my heart will take a kayak, by ikat381

(Trigger warning) remix video: Celine Dion appears on Larry King Live so she can react to the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina and/or the Titanic. Larry orders her to sing so she treats us all to "My Heart Will Go On." Uses footage from Titanic and from Celine's Larry King interview from September 3rd 2005.

my heart will take a kayak, by ikat381 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 27

Kayak 18 years ago 123,487 views

(Trigger warning) remix video: Celine Dion appears on Larry King Live so she can react to the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina and/or the Titanic. Larry orders her to sing so she treats us all to "My Heart Will Go On." Uses footage from Titanic and from Celine's Larry King interview from September 3rd 2005.

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Most popular comments
for my heart will take a kayak, by ikat381

blue2tang - 7 years ago
Why does she make a canoe rowing motion when she says "take a kayak"? It's like she has zero experience with kayak rescues.
luba K.
luba K. - 7 years ago
Katrina is no laughing matter, but I just cant help it. Girl, you are craaaaazy.
Minn Chi
Minn Chi - 9 years ago
Mark - 12 years ago
I guess Americans should create a lobby group to influence Congress to pass the Kayak Rescue Fleet Act
amadouvier - 12 years ago
Je vois que tes références sont très limitées. Sors un peu et va voir ce qui se fait hors des écrans de télé et de star académie. Peut-être que tu verras que c'est pas difficile d'être mieux que Sénile et toutes les autres que tu as nommé...
Alexthex - 12 years ago
Hey ti monstre! Donc si ya une fille de chez vous qui reussi dans la vie et qui fait rayonner la langue francaise à travers le monde, on ne peut pas l'insulter? Qu'elle aie reussi ou pas, c quand meme très drole d'apparaitre a Larry King et demander au gens de prendre un kayak :D PS: J'espere que tu n'oses pas insulter Justin Bieber un petit gars du Canada qui a reussi dans la vie et fait rayonner la langue anglaise a travers le monde :)
Sparkie Doo
Sparkie Doo - 12 years ago
It's only a movie Celine..
Jizzbucket Turdburglar
Jizzbucket Turdburglar - 7 years ago
I hope you are being sarcastic?
Greniator - 12 years ago
Céline chante mal
Matthew - 12 years ago
what….the….fuck ahahaha

10. comment for my heart will take a kayak, by ikat381

mangeunscio - 12 years ago
sti de folle ...... david from montreal
sgreen4 - 12 years ago
take a kayak! A canoe would be a better option
Rocyladiz - 12 years ago
hahahaha take a kayak xD
Jonathan Emond
Jonathan Emond - 12 years ago
Yea okay =)
crazyman37 - 12 years ago
How can someone dry inexistant tears? watch Celine doing it ^^
Jonathan Emond
Jonathan Emond - 12 years ago
she's actually the opposite of being "fake". what's wrong with your mind?
elle jane
elle jane - 12 years ago
boooooooooo, no she is amazing if you cant see that you crazy!! JE T'AIME CELINE
crazyman37 - 12 years ago
She's so faaaaaake
DrJay DrJay
DrJay DrJay - 12 years ago
Je suis d'accord qu'il est tres rare (surtout aux STates!) de trouver 1 star qui va parler librement ainsi, du fin fond de son coeur J'suis pas d'accord qu'on ne devrait lui reprocher rien ou ne jamais dire rien de negatif a son egard tout simplement parce qu'elle est quebecoise. C'est ctte mentalite qui rend les amerlocks aussi dingues qu'ils le sont - 1 patriotisme fort aveugle & irreflechi, sans raison ni reflexion, pas bien. Critiquer c'est necessaire & SOUHAITABLE ds 1 societe libre !
Matt Miller
Matt Miller - 12 years ago
I wonder if she knows a kayak only fits one person...

20. comment for my heart will take a kayak, by ikat381

Michael K N R
Michael K N R - 12 years ago
Je trouve ca ridicule de se moquer d'elle et surtout honteux de la part de ses compatriotes. Ca se voit que c'est une femme remplie d'empathie et de coeur, elle etait revoltee par la situation. Pendant que d'autres sont sournois et font la sourde oreille, elle n'a pas machee ses mots et a laisse parler son coeur et laisse libre cours a ses emotions. Je ne vois vraiment pas pourquoi on se moque d'elle. Pourquoi ? Elle devrait d'ailleurs etre une fierte pour les Quebecois.
EarthToAnedin - 12 years ago
''theres people still there!''... oh my days... so funny...
Fire - 12 years ago
liberals take the cake on twisted
Hello - 13 years ago
whoa!! that was sad! or she was a REALLY GOOD ACTRIS. lf she was acting then thats evil 2 do that wen people died in a hurricane. god larry, don't make her sing! she was crying like crazy & now u want her 2 sing?! l was suprized she sang! just let her go wen she cries. let her go home 2 calm down.
mangeunscio - 13 years ago
mangeunscio - 13 years ago
David Fullam
David Fullam - 13 years ago
OMG, that kayak movement she made was hilarious!
Wikidahl - 13 years ago
LMAOOOOOO. This doesn't stop being funny the more you watch it X)
Ron H
Ron H - 13 years ago
she is hopelessly in love with herself.
egarbugli - 13 years ago

30. comment for my heart will take a kayak, by ikat381

Manuel Campas
Manuel Campas - 13 years ago
hahah this was good :) love celine dion
frenchlearner7 - 13 years ago
This is really cleva! :-)
Enzo Lopez
Enzo Lopez - 13 years ago
think what ever you want but celine is not a bic* or any hipocrite
IronTarkus - 14 years ago
@JUANCHOBORI I would rather be a bitch, than a fanatic like you. :D
ChuckyBaby13 - 14 years ago
@k1lladelph1a lol
ChuckyBaby13 - 14 years ago
@sjmunoz jsuis québécois lol, je savais pas que t'étais susceptible de même. En passant, 4 c'est "four" pas "for"
Gristle McThornbody
Gristle McThornbody - 14 years ago
@sjmunoz Your spelling is almost as bad as Celines' english.
ChuckyBaby13 - 14 years ago
@sjmunoz shut the fuck up you fucking piece of shit frog can suck her cunt for all i care. GO LEAFS GO
DEREK EVEROSKI - 14 years ago
take a kayak and shove it up your giant cunt you dumb hockey lover go to hell c u n t
DEREK EVEROSKI - 14 years ago
haha ahaah lol fuck this canada bitch big guns going off in her mouth
DEREK EVEROSKI - 14 years ago
haha ahaah lol fuck this canada bitch big guns going off in hr mouth
Sally Quist
Sally Quist - 14 years ago
Take a kayak through those walls!
Matt Delisle
Matt Delisle - 14 years ago
@darkstwin Non, on dit américaine française...a-t-elle encore vraiment rapport avec le Québec elle? Si oui, c'est simplement pour que sa trollé de frères et soeurs puissent avoir un spot dans le 7 jours ou le Lundi....anyway, même si elle serait encore au Canada, on dirait canadienne française; le Québec c'est pas un pays et c'est pas la seule province où l'on retrouve des francophones
MikeSings82 - 14 years ago
@checout8 meaning, she's not thinking logically, only emotionally. Is she really that difficult to understand?
MikeSings82 - 14 years ago
@yolandaq You know she didn't right? This was edited to make her look ridiculous. Go watch the original.
MikeSings82 - 14 years ago
You know, make fun of her all you want. But to say her reaction to Katrina is humorous is to say the Katrina tragedy itself is humorous. So shoot her for caring...heartless bastards
MikeSings82 - 14 years ago
@WithUniquity I completely agree. To say her reaction to Katrina is humorous is to say the Katrina tragedy itself is humorous.
mamoquin - 14 years ago
@MisterHerr moi jai honte detre canadien mais pas québecois
Venusceline1982 - 14 years ago
celine why did bother yourself for America's Katrina, they don't deserve and they didn't deserve your $1 million. you shouldn't have bothered yourself
Venusceline1982 - 14 years ago
celine why did bother yourself for America's Katrina, they don't deserve and they didn't deserve your $1 million. you shouldn't have bothered yourself.

50. comment for my heart will take a kayak, by ikat381

nooobsaibot - 14 years ago
It's like "I shouldn't be laughing, but I can't not".
noizyme - 14 years ago
Why is he asking her to sing? LOL at the dramatic end though. Nothing like looking at that frog, Larry King, getting really into it.
amadouvier - 14 years ago
t'es caca yack!!!! ;-)
amadouvier - 14 years ago
@ohouui ohhh, une autre vierge offensée! Décidément, aduler la baisseur humaine ne te gênes pas beaucoup! Non mais... Une vraie joke. Nous avons tellement mieux que ça en terme de talent, et pourtant c'est cette idiote qui «nous représente»... Ouch! Réveilles-toi!!! Je me demande bien qui est le cave ici. Je persiste et signe: PATHÉTIQUE
Julee tiddi
Julee tiddi - 14 years ago
she's totally insane!!! she cry all the time for all and nothing, since she's tennager! WTF with her my god?
Daniel Morrison
Daniel Morrison - 14 years ago
@Vokio This is how some French Canadians speak English. Her accent is really thick because she only learned English when she was older and she's from a small town in Quebec. Most Canadians speak English as a first language.
P.J. Huff
P.J. Huff - 14 years ago
@CYN3RG37IK There is a world of difference between the oil spill and Katrina. The government is doing what it can, admittedly not very much. BP is the one who does not care and should be shouldering most of the blame. And by the way, the Bush administration (during Cheney's closed door meetings with energy companies) decided the safety valve that could have prevented the oil spill, and costs less than $100k, would not be required for off-shore drilling.
chrissss2005 - 14 years ago
lol hahaha omg ikat381 your fucken dumb i swear in a good way once that damn song came on i started laughing, especally cuz i know she didnt sing that song on larry king and the reply to very funny vid hahaha i love it.
Gary Lundberg
Gary Lundberg - 14 years ago
their dieing!!!
Gary Lundberg
Gary Lundberg - 14 years ago
@peejes just about as good as the government's response to the current oil spill eh? how's that hope and change working for you?
P.J. Huff
P.J. Huff - 14 years ago
You know, she was the first one to shout that the government was doing nothing to help. I thought she was crazy when this aired, but in hindsight she was dead on.
aqinthe - 14 years ago
Take a kayak and go into those walls. WTF? Thank god Canada has to claim her.
Johnny Cool
Johnny Cool - 14 years ago
I would stand before this lady and take bullets for her until the world understands the good she means in this video! Johnny Cool, Montreal, Canada
MrMarkyboys - 14 years ago
take a kayak .... lol
Philip Vanguard
Philip Vanguard - 14 years ago
omg I can't believe larry asked her to sing! How rude of him!
Mike Maxwell
Mike Maxwell - 15 years ago
Celine. Quebexican French skank.
amadouvier - 15 years ago
osti d'folle... pas un mot sur Haïti par exemple... takakayak ! pathétique!
jazz317 - 15 years ago
TAKE A KAYAK! *imitates canoe* she's not really Canadian! PHONY! ^_^ hilarious video!
Ryan McClure
Ryan McClure - 15 years ago
@yolandaq haha you're such an idiot! they edited the music in!
TakeA Kayak
TakeA Kayak - 15 years ago
Le propos est extrêmement pertinent et amené d'une façon aussi authentique que Céline l'est depuis toujours. I use this funny "Take a KayaK" on my radio show sometime but I think she's making a very important point and in a authentic way just like she is since ever.J'espère que ceux ont des propos méchants ont au moins donné 0,25$ pour aider les victimes!Let's hope that the people who said nasty thing about this gave at least 0,25$ to help the victims!
Remi Vézina
Remi Vézina - 15 years ago
I'm not thinking with my head ... what?
ILoveTheLucy - 15 years ago
omg i love her she is juse so wow shes right in what she said rely if you thek what she shad she is rely rhate
Marty Martin
Marty Martin - 15 years ago
ROFLMAO! Heard about this on the O&A show (XM202) a while back......I laughed so hard then, and laughed so hard again when I saw this clip! TAKE A KAYAAAAAK!
moufolie2 - 15 years ago
i am canadian dumbass =P
blackreazor - 15 years ago
'cuz she is canadian XD
moufolie2 - 15 years ago
shes right in what she said i agree with her, but the kayak part was quite funny lol
fi stla
fi stla - 15 years ago
noticed Celine made her fortune in usa and chose to live in las vegas, thats usa baby. put that in your pipe and smoke it you bag o' shit
fi stla
fi stla - 15 years ago
your a shame and a disgrace. your only claim to fame is that you come from the place as Celine Dion. thats not gonna get you too far sweetheart
fi stla
fi stla - 15 years ago
pipes is that your real name or you just love having your pipes cleaned cockface
fi stla
fi stla - 15 years ago
dont call Celine's fans "fuck" , cockface!
Chad Halvorson
Chad Halvorson - 15 years ago
I remember Opie and Ant a few years back when this came out, take a kayak changed my views on this DUMB lady, she has no idea how the world spins...Being rich makes you fail at life, for some lol..
Alvaro A
Alvaro A - 15 years ago
why is it funny!?
prozie286 - 15 years ago
Wow, how long did it take you to make this video?
Steven Verreault
Steven Verreault - 15 years ago
Whatttt!!???? I'm from Quebec, Quebec... I'm billingual too...... How can you say that she's a dumb and she doesn't have any education!!!! She's crying!!!! She's fucking angry!!! .... If you do have nothing to say... You have just to shut up!!!
bodion - 15 years ago
pls gime me a rest:)) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i am sorry Celine i love you so much , but this video is funny:DDDDD Once again i am talking about this perfect mashup:) and i am really celine fan
kévin st-laurent
kévin st-laurent - 15 years ago
french canadian
Mark Zudeck
Mark Zudeck - 15 years ago
People are so mean to the looters. They have never touched anything in their lives! Let the beautiful people touch the flat-panel HD TVs!
Scott Holmberg
Scott Holmberg - 15 years ago
A kayak?
nataliechiara8602 - 16 years ago
what the fuck is wrong with u idiots?! she said it clearly in the interview that she's not talking with her head but from her heart, all she wanted that moment was the people to be rescued...that was such an emtional moment and u guys are making fun of her. get a life, u assholes, at least she gave 1mil and u guys did nothing (im talking to the haters only)
Lexi Williams
Lexi Williams - 16 years ago
LOL! that comment cracked me up!
Lexi Williams
Lexi Williams - 16 years ago
LOL gettum sum kayaks!
carl borman
carl borman - 16 years ago
im not proud of being canadien because of you. you make me sick.
Ewa Zak
Ewa Zak - 16 years ago
I have a lot of fun and realy enjoy this video:) well done!!!
riley2046 - 16 years ago
If we all only had a heart like her. I find nothing funny about this and I know everyone is entitled to their opinion. So ask yourself what have you done to help others? How would you feel if you were in need?
osagej4 - 16 years ago
AHAHHAAH A+++ you are horrible! LOL
theblueangel28 - 16 years ago
YES! Tell Em Celine is the worst thing that ever happened
headsbullet - 16 years ago
ROFL!!! my god that's not such a right thing but that's kinda funny.
bizzcola1 - 16 years ago
Ne mélange pas tout stp; le malheur de Katrina n'a rien à voir avec mes impressions de Céline Dion. Et si je me fie au passé, je risque effectivement de pas trop aimer ce qui ce qui est à venir. Pas nécessairement tout mais des entrevues comme celle là, oui.
katie92595 - 16 years ago
take a kayak!
bizzcola1 - 16 years ago
C'est toi le fan de Céline pis tu me traites de gai!?! Hahaha!! Justement l'épais, c'est un vidéo o'u Céline a l'air d'une crisse d'épaisse (lis les commentaires, tapette) pis o'u le monde peuvent venir se divertir en la voyant faire une folle d'elle. Heureusement qu'a peut compter sur des fifs agressifs comme toi pour la défendre.

100. comment for my heart will take a kayak, by ikat381

bizzcola1 - 16 years ago
C'est toi qui devrait la fermer ta crisse de yeule. Céline est vraie... une vraie crisse de dinde. D'habitude les artistes sont soit aimés, soit y laissent le monde indifférents. Céline elle, y a tellement de monde qui la trouvent épaisse qu'y en font le sujet d'une émission à enjeux... À part ça je savais pas que les fans de Céline pouvaient sacrer.
playboyquan - 16 years ago
STFU what did u do?
Kevin Hill
Kevin Hill - 16 years ago
Why dont you use your 3 million dollars KAYAK Celine???
BriereLover - 16 years ago
haha, that was so funny. TAKE A KAYAK! Here at school, each time we say "kayak" we think : Celine. She rocks!
john kordic
john kordic - 16 years ago
t'es tellement naive que t'en es cute...
john kordic
john kordic - 16 years ago
In Quebec, we hate are so much...She's a fakeass. She did that just to have the media attention, previous to the the release of his album. It's all about marketing guys. Americans! Please, please keep here.
Christopher Michael
Christopher Michael - 16 years ago
"There's kids being raped at night." (cut to the titanic kid) lol
Bitte Hänninen
Bitte Hänninen - 16 years ago
I guess humour is a way for some people to deal with the truth. That's childish.
TeaDoubleyou - 16 years ago
WalksThisWay - 16 years ago
That was so set-up, it near made me puke. MSM is milking it's sheeples emotions to no end. CNN should be ashamed, so ashamed. My heart goes out to the victims of Katrina and the poor response by the Federal Government. This was propaganda to cover-up the embarassment by the Bush Admin. So shamefull.
konstantinox - 16 years ago
omfg specfuckingtacular
chocobharata - 16 years ago
Céliiiinnnne ! La meilleure ambassadrice de la francophonie qui soit !
Aenygma - 16 years ago
HAHAAHAHAHAH You put in the scene where that dude falls off the Titanic and hits the propeller thing XD XD XD
kévin st-laurent
kévin st-laurent - 16 years ago
Yea And if you fucking american are pround of Bush, it's your problem no??
kévin st-laurent
kévin st-laurent - 16 years ago
Quoi?? Voyon donc c'Est plus toi qui fait honte au Québec en venant marquer des p'tit "tabarnak" sur youtube Et si c'était toi qui s'était faites prendre par la tornade Katrina, tu aimerais peut-être ca que Céline dise Take a Kayak pour te sauver
nephilangel - 16 years ago
You callous morons will have time to reflect on your black hearted and dismal inhumanity in the abyss.....
Street Smart Self Reliant
Street Smart Self Reliant - 16 years ago
I would agree cant stand the Bush administration.
anrere - 17 years ago
BIG GUNS HELL YEAH 50 CAL POWER, SERIOUSLY VIOLENCE IS BAD dont kill dudes!!! VIOOOOOLEEEEEEEEEEENCE= BAD 50 cal. on cod 4!!! irak is a conspiracy for good games!!! conspiracy everywhere!! conspiracy in the 9/11, conspiracy in chuck norris, conspiracy in your cereals!!! BE AWARE!!!! LOOOOOL my messaage will be like -9999 cuze pep dont have humour senses AND STOP POLLUTION TEXANS!
anrere - 17 years ago
i can transalate u know im french canadian but search: je danse dans ma tete (rofl i dance in my head) to see celine worst songs in french that give : Celine Dion est une pute promotionelle lunatique. but katrina isnt so big dudes!!! WTF GLOBAL WARMING WILL DESTROY 1/3 OF THE BANGLADESH DONT BE SO SELF-CONCATRATED TO TU USA LOOK AT THE FUCKIN WORLD. but this is still tragic.
sébastien faubert
sébastien faubert - 17 years ago
brainless... she still gave a millions and did alot of benefic know, I agree with her because Artist are rich because they got talent why would they give all their money to save lifes? its not their responsability its just cool that they do it. United states government is spending all money in military shit while a part of his country is drowning THATS the stupid things...George Bush get the blame...Shame on you georgia, ur the hurricane, u suck fat dingos like your father do
Kate Brocklebank
Kate Brocklebank - 17 years ago
Maybe she is, but she is listened to and respected so maybe to get her point across and to get people to listen to her, maybe she has to hold back all her emotion and let it out all at once. She is NOT a drama queen, she is somebody who cares, this world needs more of them.
Chuck Rowe
Chuck Rowe - 17 years ago
I feel bad for those people. I wish that never happened to them. That said, I must also say that Celine Dion is a self-promoting lunatic whore. That's all I'm sayin'. If I knew french, I'd tell her in that language too.
mangajane - 17 years ago
For all you fucking freak's you are all HEARTLESS and dumb you all deserve hell. Did someone broke you brain to make such clips. YOU ARE ALL HEARTLESS BEASTS WHO NEVER HAVE EMOTION. FOR THE PEOPLE WHO DIED THERE ITS TERRIBLE AND YOU GUYS KEEP LAUGHING ABOUT IT. CAUSE YOU'RE HEART IS DEAD!!! GO BURN IN THE HELL!!!
mangajane - 17 years ago
Like the other said you should not make fun with this.That was really terrible and Katrina is still going on there don't joke with it please. And the Titanic was an awfull time to i will flag this video too like refillpad19 does too
Fred - 17 years ago
Yo SasssyBrattt, I'm french canadian, yes from Quebec.. and not all quebeckers act that way, yes I agree that she made of fool of herself and that she did that for publicity and that other celebrities gave a lot more effort but please don't say that ALL french Canadians are drama queens and that we ALL act stupid... would you like it if I'd make fun of your culture.... just say that CELINE herself is a bitch, I would agree with that...
Street Smart Self Reliant
Street Smart Self Reliant - 17 years ago
Shes a genuine dramma queen.
ester roma calle
ester roma calle - 17 years ago
I´m not making fun of those who suffered tragedy,because it is really tragic all that what happended to that people,we don´t need to talk about that.I just think that she´s really really poor by doing this and the best part I FORGOT,is the singing after the interview...thats that thing,who of that people that suffered cares if a Celine Dion sings a song to them?!
Kate Brocklebank
Kate Brocklebank - 17 years ago
i dont agree that doing this is right, you shouldnt make fun of any of those who were harmed during the titanic, Katrina and especially celine. she's an honest, genuine woman who cares, you cant fake tears like that, maybe her lines sounded a little cheesy but could you not see through to her heart? could you not see that she truly cared? The tears dont lie! i'm flagging this video! its not right to have it on here. Taking the piss of those who have a heart and those who care! unlike yourself!
ester roma calle
ester roma calle - 17 years ago
I totally agree...she´s all fake! Everybody knows that celebritys can help without being noticed and not makin that Larry King Interview to say OH DEAR I CAN´T DRINK MY COFFE..WHO CARES ABOUT MY MILLION?! I´M A MOTHER!! and stuff like that...such a shame she played this card...In my opinion really poor.
frédéric bastiat
frédéric bastiat - 17 years ago
She's really stupid. A shame for Canada.
jimbreak - 17 years ago
Awesome. I thought the original interview was too funny, but this is just great too.
Ron Littlejohn
Ron Littlejohn - 17 years ago
whoever did this is my hero!! fuck Celine Dion hard!
Street Smart Self Reliant
Street Smart Self Reliant - 17 years ago
I think that is very noble but I am sick and tired of singers and actors trying to play politics. I would not listen to Michael Moore try to tell me about health insurance when he is a film maker. And politicians trying to be scientists (Al Gore). Oh and because she gave 1 million and I donated water does that make her donation better?
Abenkin - 17 years ago
She gave a million. You shut up
Street Smart Self Reliant
Street Smart Self Reliant - 17 years ago
LET THEM TOUCH THOSE THINGS FOR ONCE! Yeah Celine will let them come to your home and steal your stuff and let them touch your things for once. SHUT UP AND SING!
frédéric bastiat
frédéric bastiat - 17 years ago
QUELLE IDIOTE, ELLE NOUS FAIT HONTE...Au Canada, on le sait depuis longtemps, et si on ne le savait pas aux États-Unis maintenant on le sait :) René l'a lâché lousse ce soir-là, ça paraît qu'il n'avait pas eu le temps de lui dire quoi dire. Quelle conne, incroyable.
Samuël Tremblay
Samuël Tremblay - 17 years ago
Je vois. Moi je me dit qu'il y a pleins d'autre artistes qui on rien dit sans rien donner non plus. De base, je l'aime pas Céline sur ca on s'entend peut-etre. Ce soir la crois moi les américains la trouvaient plus que crédible, lis ce que plusieur on écrit. Dépechez vous, prenez des hélicoptères, prenez un kayak on s'en fou, faites qqchose bordel pourvu que vous les laissez pas crever sur le toit de maison! J'ai pas arreté de travailler moi non plus ce jour la, elle non plus.
Samuël Tremblay
Samuël Tremblay - 17 years ago
Learn english and use it to check the news... She was right, the goverment left people dying there in the middle of the flood... Des miliers de gens étaient entrains de crever et des corps flottant partout, c'est pas con qu'elle s'en soucie et qu'elle utilise son pouvoir médiatique pour les aider et meme donner 1 million! Tu sort de ou??? Elle s'en foutais d'avoir l'air conne.
Samuël Tremblay
Samuël Tremblay - 17 years ago
KristianJoyAlfonso - 17 years ago
I remember watching this video at work, not expecting the flood of emotion Celine was about to pour out. I litterally had tot ake a moment and compose my self from not busting into tears. Celine may not be an "American" (whatever that means) but on this day she spoke for ALL of us. She said what the world was feeling and wanted to say. I love her. Shani from Israel
Xm Flash
Xm Flash - 17 years ago
i need a kayak!
Christopher Michael
Christopher Michael - 17 years ago
Fantastic editing!
amdnovello - 17 years ago
you are a god of humour!!! :D
Celinerulz91 - 17 years ago
omg this is so funny! great work at the end making it look like she was singing... it almost looked real!

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10/01/2014 My mate, Paul, and I launched from Diggers beach. We paddled wide and found some lovely blue, warm water....


A River, A Kayak, 3 Days - Choctawhatchee...

1,739 likes 158,517 views 10 years ago

🔴🚧🔴MY KIT, FAVORITE GEAR🔴🚧🔴 🔴🚧🔴 🔴🚧🔴 Patreon -


La mejor ancla para kayak, anchor for kayak,...

680 likes 152,287 views 11 years ago

ancla para kayak, la mejor forma de armar el ancla. anchor for kayak, the best way to set the anchor Bricolage para...


Cart for Canoe, Kayak, Boat

95 likes 102,834 views 17 years ago

Click: Dinghy dolly. Kayak Kart. Extremely strong, lightweight...


How to make a simple sail for a...

196 likes 101,154 views 10 years ago

Build a sail Easy project Simple and cheap way to get sailing with your canoe or kayak or Dingy. Check out the video...

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Catching Marlin from a kayak, Coffs harbour

771 likes 204,302 views 11 years ago

10/01/2014 My mate, Paul, and I launched from Diggers beach. We paddled wide and found some lovely blue, warm water....


A River, A Kayak, 3 Days - Choctawhatchee...

1,739 likes 158,517 views 10 years ago

🔴🚧🔴MY KIT, FAVORITE GEAR🔴🚧🔴 🔴🚧🔴 🔴🚧🔴 Patreon -


La mejor ancla para kayak, anchor for kayak,...

680 likes 152,287 views 11 years ago

ancla para kayak, la mejor forma de armar el ancla. anchor for kayak, the best way to set the anchor Bricolage para...


Cart for Canoe, Kayak, Boat

95 likes 102,834 views 17 years ago

Click: Dinghy dolly. Kayak Kart. Extremely strong, lightweight...


How to make a simple sail for a...

196 likes 101,154 views 10 years ago

Build a sail Easy project Simple and cheap way to get sailing with your canoe or kayak or Dingy. Check out the video...

About my heart will take a kayak, by ikat381

The "my heart will take a kayak, by ikat381" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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