thing will be how to transport the kayak as I ride a motorcycle and drive a sports car
mechanicmike69 - 8 years ago
I agree the audio sucks on this video. I had a bad microphone.
Kevin Tunaley
Kevin Tunaley - 8 years ago
thank you
mechanicmike69 - 8 years ago
New version of this video with a new audio sound track here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D28EvxrkQnA&list=UUuK82e8N3MrdeeAJhibRonw
thechosendude - 8 years ago
Very pretty part of the world down there in Florida delta... Everglades, Gulf, Atlantic, Caribbean, Okeechobee, Florida Headwaters, all coming together. Just curious, have you ever weighed all your gear and figured out how much weight it adds?
mechanicmike69 - 8 years ago
Yes the vacuum sealer comes in handy. I hear you about the sandwich bags.
thechosendude - 8 years ago
Thanks. That's not too bad for all the stuff you brought. I've done the cooler trick too. If you own a heat sealer (vacuum sealer works too) you can seal your meats, and anything else cold, and throw it directly into the cooler without needing to worry about water ever getting in. Sandwich bags never seem to stay dry.
mechanicmike69 - 8 years ago
This setup with the day hatch converted to a 'cooler' is quite heavy. Without the 'cooler' the added weight is right between 35-40 lbs.

20. comment for What Gear to Take While Kayak Camping / How to Pack a Kayak and Set up Camp on a Beach

Captain Bartolo
Captain Bartolo - 8 years ago
Thank you for this interesting and helpfull vid
mechanicmike69 - 8 years ago
Just wanted to share some of the ways we're doing things as far as camping on a beach. Glad to hear you find it useful.
Jacob Gomez
Jacob Gomez - 8 years ago
what kyak are you using?
mechanicmike69 - 8 years ago
The blue kayak is a Current Designs Gulfstream 17 ft. and the red one is a Perception Avatar 16 ft.
AleaderWaterShoes - 8 years ago
hi thanks for that
you may need water shoes too .
NoirXplorer - 8 years ago
Great load out, thanks for sharing. Love seeing what everyone else carries, helps me tweak what I pack out.
CSXT5014 - 8 years ago
Thanks Mechanic Mike, Well Done!
mechanicmike69 - 8 years ago
Thank you.  I appreciate the comment.
Ghostlore - 8 years ago
Awesome video. Cheers from Canada.
mechanicmike69 - 8 years ago
Glad you liked it, thanks for the comment.
FogDog68 - 8 years ago
Good Stuff.. Thank you sir.
mechanicmike69 - 8 years ago
+FogDog68 Hope you find it useful.
Greta Easton
Greta Easton - 8 years ago
Rad! Thank you
Chris G
Chris G - 8 years ago
What size are the dry bags
mechanicmike69 - 8 years ago
+CCC VLOGS They vary in size from 20L to 5L. The key is to only fill them about half full, to leave room for 'molding' when packing.
SilentDiablo - 9 years ago
Looks like a ton of fun. I'm a tarp camper too. I can't wait to get me a kayak. I'm so torn on which type to get.

30. comment for What Gear to Take While Kayak Camping / How to Pack a Kayak and Set up Camp on a Beach

Caleb Schindler
Caleb Schindler - 9 years ago
Hello, We are currently seniors at Worthington Kilbourne High School and a part of the PLTW (Project Lead the Way) Engineering program. As our final year as engineering students we are required to develop a marketable product that we will present before a panel of teachers and engineers. For our project,our group have decided to develop a system that would allow for more storage on a kayak or canoe.

Please take the following survey:

Thank you,
Flying Fish Storage
Richard Wells
Richard Wells - 9 years ago
Really useful video, thanks. Some good tips and ideas, I wont be needing mosquito protection here in Cornwall UK or the tarp, probably take a warm jumper instead. :-)
YAKMAN ONT - 9 years ago
I fish from my YAK and find I bring to much stuff ..so now I try to take as little as I can
Rosser Outdoors
Rosser Outdoors - 9 years ago
If you don't mind I'm gonna steal your idea with the tarp. I've got an old gazebo that is way outdated and that does not really get used anymore. I'm gonna reclaim that and do something similar to what you've done. Thank you for the Idea.
I love this setup by the way. This is exactly how I would go about camping. Everything in it's place and a place for everything.
LouB - 9 years ago

Life is good!
Great video, by the way
You have the gear system down pat.

Just a WAG, but does the chair actually fold the other way?
Sean Lindo
Sean Lindo - 9 years ago
This looks like an awesome setup. Enjoy!
mechanicmike69 - 9 years ago
+Sean Lindo That's what people kept telling me, so I made this video to show it.
I've got a updated version and improved audio at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D28EvxrkQnA&list=UUuK82e8N3MrdeeAJhibRonw
Justin Schwab
Justin Schwab - 9 years ago
What the tarp name? I can't find any like it?
mechanicmike69 - 9 years ago
+Justin Schwab The shape makes for some better head room.
Justin Schwab
Justin Schwab - 9 years ago
Thanks man I got one and I love it. It's the best for when I go camping
mechanicmike69 - 9 years ago
+Justin Schwab Hope this helps, It came off one of these: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Ozark-Trail-9-x-9-Slant-Leg-Express-Canopy-Gazebo/22402171
Jamnation - 9 years ago
i love your setup man good stuff here!! looks awesome i need this setup
bodybagged83 - 9 years ago
man are you a ball of fire!!!
cajun812 - 9 years ago
Being regular tent campers, the kids and I are familiar with basic camping, but having just bought my first kayak, I'm just starting to see how very important "streamlining" is. I appreciate the video and I'm sure my 'yak' adventures will grow as well. Thanks!
mechanicmike69 - 9 years ago
+cajun812 I think you'll enjoy the improved audio in the New version of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D28EvxrkQnA&list=UUuK82e8N3MrdeeAJhibRonw
Chuck Littleton
Chuck Littleton - 9 years ago
I was going to say that sure looked like Jewell Key.
 Where you were set up behind you in the mangroves there is a open area where Joe and I set up two jungle hammocks , his was a Hennessy and mine was a Clark Tropical , both with rain fly's over them.
Mac had his tent in about the same place you had yours. For supper we had a real nice red fish fillets that Mac caught in the bay ( near the mangroves ) of Jewell key towards Sand Fly Pass.
After a 6 day fishing and paddling trip in the area back at Everglades City we accused Mac of trying to steal 20 pounds of Everglades sand when he went to air out his tent at the motel.
mechanicmike69 - 9 years ago
+Chuck Littleton  I've also have a Hennessy Hammock for when I'm going solo. I hear you on the sand as we generally end up with large quantities of it in our equipment back at home too.
General Derp
General Derp - 9 years ago
I enjoy watching other set ups it's good to learn about other methods, It's helpful for the evolution of camping using new ideas
I'm trying to find tips and tricks on how to take refrigeration supplies for up to a week without returning back to base (4x4 and engel aka portable fridge/freezer)
mechanicmike69 - 9 years ago
I am always looking for ways to improve my camping gear and habits from other people. Do you know about Yeti coolers? They are very expensive but are supposed to keep cool for up to a week!
Tactical Moses
Tactical Moses - 10 years ago
Great video. Very informative. I'm in Orlando and would love to get down to that area. It looks awesome!!
Tactical Moses
Tactical Moses - 10 years ago
I'm really interested in going down there!
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
They say it's a boater's paradise. I tend to agree.
voiceisclear - 10 years ago
Very well thoughtout and planned packing of a kayak. I've only been kayaking once for a couple hours but this a great intro into camping and kayaking for me. Nice informative vid.
voiceisclear - 10 years ago
Indeed you did. This will be my resource video for that. Thank you.
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. I've been doing this for a while and just want to pass along things I've found to make camping from a sea kayak and/or on a beach easier and more enjoyable.
Gar Ng
Gar Ng - 10 years ago
Are you going to do another video soon?I have been watching the same video over and over,I enjoy so much every time I watch I find something new.
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
Yes. I finally redid this video with an updated audio that you can actually hear.  Here's a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D28EvxrkQnA&list=UUuK82e8N3MrdeeAJhibRonw
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
New version of this video with a new audio sound track here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D28EvxrkQnA&list=UUuK82e8N3MrdeeAJhibRonw
mechanicmike69 - 8 years ago
+Phillip Bustamante You are correct.
Beautiful, isn't it?

Phillip Bustamante
Phillip Bustamante - 8 years ago
Hence the porta potty?
mechanicmike69 - 9 years ago
+Vini Martinez Thanks for the comment.
mechanicmike69 - 9 years ago
+Vini Martinez Yeah, they have designated areas for primitive camping. It minimizes the destruction from unruly visitors. All of us get penalized for a few unscrupulous people.
Journey Is The Way
Journey Is The Way - 9 years ago
+mechanicmike69 Forgot to mention that this was a great video, I'll be using some of your tips, hopefully no gov agent tries to infringe on my rights.. ehh
Journey Is The Way
Journey Is The Way - 9 years ago
+mechanicmike69 You mentioned that you need a camping(extortion slip) 'permit' to camp on everglades national park, let's say that I wanted to camp somewhere around those islands near key biscayne and miami beach. Would I still need a camping 'permit'(extortion slip)? Why do you need a camping 'permit' 'to enjoy your right to enjoy life?? Why would I have to pay extortion taxes and fees to "enjoy my life" camping in the everglades as well? You really can't enjoy anything without the gov extorting you with taxes and fees.. violation of many amendments here.. sucks I was planning on going on a camping soul search and I can't even do that without the gov trying to interfere.....

16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 256:
"The general rule is that a unconstitutional statute, whether Federal or State, though having the form and name of law as in reality no law, but is wholly void and ineffective for any purpose since unconstitutionality dates from the enactment and not merrily from the date of the decision so braining it. An unconstitutional law in legal contemplation is as inoperative as if it never had been passed. Such a statute lives a question that is purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not ever been enacted. No repeal of an enactment is necessary, since an unconstitutional law is void. The general principles follows that it imposes no duty, converse no rights, creates no office, bestows no power of authority on anyone, affords no protection and justifies no acts performed under it. A contract which rests on a unconstitutional statute creates no obligation to be impaired by subsequent legislation. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law. No courts are bound to enforce it. Persons convicted and fined under a statute subsequently held unconstitutional may recover the fines paid. A void act cannot be legally inconsistent with a valid one and an unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede an existing valid law. Indeed, in so far as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby. Since an unconstitutional statute cannot repeal, or in anyway effect an existing one, if a repealing statute is unconstitutional, the statute which it attempts to repeal, remains in full force and effect and where a statute in which it attempts to repeal remains in full force and effect and where a clause repealing a prior law is inserted in the act, which act is unconstitutional and void, the provision of the repeal of the prior law will usually fall with it and will not be permitted to operate as repealing such prior law. The general principle stated above applied to the constitution as well as the laws of the several states insofar as they are repugnant to the constitution and laws of the United States."

16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 255:
"In all instances, where the court exercise it's power to invalidate legislation on constitutional grounds, the conflict of the statute, with the constitution must be irreconcilable. Thus a statute is not to be declared unconstitutional unless so inconsistent with the constitution that it cannot be enforced without a violation thereof. A clear incompatibility between law and the constitution must exist before the judiciary is justified holding the law unconstitutional. This principle is of course in line with the rule that doubts as the constitutionality should be resolved in favor of the constitutionality and the beneficiary." We are the beneficiary to the constitution not the gov......

Mudook v. Penn., 319 US 105:(1943)
"A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal Constitution and that a flat license tax here involves restraints in advance the constitutional liberties of Press and Religion and inevitably tends to suppress their existence. That the ordinance is non-discriminatory and that is applies also to peddlers of wares and merchandise is immaterial. The liberties granted by the first amendment are and in a preferred position. Since the privilege in question is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution and exist independently of the states authority , the inquiry as to whether the state has given something for which it cannot ask a return, is irrelevant. No state may convert any secured liberty into a privilege and issue a license and a fee for it"

Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham AL, 373 US 262:(1962)
"If the state does convert your right into a privilege and issue a license and a fee for it, you can ignore the license and a fee and engage the right with impunity."
-United States v. Bishop, 412 US 346
-Title 42 US Code Sec. 1983, Sec. 1985, & Sec. 1986
-Bryars v. United States 273USR 28
-Norton v. Shelby County 118 USR 425 "An unconstitutional act is not law. It confers no rights, it imposes no duties, it affords no protections, it creates no office. It is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it has never been passed."
-U.S. (vs) Moylan, 417 F2d 1002 at 1006
-U.S. (vs) Dougherty, 473 F2d 1113 at 1139
Paul Dunham
Paul Dunham - 10 years ago
Just bought the last of my "kayakaming" (my word for kayak and camping) and now just waiting out the snow storm we have recently acquired... Living here at the beach myself I truly appreciate the tips (long stakes) even though I have a Hennessy Hammock I will adapt your recommendations of that spare paddle and tarp set up *great idea for gear storage) as I have a sit on top I will just have to bring a cooler... Congrats on a great video and again thanks for the tips...by the way "what beer was that?"...
General Derp
General Derp - 9 years ago
Those hennessy hammocks are excellent, I modified my hammock after seeing them, Works good 
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
"Kayakaming" I'll have to remember that.  Thanks for the comments. The beer? That was I believe a Coors, if not probably a Yuengling.
Diver Dan
Diver Dan - 10 years ago
Sounds like tom hanks
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
I've been told that many times.
mattxr2i - 10 years ago
Great video by the way! You really ought to work for Amazon. After all, they made some money tonight because I watched your video and said a few times "Dang. I need one of those!". lol
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
Please put in a good word for me.  lol!
mattxr2i - 10 years ago
I'm planning a 5 day on the Great Miami river here in Ohio. 70 miles from Dayton to the Ohio River in Cincinnati. What do you think about going out prior to the trip and putting out supply drops in certain spots in order to reduce starting weight? 
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
That would be an excellent idea provided you have hiding spots that won't get pilfered by either wildlife or people that 'stumble' upon it before you get there.  Hidden well enough people won't find it and in a container strong enough critters can't get into it.

50. comment for What Gear to Take While Kayak Camping / How to Pack a Kayak and Set up Camp on a Beach

Pablo Enrique Tirabassi
Pablo Enrique Tirabassi - 10 years ago
Ja! Que perfecciòn en todo!!......:)
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
KranundBF3Fahrer - 10 years ago
What does the stuff weight?
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
I don't know what the total weight is and the 'cooler' filled with beverages will sure throw a weight count way off. The good news is the beverages are consumed and only the containers have to be packed out.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Not a whole lot I'd suspect. When kayaking, weight isn't as much as a concern as backpacking. Sometimes a kayak will actually perform a little better when there is a extra weight loaded. Depends on the kayak and kayaker.
Bushylingus - 10 years ago
That beer seemed a bit flat.
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
You couldn't possibly know.
UMADBRO212121 - 10 years ago
What type/brand/model of kayak is the blue one?
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
That is a Current Designs Gulfstream sea kayak.
Faik Bitik
Faik Bitik - 10 years ago
Thanks for the video.i enjoyed it a lot and learned lots of things.i love your camp seat it is awesome.have a nice time with your lovely wife.waiting for new videos from you.peace from Türkiye.Love the people who lives outdoor and loves camping.Bye bye
yekomSmokey F
yekomSmokey F - 10 years ago
Hey Mike, I stumbled onto your ebay alcohol stoves and store. I like to build things but I'm going to buy from you in a round about way to support you for the inspiration and info that I got from your videos. What brand are your mess kit pans?
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
I have many mess kits, but I assume you are talking about the one in this video which is actually a Texsport Black Ice cook set. Even Wal-Mart sold them for a time. I believe you can still find them on-line. They are hard anodized aluminum and very light weight. I use them a lot.
Daddylonglegs36 - 10 years ago
volume is lousy
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
tom jackson
tom jackson - 10 years ago
Too bad sound is so low.
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
FloppyHatPhotos - 10 years ago
Is that a port Jon in background?
I need to find those spots for kayak camping with a women.
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
Someone else brought it, you'll have to ask them.
FloppyHatPhotos - 10 years ago
How do you pack that on your Kayak?
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
Yes, women seem to enjoy the Porta-Johns!  lol
ELECTRIC TECH - 10 years ago
Lol surprised you didn't find a way to tow your house behind that kayak
rts - 10 years ago
+mechanicmike69 Hey, he knows how to wire an electrical outlet. I'm sure that level of skill is useful somewhere.
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
Let me guess you think every camp outing is supposed to be a survivor-man experience. Let me guess again, you've got to be a macho man.
Gary Edwards
Gary Edwards - 10 years ago
Fishing permits and camping gear permits? Wow america really is fascist
83RBurke - 9 years ago
The fishing license is simply a response to overfishing in the past. If they have a general idea of how many people are fishing per year it helps the fish and game depts set limits and protect certain species. I'd hardly call that fascist.
K Tor
K Tor - 10 years ago
Awesome looks like the perfect trip!
Scott Owen
Scott Owen - 10 years ago
Great Video. Obviously a pro. Great gear suggestions. You make it look easy.
Royster - 10 years ago
I think I was about to make some pretty bad choices for my first camping/kayak trip! Thanks for the timely advice!
Kids_ 20yearsapart
Kids_ 20yearsapart - 10 years ago
What a great video.  I can't wait to give kayak camping  a try in the fall.
struug - 10 years ago
great video, cant wait to do some kayak camping this year
Kevin Groen
Kevin Groen - 10 years ago
great video! looks like tons of fun!
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
Thanks, it is.  Back to waiting for November and the cooler weather to come back.
TJ Holman
TJ Holman - 10 years ago
Nothing says roughing it like an outhouse in the background LOL love the video man, but the outhouse was funny
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
The National park service had to place one at almost all 'primitive' sites as people weren't making cat holes/disposing of their waste properly. . You'd think they get at least camo colored privies.
blkcpdconure - 10 years ago
I enjoyed this. I'm going to be getting my first kayak this summer and plan on doing a lot of camping with it. I already have a lot of backpacking gear but I like seeing what other experienced campers use. Thanks for sharing!
richard duree
richard duree - 10 years ago
I found that if you through the ti-vac in the washer you can eliminate the crinkle sound.   Uphill Paddler
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
I used to do that also. But I found it too rough on my washer as it throws it out of balance. Then when I go to pull the Tyvek out it holds a bunch of water and drains out/dumps all over the floor. So what I do now is just wad it all up like a sheet of paper you are going to throw out, open it back up and repeat until soft and cloth like.  Noise gone.
Haidy Elshater
Haidy Elshater - 10 years ago
Nice video thanks for share
lisandra castillo
lisandra castillo - 10 years ago
nicess !!!
gerardo alvarado
gerardo alvarado - 10 years ago
Sick video.
Kestrel - 10 years ago
Nice job
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
fastcargar - 10 years ago
nice video well done, I am going to convince my wife to do a over night, will see.
mechanicmike69 - 10 years ago
That's the spirit!
4EVERMYSERENITY - 11 years ago
Yes I did enjoy this film and I will watch it again and again. Got a lot of pointers. I am trying to get more african americans or Blacks to campo more. Most ask why do I do it, and I tell them it's what I have always done and being a former marine, This is what I know how to do. I was surprised to learn that many don't do this yet alone many waterspouts or outdoor adventures. Thank you sir, now I can link your video to my class I teach, and hope you don't mined :)
4EVERMYSERENITY - 10 years ago
+Generic User LOL
Generic User
Generic User - 10 years ago
That's funny.  My fiance' asked one of her friends at work about camping some time.  She said, "Are you kidding?  We black folks don't go in the woods after dark."  LOL  That poor girl is all about what blacks DON'T do.  If she weren't so sweet, I'd call her a racist.
4EVERMYSERENITY - 10 years ago
+Joe11Blue My Man, there you go. You can't beat being able to get next to the ocean or any form of water.
Joe11Blue - 10 years ago
+4EVERMYSERENITY I'm rather be in a warm ocean in my free-time, but I am stuck in Arizona until December. For a person that grew up in Florida with the ability to go to the ocean at anytime, I hate it. I am moving to Australia, and near a beach for that very reason. Will finally get to enjoy those warm ocean waters daily.
4EVERMYSERENITY - 10 years ago
+Joe11Blue I do, But when it comes to nature, only a few of us no matter the ethnicity of the individual loves nature and I would rather be in it everyday if i could. Not a lot of folks enjoy or understand the benefits of being on the water, in the forest, or simply a quite walk through the back trails.
Joe11Blue - 10 years ago
+4EVERMYSERENITY You need to make some friends in Georgia and Texas sir.
4EVERMYSERENITY - 10 years ago
+Scott Hannah Joe11Blue is right, and I want to get more to get involved with outdoors. after all , when all what we have is gone or taken from us, this is what we need to learn because we all will need to depend on this. The great Outdoors

Thanks Joe11Blue
Joe11Blue - 10 years ago
+Scott Hannah Probably because he's the only black guy he knows doing it? Why does it matter?
Handsome Face
Handsome Face - 10 years ago
Why just blacks?
blkcpdconure - 10 years ago
That is a good thing you are doing. More people regardless of race should try these nature focused activities. Semper Fidelis Marine!
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
I don't mind at all. Please feel free to share this video.  As they say, "Pass it forward". Glad you enjoyed it.
Adam Helfrich
Adam Helfrich - 11 years ago
Great video!  I love your shelter setup.  I go beach camping periodically and was wondering what is the size of that canopy top you found?  It looks like the perfect size!  Again, great vid.
Adam Helfrich
Adam Helfrich - 11 years ago
Thank you!  Happy camping!
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the comment. That tarp/canopy is 8' x 8' but it is not flat, it has a pyramid peak to it and the edges come down the sides about 5".
Tommy Jensen
Tommy Jensen - 11 years ago
If someone can't pack a kayak after watching your video, they might as well give up. Very informative and clear. I really like the simplicity of your camp. Thanks for sharing.
absolutiontheory - 11 years ago
This may be a ridiculous question, but i have never camped near the shore in Florida.  Are alligators an issue where you set up?  I love the idea of camping on the beach, but the threat of getting bit on the ass by a gator is not as appealing. lol
Tommy Jensen
Tommy Jensen - 11 years ago
I had that exact same "ridiculous question". Thanks for asking.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
No alligators. Alligators are generally found along fresh water rivers.
David Pollock
David Pollock - 11 years ago
Really in joyed this video very informative. Going camping to lock lomond in may with my brother. Using my 3 man canoe but I have a sit on top fishing kayak and would like to use this as well. It has hatches and I could get some of my kit in it. Thanks to your video I have a better idea how best to go a about this so as your newest subscriber I just like to say thank you very much sir
Kimberley Harrell
Kimberley Harrell - 11 years ago
Thank you, great video.  I appreciate you sharing it.
Gaius Caligula
Gaius Caligula - 11 years ago
What kind of Kayak is that?
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
The blue one is a Current Designs 'Gulfstream'.
The red one is a Perception 'Avatar'.
WHUFC71 - 11 years ago
Awesome.....Thanks for sharing....Need all the help/hints I can get
yekomSmokey F
yekomSmokey F - 11 years ago
This video is informative, enjoyable, and encouraging. My wife and I got hooked on kayaking In Oct. 2013 after renting them a couple times. We live in Pennsylvania so we are looking forward to spring time and picking up our new Necky kayaks. Every time that I come inside from shoveling snow I watch this video. Oh yea the rest of your paddling videos are good also. Thanks!
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Glad you renjoyed it, thanks for the comments. Happy kayaking.
Mr00destruct0 - 11 years ago
You got it good! That Kayak holds a lot too. Very nice system.
hcwbw3 - 11 years ago
great vid. last year in Dec I did 4 day yak camping at east cape sable, nest trip I will use some of your great ideas like that tarp thing (nice). I could add one thing which I pick up from and oldtimer get a round bug netting used for beds and hang from a tree or use a pole to set up a (relatively) bug free cooking /sitting area at night. thanks for the info.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
I assume you left from Flamingo..?  and went out around the point/cape? Yes, a good net would be good at times. Netting should be no-see-um fine as typical 'mosquito' netting is useless. I try to avoid the bugs by going out there only during cool/cold weather. (when the high temp for the day is in the lower 70's or below).
Paul Dunham
Paul Dunham - 11 years ago
thanks for the video..but the volume was just way to low to hear you  and the go pro moving around too much. I tried to watch the whole thing. I appreciate you wanting to put out this for those of us who have never kayaked camped. Thank You. 
Roger Mainville
Roger Mainville - 11 years ago
Thanks for the video. I enjoyed you calm low voice and your enjoyment of the outdoors 
TheRebelEye - 11 years ago
What kayak is this?
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
It's a Current Designs, Gulfstream in fiberglass.
Rolando Perez
Rolando Perez - 11 years ago
jesus man! This isn't the library. SPEAK UP!
f86sabjf - 11 years ago
Thanks for all the ideas. Really enjoyed it . I'm just getting into kayaking so this helped a lot.
Kevin Bartlett
Kevin Bartlett - 11 years ago
And a license to feed yourself (Fish). I hate the nanny.
Chris Funk
Chris Funk - 11 years ago
Should also carry at least two knives. I carry three in my bugout... better safe than sorry. Besides what good is fishing without a blade? Only one i saw was serrated... wasting protein. *10years of minimalist survivalist camping. Waste no space and waste no amount of energy.... learn now or suffer obama
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the positive comments.
thewackeddoctors - 11 years ago
Great video. Thx for some great ideas.
Carlos Eduardo Zampol
Carlos Eduardo Zampol - 11 years ago
I enjoyed your video....but your voice is too low...I hardly can hear you.
95thousandroses - 11 years ago
I enjoyed watching your video. Thanks for taking the time to make it.
MK Outdoor Adventures
MK Outdoor Adventures - 11 years ago
Thanks for a great share! Lots of nice tips and demonstrated techniques to maximize a kayak camping experience.
George S
George S - 11 years ago
The most important question. How many beers can you fit in the yak?
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Well actually it was the National Park that required the permit. Everglades National Park. But due note during off season from approx. April to November primitive camping is Free in Everglades National Park.

100. comment for What Gear to Take While Kayak Camping / How to Pack a Kayak and Set up Camp on a Beach

Josef Roesler
Josef Roesler - 11 years ago
It's sad that Florida requires you to purchase a permit to be outside overnight.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
See you out there then?
Andrew Su
Andrew Su - 11 years ago
Now I know what I should bring when I want to do my own kayak camping adventure! Thank you very much for this very informative video!!!!!
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
I used to have money as I've spent it all on the camping kayaking equipment. ;)
Noah - 11 years ago
9:48 Dr.Who
Noah - 11 years ago
man you've got some money i'm still saving up for a $219 kayak.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
A very well earned beer! And very relaxing once it was set up.
Jade Taylor
Jade Taylor - 11 years ago
great video to watch. looks very relaxing.
Hector Cruz
Hector Cruz - 11 years ago
I felt I was there. Very cool thnks
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Thanks. Glad you like it.
RGT EightySix
RGT EightySix - 11 years ago
Nice set up!
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the business, note and subscription!
RawPlantEnergy - 11 years ago
Just bought a stove and had to check out the channel. Incredible channel and camp set up. Subscribed.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
They are both made by a company called Thermarest. Sometimes spelled 'Therm-A-Rest'. The sleeping pad is their 'Prolite' and the folding chair is a 'Trekker Chair'. When buying the chair be sure it is the same width as the sleeping pad as there are several versions available. The ones I'm using are 25 inches wide. The pad is 76 inches long.
Ross Elkins
Ross Elkins - 11 years ago
Wow ur a good camper lol got all the essentials in a kayak! I'd love the sleeping mat and fold away chair you have, where can I get it from the uk? What are they called, make/model?
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
A current designs gulfstream.
T.Jentzsch - 11 years ago
What is the kayak?
Justin K. Johnson
Justin K. Johnson - 11 years ago
Wonderful Job on this video. I am taking my fiance and a friend out on a kayak/camping trip this weekend so this was very helpful
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
One of my newer and very popular Kayak Camping videos. Enjoy.
Joseph Renow
Joseph Renow - 11 years ago
I use no-see-um for all the bug-tents I make...the only time I do not use no-see-um is for my head (no-see-um is a lot stuffier). Yep...it looks like postal-drops should be easy enough for re-supply of food and other necessities. Looks like fresh water might be my biggest concern...I have always had ample access to fresh water in the past. Thanks again for all the help...and looking forward to future videos.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
The biggest problem will be water as you'll have to rely on public water sources for fresh water as there is none available elsewhere. Freezing temps or below are very rare. Expecting temps in the 40's to 80's would be a good bet. I am not familiar with the locations of Post Offices along US1 and the keys for mail drops, but a quick search of "Post Offices in the Florida keys" revealed about 10 along the way. Due note no-see-ums can be brutal in warmer temps 75+ fine mesh bug netting a must.
Joseph Renow
Joseph Renow - 11 years ago
Thanks for the speedy reply. I tend to kayak on the minimal side of things. At the moment I plan to use a tarp and bug bivy and will rely almost entirely on meals I have dehydrated myself for the (mail-drops?)...so I will be using a 900ml snowpeak mug and DIY fancy-feast stove for cooking. I have read that temperatures will be rather mild (40-80) during the winter months...should I expect temperatures to dip below freezing? Thanks again for the speedy reply and great videos.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Of course you'll have to add warmer clothes perhaps even a wet suit for the winter months as even here in Florida it can get cold.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
A lot of your needs won't change with the items used on this video. Those that will change will be determined by how often you stop and have access at & to civilization/motels/marinas/ etc...along the way, the food you choose to take and the time of year you go. For instance of you do not plan on resupplying every 3 days or less you'll need to forgo the cooler in the one bulkhead and use primarily water. The food you choose will also determine the pots & pans you'll need to take in your mess kit
Joseph Renow
Joseph Renow - 11 years ago
Great video Mike! I am planning to circumnavigate the Keys this winter...and though I have a lot of kayaking experience I have not done a lot of experience with the sandy+treeless beaches that seem so commonplace there in Florida...I am curious about what gear you would choose to bring if you were planning to kayak around the Keys?
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the feedback and subscribe!
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Miguel D Guevara
Miguel D Guevara - 11 years ago
Awesome video ! I enjoyed every second of it and I learned a lot !
buck taves
buck taves - 11 years ago
Eric Ramirez
Eric Ramirez - 11 years ago
Great vid.... Thanks for sharing
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Thanks, glad you liked it. The Adirondacks are one of the places I want to visit.
kspach - 11 years ago
Awe-some! The best 20 minutes I ever spent on Y-T. Thanks. Kind of looking forward to relocating to Ft. Meyer now. Will still miss the Adirondacks , but this looks pretty darn good.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
James Nelson
James Nelson - 11 years ago
Hey you found my tarp! xD
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Now that's the spirit!
Sandra Stewart
Sandra Stewart - 11 years ago
Fantastic video ! I'm inspired.......going to pack up my kayak and go.....
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
The blue one is a Current Designs "Gulfstream" (almost 17 ft.) and the red one is a Perception "Avatar" (16ft.)
vincentdean5 - 11 years ago
vincentdean5 - 11 years ago
Hello sir, what make and model is your kayak? I am looking to buy one so that I am camp on the South Carolina water way.
m3ntalcas3 - 11 years ago
makes me want to make a trip to fl to try that out...well done
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
How far is Cayo Costa from you? It's just south of Boca Grand and a very nice place to go.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
That's the spirit. You've made my day. Glad you enjoyed it.
K4Kendetta - 11 years ago
I'm in the Bradenton/Sarasota area too, so if you know of any places within a few hours paddle... :)
K4Kendetta - 11 years ago
This video is pure awesome. I'm searching google maps right now for what looks like a decent little barrier island somewhere relatively close-by so I can kayak out to it and camp out for a few days. I have a 14' Dagger Alchemy so I won't have as much room in my compartments as you did, but it will be pretty close. Definitely saving this video in my favorites.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
In that particular kayak compartment I can get over 25 soda/beer cans and the 2- frozen two liter bottles and 2 frozen half liter bottles and 4 small ziplock bags of ice and a couple of frozen meals.
lysol911 - 11 years ago
awesome!!! Thanks!!! About how many drinks are you able to put in there?
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
I used contact cement to glue the piece to the lid and only a friction fit for the inside wall pieces.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Then did the same for the top and bottom. Oh I lied I cut a 5th piece and did glue that one to the lid. It works great. I use 2 frozen 2 liter plastic soda bottles filled with water to chill it. Sometimes I also add ziplock bags of ice and/or small frozen water bottles(.5 liter) to fill in the empty spaces and make the drinks extra cold. It will last up to 3 days. Yeah the 3rd day it isn't ice cold but still cool.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Sure can. I took one of those sleeping pads for camping, available at Walmart for about $7, cut into four pieces, top, bottom, front, and back. I cut the fron and back pieces first purposely cutting them too large, then shoved them in there to see how they fit, carefully trimming them down until they friction fit(slightly squeezed into place) so I would not need glue as I wanted this to be temporary and also to be able to take them out to let the compartment dry out and not mildew inside.
lysol911 - 11 years ago
Hey mike, Could you elaborate on your cooler design? I heard you say you used a camping pad? Did you cut it up and stick it or glue it to the inside? I'm only halfway through your video. Continuing now lol.
daddybear443 - 11 years ago
Good quality of life!
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and commenting. Happy camping to you.
PackRat558 - 11 years ago
This guy in in the video is a fucking genius he just know what he is talking about! DAMN
cheff2389 - 11 years ago
Best step by step video. Well done sir.
Buzz135 - 11 years ago
Very good, have nice camping !
Dennis Barnes
Dennis Barnes - 11 years ago
Very good video, I also see you wear the Road ID Bracelet. I thought it was a great idea to have an identifier with you at all times. Mine I use because I am diabetic and it has all my useful medical info. I am taking my first camping trip for 5 days up around The Great Peconic Bay NY with 4 other guys we are sailing our kayaks. Only problem I have is carrying over 50lbs of fresh drinking water. I do not want to dehydrate. Just wish there was an easier way to carry water.
Christer Arnevik
Christer Arnevik - 11 years ago
Very nice and fascinating video! Im going on my first kayak trip in a couple of weeks and I learned quite alot by watching your video. Where did you get that chair? I really liked the chair and the beer :) Cheers from Norway
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
No they are a Perception Avatar 16'(polyethylene) and a Current Designs Gulfstream 17' (fiberglass)
Foster1776 - 11 years ago
Great vid makes me want to hit the water. Also makes me want to buy more camping gear. Are your kayaks 12 kestrels? Thanks for the vid
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Did you see her collecting the firewood while I set up camp?
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Thanks. I really appreciate you letting me know.
classic32428 - 11 years ago
lol so who kayaked the shit in hehe nice video wish i was there!!
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Thanks. Give it a thumbs up and 'share' it with your friends.
Joey Farmer
Joey Farmer - 11 years ago
Very nice. Well prepared that's my kind of camping!!!!!
Brittanie Benavidez
Brittanie Benavidez - 11 years ago
This was an amazing video! Thanks so much for sharing this. I will be attempting beach camping this year on Bear Island in North Carolina. I'm sure you and your wife live a great camping life. Best Wishes and happy camping!
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
The one I wish I had done and didn't do was do an exploded view of my clothing bag and what cloths I bring. Maybe a separate video for just clothing in the near future. Thanks for your comments and sub.
Captain Barnicle
Captain Barnicle - 11 years ago
Great video. Thanks. I´ve been looking for a video that listed all the survival and safety gear for kayak camping. You listed everything I thought of plus more ;-)
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
This is actually the same campsite/beach as the other video (Jewel Key) but at a cooler time of year and we camped out away from the vegetation. Nice strong breeze/wind for the majority of the time both times.
MadSmokerBBQ - 11 years ago
Not too bad right there. Buce work.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
We leave a float plan(complete with planned route overlaid on Google-Earth printed out) at home, time to be expected back and emergency numbers for them to call if we are not back by that time. I won't take my wife with me if there is any doubt about conditions or away from land in the open sea. Thanks for all the good points, I do appreciate it.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
First aid kit is in bag at my feet, a place I can get without opening a hatch. If or when the tent requires bigger/better stakes I take those big yellow stakes for the tarp and use them for the tent, excellent point. No-see-ums along the SW Florida coast are fierce and require a tent/shelter with bug netting. Currently I only have the three minimal safety flares I carry in my PFD pocket for a signalling device. Do you 'cowboy' (sleeping bag only)camp? or perhaps a hammock? I hammock sometimes.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
The orange whistle is a pea-less whistle. One tied to each of our life jackets. This trip never had us venturing more than .5 mile from land and in water rarely more than 4 to 6 feet deep (S.W. Florida coast/barrier islands/Ten Thousand Islands). Satellite and EPIRB are definitely a good idea and are on my future to-get gear lists and a definite need for any trip venturing out further then this trip was.
Sidney Taylor
Sidney Taylor - 11 years ago
... mark your boat conspicuously with name, emergency contact information and keep a copy of your float plan securely attached to your boat in case you become separated ...
Sidney Taylor
Sidney Taylor - 11 years ago
get a whistle without a ball in it. Secure your spare paddle better. A big wave would steal it etc etc. I do think you have good gear etc. ... but there is no substitute for skill, a fact I'm sure your aware of. My comments are not a criticism - only observations. I've learned the hard way. In fact I carry a satellite telephone and an EPIRB. But the Pacific Coast of Baja calls for extraordinary measures, including 80 lbs of water! Thanks.
Sidney Taylor
Sidney Taylor - 11 years ago
Nice gear. The first thing you should see when you open your hatch is a first aid kit. Items should be packed tight so they don't shift if you have to roll. You might spread a sheet in the sand to throw your stuff onto - to keep that sand out. Those tent stakes won't work in most sandy beaches. There are other methods for this... incidentally in 5,000 miles of kayaking I seldom used my tent. In ocean kayaking a safety kit contains pocket rockets, parachute rockets, red dye, smoke etc.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
The blue and white one is a Current Designs Gulfstream. The red one is a Perception Avatar.
Colton Seibert
Colton Seibert - 11 years ago
What kind of Kayak is that?
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Yeah I'm not real happy with the audio level either. It was actually a microphone problem, I have since replaced it.
kuttfree - 11 years ago
Ends it all with a well-deserved beer. Awesome!
kuttfree - 11 years ago
Cool video. If you normalise the audio next time we can all hear you better :)
NaveganteBOG - 11 years ago
Simply sweet! A real great video. Thanks for sharing.
Jesse N
Jesse N - 11 years ago
If only I had a day hatch!
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Just took one of those closed cell foam sleeping mats and cut pieces to fit top/bottom/front/back and one round circle for the lid. The lid piece is glued on with contact cement. All the other pieces are just friction fit and can be taken out to clean/dry out or revert to a regular day hatch compartment.
Jesse N
Jesse N - 11 years ago
Cooler idea is great
MattMann471 - 11 years ago
Awesome job!! I'm just starting out and I plan on going on a camping trip. Thanks to you I now know what to pack!! -Check out my first kayak vid.
RealityDistirbutor - 11 years ago
I like the exploded view you have of the stuff sacks. I've come back to this video several times, thanks for the info.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the note. It's all about sharing ideas, many heads are better than one.
Alexander H
Alexander H - 11 years ago
nice good job!!! this help me and the tarp that u used gave me a great idea!! :)
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think I'm still taking too much though. Keeping the weight down is the trick/hard part.
snowyowl44 - 11 years ago
Great vid! Always wondered how much those kayaks could hold and you got it down!!
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Thanks old friend.
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Everything can be improved or made better. I'm always willing to try out something new. Especially if it's lighter or easier to use.
Soggy Bottom
Soggy Bottom - 11 years ago
Boy, you do have it down to a science... thanks!
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
I bet you like the cooler full of beer...
beerloverme - 11 years ago
Awesome! well organized..
mechanicmike69 - 11 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it. It took a while to make.
Emanuel B
Emanuel B - 11 years ago
Finally! Well done, paddler!
RealityDistirbutor - 12 years ago
Kudos to you.
truth nWisdom
truth nWisdom - 12 years ago
Very well done, thanks.

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