Arowana Species | Types of Arowana fish | Red Arowana | Silver Arowana | Asian Arowana | Arowana Asian Red Arowana: Asian Arowana has several varieties of freshwater fish in the genus Scleropages. Some sources differentiate these varieties into multiple species; they have different strains to belong to a single species Scleropages famous they have common name Asian Arowana they are long in length and smart in water. Silver Arowana: This species of fish has large scales, long body and tapered tail with dorsal and anal fins extending all the way to the small caudal fin. They can grow to a maximum size of 90 centimeters 35inches this species of fish is also called monkey fish because of its ability to jump in the water, and they are also well trained. The Silver is the most popular in the aquarium fishkeeping industry. Black Arowana: Black Arowana fish has a long body and trapped tail grow a maximum of 90 centimeters 35 inches it reaches about 15 cm, the markings will disappear, and it will start to obtain a dark iridescent steel gray to blue coloration, hence its common name it drown bridge and adapt to its feeding system. Super Red Arowana: Super Red Arowana is made up of several different varieties of freshwater fish in the genus Scleropages. The “Super Red” is very hardy and never has problems eating it seems. It can grow up to almost 40 inches, and the colors are super vibrant and bright. The name “Super” really gives a good idea of how expressive the colors of this fish are. Red Dragon Arowana: Red Dragon Arowana fish has a long, red-colored body with seven rows of large scales, each with several reddish or pinkish spots arranged in a crescent shape around the trailing edge of the scale, giving it a pearly appearance. They grow to a maximum of 90 cm (35inches), and they are fast in water. Malaysian Red: Malaysian Red Arowana species typically grow to around 2 to 3 feet in captivity. This fish has super fast swimming speeds and can surprise you when striking it’s prey. Awesome fish to own and very beautiful. Golden Arowana: Golden Arowana fish has large, wing-like pectoral fins. Except for duller coloration and smaller scale size, they are very similar to the Asian Arowana fish. It grows to a length of about 90 centimeters (35 inches). Its maximum weight is recorded as 17.2 kg (38 lb.) but is has been stated that it has been known to weigh as much as 27 kg (59 lb) Flowerhorn Arowana: Flower Horn Fish is basically from the Cichlid family, which is classified under the genus of Cichlasoma, which has a common name flower horn they have horn in the heard which is what gives them a common name Flowerhorn Arowana they can grow up to 90 centimeters (35inches) color brightening when it attains adulthood Crossback Arowana: Good quality Cross Back Golden has scales that are reflective, glittering, large, color distinctive and neat. They gain more colorization as they grow to adulthood they grow up to 90 centimeters (35 inches) they grow very fast. Red Tail Golden (RTG) Arowana: Red Tail Golden is the first of the lower priced Arowana to generate true color. They have the gold outer scale, and in premium, fish can develop clearly visible base color as well it colors quickly. However, the color rarely reaches the 5th level of scales. Jardini Arowana: Jardini Arowana fish freshwater fish is also called Gulf Saratoga Barramundi this fish is wild and grow very fast they are very playful in water they can be with any other Arowana fish without fighting. They can grow up to 90 centimeters (35 inches). You will find some species eat different foods than others. The Jardine doesn’t get as large as some other species making it very popular in the aquarium industry. Golden Crossback Arowana: Golden crossback arowana is they have a cross scale on they body which give them their common name crossback arowana they also have golden color their color brightenin as they grow to adulthood they grow up to 90 centimeters (35inches) they are fast in water Green and Blue Arowana: This specie is Commonly known as Green Arowana.Its has green scales & a greyish green body with a dark striped grey/green tail.It’s the cheapest in price among the variety of Asian arowana due to unattractive coloration exhibited when in adulthood (3-4 yrs of age) they are also slow in water. Article source:

Arowana Species | Types of Arowana fish | Red Arowana | Silver Arowana | Asian Arowana | Arowana sentiment_very_dissatisfied 141

News & Politics 8 years ago 251,036 views Asian Red Arowana: Asian Arowana has several varieties of freshwater fish in the genus Scleropages. Some sources differentiate these varieties into multiple species; they have different strains to belong to a single species Scleropages famous they have common name Asian Arowana they are long in length and smart in water. Silver Arowana: This species of fish has large scales, long body and tapered tail with dorsal and anal fins extending all the way to the small caudal fin. They can grow to a maximum size of 90 centimeters 35inches this species of fish is also called monkey fish because of its ability to jump in the water, and they are also well trained. The Silver is the most popular in the aquarium fishkeeping industry. Black Arowana: Black Arowana fish has a long body and trapped tail grow a maximum of 90 centimeters 35 inches it reaches about 15 cm, the markings will disappear, and it will start to obtain a dark iridescent steel gray to blue coloration, hence its common name it drown bridge and adapt to its feeding system. Super Red Arowana: Super Red Arowana is made up of several different varieties of freshwater fish in the genus Scleropages. The “Super Red” is very hardy and never has problems eating it seems. It can grow up to almost 40 inches, and the colors are super vibrant and bright. The name “Super” really gives a good idea of how expressive the colors of this fish are. Red Dragon Arowana: Red Dragon Arowana fish has a long, red-colored body with seven rows of large scales, each with several reddish or pinkish spots arranged in a crescent shape around the trailing edge of the scale, giving it a pearly appearance. They grow to a maximum of 90 cm (35inches), and they are fast in water. Malaysian Red: Malaysian Red Arowana species typically grow to around 2 to 3 feet in captivity. This fish has super fast swimming speeds and can surprise you when striking it’s prey. Awesome fish to own and very beautiful. Golden Arowana: Golden Arowana fish has large, wing-like pectoral fins. Except for duller coloration and smaller scale size, they are very similar to the Asian Arowana fish. It grows to a length of about 90 centimeters (35 inches). Its maximum weight is recorded as 17.2 kg (38 lb.) but is has been stated that it has been known to weigh as much as 27 kg (59 lb) Flowerhorn Arowana: Flower Horn Fish is basically from the Cichlid family, which is classified under the genus of Cichlasoma, which has a common name flower horn they have horn in the heard which is what gives them a common name Flowerhorn Arowana they can grow up to 90 centimeters (35inches) color brightening when it attains adulthood Crossback Arowana: Good quality Cross Back Golden has scales that are reflective, glittering, large, color distinctive and neat. They gain more colorization as they grow to adulthood they grow up to 90 centimeters (35 inches) they grow very fast. Red Tail Golden (RTG) Arowana: Red Tail Golden is the first of the lower priced Arowana to generate true color. They have the gold outer scale, and in premium, fish can develop clearly visible base color as well it colors quickly. However, the color rarely reaches the 5th level of scales. Jardini Arowana: Jardini Arowana fish freshwater fish is also called Gulf Saratoga Barramundi this fish is wild and grow very fast they are very playful in water they can be with any other Arowana fish without fighting. They can grow up to 90 centimeters (35 inches). You will find some species eat different foods than others. The Jardine doesn’t get as large as some other species making it very popular in the aquarium industry. Golden Crossback Arowana: Golden crossback arowana is they have a cross scale on they body which give them their common name crossback arowana they also have golden color their color brightenin as they grow to adulthood they grow up to 90 centimeters (35inches) they are fast in water Green and Blue Arowana: This specie is Commonly known as Green Arowana.Its has green scales & a greyish green body with a dark striped grey/green tail.It’s the cheapest in price among the variety of Asian arowana due to unattractive coloration exhibited when in adulthood (3-4 yrs of age) they are also slow in water. Article source:

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Most popular comments
for Arowana Species | Types of Arowana fish | Red Arowana | Silver Arowana | Asian Arowana | Arowana

Kraggy Michael
Kraggy Michael - 7 years ago
Nivedan M
Nivedan M - 7 years ago
What about pearl white and Snow White??
Arowana BD
Arowana BD - 7 years ago
Dude , Biology Dude ! Arapaima is not an Arowana Species , No sir , It´s Not !
ikhsan saputra
ikhsan saputra - 7 years ago
phillip jhart
phillip jhart - 7 years ago
Wrong map of Africa some of those countries no longer exists
Haj Gamer
Haj Gamer - 7 years ago
Read arowana?
Haj Gamer
Haj Gamer - 7 years ago
African arowana are from afica?!? Mind blown
Jose Duran 131016
Jose Duran 131016 - 7 years ago
California is gay when it comes to arowanas becuase they are "endangered"
Kirishanthini Thanes
Kirishanthini Thanes - 7 years ago
Where can i buy arowana wholesale???
anyone knows please let me know...
Kirishanthini Thanes
Kirishanthini Thanes - 7 years ago
thanks I'm waiting your reply
arowana - 7 years ago
Kirishanthini Thanes
Kirishanthini Thanes - 7 years ago
could you email me pls
arowana - 7 years ago
I try to help you with this issue. go to my channels about section and contact my business email. I send detail to your email. Thanks
Kirishanthini Thanes
Kirishanthini Thanes - 7 years ago
thanks alot,
do you know any good place Singapore,Malaysia or Thailand???
and I'm from sri lanka
arowana - 7 years ago
Try to purchase from your nearby and trusted seller. A lot of scammers are in the online community so careful

10. comment for Arowana Species | Types of Arowana fish | Red Arowana | Silver Arowana | Asian Arowana | Arowana

Ashaka Alankara
Ashaka Alankara - 7 years ago
How on earth an Arapaima became a sub type of Arowana?
Muhammad Daffa Alfiansyah
Muhammad Daffa Alfiansyah - 7 years ago
Arwana indonesia paling cakep di antara arwana yang lain.
junito1957 - 7 years ago
one of the most over rated fish,only the red one look nice , their tons of fish that are better
Thats Bullshit
Thats Bullshit - 7 years ago
Black arowama and arapaima are same picture you dumb fuck. Bitch delete this video, you wasting youtube memory storage
arowana - 7 years ago
Thanks, mate :) I appreciate your sense of humor
Michael P.
Michael P. - 7 years ago
Thx for reminding me about my old Green Arowana....sadness and lo0niless.. now....emptyness to : (
arowana - 7 years ago
oh. I'm so sorry about your fillings. But you can collect another one
Nipuna Wanigasinghe
Nipuna Wanigasinghe - 7 years ago
You forgot Banja red Arowana
arowana - 7 years ago
Thanks for your comments. Yes, some species of Arowana are missing from my this video. That's why I thought I make another detailed video about this topic. What is your opinion?
Suresh Steven
Suresh Steven - 7 years ago
0:31 --> ha ha african arowana.. probably low budget arowana lolz
John Santora
John Santora - 7 years ago
Bob Lee Swagger
Bob Lee Swagger - 7 years ago
what the fuck is "read" it's red dumbass
Sloth Mc
Sloth Mc - 7 years ago
Arowana Grande
Zane Rianom
Zane Rianom - 7 years ago
Sloth Mc just... please stop, ive seen your comment on so many videos.

20. comment for Arowana Species | Types of Arowana fish | Red Arowana | Silver Arowana | Asian Arowana | Arowana

Helmi 2005
Helmi 2005 - 7 years ago
you missed out violet fuision arowana
Hermawan SETIAWAN - 7 years ago
what's a matter with you? you not mention the super red come from? Because your private sinical manner or what?? they are the indigenous species from Borneo river INDONESIA. they are have similar various and by the breeder the variant become more and more. just like you mention. Mostly the variant come from inbreeding case. Same case like other ornamental fish breed by human hand. I know what's the aim for? To make the fish looks special and high prices for the end.
arowana - 7 years ago
Thanks for your comments. Yes, some information is missing from my this video. That's why I thought I make another detailed video about this topic. What is your opinion?
tom cleary
tom cleary - 7 years ago
There are two spices of arowana in Australia. You forgot the leichardti
Pritam Theenglama
Pritam Theenglama - 7 years ago
where the fuck is green arowana
grace lora
grace lora - 7 years ago
contact us on whatapps. +23779934495, we sell arowana fish of all colours and at very cheap and affordable prices ,we also enlighten you abaut its feeding,contact us on whatapps
Unbreakable Yin
Unbreakable Yin - 7 years ago
Pritam Theenglama
Brandon Watson
Brandon Watson - 7 years ago
Can people fish for Asian Arowana?
Matthew Johnson
Matthew Johnson - 7 years ago
this helped
Sharul Nizam
Sharul Nizam - 7 years ago
Sorry, im think , that is not blue base arowana but that is yellow tail arowana, im sorry if im wrong, :)
Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith - 7 years ago
Can I have super red in USA if not which ones can I have
aqlhouse admin
aqlhouse admin - 7 years ago
you can buy in indonesian arwana market but the super red is very expensive even in indonesia..
be careful about the quality of the super red, it's better to ask some of your friend who expert in arwana first.
anyway, maybe the extra cost for airfreight or seafreight to US is expensive too.
Mike Lao
Mike Lao - 7 years ago
you can own the red one in the USA. Unfortunately you can not but or sell them because they are on the endangered species list
jim manson
jim manson - 7 years ago
Matthew Smith no you cant but you can get a silver arowana if you want lmao
Tikimohn - 7 years ago
You lose all credibility when you classify arapaima as Arowana....
rusev gaga
rusev gaga - 7 years ago
Bulbol eh
Scyte - 7 years ago
Tikimohn yeah i was like "WT....F"
Tendo Pain
Tendo Pain - 7 years ago
Tikimohn that moment when he classify arapaima arowana,i stop watching.
DReis 7
DReis 7 - 7 years ago
Tikimohn ikr xD
Mayank Singh
Mayank Singh - 8 years ago
arapaima in not an arowana...avi...kuch bhi
AMJSTAR LIVE - 7 years ago
Mayank Singh it is

30. comment for Arowana Species | Types of Arowana fish | Red Arowana | Silver Arowana | Asian Arowana | Arowana

Leon Wisam
Leon Wisam - 8 years ago
0:30 left side : african arowana
rigth side : spotted gar
riadhus sholihin
riadhus sholihin - 8 years ago
super red is the most beautifull
Nicole Leah
Nicole Leah - 7 years ago
riadhus sholihin super red. Blood red, platinum, and the golden arowana are the most beautiful amongst all.
Noor Alam
Noor Alam - 7 years ago
riadhus sholihin have you ever seen a platinum
Farah Farzana
Farah Farzana - 7 years ago
riadhus sholihin f j j'. BvasdáObj. I'm so excited
INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
wth is "Read" arowana??? Red!
Prajwal N Kundapur
Prajwal N Kundapur - 8 years ago
I hope I had it

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