Step-By-Step Nano Aquascape:

A new 4 gallon nano scape I did for a local aquascaping contest hosted by the Greater Houston Aquarium Club. I won 1st place with a perfect score from all judges. between the first week and the ninth week i made the decision to change some of the plants and add some wood, so you will see a difference between the completion of the scape, to the final shot.

Step-By-Step Nano Aquascape: sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Nano aquarium 9 years ago 59,408 views

A new 4 gallon nano scape I did for a local aquascaping contest hosted by the Greater Houston Aquarium Club. I won 1st place with a perfect score from all judges. between the first week and the ninth week i made the decision to change some of the plants and add some wood, so you will see a difference between the completion of the scape, to the final shot.

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Most popular comments
for Step-By-Step Nano Aquascape:

Sree Kiran
Sree Kiran - 7 years ago
What type of filter & CO2 was used in this?
Yeniraki68 - 7 years ago
that's wonderfull, what type of rock and wood do you use ?
Yeniraki68 - 7 years ago
Thank you for having cleared this subject and good luck for your channel I'd like to see more video's of aquascaping with nano cube's made by you ;)
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
I'm not sure that "dangerous" would be the word to use. People do not reccomend seiryu for shrimp tanks because it raises water hardness and it is said that can cause molting issues for shrimps. Being responsible with water changes keeps the hardness pretty consistent and in my experience doesn't allow the water hardness to rise to less-than-ideal levels. Having said all that, this is an aquascape with shrimps in it, and not a shrimp tank. By that I mean that the shrimps are not the focus of this aquarium. the neocaridina family of shrimps are very hardy and you can see in the video they are doing just fine, even breeding in the tank.
Yeniraki68 - 7 years ago
Thank you for your quick answer lol, isn't it dangerous for shrimp ? because it's a calcareous material?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
thank you =) this is seiryu stone and spiderwood
Skip Attix
Skip Attix - 7 years ago
Really nice work!!! Tank looks great!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
thank you!
BillyBobbyBoy - 7 years ago
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
thanks =)
Jan Burek
Jan Burek - 7 years ago
looks like the wood also has grown lol
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
That's what she said :)
Mals Aquaholics
Mals Aquaholics - 7 years ago
Another great scape , you make look effortless .
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
thank you!
muffemod - 7 years ago
Dude you forgot the filter
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
haha no I didn't, I took it off for the video for better aesthetics
kristian9107 - 7 years ago
I truly enjoyed this video! Awesome cinematography and video assembly!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
Thank you! More coming soon ;)
Bit Blu
Bit Blu - 7 years ago
WoooWhat plants did you use?

10. comment for Step-By-Step Nano Aquascape:

Matt Bershinsky
Matt Bershinsky - 7 years ago
My goal is to create a scape similar to this, but add a few anchor cats in there!
YenieD13 - 7 years ago
What type of fish is that?
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
omg your exclamation point rasboraras are so cute!
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 7 years ago
Why was it named "Amelia"?
Leonie Grätz
Leonie Grätz - 7 years ago
Are this BORARAS
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
Yes, boraras brigitae :)
Piotrek Pe
Piotrek Pe - 7 years ago
What plants did you use in this aquarium?
Jay Holbrook
Jay Holbrook - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank and great camera work
Eric Dieckman
Eric Dieckman - 7 years ago
Awesome nano. Awesome scape.
Владислав Аква
Владислав Аква - 7 years ago
It turned out very nicely. How did u make the algae on the rocks?
Mayank Arora
Mayank Arora - 8 years ago
all i need to know now is do i need a co2 tank for this kinda setup...and also how big of a co2 system??
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I recommend using CO2 in any setup, it can benefit any plant. for layouts using only epiphytic plants such as java fern and anubias, CO2 is not mandatory but will still improve the health and speed of growth

20. comment for Step-By-Step Nano Aquascape:

Adam Holčapek
Adam Holčapek - 8 years ago
Your nanoaquarium is beautifull.
Al F
Al F - 8 years ago
can you tell me all the plants do you use in tank ? thx :)
Bagus RPEP
Bagus RPEP - 8 years ago
is it needed to change the water?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
yes, once a week
Amcay_immer - 8 years ago
what about water circulation?? where u put in??
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
just a small palm HOB filter, I dont include it in the video because it is unsightly
Victoria Monares
Victoria Monares - 8 years ago
I love this, I am about to attempt my fist aquascaped tank. So far I have a tank, filter, led light, sand, rocks and driftwood. I am doing my research but most videos don't list the names of the powder they lay before the substrate, would you mind telling me what you use underneath your substrate? thank you in advance.
Victoria Monares
Victoria Monares - 8 years ago
Thank you for the clarification, I appreciate you taking the time to explain each one for me
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
The powders used are 3 products made by ADA. Bacter100 is a mixture of over 100 types of beneficial bacteria for the aquarium environment, the black powder is called "clear super" and is just crushed carbon to help keep water clarity. And the grey powder is tourmaline BC, its just a powder tourmaline that is supposedly beneficial for the bacteria and plant roots. all three of these products are supposed to help provide a more optimum aquarium envrionment for the bacteria and substrate, but are not absolutely necessary for a successful aquascape.
Jocelyn - 8 years ago
whats the colored powder you sprinkled under the rocks? whats it do?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
The powders used are 3 products made by ADA. Bacter100 is a mixture of over 100 types of beneficial bacteria for the aquarium environment, the black powder is called "clear super" and is just crushed carbon to help keep water clarity. And the grey powder is tourmaline BC, its just a powder tourmaline that is supposedly beneficial for the bacteria and plant roots. all three of these products are supposed to help provide a more optimum aquarium envrionment for the bacteria and substrate, but are not absolutely necessary for a successful aquascape.
Wyll Yancha
Wyll Yancha - 8 years ago
This tank flourished without filter or CO2? Nice
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
thank you!
Wyll Yancha
Wyll Yancha - 8 years ago
Still Amazing...
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
filter was used, I remove the equipment for the video for presentation purposes
TweFoji - 8 years ago
nice tank! i have a few question, please answer!!

1) do u put any O2 diffuser into the tank? because i cant see it in your tank,
2) any filter you also use? cause the water looks soo clean and i also cannot see that you have put the filter in.
3) i used to have the small guppy fish alongside the red cherry shrimp.. the shrimp gave birth to babies, but was all eaten by my guppy fishes.. do you know how to prevent it? as it is impossible for me to catch all the babies and separate it?

Thanks alot!!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I remove all equipment for the video because it looks nicer without all the equipment, this tank was running with a filter, and water changes were done often with water from other tanks high in CO2 content. If you want to keep the babies, do not keep guppies with the shrimp, or try to catch the babies when you see them, but this will be very difficult
Anto Gagak
Anto Gagak - 8 years ago
Hansel Chua
Hansel Chua - 8 years ago
Hi man. I was wondering what plants are in this tank? Thanks!!!

30. comment for Step-By-Step Nano Aquascape:

GUGU GAM - 8 years ago
wow!! awesome~ one question!! what kind of plants in this tank??
Joel Patrick Sarmiento
Joel Patrick Sarmiento - 8 years ago
low tech?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
more or less, yes. like I said in another comment, everyone has a different definition for what "low tech" means for an aquarium. in this case, the light was not super bright (but not dim either). I did not inject CO2 directly, but I did do water changes with CO2 rich water from my other tanks in the middle of the day when CO2 concentration in the other tanks was at their peak. Although you don't see any equipment or filtration in the video, I did have a hang-on-back filter for the aquarium, I choose to remove all equipment for video/presentation purposes, just so it all looks cleaner. Hope that answers your question haha.
Aema - 8 years ago
do i need filtration for a 20x20 nano planted? and what can you say about low tech tanks?

btw, i am a total beginner so i can't tell if i have enough lighting or not.. hope you reply :D
Aema - 8 years ago
Thank you so much for answering my questions man :D
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
as far as lighting, i use my eye to judge (which i realize is not a completely adequate method) but most people will quantify it with PAR ratings. It really depends on the plants you want to use, most stem plants will do better in high lighting and generally epiphytes like ferns/anubias/mosses do not need as much light. on the subject of CO2, it is definately worth it if youre looking for healthy, dense, lush growth. CO2 is vital part of photosynthesis. Simply put, the vast majority of plants will not grow well without CO2 injection into the water. the three essential reactants for photosynthesis are water, light, and CO2, with low CO2 concentration in the water, your plants are not producing the energy needed for proper and healthy growth.
Aema - 8 years ago
Thank you so much for the quick reply man :D, i have some last questions
how much lighting is enough and is co2 worth it? since im just a student relying on what i can save (co2 systems cost so much!) hahahahaha
you have awesome tanks btw Love it!!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
P.S. if you were asking if filtration is necessary because you did not see a filter on this video, i remove all hardware and equipment from the tank while filming for presentation purposes. it just looks nicer without all the glass and plastic all over the tank.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
filtration is always reccomended, beneficial bacteria thrive in the filtration media and water movement is beneficial in the planted tank. many people have different definitions as to what defines a tank as low tech, all i can say is, make sure you are meeting the needs of your fish and plants. if not, choose different fish and plants that you are capable or willing to provide care for.
BalkanMusicVEVO !
BalkanMusicVEVO ! - 8 years ago
could i make this with an orion aqua wave 25
BalkanMusicVEVO !
BalkanMusicVEVO ! - 8 years ago
Yeah i was wondering abaut that too could you tell me minimum lightning req for theese plants?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I dont see why not. maybe upgrade to a better light though, im not sure how bright the light is for that tank
Irouza - 8 years ago
Great tank man! Need to ask you, how many liters of Soil have you used in this scape?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
it was a small tank, i would guess around 2 liters of soil
tri haryono
tri haryono - 8 years ago
if need c02?
Debonair Gaming
Debonair Gaming - 8 years ago
Where do you get all of the products? I'm looking for a way to start this on a very small scale at first, like just a couple desktop aquascapes for my desk at work.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
everything here I was able to buy locally at my fish stores, the only things that you might have a hard time finding are the ADA additives, you can get them online
AuSZhao - 8 years ago
This was a very nice tank. Just wondering did you use any filter system or Co2?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
the light was okay, I did dose some ferts
AuSZhao - 8 years ago
wow no co2 with amazing result! strong light? or do you dose
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I used a small HOB filter, no CO2
arun ashok
arun ashok - 8 years ago
Hey. That's totally awesome. Could you tell me what's the hard scape type and rocks
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
thanks! its spiderwood and seiryu stone
Quicky107 - 8 years ago
hi man. great tank. can u give the name of fishs ? i'm looking for fishs that i can add to my nano tanks. thx
Jonathan Hart
Jonathan Hart - 8 years ago
theyre actually boraras uropthalmoides
Quicky107 - 8 years ago
OK ! Thx again.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I would put about 7 chili rasboras and you can house up to 50+ shrimps in a small tank no problem
Quicky107 - 8 years ago
I have another question. How many Chili Rasbora and red cherry can i have in a 20l (around 5gal) ? thx man
Quicky107 - 8 years ago
thx for this quick answer.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
they are Chili Rasbora (boraras brigitae)
Captain Van
Captain Van - 8 years ago
What about the CO2?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
thanks for your support!
Captain Van
Captain Van - 8 years ago
Subbed...Great stuff. Thank you. I have a medium sized kind of ghetto planted tank (dirted), about to make a CO2 set up with DIY kit. Hope it turns out half as awesome as yours. ; )
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
i ended up not using CO2 in this tank
Hungry - 8 years ago
What is the lighting? and tank link please
Hungry - 8 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape thanks!!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I dont have a link to the tank, it was unbranded from a local shop
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I used a fluval power compact hang on light for the tank, in the video i used an LED light hanging from above to get more brightness for the video.
Sheldon Richards
Sheldon Richards - 8 years ago
what is the photo period used .. interval ..
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
7 hours daily
Sheldon Richards
Sheldon Richards - 8 years ago
what kind of filter is used, coz I don't see any.... also what is the source of air supply for the shrimps and fish....
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I used the tiny azoo palm HOB filter, did not use any air bubble or air supply, just water circulation from the filter
SirMacLean - 8 years ago
which lens you used for macros on shrimp?
tony714GG - 8 years ago
where did you get the white foggy background?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I got it at home depot in the window section, its window privacy film
Rommel R
Rommel R - 8 years ago
How do you fertilize all your tanks?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I've been using the PPS pro method, but lately I have been using a product called Thrive by NilocG
Rommel R
Rommel R - 8 years ago
As always, great scape and congratulations!
LitiAquaria - 8 years ago
That's awesome, man! Awesome! :)
Dennis Wong
Dennis Wong - 8 years ago
Well done Hiep ~

50. comment for Step-By-Step Nano Aquascape:

c4c4t1 - 8 years ago
Hi, how many time
Rahul Vidwans
Rahul Vidwans - 8 years ago
it's not the same tank at the end of the video. that's unprofessional to put up such thing.
Rahul Vidwans
Rahul Vidwans - 8 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape ok. cool. looks great.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Rahul Vidwans it is the same tank, I decided to add some wood and change some plants
DroneProShift - 8 years ago
Not the same *
DroneProShift - 8 years ago
Hey glass Canvas i'm fan of tour aquascaping Channel (i'm french ) but i don't understand why this is not the same aquarium at the end but it is wonderful but this not the same tank there isn't the plants plants on the right like the layout of the rock and the plants on the left but i love what you do
DroneProShift - 8 years ago
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+GoPro & coline its the same tank, over the course of 9 weeks i had decided to make some changes
Sergio Gmez
Sergio Gmez - 8 years ago
It look awesome.. Thank you for sharing.. Can you give us the name of the plants you're using? I would appreciate it so much.
Again thank you..
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 8 years ago
excellent video
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 8 years ago
do u use any co2 or fertilizers?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
no i did not
Fitto Hartoyo
Fitto Hartoyo - 8 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape so you didnt use any co2 stuff in this tank?
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 8 years ago
+Dennis Wong
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
Dennis Wong
Dennis Wong - 8 years ago
Pls don't ill-treat your plants
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Olav Øverland not on this tank, I do on other tanks
Rainer Pramudi
Rainer Pramudi - 8 years ago
what is he doing at 2:57?
I'm new in aquascaping! thanks and great video
Rainer Pramudi
Rainer Pramudi - 8 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape I see, thanks for the quick guide!
+1 subscriber, I will be waiting for your next video :)
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
yes its just normal water
Rainer Pramudi
Rainer Pramudi - 8 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape so u are just using normal water (tap water)?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Rainer Pramudi I am spraying water to moisten the substrate for planting
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 9 years ago
Great vid as always, aquascape looks great with algea on rocks...balance is awesome
liam wharton
liam wharton - 9 years ago
what fish arr in here
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+liam wharton Boraras Brigitae AKA chili rasbora
Gudako - 9 years ago
What was that powder stuff you sprinkled at the beginning?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+4444333220 ADA substrate additives. ADA bacter100, ADA tourmaline BC, and ADA Clear super
Morgan Rose-Fleming
Morgan Rose-Fleming - 9 years ago
Where do you get the background?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
sorry I dont remember, there is one brand where it is very soft and feels like just static cling, and there is a much more hard brand that is adhesive based, the adhesive based one is much much better, i think it came in a long purple box
Morgan Rose-Fleming
Morgan Rose-Fleming - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape Do you remember the specific brand haha? I have a one that's a Gila frost and one that is an Artscape etched glass. Thanks again!
Morgan Rose-Fleming
Morgan Rose-Fleming - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape thanks!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Morgan Rose-Fleming I got it at home depot in the windows section
trevor payne
trevor payne - 9 years ago
What's the powder you are putting in the tank?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+trevor payne ADA substrate additives. ADA bacter100, ADA tourmaline BC, and ADA Clear super
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
Looking good man. I like the theme with the shrimp and the way the algae looks on the rocks! Great balance dude!
FexxaGaming - 9 years ago
amazing as always!
Lucas Goodding
Lucas Goodding - 9 years ago
It would be nice to see a "live" aquascape session, with you talking about the setups.
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape that is going to be cool
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
Lucas Goodding
Lucas Goodding - 9 years ago
Will it be on youtube?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Lucas Goodding i will be doing a presentation and demonstration in jacksonville florida in may, and planning to do something for the greater houston aquarium club in houston texas sometime this year.
Ryan Tran
Ryan Tran - 9 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous! love that algae on the rocks.
jeremiemcd - 9 years ago
Great nano tank, it grew in well. How often do you do water changes?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+jeremiemcd i did much bigger changes, more like 80%
jeremiemcd - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape do you do 50% , I'm still trying to find my balance in my ada 60f , still getting algae here and there.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+jeremiemcd thanks! I did water changes about once a week
Nathan Keck
Nathan Keck - 9 years ago
Do you use RO water with a mineral additive? Or a mix half RO/tap.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Nathan Keck my water is very hard and ph around 7.8, i dont know exactly the kh value
Nathan Keck
Nathan Keck - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape by the way
The cherries look killer!
Nathan Keck
Nathan Keck - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape what's your Kh in your tap? I have really hard and really alkaline water.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Nathan Keck I actually just use tap water

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