adidas SICKLINE Extreme Kayak World Championship 2013

150 of the world's finest whitewater, slalom and freestyle paddlers from no less than 24 different countries met in the picturesque town of Oetz to compete for world championship honours on the legendary Wellerbrücke rapids, a section of the glacier-fed Ötztaler Ache River that is considered to be one of the most difficult whitewater sections on the planet. 24-year old Joe Morley from Leeds in Great Britain put in a commanding final run on Ötztaler Ache River today, outpaddling a field full of the best extreme kayakers in the world, one which included the seemingly unbeatable 3-time world champion Sam Sutton from New Zealand.

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Kayak 10 years ago 126,617 views

150 of the world's finest whitewater, slalom and freestyle paddlers from no less than 24 different countries met in the picturesque town of Oetz to compete for world championship honours on the legendary Wellerbrücke rapids, a section of the glacier-fed Ötztaler Ache River that is considered to be one of the most difficult whitewater sections on the planet. 24-year old Joe Morley from Leeds in Great Britain put in a commanding final run on Ötztaler Ache River today, outpaddling a field full of the best extreme kayakers in the world, one which included the seemingly unbeatable 3-time world champion Sam Sutton from New Zealand.

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Most popular comments
for adidas SICKLINE Extreme Kayak World Championship 2013

Oscar - 5 years ago
1:09 BOTH difficult and dangerous.
Michael McClain
Michael McClain - 6 years ago
Burp your friggin drysuits!
Peter Schmidt
Peter Schmidt - 8 years ago
heres another scientology op riding on peoples emotions they are targetting now using kayakers and got them to do the illegal privacy takeover through slander and railroading people
Celia Parker
Celia Parker - 8 years ago
Adidas? Sponsorship dude. Somebody has to pay for all that fun and that big fat gold award belt. It's a way to promote their product sales to sports enthusiasts. Sports events have all kinds of investors. Ever notice RedBull?
Conor Buckman
Conor Buckman - 8 years ago
Are boats like the perception Wavehopper banned for this race as surely a plastic WWR would be the fastest here
David C
David C - 9 years ago
What does Adidas have to do with kayaking?
mick ;3
mick ;3 - 7 years ago
they mostly sponsor or you'll have to ask for the adidas item at you're local kayakdealer
David C
David C - 8 years ago
Bone Shelter
Bone Shelter - 8 years ago
they make gear you wear from the car to the boat...
if you're a rapper
Winter Julien
Winter Julien - 8 years ago
I use adidas shoes
David C
David C - 8 years ago
Funny I never see their gear in any local kayaking shop, and their website has nothing related to Kayaking.
Winter Julien
Winter Julien - 8 years ago
yeah shoes, suites and stuff
Henry Tomsett
Henry Tomsett - 9 years ago
+David Cheung Alot, Sam is sponsored by them. They make alot of white water gear.
Wow. how awesome!
feiz01 - 9 years ago
Which are the fastest boats? The zet?
Stefan Schmitz
Stefan Schmitz - 9 years ago
+feiz01 the winner paddles a Lettmann Granate (for three years in a row!)
Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins - 9 years ago
+feiz01 The Waka Tuna is the fastest boat.
Craig Irwin
Craig Irwin - 10 years ago
Dane at 9:00 is pretty scary, but amazing to watch the forward bow stroke recovery!!

10. comment for adidas SICKLINE Extreme Kayak World Championship 2013

booksRbad - 10 years ago
Nain Pandey
Nain Pandey - 10 years ago

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