Aquascaping - The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2013 Nano compilation

FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: First video showing aquariums arranged for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2013 live aquascaping contest. This contest is ogranized every year in Hennover, Germany, during Heimtiermesse ( There were about 30 participants in the Nano aquarium category. Nano aquariums were provided by Dennerle company, they were Dennerle Nano Cubes 20L (dimensions 25x25x30 cm), equipped with Nano Light lighting compact fluorescent lamps (11W) and internal or external, hang-on aquarium filters. In some aquariums the aquascapers used CO2 supply system, to provide best conditions for aquarium plants. There were no fish in the aquariums, because they are vorbidden by the contest. Probably the most interesting aquascapes were these combining underwater scape and the land / above the water part. In this compilation I show all aquariums of the Nano category. In other videos I will show some of the aquariums (or all of them :) ) in details :) Enjoy! :)

Aquascaping - The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2013 Nano compilation sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Nano aquarium 12 years ago 185,547 views

FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: First video showing aquariums arranged for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2013 live aquascaping contest. This contest is ogranized every year in Hennover, Germany, during Heimtiermesse ( There were about 30 participants in the Nano aquarium category. Nano aquariums were provided by Dennerle company, they were Dennerle Nano Cubes 20L (dimensions 25x25x30 cm), equipped with Nano Light lighting compact fluorescent lamps (11W) and internal or external, hang-on aquarium filters. In some aquariums the aquascapers used CO2 supply system, to provide best conditions for aquarium plants. There were no fish in the aquariums, because they are vorbidden by the contest. Probably the most interesting aquascapes were these combining underwater scape and the land / above the water part. In this compilation I show all aquariums of the Nano category. In other videos I will show some of the aquariums (or all of them :) ) in details :) Enjoy! :)

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping - The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2013 Nano compilation

Bárbara R
Bárbara R - 7 years ago
when the 6th place looks way beter than the 4 lol
Jian Yu
Jian Yu - 8 years ago
so cool! and what size the Fish tank?
Michael D. Baker
Michael D. Baker - 8 years ago
@2:43 Where can we find those type of plant basins to build a rock form on?
Activate Halo
Activate Halo - 9 years ago
NO.14 is great.
Race Vlogger
Race Vlogger - 10 years ago
schönes aquarium
Amélia Fagundes
Amélia Fagundes - 10 years ago
Ahoy there sir! I just got into that beautiful hobby, and I might need some help with what kind of fish are suitable for brazilian weather, and which plants should make the perfect environment for those fishes. I know those are pretty dumb questions, but I've only "made" Japanese aquascaping before, so I'm a little lost... Thank you in advance sir! (Forgive any misspelling, english is not my native language.)
chng naiyun
chng naiyun - 10 years ago
Does anyone know what kind of lights were used in the tanks? 
sprayone - 10 years ago
they would be nice w some fish
Rob Summerlin
Rob Summerlin - 10 years ago
Some nice looking nano tanks, I have a cookie jar tank, with guppies, pico cat, ghost shrimp and a snail, all get along fine, algae is a problem.
Rob Summerlin
Rob Summerlin - 10 years ago
cookie jar is about 1 gallon, i figured my bio load may be too high but lots of water changes keeps it healthy.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Cookie jar tank? How big is it?

10. comment for Aquascaping - The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2013 Nano compilation

Overdrive Godot
Overdrive Godot - 10 years ago
what lights?
 and how do you avoid algae?
Dawna W
Dawna W - 10 years ago
What type of rock/petrified wood did 1st place use? Did they glue the pieces together?
Jaya Rizanto
Jaya Rizanto - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
That's true :)
ifan syahreza
ifan syahreza - 11 years ago
sir im stay in borneo can you tell me what a type of plan i should seek
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
+ifan syahreza No worries, and good luck :)
ifan syahreza
ifan syahreza - 11 years ago
ok thanks for answers sir
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
If you live in Borneo, then just go and find a pond or a stream, see what plants are growing there underwater, and choose the ones which you like the most :) They should do fine in an aquarium, probably... :)
ifan syahreza
ifan syahreza - 11 years ago
 sorry sir my leanguage very bad. im asking you can you tell me what ideal plants to my aquascape?? i need tropical plants from borneo but i dont know what the name that :D
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
What type of "plan"? I'm not sure if I understand what you mean... :)
ItsCtmh - 11 years ago
At the start of the video, the guy who won 1st place. What's the plant name that is being used to carpet the ground
ItsCtmh - 10 years ago
+Dawna W Okay thanks
Dawna W
Dawna W - 10 years ago
Looks like Hemianthus callitrichoides
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yup, it's original and very detailed, however it looks too "landscapy" to me. I prefer underwater layouts...
BariGulla - 11 years ago
The number one is just amazing the best nano i ever seen
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Mate, it's very lame to compliment somebody's work and ask for visiting your channel in the same phrase. It makes an impression that you compliment not because you like the work, but to make people visit your channel. Stop doing this, it won't help you.
sarel zevosta
sarel zevosta - 11 years ago
Nice really love it
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hmm, good idea, I might be trying this... :)

20. comment for Aquascaping - The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2013 Nano compilation

Devina Irawan
Devina Irawan - 11 years ago
amazing collection! it would be awesome if you have an account in Pinterest, so many people will totally follow you
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
No worries :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's possible for sure. If only the conditions for plants are OK (I mean, proper amount of light and nutrients in water) they will grow well in sand.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
So, basically, you'd like to have sand, because you like how it looks, and you also want to have healthy plants in the same time, right? :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hmmm, lots of light plus one fish plus soil in the bottom - I'm not sure how it will work... There might be too much light, actually... However, it's difficult to tell sth without knowing you water parameters...
David McClelland
David McClelland - 11 years ago
Well with that I guess I would like to add that if it's not going to be obviously a tank producing lots of nutrients or light, I'd go with soil topped by sand or gravel, depending on if I had any bottom dwellers. If I kept those too then I'd def go with sand over the soil. hth
David McClelland
David McClelland - 11 years ago
To add to what he said, I can tell you from experience plants will do well in all types of substrate. I've had them in sand, soil, and just gravel. They do well in all as long as they are receiving nutrients and their required lighting from somewhere. Although in my personal opinion rooted plants have it much better in soil, I had them do just as well in sand in a tank with high nutrient content (e.g. a goldfish tank - when they weren't being eaten lol).
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yup, he's definitely wrong. Plants grow very well in sand, they will not suffocate at all, because healthy roots also produce oxygen. I have some plants in sand, and they are doing fine. There is no single "best substrate" for planted aquariums. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of various substrates. Usually aquascapers use some sort of "active" substrate, like ADA Amazonia Soil, JBL Manado etc, but I'm pretty sure there are also heaps of people who are getting great results on sand :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Good luck with your presentation, I'm really happy that my material will be played in school :)
Hansjürg95 - 11 years ago
Ok, thanks, i would use this only in school :)

30. comment for Aquascaping - The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2013 Nano compilation

DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
You can play this video using YouTube everywhere you like, as long as you don't require any payment from the viewers (like seling tickets to people who want to attend your presentation).
Hansjürg95 - 11 years ago
Can i use this Vidoe for my presentation about aquascaping? Would be very nice! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Activated carbon absorbs everything, until it's "full" (the carbon). It is used for removing antibiotics or other chemical from the water, but shouldn't be used for regular, normal, filtration. In a stabilized aquarium the water is clear even without any 'artificial' biological filter - a good amount of substrate, plants, and some water circulation is all what is needed :)
ichisuke ryu
ichisuke ryu - 11 years ago
I have question: Do you use activated carbon on your filter to make the water clear? activated carbon absorbs the nutrients from water right?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Wow, that's great! :) Have you been at the exhibition in Hannover, too? :)
ModernReptiles - 12 years ago
we have no.19 in our store now 4 sale :)
FreeJump3r - 12 years ago

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