Why I don't deep sea fish from a kayak anymore

Have you ever pointed at the screen and said this when watching Shark Week on the Discovery channel? This very thing happened to me one time, although not in this particular video. This is a very cool close call vid from expert kayak fisherman Mark McCracken. His channel is entertaining escape, and I recommend checking it out, liking and subscribing! Here is the original link..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUld0tszSG8

Why I don't deep sea fish from a kayak anymore sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4827

Kayak 8 years ago 4,136,867 views

Have you ever pointed at the screen and said this when watching Shark Week on the Discovery channel? This very thing happened to me one time, although not in this particular video. This is a very cool close call vid from expert kayak fisherman Mark McCracken. His channel is entertaining escape, and I recommend checking it out, liking and subscribing! Here is the original link..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUld0tszSG8

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Most popular comments
for Why I don't deep sea fish from a kayak anymore

Keenan Duris
Keenan Duris - 7 years ago
When you put all your skill points in 2 handed weapons
Hi, I'm Paul!
Hi, I'm Paul! - 7 years ago
Agopolis23 - 7 years ago
You’re lucky he wasn’t rolling with his buddies
Agopolis23 - 7 years ago
Agopolis23 - 7 years ago
It’s a hammer head
Hoeseph - 7 years ago
That’s a funny looking squid
Carl Poppah
Carl Poppah - 7 years ago
Shark picked the wrong one!
Dirk Diggler
Dirk Diggler - 7 years ago
It was a hammerhead ya pussy. Probably just wanted to see if ya needed help
Disco Dino
Disco Dino - 7 years ago
Pretty aggressive sharky... You need to bring a speargun, bangstick or a gun with you next time.
Harambe Dawg
Harambe Dawg - 7 years ago
Me at fake friends.

10. comment for Why I don't deep sea fish from a kayak anymore

kermit sewerside
kermit sewerside - 7 years ago
after a while i’d just be like “fuck it shark you earned it” and dive in
Batfleck Forever
Batfleck Forever - 7 years ago
Like that small ass hammerhead's gonna be able to do anything lol
juggernaut704 - 7 years ago
terpazoid - 7 years ago
Navraj Gill
Navraj Gill - 7 years ago
Didnt know hammerheads were that savage haha
SM - 7 years ago
I FUCKIN hate sharks....I would have Shot that commie shark in the FACE!
I'm Zoid
I'm Zoid - 7 years ago
Is that a hammerhead?
Dubz Lopez
Dubz Lopez - 7 years ago
Aquaman showed up 5 min after the video and arrested the man for assault
Kuddly Koala
Kuddly Koala - 7 years ago
The video should b titled ..Why I don't use a plastic paddle to deter sharks anymore
hades - 7 years ago
1 of them was a hammerhead also..lmao

20. comment for Why I don't deep sea fish from a kayak anymore

WittyNatty - 7 years ago
First of all you're in sharks territory. Respect it and fuck off.
Guy Manson
Guy Manson - 7 years ago
Shoulda taped a knife to that paddle lol
vkhiev - 7 years ago
Should hv taken paddle in half n hit or poke hard with medal
Chris - 7 years ago
Carry a pitchfork. Or trident?
Balles McGee
Balles McGee - 7 years ago
It's not deep sea if you're that close to land.
Freddy De La Torre
Freddy De La Torre - 7 years ago
Motherfucker is literally fighting with sharks in a kayak, while I'm here in my couch doing nothing
Marcus Elgart
Marcus Elgart - 7 years ago
All I see is curious and friendly sharks and this asshole stabbing them with a paddle
haden bartz
haden bartz - 7 years ago
I assume the sharks gave up and said "Mission failed, we'll get em next time."
TheVocalTune - 7 years ago
Geez I think your gonna need to bring a speargun/Spear next time.
Keep It Zen
Keep It Zen - 7 years ago
The shark just wanted to inform you
"Fish are friends, not food."

30. comment for Why I don't deep sea fish from a kayak anymore

Jacob Cooper
Jacob Cooper - 7 years ago
Boyyyy he mustve been hungry as hell.. atleast around here hammerheads and scallopheads are deep water bottom sharks.. i imagine it might be different where you were at but ive never seen one be that persistant
Jacob Cooper
Jacob Cooper - 7 years ago
Bonnetshead* excuse me not scallophead lol
Stinkycatz - 7 years ago
The shark thought your were petting it with that rubber paddle . Next time use to other end . Glad that you made it to shore to upload this video . Awesome footage .
plant based culture
plant based culture - 7 years ago
Mess with the bull you get the horns. You wanna fuck with the ocean life and put hooks in they're mouth? Then they're gonna fuck with you. Wish the kayak would've flipped and you got bit.
Cory Provost
Cory Provost - 7 years ago
They should those paddles have sharpened ends with removable tops for situations like this... but then the shark would swim away with the paddle too; Hmm...
ozcplt - 7 years ago
Shrak wanted play :(
Haha Sixty
Haha Sixty - 7 years ago
Alan Hernandez
Alan Hernandez - 7 years ago
I'm calling PETA
Hatty xD
Hatty xD - 7 years ago
I bet the shark uploaded a video too: “Why I don’t attack kayaks anymore” :)
maurice wilson
maurice wilson - 7 years ago
He just wanted to say hi.
GamerBear - 7 years ago
Even if it didn't really hurt, you'd think the duud would get tired of being bonked on the head a dozen times over.
Killer Hanzo
Killer Hanzo - 7 years ago
He just wanted to play
Hail Xenu
Hail Xenu - 7 years ago
I think that was Jabberjaw
Manuel G
Manuel G - 7 years ago
GOD: aight so for my next creation I'll make a huge deadly fish, but I'll give it a fin so people can see them coming. Yea, should work out great.
Vincenzo Zucchero
Vincenzo Zucchero - 7 years ago
Fucking got his ass haha
bereantrb - 7 years ago
To each their own, but personally, putting the words “deep sea fishing” with “kayak” is like putting “mountain climbing” with “flip flops.” Silly equipment choice.
Tommy McCarthy
Tommy McCarthy - 7 years ago
Awww, it's just a baby Hammerhead. He just was coming over to check you out, and if you stayed calm and didn't thrashed around and smack him or her with your Oar, it would of left you alone. Now if it was a Mako then you really want to get the fuck out of there.
Dilapidated Banana
Dilapidated Banana - 7 years ago
Would it legal or illegal to have a spear and use it during something like this?
Gym - 7 years ago
Have you ever heard of this thing called a spear?
A dude named “aUUUG” invented it like 40,000 years ago. I think it would help you.
Also if I ever want to go shark stabbing I know where to go lol.
Danai Brown
Danai Brown - 7 years ago
U need a gun
Jon - 7 years ago
N O Shit the shark is thinking the kayak is prey! OBVIOUS especially the color yellow is more visible to sharks!

50. comment for Why I don't deep sea fish from a kayak anymore

hmitchell1229 - 7 years ago
Fucked up that you have over 4m views and the original video only has 1.2m. I hope you're not making money off of this.
Johnny DiedForOur Sins
Johnny DiedForOur Sins - 7 years ago
Far Cry 5 looking lit
Delfino Garza
Delfino Garza - 7 years ago
shark got lucky too that you didn't have a spear.
Jtflint - 7 years ago
A killer trying to kill a killer...
Bill Buttliqor
Bill Buttliqor - 7 years ago
Pussy! I would've jumped in the water and bit the fuckin' shark myself.
Endy Eater of Donuts Wolf
Endy Eater of Donuts Wolf - 7 years ago
Oh jeez O-O
Jeff Caligari
Jeff Caligari - 7 years ago
You never had flake before? Just be sure to cut the spinal column at back of the head because it releases a toxin into the flesh and makes it spoil.
I mean you are out there to catch a fish for food right?
Mr Potato Is a Potato
Mr Potato Is a Potato - 7 years ago
Lmao I can’t really tell but that looked like a hammerhead shark

I’m pretty sure he just confused that for food
Chupa Panti
Chupa Panti - 7 years ago
Bring a harpoon or gaff with you and stab the fuckers.
poppyseed99 - 7 years ago
This is how i deal with my mother when shes coming to my room and says i need to stop playing league
Paul H. Jensen
Paul H. Jensen - 7 years ago
id have tied my knife to the end of the paddle and woulda been eating hammerhead shark steaks on shore soon after.
John Bradley
John Bradley - 7 years ago
your going to need a bigger boat!
MrPrice2u - 7 years ago
What was he afraid of? The shark tipping his kayak over? riiiight.
Savage Cabbage
Savage Cabbage - 7 years ago
I bet he came to you looking for cuddles since sharks get lonely and he saw a shark shaped shadow, resulting in him coming to investigate
Mr.Ruffy - 7 years ago
What are you afraid of that you have to hit the shark
Kaba the Broken Cat
Kaba the Broken Cat - 7 years ago
I guess the shark got hammered
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
Rename this video to,"why you should keep an ak-47 in your back pocket at all times."
Jackson Scott
Jackson Scott - 7 years ago
This when I pull out my .45
hickorydickoryduck - 7 years ago
Cattle prod, maybe?
Lord Of Avernus
Lord Of Avernus - 7 years ago
Press "E" to craft spear
Tyler Evans
Tyler Evans - 7 years ago
“If that human pokes my head one more time I swear....”
LRGskater41 - 7 years ago
Lmao is this not expected tho? Who goes into deep water on a surfboard to fish?
The Nostalgic Stino Stamos
The Nostalgic Stino Stamos - 7 years ago
I just want everyone to be reassured that in fact, water is wet.
James King
James King - 7 years ago
Dude your a ass hole that shark was a bro just wanted to know what you were, your chance of death or injury was 0%
Fred Wagner
Fred Wagner - 7 years ago
Yikes that is too scary for me. I will stick to fresh water where there is nothing that will eat me.
Javier Charlier
Javier Charlier - 7 years ago
Hammerhead sharks are pretty rare too
Toshley - 7 years ago
Man this guy has got an impenetrable defense
Charlie Duff
Charlie Duff - 7 years ago
That's why you carry a knife with you when your on the water let it come up close and stick him in the head if anyone asks say you caught him and he died while you were unkooking him
Alvin Hamby
Alvin Hamby - 7 years ago
Big water big boat is my motto
bakedinspiration - 7 years ago
Hate to sound one demential but you need a pistol. Like a sw 500.
RuleofFive - 7 years ago
We’re gonna need a bigger boat!!!!!
jenset jones
jenset jones - 7 years ago
enjoying the back scratch I'd say
Mr. Stangs
Mr. Stangs - 7 years ago
This is one strange VR porn
ILiveForTheWeekendz - 7 years ago
I'd be shitting my pants..
KFC-Raider - 7 years ago
Fucking random encounters...
Raymond Aiazzi aiazzi
Raymond Aiazzi aiazzi - 7 years ago
This is why I just avoid the ocean altogether.
the bro
the bro - 7 years ago
Can I play this game with gtx1050ti?
Dan - 7 years ago
Lucky there was not a school of them :p
haveallbeentaken - 7 years ago
That's what your first day in jail must feel like. Damn.
Shocke89 - 7 years ago
omg all the replies to this is cracking me up.
remberthisemail - 7 years ago
real life ARK lol
GoLdEnWaTeRGBE - 7 years ago
You better be lucky that wasnt a adult hammerhead
Jonah Boudreaux
Jonah Boudreaux - 7 years ago
Ha ha, it's just hammerheads bro, u will live lmao
Eliot Drake
Eliot Drake - 7 years ago
"Oh don't worry! If you don't bother them, they won't bother you!"
Eliot Drake
Eliot Drake - 7 years ago
I laugh at outdoorsy types. Cabela's clad Walter Mittys. You want adventure? You got it.
MyChilepepper - 7 years ago
Just don’t go fishing in baby sharks infested waters. They think of little human toes are on the day’s catch.
Gg Great
Gg Great - 7 years ago
Perfect time to light up a joint and just relax..
Tyler Bates
Tyler Bates - 7 years ago
Great play way to keep the high ground... just get in the habit of building as soon as you’re being attacked...... to bad you didn’t have a launch pad
Iron will, Steel Dagger
Iron will, Steel Dagger - 7 years ago
Hammerhead shart.
Mitchell Bupp
Mitchell Bupp - 7 years ago
Always a different perspective once you become the meal ....

100. comment for Why I don't deep sea fish from a kayak anymore

Glenn Miller
Glenn Miller - 7 years ago
Aggressive no matter how old it is. Anybody know where this took place?
Austin Williams
Austin Williams - 7 years ago
I think it just wanted to be pet
Erebus - 7 years ago
*Grabs powerhead with 3030 round inside*... pop... done
kimberHD45 - 7 years ago
Should re-title video: “why my friends called me insane for fishing in the sea from a kayak”.
John Do
John Do - 7 years ago
Why I dont put my feet in ocean water. Its like walking into a grizzly infested forrest blind folded.
Richard Noggin
Richard Noggin - 7 years ago
he went from being a hammerhead to a "hammered head"!
Richard Noggin
Richard Noggin - 7 years ago
why do ppl do stupid shit like this the first place?:Why not just attempt a transatlantic crossing in. styrofoam cooler?
Lefteris raptopoulos
Lefteris raptopoulos - 7 years ago
are you nuts? you want to die? dont you know this waters are full of sharks?
pranav chaudhary
pranav chaudhary - 7 years ago
Fuck that shark was hunting you
EveryDaySlacker - 7 years ago
Why would anyone deep sea fish in a kayak anyway? Fucking stupid
manolo aulis
manolo aulis - 7 years ago
Shit meal time. Don't be afraid :)
Christian Leonard
Christian Leonard - 7 years ago
Hammerheads are known to be ridiculously aggressive m8
cal goodson
cal goodson - 7 years ago
Randy Carlisle
Randy Carlisle - 7 years ago
Slapping the paddle in the water attracts sharks. That was the worst thing you could've done.
Hamid Amini
Hamid Amini - 7 years ago
That was the most stubborn shark of all time
GreedyDevil's Playground
GreedyDevil's Playground - 7 years ago
You know it's a good video if he starts off the video in danger
Mario Pierre
Mario Pierre - 7 years ago
I bet if you shit him with a spear gun or a hand gun it will leave you alone
Spencer Kent
Spencer Kent - 7 years ago
Omg that’s animal abuse!!
Sighs Internally
Sighs Internally - 7 years ago
What retard goes in a boat the same size as the sharks
mushy85 - 7 years ago
Poor shark just wanted to give you a kissy and you whack it?
Kayleb Moore
Kayleb Moore - 7 years ago
If only you had one with the pedals so you could fight and move closer to shore
Kayleb Moore
Kayleb Moore - 7 years ago
I will do it still but now I'm bringing a gun or a spear
tom hecht
tom hecht - 7 years ago
It used to be a telemarketer.
Rap Lawyer
Rap Lawyer - 7 years ago
Kayaker fucked those hammers up
Mark Weston
Mark Weston - 7 years ago
Calm down its just a hammer head. Harmless
Dawn FKA hamilton-doerfler
Dawn FKA hamilton-doerfler - 7 years ago
You were a fighter for sure.
Dawn FKA hamilton-doerfler
Dawn FKA hamilton-doerfler - 7 years ago
I agree kayaks are too tipy in shark and whale waters.
thepunjabiplfycrew - 7 years ago
I was wishing his boat flipped.
malikhaskin - 7 years ago
Good job
Can't Beat The BAY!
Can't Beat The BAY! - 7 years ago
careful! that hammerhead could take off A toe.
inferno - 7 years ago
Meavy Hetal
Meavy Hetal - 7 years ago
Honestley, you totaly deserved to die for your stupidity.
rey6333 - 7 years ago
These sharks are very angry because we chasing their families
General Gigan
General Gigan - 7 years ago
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
Gregory Ishii
Gregory Ishii - 7 years ago
Lol spanking sharks with a fucking oar?! Seriously dude you should’ve took weapons lol
Daniel Mankamyer
Daniel Mankamyer - 7 years ago
How dare you hurt such a majestic animal?!?! Let him eat you. Geez
Johnny-B Racer
Johnny-B Racer - 7 years ago
poor guy didn't realize that slapping at it like that only got it more excited & more interested in coming back. if he'd just chilled & stayed motionless, it'd never bothered him. ON THE OTHER HAND....he probably in fact HAD known slapping the water would exite him & keep him coming back so he could post a video on YouTube
Zubuza Madara
Zubuza Madara - 7 years ago
Mate get a knife stab them as quickly as possible anywhereee hitting a shark with a paddle accomplishes nothing painnn they will understand
I help anytime
I help anytime - 7 years ago
Hammerhead sharks have a 2cm long jaws, they can't eat you.
bluestate69 - 7 years ago
i would have pulled him out of the water, and punched him repeatedly.
R I C K L E P I C K - 7 years ago
That's a hammerhead.
David Wilcox
David Wilcox - 7 years ago
Great idea
Seth Winters
Seth Winters - 7 years ago
Damn! That's a viscous little hammerhead.
Joey N
Joey N - 7 years ago
4.7 dumbass animal rights activists. They care more about the sharks head bruises than the guys life. What a joke. Go eat some kale and dirt.
System Administrator
System Administrator - 7 years ago
DanielWhaaaa - 7 years ago
Something predictable
Majid Ali
Majid Ali - 7 years ago
Lucky you that it was only hammer head, not the great white.....
The Rage Commenter
The Rage Commenter - 7 years ago
Gordon Ramsay swims over: "Fuck off outta here!"
pyronite59 - 7 years ago
Should’ve brought a hammer to hit him on the head with, almost like a hammer-head type of attack or something.
First Name Caporali
First Name Caporali - 7 years ago
Dude! That's just a hammer head shark.
Tripnotyst - 7 years ago
masochist shark
Raymond Jones
Raymond Jones - 7 years ago
Why the hell would you go fishing in the ocean in a damn kayak anyway?
Erase - 7 years ago
Raymond Jones he wanted to fight a shark
Bone - 7 years ago
Stop being a pussy; jump in with your knife between your teeth and sort 'em out.
ZedReck - 7 years ago
Sharks love a good massage.
thedevildog1775 - 7 years ago
Hammerheads are punks.
DimaSTR - 7 years ago
No shark were harmed in the making of this video.
American Jedi
American Jedi - 7 years ago
So there I was, fighting off an onslaught of hammerhead sharks with nothing but my plastic boat paddle...
Kurt Dardis
Kurt Dardis - 7 years ago
Fuuuuk that
whiteboy magic
whiteboy magic - 7 years ago
Dude chill its only a hammerhead let it chill
whiteboy magic
whiteboy magic - 7 years ago
Dip your big toe just for a sec
crcluvgolf - 7 years ago
Idiot.....looks like Cali coastline so stands to reason.
worldgonemad - 7 years ago
Roy G
Roy G - 7 years ago
my friend got hit by a 20 ft white..still fishes wuss
Roy G
Roy G - 7 years ago
this donk probably has a chum slick coming off his yak lol
Darth Yoda
Darth Yoda - 7 years ago
Hammerheads are a relatively nonaggresive species of sharks and they usually never attack humans as compared to other sharks, I think it was just fascinated by the shape and colour of the kayak.
kyle fadely
kyle fadely - 7 years ago
What were you on your period? LOL
Josh - 7 years ago
Some say he`s still fighting the shark until this day
John McCoy
John McCoy - 7 years ago
He just wanted you to swim with him. Hammer Head sharks are great swimmers .
Jennifer Campbell
Jennifer Campbell - 7 years ago
Big fella, you're very lucky to still be here!
RICK WHITE - 7 years ago
They're more afraid of you than you are of them, SAID NO SHARK EVER!!!
Ron West
Ron West - 7 years ago
I was waiting for you to fall in. The I need a bigger boat thing.
Billy Lara
Billy Lara - 7 years ago
Whrres your harpoon man? Boats and sharks 101 jeez
OsamaLlama420 avs
OsamaLlama420 avs - 7 years ago
At 1:34 you can actually hear the hammerheads surprise
delboy kelly
delboy kelly - 7 years ago
In fairness you hammered him a few times without success of getting rid of it
Mr Sir
Mr Sir - 7 years ago
Where's an orca when you need one?
dbenson31 - 7 years ago
what the fuck this hammerhead is doing?
He's not even that big, he must've thought you were a sea lion or something.
Richie MacDonald
Richie MacDonald - 7 years ago
Line your kayak with magnets (in the water) , no sharks will bump you or come near you
Dave Kramer
Dave Kramer - 7 years ago
Holy Shit. Yeah that'd be enough for me to stop as well.
Bolt - 7 years ago
I occasionally fish in the ocean in my kayak but luckily thats never happened to me. That's insane, all the sharks I'm familiar with ( blacktip and bonnethead sharks) always swim fast away when they see me. So thats crazy a pretty small hammerhead was that persistent at trying to eat you, even after you swatted at it a bunch. Very dumb shark, hes lucky you didn't have a gaff because after hitting him a few times with my paddle, I would've just gaffed him and hit him with my stunner bat to kill him before he tipped me over that far out. Or he would've got a filet knife to the side seeing how he'd occasionally swim right up next to you.
DIB 001
DIB 001 - 7 years ago
I bet that was the longest 2 minutes of your life.
yumcha - 7 years ago
What? You forgot your shot gun! WTF!
Kirarara Hey
Kirarara Hey - 7 years ago
This is why aliens won't visit us.
Kayaka: I was defending myself..what else could i have done?...
Brad Lloyd
Brad Lloyd - 7 years ago
Blasted Idioso Idiot!!
Westertin - 7 years ago
At least it wasn't a Damn school
Mr. Alien Ghost Presents
Mr. Alien Ghost Presents - 7 years ago
Fake, clearly a guy in a shark costume.
Jocelyn daley
Jocelyn daley - 7 years ago
people are pretty dumb.
kennedy072 - 7 years ago
For all you gunslingers and shark hating people out there always remember the quote (Stay out of my Property)
William Dakota Atkinson
William Dakota Atkinson - 7 years ago
Bout to be shark bait bitch! Look out!
T Slap
T Slap - 7 years ago
There's always a chance a shark can come along. Why don't these kayak guys bring a spear with them?
T West
T West - 7 years ago
Not to worry just yet, they bump the kayak several times first to scare the sh-t out of you so that when they knock you out of the kayak you will taste better!
Jake Philpott
Jake Philpott - 7 years ago
Fuck this shit of, “oh the poor shark was so little”, or “he just wants your bait”

Xijayber Qurlbietz
Xijayber Qurlbietz - 7 years ago
try out lake superior there's no sharks or sea creatures.
Ron Speer
Ron Speer - 7 years ago
scarey sit .. you did a great job beating him with that oar
Kevin M
Kevin M - 7 years ago
all i see is a man abusing a fish in its natural habitat
Guy Brooks
Guy Brooks - 7 years ago
stupid is , what stupid does .he"s just lucky it was a baby hammerhead !
Shaylok - 7 years ago
The poor innocent creatures were just curious. There should be laws against harassing harmless animals. They just wanted to play and be friendly because animals are our friends and they all love humans.
Trevor Jackson
Trevor Jackson - 7 years ago
Good thing you didn’t drop that paddle
fudgepie1 - 7 years ago
Look closely. It's a lesser hammer head or Smooth Hammer Head shark and there more than one of them. They form shoals and he was sitting in the middle of them. He didn't just beat off one aggressive shark, he violently assaulted half their local population.
Devon Amo
Devon Amo - 7 years ago
Thought the paddle was a female lol
joshreynolds72 - 7 years ago
Ya, screw that
Theresa Bletsch
Theresa Bletsch - 7 years ago
Baitfish were hiding under his boat, this is classic behavior for hammerheads and bonnet heads, they would of took any bait thrown at them and a hook set would make them leave and not come back , or you could have one hell of a ride and fight them to the finish line. This happens all the time in Florida . No biggie
Theresa Bletsch
Theresa Bletsch - 7 years ago
You should of put a bAit out and stuck his ass with a hook ! He would of took off , hammerheads don't give up ! Until that hook pierces their lips !!!
Dr. Sudsy
Dr. Sudsy - 7 years ago
Good reason ! Gorgeous Hammerhead though....
The Garlic Farm
The Garlic Farm - 7 years ago
A spear would have worked better than that paddle.
Raycharles 52
Raycharles 52 - 7 years ago
Question is why would you in the first place
Max Meyers
Max Meyers - 7 years ago
That's a good reason
J Prince
J Prince - 7 years ago
Hes in joying the attack on him. Hope you made it off sea ok
Josh Truman
Josh Truman - 7 years ago
Fuck You
Fuck You - 7 years ago
buy spir next time
Fudge Fantasy
Fudge Fantasy - 7 years ago
What VR game is this??
Dark Knight
Dark Knight - 7 years ago
Can they actually jump out of the water and catch humans in the mouth?
Dark Knight
Dark Knight - 7 years ago
Is that why he is doing it?
WishmasterTheDark - 7 years ago
Apparently he doesn't go to fish at deep sea from a kayak is because he is not alive anymore. :-D
Krisztián Kiss
Krisztián Kiss - 7 years ago
You are very lucky and brave!
Ficking sharks can bite yourself..
Your keep cool is very important!
You was do right!

In the future dont fish from a kayak bro :)))
Amazing this
Parsa P. Mohammadi
Parsa P. Mohammadi - 7 years ago
I understand your decision making.
Cindy Sanchez
Cindy Sanchez - 7 years ago
You do realise he's just curious right? not attacking you at all.. anyway you've learnt your lesson.. so no more sea fishing from a Kayak again..
Who Cares
Who Cares - 7 years ago
too bad he didnt get eaten
Dan Dan
Dan Dan - 7 years ago
lol that sharks terrorising him
Teco Jal
Teco Jal - 7 years ago
hammer head being rough
James Akerton
James Akerton - 7 years ago
he doesn't have the pedals installed I see..would kinda suck if one of his paddles broke.
random dude
random dude - 7 years ago
Heck no i would have had a heart attack
hypnosiscenter nyc
hypnosiscenter nyc - 7 years ago
Dam, did you wash your kayak in bacon
Gorilla G
Gorilla G - 7 years ago
that hammerhead can take a punch holy shit it was either really hungry or really pissed possibly both .........either way man attach a blade to both sides of your oar and you are fucking good my man might bring yourself in a nice trophy.
PsyOp Cop
PsyOp Cop - 7 years ago
Next time bring A HARPOON
AboxofMonsters - 7 years ago
That would turn into a frenzy if you feel over dam. Well kayak off my list. Lol
VailxD - 7 years ago
I think you may have made them more aggrivated by hitting them. Idk im not a shark expert honestly, maybe they were already onto you
Autist Memes
Autist Memes - 7 years ago
Somebody add call of duty hit markers every time he hits one of them shits and I'll pay you 50$ Canadian
Paul Bennett
Paul Bennett - 7 years ago
Aww it just wanted to play
Richard Myhan
Richard Myhan - 7 years ago
Hot stick
TheHuskyK9 - 7 years ago
Boi, that small thing wasn't even trying to attack you. How do I know? I'm a shark in disguise
Maynard Gent
Maynard Gent - 7 years ago
Come on, they're just having a play
Mud Prince
Mud Prince - 7 years ago
Don't think dude will forget machete next time
Lost Gaming
Lost Gaming - 7 years ago
En garde
ken jarecki
ken jarecki - 7 years ago
joshua untun
joshua untun - 7 years ago
Shoulda brought dynamite. Best way fish and sharks don't really bother you when using that method it ruptures organs of the target wildlife underwater
BA_300_AAC - 7 years ago
Damm that thing is fast.
Tommy Sands
Tommy Sands - 7 years ago
next time bring a M1
Mike Ackrman
Mike Ackrman - 7 years ago
Shark just thought....mmmm..., lunch!
Cody Sampson
Cody Sampson - 7 years ago
Not deep sea
Frankie Jenkins
Frankie Jenkins - 7 years ago
I woulda just paddled back to shore
AJ P - 7 years ago
hammerheads aren't man eaters dude. Chill
Azzy-O Playz
Azzy-O Playz - 7 years ago
I think the shark is called a Hammer Head for a reason. To try and knock some sense into it. Lol.
parkertim803 - 7 years ago
Just get a nice revolver like a .44 magnum or a glock and blast that pain in the ass and keep on fishing from your yak
Volcom Gaming
Volcom Gaming - 7 years ago
Damn shark was on a fucking mission.
Dramatik4Real - 7 years ago
Would love to see an arm or leg get ripped off by a White...
Aye palm
Aye palm - 7 years ago
Shoulda smacked it with your huge fucking balls
Scott Woodley
Scott Woodley - 7 years ago
Should have a firearm with him.
darkerdemon2 - 7 years ago
Yea, that sucks
Django Barber
Django Barber - 7 years ago
You need a a spear or speargun
jason fields
jason fields - 7 years ago
Why didn't you just kayak to another spot dumbass . Is it really worth catching a fish you fucking bum ?
Badum Tsss
Badum Tsss - 7 years ago
How easy would that have been if you had a gun?
GuadalupeBeach Anglers
GuadalupeBeach Anglers - 7 years ago
If those where great whites
You would have been lunch
sam jones
sam jones - 7 years ago
go into his house and bash him shame he didnt eat ya
sam jones
sam jones - 7 years ago
its a hammer head u pussy
Gernaldo Olson
Gernaldo Olson - 7 years ago
Holy shit fight fight fight!
DJ J WATTS - 7 years ago
New Denni$ B- No Choice (clean)
T. D.
T. D. - 7 years ago
That was a hungry shark, taking a pounding for some bait.
Biscuit Abuse
Biscuit Abuse - 7 years ago
I'm surprised the title isn't "why I don't get in water anymore, not even pools or a bath, tbh I only drink milk now too."
abcd Walker
abcd Walker - 7 years ago
cruel bastard
abcd Walker
abcd Walker - 7 years ago
why was you hitting it? its only a hammer head shark ffs they dopn't eat humans you plank
Derek Derek
Derek Derek - 7 years ago
Dumb ass white boy
identity Europa
identity Europa - 7 years ago
I would shit my pants
andrewucf10 - 7 years ago
Look how fast the shark swims ! you're in his home field
iJutsu - 7 years ago
Holy Shit
Jarrett Ball
Jarrett Ball - 7 years ago
It takes a special person to Wana do that
Joe Scott
Joe Scott - 7 years ago
lol !!! stickle back saying hello, no sharks here , see look no teeth just my smiley face if I was a shark I would have ripped your head off buddy
Scott Bignell
Scott Bignell - 7 years ago
the shark was just curious at the kayak
Mike Haggar
Mike Haggar - 7 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger boat
Neff DeathWatch
Neff DeathWatch - 7 years ago
Have a spear next time but you sir are brave I Have not set foot in the Ocean I am afraid
TheMrfzr600 - 7 years ago
There are hammerhead sharks they're not even really dangerous.
FJ Dubya
FJ Dubya - 7 years ago
I woulda called it "another great reason to carry a 357 Magnum. Paddle quietly back to shore as its brethren devour its twitching carcass. Make more carcasses as you go.
Eddie Gordo
Eddie Gordo - 7 years ago
Imagine if that kayak tipped over
559NOTOWN - 7 years ago
Bring a gun next time.
delusion brain
delusion brain - 7 years ago
That shark could of jumped and clamped on that guys leg without any trouble if he didnt fight it off.
motox717 - 7 years ago
The shark has brain damage now
Hank White
Hank White - 7 years ago
YOU should NEVER take a kayak in BIG WATER. Shit, that is just common sense, which apparently you do not have = IDIOT...
TheAtlantaMafia - 7 years ago
I think that you should have brought a handgun with you!
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
You should have given him a Pepsi
Sven-Bertil Tååbe
Sven-Bertil Tååbe - 7 years ago
I'd be jabbin'.
Sheep Dog
Sheep Dog - 7 years ago
Cut bait and run!!!!
ClanDuels - 7 years ago
the jab at 1:44 hit him good lol
Kale Gallarde
Kale Gallarde - 7 years ago
Thats a baby its harmless you would be fine swimming with it
Veng3r - 7 years ago
Dude, seriously. Just use a SPEAR next time. That or make friends with some Seoceans...
Travis Montgomery
Travis Montgomery - 7 years ago
I dont know why this guy keeps hitting my r/c shark .
Travis Montgomery
Travis Montgomery - 7 years ago
Take a machete with you next time. I would take a zodiac over a fuckn kayak , you are way too far out from shore dude . mabe take a glock 10mm.
Mont Robinson
Mont Robinson - 7 years ago
It was a baby hammerhead shark if it was full grown, that's your assssss Mr. Kayaker!!!
amanda - 7 years ago
The shark knew to tire you out. Smart.
I Don’t Look At Replies
I Don’t Look At Replies - 7 years ago
And then the paddle breaks and you must use your hand to get back to shore.
A B - 7 years ago
Guarantee of the shark wasn't black he wouldn't have beat it
Kevin Barrett
Kevin Barrett - 7 years ago
I think the shark was trying to say "Just a little to the left it still itches there"
Hiro Nito
Hiro Nito - 7 years ago
It tickles it lol. That’s why it won’t go away.
Will Mills
Will Mills - 7 years ago
Take your flare gun and 4 shot gun shells next time...... works 99.9% of the times NEEDED!
TheLukeGuy288 - 7 years ago
That's a hammer head shark right there
Fuzzy Nova
Fuzzy Nova - 7 years ago
Oh just a baby? You don't think if he fell out of his Kayak that that shark wouldn't of taken a chunk out of his leg?
Dirk Diggler
Dirk Diggler - 7 years ago
To bad u didn't have a gun
Chris Alpha
Chris Alpha - 7 years ago
Those sharks are relentless haha
Bill Patterson
Bill Patterson - 7 years ago
You can get a fishing dinghy for 1000$ on Craigslist
Shawn Stover
Shawn Stover - 7 years ago
Had a 12 foot female hammerhead ram me in a sea kayak - was definitely unsettling
Azure. Wrath
Azure. Wrath - 7 years ago
Deep sea fishing in a Kayak is a TERRIBLE idea. The hell you gonna do if a great white wanted to bite the kayak from underneath
ckj1103 - 7 years ago
PazElDog - 7 years ago
Honestly I find this quite funny. I laugh at how the shark just keeps coming back after repeatingly getting hit in the head and how he is getting hit.
no name
no name - 7 years ago
He gave the shark a beatdown the same way Trump did to Clinton!
josh - 7 years ago
This is how I deal with Jehova’s witnesses that come knocking on my door during the game
Rommel - 7 years ago
Are they popping out from your beer?
Aaliyah Lo A Njoe
Aaliyah Lo A Njoe - 7 years ago
Or you could've just said "im not interested" done.
Yvny - 7 years ago
Just leave a burnt bible on your porch
Jean P. G.
Jean P. G. - 7 years ago
Lol. I know. Same here. They are annoying as fuck. I don't give a crap what religion you practice. Just don't come to my home and annoy me with it.
Blooming Accents Blooming Accents
Blooming Accents Blooming Accents - 7 years ago
josh haaaa
Reuben Mark Gorda
Reuben Mark Gorda - 7 years ago
josh - 7 years ago
Brother Warren I prefer to ask them if they have seen ‘the book of Mormon’ and take the piss out them it’s more fun.
Brother Warren
Brother Warren - 7 years ago
josh That’s fine but you better not do that to Mormons.
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
White people
sfgmanCA - 7 years ago
I am terrified of the ocean.
(and garbage trucks, for some reason)
Unrequited - 7 years ago
Why stop fishing? Just bring a harpoon next time. Change your dinner plans ;)
Killerbee - 7 years ago
This guy is shit at fishing, just use the fucking rod!
ileaddeaths - 7 years ago
They can say whatever they want, sharks are beyond evil
Radiah Myrick
Radiah Myrick - 7 years ago
They was playing tag....you're it
Ryan Budd
Ryan Budd - 7 years ago
Hammerhead, so awesome!
Kevin Twine
Kevin Twine - 7 years ago
It's a real shame you didn't fall in
Erase - 7 years ago
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ i would as soon as you get your moms hairy ass cock outa your mouth.
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ - 7 years ago
Erase go get gangbanged by your dad and a few niggers faggot
Erase - 7 years ago
Kevin Twine Go suck another niggers cock you faggot cow licking fucker
Guy Manson
Guy Manson - 7 years ago
Kevin Twine Even if he did, they probably wouldn't have attacked him, they were after the kayak
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ - 7 years ago
Kevin Twine Go suck a niggers cock faggot
Kevin Twine
Kevin Twine - 7 years ago
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ Pull your tongue out of my arse boy
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ - 7 years ago
Kevin Twine well I can say the same about you, fuckin dolt.
Kevin Twine
Kevin Twine - 7 years ago
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ I had a feeling you wouldn't answer the question
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ - 7 years ago
Kevin Twine are you faggot?
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ
ϟϟ NSAWP ϟϟ - 7 years ago
I wish your pussy ass was this guy and you fell
Anonymous Person
Anonymous Person - 7 years ago
nervous breathing
Mark Williams
Mark Williams - 7 years ago
Fuck that! Balls of stone mate
Amber Meows
Amber Meows - 7 years ago
Lol. I don't think it was tryna hurt ya, maybe after you pissed it off tho
nate word
nate word - 7 years ago
Rally - 7 years ago
I've not experienced a shark this aggressive before, though I've had them come up to the kayak, usually they are quite startled by finding a creature willing to wack em on the head rather than run away.
vincent page
vincent page - 7 years ago
Little did we know a kayak paddle doubles as a spear. Haha this is intense.
Shawn Kelly
Shawn Kelly - 7 years ago
So much for sharks being sensitive to being hit on the head. He just kept coming back for more.
Omer Kadriu
Omer Kadriu - 7 years ago
I think it's far cry. or real
Zule - 7 years ago
That was one determined shark. You must have had my ex wife’s panties in your boat .You’re lucky you weren’t attacked by seagulls as well
Don Carothers
Don Carothers - 7 years ago
Dude, I don’t get it! Usually when I go fishing I don’t see any fish at all, quite discouraging. But when you go fishing you have to beat fish off with a paddle and you’re going to stop?
Weston Meyers
Weston Meyers - 7 years ago
Was that a hammerhead?
Anderson A.
Anderson A. - 7 years ago
Kayaks were not made for deep sea fishing because there are many risks. Some people in those kayaks think they are safe on it but they are not. I seen people kayaking in alligator infested waters that's another terrible mistake you can easily be pull out by an alligator from that kayak or turn your kayak upside down. Some people are just challenging their fate and destiny in these Kayaks.
Cludoews The Certified Marksman
Cludoews The Certified Marksman - 7 years ago
Great effort bro.
Phil Everitt
Phil Everitt - 7 years ago
You need a Spear or a
38 snubnose
senorchipotle - 7 years ago
or why I decided to carry a pistol while offshore kayak fishing
Strat - 7 years ago
Hammerhead sharks are usually one of the most kind shark races. I don't the shark intended to hurt you.
Abigail Sockeye
Abigail Sockeye - 7 years ago
Muhammad Saleh
Muhammad Saleh - 7 years ago
I used the same paddle when no one gives me personal space at school
Jeremiah  Esty
Jeremiah Esty - 7 years ago
Get the hell outta there mann
Life Is Gay
Life Is Gay - 7 years ago
I don't know why but this was funny as hell minds me of Tom and Jerry.
Life Is Gay
Life Is Gay - 7 years ago
His spear is dual as hell and a funny looking one on top of that.

I know its a fucking oar take a joke people.
hugo poyoyo
hugo poyoyo - 7 years ago
Where do I download this game
Mikey - 7 years ago
Damnit Mark I told you this was a dumb hobby.
seheadhunter50 - 7 years ago
I sent moms and kids in these at the LAKE at the camp I used to work at lol 100% not for catching big fish and definitely not for the ocean.
o kap mein kap
o kap mein kap - 7 years ago
YOU were almost dinner. Yer think the sharks appreciate that ??!
xX innovative edge Xx
xX innovative edge Xx - 7 years ago
Remy Speak...
Keagan Herman
Keagan Herman - 7 years ago
fuck that shark. id keep a gun on me and shoot the little fucker
Snowdragon678 - 7 years ago
I gotta say i agree. F*!# that $hit
Austin Inho
Austin Inho - 7 years ago
Bruce and Dory and Nemo are probably having a good laugh from the ocean floor watching Bruce's two buddies mess with this guy
Connor Little
Connor Little - 7 years ago
Hammerheads look goofy as hell, poor guy, he don’t mean no harm
Carlo Brigante
Carlo Brigante - 7 years ago
might as well ride a bike through lion country..
IfAnimeWasn'tGay - 7 years ago
Wth man the Paddle could've been broken... asshole
shane phelan
shane phelan - 7 years ago
wow those sharks don't wanna give up, that would be scary, just imagine if they flipped him upside down!!!!!!
HlddenTalent - 7 years ago
Who the fuck deep sea fish with a Kayak anyway lol
A1 Kamon
A1 Kamon - 7 years ago
Bet that was the longest 2 minutes of his life
cato - 7 years ago
Nothing a 38 special could handle in 1 second.
Kirk Hillier
Kirk Hillier - 7 years ago
I'll never get these 2 minutes back.
Luke OBrien Gamez
Luke OBrien Gamez - 7 years ago
wafflecougar - 7 years ago
this is why i always have an ar15 stored safely in my anus
Stergios Kokosis
Stergios Kokosis - 7 years ago
He wanted just to play...
Jhon Conor
Jhon Conor - 7 years ago
Use an harpoon
Fann Of all
Fann Of all - 7 years ago
I'm just glad there isn't any sharks in the Bristol Channel except for the basking sharks
Rosalinda Rodriguez
Rosalinda Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Hammer head shark are mean omg
Leah Tame
Leah Tame - 7 years ago
How would he like some guy to walk into his home and start beating him with a big stick ?
Travis - 7 years ago
The splashing is attracting more sharks... Lolol
arieakaarto - 7 years ago
still waiting on the why I deep sea fish with a spear gun on a kayak vid
Paul Racine
Paul Racine - 7 years ago
mista porter
mista porter - 7 years ago
Damn stranded deep looks lit
Sean Reed
Sean Reed - 7 years ago
F that !!!
Zach Banasiak
Zach Banasiak - 7 years ago
Why the fuck would you deep sea fish from a kayak to begin with
Egar Shadavor
Egar Shadavor - 7 years ago
skyrim battle music intensifies
1972mrkleen - 7 years ago
I'm thinking a .45 with a 14 round clip would come in real handy bout now
MeiXIng Michael
MeiXIng Michael - 7 years ago
King.K The Best
King.K The Best - 7 years ago
Jake55 - 7 years ago
Any dumbfuck that deepsea fishes in a kayak gets what's coming to them
B Fol
B Fol - 7 years ago
Carry a gun with you so you can shoot the fucking pain in the ass
Caleb Williams
Caleb Williams - 7 years ago
This is taking whack-a-mole to a whole new level. Sea level.
HalfPrime - 7 years ago
At least it didn't have mana bar.
Iduna Asgard
Iduna Asgard - 7 years ago
Shark is hungry bro
FAST///M3 - 7 years ago
Please tell me where this is at? Location please
FAST///M3 - 7 years ago
Those are Hammer Heads
Charles Heady
Charles Heady - 7 years ago
bro gafts solve problems quick
51 50
51 50 - 7 years ago
Black guy wanna just shot it...ijs
rubie annabelle
rubie annabelle - 7 years ago
stop hitting him u dumb mother fucker !!! no wonder they tried to attack u
하여진 - 7 years ago
Bro~Only he wanna do is just eat you~ you are so bad~
Raymond Stemmer
Raymond Stemmer - 7 years ago
All I can say is better him then me!!!
Buford Beauregard
Buford Beauregard - 7 years ago
Next time take the stainless steel 38 revolver
John Herrera
John Herrera - 7 years ago
Who the fuck is dumb enough to deep sea fishing in a fucking kayak though?
Vikram Bamrah
Vikram Bamrah - 7 years ago
Its really stupid of you going for deep sea fishing with kayak
lildickupapito666 Churo
lildickupapito666 Churo - 7 years ago
ExtremeX4 - 7 years ago
prank gone wrong
Akilesh Oogarah
Akilesh Oogarah - 7 years ago
This could be turned into a game
Shylo spark
Shylo spark - 7 years ago
Omg i hate the ocean
Dustin Chapman
Dustin Chapman - 7 years ago
It looks kinda fun...dangerous like sky diving. But why u don't be getting roudy cussing em out yelling. Its life or death......enjoy the moment. Win or lose. U probably pissed yourself
Ziffy - 7 years ago
Pranks in the SEA (gone wrong)(FIGHT!)
Animal Loverjulian
Animal Loverjulian - 7 years ago
That obviously not enough to hurt a shark
Erica Hendry
Erica Hendry - 7 years ago
Oh wow, you probably didn't feel it at the time but you were lucky!
GalacticGamer619 - 7 years ago
Hammer head sharks are one oh the most aggressive species of sharks if he didnt fight it off it would have flipped the kayak and most likely killed him and if any of you say animal abuse you are fucking retarded
Max Burg
Max Burg - 7 years ago
Just get the hell outta there
Papa Lazarou
Papa Lazarou - 7 years ago
It's behind you
Max Brazil
Max Brazil - 7 years ago
Deep sea fishing from a kayak? That you did in the first place proves you're a drooling moron.
Andrew Gutierrez
Andrew Gutierrez - 7 years ago
Why did you upload someone else video dickhead
Koa - 7 years ago
damn u fucked that nigga up
john philipps
john philipps - 7 years ago
Your title should be "Why I dont want to do stupid things anymore". Kayaks are not made for deep sea use.
keith 3x
keith 3x - 7 years ago
zit's a hammer head ;(
Fusion - 7 years ago
4.6k dislikes = people who wanted this guy to die
Nate Sal
Nate Sal - 7 years ago
Stuff like this is why I love ocean fishing
E V - 7 years ago
Uh, yeah. That's some scary shit. Can't believe you trust a boat that can tip over on a dime. Jesus.
freedom freedom
freedom freedom - 7 years ago
So scary!!maybe shark think the kiyak it's a sea lion
Mclovin - 7 years ago
invest in a harpoon
Aaron DenHartigh
Aaron DenHartigh - 7 years ago
just a curious shark, a hammer head shark wont attack you from a kayak, a great white maybe.
Daniel The Nazirite
Daniel The Nazirite - 7 years ago
Fishing for sport is stupid, being in a kayak in the ocean is stupid, hitting them with that plastic paddle is useless and stupid, not paddling to the shore and sitting there filming himself making a fool of himself for YouTube views is stupid, thinking that anything was acomplished with that plastic paddle except annoying the sharks is epicly stupid.
Stevie C.
Stevie C. - 7 years ago
Whack-a-shark ! So fun.
John Paul Gagliano
John Paul Gagliano - 7 years ago
I would’ve called this video “why I love deep sea fishing in a kayak.”
Nate Sal
Nate Sal - 7 years ago
John Paul Gagliano I know right what’s up with these people and them freaking out
Paypal Bank
Paypal Bank - 7 years ago
what kind of sharks are they?
Brenda princesa Lindaa
Brenda princesa Lindaa - 7 years ago
Meanwhile in Atlantis: Shark asking for directions is attacked by human on a kayak
I Roam the world
I Roam the world - 7 years ago
It's always smart to hit the eyes or fins
Mohamed Abdull
Mohamed Abdull - 7 years ago
Would you like to take some time and know about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?
Nate Sal
Nate Sal - 7 years ago
Mohamed Abdull no it’s shark Jesus so it’s Sharkus Crunch
Chris Robinson
Chris Robinson - 7 years ago
Did you ever try getting away? I'd be too scared to sit there and whack it with anything. Was it attached to your line?
brownwaterz1 - 7 years ago
Dam Your Crazy what a day I bet' Johnny Lozoya Jr. BrownWaterzDesigns@2018
Raw Skull
Raw Skull - 7 years ago
Dude you're honestly a legend
Monk - 7 years ago
Why the guy can go fishing and sharks can't go human hunting. Double standards.
Bheem Agnihotri
Bheem Agnihotri - 7 years ago
It's very much like Jaws movie clip
Justin Jones
Justin Jones - 7 years ago
That is a nightmare. I bet he wished he would of took a 45 acp with him
Rock Lobster
Rock Lobster - 7 years ago
You are a bad ass
Crusty Farts
Crusty Farts - 7 years ago
Fuckin A
scbronco1 - 7 years ago
This dude is an idiot. Why keep hitting it. It was no threat to you. Your a complete douche.
honda life
honda life - 7 years ago
Remind me of a dumb Pitbull
CatBitch82 - 7 years ago
What kind of an idiot goes line fishing in hammerhead invested waters with a kayak? He was lucky this particular shark wasn't very big.
Jacqueline Hahn
Jacqueline Hahn - 7 years ago
It's only a hammer head - now if it was a white pointer .....
Brandon Bence
Brandon Bence - 7 years ago
If that was a spear omg that shark would be dead af
CMAP - 7 years ago
its good to bring a weapon with you whenever you may be alone in the wilderness preferrably a rifle.
LadyMikey35 - 7 years ago
That was a work out.
-PwF- Eliono
-PwF- Eliono - 7 years ago
Por gilipollas. Deberian de haberte comido
Patty Horeis
Patty Horeis - 7 years ago
its a hammerhead would they even go for a human?
Pinky Keller
Pinky Keller - 7 years ago
Look like dolphins to me lol
BlackStar Senpai
BlackStar Senpai - 7 years ago
pctwood65 - 7 years ago
I’m just confused as to why you thought deep sea fishing on a kayak was a good idea???
aaron chater
aaron chater - 7 years ago
Going out to sea...in a kayak? Man you crazy!
Silence - 7 years ago
How can this kayak stay afloat, when this guy obviously has massive balls of steel?
Tempura Roll $3.14159
Tempura Roll $3.14159 - 7 years ago
I would have paddled myself the hell out of there but then probably get attacked and eaten
wade nicholls
wade nicholls - 7 years ago
is it just me or are those hammerheads pretty small good on the guy for keeping fishing.
Harry P.
Harry P. - 7 years ago
I'd suggest something sharp/pointy, will do more damage
Nate T
Nate T - 7 years ago
All that over a hammerhead shark
Sebastian Gutierrez
Sebastian Gutierrez - 7 years ago
Man hammerheads are like dogs
Alias Fakename
Alias Fakename - 7 years ago
Why are you hitting your dog
Mauc Muxai
Mauc Muxai - 7 years ago
Holy shit
Nick Maxwell
Nick Maxwell - 7 years ago
People are seriously mad at this guy for protecting himself against an animal that was trying to kill him?
Miranda Clarke
Miranda Clarke - 7 years ago
Deep sea fishing in a kayak is just stupid
RatchetBassin - 7 years ago
damnnn that is terrifying
stephen killion
stephen killion - 7 years ago
Wow you're all gullible, that's one of the most pathetically fake videos I've ever seen. This guy is an idiot
The Tess-Shocker
The Tess-Shocker - 7 years ago
So PigMenTeD
softair1231 - 7 years ago
yellow actually attracts sharks.
poxdaccy - 7 years ago
I would have dived onto it and put it in a choke hold
Anton H
Anton H - 7 years ago
Great white? I only saw hammerheads
Master Bruce
Master Bruce - 7 years ago
Hammerheads are some of the most docile shark species out there. No need to wack them
Jay Sherard
Jay Sherard - 7 years ago
Master Bruce great hammerhead has killed people.
Eduardo Vargas
Eduardo Vargas - 7 years ago
deader memes
deader memes - 7 years ago
It's like he's swatting an annoying fly lol
Jeffrey Daniel
Jeffrey Daniel - 7 years ago
Just take a 45 with you next time!
Samir Ali
Samir Ali - 7 years ago
Anybody feel bad for the seal aswell?
Jackie Baumgart
Jackie Baumgart - 7 years ago
V Cadaverini
V Cadaverini - 7 years ago
If there wasn’t any blood in the water why was they so riled up
R R - 7 years ago
I'd be shitting my damn pants if I was in this situation!!!
stephaniekgb - 7 years ago
Hop - 7 years ago
Emily alvarez
Emily alvarez - 7 years ago
Dang this shit funny asf but scary asf wow
Silnt R6
Silnt R6 - 7 years ago
I would’ve had a fucking heart attack
Jeremy Cole Neely
Jeremy Cole Neely - 7 years ago
I bet PETA supporters are saying, "Don't hit those sharks with your paddle! How inhumane!". What would YOU do if a shark was aggressively swimming towards you out in open water?
Hu Kares
Hu Kares - 7 years ago
I’m not judging your reaction to hit the shark at ALL... promise you. I’m not one of those types of people who are even appalled at the harming of an ATTACKING animal. :p

But hitting it probably made it worse. I just feel like it made the shark have an ax to grind, so to speak.
monkehbitch - 7 years ago
So you steal his vid because you're too much of a shithouse to go do it yourself.
bob robles
bob robles - 7 years ago
Just be glad it wasn't an 18ft great white, or 23ft Deep blue xD
Coke a Cola
Coke a Cola - 7 years ago
People are triggerd but it's either this or dead
OtB_GreenBaron - 7 years ago
your aim is on point
Harold Brooks
Harold Brooks - 7 years ago
Going to have to go fishing with a gun from now on
Weenee Da PooP
Weenee Da PooP - 7 years ago
that's a lot of sharks
Per - 7 years ago
Sharky, the friendly shark but not so friendly.
Nasryth Funes
Nasryth Funes - 7 years ago
I feel like their should be a paddle with a knife attached to the end for these occasions
Vietboy Gamer
Vietboy Gamer - 7 years ago
use the paddle and hit the water as hard as u can u make some shockwave stunk the shark
John Stevens
John Stevens - 7 years ago
At least they where hammer heads
Johnny Few hairs
Johnny Few hairs - 7 years ago
I would have brought a long metal pole
SyZzLe - 7 years ago
This is why I don't go into ocean.
Russell FREEDOM FIEND Burns - 7 years ago
Seal bombs
MyNameIs Jeff
MyNameIs Jeff - 7 years ago
Definitely my worst nightmare
AutisticSeaCucumber - 7 years ago
sir do you have sum ti ti time to to talk about aour laord an savior poseidon?
Minister of the Light
Minister of the Light - 7 years ago
Your lucky it wasn't a great white or worse....the prehistoric great white which is 10 times larger
Devonte Jones
Devonte Jones - 7 years ago
them would of been some mako or great whites you would of been in big trouble out there
HowiGotCustody - 7 years ago
So, why were you STUPID enough to go out there in the first place? You did NOT use the sense that God gave a monkey and thought, '"You know, I'm going out into the open sea. Sharks live out there. A kayak makes me kinda vulnerable. I could possibly get attacked...a shark can breach the water and knock me over, or do any other kinda damage. Maybe that's a bad idea."

Welcome to the world of common sense, moron!
jpin0002 jpin0002
jpin0002 jpin0002 - 7 years ago
Serves you right if you get eaten. So how did Jeff die? He was in a kayak fighting sharks. Oh that makes sense.
me - 7 years ago
Mess with the mano you get the whacko
Sheldon Sanborn
Sheldon Sanborn - 7 years ago
Just feel the fish you have an it go away
lee lunk
lee lunk - 7 years ago
Chris Cervantes
Chris Cervantes - 7 years ago
lol u were going to be lunch
American Metal Head
American Metal Head - 7 years ago
Why would you deep sea fish in a kayak in thw first place, that's just stupid.
Angel Gonzalez
Angel Gonzalez - 7 years ago
... love this video because it's terrifying. I boogy boarded in the obx and had about 15 fins surround me. I was terrified. It was porpoises or dolphins idk. I frantically swam back to shore and rode waves with them. The whole time I thought they were sharks
sean B
sean B - 7 years ago
There only babies no need to attack dm ur in there enviroment at the end of d day
Bill Baker
Bill Baker - 7 years ago
Just shoot it with a .22 lr.
YamiKazeSora - 7 years ago
The title says it all
Top Ten
Top Ten - 7 years ago
This is the calmest anyone has ever been around a shark.
Carguy 2204
Carguy 2204 - 7 years ago
4k peta members would rather the guy just cut his leg with a knife and flop over into the water... "I can hit this poor defenseless shark with a plastic oar"..
Andrew W
Andrew W - 7 years ago
Shit this was meant to be relaxing holiday
u235u235u235 - 7 years ago
swim for it
Tony S
Tony S - 7 years ago
Oh the irony of going to kill fish and the tables turn.
TmacDaFuckingGreat - 7 years ago
That’s not the deep sea
Lee Connor
Lee Connor - 7 years ago
Good way to get eaten alive man
Brian Greene
Brian Greene - 7 years ago
It's a small hammerhead... just paddle to shore it would never be able to tip you.
CHAL KIE - 7 years ago
if you only had an AR15!!
Deathtroll1499 - 7 years ago
Your bat shit crazy if you feel sea fish with anything other than a boat
crazyc99 - 7 years ago
"why I WON'T deep sea fish from a kayak" after seeing your video!
Lake Flow
Lake Flow - 7 years ago
That shark wasn't so reggae.
ali aman
ali aman - 7 years ago
Due to the shape of Kayak’s, sharks naturally think that they might be seals or a first. In which case, the shark probably was in utter disbelief that a freaking seal gave it a whacking if it’s life
ali aman
ali aman - 7 years ago
Due to the shape of Kayak’s, sharks naturally think that they might be seals or a first. In which case, the shark probably was in utter disbelief that a freaking seal gave it a whacking if it’s life

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