Aquascaping Aquadesigner Mountain Scape Realisation Nano Aquarium

Time lapse réalisation aquarium nano aquascaping mountain scape. "Pack aquascaping 1" Aquadesigner. Nano 8L optiwhite.

Aquascaping Aquadesigner Mountain Scape Realisation Nano Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

Nano aquarium 8 years ago 76,702 views

Time lapse réalisation aquarium nano aquascaping mountain scape. "Pack aquascaping 1" Aquadesigner. Nano 8L optiwhite.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping Aquadesigner Mountain Scape Realisation Nano Aquarium

AnarKie - 7 years ago
Would you even fit a tetra in there?
Unboxing gadgets and pets
Unboxing gadgets and pets - 7 years ago
I have a channel with pets and AQUARIUMS .CHEK IT
K - 7 years ago
you didn't put enough rocks
Roberto Pigliafreddo
Roberto Pigliafreddo - 7 years ago
Come si chiama e dove si può trovare la colla per i muschi?
Muhammad Farhan
Muhammad Farhan - 7 years ago
what kind of stone is that?
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
very pretty, but there's no room for fish :(
Polo Dcs
Polo Dcs - 7 years ago
Du coup il y a plus de place pour le vivant ??
Angelo Cruz
Angelo Cruz - 7 years ago
what stone is this?
Aquadesigner Shop
Aquadesigner Shop - 7 years ago
This is kodai stone. It is available on our website
Angelo Cruz
Angelo Cruz - 7 years ago
what stone is this?

10. comment for Aquascaping Aquadesigner Mountain Scape Realisation Nano Aquarium

GeekFish - 7 years ago
Impressive. But I think the greens made it less nice...
Ian Vargas
Ian Vargas - 7 years ago
is he really gluing the plants to the stones??
Ian Vargas
Ian Vargas - 7 years ago
Thank you for your answer, very helpful! I have not a clue that you can glue plants! Thank you again :)
Lady Deadpool
Lady Deadpool - 7 years ago
Sorry, it looked like no one answered your question then when I posted my reply they suddenly showed up.
Lady Deadpool
Lady Deadpool - 7 years ago
Ian Vargas The glue is called Flourish Glue and it's made by a company called Seachem. They make a lot of really great aquarium products for freshwater planted tanks. The glue is safe for plants, fish, shrimp and snails and can be used underwater as well. It's easier to use than having to tie down the plants like moss in order to get them to attach to whatever object you want them on.
Aquadesigner Shop
Aquadesigner Shop - 7 years ago
Nop ;)
Ian Vargas
Ian Vargas - 7 years ago
Aquadesigner Shop: would the plants die because of the glue?
Aquadesigner Shop
Aquadesigner Shop - 7 years ago
Yes, it does.
KC Teo
KC Teo - 7 years ago
may i ask what fish friendly glue is that?
Aquadesigner Shop
Aquadesigner Shop - 7 years ago
Flourish glue
Scott Nak
Scott Nak - 7 years ago
Wow! That's impressive. Just setting up a mini tank. Gonna try this out. thank you!
Nigel PK
Nigel PK - 7 years ago
Overcome The Noobish
Overcome The Noobish - 7 years ago
did not enjoy the music at all :D but overall great looking tank
dmichaels fish den
dmichaels fish den - 8 years ago
That's incredible! All the way around. And what a great job creating the perspective of distance with the stones....
Anto Gagak
Anto Gagak - 8 years ago
Tim Hunter
Tim Hunter - 8 years ago
What a wonderful nanotank! keep it up plz
ClubSpiritofinfinity - 8 years ago
salut tres jolie, je pourrait savoir le style de la colle que vous utiliser?
ClubSpiritofinfinity - 8 years ago
+Aquadesigner Shop merci
Aquadesigner Shop
Aquadesigner Shop - 8 years ago
Hellp, c'est de la flourish glue

20. comment for Aquascaping Aquadesigner Mountain Scape Realisation Nano Aquarium

Patti Hanson
Patti Hanson - 8 years ago
Merci d'ajoutez le liste des items que vous avez utiliser au fin de la video. Thank you for adding the list at the end. Makes it easier to go shopping
enestima - 8 years ago
Magnifique ...Mais quelle est cette glue ? on peux mettre des poissons?
Aquadesigner Shop
Aquadesigner Shop - 8 years ago
Flourish glu ;)
Oui aucun souci avec le vivant
Sundrophawk - 8 years ago
Fred V
Fred V - 8 years ago
Très sympa, autant je comprend le timelapse mais on a entendu plus zen comme musique pour faire un bac ^^
Aquadesigner Shop
Aquadesigner Shop - 8 years ago
C'est l'été, il fait beau, fêtons ça en dansant :)

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