ADA Iwagumi - Dry Start Method HOWTO

A step by step guide on how to building your first Iwagumi "Planted Tank" system using a dry start method.

ADA Iwagumi - Dry Start Method HOWTO sentiment_very_dissatisfied 35

People & Blogs 10 years ago 127,209 views

A step by step guide on how to building your first Iwagumi "Planted Tank" system using a dry start method.

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Most popular comments
for ADA Iwagumi - Dry Start Method HOWTO

Mals Aquaholics
Mals Aquaholics - 7 years ago
Very detailed .. thank you . Im not a jazz fan but hey ! Thats your choice
killerkadoom - 7 years ago
make me want a new hobby this video is horrible.
chizpa305 - 7 years ago
Loved the time lapse at the end. Wish more people did this kind of stuff to see the growth after trimming...
Zoe Dia
Zoe Dia - 7 years ago
wont there be watermarks on the tank?
Nigel Aquascaping
Nigel Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Well edited video, good job
Ayden's Bro Studios
Ayden's Bro Studios - 8 years ago
how much was all that
Sarah Allen
Sarah Allen - 8 years ago
I can imagine very expensive because everything is ADA
vishnu patnana
vishnu patnana - 8 years ago
can you make video how to grow plant from seeds
Captain Van
Captain Van - 8 years ago
Halfway through...Seems like a great video....Have consider using different kind of background colour for your video? All white didn't really work for me. How about just a lil white around the tank or complete wooden brown background? may be even black?
Riley Ford
Riley Ford - 8 years ago
could the plants be okay without ever adding water but keeping it very wet and moist? like in a vivarium?
MrFilipe95 - 8 years ago
It depends on the plants species.

10. comment for ADA Iwagumi - Dry Start Method HOWTO

Ricardo Junqueira
Ricardo Junqueira - 8 years ago
Wait... just 1 video? I need more! I loved this one! MORE PLEASE!
Mariam Abozahra
Mariam Abozahra - 8 years ago
What's the optimum percentage of the humidity in dry start method ?
Hans Thegerman
Hans Thegerman - 8 years ago
wet the soil man
kevin walitza
kevin walitza - 8 years ago
Awesome . This is realy helpful !
David Briers
David Briers - 9 years ago
growth would have been more prolific submerge...8 weeks?
Steven Chong
Steven Chong - 9 years ago
Process videos are good, but try to do them not just about products but with the end customer in mind-- a video where the viewer actually learns something of value from a layout perspective too. The amount of substrate and slope is WAY insufficient for an iwagumi that has any kind of impact-- and I could say the same about the substrate. The main rock is far too small for a tank this size, and doesn't really have a shape with the prominence or impact to carry a layout as a main stone even in a smaller tank. Worse, it's not tilted to take advantage of light or shadow that could be made with the overhead light but just laid straight. The lack of any sort of attempt to create shadow anywhere is the layout's biggest flaw. Finally the supporting stones are soooo small, and being laid flat, they'd easily be covered by even the smallest foreground plants, even HC. I just feel that this video was all about pushing product, and none about spirit or design. If you are an ADA vendor trained by ADA, you should have picked up the basics of layout from them, and know that good design is good for business.
David Briers
David Briers - 9 years ago
I completely agree. No soul.
TweFoji - 9 years ago
This is probably one the BEST ( If not, THE BEST ) Video tutorial step by step on how to start an Aquascape, i would have been nice to show how you guys will fill the water into the tank for a more complete step by step tutorial of how to Aquascape

very satisfied with the production quality of this video!!
BETONBOY - 9 years ago
Why is there just one video on your channel? I was hoping for much more of that level of classynes!!!!
Piet Piloot
Piet Piloot - 9 years ago
We Want More !!
Fish Tales
Fish Tales - 9 years ago
Nice video, the tank isn't level and also it would be nice if
there was a video done for people on a budget so that
we could all have a nice planted tank.
Raymond Quach
Raymond Quach - 9 years ago
+Fish Tales All you essentially need is substrate, light, a tank, plants and cling rap dude...
FishHead Sweets
FishHead Sweets - 9 years ago
you need to upload something new

20. comment for ADA Iwagumi - Dry Start Method HOWTO

FishHead Sweets
FishHead Sweets - 9 years ago
ughh gonna try this on my next planted tank
tutunmayan - 9 years ago
What's the advantage of a dry start?
Starisawhoremonkey - 9 years ago
+tutunmayan to help the plants develop a root system before adding water.
imtiyaz ansari
imtiyaz ansari - 9 years ago
no water?? in tank
itsreallyJ - 9 years ago
Great video!!
Tye Suet Teng
Tye Suet Teng - 9 years ago
Tye Suet Teng
Tye Suet Teng - 9 years ago
Before plant the dwarf baby tears need to spray some water on the dirt or not .Dwarf baby tears need co2 or not
marsdog - 9 years ago
is that the 60p?
wisemandenny8 - 9 years ago
You can barely read the text, next time don't use transparent background with white text
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
Super rad video. Great music and production.
Katie Medvecka
Katie Medvecka - 9 years ago
subscribe on my chanel :)

30. comment for ADA Iwagumi - Dry Start Method HOWTO

Trey L
Trey L - 9 years ago
wow thats all the growth you got in 8week! That light must only put out like 30par! Great video though =) Just thought it was crazy that your growth rate was so slow
Ignace Sanches
Ignace Sanches - 10 years ago
You lift and close the cling wrap every day or just open a bit and leave it that way?
Márk Paróczi
Márk Paróczi - 10 years ago
I am really looking forward to your next videos. :) And to the many more that I can't find on your channel :D (I mean 10:54 )

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