Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...
Kayak 6 years ago 94,442 views
Out on the lake doing some kayak bass fishing and a couple boaters were being dumb! This kind of behavior can cause a boat crash or worse! Comment below what your thoughts are. New??? Subscribe to My Channel: https://goo.gl/SN7Zpr Get a Mystery Tackle Box: http://mtbfish.com/LOJO $10 off your first box with promo code: LOJO Shop for Bearded Bass stuff here: https://beardedbassco.com 20% off with promo code: LOJO ---Find me on Social Media Below--- Instagram: https://goo.gl/pXDu2G Twitter: https://goo.gl/uykfmT Snapchat: lojofishing Facebook: https://goo.gl/jSMyGg -My Kayak and Gear- -------------------------------- Kayak: http://amzn.to/2fzEWBT Paddle: http://amzn.to/2fzcGzp Fish Finder/Sonar: http://amzn.to/2vN5x51 Battery for Fish Finder: http://amzn.to/2fA0E8Z Charger for Battery: http://amzn.to/2wCGE9B Transducer Arm: http://amzn.to/2fzL5y2 Storage Box: http://amzn.to/2wC4qCA Life Jacket: http://amzn.to/2wCEPcI Knife: http://amzn.to/2hSnl95 Pliers: http://amzn.to/2wDgKT9 Digital Scale: http://amzn.to/2vqV1zm -Rods- Lews Custom Speed Sticks (Various Sizes and Actions): http://amzn.to/2tTBhWs -Reels- Lews Custom Pro Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2FJcV3c Lets Custom Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2HCqBxr Lews BB1 Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2GvmCTK Lews Mach II Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2p9y2Fx Lews Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2utIso8 Lews Speed Spool Spinning: http://amzn.to/2vs6SLK -Editing Equipment- ------------------------------- Laptop: http://amzn.to/2hRKSqH Software: http://amzn.to/2vuqoqZ External Hard Drive: http://amzn.to/2vNeLy3 Thumb Drive: http://amzn.to/2vuBUmp -Camera Equipment- -------------------------------- HD Camera - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: http://amzn.to/2vonoy3 Action Camera - GoPro Hero 4 Session: http://amzn.to/2hPwEGG Chest Strap for GoPro: http://amzn.to/2vrQvPy Head Mount for GoPro: http://amzn.to/2vrM3QH Front Kayak GoPro Mount: http://amzn.to/2wNxtT0 Back Kayak GoPro Mount: http://amzn.to/2uOToru Memory Card for GoPro: http://amzn.to/2vrQLy0 External Battery for GoPro: http://amzn.to/2vrQPxK *the above links are amazon associate links* Music: “Silver Surfer” by Ryan Little
Seriously people need to show some respect out there on the water, water can be a very dangerous place. As kayakers we have rights to be out there too and we deserve to enjoy our time on the water. We all don't have to like each other , we all don't have to get along but... WE ALL SHOULD SHOW RESPECT AND BE RESPONSIBLE. Dude I was coming back from a jobsite today and there was a new construction site and they put up warning signs that there was a "STOP" sign ahead at the end of the on ramp... the tractor trailer in front of me made a full stop. I made a full stop the "JACKWEED" behind me blasted his horn then blasted his horn as he went by me flipping me off... as he weaved and bobbed and ran up on other people's tailgates.... again inconsiderate people need not exist... so the boaters not obeying signage, the dumb asses in construction zone putting people's lives in danger.... active construction zone with workers on the outside of the cones as they had to be...
People need to realize life is short ... they need to enjoy it. Being responsible , respectful , having a positive outlook and being honest are a great way to start... wow now that was a soapbox rant that could go on and on...
Have you seen the video on Rikkyskayak channel where he was nearly ran over by a boat... and the boat captain had the nerve to come back and yell at the kayakers. Dumb ass jackweeds
You just left it...???
10. comment for Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...
When I guided I asked that about jet skiers and jumping across our lines. I asked that about skiers as they ride the shoreline on a turnout and come around the corner only to find us fishing.
Had a real idiot buzzing the lake in an ultra light. Low enough a musky lure could by accident hit his plane.
Bottom line......they don't test Boaters and you can not go anywhere without running into people who sit on their brains.
Glad it was not any worse.
Here is another crazy event from my guiding days.
OK first realize this is before people carried cell phones etc.
A client got hung up in open water and was frustrated so I began to do my thing to free his line. It was strange because it felt like I was gaining ground then bam it was tight to the bottom.
After playing around for awhile it broke free. It was coming in but felt strange. I knew there was something on their and it kind of fluttered but it sure was no fish.
After about another 5 minutes we had the culprit. It was a brand new fully zipped up jacket inside out. No markings or fungus, nothing and looked brand new.
It didn't take long to figure out we pulled this coat off a body. My clients began to freak out so bad that they wanted out of there right now.
I found a ranger and told them about it but the insisted it fell out of a boat and had been laying on the bottom and got snagged.
No way.....There was no marks or dirt or fungus on this coat and the fact it took awhile to free it only to come up inside out and fully zipped tells me......they should have called in the divers.
Man those were some awesome times.......
if something large pulls it the line snaps but if you lose the rod overboard it's not lost
20. comment for Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...
Have been swamped in no wake zone!. And wake boarding boats should be illegal!!!
Become a meal? A boat will increase your safety hundredfold
My thoughts are that kayakers fall into the same category as cyclists and motorcyclists. They do nothing but bitch about sharing travel lanes, but are entitled little twats who think they own it all.
There are definitely exceptions, but overall this attitude has saturated the "industry." If you can't accept that you also have to share the water with power boats, then maybe you should stick to making some bank fishing videos.
30. comment for Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...
As for your pole, I hate to see that. I dropped my phone in the lake weeks ago and had to dive in after it and was fortunate enough to find it and it survive the water. We don't have alligators though. LOL If I'd been you, I'd have put a sinker on my line and a big hook and sat there trying to fish the pole out of the water. Another thing to consider is having a GPS fish finder like the Garmin Striker 4 where you can add waypoints. That way you could have went back to that same spot and tried fishing it out. In the future, you might consider having a leash to attach to your rods so that never happens again. I hadn't picked one up yet, but after seeing your video, I'm about to buy a couple for my rods. Hope you end up getting your pole back, but if not, hopefully the replacement for it will be even better. Hate it happened to you. Thanks for posting and sharing your vid.
50. comment for Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...
how deep was it where you are fishing? more or less
i don't speak english
If I'm up on plane and I see a kayak or a small fishing boat or row boat, I come right down and pass them without any wake. Most times it results in a thankful wave. I started fishing in a small 10 ft jon boat with a trolling motor on it as my only source of propulsion. There were many times when larger boats would rip past me no more than 100 feet away and I'd be bouncing all over the place in their wake. It got scary at times. And this was on smaller reservoirs, by no means big water. Because of those experiences, I know to treat small boats and kayaks with the respect they deserve. I wouldn't want someone doing it to me, so I'm not gonna do it to them.
Maybe I'm just a grouch, but really it grinds my gears when I'm fishing close to shore and I have some pleasure boater come right at me and fly past me while the other 90% of the lake is wide open for them to use. Here I am trying to stay out of everyone's way and fish in a quiet spot and it's like I become a target for some boaters lol.
must really fucking suck in a kayak
Chatting on the boat ramp standing next to your kayak while 4 boats are waiting to get in or out of the water.
Standing on the ramp when there is a sand beach 5 feet from you while you wait for God knows what.
Loading your boats on the roof with your doors open blocking both ramps. There were at least 5 spots they could have been loading at.
And that is why boats have such animus for kayakers.
6:29 that boat was doing under 5 mph. He can't put out less than that.
You know they make floats/leashs for rods? Was your own fault. ugh. Sorry you lost the rod. Hate to see that for any fisherman.
Hook one of these to your rods.
10:50 that guy is a jerk.
100. comment for Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...
Small vessels must always yield to a bigger vessel even if they’re in the wrong. Your best bet is start talking to the warden, rangers or coastguard and make them aware of the situation. Where I live if you’re within 150 ft of a fisherman and you’re creating a wake it’s a fine...might want to get ahold of your congressman too.
edit: man I feel for you losing your rod like that. Almost happened to me in a similar fashion the other day... I'm starting to wonder if it would be bothering to attach it on us, from the handle possibly.
New sub.
Second; Like you I've had disrespectful boaters attempt to swamp me to and the one thing I found very quickly that always gets there attention. is a sudden lose of power or a very leaky drive seal. next time your out fishing take along a spin caster on a old crap rod. attach a crappy old floating lure at least 1 oz. in weight with old rusty hooks on it that could catch a wet dream if it tried. put couple hundred yard of the cheapest crappiest monofiliment on the spin caster you can get. (8 lb test works great.) when you see the boat coming grab that spin caster and flip it as far as you can across the other side of the lake making sure the line falls in the boaters path. (leave the bail open) let him fly on by you just sit back smile and wave politely. and watch the line on that spin caster disappear as the boater prop winds it tight around his prop and it eat up his shaft seal. he'll run about a mile or so and than it will happen the shaft seal will rupture and begin to leak leaving a trail all the way back to his boat that any wildlife warden can follow.
Open the hooks and drag it on the bottom to retrieve lost rods.
I know there are doofus kayakers and cyclists out there, but don’t take it out on all of them.
Hahaha. Jk.
Todd Olathe Ks.
I've pulled out a full size stroller with mine. You could fish the pole back out.
Like 25 bucks on amazon.
that sucks
I own a boat, it's a center console semi-v not a bass boat. I hate those bass boaters with the huge motors that come flying by at 50+ MPH just as much as you do.
2. I tried for a while to get it, but I did mark a waypoint so I can go back and try to find it
Great video I just subbed
right into a pocket with three ranger boats. LOL Yes he got a ticket and a lecture. I did laugh at him.
I lost a combo and my cast net. Boaters are like drivers on the road. You have the good and the bad.
1) 99% of all "No Wake Zones" are BOGUS. Which means (easy math) 999/1000 times it's all is good.
2) It's the world we live in.
I've kayaked for years and most of the time it's in the intercoastal waterway with 50' boats sending 3' wakes. A boat wake has almost zero affect on a kayaker's safety or ability to fish.
Love the vids broski! Keep'em tight
Sorry about your combo. I think we've all lost at least 1 at some point. I dropped an nice Abu Garcia over the side a few months ago in 20' of water. I started to go after it but the water was cold and the wind was pushing my boat pretty good. It probably would have been blown too far away and I would have had to swim about 1/4 mile to catch it after it got beached.
I can't stand boaters. They either disturb the water and scare the hell out of the fish, or raise waves that take time to settle down. They seem to have no respect for kayaks and that makes me angry as hell!
If you had a fish finder a quick look and you could have seen how deep it was in that spot. (Or you could have marked it if you didn't have any spare clothes to change into) I have a mask and snorkel in my crate, a quick dive could have saved that combo! But since there were gators there, a bit of magnet fishing would be a better option! Always prepare for the worst, because it happens!
And maby they didn’t know the no wake zone
And it's ok I back cast and hooked one of my rods and threw it into the water never to be seen again the feeling but it's part of the experience like my uncle says better to lose 350$ than your life tackle can be replaced be safe out there yo
Kindness and being polite will almost always defuse the situation......try it some time.
No matter what ignore insults and it will settle down eventually and don't think it shows you to be weak.
The stronger a man is the more humble he can afford to be.
A very strong person will turn an enemy into a friend.
Thing is there are still respectful people out there that will help you if you need it or protect your area when passing.... So when you meet people like me it's a gift.....with the right attitude you can educate those that don't see the problem also..... You change the world with one random act of kindness at a time.
So be kind and you will defuse those that respond with anger.
When in my kayak and I see a boat coming a raise my paddle in the air and wave it.
This almost always gets a slow down response.
When on the creek I ask what side they are casting to and what side is clear to pass.
As for the boaters, bear mace for the ones that pull up on you, and a nice tall flag for main lake wahoos...