Red Rock Nano Aquascape by James Findley
Nano aquarium 10 years ago 1,181,241 views James' recent nano aquascape for The Green Machine shop gallery. Come in store to see it growing. Full info including aquascape journal coming soon. Setup Specification... Hardscape material: ADA Sado-Akadama Stone Aquarium: ADA Cube Garden Mini M: 36 x 22 x 26 Lighting: ADA Solar Mini M CO2: ADA CO2 Advanced System Black Plants: Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo' Microsorum mini/petite Anubias petite Monosolenum sp. Read the aquascape journal which includes 60 photos of the step-by-step creation of this layout:
Aquarium aquascaping is akin to creating fine art, in that, it should result in a feeling of pleasure, and accomplishment, which is (should be) reflected in the face of the he even care if he is planting a tank or laying bricks on a new home??? Something about these videos does not sit well with me at all!
Joking of course.
10. comment for Red Rock Nano Aquascape by James Findley
Bigger close up at minute 13:17 at the bottom center
20. comment for Red Rock Nano Aquascape by James Findley
It's so relaxing, though. Makes me wanna go build one of these things.
30. comment for Red Rock Nano Aquascape by James Findley
50. comment for Red Rock Nano Aquascape by James Findley
Also... maintenance?
Yeah... i know... i'm a little kid... xD hahaha
thx for your vidéos guys! :)
nano tanks please
My biggest concern though is the cost in time and money, as I'm pretty busy.
Can anyone let me know how much and time and money is required?
100. comment for Red Rock Nano Aquascape by James Findley
Looks like you accidentally pored in the bag by accident geez...
Personally, I would have quarantined any fish, invertebrates, etc. before I added into such a nice showpiece.
Professional means doing it for a living, your main income, your bread. They do aquascaping aside their normal job. (Beside Amano is a professional photographer.) And people who join competition are not pro either they are hobbyists. It stands lose from how good you are at it. And yes, Tom Barr, Amano, and who not, they are selling you products (And some of them a pack of lies on top) . xD Like it or not.
People like Tom Barr, George Farmer, Mark Evans etc are just random salesmen that only want money. Same for the people who regularly enter competitions like IAPLC, EAPLC and AGA. i guess they are just salesman and have no profession in aquascaping.
Checkout my channel too :)
Can the ADA TOURMALINE BC be used alone as a singular substrate additive?
I want to do a tank soon and I am limited in cash what are the 2-3 essential substrate additives that can be used(assuming that i can only use 2-3)
I am using tetra soil and a black sand cap
While they do make amazing aquascapes you have to remember TGM is still a shop, so they're going to recommend as many products as possible.
The 3 stones just look unnatural together like that...
It looks much better when its grown in but still...
I've made 2 tanks because of your videos...
And going to make a 3rd tank in a matter of weeks...
Thanks for the inspiration... :)
The free floating algae that causes green water in aquariums is actually a type of single celled colony forming green algae.
Antibacterials will do nothing vs this type of algae, and will kill your beneficial bacteria so don't use them.
Just cover the tank for 3 days so that no light can get in (make sure its still ventilated for the fish though).
Do more water changes - green water is typically a result of high nitrates and too much / too strong light.
Don't panic - it won't hurt your fish, most ponds are green and the fish live very comfortably in them.
Is your tank overstocked? You might need to think about upgrading to a larger one or giving away some fish. You can also try adding more plants - floating plants are good because they'll grow fast, suck up nitrates, and won't have their light blocked out by the algae. How much light do you give your plants? Try setting a lower photo-period (6 - 8 hours) - you should never have the lights on longer than 12 hours. The tank should not get direct sunlight, if it does move the tank or block the sunlight from reaching the tank.
Sorry, that was a typo. I meant powder. The stuff I used is called: Chemiclean
And this fishes don´t really jumo that much, fishes like mollies, hatchetfish, orientals, arowanas ect. tend to jump a lot. 5 of my 7 tanks, have no lit, and I have planted, shrimps, guppies, corys, cichlids, betta ect. amd over years, I 've had no jumpers.
I really loved your videos or should I say you works of art!. I am planning to get into this hobby. However, I can't find any good source about maintaining nano tanks, I am not even sure what is the name of this art, and the tools used for that.. If you can recommend me any good book about or a good forum, I will be more than thankful to you sir :)
Only awful music!!!!!!!!!!
And since I have wild-caught fish and am looking for new tank inspiration, I think I'll suggest you try a creek setup with large stones as substrate and a tree trunk as a central decoration. It would be interesting to see how that could turn out. :)
What a fantastic soothing speaking voice.
still a nice video, but that details let me with a stale after-taste.
P.s your awesome
I watched 'The Reciprocity' and the narrator mentioned Mr Findley always uses TGM/his own style of Co2 injection. Is this some kind of a trade secret? Kinda disappoints me if they purposely didn't want to show it. I hope someone from TGM can clarify. And maybe in future videos have maybe a small amount of time to show/explain how they specifically setup their Co2 cables or brand etc. Thank you.
I just bought a Marineland Eclipse Hex 5 gallon acrylic aquarium. It has Bio-Wheel filtration, 15 Watt Incandescent Lamp, and a home made CO2 generator made out of plastic Gatorade bottles, using yeast & sugar. I will be adding a betta for the livestock. Will this setup work in this small space and be compatible for the Betta? I like the red stone, but would this be too rough/jagged for the delicate fins?
While typing this it made me realise that it wuld be awesome to see james make an budget aquarium for 500 pounds or less. Should be possible right?
10gal cherry shrimp tanks are pretty common practice.
How do you do that?
Επαγγελματιας της πουτσας...
so you just tell me that you΄re bad at your job?14:20 same"bubbles",same fish.
You are mistaken, the fish are actually in perfect health and looking very happy. Thanks for the feedback :)