Wilderness Systems Pungo 120 Kayak Review

This is a kayak video review of Wilderness Systems Pungo 120 done by owner of Frontenac Outfitters Canoe & Kayak Centre, Larry Showler.
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Most popular comments
for Wilderness Systems Pungo 120 Kayak Review

tdg223 - 6 years ago
Thank you! Great video
Grant Wilson
Grant Wilson - 7 years ago
Thanks for the very helpful review!
Colorado Kayaking & RV
Colorado Kayaking & RV - 7 years ago
I have been researching kayaks for my wife. The Pungo 12 is on top of my list.
ArbitraryLifestyle - 7 years ago
faunafond - 9 years ago
Thank you so much for creating this video! I was on the fence about purchasing the Pungo 120 until I watched this...you really sold me!
Mike Bentz
Mike Bentz - 9 years ago
I purchased my Pungo 120 based on your review. Thank you.
Frontenac Outfitters
Frontenac Outfitters - 10 years ago
Keith James Lapere, 

The Pungo series of kayaks from Wilderness Systems are the world's best selling recreational model that was originally designed for leisurely paddling on small, flat-water. Due to its popularity and the rise of kayak fishing, the company made a few tweaks to the series in order to create another line that was geared more towards fishing. 

Is it the best fishing kayak out there? Of course not, but I would argue it's likely one of the best performing 'fishing kayaks' as the sit-in design offers better tracking, speed, and therefore efficiency. However, if you are looking for a fishing kayak that meets you needs, I would suggest looking at the Ride, Tarpon, and Thresher series from Wilderness Systems.  

We carry a full range of kayaks within the Tarpon series and offer the Ride Max Angler 135. We do not stock the Thresher line as they are designed to paddle in large, sea-like conditions which are not found in our area. 

Thanks for you comment, and please do not hesitate to contact us with any other questions or concerns! 
Keith Lapere
Keith Lapere - 9 years ago
+Frontenac Outfitters
Might consider the Pungo 14 for my next sit in. .Read a lot of good reviews of owners.
Still doing research and hopefully I can demo one.
Thx for the info it was appreciated.
Keith James Lapere
Keith James Lapere - 10 years ago
sucks for a fishing kayak,no place to put a milk crate or pail why would ya put two screw ball mounts on?,more for a track sys. which you cannot mount on a sink,should of been more flush mount rod holders,square hatch in the bow or shape of the bow.The round hatch is too far to reach same with the  stern. Us fisherman like things within reach.Should of designed it better for a fishing yak also.To me this is just a touring yak.
Johnny Railroad
Johnny Railroad - 6 years ago
It is NOT, a fishing kayak. How you arrived at that idea, one can never understand. No one stated it is a fishing kayak. If you know kayaks, you know it is not a fishing kayak. It's a recreational kayak.
Mark Linder
Mark Linder - 6 years ago
I fish out of my 140. Have to be creative about rod management. Gotta hobie rod holder for the side of the deck. Love it but then again I only like one or 2 rods and minimal lures. All my stuff can go in a watertight box. I much prefer the speed over my Ride
Johnny Railroad
Johnny Railroad - 6 years ago
The Pungo 120 is not a fishing kayak. The Pungo 120 is a recreational paddling kayak. Got it now?
Anton Bouchette
Anton Bouchette - 6 years ago
Why are you ragging on a yak that is obviously not a fishing yak, you numb nutted fuck? Buy a fishing yak and then go drown your stupid ass.

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