Winter Kayak Camping on an Island

I head out with my buddy Jake to winter sea kayak and attempt to spend the night on an island in Lake Superior. We have fun trying to paddle around ice to find our way. Shenanigans ensue. Merchandise Available! Consider becoming a Patron! Patreon: Or if you feel like a donation: Paypal: Or to send me something: Matthew Posa PO Box 212 Marquette MI, 49855 Follow me on Instagram: Follow Funk on Instagram: Music by: Matthew Posa (Me you silly)

Winter Kayak Camping on an Island sentiment_very_dissatisfied 46

Kayak 6 years ago 28,783 views

I head out with my buddy Jake to winter sea kayak and attempt to spend the night on an island in Lake Superior. We have fun trying to paddle around ice to find our way. Shenanigans ensue. Merchandise Available! Consider becoming a Patron! Patreon: Or if you feel like a donation: Paypal: Or to send me something: Matthew Posa PO Box 212 Marquette MI, 49855 Follow me on Instagram: Follow Funk on Instagram: Music by: Matthew Posa (Me you silly)

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Most popular comments
for Winter Kayak Camping on an Island

Sardonica J
Sardonica J - 6 years ago
Tubbs, my old college nickname
Dacey Daughtry
Dacey Daughtry - 6 years ago
Please do a question and answer video! Love the videos ❤️
Laura G
Laura G - 6 years ago
2:40 me
dismaldog-William - 6 years ago
4 Tacos?-gosh that would have made for a good tail wind after all those beans Man!
Cooking Mailman
Cooking Mailman - 6 years ago
Hey I’m from Minnesota enjoy the lake!!
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Alan Rhyason
Alan Rhyason - 6 years ago
Lovin your nature adventures! Good good fun!
AcousticNRG - 6 years ago
no monty no game :[
Explorer Mike
Explorer Mike - 6 years ago
This is pretty hard core. Matt, you and I live pretty close. We could go camping sometime winter or summer.
brian simpkins
brian simpkins - 6 years ago
lololololololol damn matt ur a pig hahahaha
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago

10. comment for Winter Kayak Camping on an Island

Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Jonathan Smith
Jonathan Smith - 6 years ago
You're using your paddle backwards. It's not a scoop. Mad gum chewing! Where's Monty? Jake should pee in a gatorade bottle. I wish I were out there doing it though.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
+Jonathan Smith Yup! I use one of those type of paddles with my canoe. I usually always use my canoe but when I go on big water or dangerous waters I prefer the sea kayak!
Jonathan Smith
Jonathan Smith - 6 years ago
You're right. I guess I was thinking about the way my canoe paddles are designed. They are angled one way and you push with the non-scoopy side if that makes sense. Was taught by paddle instructors and wilderness EMT's on a big trip not too long ago. It seems counter intuitive with those paddles, but that's how you're supposed to do it.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
I am definitely not using the paddle backwards! Not safe for Monty.
MeRk SHocK
MeRk SHocK - 6 years ago
Would be nice if you could try to do a collab with Joe robinet
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Maybe one day I will!
The Norwegian One
The Norwegian One - 6 years ago
Holy smoke that ice paddling in the end. Got worried there, but good spirits must've helped!
Rainer Winkler
Rainer Winkler - 6 years ago
hahahah your buddy pissed himself first thing we see after that is him drinking coffe :D
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
I cannot deny or confirm this.
Rainer Winkler
Rainer Winkler - 6 years ago
" yea you know to survive out here you need 3 important parts. our life depends on it, but lets forget those for a while and just stick to dumb luck" :D:D:D:D:D:D matt keeping it real
Craig Rock
Craig Rock - 6 years ago
Man you got my respect being on the big pond in freaking January!! Atta boy!! And to spend a night!! Many have had to be rescued by that shifting ice. I really like your positive outlook on every situation.
Logan Randell
Logan Randell - 6 years ago
The way this guy choose gum is annoying like close your dam mouth
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
I choose my gum very carefully.
Detecting Rose22
Detecting Rose22 - 6 years ago
How do you keep from getting wet getting in and out of your kayak what should you wear
Detecting Rose22
Detecting Rose22 - 6 years ago
Matthew Posa thanks Mathew my son and I are proud owners of kayaks so it should be some fun times ahead since we have gaters and snakes and Banaba spiders I can see some funny videos coming up with us. Lol awesome video Mathew
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
I just get in very carefully, I balance my way in and put my hands on ice. Wasn't very easy hahaha!
Sharon Barrett
Sharon Barrett - 6 years ago
Whatever you were chewing trying closing your mouth you look like a cow chewing her cud.

20. comment for Winter Kayak Camping on an Island

moosehat2 - 6 years ago
Matt: "Good job murdering Bambi"
me: sadly laughing
ZFPainuser - 6 years ago
that opening tree smack never gets old lmao
Fawad Ahmad
Fawad Ahmad - 6 years ago
Matthew's friend was pee-ved
Janet M
Janet M - 6 years ago
So glad you made it back safely!! You are either brave or . . . Maybe insane???? Hahaha
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Insane most likely.
bigfatno - 6 years ago
Did you eat all four of those tacos/burritos/enchiladas/etc.?

Again, I call you the best bushcraft chef out there.

I enjoyed the video as usual. Thanks for sharing.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
I did. I did have some stuff that fell onto the cutting board that I just couldnt stuff in but I'd say I got them 92.1% down.
618 Bushcraft
618 Bushcraft - 6 years ago
Hey Matthew I'm a huge fan! You are one of the people that inspired me to share my love of nature/"bushcraft" through my own channel!!!! I have to admit the first time filming I went to give you credit for inspiring me and was so nervous with the whole thing I totally called you Alex Posa twice hahaha. My bad!!!! I think going to school with an Alex Potter might have been why, Idk lol. 2 quick questions: what knife is that your always using? And if I were to cover the shipping, would you be willing to mail me some birch bark? I've always wanted to use it but its pretty much non existent in my area of southern Illinois
618 Bushcraft
618 Bushcraft - 6 years ago
+Matthew Posa wow dude....hoarding all the birch bark to yourself or not (just kidding lol) you totally just made my 2019 so far with the reply!!!! I was late to your party and caught on about 3 months ago and watch one or 2 videos every weekend. Wasn't joking when I said you've been a big inspiration for me to get out and share my love for nature. Huge huge huge huge huge huge fan Matthew, don't call me Alex, Posa!!!!
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Awesome! Hahaha! That's okay! I use a benchmade bushcrafter 162. I dont know about the birch bark. That might be illegal hahaha!
Pat Robertson
Pat Robertson - 6 years ago
Nice.. I respect that Sh*t... Keep it up..
thunderlord2200 - 6 years ago
you should try welding gloves, i seen campers use them when thy are taking care of the fire or there rod iron skillet.

thats whats she said (its going to get on my hands)
thrjafiresouls - 6 years ago
-10 hhahaha ;D its -20 here and its going to go down to -25 tomorow
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
-10 F is still pretty cold here. Where do you live?
Bunt - 6 years ago
So Matt youtube has a new feature, where on my homepage, it recommends channels, that watcher's of your channel also watch, and so it got me on to girl in the wood's channel and on watching one of her video's id be very interested in a collab between you's two and she is game to :)

17 hours ago
I would love to see a collab with you & Matthew Posa! and the dog's of course!

Girl in the Woods
Highlighted reply

Girl in the Woods
14 hours ago
me too!

of course this relies on meeting up somewhere convenient for the two of you and if your up for it good sir :)

30. comment for Winter Kayak Camping on an Island

Tony Blomqvist
Tony Blomqvist - 6 years ago
Matthew, why don't you do like this with tacos: Place it down, put ingredients at one place, flip it from bottom to up, and sides on top each others. Like McDonalds french fries box. Nothing fells down.
Mary K B
Mary K B - 6 years ago
My wife says I get sassy when I chew gum. Now I know what she means :P
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
MrTysonian - 6 years ago
Love your videos man!
Martha L
Martha L - 6 years ago
I lived in the mitten for 23 years and recently moved to New England. If anyone had asked if it were possible to kayak on Lake Superior in January I would have, with confidence, said, "NO"!
Ballben - 6 years ago
so... did u eat all 4? ;P
Ballben - 6 years ago
+Matthew Posa ahahah gj
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Yes. There were some scraps left over that spilled out but I was in definite "ate too much" mode.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
-10 F! I'd take cold over heat any day!
GH Veg
GH Veg - 6 years ago
The things you northerners do to Monty I mean Matt
Dr. Frank
Dr. Frank - 6 years ago
Your nuts in a good way lol tx for the video
dueling gunns adventures
dueling gunns adventures - 6 years ago
Love the gum chewing! You chew gum like you eat. MONSTER! Lol
Jeremy Cosby
Jeremy Cosby - 6 years ago
NO MONTY!!! thumbs down.

jk love the winter camping videos.
ireland66613 - 6 years ago
Cool video. But what if you Did flip ?or 2 of you flip ? Your so screwed water is way to cold.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
We woulda been up shit creek.
Pawel Wachaczyk
Pawel Wachaczyk - 6 years ago
Po polsku to naleśniki ha ha smacznego
Pawel Wachaczyk
Pawel Wachaczyk - 6 years ago
Szkoda że niema Matiego
Aventinus Lock
Aventinus Lock - 6 years ago
Looks like you had a fun adventure
JennyWinters - 6 years ago
Bet that was a memorable trip for the times. HA! I guess Jake had to warm up in the sun after his "accident". Glad you made it out of there safe. I did miss Monty but no more room in a kayak for a mouse. Thanks for the video. I like your long vids btw but this was a but of scary fun.
sito santana
sito santana - 6 years ago
Wow! Matt; You & Your Friend Are Totally Crazy!!!! I Was So Scared Watching This video... (Concerned With Ya Safety ) .. I Would Never Do Something Like That... :))))))) WOW !
Bryan Outside
Bryan Outside - 6 years ago
how cold is it? 'as cold as a well digger's a**' as my dad would say..... great vid i need to go to taco bell lol
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Hahaha! It got down to -10F at night!
oxa4pinoo - 6 years ago
Were is marnty!!
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
gettingolderwithgrace graham
gettingolderwithgrace graham - 6 years ago
Mathew it's freezing cold why???
gettingolderwithgrace graham
gettingolderwithgrace graham - 6 years ago
+Matthew Posa well I always thought my parents should've moved me to warmer climates like Hawaii or something or maybe even Arizona, I'm a Coloradoian born and raised I still don't like the cold.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
It's freezing cold because it's winter!
Warren Freeman
Warren Freeman - 6 years ago
Just think if something went wrong and you had to survive all of a sudden you could always eat your shit!

50. comment for Winter Kayak Camping on an Island

TD All Outdoors
TD All Outdoors - 6 years ago
Haha... the flask... I forgot about that.

Looked like a fun time hanging with a pal. Looked cold.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Hahaha! It did me good! It got down to -10 F. A hair chilly.
dowdawg - 6 years ago
Wow Superior in the winter thats a risky adventure!! Lol Never thought about the ice being a barrier, but then again i have no experience for a trip like that. But those tacos made the whole thing worth while!!!
Met Pasom
Met Pasom - 6 years ago
I miss Monty
littlewingfire17 - 6 years ago
Singing the beach boys gets me every time! Another fun and uplifting vid, keep em coming :D
Frederik Van Daele
Frederik Van Daele - 6 years ago
yeah Matt and Jake ski guy back with the outdoorsy shennenigans, Monty chillin at home cosy in his blanket dreaming about meat and treats probably can't write today,
Janet Hartwig
Janet Hartwig - 6 years ago
I really couldn’t enjoy this video I was so worried about you two knuckleheads. That is a very dangerous lake, especially in the winter. Please don’t push your luck, Matthew. You are too precious to your fans.
William Pysell
William Pysell - 6 years ago
Good video, Matt. Looks like you and Jake had a really good time. Reminds me of a fall trip a few years ago that I took with my camping buddy, Tom. We were on Lake Superior somewhere above the Agawa River . I spotted an island off shore and decided to take my canoe out to the island alone. It looked close, but ended up being several miles out. By the time I finally got there and turned around it was starting to get dark and the winds changed. I had to paddle into the wind, and I was exhausted, then I started losing my bearings. Luckily, Tom started a fire on the shore to give me a beacon to paddle towards. Great trip, but I never attempted anything like that again! Have fun, Matt!
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
That sounds pretty intense!
mawmawvee - 6 years ago
OK, fellas!  Time to invent the Ice-Breaker Kayak!  ;)
sMheo2438 - 6 years ago
The Lord watches over Drunks, Fools & Men On Horseback. Good job!
Micky Mickster
Micky Mickster - 6 years ago
Thought I’d seen everything...add munching and gliding through “skim ice” on Lake Superior in the middle of rivals the “it’s as cold as maple syrup flowing upward in the muddle of January! Good stuff!
Maxima - 6 years ago
Nice vid. Sure miss Monty Phelps turd nugget and snow camps
Martha Neuhauser
Martha Neuhauser - 6 years ago
Isn't there a chance the ice can crack the kayak! Maybe even put a whole in it?
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
That would be tough to do. You would have to move at a high speed and crash into jagged ice, the kayaks are pretty tough!
Drew Hong
Drew Hong - 6 years ago
You traded in Monty for a Human? How much did it cost? Was it a barter? How the maintenance costs? Human vs dog.

Been thinking about a chia pet.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Monty definitely listens better. Hahaha!
Sarah Kelly
Sarah Kelly - 6 years ago
Enjoyed the video as usual!! Thanks!!
Linda Vail
Linda Vail - 6 years ago
You are crazy! Loved the video.
Stone Age
Stone Age - 6 years ago
looks awesome
xXGFYXxjibs - 6 years ago
This is the most entertaining guy. Brings a great personality to YouTube especially to the bushcraft community. Great video Matt
Steve Zeppieri
Steve Zeppieri - 6 years ago
Stop...collaborate and listen.
Michael Ramirez
Michael Ramirez - 6 years ago
Cook your tortillas you maniac. Thanks for the great content.
B Bennett
B Bennett - 6 years ago
You two guys are NUTS!
Scott Deck
Scott Deck - 6 years ago
Great video, thank you.
Ron Williams
Ron Williams - 6 years ago
Do YouTubes get paid if I don't clock on adds?
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
They get paid if you watch 30 seconds or half of the ad. You dont have to click.
Logan Tang
Logan Tang - 6 years ago
Taco Coma!!
sldhc - 6 years ago
monty barked 2wice was odd..considering kayak.... and whats with 23 dislikes?
sldhc - 6 years ago
+Matthew Posa censorship is stoopid...keep up the great videos!
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Thats censorship!
Chad Davis
Chad Davis - 6 years ago
Every week, I go to my wife and say "It's Sunday and you know what that means! It's Matthew Posa day!" And every week she looks at me and says "Who is Matthew Posa?"

It's good to see you with human friends this week!
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
YT Hart
YT Hart - 6 years ago
Heck yeah for shenanigans!
Kirk W
Kirk W - 6 years ago
Some might call it brave, others might call it foolish but one thing it is for certain is entertaining. Don't go dying on us out there for it though! I'm very curious how the rest of the paddle went back to the truck, did the ice get much thicker? Keep up the great work, sir!
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
It did. We had to follow the open water to whatever shore we could then walk back to the truck hahaha!
Walt Quandt
Walt Quandt - 6 years ago
Thought you were making tacos for both of you at first until you sat down with the taco tray. LOL! Looked great! Wondering what your sleeping setup was? Sleeping bag and bivy? What was the bag rated at? Were you comfortable? Thanks for the video.
Walt Quandt
Walt Quandt - 6 years ago
Great info. Thanks.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
I used a military surplus extreme cold bag, 2 sleeping bag liners and thermals. Got down to -10F and I slept under the stars with no cover on my bag. I was warm all night but at the coldest point in the night I had to pee and I got untoasty til the sun came up. Not cold at all, just not "toasty" if that makes any sense.
Sonkev Nauss
Sonkev Nauss - 6 years ago
Your Beach Boys impression sounds more like Herbert from Family Guy...Where's the paperboy?
Georgina Mahoney
Georgina Mahoney - 6 years ago
Well that lake with the sun and ice was absolutely stunning, just beautiful, those tacos were mahoosive :D
Pike Outside
Pike Outside - 6 years ago
Hey man! Thanks so much for the advice on cameras and editing software! If you get a chance, would you take a look at my first video and give me any feedback you might have? Thanks a lot!
Pike Outside
Pike Outside - 6 years ago
+Matthew Posa thanks a lot!
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
I'll check it out!
Justin McKinney
Justin McKinney - 6 years ago
for gods sake, heat up those tortillas over the fire before you load em up !!! It hurts me !!
MN Outsider
MN Outsider - 6 years ago
Hecking yes! Ice kayaking can be quite fun. My favorite is kayaking on the Mississippi in the spring and trying to avoid truck sized ice chunks!
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Marsie Newbold
Marsie Newbold - 6 years ago
How can we enjoy the video without Monty? I would rather that he had left Y O U home!!!!!!!!!!
Joeminor702 - 6 years ago
Omg when I heard that beach boys song I was dyin lmao
Sam Tani
Sam Tani - 6 years ago
So sad. I've miss Monty on that adventure.
Raine Drop
Raine Drop - 6 years ago
I was down with those tacos until the spinach appeared and then the "good job murdering Bambi" comment. Now I'm just crying on the inside. It was good to see you out paddling across the water again. :)
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Miko Bushcraft
Miko Bushcraft - 6 years ago
Mattew posa lets do a trip together YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whats your email
David Lawson
David Lawson - 6 years ago
Dude that taco needs a diaper!
Julie Wallace
Julie Wallace - 6 years ago
Why don't you cook all your food at home freeze it. Then just dump & heat up. Your still cooking over the campfire with less time. More time to do fishing & fun stuff. My second comment.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Think of this channel in 2 parts, being outdoors and camping, and cooking delicious food over a fire. Yes it would be easier to prep[are certain things at home, but I like to show that you can go out into the woods and cook better than at home.
JennyWinters - 6 years ago
I love to see what he cooks up at the roadside diner lol. It wouldn't be as much fun to watch if he didn't cook up a mess of something. I also like his long long videos. These vids are ASMR to me, very soothing. :)
boy asia
boy asia - 6 years ago
Fantastic and fun. You took me again to a place I will never be nor experience it. And the food looks appetizing. To see you are safe with a buddy just in case of emergency. The unspoiled sceneries, the pure waters, the need for fire and I bet the clean ,pure crisp air, the serene nights that I viewed this video to the last frame... what.. no monty.. sigh...
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
PraiseTheZeus - 6 years ago
Without mandy all looks so poor
Julie Wallace
Julie Wallace - 6 years ago
New subscriber I just love these outdoor videos. I'm a Wife Mother & Grammy at 57 Amazing Years Old. ( I am a 3×'s Terminal Cancer SURVIVOR in Remission for 12 years. I have RA & several other health issues). So through young men & women like Yourself. I can get the thrill of the adventure without the cold & achy joints & excruciating bone pain. GOD BLESS & SAFE TRAVELS on YOUR Adventures.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Well I am glad I can help you!
C C - 6 years ago
Wow incredible adventure! So lucky you had calm weather and the -5 F did not strand you guys. That lake is tough to predict on any summer day let alone trying to predict it in the winter. Thanks for sharing!
anar kissed
anar kissed - 6 years ago
I dunno how you keep your legs warm in that plastic shell! Brrrrrr
anar kissed
anar kissed - 6 years ago
+Matthew Posa I saw the hip waders and went "of course!" I can see my season getting a little longer because I do have hip waders!
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
carmen masood
carmen masood - 6 years ago
Miss Monty, but it was nice to see you again on YouTube. :-)
joe greening
joe greening - 6 years ago
Good one , scary water .
jim hurley
jim hurley - 6 years ago
Another great adventure!!

100. comment for Winter Kayak Camping on an Island

Sabine Kolakowski
Sabine Kolakowski - 6 years ago
time to get a biker d**k, that way there's no need to pull over
Martin Saur
Martin Saur - 6 years ago
Awesome Guy!
MaryQ - 6 years ago
Another fun video! The snow against the island edge was beautiful!
Hope4life Walker
Hope4life Walker - 6 years ago
YAY, you shared!! Scoot over and let your company have some spot light next time!!
Hope4life Walker
Hope4life Walker - 6 years ago
+Matthew Posa Well tell him not to be shy!!
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
He doesnt want to be recorded otherwise I would.
Jimmy McDonald
Jimmy McDonald - 6 years ago
No Monty, No Likey! :(
StandsWithABeer - 6 years ago
1976...January...tandem dead. I had the wetsuit. No, I do not want to see any more videos like THIS one.
Su Bird
Su Bird - 6 years ago
Didn't Jake want you to make a taco for him? Your's looked beyond delicious. I felt sorry for him.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
He likes em his way! He added the same items just not the same proportions. (Mine were totally more delicious than his. ;)
susan brown
susan brown - 6 years ago
Murdering bambi...wish u hadn’t said that...but I guess that’s what you Americans do.
Sarah Kelly
Sarah Kelly - 6 years ago
You must be a vegetarian. If not then you have no room to judge. Oh I guess you don't think cows, chickens, or fish have feelings!!
ITAY SHVAT - 6 years ago
Wonderful adventure!! Glad you didn’t take Monti with you on this one..
Amy Drew
Amy Drew - 6 years ago
Oh my it looks really cold!!! Probably good Monte stayed home! ;)
Martha L
Martha L - 6 years ago
14:50 I go kayaking on Lake Gitchegumee in the middle of January. Bless you.
Nat Uralist
Nat Uralist - 6 years ago
Changed it up a bit...icebreaker kayak...exciting, glad Monty sat this one out! Food coma, Matt?
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Oh yeah.
PKC1862 - 6 years ago
Where’s Monte??
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Wil Bback
Wil Bback - 6 years ago
YOU are the BEST !!!
Pablo Perez
Pablo Perez - 6 years ago
No Monty No Party.
Martha L
Martha L - 6 years ago
I have to keep reminding myself that if I'm watching the video, you survived the trip.
Tonia Joye
Tonia Joye - 6 years ago
Hey,,, Jake's back!
Steve Robins
Steve Robins - 6 years ago
Real cool but highly risky trip. Glad you two made it back. Guess we could have sent a Coast Guard helo to rescue the two of you if the ice stranded you. No filming of that necessary as we could just watch the news to see two frozen half lifeless turd nuggets being stretchered off the helo. What you are willing to do for our Sunday entertainment. Love it.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
afhevh - 6 years ago
Nice change of pace video. Too bad Jake is camera shy; think he could add a lot to these buddy trip videos.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
He sure would. It's okay. Cant expect everyone to want to be on the internet!
5 stroke wander scotland
5 stroke wander scotland - 6 years ago
your friend should be brought a pee bottle with him or potty bucket
Marifi Pilar
Marifi Pilar - 6 years ago
Wow!nice sir.take care.
Where's Monty? ☺☺
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Safe at home!
Escape Adventures
Escape Adventures - 6 years ago
Looks like an amazing time. Hoping to have my kayak by this summer :D
Kingfatty - 6 years ago
Great video! What brand of kayaks were you guys using?
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Wilderness Systems Tsunami
Rose - 6 years ago
well it was fun watching    you and your friend are a good team      and you enjoy     thanks for sharing
Cristos Palabras
Cristos Palabras - 6 years ago
I picked up a dancing solar powered kayaker here in Mexico, sending it to you by post.
gavin hirt
gavin hirt - 6 years ago
Jake had no depends lol. Start at the bottom and work around plus the oils are good for your skin psoriasis boy and pre heat the burrito shells less chase of blow outs cold shells suck
Bunt - 6 years ago
Tells us Kayaking 101 Doesn't use Kayaking 101 lol
gavin hirt
gavin hirt - 6 years ago
Did jake not wear a depends lol
gavin hirt
gavin hirt - 6 years ago
Start at the bottom when spooning a avocado and the oils are good for your skin psoriasis boy and pre heat each burrito before you serve less blow out chance
cames1212 - 6 years ago
Those are some BFT’s Matt!! (Big friggin tacos)
Diane Villemaire
Diane Villemaire - 6 years ago
Great video. Awesome adventure
geezerdude - 6 years ago
I noticed you made a much bigger fire than your usual. Also, nice beached walrus imitation after dinner--laying there and grunting. LOL! Nice trip if a bit on the edge.
Adrian Paleka
Adrian Paleka - 6 years ago
Hey Matt one of the things I love about your videos is them being an hour +, it makes for a relaxing and great background video
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
bluelion1995 - 6 years ago
I have never heard Monty complain about his bladder shortly after you started...
Glyn Hargreaves
Glyn Hargreaves - 6 years ago
Loving your Vlogs Mathew alway from Sheffield in the UK.
I'm an Ex Soldier and love watching the outdoors life and a bit of cooking. Lol
Rebecca Lainesse
Rebecca Lainesse - 6 years ago
No thanks Matt.The minus 10 is a turn off for me.Monty is home in his nice warm doggie bed.I can just see Monty smiling with his teeth showing thinking that Matt can have the minus 10.Stay safe!
channel suspended
channel suspended - 6 years ago
I wish I was there
Scott Roberts
Scott Roberts - 6 years ago
you had me at"Three things you should know,......we havn't got that".. love this mad "we can do " attitude. Shackleton and Amundson, had no safety net love it !!!!!!!
Zack Johnson
Zack Johnson - 6 years ago
Well...Jake doesn't have to pee anymore....lmao.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
centurion726 - 6 years ago
Maybe you could pick up a cheap drone and fly around to look for a break in the ice next time?
Craig Mad Bricky
Craig Mad Bricky - 6 years ago
that Drone would last 3.2 seconds at the balls freezing cold. My gnads sucked up just watching that intro!
n2cable - 6 years ago
will matt make it to saftey?
Martha L
Martha L - 6 years ago
+n2cable In the meantime, Matthew burns his flesh tongs flipping meat with his bare hands.
n2cable - 6 years ago
+Little PAW 1969 Now you got me ALL MESSED up in the head!! Matt captaining a icebreaker ship on lake superior called the S.S. Monty. There seems to be no way to dock the icebreaker and Matt has to rely on his trusty drone to find dry land. Matt and Jake must face the harsh element with only apple bees left overs, and satellite TV to help them to saftey till the Drone (matt picked up at a gas station) can fully charge and seek the land to dock the boat and save these 2 adventurers lives!!
Little PAW 1969
Little PAW 1969 - 6 years ago
+n2cable Or maybe a ice breaker ship that has a Applebees bar and grill in it with Sat TV.
n2cable - 6 years ago
Maybe also get a electric blanket, motorized canoe, a Furbie, apple bees take out, satellite tv!
George G.
George G. - 6 years ago
I was just about to comment that!
Christopher Cooper
Christopher Cooper - 6 years ago
Mathew your video was hilarious and crazy. I knew you able to eat all of those tacos with no problem. Loved the video.
Christopher Cooper
Christopher Cooper - 6 years ago
Too funny. You by far along with Monty and the rest of your family and friend are my favorite.
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
There was bits left over but for the most part. I downed them all.
LeAnn Explores
LeAnn Explores - 6 years ago
Wow, ice burgs lol I was surprised! The video seemed so short lol I have gotten used to them being an hour or more!!! I may have to watch it twice to make up for it lol
George G.
George G. - 6 years ago
An hour?? Make that two!
Joyce Boyd
Joyce Boyd - 6 years ago
yep, looks like our favorite adventure guy shorted us. Luv him, still. :))) Nice vid, though.
rustler2222 - 6 years ago
Ou man I like adventures like this one! More crazy, more fun in life!! Love it!
Travis Conley
Travis Conley - 6 years ago
So..............That's how you ice fish, hmmmmm looked cold BRRRRRR!
Daniel Hotze
Daniel Hotze - 6 years ago
buddy jake barks a lot :D .. gotta love it what a feast! how cold was the night ?
Daniel Hotze
Daniel Hotze - 6 years ago
+Matthew Posa yup crazy cold one heck of an adventure =)
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
-10 Fahrenheit a weather report said. Pretty damn cold.
frederick j. moller
frederick j. moller - 6 years ago
Wow, you'd never catch me doing that, but glad it turned out.....-40 F this morning, not kayak weather lol. BTW I miss Monty....
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
It was nice to paddle in the sun but was pretty risky.
Julie Thornborough
Julie Thornborough - 6 years ago
My favourite guy is back ! I’m addicted to your videos, sending best wishes from the UK ❤️❤️
Julie Thornborough
Julie Thornborough - 6 years ago
Bunt oh no I love this guy ! And his dogs too lol ! Manchester here
Bunt - 6 years ago
Good to see im not the only Uk person who watches :)
Suburban Fishing
Suburban Fishing - 6 years ago
Great video! Not the same without the dogs!!
angielou123 - 6 years ago
Aww. ...... no monty. Still a great video tho ❤❤
Laura Weiss
Laura Weiss - 6 years ago
So glad that Gitcheegoomee was looking so much calmer than she did when I was up there in November. We don’t want any “Wreck of the Matthew and Jake” events.
n2cable - 6 years ago
Sunday mornings with Matt!! Love the Burt Reynolds imitation - chewing gum and your mustache. East Bound and down brother! Keep up the good work
Rachel Hale
Rachel Hale - 6 years ago
Tacos looked good till the spinach. Lol. Missing Monty!
Roberta Johnston
Roberta Johnston - 6 years ago
CILANTRO please.
Rachana phuong
Rachana phuong - 6 years ago
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Safe at home he was.
Eugene Saxton
Eugene Saxton - 6 years ago
Yea buddy!!!! Awesome video!!!!
jeremy orourke
jeremy orourke - 6 years ago
Oh my God you can put away some food you are a beast
Garry Cuttriss
Garry Cuttriss - 6 years ago
Hi Matthew, Garry in Brisbane Australia new Subby - really enjoying you video's . Love the Camping in the snow especially, too hot for that here. 36c to day and still 28c at 1am so can't sleep. Loved the Easter vid of the Terror Bunny and Easter egg hunt = Hysterical.
Garry Cuttriss
Garry Cuttriss - 6 years ago
+Kyle L. most of the issues affecting the USA are affecting the whole of the west - Europe is a mess.
Ima McWilliams
Ima McWilliams - 6 years ago
Garry Cuttriss
Garry Cuttriss
Garry Cuttriss - 6 years ago
Kyle, You & I would disagree on how to pronounce Tomatoes then :-) I had a friend in Boston from Tennessee who called them "Maters" ! P.S. Thanks for serving - you Yanks do more than your share. I agree with your president the rest of the west needs to spend more $ on their share of defence . My grandfather, Dad, Mum, Brother and other son have all served.
Garry Cuttriss
Garry Cuttriss - 6 years ago
+Kyle L. OK Cobba :-) , where in USA are you? If you like Aussi humour try "Isaac Butterfield" on YouTube very funny guy but heads up - lots of swearing.
Garry Cuttriss
Garry Cuttriss - 6 years ago
Kyle/Gavin, Thanks for the comments guys, I got a few hours kip and lunch time at work now (aircon office = 34c outside) worst problem here is the humidity, VERY humid in Brisbane. Rest of Aussie is HOT but dry heat. I have been to USA & Canada - East & West coasts, spent summer of 1985 in Boston - humid but not as bad as Brisbane (QLD). Have also been back several times for work and to see my son in Seattle (accident in London with Seattle girl). Kyle you sound very angry - I'm sure your mate will work things out - he's and adult, maybe pay extra for the aircon? Electricity prices are through the roof here, stupid politicians building too many windmills /solar farms and foolish voters believe it will all be paid for from the money tree. Chill out Guys - you can :-)
gavin hirt
gavin hirt - 6 years ago
Come to the US guy's its great plus we have Canada lol and Mexico if you want gangsters and drugs and dont need a boat lol just a car cause its huge
Garry Cuttriss
Garry Cuttriss - 6 years ago
+Kyle L. Hi yes we are having a heat wave across the continent, up to 48c in some places. And then I see Matt canoeing on a half frozen lake! I have air con but noisy and still keeps me awake.
Susan Esguerra
Susan Esguerra - 6 years ago
Good evening here,from Japan ,,watching your new video,,,,
jeremy orourke
jeremy orourke - 6 years ago
No turd nugget it's not the same without Monte.... But I bet it was a nice break for you I'm a dog owner dog lover I know sometimes you need the peace
thunderlord2200 - 6 years ago
i was thinking the same thing and the raft has to be so much lighter with out all of monte stuff counting Monte
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
Good morning! No problem! I do my best to upload at 10 AM EST on Sundays. If it is later than that it is because I am still editing or running behind on editing.
ᆞ순둥또당 - 6 years ago
COmment 1.etc
Caris Haring
Caris Haring - 6 years ago
second .
SuperDuperFortniteNOOBTeam 77
SuperDuperFortniteNOOBTeam 77 - 6 years ago

Another Nice Video.
Wait for the 50k

Prabir Chowdhury
Prabir Chowdhury - 6 years ago
I missed monty
jeremy orourke
jeremy orourke - 6 years ago
I tried I was 13
Jessee Outlaw
Jessee Outlaw - 6 years ago
45 s
Lisa James
Lisa James - 6 years ago
Matthew Posa
Matthew Posa - 6 years ago
According to YouTube, this one was first.
SuperDuperFortniteNOOBTeam 77
SuperDuperFortniteNOOBTeam 77 - 6 years ago
You not

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