Aquascaping aquarium equipment by Dennerle - ZooSphere 2013

CLICK "Show more" for DESCRIPTION Subscribe: ‪‬ Like: ‪‬ Bookmark: ‪‬ In this video I show aquarium displayed at the booth of the company Dennerle ( at ZooSphere 2013 fair in Sankt Petersburg in Russia. This aquarium is called "Scaper's Tank", and is designed particularly for aquascaping. Dimensions of this aquarium are 45 cm x 36 cm x 31 cm, so it's is rather long and wide, and quite low - proportionsvery good for aquascaping, because you have plenty of area for the layout, and plants can receive enough light from the illumination (the higher the aquarium, the more light is absorbed by the water column). 00:35 - aquarium lighting system designed for Scaper's Tank. These lamps are called "Scaper's Light", each fixture houses 24W compact fluorescent bulb, and the colour temperature of the light is 8000K. 01:00 - aquarium hang-on external filter, called "Scaper's Flow". It is something like a hybrid between typical hang-on-back filter and canister filter. All the pipes of the inlet and outlet of the filter can be assembled in various ways (on the left side, on the right side, on both sides etc), so you can adjust the configuration of the filter to the configuration and layout of your tank. At the outflow of the filter there is so called "Lilly Pipe". It is a device very similar to Lily Pipes made by ADA - it's aa glass element which creates some suction from the water surface, thus removing dust and any potential biofilms. 01:26 - this is a new product of Dennerle, I saw it for the first time at ZooSphere 2013. It is small aquarium cooler, called "NanoCoolAir eco". It's just a small fan, which turns on everytime when the water of the aquarium becomes too warm. You can set the temperature threshold above which the cooler starts to cool the water using a small knob. The temperature in the aquarium is measured by small temperature sensor, which is connected to a thermostat inside the cooler. 02:34 - backside view of Scaper's Lights - you can see that lamps are attached to the back wall of the aquarium by plastic screws. Thanks for watching, and I hope you have enjoyed the whole ZooSpere 2013 series of videos :)

Aquascaping aquarium equipment by Dennerle - ZooSphere 2013 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Nano aquarium 11 years ago 45,999 views

CLICK "Show more" for DESCRIPTION Subscribe: ‪‬ Like: ‪‬ Bookmark: ‪‬ In this video I show aquarium displayed at the booth of the company Dennerle ( at ZooSphere 2013 fair in Sankt Petersburg in Russia. This aquarium is called "Scaper's Tank", and is designed particularly for aquascaping. Dimensions of this aquarium are 45 cm x 36 cm x 31 cm, so it's is rather long and wide, and quite low - proportionsvery good for aquascaping, because you have plenty of area for the layout, and plants can receive enough light from the illumination (the higher the aquarium, the more light is absorbed by the water column). 00:35 - aquarium lighting system designed for Scaper's Tank. These lamps are called "Scaper's Light", each fixture houses 24W compact fluorescent bulb, and the colour temperature of the light is 8000K. 01:00 - aquarium hang-on external filter, called "Scaper's Flow". It is something like a hybrid between typical hang-on-back filter and canister filter. All the pipes of the inlet and outlet of the filter can be assembled in various ways (on the left side, on the right side, on both sides etc), so you can adjust the configuration of the filter to the configuration and layout of your tank. At the outflow of the filter there is so called "Lilly Pipe". It is a device very similar to Lily Pipes made by ADA - it's aa glass element which creates some suction from the water surface, thus removing dust and any potential biofilms. 01:26 - this is a new product of Dennerle, I saw it for the first time at ZooSphere 2013. It is small aquarium cooler, called "NanoCoolAir eco". It's just a small fan, which turns on everytime when the water of the aquarium becomes too warm. You can set the temperature threshold above which the cooler starts to cool the water using a small knob. The temperature in the aquarium is measured by small temperature sensor, which is connected to a thermostat inside the cooler. 02:34 - backside view of Scaper's Lights - you can see that lamps are attached to the back wall of the aquarium by plastic screws. Thanks for watching, and I hope you have enjoyed the whole ZooSpere 2013 series of videos :)

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping aquarium equipment by Dennerle - ZooSphere 2013

OhmannOcean - 11 years ago
Wish they shipped, I'd be all over that complete setup.
Fish Channel
Fish Channel - 11 years ago
wonder if you can help shipping the fan to australia? as i check the website is only sold to supplier only.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I think shipping it to Australia would cost far more than the fan itself :) Besides, such device can be very easily made by DIY method :) Just buy a thermostat, and connect a small computer-fan to it. This is what people do all the time, especially in the hoods of marine aquariums.
Ryan's Tanks
Ryan's Tanks - 11 years ago
Nice Video! I have never seen anything like that before. I would love a tank like that. 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yeah, it's quite interesting :)
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 11 years ago
Neat equipment. Thanks for upload.
It seems like a perfect set of device for shrimp tank, especially cooler.
Well to be honest I needed cooler in my shrimp tank here in Dublin Ireland maybe for one week last summer. But continental summers are way too hot for shrimps! Thumbs up for cooler and your channel!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
thepeterback Poland
thepeterback Poland - 11 years ago
Jak głośno chodzi taki filtr denerle ?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Trudno mi powiedzieć, bo miałem z nim do czynienia tylko w halach targowych, gdzie jest dość głośne otoczenie. Ale raczej niezbyt głośno - zapewne nawet ciszej niż typowa kaskada, bo nie ma kaskady, tylko woda krąży w rurkach.
RMDMX - 11 years ago
Awesome! But the filter is too bulky... Maybe it can be hide somehow. Thanks for sharing man!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
This filter is usually hidden behing the aquarium - and I think it's not bulkier that any other hang-on filter...?
liszaj114 - 11 years ago
czemu teraz ciągle po angielsku ??
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 10 years ago
Co do Twojego "łamanego angielskiego" mieszkam w Irlandii 8 lat i wiem jak rodacy potrafią kaleczyć angielski. Twój poziom angielskiego to bezsprzecznie "proficiency". Keep up your excellent work!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
+Damian Ornawka
No wiem... :/ Może za jakiś czas coś wrzucę też po polsku, ale raczej będzie tylko angielski, albo same napisy po angielsku (to nie trzeba będzie słuchać tylko czytać, tak chyba lepiej będzie zrozumieć :) )
Betta splendens
Betta splendens - 11 years ago
lepiej po polsku bo po angielsku się źle słucha
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Ponieważ robię wszystko sam, i nie starcza mi czasu na opracowywanie dwóch wersji językowych :/ Mam zaległe filmy jeszcze sprzed dwóch lat, gdybym robił dwie wersje, to w ogóle mało co by się ruszało do przodu. Wychodzę z założenia, że Polacy zawsze coś tam zrozumieją z mojego łamanego angielskiego - a zagraniczni widzowie z j. polskiego na pewno nie zrozumieją nic, więc wybór "czy robić tylko po polsku, czy tylko po angielsku" był prosty :)

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