how to roll a kayak the complete package, greenland rolling tutorial

kayak rolling with matt gebhardt the complete package. how to roll a kayak This is a instructional kayak rolling video that goes beyond rolling this video discusses the type of kayak you should attempt to roll, and physical conditioning to get you into rolling shape. The instruction is specifically for the standard greenland roll, this video works best if you are using a greenland paddle and a sea kayak buy high quality photos and posters to hang on your wall along with other items at my zazzle store please click the link Donate at check out my website for loads of kayaking info

how to roll a kayak the complete package, greenland rolling tutorial sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Kayak 10 years ago 89,744 views

kayak rolling with matt gebhardt the complete package. how to roll a kayak This is a instructional kayak rolling video that goes beyond rolling this video discusses the type of kayak you should attempt to roll, and physical conditioning to get you into rolling shape. The instruction is specifically for the standard greenland roll, this video works best if you are using a greenland paddle and a sea kayak buy high quality photos and posters to hang on your wall along with other items at my zazzle store please click the link Donate at check out my website for loads of kayaking info

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Most popular comments
for how to roll a kayak the complete package, greenland rolling tutorial

matty tripps
matty tripps - 8 years ago
If anyone likes the video enough to want to donate, then you can do so at
Keith DeShong
Keith DeShong - 6 years ago
Great instructional video!
An additional roll view point(s) that would help me get my head around the whole roll would be filming from the bow and then the stern but using the horizontal water line as the anchor for the framing. In other words start with the camera level above the water line stay level and follow the kayaker as he goes below. Then the shot moves above the water line (staying level) as the roll is finished.
I find my focus is on the water line when doing a roll but most every video follows the kayaker.
Shawn Gervais
Shawn Gervais - 6 years ago
That was the best video I've seen on the fundamentals of a good roll. Liked the tips on flexibility as well. Well done! Thanks.
J T - 6 years ago
Ok guys. Im going to pass this info on to you which was given to me. I spoke with a guy who has kayaked for 15 yrs. In all types of water. He told me, and I quote "if you master the low and high brace, you will never fall out of your kayak." A lot of ppl are obsessed with rolling but it isnt necessary if you get those braces down perfectly.
Pelagatos Kayak
Pelagatos Kayak - 7 years ago
You are the best. At last someone who knows how to explane the roll in a comprehensive and complete manner. Thank you.
Jason Burt
Jason Burt - 7 years ago
Great way to teach it!!! Thanks!
Genius by Design
Genius by Design - 7 years ago
I like this method the best ... take less effort !!!
Genius by Design
Genius by Design - 7 years ago
WOW he is GOOD at it !!!
Genius by Design
Genius by Design - 7 years ago
YES !!! U need to have an assistant !!!

10. comment for how to roll a kayak the complete package, greenland rolling tutorial

Robert Gerety
Robert Gerety - 7 years ago
Nice job on this video. Very helpful.
matty tripps
matty tripps - 7 years ago
+Robert Gerety thank you
Explorer Mike
Explorer Mike - 7 years ago
Matty, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! After over a year of trying and many lessons, I watched you video and FINALLY TODAY did many rolls right after the other. Probably the secret key you gave was to let go of the paddle when you are upside down underwater in the ready position at 10:23. That allowed the paddle to be flat on the surface of the water at the start. Brilliant!
matty tripps
matty tripps - 7 years ago
+Explorer Mike glad i could help mike
Rocstoneau - 7 years ago
You're a great teacher. This is the best instruction video I've watched. You covered everything. Thank you for doing this for us.
chip brooks
chip brooks - 8 years ago
I'm taking a roll class in late February. This group is all about the sweep and or the c to c rolls. I like what I see here. Will I be successful using my Karma medium with volume of 86??? Thanks
Deborah Walsh
Deborah Walsh - 8 years ago
Matt, it's always fun paddling with you and watching your effortless rolls. Now that I have a lower volume boat I am looking forward to following your directions. Thanks so much for the detail. Can't wait till it warms up to get back at it!
matty tripps
matty tripps - 8 years ago
+Deborah Walsh lv is the way to go! Hopefully my videos help, ill try to see you on the water this year
giorgio sardo
giorgio sardo - 8 years ago
Thx very interesting well explained
Nicky L
Nicky L - 8 years ago
Hey Matty 
How  much  would having  70 lbs  of  gear in  your sea kayak  affect your ability  to roll it
guitta Dabe
guitta Dabe - 7 years ago
I found that stuffing a light tarp into my hatches keeps things from moving around. It works so well that I keep tarp within my hatches ready to accept the few items that I take with me. It acts like the crinkled newspapers that you use in your boxes when moving to a new home.
Deborah Walsh
Deborah Walsh - 8 years ago
Nicky, gear shifting is definitely an issue whether you are intentionally rolling, just paddling, practicing rescues, or have an accidental wet exit. With a partially or fully loaded kayak it is important to 1) balance the load and 2) secure the load. At EMS I found triangle-shaped lashings that peel and stick to the kayak surface, inside or out. However, to get it to stay on the rougher inside of the bulkheads I had to use Gorilla Glue. I could then hold gear in place with a secured cargo net and/or bungee cords. I find this more acceptable than drilling holes in my boat to add screwed in anchors. I hope you safely enjoy your new kayak!
matty tripps
matty tripps - 8 years ago
+Nicky L yes the gear rolling to one side will make a difference, youll have to try to wedge the gear in the kayak to keep it from rolling around
Nicky L
Nicky L - 8 years ago
Thanks for answering  so  quickly 
My  concern  is  that  when I  roll  my  kayak    all  of my unsecured  gear is  going  to  move  in  the  direction  of  the  roll  and then as I  come over  the  top the unsecured  gear it is going to  move again
I've  only  been paddling  for  5  years But  I do have  40  years of   4 season  backpacking  experience .
When  I'm out  shopping  for a sea kayak  (  I'm seriously  thinking  about buying  a WS Tsunami  17.5  )  one  thing  that's notably  absent  in  their holds  is that  there aren't  any  hard  lash  points that you can  secure  your  gear to
matty tripps
matty tripps - 8 years ago
+Nicky L i dont carry a lot of gear so i dont know for sure, i image the placement of the gear would make a big difference, i dont think it would effect your roll as much if your gear is placed low close to the cockpit
Irony Itch
Irony Itch - 8 years ago
You should never practice alone. Have someone standing near your kayak. If they see you are struggling, they should help you up. A first thing one should learn is how to swim out of a kayak. Next, capsize, open your eyes and then "undress" your kayak in a way as if you are undressing your pants. It is very useful to make sure you can do this if the roll fails. "How easy" this is is a subjective matter, also depending on how tight fitting is your kayak. There are kayaks in which I wouldn't be able to stay put, even if I wanted ... ;)
matty tripps
matty tripps - 8 years ago
+Nikusha Tsurtsumia just practice wet exiting getting out of the kayak is pretty easy
Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith - 8 years ago
The best tutorial on this subject, especially the tips regarding flexibility - very useful for a 67 year old, such as myself. Thanks.

20. comment for how to roll a kayak the complete package, greenland rolling tutorial

Buettner Burritt
Buettner Burritt - 8 years ago
On WoodPrix you can find excellent plans for woodworking.
Napoleón - 9 years ago
Excelentes recomendaciones, lo voy a llevar en mente.
Jacob Langborg Hansen
Jacob Langborg Hansen - 9 years ago
Good job! Definitely some nice points for me there :-)
One thing about most rolling videos puzzles me, though: How about mounting the camera on the aft filming forward? The usual camera angle - stern towards aft- always leaves me sort of left/right confused when watching. I can't really picture it untill I'm in the cockpit myself ;)
Ibrahim Habib
Ibrahim Habib - 9 years ago
Thank you very much for the amazing scientific details
matty tripps
matty tripps - 9 years ago
@ dan numbers im glad you liked the video and happy to see it being used by an instructor for their students glad i could help
Dan Numbers
Dan Numbers - 9 years ago
Excellent tutorial!
It's especially nice to see the yoga stretches mentioned and demonstrated. After building my GK, I could not paddle it for longer than about 20 minutes until I started doing stretching, and I had been kayaking for over 40 years (since I was 9 years old)! Yoga has allowed me the flexibility to do the more advanced greenland rolls.
I will be recommending this video to my students who want to start using greenland techniques!
emai per camera
emai per camera - 10 years ago
Great tutorial . Thanks !
shared on the Facebook group   SOTTOCOSTA ( Sea Kayak Italy )
matty tripps
matty tripps - 10 years ago
Thank you for sharing
Pam Powers
Pam Powers - 10 years ago
GREAT JOB MATT!   your passion shines through.
Bob Bonnen
Bob Bonnen - 10 years ago
Good job Matt!
JanBlochPhotography - 10 years ago
Watching it... awesome.. thx Matt!

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