how to roll a kayak the complete package, greenland rolling tutorial
Kayak 10 years ago 89,744 views
kayak rolling with matt gebhardt the complete package. how to roll a kayak This is a instructional kayak rolling video that goes beyond rolling this video discusses the type of kayak you should attempt to roll, and physical conditioning to get you into rolling shape. The instruction is specifically for the standard greenland roll, this video works best if you are using a greenland paddle and a sea kayak buy high quality photos and posters to hang on your wall along with other items at my zazzle store please click the link Donate at check out my website for loads of kayaking info
An additional roll view point(s) that would help me get my head around the whole roll would be filming from the bow and then the stern but using the horizontal water line as the anchor for the framing. In other words start with the camera level above the water line stay level and follow the kayaker as he goes below. Then the shot moves above the water line (staying level) as the roll is finished.
I find my focus is on the water line when doing a roll but most every video follows the kayaker.
10. comment for how to roll a kayak the complete package, greenland rolling tutorial
How much would having 70 lbs of gear in your sea kayak affect your ability to roll it
My concern is that when I roll my kayak all of my unsecured gear is going to move in the direction of the roll and then as I come over the top the unsecured gear it is going to move again
I've only been paddling for 5 years But I do have 40 years of 4 season backpacking experience .
When I'm out shopping for a sea kayak ( I'm seriously thinking about buying a WS Tsunami 17.5 ) one thing that's notably absent in their holds is that there aren't any hard lash points that you can secure your gear to
20. comment for how to roll a kayak the complete package, greenland rolling tutorial
One thing about most rolling videos puzzles me, though: How about mounting the camera on the aft filming forward? The usual camera angle - stern towards aft- always leaves me sort of left/right confused when watching. I can't really picture it untill I'm in the cockpit myself ;)
It's especially nice to see the yoga stretches mentioned and demonstrated. After building my GK, I could not paddle it for longer than about 20 minutes until I started doing stretching, and I had been kayaking for over 40 years (since I was 9 years old)! Yoga has allowed me the flexibility to do the more advanced greenland rolls.
I will be recommending this video to my students who want to start using greenland techniques!
shared on the Facebook group SOTTOCOSTA ( Sea Kayak Italy )