Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Stone grass and wood style

SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: aquascaping Lab By Tommaso Perini feat serena Sacchi - Nano Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) "stone, grass and wood style" DOUBLE NANO AQUARIUM FOR BETTA SPLENDENT. How to set nano aquarium in a few hour. Allestimento completo mini acquario stile bosco con dragon stone ed albero. Come costruire un acquario per pesci, di design in poche ore. DECORATION OBJECT: dragon stone, Java wood, PLANT LIST: Anubias Bonsai, Christmas moss, Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis. TECHNICAL INSTRUMENT: internal filter, led light. FISH: Betta Splendens male / female (pesce combattente). ENGLISH: Aquascaping Lab is a channel dedicated to the world of aquariums, where you can find tutorials, reviews, tips and experiences shared by experts in the field of aquascapinga.The topics covered are: - Aquascaping in oriental design (Takashi Amano style), various habitats and fitting procedure illustrated by means of tutorials. Productions of marine aquariums, tropical and Mediterranean. - Description and sheets of fish crustaceans molluscs invertebrates and corals in saltwater and freshwater. - Description and data sheets of plants and mosses. - Review of technical material and products as Askoll Sera, Ehiem, Tetra, JBL, Friskies and others. - Tips and tricks for starting, cleaning and maintenance of an aquarium: sheets of the materials used. ITALIANO: Aquascaping Lab è un canale dedicato al mondo degli acquari dove potrete trovare tutorials, recensioni, consigli ed esperienze condivise da esperti nel campo dell'acquaristica. Gli argomenti trattati sono: - Aquascaping in design orientale (Takashi Amano style), vari biotopi e procedura di allestimenti illustrati per mezzo di tutorial. Allestimenti di acquari marini, tropicali e mediterranei. - Descrizione e schede tecniche di pesci crostacei molluschi invertebrati e coralli di acqua salata e dolce. - Descrizione e schede tecniche di piante e muschi. - Recensione su materiale tecnico e prodotti come askoll, sera, ehiem, tetra, Jbl, friskies e altri. - Trucchi e accorgimenti per l'avvio, la pulizia e la manutenzione di un acquario: schede tecniche sui materiali più usati.

Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Stone grass and wood style sentiment_very_dissatisfied 59

Nano aquarium 9 years ago 218,477 views

SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: aquascaping Lab By Tommaso Perini feat serena Sacchi - Nano Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) "stone, grass and wood style" DOUBLE NANO AQUARIUM FOR BETTA SPLENDENT. How to set nano aquarium in a few hour. Allestimento completo mini acquario stile bosco con dragon stone ed albero. Come costruire un acquario per pesci, di design in poche ore. DECORATION OBJECT: dragon stone, Java wood, PLANT LIST: Anubias Bonsai, Christmas moss, Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis. TECHNICAL INSTRUMENT: internal filter, led light. FISH: Betta Splendens male / female (pesce combattente). ENGLISH: Aquascaping Lab is a channel dedicated to the world of aquariums, where you can find tutorials, reviews, tips and experiences shared by experts in the field of aquascapinga.The topics covered are: - Aquascaping in oriental design (Takashi Amano style), various habitats and fitting procedure illustrated by means of tutorials.    Productions of marine aquariums, tropical and Mediterranean. - Description and sheets of fish crustaceans molluscs invertebrates and corals in saltwater and freshwater. - Description and data sheets of plants and mosses. - Review of technical material and products as Askoll Sera, Ehiem, Tetra, JBL, Friskies and others. - Tips and tricks for starting, cleaning and maintenance of an aquarium: sheets of the materials used. ITALIANO: Aquascaping Lab è un canale dedicato al mondo degli acquari dove potrete trovare tutorials, recensioni, consigli ed esperienze condivise da esperti nel campo dell'acquaristica. Gli argomenti trattati sono: - Aquascaping in design orientale (Takashi Amano style), vari biotopi e procedura di allestimenti illustrati per mezzo di tutorial. Allestimenti di acquari marini, tropicali e mediterranei. - Descrizione e schede tecniche di pesci crostacei molluschi invertebrati e coralli di acqua salata e dolce. - Descrizione e schede tecniche di piante e muschi. - Recensione su materiale tecnico e prodotti come askoll, sera, ehiem, tetra, Jbl, friskies e altri. - Trucchi e accorgimenti per l'avvio, la pulizia e la manutenzione di un acquario: schede tecniche sui materiali più usati.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Stone grass and wood style

Jovana Vasic
Jovana Vasic - 7 years ago
This is actually a bit too small for vertebrates.
TL2 - 7 years ago
does the planted tank need co2 ?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
yes i better
Marcus Röhl
Marcus Röhl - 7 years ago
Hauptsache die Anubiasrizome einbuddeln
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
Its better to have a longer but lower tank..
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
depends.... but yes
freshlyunreal - 7 years ago
Is there a website to buy these aquariums? Please let me know where I can buy these thankyou
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
no but we are opening our site very soon
freshlyunreal - 7 years ago
Amazing video this is exactly what I want to do!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
thank you!!!!
Dan Andersson
Dan Andersson - 7 years ago
for u saying the fish need more water they don't compared to the goldfish they need more bigger tanks. beta splendens like it like that so they don't have to swim only time that fish moves is when it fights other male ore hunting females
paul michon
paul michon - 7 years ago
tu as ajouter le netta combien de ttemps apres
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
usually then 10 days after start
Rin Pichmony
Rin Pichmony - 7 years ago
How many gallon is this tank?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
about 2,5 gallons

10. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Stone grass and wood style

edoardo diversi
edoardo diversi - 7 years ago
ma stiamo scherzando vero? e ora non mi venite a dire che questo è un video dimostrativo o che avete fatto un video divertente!!!
E' assurdo far passare questo messaggio, dovete solo vergognarvi!!!! un betta in 10 litri? dovete vivere voi la vita rinchiusi in una fiat 500 senza benzina!!!!!!e la cosa più brutta è che fate passare questo messaggio a quello che dovrebbe essere il vostro iscritto tipo,ovvero un neofita che prende tutto per vero! non sono un'animalista ma sono per il buonsenso e rovinare una vasca così solo perchè è un pesce carino e che può attrarre una persona che si è avvicinata da poco a questa passione è assurdo! rovinare un canale così per delle fesserie del genere è inconcepibile.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
Grazie mille per il tuo consiglio edoardo
edoardo diversi
edoardo diversi - 7 years ago
E che risposta è? Non voglio neanche aprirlo il video perché sarebbe ancor più grave se lì parlate delle cose giuste e poi fate questi schifi come in questo video!da vergogna rimuovetelo subito!!!!!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
Feathers And Friends
Feathers And Friends - 7 years ago
Very nice! I'm not very talented at this kind of thing so I'd rather see what you come up with! Subscribed!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
thank you
tsaikoboy - 7 years ago
thanks for this, love the music you used too
Simo_05 YT
Simo_05 YT - 7 years ago
quanti litri è??
Simo_05 YT
Simo_05 YT - 7 years ago
Aquascaping Lab ok
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
10 litri a vasca
Simo_05 YT
Simo_05 YT - 7 years ago
Simo_05 YT
Simo_05 YT - 7 years ago
Ho sempre sognato un acquario così
Luigi Ollino
Luigi Ollino - 8 years ago
qual'è il prezzo??
Aaron Yong
Aaron Yong - 8 years ago
What type of filtration system did you used on these setups?
Joseph Lee
Joseph Lee - 7 years ago
it's just a sponge filter, only a couple dollars off amazon
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you for the question, but you must to wait the video review an brand product for this kind of question :-)
TheOpelkoenjas - 8 years ago
Your nano's look good, you did a good job. Love the music too by the way. But with all due respect, shouldn't you wait with installing the fish? I mean, the products that you are using need to kick in first, right? Specially the tetra products, which - unlike the package says - need quiet an amount of time to kick in. Which does take a few days, if not a few weeks (2 weeks at least). And from what I'm seeing - the bubbles on the glass and plants give it away - your tank hasn't even settled yet. Correct me if I'm wrong or if I missed something.

Ps. you should try the JBL products. I used Tetra products for a long time, but JBL seems to do a better job. But that's my personal experience, of course.

Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
what you say is correct!!! we usually must to wait 10 days minimum
Georg Zimmermann
Georg Zimmermann - 8 years ago
Das aufgehäufelte Gelände rutscht innerhalb kürzester Zeit ab. Schönes Märchen.
Zainal Abidin Syafahaga
Zainal Abidin Syafahaga - 8 years ago
what kind of aquarium you used ? glass one or ?
Awesome Guy
Awesome Guy - 7 years ago
Zainal Abidin aquarium fiber glass? gapernah denger gan..
TheOpelkoenjas - 8 years ago
Fiberglass? Never heard of aquariums being made of fiberglass to be honest. Do you have examples of those?
Zainal Abidin Syafahaga
Zainal Abidin Syafahaga - 8 years ago
is the fiberglass one good for this too ??
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago

20. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Stone grass and wood style

Taiz Taiz
Taiz Taiz - 8 years ago
ciao che filtro avete usato per un acquario così piccolo ??
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
ciao!!! non possiamo parlare di marche per adesso, quando apriremo la sezione "recensioni" allora diremo tutto :-)
otrebla ozmir
otrebla ozmir - 8 years ago
hola me interesaria comprar una pero no hay en mexico quisiera que ubica una tienen en mexico ya que me interesaria mucho sus productos
Pk Roger
Pk Roger - 8 years ago
un guppy o qualunque pesce in uno spazio cosi ridotto è da criminali!!! (acquariofilo da 2 anni)
Des centaine de guppy dans mon aquarium venez tcheckez mes vidéo :
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 8 years ago
What filter do you use for these tanks? And what heater??
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
for this kind of question you must to wait the playlist on brand product review
Mateusjr Moura
Mateusjr Moura - 8 years ago
eu adoro peixe pra criar em aquários!!!!
Blake Thacker
Blake Thacker - 8 years ago
is the filter also a water pump? is this what keeps the tank clean with fish?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
ciao!!! ti rispondo mandati il video scehda tecnica del betta splendens :-)
serena grasso
serena grasso - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab ciao che cosa ne pensate delle bette negli acquari piccoli o cmq che non superano i 30 lt?
Blake Thacker
Blake Thacker - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab Thank you
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Blake Thacker
Blake Thacker - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab is there a way to make a self cleaning tank without a pump by using certain plants? or not using fish?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
yes it is!!!
Zaky Sam
Zaky Sam - 8 years ago
Why are people complaining about the tank size for the sake of it? You saw the title! We know what it is!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Sax Banana
Sax Banana - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Grazie mille!
Blanket - 8 years ago
We're do you get the rocks and plants?
Blanket - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab Thanks! I really want to get into aquascape!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
hello!! we open soon a playlist dedicated to the brand product review were you can find all this information.... stay tuned

30. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Stone grass and wood style

Lesley Caron
Lesley Caron - 8 years ago
Aquascaping looks lovely. Thanks for sharing.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Acquarium Channel
Acquarium Channel - 8 years ago
che pesci posso mettere in un nano acquario
TheOpelkoenjas - 8 years ago
I do hope you're being sarcastic. Because anyone who knows these fighter fish also knows that putting them in a big tank is not okay.
Alma Munoz
Alma Munoz - 8 years ago
animal abuse is where they keep the fish at the fish stores. This gentleman took his time and patience to make this tank look beautiful and perfect for his fishy friend.
Nordish Soul
Nordish Soul - 8 years ago
these fish need 30 litres min! i reported u for animal abuse!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Luke - CSGO & More.
Luke - CSGO & More. - 8 years ago
do you know if that black gravel is 1mm or 2mm or 3mm?
Luke - CSGO & More.
Luke - CSGO & More. - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab Thanks so much!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Luke - CSGO & More. 1 mm !!!!
Williams Marquess
Williams Marquess - 8 years ago
What Fertilizer you use? what you show the first second is a jbl little balls , but not like that powders,what you get inside first...
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Williams Marquess for this question you must to waith the new playlist " Brand product review"
Kamuno - 8 years ago
That's way too small for those fishes! It's a Nano Cube so you need nano fishes like neons or
Jakattack13579 Wise
Jakattack13579 Wise - 8 years ago
+Kathy Sonen your so awesome I have 2 show bettas they are the coolest fish but I also keep Africans and micro fish
Kamuno - 8 years ago
+Kathy Sonen Of course so you say in nature they also don't have much more than that?! Please think a bit before posting sh** like that. Only because they don't die very fast in this tanks doesn't mean it's good for them COMMON. Nano Cubes are pure animal cruelty!
Aquascaping Lab
Kamuno - 8 years ago
But even neons are too big for a thing like that!
meo garcia
meo garcia - 8 years ago
is it available worldwide?
meo garcia
meo garcia - 8 years ago
ok thanks
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
you can buy online try to find on ebay
meo garcia
meo garcia - 8 years ago
meo garcia
meo garcia - 8 years ago
sorry, what i mean was, where can i get/buy this whole package?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+meo garcia what you mean?
PetPaws - 8 years ago
This makes me happy.
Verdigris - 8 years ago
Very pleasant setup. Can you tell us what's the name of the plant you used for "grass"? Can this setup work without CO2?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Verdigris without co2 is difficult, the name is Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis, lokk at here were you can know more about plants
electric water
electric water - 8 years ago
you couldn't possibly put the betta in straight away what about the cycle?
electric water
electric water - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab Ahhh I see
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+electric water your affermation is correct, or you use a pre cycle water or you must to waith one week with bacterial activator
David Pierce
David Pierce - 8 years ago
Absolutely beautiful! Very inspirational ideas! And the music selection complements your video perfectly!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+David Pierce thankyou very much!!!
Taylor Plotz
Taylor Plotz - 8 years ago
Absolutely wonderful. Thank you for sharing!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Taylor Plotz thankyou very much!!
Auhi Al Zarif
Auhi Al Zarif - 8 years ago
I have some fertilizer sticks. How can I use them? My tank is gravel substrate. I have tied my plants to some rocks and driftwood :( so, plz help me.. I am beginner in this hobby
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Auhi Al Zarif
Auhi Al Zarif - 8 years ago
Here is what has been used as substrate? Soil or crushed stone?
Auhi Al Zarif
Auhi Al Zarif - 8 years ago
thankz :)
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Auhi Al Zarif fertilizer and sand, take a look here for more information of aquarium bottom
Chase .N
Chase .N - 8 years ago
what ferts can i use in a small amount like you did?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
ahhh ok... we put a dust fertilizer, try to watch this video about tank bottom and fertilizer
Chase .N
Chase .N - 8 years ago
Like what you used for substrate 
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Chase Nicholson sorry, what you mean for "ferts"
Acquaritaliani - 8 years ago
Complimenti per la pagine e per i vostri video semplicemente perfetti e di qualità! Adoro i mini cubi!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Acquaritaliani Grazie mille!!!!
Isometric Aquariums
Isometric Aquariums - 9 years ago
betta's get abused as much as gold fish ....
Chee Sian Lim
Chee Sian Lim - 7 years ago
aquascaping lab's tank is like heaven compared to the tiny cups that the bettas at Walmart are in.
Hank Moody
Hank Moody - 7 years ago
Says who?
Rachel Lawson
Rachel Lawson - 7 years ago
5 gallons should be the minimum
Cat of Truth
Cat of Truth - 8 years ago
Stop it with these comments. More salmons are abused and killed to make sushi
don't eat fish
electric water
electric water - 8 years ago
+Kathy Sonen I'm sure
electric water
electric water - 8 years ago
Isometric Aquariums
Isometric Aquariums - 9 years ago
watch from the 5.00 mark, clearly trying to find a way out of his cage.
Basin - 9 years ago
Is nanoscaping generally fresh or saltwater?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Basin in this case freshwater but in our channel you will find all kind... subscribe
Jorge Padron
Jorge Padron - 9 years ago
pls respond does this come with all those stuff
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Jorge Padron yes, tank, filter, heater and light
Anchovy Run
Anchovy Run - 9 years ago
What is the little yellow and black striped fish that is going up the left side of the tank at around 5:09?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
Muhammed - 9 years ago
Çok güzel akvaryum, böyle nano akvaryumlar kurmaya devam etmelisiniz, oldukça başarılı. Paylaşımlarınız için teşekkürler!!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Muhammed Celik Teşekkürler!

50. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Stone grass and wood style

Tangyowl - 9 years ago
this is awesome!
May i ask, where do you buy the tanks from, along with how much they are? I'd love to make these o:
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
i remember i buy on ebay!
Tangyowl - 9 years ago
what website do you buy off of? 
I'm looking to get one of these soon, and I'm wondering if i could get it from the same website maybe
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Tangyowl we buy on the web, it cost about 50 €
Thibault Maisson
Thibault Maisson - 9 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
Thibault Maisson
Thibault Maisson - 9 years ago
Damage :(((
I continue even though look your videos :)
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
i dont think is possible....... sorry!! :-(
Thibault Maisson
Thibault Maisson - 9 years ago
Can you put subtitles in french please?
Because I am french
Thank you very much
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Thibault Maisson thank you very much!!!!
Thomas Douglas
Thomas Douglas - 9 years ago
Boris Burmenko
Boris Burmenko - 9 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Boris Burmenko thank you!!
2minute science
2minute science - 9 years ago
It is actually 9l gosh
Lecodelsur - 9 years ago
non cycle before entering the fish?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+electric water with bacterial activator
electric water
electric water - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab 10 days why so short?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Lecodelsur yes, waith aboute 10 day
Ryan Burcham
Ryan Burcham - 9 years ago
Where can I get a nano cube?
Chelsee Parsons
Chelsee Parsons - 9 years ago
What kind of filters do you use for these?
mojjafjojj - 9 years ago
what is the easiest way of cleaning one of these nanos? I so want to make something as creative as this but when it comes to cleaning the gravel/sand its a bit tricky. and tips?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+mojjafjojj cleaning method is the same of biggest aquarium, but remeber paradoxically nano aquarium need more maintenance then biggest. however watch this video for more info about cleaning
William Young
William Young - 9 years ago
What substrate did you use?
William Young
William Young - 9 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+William Youngin this case we use JBL kugeln and BLU BIOS gravel, watch this video if you want to know better about substrate and fertilization
benjitanzhiwen - 9 years ago
CO2 required?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+benjitanzhiwen yes if you want.... this is a video tutorial on CO2 system if you want to know how :-)

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