Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...

Out on the lake doing some kayak bass fishing and a couple boaters were being dumb! This kind of behavior can cause a boat crash or worse! Comment below what your thoughts are. New??? Subscribe to My Channel: https://goo.gl/SN7Zpr Get a Mystery Tackle Box: http://mtbfish.com/LOJO $10 off your first box with promo code: LOJO Shop for Bearded Bass stuff here: https://beardedbassco.com 20% off with promo code: LOJO ---Find me on Social Media Below--- Instagram: https://goo.gl/pXDu2G Twitter: https://goo.gl/uykfmT Snapchat: lojofishing Facebook: https://goo.gl/jSMyGg -My Kayak and Gear- -------------------------------- Kayak: http://amzn.to/2fzEWBT Paddle: http://amzn.to/2fzcGzp Fish Finder/Sonar: http://amzn.to/2vN5x51 Battery for Fish Finder: http://amzn.to/2fA0E8Z Charger for Battery: http://amzn.to/2wCGE9B Transducer Arm: http://amzn.to/2fzL5y2 Storage Box: http://amzn.to/2wC4qCA Life Jacket: http://amzn.to/2wCEPcI Knife: http://amzn.to/2hSnl95 Pliers: http://amzn.to/2wDgKT9 Digital Scale: http://amzn.to/2vqV1zm -Rods- Lews Custom Speed Sticks (Various Sizes and Actions): http://amzn.to/2tTBhWs -Reels- Lews Custom Pro Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2FJcV3c Lets Custom Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2HCqBxr Lews BB1 Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2GvmCTK Lews Mach II Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2p9y2Fx Lews Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2utIso8 Lews Speed Spool Spinning: http://amzn.to/2vs6SLK -Editing Equipment- ------------------------------- Laptop: http://amzn.to/2hRKSqH Software: http://amzn.to/2vuqoqZ External Hard Drive: http://amzn.to/2vNeLy3 Thumb Drive: http://amzn.to/2vuBUmp -Camera Equipment- -------------------------------- HD Camera - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: http://amzn.to/2vonoy3 Action Camera - GoPro Hero 4 Session: http://amzn.to/2hPwEGG Chest Strap for GoPro: http://amzn.to/2vrQvPy Head Mount for GoPro: http://amzn.to/2vrM3QH Front Kayak GoPro Mount: http://amzn.to/2wNxtT0 Back Kayak GoPro Mount: http://amzn.to/2uOToru Memory Card for GoPro: http://amzn.to/2vrQLy0 External Battery for GoPro: http://amzn.to/2vrQPxK *the above links are amazon associate links* Music: “Silver Surfer” by Ryan Little

Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters... sentiment_very_dissatisfied 218

Kayak 6 years ago 94,442 views

Out on the lake doing some kayak bass fishing and a couple boaters were being dumb! This kind of behavior can cause a boat crash or worse! Comment below what your thoughts are. New??? Subscribe to My Channel: https://goo.gl/SN7Zpr Get a Mystery Tackle Box: http://mtbfish.com/LOJO $10 off your first box with promo code: LOJO Shop for Bearded Bass stuff here: https://beardedbassco.com 20% off with promo code: LOJO ---Find me on Social Media Below--- Instagram: https://goo.gl/pXDu2G Twitter: https://goo.gl/uykfmT Snapchat: lojofishing Facebook: https://goo.gl/jSMyGg -My Kayak and Gear- -------------------------------- Kayak: http://amzn.to/2fzEWBT Paddle: http://amzn.to/2fzcGzp Fish Finder/Sonar: http://amzn.to/2vN5x51 Battery for Fish Finder: http://amzn.to/2fA0E8Z Charger for Battery: http://amzn.to/2wCGE9B Transducer Arm: http://amzn.to/2fzL5y2 Storage Box: http://amzn.to/2wC4qCA Life Jacket: http://amzn.to/2wCEPcI Knife: http://amzn.to/2hSnl95 Pliers: http://amzn.to/2wDgKT9 Digital Scale: http://amzn.to/2vqV1zm -Rods- Lews Custom Speed Sticks (Various Sizes and Actions): http://amzn.to/2tTBhWs -Reels- Lews Custom Pro Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2FJcV3c Lets Custom Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2HCqBxr Lews BB1 Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2GvmCTK Lews Mach II Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2p9y2Fx Lews Speed Spool: http://amzn.to/2utIso8 Lews Speed Spool Spinning: http://amzn.to/2vs6SLK -Editing Equipment- ------------------------------- Laptop: http://amzn.to/2hRKSqH Software: http://amzn.to/2vuqoqZ External Hard Drive: http://amzn.to/2vNeLy3 Thumb Drive: http://amzn.to/2vuBUmp -Camera Equipment- -------------------------------- HD Camera - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: http://amzn.to/2vonoy3 Action Camera - GoPro Hero 4 Session: http://amzn.to/2hPwEGG Chest Strap for GoPro: http://amzn.to/2vrQvPy Head Mount for GoPro: http://amzn.to/2vrM3QH Front Kayak GoPro Mount: http://amzn.to/2wNxtT0 Back Kayak GoPro Mount: http://amzn.to/2uOToru Memory Card for GoPro: http://amzn.to/2vrQLy0 External Battery for GoPro: http://amzn.to/2vrQPxK *the above links are amazon associate links* Music: “Silver Surfer” by Ryan Little

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for Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...

lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Bonus upload for you guys cuz I will be out of town for a couple days. What do you guys think about these boaters? Were they in the wrong???
Ivan Konstantinov
Ivan Konstantinov - 6 years ago
Moonstoned have a 16 footer jonboat for mad places, and use nicer boat where ppl are sane
J.T. Cooper
J.T. Cooper - 6 years ago
EricDopheideVlogs You don't own the fucking lake, do you boy?
EricDopheideVlogs - 6 years ago
6:05 understandable that its a no wake zone but you should’nt be in the middle of the water to begin with. Its people like you that piss off the boaters. If you are in a Canoeing, kayaking, paddle boat or bored, STAY ALONG THE SHORE LINE!
Brandy B.
Brandy B. - 6 years ago
darrell sanborn jr TOTALLY AGREE!!
J.T. Cooper
J.T. Cooper - 6 years ago
Matt Netko Ya, you would know right? I hope you get ran over by a speeding boat.
Matt Netko
Matt Netko - 6 years ago
the boaters gave you WAY more than the room they needed to and did absolutely nothing wrong, you are the only one who broke any rules of the water trying to cut off the first boat
Matt Netko
Matt Netko - 6 years ago
the boats pictured were going 20-30mph, that's not a no wake zone, the first boat you were intentionally moving into it's path as fast as you could while saying you were trying to get out of the way...you were in the wrong, not them
Travis Bess
Travis Bess - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing would love to meet up if ur ever around fort Myers beach man. Keep up the good work
J.T. Cooper
J.T. Cooper - 6 years ago
Hell yes they were. Stupid idiots with more money than brains.
TheRealNova - 6 years ago
Lost My 400$ Dc Shimano reel on my kayak yesterday I think I have ptsd now Lol
DragonSlayer 1273
DragonSlayer 1273 - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing just subbed
Fishin Noob
Fishin Noob - 6 years ago
Most definitely in the wrong! It’s a posted rule.
Carl Butler
Carl Butler - 6 years ago
3oz egg sinker and a treble hook may have gotten that combo back, have it prerigged in the yak and just the it on the other rod
Shane Temple
Shane Temple - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing They're scum.
Premium WHITEcracker
Premium WHITEcracker - 6 years ago
Larger craft as supposed to slow down for smaller craft, but more often than not they don't
darrell sanborn jr
darrell sanborn jr - 6 years ago
Jet skiiers are far worse. At least where i am.
GrizzlyDiesOnB - 6 years ago
Boaters were dumbasses. I have a boat and a kayak for fishing. Local lake there is a few islands and then big water. So naturally I fish around the islands. You would think the boats pulling skis and tubes would go to the big water.... Nope around the islands through narrow channels. At one point the front half of my kayak was under water. Tried it in my boat too, same thing, and just getting knocked around. Finally I said fuck it and don't go out there anymore.
Outdoor Living and Fishing
Outdoor Living and Fishing - 6 years ago
I feel bad about your rod
Jacques Penney
Jacques Penney - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing lojo.fishing you coulda grabbed it by the frog while it was still floating at about 8:00 win some lose some tho brother
Moonstoned - 6 years ago
Boaters like that are the reason I can't take my boat out on a few of the lakes around here. They'll run laps around you and do passes by the boat launch when you try to leave and smash your boat against everything with the wake
George Bramblett
George Bramblett - 6 years ago
Shouldn't be driving a boat period
brianj123458 - 6 years ago
Montana Pike Slayer very true
Highly Decent Fishing
Highly Decent Fishing - 6 years ago
Had 2 jet skis circling once. I'm suprised how calm I stayed. Some people just think of themselves and have no concept of the outside word.
Ricky David
Ricky David - 6 years ago
Lojo let me start by saying I feel your pain about the combo I lost two brand new setups last spring ($450.00) in a flip over on the West Branch of the Susky up here in April so yes I was a cold Bobber ... bobbin my way down the river in very swift current... secondly let's start on the boaters... stop there... it is not boaters it is simply inconsiderate people. Their mama's did the best they could to raise them right but they chose to go a different path.. the reason I don't want to say "boaters" is simply because I have seen kayakers not clear a launch as they stand and block a launch inconsiderately having a conversation as boats and other yakkers are trying to launch... yes definitely these boater were in the wrong here... and simply said I am a yakker I am considerate I was raised well and decided to follow that path... I wish people would just be more considerate... I have found that hate is a very strong word so, I am going with I have a true distaste and I aggressively dislike inconsiderate people..
Seriously people need to show some respect out there on the water, water can be a very dangerous place. As kayakers we have rights to be out there too and we deserve to enjoy our time on the water. We all don't have to like each other , we all don't have to get along but... WE ALL SHOULD SHOW RESPECT AND BE RESPONSIBLE. Dude I was coming back from a jobsite today and there was a new construction site and they put up warning signs that there was a "STOP" sign ahead at the end of the on ramp... the tractor trailer in front of me made a full stop. I made a full stop the "JACKWEED" behind me blasted his horn then blasted his horn as he went by me flipping me off... as he weaved and bobbed and ran up on other people's tailgates.... again inconsiderate people need not exist... so the boaters not obeying signage, the dumb asses in construction zone putting people's lives in danger.... active construction zone with workers on the outside of the cones as they had to be...
People need to realize life is short ... they need to enjoy it. Being responsible , respectful , having a positive outlook and being honest are a great way to start... wow now that was a soapbox rant that could go on and on...
Have you seen the video on Rikkyskayak channel where he was nearly ran over by a boat... and the boat captain had the nerve to come back and yell at the kayakers. Dumb ass jackweeds
brianj123458 - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing I can't stand the disrespectful boaters even when I'm on the bank fishing they see me fishing on the bank and the pull up and start casting right where I'm fishing or fly by right where I'm fishing. When I take my boat out I try to show respect for everyone around weather there on a boat or on the bank I wish all boaters did the same thing great video and god bless you
Mason Morrison
Mason Morrison - 6 years ago
Bass Nazi i was look for a brick wall
Guitardrumr - 6 years ago
Definitely going to fast in a no wake zone, but that first one probably changed directions because in a head on situation, you're supposed to bear right.
Will Cook
Will Cook - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing I have had just some boaters do laps worse than that right in front of me they almost flipped me three times
Rich Henderson
Rich Henderson - 6 years ago
Yes, they were wrong. They give all boaters a bad name.
Bass Nazi
Bass Nazi - 6 years ago
They were trying to hit 88 mph to go into the future.
bholc - 6 years ago
Nice video. I'm pretty sure I would have jumped in for the pole! ;-)
fatboyjack1 - 6 years ago
Dude.....a 3 dollar rod float and you would still have that 350 dollar combo. Kayak 101......
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I know.....
Just a Question
Just a Question - 6 years ago
because 2 boats left extremely small wakes you're that upset? jesus man
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Jason Foster
Jason Foster - 6 years ago
Tethers aka lanyards will save your gear.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol I need some
bufunga - 6 years ago
Damn I felt for you man. It sucks to drop stuff
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol it hurt
Drew Drew
Drew Drew - 6 years ago
Why didn't you put a weight and hook on the other rod and snag the rod off the bottom??
You just left it...???
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
trust me I tried
Biljo Braggins
Biljo Braggins - 6 years ago
dude that sucked losing your rod. my gut hurt watching it
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
it hurt lol
Derek K
Derek K - 6 years ago
Best kayak fishing videos on YouTube !

10. comment for Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...

Upaginit 101
Upaginit 101 - 6 years ago
It’s because you feel like an idiot paddling somewhere you can ride a gas powered lol, I yak where they can’t go, fish the holes on the river no body knows that’s there
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol good idea
One Love
One Love - 6 years ago
Yea people are assholes, grew up on the water all my life Jersey shore, Delaware, and Chesapeake Bay, area. Its usually the vacationers from the country that hit the water twice a year, then go back to there mountain side tin roof shanty talkin about salt life that cause the problems
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Jitter Flicks
Jitter Flicks - 6 years ago
Dang, sorry about your rod dude. Hope it all gets better from here on.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks man
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol that sucks
Rajesh Sharma
Rajesh Sharma - 6 years ago
U.need rod Buoy
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Will Jones
Will Jones - 6 years ago
You need a rod leash lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
james wascko
james wascko - 6 years ago
That's the million dollar question.
When I guided I asked that about jet skiers and jumping across our lines. I asked that about skiers as they ride the shoreline on a turnout and come around the corner only to find us fishing.
Had a real idiot buzzing the lake in an ultra light. Low enough a musky lure could by accident hit his plane.
Bottom line......they don't test Boaters and you can not go anywhere without running into people who sit on their brains.
Glad it was not any worse.
james wascko
james wascko - 6 years ago
Here is another crazy event from my guiding days.
OK first realize this is before people carried cell phones etc.

A client got hung up in open water and was frustrated so I began to do my thing to free his line. It was strange because it felt like I was gaining ground then bam it was tight to the bottom.

After playing around for awhile it broke free. It was coming in but felt strange. I knew there was something on their and it kind of fluttered but it sure was no fish.

After about another 5 minutes we had the culprit. It was a brand new fully zipped up jacket inside out. No markings or fungus, nothing and looked brand new.

It didn't take long to figure out we pulled this coat off a body. My clients began to freak out so bad that they wanted out of there right now.

I found a ranger and told them about it but the insisted it fell out of a boat and had been laying on the bottom and got snagged.

No way.....There was no marks or dirt or fungus on this coat and the fact it took awhile to free it only to come up inside out and fully zipped tells me......they should have called in the divers.

Man those were some awesome times.......
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
wow that's crazy
Archetype Bias
Archetype Bias - 6 years ago
As a skipper who slows down for kayakers I think they should learn to turn bow into the wake and not to go on the water if they feel it’s dangerous
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
interesting point
ti0039a340 - 6 years ago
that's why you always tie your rod to the Kayak / boat using a thin fishing line to prevent loss
if something large pulls it the line snaps but if you lose the rod overboard it's not lost
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah true
Curtis Jennings
Curtis Jennings - 6 years ago
what type of rod you using?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lew's custom

20. comment for Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...

desotopete - 6 years ago
I woulda probably tried to snag the line or the rod, the one you lost, with the second rod that you had.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
trust me I tried for a while
Tony Norris
Tony Norris - 6 years ago
as a fellow yak angler that fishes big lake this kind of stuff sucks
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Jeff Horton
Jeff Horton - 6 years ago
I just recently started jet ski fishing. I know there are alot of people who hate jet skiers, but I always give boaters their space and try to be respectful. Anytime I come up upon a kayak i respect their space and go slow. I'd love to see more people out on kayaks. I really think fishing from kayaks is pretty cool.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I agree
Fishing Fantasy
Fishing Fantasy - 6 years ago
Now it’s time to make a why boaters hate jet skis
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Tony Reed
Tony Reed - 6 years ago
You should go to Rodman's Reservoir
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I'll check it out
Bob do'n it in Texas
Bob do'n it in Texas - 6 years ago
More than 1% dumb/rude idiots here TX
Have been swamped in no wake zone!. And wake boarding boats should be illegal!!!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Ivan Konstantinov
Ivan Konstantinov - 6 years ago
I smash the like button, but you get A BOAT. Jonboat, whatever but real boat, not a kayak. Waters infested with alligators is nuts for a kayak, and what you gonna do, if one hangs onto your leg? ??!
Become a meal? A boat will increase your safety hundredfold
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol you might be right
Cody S.
Cody S. - 6 years ago
"Comment your thoughts below."

My thoughts are that kayakers fall into the same category as cyclists and motorcyclists. They do nothing but bitch about sharing travel lanes, but are entitled little twats who think they own it all.

There are definitely exceptions, but overall this attitude has saturated the "industry." If you can't accept that you also have to share the water with power boats, then maybe you should stick to making some bank fishing videos.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Plum Fishing
Plum Fishing - 6 years ago
Do you ever get nervous with the gators? I sold my yak when I moved to Florida for that reason.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah it sucks

30. comment for Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...

John-Paul C
John-Paul C - 6 years ago
Why not dive for your rod??? It cant be that deep with Lilly-pads there.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
EricDopheideVlogs - 6 years ago
6:05 understandable that its a no wake zone but you should’nt be in the middle of the water to begin with. Its people like you that piss off the boaters. If you are in a Canoeing, kayaking, paddle boat or bored, STAY ALONG THE SHORE LINE!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I wasn't in the middle at all, I was like 20 yards off the bank
Christian Branson
Christian Branson - 6 years ago
I cannot stand boaters who fly by far too close to me on my angler kayak. Weeks ago I had one cause me to flip my kayak near the shore. Now I carry an air horn every time I go out and had to use it twice this past weekend. It's ridiculous, but like you said, it's probably less than 1% of boaters.

As for your pole, I hate to see that. I dropped my phone in the lake weeks ago and had to dive in after it and was fortunate enough to find it and it survive the water. We don't have alligators though. LOL If I'd been you, I'd have put a sinker on my line and a big hook and sat there trying to fish the pole out of the water. Another thing to consider is having a GPS fish finder like the Garmin Striker 4 where you can add waypoints. That way you could have went back to that same spot and tried fishing it out. In the future, you might consider having a leash to attach to your rods so that never happens again. I hadn't picked one up yet, but after seeing your video, I'm about to buy a couple for my rods. Hope you end up getting your pole back, but if not, hopefully the replacement for it will be even better. Hate it happened to you. Thanks for posting and sharing your vid.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Great input
The Indoor Outdoorsman
The Indoor Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
I cut my outboard and use my trolling motor to go by kayakers and shore fisherman. I used to be that guy on the shore getting blown over by boaters and in the kayak hanging on for dear life when that bass boat would shoot by.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
You the real MVP
aLfPlaysGames - 6 years ago
Not even 20 seconds in and he mentions Florida. lol of course it's Florida. Trash.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Tyler Duke
Tyler Duke - 6 years ago
can u get a diver on it thats a lot of money
Tyler Duke
Tyler Duke - 6 years ago
yea ur right worth a dive with some cheap gogles i guess depending on the depth hope u get it back an things go well for you have a good one
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I'm sure a diver would be expensive as well
chad outdoors
chad outdoors - 6 years ago
I just found you Lojo, I'm new to fishing and kayaking and thank you for the motivation to us my rod leash, lol but for real I'm in central Alabama we should fish sometime
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol welcome
Quinten Fisher
Quinten Fisher - 6 years ago
Quit crying
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
hahahah ummmmm, nah I'm good
Willie Johnson
Willie Johnson - 6 years ago
Gators or no gators I would have instantly jumped after it lmao
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I thought about it
No CoNt3nT HeRe
No CoNt3nT HeRe - 6 years ago
And why boaters don’t give a fuck about kayakers
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
ThePeoplesChamp - 6 years ago
What a bummer on the rod and reel. painful loss. :(
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Yeah it hurt
Matt Gould
Matt Gould - 6 years ago
Dude the boats where pretty far away and all you did was complain the entire video :/ stop your crying.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Spicey Boi
Spicey Boi - 6 years ago
damn dude watching that pole go into the water hurt like it was my own. rip witeout rig
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Yeah it hurts my soul
How many subs can I get before i post videos?
How many subs can I get before i post videos? - 6 years ago
Great vid again!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks homie
Kevin Calhoun
Kevin Calhoun - 6 years ago
I woulda jumped in after that combo lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I thought about it
Xecular - 6 years ago
I came for the title, not a vlog man
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Mutt1040 Vlogs
Mutt1040 Vlogs - 6 years ago
I would of jumped in for a 350 combo like my god
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I thought about it
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol obviously
LukeMason - 6 years ago
All my anger came back when your rod went over !!! I lost a 300(CDN) dollar REEL over board a week ago and snapped a 150(CDN) dollar ROD looking for the overboard one ....! The highs and lows of fishing forsure ... keep up the great work
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Ouch... thanks man
Marty Z71
Marty Z71 - 6 years ago
No bullshit I woulda been bailing out of that yak for that rod reel and diving down for it.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol I thought about it

50. comment for Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...

billytyrone - 6 years ago
Until now the only way I knew of the Seminole was from John Anderson
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
dashiznit0212 - 6 years ago
Dude why wouldn't you just jump in the water and attempt to even try and retrieve the combo....you were right on top of it
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
trust me I tried for a while off camera
SC EM - 6 years ago
Less wake when they go fast. The ones who slow down when they get to you are the ones who throw the most wake. I don’t care. I paddle in very large ocean swells, so it’s all fine with me. You’re a chin Wigger so I definitely would have tried to flip you. Nothing personal. Well, Yeah, it is I guess kinda personal. If you’d flashed a gang sign at me mistakenly with all the silly white boy hand gesturing I’d probably have played chicken with you on the way back through.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
you're not a very smart person...are you?
Saguaro Z
Saguaro Z - 6 years ago
is this a lake? So there are no sharks? Are alligators in this lake>? If do not have them either, I would have personally dived for a fishing rod
how deep was it where you are fishing? more or less

i don't speak english
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
i thought about jumping in...but alligators
Freddie Bowers
Freddie Bowers - 6 years ago
You would believe what my wife and I deal with on our SUPs in Marco Island.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Oh I believe it
Jonny boy
Jonny boy - 6 years ago
You should of used a treble hook and try to catch your rod..
Jonny boy
Jonny boy - 6 years ago
Lol well sorry bout that man I cringed when I saw it but I'm loving your vids, keep it up and thanks for sharing all the tips.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried...
The Cajun Angler
The Cajun Angler - 6 years ago
Jeez wish I would’ve seen this earlier and hope you get an answer to me... but how did you get the dragonfly 4 with both sonar and downvision bc mine is only downvision... is yours the pro version? Bc I thought mine was the pro version too but now I’m not sure
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol honestly I'm not sure why
The Cajun Angler
The Cajun Angler - 6 years ago
Do you have a different transducer than what came with it? I’m minorly confused on why I can’t get mine to do sonar...
LadyVeteran14 Ranelle Brock
LadyVeteran14 Ranelle Brock - 6 years ago
That sucks about your combo man...but the 2.6 and 2.8 pounders were pretty sweet!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Troy Rakes
Troy Rakes - 6 years ago
Love the channel man. I just started my channel mainly based on fishing out of my pa14. Would love if you subscribed!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Fisherman Barry
Fisherman Barry - 6 years ago
You definitely have to be careful and even though non-powered vessels have the right of way kayaks will always lose against a speed boat. Check out this close call at around 32 seconds in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x21OipGjDhA These were race boats going well over 100 mph. I was in the California Delta and moved over as close to shore as I could while about 40-50 of these things went flying by. The boat launch was on the other shore. I was starting to get worried about how I was going to get back over there. Eventually they stopped coming and I pedaled across as fast as I could go - maybe even faster:-) That is a nice rig you have there. I upgraded to a Pro Angler 12 in 2017. Tight Lines...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Wow that's crazy
Avitar Magnus
Avitar Magnus - 6 years ago
rule number one always have end float on your rod dumbass! now Ill go back with scuba and get free 300 buck rod!! thank you
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol I'll have to try and remember that
oliver hall
oliver hall - 6 years ago
I’m a boater and kayaker I respect all. What I see in boaters is they slow down but not enough, that actually creates more wake than when plaining.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks for being awesome
Wylee elPuppo
Wylee elPuppo - 6 years ago
Boaters are dicks.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
sometimes they are
TheHorsepowerJunkie - 6 years ago
At $300 a pop X2 I think you might want to consider tethering your rod and reels to yourself or the kayak. Also carry a magnet on a rope and a grapple on a rope to snag things you drop overboard.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah I'd have to agree
samdon815 - 6 years ago
Yakers are like bicyclers,,,obstructions.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
mdo686 - 6 years ago
"What is up guys?" ......fuck off how about that?
The Mitten Outdoors
The Mitten Outdoors - 6 years ago
damn dude... loosing the combo... i know the feeling all to well, bought a concept A and a blackout and lost it the FIRST time out on the water!!!. Still makes me mad and its been a couple years since it happened... I havent yet but i think i am going to go with the Savur Outdoors retrofit retrieval devices, just cant stand having the foam floats on the rods and leashes are a pain in the behind.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
It hurts for sure
Anthony P.
Anthony P. - 6 years ago
I don't fish, but why wouldn't you put a lanyard or tether on your rods?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Cuz they get in the way
Holleran Properties
Holleran Properties - 6 years ago
A ten inch pool noodle in front of the reel with zip ties at each end, would have you feeling better right about now??? If your so vain about the noodle, just add a six foot cord to the rod handle base; and use a beaner on the other end to attach to kayak. The cord disappears mentally by the days end. The price we pay to keep our money in our wallet, and our favorite rod & reel on board. May it rest peace!!! Just subbed ya!!!! w.w.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Great tips, welcome
Ding Chavez
Ding Chavez - 6 years ago
mr extra over here, kayaks with fucking pants and gloves on...fuuck out of here. take your bitch as back up north and leave our state
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
hahaha god forbid somebody wear pants!!! lololol
Ian Fraser
Ian Fraser - 6 years ago
the faster the boat goes the less wake they leave you wanker another crap video now go and get some more tackle to throw into the lake
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Tim Smith
Tim Smith - 6 years ago
Nice video. Sorry about your Combo loss! I did wonder if it wasn't worth trying to use a large treble hook to retrieve it but couldn't tell how much you traveled away from the "fumble". Better days ahead I'm sure! It was really sad to see three Boaters zipping through the "No Wake" zone. Sadly an inexperienced or even experienced Kayaker could have been swamped into the water placing them in a life-threatening situation where you were. Hope your next trip goes better.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried to snag it for a while
647lapua - 6 years ago
Boaters hate kayakers too.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Good to know lol
Frolicking In Florida
Frolicking In Florida - 6 years ago
so u didnt jump in for ur rod? if it cost $50 bucks i would have been in the water
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Too many gator
awesome 1
awesome 1 - 6 years ago
Rod slipped out of them gloves. Depressing. Cast yr line at those boaters next time then MOON them. Idiots ..
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
hahahah good one
RetroCNY - 6 years ago
Oh no, I definitely hate on these kinds of boaters. Nothing pisses me off more than boaters who have no courtesy for smaller vessels or pleasure vessels ripping right past guys fishing, with skiers in tow... or guys who are speeding through no-wake zones. The lake isn't your own personal god damn playground. Have some respect, follow the rules. Everyone has to use the lake safely, not just you and your $50,000 rig. Too many people get into boating accidents due to silly mistakes and I don't want to be a damn statistic because of someone else's silly mistake.

If I'm up on plane and I see a kayak or a small fishing boat or row boat, I come right down and pass them without any wake. Most times it results in a thankful wave. I started fishing in a small 10 ft jon boat with a trolling motor on it as my only source of propulsion. There were many times when larger boats would rip past me no more than 100 feet away and I'd be bouncing all over the place in their wake. It got scary at times. And this was on smaller reservoirs, by no means big water. Because of those experiences, I know to treat small boats and kayaks with the respect they deserve. I wouldn't want someone doing it to me, so I'm not gonna do it to them.

Maybe I'm just a grouch, but really it grinds my gears when I'm fishing close to shore and I have some pleasure boater come right at me and fly past me while the other 90% of the lake is wide open for them to use. Here I am trying to stay out of everyone's way and fish in a quiet spot and it's like I become a target for some boaters lol.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks so much for the input, you are truly one of the good ones out there
Thatgood Nutt
Thatgood Nutt - 6 years ago
i remember a ski boat blew past the 18 foot bass boat i used to have and almost flipped the boat

must really fucking suck in a kayak
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah it's pretty rough lol
Nunya Business
Nunya Business - 6 years ago
Why not try an retrieve the rod with your other rod? I've done it many times even retrieved a rod in 30' of water.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried for a while off camera
Joseph Saeteurn
Joseph Saeteurn - 6 years ago
same with ocean fishing.. boaters do not like kayaks. rules are meant to be broken. we all know that and it will not stop. we just have to take the good with the bad and hope nothing bad happens.
Joseph Saeteurn
Joseph Saeteurn - 6 years ago
i heard of boaters fly by so far that the wake have capsize them. i had 1 scared in Monterrey which i also got capsize myself. but you handle this situation with class.. much respect.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
MrPainseeker - 6 years ago
Bitch share the water or get your own fucking lake.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Reebooker Jpon
Reebooker Jpon - 6 years ago
We were here first
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Who's we
220 - 6 years ago
Damn that was such a nice combo
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I know..m
Christian Lefebvre
Christian Lefebvre - 6 years ago
I'm fascinated by the alligators you've mentioned.  Do you need to be very wary of them, always on the lookout for them?  Or is it almost guaranteed they keep their distance and don't want to be anywhere near you? -Chris
Christian Lefebvre
Christian Lefebvre - 6 years ago
Really Interesting.  Thanks.  -Chris
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
99% of the time gators will keep their distance (because they are well aware that humans are creatures that can kill them) but that being said, if a person in a kayak were to float right up on top of a large female guarding a nest...it might not end well...it's always best to be on the look out for them, find them with your eyes, and stay away from them
ExtremeBUZZ92 - 6 years ago
I grew up around lake Seminole they have some good fishing out there.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Very true
Vapesters Lounge
Vapesters Lounge - 6 years ago
Cool video man an that sucks balls about your set up... I've never straight dropped one in but while catfishing (my number one fishing love.. then bass.. only bene bass fishing since around last September...) but my dumb ass has turned on my bait clicker. But forgot to push the cast button so the spool can spin and the fish can pull your line out without pulling your set up in while fishing for 40 plus pound cats and have had more 10 foot diawa emcasts or penn prevails or my beloved okuma cedros csx rods pulled in along with a 200 dollar Sweden made abu garcia 6500cs black red purple and green pro rockets thag has all been upgraded to the max. Ceramic bearings ceramic pawl gears titanium worm gears done away with the bushingnand added a bearing etc innall of them and have bene a idiot and forgot to push the cast button for the spool to creepin and lost 400 plus dollar set ups.. one night.. first and last time I drank I lost 2 in one night while fishing at the dam... lol.. so I feel your pain bro.. and not too long ago i was at a local lake and hooked up on the biggest largie i have ever saw let alone caught. I'd say at least 8 lbs from the looks of it bc i had it on the bank and had to ge toff the little dock to get it and me stepping beside it startled it an it jumped an hit the water n took off hauling balls an snapped the 10lb flouro (upgraded my casting set ups to 40 and 50lb braid after that haha) but it snapped the line and took a 15 dollar spinner bait and i was so mad and upset my ol lady called me and here I'm almost a 34 year old man and broke down crying to her and threw a temper tantrum and got pissed and threw a 450 dollar garcia revo mgxtreme on a 150 dollar st croix mojo bass rod in the lake I had just bought the day before at my local field and stream.. then hated myself after I was done pouting. Needless to say that fish wasnt worth a brand spanking new 450 dollar revo mgxtteme and a 150 dollar st croix mojo bass rod lol... great vid and personality tho man. New sub here!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
ouch...that hurts lol
M Riddle
M Riddle - 6 years ago
Sucks about fumbling the rod,reel have had it happen before keep a big treble hook in your box an if have a extra setup try to fish it out buy dragging the bottom an hope it doesn't snag on anything. Or could experiment with the foam floaters for keys rig a couple on pole an could help it from sinking as fast
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
very true
Mastermir Vandermir
Mastermir Vandermir - 6 years ago
Mastermir Vandermir
Mastermir Vandermir - 6 years ago
7$ to save 350$ i think its good
Dennis Nicholson
Dennis Nicholson - 6 years ago
Cool video! I hope that this doesn't sound too stupid but couldn't you have used your other combo to possibly hooked the one that fell into the water to "rescue" it?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried to...no luck
Joseph DAgostino
Joseph DAgostino - 6 years ago
It's ok. I have seen the most idiotic behaviors from kayakers. Blatantly ignorant. People with boats on a trailer have 1 way to get in and out of the water, the boat ramp.
Chatting on the boat ramp standing next to your kayak while 4 boats are waiting to get in or out of the water.
Standing on the ramp when there is a sand beach 5 feet from you while you wait for God knows what.
Loading your boats on the roof with your doors open blocking both ramps. There were at least 5 spots they could have been loading at.
And that is why boats have such animus for kayakers.

6:29 that boat was doing under 5 mph. He can't put out less than that.

You know they make floats/leashs for rods? Was your own fault. ugh. Sorry you lost the rod. Hate to see that for any fisherman.
Hook one of these to your rods.

10:50 that guy is a jerk.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol thanks for the input
Jared Johnson
Jared Johnson - 6 years ago
If its a no wake zone, boaters should be doing what they can to reduce their wake. However, speed and wake are not always directly related. I used to crew a boat that left 8-12in wake on a plane, but large rollers transom down in the water. The first guy definitely didn't look like he was checking his wake as he passed, which I find disrespectful.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
good points
Andrew Auman
Andrew Auman - 6 years ago
Not being rude in any way im just wondering why you spent all that cash on a pedal kayak when you could have gotten a really nice bass tracker for the same price.
Andrew Auman
Andrew Auman - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing yeah I see your point. I've been contemplating yak or boat cuz I know I can find a tracker for around 5 grand but expenses add up too like you said. More info to think about lol. Thanks for the input.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I spent 3,000 on the yak and I never have to buy gas, oil, insurance, tags, registration, or spend money on mechanical issues. One time payment instead of years of payments. Also, for a "nice' tracker it would run much more expensive than that
ravenfan1606 - 6 years ago
Is it $300 or $400 rod and reel?? Make up your mind. I bet you didn't pay more than $100 for it.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
you're right it actually only cost $2
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
poor fish
Jason Smith
Jason Smith - 6 years ago
Couple of guys out here on the big lake got their a$$es whipped on the ramp by a bunch of tournament yakers for doing exactly what you had happen a couple weekends ago. Enough to where the police now sit at the ramp where both launch from. Supposedly they dumped all the boater's stuff in the water after they got done with them...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Wow lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
brandon - 6 years ago
im so courteous with my pontoon when there are others around, especially those smaller than i am, that to some i seem like (have been called) a pussy. crazy how many people dont understand how powerful their wake can be
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Thank you for being that way
Zack Fair
Zack Fair - 6 years ago
its ok man bad luck is still luck non the less and maybe a fish can go fishing now <3
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
ThePrimeGameProtector - 6 years ago
I have a SeaSwirl Striper 1851cc wa, and if I want to try to catch baitfish with my sabiki on a bouy, everytime the people coming in, have to speed up when they see us so they can cause a big wake. Once I almost capsized when a 58ft boat came by at full speed!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Wow that's crazy
TheUnluckyAngler - 6 years ago
10:33 Don't dump your plastics into the water, it can cause harm to the fish if it swallows it.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Sorry about that. I don't normally do that. Don't know what I was thinking
Herb Mullins
Herb Mullins - 6 years ago
You seem like a cool dude and those guy should obey the no wake zones, but we have alot of kayakers cut across open water with greenish kayaks no flags and we simply do not see them until we are right up on them. It has scared the hell out of me on a couple occasions. But i wished you had found that rod, it sucks to loose an expensive set up.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Yeah there are bad ones on each side

100. comment for Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters...

miopera40 - 6 years ago
They do it on purpose, everytime I go to the keys you see the boats speeding close to the kayak to take you down, on purpose. I use some kayaks very difficult to spin, like hobie pro angler or outback when going there, and you can note the sadness in their face when the kayak hangs in the wake like a champ.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
That's crazy
miopera40 - 6 years ago
I would say 50% of the boaters do that and also 50% would try cutting your line when you hook a big tarpon from the kayak in the keys.
TroutFink - 6 years ago
The feeling is mutual. I have no issue throwing wake at you if come into the area I’m throwing in.
TroutFink - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing I absolutely agree with you that 1% of boat owners have no business on the water. (Hell I’d say it’s more in the 8% range!) Saying that I can’t tell you how many kayakers in my area have no etiquette when it comes to boating.They just go buy a kayak and have no background in traversing water and don’t bother educating themselves on the laws and regulations. They’re the cyclist of water! (Rules of common sense & Physics don’t apply)
Small vessels must always yield to a bigger vessel even if they’re in the wrong. Your best bet is start talking to the warden, rangers or coastguard and make them aware of the situation. Where I live if you’re within 150 ft of a fisherman and you’re creating a wake it’s a fine...might want to get ahold of your congressman too.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I was the one fishing an area, they were blasting by ME
wyatt - 6 years ago
All that I can say is what are what are those
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
PortugalCarp - 6 years ago
Do the alligators ever bother kayak fishermen?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
not usually
Lh 20122012
Lh 20122012 - 6 years ago
I feel you. I have a 16ft aluminum boat and still almost get swamped or run over by big boats in no wake areas. Also man get you some rod leases.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah I need one
breathe and squeeze
breathe and squeeze - 6 years ago
I fish from my boats, and I HATE boaters. in general they are pricks, especially when you are fishing. they can clearly see you are trolling a shoreline, and sure as shit, they head right for you, on a huge lake, then run inside you between you and the shoreline you are trolling. happens every time.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lolol good points
Jacob Webb
Jacob Webb - 6 years ago
what i saw was right when he went went to change hands on his rod it hit his go pro which made the rod go sideways and when he went to grab it with his right hand he couldnt get a good grip on it because of it being sideways instead of straight
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol such a tragedy
Joe Digout
Joe Digout - 6 years ago
Dude I would been trying to jog that rod up from the depths
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol believe me I did
William Brandon Davis
William Brandon Davis - 6 years ago
The worst is air boats when your on the river.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I bet
Crowman - 6 years ago
As a boater let me tell you my side with you Yakers. Where I'm from (Northern California) most of you people have dark colored boats low on the water with no orange flag or clothing to help see you. This is really bad in the ocean where even small swells make you disappear where I do most of my fishing. With a small bow rise under power you can disappear from our sight under the right conditions. I'm not putting blame on either side but what are you doing to make yourselves more visible to boaters? Just a thought, remember you're on the losing end in an accident.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
very good insight
Dan Kerns
Dan Kerns - 6 years ago
Get your ass in the water nd get it!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Michael Lydick
Michael Lydick - 6 years ago
$350.00, I'm going swimming. Get your ass in the water little flamingo.....
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
hahaha I thought about it
Exponential Domino
Exponential Domino - 6 years ago
Cool fucking dude. +1 sub.
edit: man I feel for you losing your rod like that. Almost happened to me in a similar fashion the other day... I'm starting to wonder if it would be bothering to attach it on us, from the handle possibly.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah probably so
The Legend
The Legend - 6 years ago
Damn I think I would risked the gaters and jumped in lol.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I thought about it lol
Just Fish Michael
Just Fish Michael - 6 years ago
How strange is it that I was thinking of using rod floats after today's kayak trip on the river. Sorry to see that rod go overboard. I forgot about gators otherwise I would be tempted to retrieve it. Not many of those critters here in Chicago. Enjoy the channel.
New sub.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks and welcome
Leland Matt
Leland Matt - 6 years ago
I saw a guy witha big piece of cork on his rod once i never asked why, now I think I know why
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol he was smarter than me
Christian Nickels
Christian Nickels - 6 years ago
I live in Colorado most of our wtaer based injuries/ deaths are cause by powerboats/ water skies wakeboards tow tubes at Chatfield the people who get hurt and die are usually kayakers and paddle boarders they skiers will wkae as close as they can to no wake zones almost as if on purpose
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Andy Sjostrom
Andy Sjostrom - 6 years ago
Ok to start with first your pole loss issue. screw a small eye screw in to the back of the handle and tie a length of para cord to it and the other end around your neck like a lanyard (or a hangman's noose which ever works best..hahaha.). that will keep you from throwing your poles over board and losing them.
Second; Like you I've had disrespectful boaters attempt to swamp me to and the one thing I found very quickly that always gets there attention. is a sudden lose of power or a very leaky drive seal. next time your out fishing take along a spin caster on a old crap rod. attach a crappy old floating lure at least 1 oz. in weight with old rusty hooks on it that could catch a wet dream if it tried. put couple hundred yard of the cheapest crappiest monofiliment on the spin caster you can get. (8 lb test works great.) when you see the boat coming grab that spin caster and flip it as far as you can across the other side of the lake making sure the line falls in the boaters path. (leave the bail open) let him fly on by you just sit back smile and wave politely. and watch the line on that spin caster disappear as the boater prop winds it tight around his prop and it eat up his shaft seal. he'll run about a mile or so and than it will happen the shaft seal will rupture and begin to leak leaving a trail all the way back to his boat that any wildlife warden can follow.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
hahaha I'll have to try that
Travis TWP
Travis TWP - 6 years ago
Saw title first thought....... Because you cant afford a boat....lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Florida Keys Wooden Boat Fishing
Florida Keys Wooden Boat Fishing - 6 years ago
They do it because they never get caught. Sucks for the rest of us.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
1 Mil
1 Mil - 6 years ago
I always slow down when i see kayakers. Big speed boats make big ass wakes
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Thanks for that
Rubber Band
Rubber Band - 6 years ago
I fish from boats and kayaks and you’re way to sensitive lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol obviously
Mike Theune
Mike Theune - 6 years ago
I live in WI, your in a damn Kayak with Alligators around?....You bring a Pistol or anything with you for protection?
Mike Theune
Mike Theune - 6 years ago
We have fish frys every Friday. Perch, haddock, etc etc is like 12.99 with mashed potatoes and coleslaw. I like fishing (14 foot with a 3hp rude) but kayaking with gators I will spend the 12.99. Stay Safe!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol just a knive
Alex L
Alex L - 6 years ago
did you really throw the trash senko in the water at 10:33
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
if i did i'm sure i didnt mean to
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha - 6 years ago
Not scared of those gators that's scary asf
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I used to be scared, now I'm used to them lol
Brandy B.
Brandy B. - 6 years ago
I always carry my magnet fishing magnet with me. At least if I drop anything I have a chance of getting it back, works pretty good.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
good idea
Mason E
Mason E - 6 years ago
You should go noodling
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I agree
JAY Dow - 6 years ago
No wake zones are a JOKE!!! When a boat goes slow it throws a bigger wake since it is plowing water. When they are on plane most of the boat is out of the water and that results in a smaller wake.
JAY Dow - 6 years ago
Completely agree with slowing down in certain areas for safety. Just don't agree with those areas being called no wake zones. Because going slow mean bigger wakes.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
it's still dangerous
maximumfatdan - 6 years ago
Leash it or lose it.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
true that
Paper uzi
Paper uzi - 6 years ago
Should have just fished for your pole lol.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I tried
DIEorSK87273 - 6 years ago
At least the second dude went a bit slow.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
A B - 6 years ago
You’re not afraid the gator would try and get the bass?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
a little bit
Lane Stewart mode trains!!!!!!
Lane Stewart mode trains!!!!!! - 6 years ago
Dude thank you for replying I love you channel. I hope you can come to grand lake some day and fish with me
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
sounds good
Matt Netko
Matt Netko - 6 years ago
holy shit it irks me to see how some clowns think, whaaa whaaaa cry cry everyone's an ass hole
Matt Netko
Matt Netko - 6 years ago
o wait i watched till the end, now it's a $400 dollar rod that he chose not to retrieve...holy shit get the ** off my recommended list
Matt Netko
Matt Netko - 6 years ago
HOLY millenial, that's not a no wake zone, that buoy is a hazard indicator, he dropped "$300 dollar rod" and decided not to retrieve it from shallow water............the first boat he cried about he was actually moving into the path of while insisting he was moving out of the way. This guy reminds me of the scum bags on bicycles riding middle of the highway whining about cars on the road, meanwhile there's a dedicated bike trail paved payed with tax money a hundred yards away.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks for watching my video and commenting 3 times, helps my channel ;)
Lane Stewart mode trains!!!!!!
Lane Stewart mode trains!!!!!! - 6 years ago
Can you come to grand lake. Grove ok
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I'd love to
Mike Sharp
Mike Sharp - 6 years ago
Maybe losing that much tackle is a sign to stop lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
hahah I hope not
Planlos Channel
Planlos Channel - 6 years ago
350 dollars? my fat ass would be diving in for it...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
hahah I thought about it
Joseph Warren
Joseph Warren - 6 years ago
They are the people that do that to other boaters as well they think they own the water
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Trendy Jalapeño
Trendy Jalapeño - 6 years ago
At 1:35 fish jumos
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Kyle sprague
Kyle sprague - 6 years ago
idk what i would have done if i lost my combo. woulda thought about jumping in but you have a bunch of gators.good fishing though.!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
ReelFishing 22
ReelFishing 22 - 6 years ago
No wake means no white water comes off of waves at the boat. It is impossible for a boat to have no waves.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I'm aware
Oe Downing
Oe Downing - 6 years ago
Great video,lot of of info
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
mksouthon - 6 years ago
9:21 insert "wasted" gif here
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Dufus Kane
Dufus Kane - 6 years ago
Theres alligators in there? Whats wrong with you?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I'm silly
Cardboardguy 14
Cardboardguy 14 - 6 years ago
Great channel great video! You earned a sub! :D
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Bronzeback Snatcher
Bronzeback Snatcher - 6 years ago
I looked at the links but what is that scale you use? I can’t find any that work right?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
it's just the standard one on amazon
Bronzeback Snatcher
Bronzeback Snatcher - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing what scale do you use?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Good question
Jeremy Bell
Jeremy Bell - 6 years ago
Man i wish I was around man...i would've jumped in for it for you..
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol me too
Red OCT - 6 years ago
My ass would be jumping in the water.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I thought about it
Matthew Ledbetter
Matthew Ledbetter - 6 years ago
Noooooooo the rod!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I know...it hurt
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
J.T. Cooper
J.T. Cooper - 6 years ago
Sucks losing your combo, time for a tether. I chased mine into the water earlier this year when I was bottom fishing for Wiper. Ended up to my waist in water. But I got it and a 20" Wiper on the other end. I just can't let my gear get taken. Period.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I need one
Salty Loaf
Salty Loaf - 6 years ago
I carry a paintball gun.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
hahah that's amazing
Dixie Bushcraft
Dixie Bushcraft - 6 years ago
You need to add one of those stringers with chain and huge snap hooks to your tackle bag.
Open the hooks and drag it on the bottom to retrieve lost rods.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Believe me I tried everything to get it back
Mark X
Mark X - 6 years ago
Damn would not be in a kayak with gators in the water
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol I'm used to it now
paul painter
paul painter - 6 years ago
Kayak on a lake or a cyclist on the road... just give em a chance.

I know there are doofus kayakers and cyclists out there, but don’t take it out on all of them.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol very good point
Infandous Ktenology
Infandous Ktenology - 6 years ago
Get your fat ass a bigger boat. You’re too big for that damn little thing.
Infandous Ktenology
Infandous Ktenology - 6 years ago

Hahaha. Jk.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol hmmmm
Chris McFarland
Chris McFarland - 6 years ago
Great video, tough luck with the loss of that combo. I'd feel bad losing my cheap ones let alone an expensive one like that.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah it hurt
RimfireRat - 6 years ago
what for net do you have a one handed set up for the kayak?? need one of them
RimfireRat - 6 years ago
thanks i freshwater Bonefish (fly fish for Carp) from my yak and netting 20-30 # fish while wrestling the rod etc is challenging
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
it's made by yakattack
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I hope it broke lol
Bonecutter_bob - 6 years ago
I would invest in some floats or a rod leash
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yes that's a good idea
Ghaz Man
Ghaz Man - 6 years ago
My problem are the morons who slow down to half-plane in a no wake zone, creating an even larger wake. It's like their intelligence leaves them as soon as they buy a power boat.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
J March
J March - 6 years ago
You know us boaters hate kayakers
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol I'm sure
kimber smith
kimber smith - 6 years ago
whats ups with tossing your used plastic baits in to the water??? not cool
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I don't normally, don't know what I was thinking
Gobi Grey
Gobi Grey - 6 years ago
Here's a tip: Dont spend $350 on a fishing pole.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
It was for the whole combo. And I didn't buy it ;)
Jim Cornwall
Jim Cornwall - 6 years ago
Hah, what waves? Your water is way too flat, just ain’t natural! :). Spend more time fishing salt water and dodging wakes from boats of all sizes (up to and including freighters), then these yahoos ignoring the rules won’t be a worry...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol good to know
Katie Mahoney
Katie Mahoney - 6 years ago
You didn’t try to get your rod... it’s only 10’ deep!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Oh I tried believe me
Boss Man
Boss Man - 6 years ago
Ur supposed to stay on the right of person your passing
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I don't think those rules are set in stone
James Repp
James Repp - 6 years ago
There's no way i would've just left that combo sitting in the water. Tie on a treble hook with a small weight and atleast try to get it back. I've lost rods the same way but i'll spend 2 hours trying to get it back before i just give up and leave. As far as the boaters go i mean stuff like that is going to happen so i wouldnt get too caught up in it. They're probably local and pass through there everyday. I fish in south Louisiana and we have some of the most disrespectful people on the planet down here who own boats so maybe i'm just used to seeing it daily. Anyways great video and keep up the good work.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Believe me I tried for a while
Roger Borden
Roger Borden - 6 years ago
Well the boaters don't care I've fished from a dock and seen shoot would speed by and caused huge waves that I ant stand when it comes to fishing and great video mom next time you got a expensive combe get you a magnet and find a medal pipe big enough to fit your handle that way if you drop it you can use a magnet and rope to fish for your rod back
joshua cabral
joshua cabral - 6 years ago
Where did you get your hat ?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Academy I think
David Parker
David Parker - 6 years ago
Kayak?? Gators?? Oh hell naw
David Parker
David Parker - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing I weigh 350 and like to get into kayak fishing which boat should I get for under 800?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Brandon Landry
Brandon Landry - 6 years ago
Bruh idgaf how cold it is I’m getting my ass in the water to try and find that bitch
Brandon Landry
Brandon Landry - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing still
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol it was the alligators I was worried about
Bebub - 6 years ago
I’m the 1000 comment lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Rodney Pratt
Rodney Pratt - 6 years ago
Cool I'm a first-time viewer and I was the guy that put you to 1000 that makes me happy and I wish I can fish like that throw that little foggy out there and get your nice Bass !!! My son and I just got back from Corpus Christi we went fishing with my friend who's a guide and we slayed the speckled trout
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
that's awesome, thanks so much
weswolf73 - 6 years ago
Well... up here in Alaska it seems that maybe 60% boaters are ass holes. I would always turn to my friends while getting waked while fishing from shore “you know, someday im gunna be one of those ass holes!” Ya no i got a boat and i cant bring myself to be that way. I most always slow down, one time i even got high centered on a sand bar cause i slowed down for a guy wade fishing. I say most always cause i have a flat bottom and don’t make nearly as big of a wake as i do going slow. And one time i swerved around a moose in the river and lost a brand new sage 6wt fly rod and reel $600+. So i feel your pain. Anyhoo tight lines man.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for being awesome
visualkeirockstar - 6 years ago
Same with jet skiers. They are like flies.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
true tht
Aaron Abney
Aaron Abney - 6 years ago
Pro tip keep spare reel of line a heavy sinker and big treble hook....fishin for your pole...I've dropped a few went fishin for it and ended up pullin up a better combo than I dropped
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Good idea lol
Tyler March
Tyler March - 6 years ago
Yep I agree with you. I fish on a public lake that gets a lot of boat traffic from fisherman and non fisherman. There is always guys that fly right by me while fishing that don't slow down. I'm only 15 years old and love to kayak fish because I can get to places where boats can't and kayaks are a lot stealthier. I've pulled up on a spot and caught fish right under my boat in ultra clear shallow water. So when a guy fishing with night crawlers pulls up right next to me accusing me of scaring fish away I get a little upset. Me and my brother just got a 14 foot boat and always slow down anytime we go by any boater.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Good for you, we appreciate people like you
CJ Vermeire
CJ Vermeire - 6 years ago
350 combo not worth getting wet for?
CJ Vermeire
CJ Vermeire - 6 years ago
Oh damn thats why. We dont have those in canada
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Not with alligator lurking
Scott Clune
Scott Clune - 6 years ago
Keep a big treble hook and a large weight, 1 ounce or bigger. Then fish rod back up. We have retrieved several through the last 50 years.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried it :(
Frank Trempe
Frank Trempe - 6 years ago
I was just going to say I would have jumped in the water after it but then you mention Gators I think you made a good call LOL
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol me too
Catches with Carter
Catches with Carter - 6 years ago
That’s what rod leashes are for lojo
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I know I know
DennyFilms - 6 years ago
I swear the worst ones are on boats or seadoos and decide to circle you at speed, cause , you know, the giant lake doesnlt have enough room and we must look interesting.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
that's crazy
jay f150
jay f150 - 6 years ago
Is there a way you could of tie several hooks up in a row and tried to fish your rod out?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried :( no luck
ugh3012 - 6 years ago
I fish from kayak and my boat. I prefer kayak, but it’s nice to have a boat sometime. With the boat, you can go far and use the trolling motor
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
murfienhawaii - 6 years ago
rip combo
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
one thousand percent
one thousand percent - 6 years ago
bro tie the dam rod to you're leg if you wont jump in for it, wish you goodluck for future trips.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol there's so many things I could have done to prevent it
Doug Norton
Doug Norton - 6 years ago
if youre going to complain about a no wake zone maybe you should be a responsible fisherman and not throw your plastics in the water
Doug Norton
Doug Norton - 6 years ago
Youre a great guy and a great angler Im just busting your balls but seriously lets keep our water ways clean.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
that was my mistake for sure, I normally don't throw them overboard, I don't know why I did in that situation
M Farmer
M Farmer - 6 years ago
It’s actually better for a bass boat to pass on plane than slow wake. It throws up less violent waves
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
oh ok, good to know
aljaljga dlksfjalja
aljaljga dlksfjalja - 6 years ago
I’d use the second rod to try to hook the lost one back.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried :(
TheMass33 - 6 years ago
I live around there.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Phillip Fetterman
Phillip Fetterman - 6 years ago
A suggestion: you might want to invest in a large power magnet, and some rope.... and bring it. With you on fishing trips ..that way if you drop a rod overboard, you can recover it
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Great suggestion
Lib - 6 years ago
As a kayak fisherman, I appreciate the gesture when a boat slows down, but I'd almost prefer they stay on plane. Slowing down only seems to work if they drop to zero wake and wait until I'm way clear before they gun it again. Otherwise just stay on plane, way smaller wake IMO.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
interesting point
Derek Vowell
Derek Vowell - 6 years ago
Loses rod... makes zero attempt to retrieve it, whines constantly about other boaters. Throw rubber worms in the water like it ain't no thing, probably should do some research into what that does to aquatic life. This guy should do all his kayak fishing on Xbox.
Derek Vowell
Derek Vowell - 6 years ago
Slob fisherman
Derek Vowell
Derek Vowell - 6 years ago
And a thumbs down
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks for the view
Todd Olathe Ks.
Todd Olathe Ks. - 6 years ago
dude I watched several videos of yours and I always forget to subscribe but after the day you just had I went back and subscribed you earned it brother!
Todd Olathe Ks.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
nice, welcome!!!
Carlos Alanis
Carlos Alanis - 6 years ago
Take your kayak to Falcon State Park Falcon, Tx. I swear it’s amazing!! HUGE BASS DOWN IN THE SOUTH
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Good to know
ebraman229 - 6 years ago
Do you enjoy your Raymarine fish finder? I’m currently shopping for a ff for my predator pdl? Not sure what brand to go with. What do you enjoy most about yours?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
It gets me by, and honestly I'm such a rookie when it comes to electronics I couldn't really give you another recommendation lol
J&C Fishing Channel
J&C Fishing Channel - 6 years ago
I'm new...Licked and subbed people just have no clue anymore. Nice vid Keep it up
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol true, thanks
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
WiCkEd_SLy - 6 years ago
Why not keep a small fishing magnet on you? They are very small and don't add much weight.

I've pulled out a full size stroller with mine. You could fish the pole back out.

Like 25 bucks on amazon.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Yeah I need to
Adriel Hernandez
Adriel Hernandez - 6 years ago
Your an idiot
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I know you are but what am I??? :)
Apb Fishing
Apb Fishing - 6 years ago
That has to suck. Sry about that.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
It's all good :)
callofgeorge - 6 years ago
"finally convinced to go back to fishing".. i'd be going fishing for that rod.. $350 almost worth going for a swim with the gators after.. i'd def be dredging for that rod with some sinkers, trebles, and heavy braid.. but i am thankful for guys that don't go after your dropped rods, as i have 2 rod/reel combos I've snagged while fishing and added to my collection..
callofgeorge - 6 years ago
dang... that sucks man.. that's why when i had my yak i only took my cheap rods/reels.. i leashed or attached a float to those too tho lol.. but i fished out front where waves could getcha..
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried for a while to snag it, no luck :(
bryce querin
bryce querin - 6 years ago
Gators or not, I’d be getting that rod back.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I thought about it
Brandt Richard
Brandt Richard - 6 years ago
If your gonna complain about boaters .Well I'll complain about you throwing your damaged soft plastics back in the water. Good job... Keep littering. They should have made enough wake to flip your littering ass.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Yeah good luck with that :)
Music Islife
Music Islife - 6 years ago
In Australia, boats are limited to 5knots within 50 metres of a kayak or other vessel and everyone pretty much respects that.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
nice, I like those rules
Shiny Knife
Shiny Knife - 6 years ago
Dude please get a lease for your rods. I would’ve jumped in after my shit if it cost that much. My kayak only cost $219 I couldn’t imagine losing a $350 rod. Them gators are scared of you
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol you are probably right
GROUNDED FILMS - 6 years ago
Rob floats all the way I have them on every road I take on my kayak because I've done the same thing and for $6 rod float will save you 400
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
dang I need one
Soflo Kayaker
Soflo Kayaker - 6 years ago
Soflokbf here representing! let me know if you need a challenge, I'll put you to the test.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol got it
F Huber
F Huber - 6 years ago
And then there's the rude kayakers...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
oh absolutely, on both sides
Daniel Price
Daniel Price - 6 years ago
As a racing kayaker I can confirm that boat wakes are annoying. A fast powerboat produces a wake that’s bigger than my kayak is wide and it takes a certain amount of stability to not get tipped in. However the faster ones of us produce a wake as powerful as that of a small powerboat so I guess I can’t judge - you see people on a beginners course getting knocked in like houses of cards next to a bass speaker when a fast group sprints past
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
very interesting
Daniel Price
Daniel Price - 6 years ago
That’s about an engine away from a powerboat, you got rods, anchor, rails, proper space, heck you’ve even got some sort of sonar.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
BIG JOHN - 6 years ago
Well mark the spot and drag a treble hook to retrieve the $400.00 rig??????
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried believe me
Odin Wolf
Odin Wolf - 6 years ago
And for a 350 dollar combo id be swimming lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol I thought about it
Odin Wolf
Odin Wolf - 6 years ago
If u dont mind me asking how much did that kayak rig with the peddals cost you? It looks very stable in the water.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
It's very stable. Hobie pro angler $3500
col stace
col stace - 6 years ago
I would have gone swimming for that combo, heartbreaking !!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
True it was
Black Sheep
Black Sheep - 6 years ago
rip... to the rod ... keep on fishing...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Will do
BullBars1 - 6 years ago
Uhhhh…..tether, rods, paddles, other valuables. They are a cheap investment.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Timothy Henderson
Timothy Henderson - 6 years ago
They do it because, 1. They're selfish and don't care... 2. They know they can get away with it.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Timothy Henderson
Timothy Henderson - 6 years ago
Oh look, an alligator... anyway, moving on to bass... NOPE!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Jack Pazin
Jack Pazin - 6 years ago
As a shore fisherman, I haven’t had problems with either, except for the fact that I’m jealous that they can afford a boat. However, I can see how those conflicts could easily start.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Dan Hillman
Dan Hillman - 6 years ago
If it's no wake it's no wake. Lots of people don't give a shit or don't pay attention. Having said that, on open water, you're on your own if you choose to go out in a Kayak. Still, I give every vessel respectable distance if I am under power.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
well I would agree with what you said, however I was literally not even on the main lake at that time, I was less than a 100 yards from the boat ramp in a very thin cut
REEF X mr - 6 years ago
That sucks. Where you fishing at?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lake Seminole
Explorer Mike
Explorer Mike - 6 years ago
Do you take the barbs off of your hooks? The lures seem to come out of the fishes mouth so easily. Sorry about you loosing your gear at 8:00. Does anybody put leashes on their gear so they don;t lose it like that?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I definitely need some rod leashes
richard cline
richard cline - 6 years ago
kayakers do the same thing u can b fishing a point and kayakers will go between my boat and the bank
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
well that's not right either, there are bad boaters on both sides
Scruffy - 6 years ago
I literally had a guy tell me he was going to kick my ass for loading my kayak back on my car on the boat dock... He wanted me to carry a 12ft 100lb Hobie, not to mention it was full of fishing gear, up the boat dock. I think 1% was far too generous, seems more like about 10-20%. if we went based off this video, 4 boaters passed you and only one even attempted to slow down, 75%
Kori Whitchurch
Kori Whitchurch - 6 years ago
Brother get a hold of me whitchurchbass75@gmail.com I'll send you my number would love to talk fishing and lures with u where your fishing
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Dm me on IG
Kenny Phillips
Kenny Phillips - 6 years ago
A kayak angler IS a boater, period. Some boaters are just rude, inconsiderate, and stupid, and that includes some driving a kayak.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Absolutely agree
Junior Owsley
Junior Owsley - 6 years ago
These guys in big bass boats got no respect for other boaters . Thier kinda like Harley riders Coming up on a guy rideing a Japanese bike. They have no respect they got thier head up thier ass. I don't no how many times I have almost got swamp by bass boats .Besides heading me off when fishing come right around me .jump right in front of my boat start fishing .
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah same here
Lyrith - 6 years ago
Jesus at 9:20 you brained it on the bow XD
Lyrith - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol I gotcha man, I'm sarcastic all the time
Lyrith - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing yes a lot actually. It was intended to be funny and not rude
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
have you ever been fishing before in your life? that happens sometimes...it's not intentional
Lyrith - 6 years ago
Fuckin everyone "what's up everyone (insert name) back at it again" (plays dubstep)
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lyrith - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing nothing, you do you man. It's just that the last 5 videos in a row the person said exactly or a near copy of the same thing XD
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
what should we say instead?
Shawn Mccullough
Shawn Mccullough - 6 years ago
I love boats but I cannot stand these so called professional fisherman that pay no attention to rules. I mean why do u need a 300 hp engine for fishing?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Ozark Ed
Ozark Ed - 6 years ago
It's not just the boaters. How about the knuckleheads that use the boat ramp as a swimming and picnicking area? It's a damn boat ramp. If you're not launching or landing your boat stay the hell away from the ramp.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah that's unacceptable
71160000 - 6 years ago
I was up on the lake last week fishing out of a 17' center console and every few minutes a speed boat pulling skiers or a group of jet ski's would speed by were I was fishing. I wasn't in a channel and there was a good quarter to half mile between my boat and the far shore and yet every boat came by within my casting and fishing range. No consideration for those fishing. It strikes me that each fisherman requires a very small area of lake yet the skiers all want the entire lake to play in.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
wow that sucks
Timberbeast Waco
Timberbeast Waco - 6 years ago
I have found a paddle leash on the poll keeps it from getting lost. Good luck.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I need some lol
Rover101 - 6 years ago
that sucks
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Hayhurst Fishing
Hayhurst Fishing - 6 years ago
It's common sense to slow down when you see a kayaker.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I thought so
ReelBigFish - 6 years ago
Should have thrown a heavy weight on with a treble to see if you could snag that rod lol.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried
Sean Allino
Sean Allino - 6 years ago
And thats why i alwaysuse rod leashea
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Yeah I need one lol
aranon522 - 6 years ago
100% would have jumped into the alligator infested lake to retrieve rod/reel
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I thought about it
Helmsman - 6 years ago
Ever try dredging for your rod? Lilly pads means its shallow enough to tie on a heavy lure with hooks and dredge for it. I've found every one I've dropped in.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah I tried...no luck :(
Bob The deer killer
Bob The deer killer - 6 years ago
It’s like riding a bike on a 2 lane highway and the cars are bass boats and the bike is the kayak keep safe
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Thanks man
ACTS - 6 years ago
You need to keep a big treble hook with about a 2 oz pyramid sinker and some nylon surveyor cord in your tackle so you can try to snag an expensive rod and reel that goes overboard by accident. If you can even hook the line, there's a good chance of recovering your rig from the bottom. Another alternative is to use a 5 lb. grapnel anchor and just toss it around the area where the rod and reel went in, then drag it back to see if you can snag your rig and recover it.

I own a boat, it's a center console semi-v not a bass boat. I hate those bass boaters with the huge motors that come flying by at 50+ MPH just as much as you do.
ACTS - 6 years ago
I also keep a marker buoy (that I made out of a couple pieces of pool noodle) handy ... So that I can just drop it overboard the instant something needs marked (dropped rig, striper hit, etc.). It's pretty easy to drift off the spot real quick and it all looks the same out there on the water.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Yeah man o tried to snag it, no luck :)
Edgar Owens
Edgar Owens - 6 years ago
The guys in the boats speeding in a no wake are dicks. Man alligators be damn. I'd be going in after my rig. Facts. Good content fella. Keep it coming.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Thanks brother
Jonathan Sosa
Jonathan Sosa - 6 years ago
What kind of line are you using on your hollowed body frogs? Thanks in advance :)
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
50 lb power pro braid
Phillips Virginia Fishing Channel
Phillips Virginia Fishing Channel - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I need some
derek wakefield
derek wakefield - 6 years ago
When I lost my rods on my yak, I got a metal fish stringer from Walmart. Open up the hooks and tied on some polycord or heavy string..added a 20oz weight to the end of the stringer and dragged the bottom from different angles where i dropped the rod. I recovered them both 3 weeks later in 15ft h20. If you can zero in on the location...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
wow that's amazing
TheRiffingFatboy - 6 years ago
I dropped my tackle box face down in the dark tonight....feelsgoodman
Joseph DAgostino
Joseph DAgostino - 6 years ago
Sorry for your loss. That makes me want to cry. My tackle box has to have over $1000 worth of stuff in it. The main working box would easily be $100 in the drink.
TheRiffingFatboy - 6 years ago
yeah I'm sure I lost a ton of hooks, sinkers, crappie jigs and stuff I couldn't see...all my beads and swivels...I haven't looked in my tacklebox yet today cause I dont even wanna know lmao
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
oh no lol
mac423 - 6 years ago
did you not try to snag that rod with your other pole??
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I did, no luck :(
dude who likes dinosuars
dude who likes dinosuars - 6 years ago
Anglers that fish from shore also hate boaters. (some kayakers too, ones who aren’t fishing that are like splashing water everywhere)
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Davey Jones
Davey Jones - 6 years ago
Why kayak anglers hate boat owners.....because we want a bass cat too!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Maintenance Man
Maintenance Man - 6 years ago
Now I'm gonna fly by all of them because they're poor
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
good luck with that
cody wallace
cody wallace - 6 years ago
They are ass holes
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Derek Walker
Derek Walker - 6 years ago
Never fish sitting down..it's like giving up!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
fibb - 6 years ago
How do you record good audio on your GoPro? Is it in the waterproof housing?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Just a normal hero 4 session
chris smith
chris smith - 6 years ago
Um, that boat was following the rules. No wake just means you slow and are not on plane. Just because a boat does not creep along at walking pace like your plastic swimming pool toy does not mean they are evil. Stay out of the lake and get back in the creeks if you can't handle a little waves.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Jeremy Newhouse
Jeremy Newhouse - 6 years ago
Have seen so many kayak fisherman lose rods, I don't think I could afford to use a kayak.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol it hurts
Hook, Line and Kyle P
Hook, Line and Kyle P - 6 years ago
Don't worry man, your catching great fish! Awesome video, keep em coming!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks man
Chris Prescott
Chris Prescott - 6 years ago
Sorry about the $400 combo... If it was me, I'd be going swimming, even with the gators!!! :-)
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I thought about it
Sea Shur Jewelry
Sea Shur Jewelry - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Frugal Fishing Fundamentals
Frugal Fishing Fundamentals - 6 years ago
Damn LoJo your out there in a yak with gators?! Your crazy! Sweet Video!!!!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I do it all the time
RhinoJoe Outdoors
RhinoJoe Outdoors - 6 years ago
Boaters dont care. Had one about throw me outta the boat with a wake in 40* water. Just flew past me like nothing
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
23chevydawgz - 6 years ago
you need a rod leash
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yes I do
Michael Noble
Michael Noble - 6 years ago
Bring magnet line with you . Just in case you drop another pole.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yes that's a great idea
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol now you're talking
Reel Down Fishing
Reel Down Fishing - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
S - 6 years ago
Love that fumble intro!! ;( I just lost my first pole out of the yak last week, the pain is real!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah it hurts...
Robert Ringier
Robert Ringier - 6 years ago
You threw the broken bait into the water for a bass to swallow??!!!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
my bad, I must have not been thinking
wavygr - 6 years ago
I LOVE places with lots of good grass. Peace Man.
wavygr - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing I don't think you got the joke. Grass as in pot.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah it was fun
Jake Martin
Jake Martin - 6 years ago
Have you ever fished down over by wacissa springs? Perfect place to fish and piddle around
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I haven't but I'll try
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol it hurt my heart
Terr Kell
Terr Kell - 6 years ago
You're a role model. PFD from the start
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol will do
The Crappie Hurt Locker
The Crappie Hurt Locker - 6 years ago
Boaters like that are assholes to other boaters as well.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I'm sure
Castin&Shootin - 6 years ago
He’s having some solid Peric moments
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol guilty
Brody Ward
Brody Ward - 6 years ago
I wanna see some top water fishing plz
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
U812GREEN - 6 years ago
When you dropped your combo, you should have tossed a buoy marker on top of it and come back with a trebble hook and weight and fished it out.
U812GREEN - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing, We lost one on Memorial Day Weekend with a big catfish on it. It always sucks, keep your line tight and stay safe
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried :(
Terrence Wrigley
Terrence Wrigley - 6 years ago
I lost a rod the same way but my rapala was floating 2 feet under and i finally found it. If i wasn't running that original floater i would have lost everything.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Very nice
William Harris
William Harris - 6 years ago
Get out and get it
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I thought about it
mike moultrup
mike moultrup - 6 years ago
mike moultrup
mike moultrup - 6 years ago
"U Mad Bro"???? Very original...and no. .but according to your lame ass video, and you whining about a boat...R U Mad Bro?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
you mad bro?
PinkFloydian - 6 years ago
@6:40..." I'm not trying to hate on the guy..." But YET you title your video " Why Kayak Anglers HATE Boaters..." Make up your little snowfake mind. I have found that most people like you tend to have more hair on their CHIN than on their ASS.
PinkFloydian - 6 years ago
Ask your elders, snowflake!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
why would an ass have so much hair???
Christian Nickels
Christian Nickels - 6 years ago
Ever have a gator go for a hooked fish
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
not yet knock on wood
Built 06 STI
Built 06 STI - 6 years ago
did he say BIG GATORS? wtheck .....on a kayak? run bro run lol...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Brooks Pearce
Brooks Pearce - 6 years ago
I lost a new combo in the middle of Santee Cooper Lake while fishing there one time. I tied a treble hook and a big weight on the only other rod and reel in the boat ( my niece's Barbie combo ) and started casting in the area I lost it. I snagged my rod and got it back Thank you Lord :-)
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol very nice, I tried the same thing but with no luck
the real pokemonrd
the real pokemonrd - 6 years ago
Go fishing for catfish
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I will very soon
GreenBoy at GA Farms
GreenBoy at GA Farms - 6 years ago
Yea thunder head another words thunderstorms iv seen that lake get nasty quickly so keep your eye to the sky. Just info iv seen personally hunting and fishing there for atleast 20 years. Good luck
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks for the tip
Fishing with Cristina
Fishing with Cristina - 6 years ago
LOL I would have jumped in but what you could have done is get the other Rod put a big treble hook on it and try to snatch it up
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
oh I tried lol
Dale Reves
Dale Reves - 6 years ago
Dude...dummy cord your rods.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I know...lol
Howabouthetruth - 6 years ago
See my other comment on a few ways to try recovering a rod & reel off the lake bottom. Here's a true story that happened to me just last year while fishing on the Stick Marsh here in Florida. ( I live in Melbourne Fl. ) I'm a die-hard Lew's man, all 9 of my combo's are various TP1 Speed Sticks and 3 of each of the following model reels: The Pro-G, the Super Duty, and the BB1 Pro. I had just caught a huge Florida spotted gar over 8 lbs on a lure full of treble hooks. I kept that gar outside the boat, because it was thrashing violently & I didn't want a leg or hand full of hooks still attached to a thrashing fish. I grabbed the line about a foot above the fish, laid my Rod down in the boat & was just about to grab the lure with fishing pliers, when that damned gar bolted so hard, the line cut my hand & I let go. I couldn't react quickly enough & watched my Pro-G reel & Speed Stick get snatched out of the boat & shot under water like an arrow. That fish was moving fast & hard. $300 gone. Boy was I pissed. I searched for about 15 minutes, but nada. Grabbed another rod & started fishing the same area. About 5 minutes later, I noticed my rod & reel FLOATING laterally & motionless on the surface, as if it was laying on a counter top!!! HONEST TO GOD!!! Motored over & grabbed it up. There was NO weeds, grass, pads, wood, or anything holding that rod up like that. The gar was sitting on the bottom still hooked. HOW THE HECK DID THAT HAPPEN!!!???!!!??? I don't care if anyone believes me or not...... that's the truth. I had left about 8 feet of line off the tip of the rod when I laid it in the boat to unhook that damned fish. The water was about 5.5 feet deep. WEIRD I TELL YA!!! It's as if "the Man upstairs" let me have my combo back. In over 45 years of Florida bass fishing......I have NEVER seen a rod & reel float to the top like that. The reel was still working just fine too. Broke it down that night to inspect it. Not a drop of water inside the reel & it didn't even need any oil. I re-lubed the worm gear of course.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
wow that's crazy
UBBERTANKER - 6 years ago
no wake speed is defined as the slowest you can go while maintainng control, the guy that slowed down probably was doing alright,
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah I guess
David Smith
David Smith - 6 years ago
why buy a hobie when you can buy an actual boat for the same money?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
no maintenance on a kayak
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I don't blame you
Howabouthetruth - 6 years ago
For a $350 combo, in 10' water....... I would've tied on a heavy sinker ( or 2 or 3 sinkers ) right against the biggest lure full of treble hooks I had. Ya put the sinker on a piece of line and tie each end to the hook loops right against the lure, so the weights are right against the body of the lure. Good tape works too, and easier than tying the sinkers on. Then just hand-line & keep dredging the spot. ( The only way that wouldn't work very well, is if there's a lot of wood/laydowns on the bottom.)........Even if the lure hung up on something & ya couldn't pull it up, the cost of a lure & a sinker or two is worth the sacrifice of trying to recover a nice combo like that. The old-timers used to use the old chain-type fish stringers that had the separate hoops for each fish that looks like "giant snap swivels". They would open up every one of those hoops that hold a fish, then tie a rope onto the stringer & dredge up the lost rod & reel. They claim it works really well. Maybe just keep a weighted snatch hook on board with ya to try, in case it ever happens again.
Howabouthetruth - 6 years ago
Try that metal/chain fish stringer trick. They still make em, and no kidding, years ago, I heard it really works from several old fishermen, including a professional guide. Good luck.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I actually tried for a while to get it, but I marked a waypoint so I can go back with a magnet or something
GreenBoy at GA Farms
GreenBoy at GA Farms - 6 years ago
Iv fished the big river and lake Seminole and that's why I don't have a kayak. Also what you going to do if a big thunder head moves up on you quick. You will be in the same situation
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thunder head?
daft vagrant
daft vagrant - 6 years ago
Some days it just rains 2.5-5lbs bass on ya and some days you donate a set-up to Davey Jones. It's gonna be what it's gonna be, I'm just out there tryin to have a little fun.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
very good point
360 Fishing
360 Fishing - 6 years ago
2 things, which editing program are you using, videos are awesome. Second is I have dropped a combo in also and tied on a treble hook and heavy weight and after 10min or so I got it. Did you mark a way point on that, good luck...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
1. wondershare filmora
2. I tried for a while to get it, but I did mark a waypoint so I can go back and try to find it
bryan hennes
bryan hennes - 6 years ago
I am looking to get a kayak for bass fishing here in Florida. Are gators a real issue?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
most of the time they aren't, just have to be careful and give them space
HobbyTimewithGreg! - 6 years ago
Dang man! I know there are alligators but I'd had dived in for the that rod and reel that exspensive. lol Better luck next time good sir!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah I thought about it
James Purdy
James Purdy - 6 years ago
you should have marked it with your GPS on a phone or on your Fishfinder that way you could go back and magnet find it
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I did, I'll try to go back and get it
Nick Hall
Nick Hall - 6 years ago
Try kayaking in salt water. Getting waked is just a normal day. Id think something was wrong if I didnt get waked. Hell one day coast guard came around a bend and waked the crap out of me to where waves were coming over
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I'll have to try it
BlackAnvil47 - 6 years ago
$350. Rod in gator filled water.......you may want to try rod leashes.....
chad dailey
chad dailey - 6 years ago
If i was fishing with you i would have gotten that rod
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I think you might be right
Cody Hess
Cody Hess - 6 years ago
Also sorry you lost your rod I've only lost one but it was my fault.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks man
Cody Hess
Cody Hess - 6 years ago
In the fall and winter will you do hunting videos? New sub but you've already taught me a lot.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I may do some hunting one day
Jack Early
Jack Early - 6 years ago
jet skiers are the WORST
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I've heard
chetyoder - 6 years ago
I have spine issues and it makes me clubsy so I use 4 inch piece of pool noodle on a 2ft lease that clip on the butt of the rod im using, it may sink in deep water but ya gotta 1 second chance to grab it
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah good point
Aaron Carr
Aaron Carr - 6 years ago
Kayaks are annoying, You guys suck and you do the same annoying things as the guy in the boat so don't play that stupid shit. If I was that boater I would tilt my outboard up and spray your ass.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah good luck with that
No Ceilings
No Ceilings - 6 years ago
Get a boat pussy
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
where is that on a boat???
amorton94 - 6 years ago
Maybe you'll put on some rod floats now.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
maybe lol
Craig Nash
Craig Nash - 6 years ago
Hey the reason you look for it was because of alligators. Right 350.00 bucks I would try to look or do something. Please get back to me. Awesome video Craig Nash
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried to snag it believe me
William Boughton
William Boughton - 6 years ago
Great vid. Just found your stuff. Bummer about the rod drop. I zip tied pool noodle to all my stuff since Im a clutz. Super useful when I get dumped off my yak. After I get back in I can paddle around and pick up my yard sale.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
good idea
Christopher Webber
Christopher Webber - 6 years ago
I kayak a lot, rivers, lakes, oceans. Stop being a pussy. Get a outrigger. It's like bicycles that ride in the road.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
jay Wyce
jay Wyce - 6 years ago
No leash?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
no :(
Brad Albrant
Brad Albrant - 6 years ago
I wish you would have thrown a swimbait back after those blow ups you missed I’ve caught some of my biggest fish that way
Great video I just subbed
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
welcome aboard
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol lucky you
Dont Horn That Fish
Dont Horn That Fish - 6 years ago
I haven't fished my yak in any type of freshwater, on a lake or river having boaters get close wouldn't bother me much. Now I do inshore and offshore fish on my yak and I only have issues with skis and cobia hunters in spring for majority of the jerk faces. I have had a few choice words with some pretty well known guides and fisherman in the bays. You mostly have to watch yourself and every boat on the water. I've had most issues from skis really they like to just be douches and wake you out or blow your flat out and cross lines while trolling for kings
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
good points
Jagged Tooth Tackle
Jagged Tooth Tackle - 6 years ago
Couldn't fish your rod up? This year I've launched a 500 dollar phone down an ice hole (gone) and jousted a bridge and lost (broke my 13 Envy rod) in the same day I dropped my ultra light combo in -- although I was able to fish that out.
Jagged Tooth Tackle
Jagged Tooth Tackle - 6 years ago
It's definitely a buzz kill when you are fishing, the great ones always regroup though ;)
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried, no luck
Michael Chase
Michael Chase - 6 years ago
Sorry about the combo man. Did that in a river near me last year. I wasn’t about to jump in 12 feet of water with strong current.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I don't blame you
Benjamin Fulcher
Benjamin Fulcher - 6 years ago
I keep a weighted treble or snag hook in my gear when out in kayak for retrieving dropped gear from the water .
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried :(
Danny Cal
Danny Cal - 6 years ago
BRO I WOULD OF WENT SWIMMING FOR THAT ROD. LOL I lost one at lake of the ozarks last year. rip lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
it hurts so bad
Albert Castillo
Albert Castillo - 6 years ago
Gaters....f that
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Diy Jeep Guy Thompson
Diy Jeep Guy Thompson - 6 years ago
looked like a fish or something jumping in the background during your intro,
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
probably was lol
A M - 6 years ago
Honestly I think the boat thing wasn’t that bad but maybe it was closer than it looked, that being said boaters should always go the speed limit. Dude I’m more concerned about being around those gators. Thank god I don’t have that problem in California, i wouldn’t be an angler let alone be in a kayak. Sorry about your rod, Be safe.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I hear that
A M - 6 years ago
Some people just don’t have common sense and some are just stupid assholes
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
أتابع الناصري. Keillor,Christopher
أتابع الناصري. Keillor,Christopher - 6 years ago
I never understood why anyone thinks fishing is so relaxing you get hooked on everything you get line breaks maybe things get tangled fish aren't cooperating and biting your line you get damn conservation people bugging you and other assholes on the water want to try to tip you off or Splash you I've yet to figure out why fishing is so relaxing that's why when I catch a fish I eat the damn thing and that's why either I only use a Cuban yo-yo or if I want to use a fly rod I use a European telescoping Fly Rod or telescoping cane pole however you want to call it all of them very very very inexpensive in the cane poles float quite well
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
hahahah very good points
Pop Vids
Pop Vids - 6 years ago
make your own fishing lure and try and catch a fish on it
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
coming soon
Fishing MN
Fishing MN - 6 years ago
when i see kayaks or canoes i never wake around them even if a wake is fine. its all about safety. They are out there trying to enjoy the water just like the motor boats. Sorry to see you lose a combo like that, even if it was under 100$, still sucks. good video tho!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Salute to you
bowlwest73 - 6 years ago
note to self, get a snag hook setup to recover or keep rod floats on all rods when in the kayak.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Good tip
JY The Iowa Guy
JY The Iowa Guy - 6 years ago
Did everyone else notice the fast boat actually made a smaller wake?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Rob Davidson
Rob Davidson - 6 years ago
If I slow down to just 5 knots past you my boat will make more water disturbance than if I go 40 miles an hour past you. Huge wake at slow speeds
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Good to know
mark breuer
mark breuer - 6 years ago
Ran into that today while still fishing. Rude people who have no freakin brains. Doesn't matter if in a kayak or any boat some people just have no clue about boating and boating safety.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
SSHitMan - 6 years ago
There's a bayou in SE Louisiana that has a $200 rod/reel combo I had bought less than 2 weeks before... that just sucks losing good gear.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
4orkful - 6 years ago
doing that in a no wake zone is ridiculous... BUT I have had some real assholes in kayaks that think they own the water while I am fishing in my bass boat. Paddling between me and the shore, over my line etc. I had a guy in a kayak make contact with my power-pole last weekend during the tournament I was fishing! All recreation kayaks though, not anglers. Just because someone is in a kayak does not mean they get "right of way" while I am fishing on the trolling motor.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
there are definitely idiots on both sides
Wayn Jul
Wayn Jul - 6 years ago
I was bass fishing in my friends high speed bass boat on Kentucky lake and he blew past a no wake float
right into a pocket with three ranger boats. LOL Yes he got a ticket and a lecture. I did laugh at him.
I lost a combo and my cast net. Boaters are like drivers on the road. You have the good and the bad.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
very true man
Jonathan Hermann
Jonathan Hermann - 6 years ago
I wouldve went in after that rod.
Jonathan Hermann
Jonathan Hermann - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing I dropped mine in the water the other day and was so mad. I started dragging a jig across the bottom with no luck and right when I was abput to go down and get it my jig came up with the line on it. Literally five minutes later we saw a gator not 20 yds from where my rod was. Praise the Lord for blessing us with jigs
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I thought about it
Ed Holloway
Ed Holloway - 6 years ago
I do not condone bad behaviour by a boater of any type. However, you guys want "RUDE" behavior--Get to the boat ramp and there are 10 kayaks sitting on it or the dock has 10-15 kayaks tied up to it when there is 100 yards of bank they could be beached on (fiberglass doesn't do well around rock on most banks so don't go there). Most all kayakers are alone and back their truck down the ramp and sit and load/unload the kayak with everything before loading or unloading it and getting out of the way. All that when they may have wheels to roll it down from a parking spot away from the ramp. Most kayakers don't use a trailer yet take up a truck/trailer parking spot when single vehicle parking may be just a few more steps further away or just as close. Getting close to the ramp a kayaker will be rowing in the middle of the channel and expect everyone to line up behind him taking them 5 times as long to get to the ramp or get pissed off if they're passed by a bass boat. Many kayaks are of a dark color making them nearly invisible to a boater running 70 MPH across the lake until you get right up on them. Then they get pissed when they get rolled by the wake of a passing boat. Some kayakers fish in dark hours without proper running lights. I could go on for days, so don't be hating on bass boaters!!
Ed Holloway
Ed Holloway - 6 years ago
The only perspective I saw was the idiot ignoring a No Wake Zone buoy. In no way were you in danger and would be no different than a boat passing you outside a No Wake Zone. I'm defending my fellow bass boaters here. who as a whole, are the most courteous group of boaters on the water. I've been boating for more than 30 years and know full well who the "Bad Guys" on the water are and I can tell you for certain it's not bass boaters!! Jet Skies, Skiers and Wake-Boarders pose a much bigger threat to you and bass boaters alike. As a whole, those guys launch a boat 10 times a year and have no idea of water etiquette! I've had my boat flooded on more than one occasion from a Wake Boater who could care less about any other person on the water. On another occasion I was thrown completely off my boat by a ski boat who passed me within 10 feet. These same guys think it's OK to go near a dock at fast idle as long as they are not on plane. Which, of course causes a bigger wake than if they were on plane. Are there bass boaters out there that don't know or follow the rules--sure there are but these guys usually are new to boating and haven't had anyone teach them the rules yet.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I realize there are idiots on both sides, this video was meant to show only one perspective
Fat Robs Fishing
Fat Robs Fishing - 6 years ago
Man that sucks dropping your rod and reel in the water! I use those little pool noodles to keep mine floating although it does makes the combo look a little special.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah I need to look into those
jagmechtech - 6 years ago
Losing the rod combo would of made me angrier than the boaters. You can’t fix stupid boaters but you can fix the rod sinking.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I know right
MyTopSpinner - 6 years ago
That's why you stay away kayak fisherman from open water stick close to the shore
MyTopSpinner - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing then that was fucked up
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I was literally right next to shore and the boat ramp....
John Puckett
John Puckett - 6 years ago
Well u no how it is u can't fix stupid you have jackasses and everything boat kayaks cars trucks four-wheelers dirt bikes Etc
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
very good point
Jason Cravens
Jason Cravens - 6 years ago
People have no respect anymore,
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
vibratingstring - 6 years ago
I would have rigged a bunker snagger treble up and dredged for that rod. You woulda found it for sure.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried :(
L. E.O.
L. E.O. - 6 years ago
put a tether on your rods
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I need to...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol banger
Joshua Walker
Joshua Walker - 6 years ago
Check out Orange Lake. Its between Gainesville and Ocala... hands down the most concentrated body of water in florida with bass. I have had days where I would catch close to 50 bass in a day... most were in the 3-4lb range.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I will :)
tommy minley
tommy minley - 6 years ago
Carry a good magnet with you.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Good idea
Francis Ramp
Francis Ramp - 6 years ago
Two answers:
1) 99% of all "No Wake Zones" are BOGUS. Which means (easy math) 999/1000 times it's all is good.
2) It's the world we live in.

I've kayaked for years and most of the time it's in the intercoastal waterway with 50' boats sending 3' wakes. A boat wake has almost zero affect on a kayaker's safety or ability to fish.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
That might be the dumbest statement I've ever heard
Jayden Cox
Jayden Cox - 6 years ago
The motors are so disruptive
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Brunson Fain
Brunson Fain - 6 years ago
I’m editing you are the YouTube fisherman who inspired me to get a channel Man U are awesome
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks bro and good luck
Musk Beard
Musk Beard - 6 years ago
I love being hated by kayakers
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol at least you are honest
Tyler Miron
Tyler Miron - 6 years ago
Slower you go in a big boat the bigger the wake FYI...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Frank Emerson
Frank Emerson - 6 years ago
My ass would have went overboard for that pole
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol too many gators
Adventures with Frodo
Adventures with Frodo - 6 years ago
Sorry but it is really sad all the yuotubers telling you to hit the subscribe even before you see how good or bad the video is.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
it's just a reminder for people who don't know the subscribe button exists...
Capt Mitch Taylor
Capt Mitch Taylor - 6 years ago
I piss yakers off
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol awesome...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I thought about it
redcon1gear - 6 years ago
Yep typical bass boat dick head, think they are fishing in the FLW and have to hurry up and haul ads everywhere they go . Shits annoying
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Edge 150
Edge 150 - 6 years ago
it's not even a question if they were wrong if it is designated NO WAKE! to me, any boat should not be any faster than adrift. my question is at 350 dollars why the hell didnt you go swimming. lol i would have
Matt Netko
Matt Netko - 6 years ago
that's not a no wake zone, you were in the wrong, not them, and your rod was easily retrievable you god dam nance
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I thought about it, too many gators
Kevin Gray
Kevin Gray - 6 years ago
You should try rod leashes
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
YES!!! I agree
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
BassGeek - 6 years ago
Ok I was about to give shit but then I seen it was a no wake zone. That's BS. I would be on my front deck yelling it was no wake. It's Bass Bro's like that giving us a bad name. Now if you where on main lake then I would tell you deal with it. I have to when a big ass barge wakes me on the river systems. It's part of being on the water. Always gonna be a bigger boa somewhere.
BassGeek - 6 years ago
Yeah I agree total douche bag move.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah exactly, when I'm on the main lake I don't mind...but that was crazy lol
KAYAK BOB - 6 years ago
Most glitter rockets dont have any respect for yakanglers..both on the water and at the ramp
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Sam Woods
Sam Woods - 6 years ago
7:50 leash it or lose it #1 kayaking rule xD
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
true that
lordfarquaad - 6 years ago
i fish the ocean in a boat but if i see a kayaker il go as slow as i can and as wide just to give them room iv been where they are and i like respect to be shared around
lordfarquaad - 6 years ago
theres enough water to go around i dint see why people buzz past kayakers
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
salute to you my friend
hoss56 - 6 years ago
Youre better off having them go past on pad with minimal wake than the ones who see you then drop throttle and fall off pad and push a huge wake right into you.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah true
Ryan Barney
Ryan Barney - 6 years ago
I kayak in a sea eagle inflatable fishing kayak. I’m from southeast but have fished this year without the presence of alligators. I’m not worried about them attacking the boat but more about attacking my catch. Should I be concerned about fishing with alligators with an inflatable? It’s a good inflatable but it’s still an inflatable .
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
that's an interesting question, I would be a little worried, but that's just me
K.g.m Customs
K.g.m Customs - 6 years ago
No we don’t weeeeeeee I’m flying but some of them can be very rude
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Uber Jim in DC
Uber Jim in DC - 6 years ago
And if bicyclists, pedestrians, busses and other cars weren't enough, now electric scooters are jumping into the mix. All being used by idiots. I actually had to stop working early today. If I hadn't I knew I would've lost my cool. Of course the extra insane traffic today because of all the Capitals fans and parade didn't help at all. But such is life I guess.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
hahaha very true
Erick Peterman
Erick Peterman - 6 years ago
You always have your rods tied to your Kayak.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah I'm not the smartest guy ever
Will Riley
Will Riley - 6 years ago
I think the hate goes both ways.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah probably so
Boo Boo Kitty Fuck
Boo Boo Kitty Fuck - 6 years ago
What was the depth where you dropped the rod? I would have probably sat there for at least an hour or two trying to snag it. haha Speaking of gators, they never bother me but I was fishing a 150-acre pond near Savannah two weekends ago and kept having large gators pop up and hang around looking at me. They didn't get any closer than about 20 yards, but it's still very unnerving having a gator bigger than your kayak sitting there staring at you. I am guessing that sense the pond is close to a campground, a lot of idiots have been feeding them and now they expect hand-outs.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
it was pretty deep and believe me, I tried for a while to get it back
mando blast
mando blast - 6 years ago
I'm not saying he made the right or wrong decision by not going swimming to recover his gear. You do you. I would not have hesitated to hop in after mine. I grew up swimming in lakes and rivers that have a 5 inch visibility in Florida. I've been around alligators and have fished feet from them in the water and on land. Generally speaking they are opportunistic and nocturnal feeders. I would have no reservations in swimming to get my combo.
A M - 6 years ago
To the guys saying you would jump in... REALLY?? So your tougher than a gator huh?? Fuck the rod, my Limbs are more valuable. Boaters who don’t follow rules suck balls especially near kayaks just to be dicks (you know who ya are) I hope your boat sinks.. I hope u live but with depression cuz you lost your boat for being a douche and stressed out like how you made me feel when you ran your boat at 40mph, 20 yards away in a no wake zone!!
mando blast
mando blast - 6 years ago
Tyler Studstill exactly my thoughts. Ida been swimming.
Tyler Studstill
Tyler Studstill - 6 years ago
Fat Matt Outdoors im just confused why he just didnt jump in. I wouldnt have stoppef until I found that rod
slothbreeder69 - 6 years ago
Almost feel like he could’ve jigged something down around those Lillie’s and fished it out though :/ still a tough loss
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah man I agree
rowenvandergriff - 6 years ago
you can add some foam to the rod near the reel and they will float and not sink
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
good tip
rowenvandergriff - 6 years ago
you definitely dont want to get dumped in the alligator water
Outdoor Living and Fishing
Outdoor Living and Fishing - 6 years ago
Can you sub to me please
NN outdoors
NN outdoors - 6 years ago
I had a jet ski spray water all over me yesterday
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
oh no
Ajdizzle4rizzle - 6 years ago
When I fished on the east coast visiting family we would kayak fish regularly.. We came across 0 boaters that obeyed the no wake zones we would fish in. People dont care
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Cheng Lee
Cheng Lee - 6 years ago
80% of boaters are asswipes. I rarely run into ones that think about others. Includes all types of boats. The worse are the speed boats
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
dang that sucks
heyareyouian - 6 years ago
I really like how you show the arrow pointing to the area before blow up. It does get kinda hard looking for waldo when the blow up happens. Nah i mean? Lol
Love the vids broski! Keep'em tight
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
heyareyouian - 6 years ago
Ps. That feel doe!! My jaw dropped
J John
J John - 6 years ago
You should carry a magnet for those accidents.... 300 bucks is a lot to lose
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Chris Jones
Chris Jones - 6 years ago
Its sad that others can't figure out that even if it's not a no wake zone to slow down passing another boater
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lawerance Lanham
Lawerance Lanham - 6 years ago
If it were me, I'd be tying a line to the rods and to either the yak or something that floats. Too much $ to just let sink.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah you are right
Zachary Wagganer
Zachary Wagganer - 6 years ago
Thanks for the mtb code! Excited to try it
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
nj649 - 6 years ago
Jo you don't have to show us arrow on videos. We are not idiots.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
some people find them helpful
Phantom Fishing
Phantom Fishing - 6 years ago
Assumed this would be another “I’m a kayaker and boats are all bad” video but if it was no wake then it’s a legit issue. Some guys just don’t care. Good video man. I’m subscribing.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks and welcome
Outdoor Living and Fishing
Outdoor Living and Fishing - 6 years ago
Can you sub to me
RCSparks Studio
RCSparks Studio - 6 years ago
Thumbs up for the raw, honest feelings in this video! Awesome :)
Dylan Livingston
Dylan Livingston - 6 years ago
RCSparks Studio lol what are you doing here? You should be making more gold finding videos!!
C&C Outdoors Productions
C&C Outdoors Productions - 6 years ago
Who knew you were into fishing!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks man
Jan Johnson
Jan Johnson - 6 years ago
I hurt with ya about losing that rig.....
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Dane Conklin
Dane Conklin - 6 years ago
Just started watching your videos, really good stuff man! Definitely subscribed
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks and welcome
Scott Brits
Scott Brits - 6 years ago
Buy a boat
Scott Brits
Scott Brits - 6 years ago
I mean like a bass boat
Susie Queue
Susie Queue - 6 years ago
Scott Brits if you can't say anything nice...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Snowy Peace
Snowy Peace - 6 years ago
Saltwater bait challenge in freshwater and you wife picks the lurrs
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yes!!! coming soon
405Fishing with Patrick kelly
405Fishing with Patrick kelly - 6 years ago
Never a bad video man! You kill it! Speed boaters are the worse too we get it your you wanna throw your kids into space but I’m tryna rip some lips sucka! Throw a jig at his dome
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
gregred78 - 6 years ago
man that sucks you lost your combo, I would have been treble hook fishing until I snagged it! maybe you can get back out there one day and find it.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol I tried...
Eric Heard
Eric Heard - 6 years ago
dude i miss11 big bass last night on a new frog dude miss like a 5 or 6 pound
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
oh noooo
Raf martz
Raf martz - 6 years ago
dude next time tie a cord to the pole
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah I need to
C&J Outdoors
C&J Outdoors - 6 years ago
Hey lojo when you reach 100k subs you have to shave your beard
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
hahaha ok
Phil Carr
Phil Carr - 6 years ago
A couple dollars worth of Paracord could have saved you $350. Sorry for your loss. I feel bad for ya.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah true
Fishing With Hunter Payne
Fishing With Hunter Payne - 6 years ago
do some pond fishing videos
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
A.T. OUTDOORS - 6 years ago
Bro why didn't u fish that rod out of the lake 2 or 3 treble hooks and u can get it right out its pretty easy just sayin WTH!!!!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
believe me I tried for a while lol
Thomas Whitaker
Thomas Whitaker - 6 years ago
Where did you put in what ramp?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I'm not sure the name, in the southwest corner
Larry Moffatt
Larry Moffatt - 6 years ago
Hey lojo: If (and it's just a suggestion), if you stopped pegging the bullet weight against your texas-rigged senko, then you might get better hookup ratio. Try and compare. Let us know. thanks for sharing.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
interesting, never noticed any difference, but I'll pay more attention next time
Pat S
Pat S - 6 years ago
Also. You should look into magnet fishing. That’s where you throw a fat magnet into the water and see what gets pulled up. And for times like that you could save the gps of it and then throw the magnet to see if you can pull it.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah I need to
Pat S
Pat S - 6 years ago
I bank fish most of the time, so I can you can say I hate them haha.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lol it still hurts
Greybeardfishing - 6 years ago
Welcome to public lake fishing. Yes it's very wrong but that's the way it is. And until law enforcement cracks down on those douchebags, it not gonna change. I can't even fish my favorite lake between may and October because of that very reason and I have an 18' bass boat.

Sorry about your combo. I think we've all lost at least 1 at some point. I dropped an nice Abu Garcia over the side a few months ago in 20' of water. I started to go after it but the water was cold and the wind was pushing my boat pretty good. It probably would have been blown too far away and I would have had to swim about 1/4 mile to catch it after it got beached.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah that sucks man
Larry Talbot
Larry Talbot - 6 years ago
Yes on the bass, no on the gators!!!

I can't stand boaters. They either disturb the water and scare the hell out of the fish, or raise waves that take time to settle down. They seem to have no respect for kayaks and that makes me angry as hell!

If you had a fish finder a quick look and you could have seen how deep it was in that spot. (Or you could have marked it if you didn't have any spare clothes to change into) I have a mask and snorkel in my crate, a quick dive could have saved that combo! But since there were gators there, a bit of magnet fishing would be a better option! Always prepare for the worst, because it happens!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah all good options
Blue Boy
Blue Boy - 6 years ago
Hate you lost your combo that stinks!!!! go back with a snag hook!!! Some boaters just don't have respect!!Enjoyed
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lilly Munster
Lilly Munster - 6 years ago
They make foam floats for rods. I have them for all my kayak rods.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I need some
mostlygames/ fishing with jon
mostlygames/ fishing with jon - 6 years ago
Subscribe to mostlygames youtube
SwordChux - 6 years ago
put a lanyard on your stuff lol.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Jacob Guy
Jacob Guy - 6 years ago
I hate when any boater goes half fucking trotle and make a huge wave and swell it is far worst than full speed
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Josh F
Josh F - 6 years ago
Hey Lojo, I have seen you take a sleeve off of your rods, what is the purpose of them ? are they worth the purchase?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah absolutely, very cheap but have saved me lots of hassle
The ToxicBadger
The ToxicBadger - 6 years ago
Yeah kayaks stay on shoreline and boats when they are running they still in the middle retard fuck u
And maby they didn’t know the no wake zone
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah they probably couldn't read the "no wake" signs everywhere...
Trevor Hanson
Trevor Hanson - 6 years ago
sorry about the rod brother! lucky you didnt get knocked out of the yak with the wake of the boats, i saw that happen to someone once. keep up the great content, looking forward to seeing where you and norm are travelling to.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks man, coming soon
Jimmy Lancaster
Jimmy Lancaster - 6 years ago
Man you are killing it lately
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks bro
The_rod_ Father_bassin
The_rod_ Father_bassin - 6 years ago
alligators or not im going in for my rod but nice vid lojo!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
HellFireBird12 - 6 years ago
You should do a family fishing challenge
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
coming soon
Oper8or - 6 years ago
I boat and yak. Because of that I go slow near people parked in boats and on yaks. I'm an A**hole, but I'm not THAT a**hole. I slow to an idle unless they are setting in the main channel. I'm not getting beat all to crap from other boats to slow down in a main channel. Then again I don't take my yak out like that. I stay in small coves when I'm yaking.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
good points
Freddie Lerma
Freddie Lerma - 6 years ago
Lojo you need a neodymium magnet in your yak at all times. You’ll be able to pull that combo out of the muck no problem.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yes I agree
Short Fishermanjoe
Short Fishermanjoe - 6 years ago
Lojo if u have a fish blow up on ur ford and u miss it then throw back in there with something like a Texas rig or a weightless senko and u will get your catch rate pumpin
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
good point
william eikner
william eikner - 6 years ago
Yolo bro! Gotta get that rod!! Lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Adam Butler
Adam Butler - 6 years ago
In my book WTF stands for where's the fish.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
haha there ya go
Charles Faulkner
Charles Faulkner - 6 years ago
You should carry a heavy line with a weight and large treble hook and immediately drag for your combo. You could probably snag it for recovery.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah true
Robert Lease
Robert Lease - 6 years ago
That was a bad deal bud definitely not good losing any gear . Speed boats are always bad when in the kayaks no doubt about it
Robert Lease
Robert Lease - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing up late and still hard at it I see doing a great job
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
NotYourAverageBambi - 6 years ago
Aye I have the same scale.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Outdoor Living and Fishing
Outdoor Living and Fishing - 6 years ago
I like your kayak. Good exercise
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
true that
Cory Collins
Cory Collins - 6 years ago
This is why boaters hate kayakers.
Cory Collins
Cory Collins - 6 years ago
Very true I agree with you. I follow the rules 100 percent. I went out this morning and there were like 20 Kayakers just sitting in the boat ramp. After about 20 min of fooling around they finally let me back my boat. I’m not a fan of kayakers
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
why? because no wake zones were created by kayakers? I don't think so...people are just inconsiderate...
Outdoor Living and Fishing
Outdoor Living and Fishing - 6 years ago
Can you do a thing we're viewers pick the lures please.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yes coming soon
Outdoor Living and Fishing
Outdoor Living and Fishing - 6 years ago
Maybe even random food. Like a peep like one of my friends is trying to make me do
LowLife - 6 years ago
That sucks! Sorry about your combo. Thats why I fish with cheap gear, if it breaks(or in this case swims away) just grab another and keep on trucking.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
true story
codfishing180 - 6 years ago
Dam bro rest in peace rod and reel don't be to hard on your self gives you a reason to go to the bass shop. And for that 1% of boaters more money than brains.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Come On Reds Fishing
Come On Reds Fishing - 6 years ago
Larger vessel always has the right of way. Learn the law.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
exactly greg
Greg Jackson
Greg Jackson - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing: You were in a No Wake Zone. The "larger vessel" needs to obey the law(s) also, even if they do have the right of way.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
That's the thing, I tried to get out of their way
Jaydon Franklin
Jaydon Franklin - 6 years ago
That's my home lake
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Cool. You have a boat
Jaydon Franklin
Jaydon Franklin - 6 years ago
I wanna go with you
The Fishing Experience
The Fishing Experience - 6 years ago
Action at 7:57 if anyone wanted to know
And it's ok I back cast and hooked one of my rods and threw it into the water never to be seen again the feeling but it's part of the experience like my uncle says better to lose 350$ than your life tackle can be replaced be safe out there yo
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Jarred Monaco
Jarred Monaco - 6 years ago
Dude recreational kayakers suck!! I am about to lose it on my lake because they will paddle right over the weed line you are fishing like they aren’t doing anything wrong. I flip out on them and ask why can’t you go around. Why right in front of me? Within casting distance. My buddy who I fish with hits them with his bait every single time. There is no respect on the lake I fish. It gets old.
jeffro 7p
jeffro 7p - 6 years ago
yep last week im bank fishing below a train trestle and 4 dumb fu$k kayakers pull right up where im fishing and walk up and start diving off the trestle right where i was casting so just kept casting for the hell of it so the second they got in their kayaks and started to paddle away i went somewhere else.
andrew kb
andrew kb - 6 years ago
Kayakers are the bicyclists of the water.
Hillbilly Holler
Hillbilly Holler - 6 years ago
You catch more bees with honey then you do lemon juice.
Kindness and being polite will almost always defuse the situation......try it some time.
No matter what ignore insults and it will settle down eventually and don't think it shows you to be weak.
The stronger a man is the more humble he can afford to be.
A very strong person will turn an enemy into a friend.
Hillbilly Holler
Hillbilly Holler - 6 years ago
Eric Partida son ya know what.....you will always meet asshats....you have to take the ignorance in stride and expect people to have the me first attitude.
Thing is there are still respectful people out there that will help you if you need it or protect your area when passing.... So when you meet people like me it's a gift.....with the right attitude you can educate those that don't see the problem also..... You change the world with one random act of kindness at a time.
So be kind and you will defuse those that respond with anger.
Eric Partida
Eric Partida - 6 years ago
whenever I encounter another kayak fishermen or any fishermen for that matter and I need to pass I always try to go behind them as far away from them and as slow as possible as not to disturb their spot. Some people just don't have any decency.
vibratingstring - 6 years ago
Kayaks are cheap and they went mainstream.
Hillbilly Holler
Hillbilly Holler - 6 years ago
I have always had great luck by politely asking boaters or kayakers to go around or whatever .
When in my kayak and I see a boat coming a raise my paddle in the air and wave it.
This almost always gets a slow down response.
When on the creek I ask what side they are casting to and what side is clear to pass.
Thebassinkid. - 6 years ago
chickenguru as they say common sense isn't very common now a days
chickenguru - 6 years ago
Jarred Monaco when anyone in a kayak or boat comes near someone bank fishing they should stay minimum a casting distance in any direction the bank fisherman can cast. It’s just common sense in my opinion.
Jarred Monaco
Jarred Monaco - 6 years ago
Thebassinkid. It does get old. I went bank fishing tonight with my son and freaking kayaker pulled right up 5feet from my son who was catching fish no respect what so ever. Everyone is so self absorbed it’s all about me. Respect is not taught by parents these days. They might respect their family members but in public when around strangers there is no respect to others.
Thebassinkid. - 6 years ago
Jarred Monaco tell me about my local lake is 220 acres and it's a fucking nightmare, there's more boats then water on the weekend, underage drinkers everywhere on there parents shitty pontoons blasting shit rap music, jet skiers flying around like flys, and like you said kayakers going right over the weedlines I'm fishing and when they see me look at them like your a retard they play it off and ask if I'm catching any. And all these idiots throw way to big of boats in such a small lake it's pathetic the police don't regulate it at all, they literally only care about a if your have your sticker nothing else.
Jarred Monaco
Jarred Monaco - 6 years ago
chickenguru I know. The fishing kayakers are pretty cool. They are respectful just as boat fisherman are. I try to respect everyone. But the lakes around me really stepped up the kayak rentals and it’s just chaos.
chickenguru - 6 years ago
Jarred Monaco I’m a kayaker and yup there are some real stupid kayakers too. Just plain stupid some of the shit they do.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Very true
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Good idea
Fishin' With TinyBassN
Fishin' With TinyBassN - 6 years ago
So Sorry @lojo.fishing for your bad couple weeks man that sucks and brother stay safe out there on the water.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
It's all good
Mr Bowtie
Mr Bowtie - 6 years ago
I love the videos you and Bama bass need to do a collaboration that would be awesome
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I agree
bigsnakey 19
bigsnakey 19 - 6 years ago
Man I would of jumped in after that rod and reel if that was my combo damn man that's bad man I'm sorry I wish I could mail you one man
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol I thought about it
Alex Withrow
Alex Withrow - 6 years ago
A tip to not losing rods is to put a small piece of pool noddle on ur rod
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Yeah I need to
Slick head hunters
Slick head hunters - 6 years ago
Hey you should do a handline fishing challenge
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Coming soon
Slick head hunters
Slick head hunters - 6 years ago
Another great video. I start work Monday night. Then im going to buy an actual gopro. After the gopro im going to save up for a laptop so i can stop editing on my phone.
Brian Hoyt
Brian Hoyt - 6 years ago
Two things Iv thought about carry once I finally get afloat are a small grapple and a magnet on about 15’ of paracord for those unfortunate moments. Great video as always brother and I was glad to see some fishing with a heavy gator presence because I lack that experience in a kayak and it’s always on my mind. Everyone I talk to says they’re never a problem though as long as you give them room and respect. Growing up in SWFL fishing from shore Iv had a few bass grabbed bringing them in over the hydrilla so that’s my concern, one following a catch and trying to come aboard.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Good idea
Elyasib38 - 6 years ago
What's up Lojo? How bout a blue-gill challenge?
Elyasib38 - 6 years ago
I went fishing Monday and caught 4 big bass around 5lbs and better. All caught on the white chatter bait with Zoom super fluke jr white ice trailer. It was a awesome day!
Glenn Hartley
Glenn Hartley - 6 years ago
Rod floaters have saved me so much. I know it doesn’t look cool but it sure is cheap insurance
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Yeah I need to invest in some
Joseph Butler
Joseph Butler - 6 years ago
i keep like a big size 10 or 8 treble on around the bout with paracord for when something falls over saved me alot of money multiple times
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Good idea
Bee Moua
Bee Moua - 6 years ago
Tell me you didnt throw that worm into the water at 10:33?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I might have on accident
Fishing with Mike
Fishing with Mike - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I did...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
True thay
Wesley Hackney
Wesley Hackney - 6 years ago
These type voters resent kayak fishing folks cause we can go places they can't and we are just a pain in the butt think they are better than us.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol very true
Kacey Murphy
Kacey Murphy - 6 years ago
Bro just put some pool noodles on them Rod's.... They make special ones
Thebassinkid. - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing how deep was it where you dropped it? Even try snagging it with your other rod? I feel like that was a very retrievable combo
Voxguitarsrock - 6 years ago
Or add a rod leash.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I need to
bassallyear - 6 years ago
Coming from a guy with a 70mph bass boat, I ALWAYS and mean ALWAYS give kayakers, paddle boarders, and Jon boats the respected room, obviously smaller boats can't maneuver like a bass boat and growing as an angler fishing in kayaks and jon boats I hated the lack of courtesy boaters gave me! Nevertheless you went out there and hammered some fish good job LOJO!!
Jesse Redfield
Jesse Redfield - 6 years ago
I have a 14' bass boat, just a little old 80s bayliner bass striker, the front of that boat sits so low anyone coming by me fast will put their wake up over my bow, I am super conscious of not hitting everyone else with my wake.
spearfisherman308 - 6 years ago
bassallyear when I would go fishing they would motor up super close to structure that I would fish and scale the all the fish.
Mike Ries
Mike Ries - 6 years ago
Used to fish with Wayne. You all know him. He fishes fresh water but has this large ocean rig on board. Ask Wayne what the big ass pole is for and he will grin, say it's for jet skis, spit a big ole wad of backy that splatters on your feet, then back to the big ole grin.
Dont Horn That Fish
Dont Horn That Fish - 6 years ago
You are a few of the handful that try and give the non powered guys room and the actual distance. I fish the PCB st joe area and am always having issues from skis and certain guides when I'm out. I am pretty good at letting them know when I'm solo, but it seems to be even worse when I've got one of my kids with me, the guys who are courteous here let us join the trolling chain when the Mack's and kings are on fire. I've had a few even throw leads or whatever they can at douches that wake us and blow our spots out on purpose, it's a love hate relationship here.
ruben patino
ruben patino - 6 years ago
bassallyear good stuff. I have a 15ft Jon Boat and it's hard to deal with at times when big boats pass flying close to you. Keep it up and good karma will follow
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Thanks man
Greg Blanchard
Greg Blanchard - 6 years ago
Awesome video, Lojo! I'm with you man, no matter what falls in the drink, I'm staying in the boat when they're gators swimming around...
weswolf73 - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing why not use another rod to try and dredge the sunk rod up?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Very true man
Toxey Rudd
Toxey Rudd - 6 years ago
You need to bowfish
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I'll try it
Robbie Hampton
Robbie Hampton - 6 years ago
I could sit in lilipads all day throwing a frog
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
True that
Jonathon Raikowski
Jonathon Raikowski - 6 years ago
At 7:14 you can see a fish right next to the kayak come by and swirl on top
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Dangit lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I think I did that on accident
Steve Y
Steve Y - 6 years ago
Should've put a rattle trap on the other rod and try to snag your rod back at worst you lose a $3 rattle trap.
Steve Y
Steve Y - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing that sucks man. I probably would've been there forever trying all kinds of stuff. Maybe a bullet weight a couple treble hooks on a leader and a dropshot weight at the end and dredge that sucker back up. Lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried that :(
rob s
rob s - 6 years ago
Dude. I almost got thrown into trees the other day due to boater just gunning it. It's freaking amazing the amount of ignorance and disrespect. Dude, you should of taken another lure like a lipless and fished that combo out lol
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried to believe me
E *
E * - 6 years ago
No its wayyy more then 1%. FUMBLE!!! Fishing Rod Float - Fish Fighting Belt Alternative - Cushit | Luna Sea Sports
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I need one
WestPointLake Willy
WestPointLake Willy - 6 years ago
Heck yeah they are. I have a small V hull and many of these bass boats here think it’s funny watching you try and hold all of your stuff and not fall out as they blast past us guys on small boats. It bad man.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol not funny at all
Eric Porter
Eric Porter - 6 years ago
Man, that was barely a wake brother
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
True, but still
PNW HS Bassing
PNW HS Bassing - 6 years ago
2.8 is a good one in Florida? I live in Washington and I call a 4lber a decent one
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Well I would never complain about catching a 3 lber
Flat Out Bank Angling
Flat Out Bank Angling - 6 years ago
You should look into getting insurance for expensive combos. I would be upset losing my cheap combos. However you shouldve taken Norm he wouldve gotten it lmao
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Very good point
Yunng Sachi
Yunng Sachi - 6 years ago
Try throwing some big swimbaits you don’t always catch a ton of fish but when you catch one it’s probably going to be one of them so called hydrilla gorillas lol #tighlines
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Haha very true
Jared Edwards
Jared Edwards - 6 years ago
I always just assumed the people that barrel by you in a boat while your in a kayak, have never been in a kayak and how no idea what’s it’s like to take waves like that.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Probably right
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Lol true!!!
robert ivey
robert ivey - 6 years ago
I use the rod floats.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I need one
Jazriel Cruz
Jazriel Cruz - 6 years ago
Been there with the boats! Almost got flipped 2 weeks ago. Be careful out there!! PS thanks for advice, I got a pa 14 I love it!! Thanks again
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Glad man
Rj Case
Rj Case - 6 years ago
Don’t feel bad man 1 not all of us boaters are bad and 2 my place burned down yesterday I lost all me gear as Fisher that was my one stress relief and now it’s gone and on top of that as VFD firefighter I had to respond to my own house fire and my boss wrote me for leaving work so ya man I feel your pain on this I do
Rj Case
Rj Case - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing not your fault man at least I have your vids for a pick me up ha keep up the awesome content
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Wow, that's terrible
Jared Edwards
Jared Edwards - 6 years ago
Bass challenge, catch 10 pounds in one day.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Good idea
Moonstoned - 6 years ago
I've got the same problem on my local lakes. They try to tip my canoe and even my rowboat. If it's not a big bass boat they think you're a second class citizen or something.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Ray Robinson
Ray Robinson - 6 years ago
lost combo! . smh.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Michael Grant
Michael Grant - 6 years ago
You should have tried to fish you combo out! Damn that does suck!!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried :(
FlippinOutdoors - 6 years ago
U and Kendall Gray should colab
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Maybe one day
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I do, thanks
RWA Fishing
RWA Fishing - 6 years ago
Those boaters were wrong, not only speeding through a "no wake" zone, but also inconsiderate to you, not caring about how their wake would affect your craft, but to drop that beautiful rig, I know that will make anyone use words that their Mother didn't teach them!, but you did catch some nice bass, so the day was not a total loss for sure.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Haha yeah true
WysteriaGuitar - 6 years ago
8:02 - Should have marked that spot on a GPS came back and thrown a magnet on a rope down there you'll prob get her back!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I marked it, maybe I'll go back
i2aspire - 6 years ago
Why didnt you use your othe rod and drag the bottom with a hook to get your combo back? Btw sorry you lost it.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried...
Alex Menard
Alex Menard - 6 years ago
Will you go fishing for striped bass or big pike?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Gladys Greene
Gladys Greene - 6 years ago
I really felt your pain when you lost that combo it even hit me like it was mind of something
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Coming soon
Tom Overbey
Tom Overbey - 6 years ago
U should hv tried to fish it out with a treble hook and a weight worth a shot maybe all they gotta do is slow down a bit up here in Indiana most of lakes round me r trolling motors only and sry for ur losses I would be upset too
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
I tried :(
Intrepid Fisherman
Intrepid Fisherman - 6 years ago
Rod leash dude. They are a little annoying but hey they keep rods in the boat. Keep up the struggle though it is just another story to tell haha... great video.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Yeah I know......
Daylon Lisenby
Daylon Lisenby - 6 years ago
I am a boat angler and if me and my brother see somebody fishing we slow down and get out of there way
Daylon Lisenby
Daylon Lisenby - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing. your welcome
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Thanks for being awesome
SWAG_DOCTOR_ 29 - 6 years ago
Will you ever fish with your subscribers?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
SWAG_DOCTOR_ 29 - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing when?
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Christopher Mcpherson
Christopher Mcpherson - 6 years ago
Lojo you should take fishing with Norm to lowndesboro Alabama and fish from the kayaks in prairie creek on the Alabama river I grew up fishing there and I have caught some pretty big bass and catfish and bream there.....
Christopher Mcpherson
Christopher Mcpherson - 6 years ago
I've multiple 10+ pounders out there....
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Sounds good to me
Christopher Jordan
Christopher Jordan - 6 years ago
Have you ever been red fishing
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
No but I want to
symia jones
symia jones - 6 years ago
I hate when people see u fishing and they fly by you,btw sorry for the loss on the rod and reel I feel ya pain
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Proteus Xavier
Proteus Xavier - 6 years ago
People don't appreciate how difficult it is to get a good hookset on a frog sitting down in a kayak. But yeah, sucks about the combo bro. Looks like it hit the chest cam and messed up your proprioception. I'm still considering drilling tiny holes in the butts of my rods to attach a 5' microtether and carabiner them to my PFD every time I switch. Seems like a hassle, but might end up saving my a$$ in the long run. An excellent instructional video Lojo.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Very good point
Jonathan Scavelli
Jonathan Scavelli - 6 years ago
I'm not gonna lie I would have instantly went into the water and grabbed that rod lol I've had to do it before but with the gators yeah I may have thought twice. And boaters for some reason think they are above you bc they have a big boat. It's weird how they act like that they like have to show kayakers up or something almost like they are trying to compensate for a small dick
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
wow that's crazy, keep grinding bro
Fishing Mojados
Fishing Mojados - 6 years ago
$350 dollar combo in the water? My brown ass is going in after it. It probably got stuck in the Lilly pads. I'm sorry for your Loss Homie
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
Renegade AZ Bassin
Renegade AZ Bassin - 6 years ago
Lojo! Dude, sucks about the combo and curious if you tried to fish it out? Time for some rod floaties my friend...

As for the boaters, bear mace for the ones that pull up on you, and a nice tall flag for main lake wahoos...
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
oh I tried for a while
ABQ Freedom
ABQ Freedom - 6 years ago
I was frustrated all damn day myself today because a Kayak company set up at the "Public" swimming area/beach which we were trying to bank fish near, so my boy could go swimming when he was tired of fishing. So we packed up and moved over to the Boat Ramp/Dock area...and there was a group of Firefighters doing training off the Dock (Which was the only real structure around). I wasn't really mad at them for working hard to protect people and get extra training, just frustrated that it took all afternoon and the rest of the lake really wasn't accessible without a boat. Lots of rocks and steep embankments that a guy w/ nerve problems in his feet like me really shouldn't be trying to climb on.
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
yeah that's a rough day
Country Girl Fishing
Country Girl Fishing - 6 years ago
Sorry you lost your combo !!! Sucks but in all fairness it was still a good video !!
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
thanks :)

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