How to Make a Mini Air Pump (Home aquarium)

Mini aquarium air pump, build your own aquarium. Thanks for watching! Previous Chapters Water Fountains Electric boat

How to Make a Mini Air Pump (Home aquarium) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 834

People & Blogs 9 years ago 1,832,179 views

Mini aquarium air pump, build your own aquarium. Thanks for watching! Previous Chapters Water Fountains Electric boat

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Most popular comments
for How to Make a Mini Air Pump (Home aquarium)

Arik Arik
Arik Arik - 7 years ago
Wah hebat
razor street
razor street - 7 years ago
Sathi Krishna
Sathi Krishna - 7 years ago
Great idea
Ad Ajay
Ad Ajay - 7 years ago
Why is the need for foam sheet
sasank karki
sasank karki - 7 years ago
I try it..but it doesn't work so good.
Naomi Ferreira
Naomi Ferreira - 7 years ago
Michael Fixedsys - Fixedsys Labs
Michael Fixedsys - Fixedsys Labs - 7 years ago
Now all you need to do is put a plant in the Tank
ratnakar jaiswar
ratnakar jaiswar - 7 years ago
very nice keep it up
Sebastian Leon medina
Sebastian Leon medina - 7 years ago
Que fantastica creacion

10. comment for How to Make a Mini Air Pump (Home aquarium)

Mr Sandy
Mr Sandy - 7 years ago
like it like me
Rahul Jadhav
Rahul Jadhav - 7 years ago
Bloody Brush
Bloody Brush - 7 years ago
Can i use this to make a vending Machine?
Mangler DIY 맹그러
Mangler DIY 맹그러 - 7 years ago
wow. what a great idea :)
Shehzad Peerboccus
Shehzad Peerboccus - 7 years ago
Folha Verde
Folha Verde - 7 years ago
Cesar Peña
Cesar Peña - 7 years ago
por que yo lo hice y no me funciono
Cesar Peña
Cesar Peña - 7 years ago
como haces para que te funcione
rajesh singh
rajesh singh - 7 years ago
This air pump is ver very good
Farheen Ahmed
Farheen Ahmed - 7 years ago
Meri fish 1 din Mai he mar Gai plz kch care Ka batady orenge thi usko jar Mai rakha tha mainy

20. comment for How to Make a Mini Air Pump (Home aquarium)

dineth bat
dineth bat - 7 years ago
Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson - 7 years ago
Ok, some people just seem to feel they must troll. This producer is called 'Project your mind' He/she makes projects for others to try, OFC you can buy a pump but it is fun to make your own, also, he/she points out that the fish are safe, just as carrying them home in a bag with water, it is temporary storage. If I had a £100 I would go out and buy everything but at the same time try this myself, it's called learning, also recycling.

Try engaging your brains before posting, give the video producer some respect and if you feel you must suggest something, make it useful and helpful rather than spiteful.

Personally, I love trying these projects and others and yes, I would use electrical tape rather than scotch tape but every design can be improved on based on the makers own knowledge and availability of materials.
syed iliyaz
syed iliyaz - 7 years ago
send in description this music
Raghu K V
Raghu K V - 7 years ago
prashanth J
prashanth J - 7 years ago
I love fish
Vasantham. S
Vasantham. S - 7 years ago
very nose beautiful
Vasantham. S
Vasantham. S - 7 years ago
very nose beautiful
GOD- SON-GAMING - 7 years ago
thanks buddy for this nice video it works real
Boby Kashyap
Boby Kashyap - 7 years ago
thank you guys
Prashant Kashayap
Prashant Kashayap - 7 years ago
what is foam sheet

30. comment for How to Make a Mini Air Pump (Home aquarium)

M.R.H Channel 1M views
M.R.H Channel 1M views - 7 years ago
Nice creation but its too complicated . I have made a simpe one in which no ballon is require. Watch it .its on my channel
Oi Oi
Oi Oi - 7 years ago
Bhura Khan
Bhura Khan - 7 years ago
Sushant Bhagat
Sushant Bhagat - 7 years ago
Russa Manandhar
Russa Manandhar - 7 years ago
but i like the idea
Russa Manandhar
Russa Manandhar - 7 years ago
my fish is cut by moter steel
Russa Manandhar
Russa Manandhar - 7 years ago
my pump has such the water
CΞNK TR - 7 years ago
Beautyful but that bowl is not good
muliani shah
muliani shah - 8 years ago
Hello.. nice music.. name?
entertaient is duty
entertaient is duty - 8 years ago
I have small one only
boss boy NTP SAVAGE
boss boy NTP SAVAGE - 8 years ago
why not SMALL motor
vien minh huynh
vien minh huynh - 8 years ago
why have two holes in the plastic lid that, thanks
Pal Gill
Pal Gill - 8 years ago
how we can make a big pump for big aquarium
Razzak Bawani
Razzak Bawani - 8 years ago
so easy i made this is good for my fish
catu n
catu n - 8 years ago
very nice
ashutosh biswal
ashutosh biswal - 8 years ago
I will make it now it is the simplest and best vedio I had ever seen
TheNukedNacho - 8 years ago
Could you use the same concept(the motor) to make mini pistons?
IDKWHOIAM_CZ XDabr - 8 years ago
my fishes now happy! thx
lilblkrose - 8 years ago
Let's all hope that small tank was just for demonstration rather their actual set up...
Tanya Johnson
Tanya Johnson - 8 years ago
ThatFishFreak - 8 years ago
check out my new fish tank and fish series

50. comment for How to Make a Mini Air Pump (Home aquarium)

Rhys Farrelly
Rhys Farrelly - 8 years ago
Must be a boring life for the gold fish. U need a bigger tank
Rahuljindal8105 Rahuljindal8105
Rahuljindal8105 Rahuljindal8105 - 8 years ago
it didant wark
Rahuljindal8105 Rahuljindal8105
Rahuljindal8105 Rahuljindal8105 - 8 years ago
it didant wark
Mohit Gupta
Mohit Gupta - 8 years ago
it doesn't work
TaOstatnia - 8 years ago
That fish in Bowl?! are you sadistic?
Connor Winfield
Connor Winfield - 8 years ago
Oh yay let's put tropical fish and cold water fish in abowl together and have it be only 1 gallon and show everyone how I abuse my fish
Noah Bretches
Noah Bretches - 8 years ago
This is NOT an aquarium, this is a fish torture chamber. I hope this is a temporary tank, because this has multiple things wrong with it:

1: Goldfish are coolwater fish, guppies are tropical fish, therefore they can not be kept in the same tank
2: There is no filter in this tank, so fish waste will build up and kill your fish.
3: This goldfish is a Shubunkin, and they get 8-10 inches in length, which is larger than this fish tank.

Please fix this.
purple jellyfish395
purple jellyfish395 - 7 years ago
shut up
GadgetHacks - 7 years ago
Noah Bretches ki
Malon Mao
Malon Mao - 8 years ago
your smart
Paulo Mendoza
Paulo Mendoza - 8 years ago
Where can I find 5v-500mA charger and 5v electric motor?
Fernanda Valladares
Fernanda Valladares - 7 years ago
Paulo Mendoza yes there are stores for this wanna trythis but with a brushless motor
Paulo Mendoza
Paulo Mendoza - 8 years ago
I don't think so
Natsume Kawaii
Natsume Kawaii - 8 years ago
neatrianty - 8 years ago
Where can I buy Adult Supervision?
Malon Mao
Malon Mao - 8 years ago
use you mom or dad to see if they can help you
Rollout GamingXD
Rollout GamingXD - 8 years ago
my new fish died in one hour good job
Tristan Heath
Tristan Heath - 8 years ago
mine didnt last 20 minutes
Noah Bretches
Noah Bretches - 8 years ago
I know. [singsongy voice] Torture chamber!
chickengamnig vlog
chickengamnig vlog - 8 years ago
what fish is that
Jaylou Genargue
Jaylou Genargue - 8 years ago
may i know about the lifespan of thies projects? its better if it takes a year to use. hahaha
The Red Mammon
The Red Mammon - 8 years ago
so wheres that goldfish now?
Noah Bretches
Noah Bretches - 8 years ago
Manshika Ramcheram
Manshika Ramcheram - 8 years ago
DIY moje dekoracje
DIY moje dekoracje - 8 years ago
fajny pomysł
ItzBadger - 8 years ago
Can someone link me to the full science fair project that has the materials and stuff? Thanks
The last Channel.
The last Channel. - 8 years ago
محمد الطيب
محمد الطيب - 8 years ago
شباب بلا زحمة ممكن سؤال اشتريت نافورة بس ماعرف اشلون اشدهة تنشد ع ماطور الاوكسجين لو ماطور خاص تحياتي
aamir khan
aamir khan - 8 years ago
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
what fish was behind the goldfish
Elijah Moise
Elijah Moise - 8 years ago
Anderlin Sanchez rosendo
Anderlin Sanchez rosendo - 8 years ago
Raghav Poudel
Raghav Poudel - 8 years ago
Ballloooooon isn't nicr
Raghav Poudel
Raghav Poudel - 8 years ago
That's guffy and gold fish
Noah Bretches
Noah Bretches - 8 years ago
Nope, that's dead and dead fish.
Sturmtiger230 historian
Sturmtiger230 historian - 8 years ago
That's very good then I thought
Karla Evans
Karla Evans - 8 years ago
Cheaper to just buy one good grief!
clash of Clans// Clah Royale with Whitebeard
clash of Clans// Clah Royale with Whitebeard - 8 years ago
i tried to make it with small motar bt it sidnot work does it need to hav big motar
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
very good vedio but i think i go but one for 8 dollors
Fabian Stuke
Fabian Stuke - 8 years ago
Hallo ech möchte das selber bauen welchen motor
Ramdhani ZS
Ramdhani ZS - 8 years ago
shaqir geming
shaqir geming - 8 years ago
F N ANSARI - 8 years ago
GOOD .....
Luke rule
Luke rule - 8 years ago
What's the fishes name
Ahmad Hussein
Ahmad Hussein - 8 years ago
At 9:16 there is a fish bubbler from a store in the back left. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!!!!!!!!
ศุภสิทธิ์ ขยันหา
ศุภสิทธิ์ ขยันหา - 8 years ago
Ahmad Huss
Kavya Janagani Janagani
Kavya Janagani Janagani - 8 years ago
Saroj Moothoo
Saroj Moothoo - 8 years ago
Add a public comment
Mariaedjaneandra_L35 Andrade
Mariaedjaneandra_L35 Andrade - 8 years ago
Abran DRozario
Sam Ooi
Sam Ooi - 8 years ago
Ahmad Hussein
Abran DRozario
Abran DRozario - 8 years ago
+Abran DRozario Or I'll FUCK YOU!!!
Abran DRozario
Abran DRozario - 8 years ago
+StadNick MS Fuck out from here!
Imee Fajardo
Imee Fajardo - 8 years ago
my friend he made this pump and it worked so fuck off its real try it out and see if it works for ur self
JayX - 8 years ago
I'd be concerned if a store bought bubbler ran this poorly. It's a good project but not practical.
Project your mind
Project your mind - 8 years ago
xD It is the reflection you fool
Azim Alif
Azim Alif - 8 years ago
can it transfer water as well?
Saturnz Barz
Saturnz Barz - 8 years ago
So, what does the bubbler do? Does it act as a filter or just to circulate air throughout the tank?
Noah Bretches
Noah Bretches - 8 years ago
Just oxygenates the tank. These fish died.
TheHenirik - 8 years ago
it creates movement in the water and looks nice, it doesn't really affect the oxygen other then its easier for the surface to pick it up with more movement
5 The Sheep
5 The Sheep - 8 years ago
Its not a filter, the only thing it does is release oxygen and circulate water throughout the tank. :)
Moazzam Shah Jee
Moazzam Shah Jee - 8 years ago
Martha .S
Martha .S - 8 years ago
What if I use the small dinamo? Can it still work?
sandcrabjarv jarvis
sandcrabjarv jarvis - 8 years ago
video is useless!! Are you a mime artist? really wish there was less people like this on youtube maybe a wouldnt waste so much time. by the way the music is nothing but a distraction...
Kunal Giri
Kunal Giri - 8 years ago
i'm using ur method. but when i turn into the water,the pipe stopped.. to flow air .!! how solve this problem?
Taha Ali
Taha Ali - 8 years ago
Easy and simple!

Any alternative of hot glue you used in Front of the motor?
What did you use to drill a hole in lollipop stick?
Jukka Jamukka
Jukka Jamukka - 8 years ago
The music... It reminds me of Uncharted Waters.
khalil malas
khalil malas - 8 years ago
May be this way is cheaper
T.Frakes Tanks
T.Frakes Tanks - 8 years ago
air pumps are like 10 bucks.
Hot Tea
Hot Tea - 7 years ago
T.Frakes Tanks wait we giving animals in exchange for goods now
Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson - 7 years ago
It's a project, not everything is about money.
Atul Barapatre
Atul Barapatre - 7 years ago
Prabhagaran K fyiffiidy5
Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson - 7 years ago
and he is using old items no longer needed, ofc it will be more expensive if you go out and buy all the parts brand new. As the publisher pointed out, it is an example, adult supervision required and a school project. A great way for kids to learn about how a pump works.
Prabhagaran K
Prabhagaran K - 7 years ago
but not gold fish project
CryGrow - 8 years ago
NO i Turkish people Turkey is ir pump price 100 dolar - 200 dolar 100 dolar=400 TL
Project your mind
Project your mind - 8 years ago
that's not what matters, this is a school project
Rahuljindal8105 Rahuljindal8105
Rahuljindal8105 Rahuljindal8105 - 8 years ago
rajul jindal
pratham gawde
pratham gawde - 8 years ago
very new and nice video for pratham deepak gawde
Tayyab Naveed
Tayyab Naveed - 8 years ago
can it pump water
Jotham Muriu
Jotham Muriu - 8 years ago
Amazing stuff, you can really learn alot
NBflame - 8 years ago
Forget buying one this is called being resourceful. So Cool!
thiago Ruiz Miranda
thiago Ruiz Miranda - 8 years ago

100. comment for How to Make a Mini Air Pump (Home aquarium)

multiskills for you
multiskills for you - 8 years ago
not so good waste
bipinchandra ninama
bipinchandra ninama - 8 years ago
this my father photo . but good work he done but where this idea comes in her mind
Akr Lar
Akr Lar - 8 years ago
tank to much small. Make Bigger. Thanks
Strange Person! xP
Strange Person! xP - 8 years ago
dexterity level 999999
2UPRA - 8 years ago
could you use anything else then foam
t. kesavan
t. kesavan - 8 years ago
Smoky - 8 years ago
Where can i get that motor
Claudio Loureiro
Claudio Loureiro - 8 years ago
Very good!
قناة التحشيش العراقي
قناة التحشيش العراقي - 8 years ago
:-) :-) :-)! :-) :-) :-)
Concepcion Zedrick
Concepcion Zedrick - 8 years ago
did he put the fish in the water dispenser?
Siri PRO Joey Smith - Official
Siri PRO Joey Smith - Official - 8 years ago
You must use Electrical Tape to bind the wires... Not scotch tape.. But anyways... Useful idea.
Prithivi Raja
Prithivi Raja - 8 years ago
I think, you have creative minded good work.
Danie Hashm
Danie Hashm - 8 years ago
Eko Supriarianto
Eko Supriarianto - 8 years ago
sangat keren
Isabely Miranda
Isabely Miranda - 8 years ago
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 8 years ago
are you a hand model?
Joshua Pierre
Joshua Pierre - 8 years ago
those fish wouldnt live more than a week in that setup.
Joshua Pierre
Joshua Pierre - 8 years ago
yeah the bigger tank is a septic tank haha
The Red Mammon
The Red Mammon - 8 years ago
yeah right. im sure its down the drain
Cindy99765 - 8 years ago
He said it was only temporary placement and that there's a bigger tank.
Weirdo Wolf
Weirdo Wolf - 8 years ago
clarence marcus
clarence marcus - 8 years ago
This is awesome but I dont know if this is really working?
clarence marcus
clarence marcus - 8 years ago
is it possible if i used a bigger hose for this pump?
MJ Hamster
MJ Hamster - 8 years ago
Omg buy a freaking real tank, I'm sorry but your fish are cramped!
Anis Solo
Anis Solo - 8 years ago
Finer C.A.C.
Finer C.A.C. - 8 years ago
This is FRICKIN' ingenuis!!!!
Sadanandan P
Sadanandan P - 8 years ago
Komunitas Kicau Burung
Komunitas Kicau Burung - 8 years ago
wah bisa di coba ini membuat pompa akuarium
immakingbeech bentesyete
immakingbeech bentesyete - 8 years ago
the charger of mine is that good or not!!!!???answer me.!?
Valentina Palma Maulen
Valentina Palma Maulen - 8 years ago
oooooooque hermoso me encantan los pesces
Flick - 8 years ago
im the 5,328 like
Flick - 8 years ago
i like it
Ali Magsi
Ali Magsi - 8 years ago
this can also be used in water extraction ...just like fitting the two tubes in the woody circit and dip on of them in yhe water and other out of it throgh which water would be drwan out ....
MAGIC WORLD - 8 years ago
The place was to small for th fishes.
sunny kush
sunny kush - 8 years ago
what was your hpse aquarium pipe lenghth
Alessa Rose
Alessa Rose - 8 years ago
this is torture.
1. goldfish cant be housed with anything other than goldfish due to the HUGE amound of ammonia they put off.
2. goldfish, fancies need a 29 gallon for the first and 10 gallons for each one you add after that. comets need a 55 or bigger. that poor thing probably only lived a week. :(
Kitty the Cat
Kitty the Cat - 8 years ago
Ugh, I'm getting tired of this. THE GOLDFISH WAS IN THE TANK FOR AN EXAMPLE. He even said it in the video! Some people...
Philip Shenouda
Philip Shenouda - 8 years ago
all rise for the youtube national anthem
PetDynasty - 8 years ago
fancy goldfish need 20 gallons each
Palmea Johnnson
Palmea Johnnson - 8 years ago
Hey guys I have a big ass butt
becksta29 - 8 years ago
awesome vid,subbed!
isi ercan
isi ercan - 8 years ago
Its awsome
Timothy The Minion
Timothy The Minion - 8 years ago
YO how did you make this mini air pump ii love it
Lore Escobar
Lore Escobar - 8 years ago
aunque no
Lore Escobar
Lore Escobar - 8 years ago
piola piola
ام فراس السعيدي
ام فراس السعيدي - 8 years ago
هاي سوده زخيره شنيه
lizzyanthus1 - 8 years ago
I love watching DIY video's and seeing how people are using their minds. It's awesome! This was a fun watch too. Thanks for making it! I found it interesting all the different components you utilized in making the pump. Great job!
Mr_Electronico - 8 years ago
Great, so clever
marcelo entony
marcelo entony - 8 years ago
Amazing to use when the energy goes out use as emergency
oscar sanchez
oscar sanchez - 8 years ago
Kiky - 8 years ago
Is that small fish okay to be in that jar permanently
Chaker El Molghy
Chaker El Molghy - 8 years ago
ThatsSoRepti - 8 years ago
or ya know buy a safe one for 10$
MELODY MUNRO - 8 years ago
I'm an adult, but the moment I saw those scissors being poked into the lid I thought NOPE...the last time I tried to stab something with scissors I ended up needing 4 stitches in my technically I did manage to stab something - just not what I was aiming for...
Al B
Al B - 8 years ago
tanvir hasan
tanvir hasan - 8 years ago
nice one men keep it up :)
cookie koekje
cookie koekje - 8 years ago
Can't you just talk if you're making a tutorial channel?!
cookie koekje
cookie koekje - 8 years ago
+Lobom Binam pangkam Alright. But just saying. If you're starting a tutorial channel. Just speak. Aint nobody got time for reading text.
Xinping Pangkam
Xinping Pangkam - 8 years ago
+cookie koekje because most people understand English so it has a better chance of view btw I am not a native speaker as well
cookie koekje
cookie koekje - 8 years ago
+Lobom Binam pangkam Why does he make english tutorials then?
Xinping Pangkam
Xinping Pangkam - 8 years ago
because he can't speak English.he is Vietnamese
vedant Arya
vedant Arya - 8 years ago
1problem is there that bubbles are not coming when I take out the pipe from water the air is coming but no bubbles in water what to do?
AИԌELHѺᏒSЄ - 8 years ago
Wow! Thanks! I wanted an cheap air pump for a emergency rehab tank, though all the ones at the stores around here are a but pricey.
lokos por skate
lokos por skate - 8 years ago
o suporte de madeira não poder ser de plástico eu coloquei de plástico e está fazendo muito barulho
Kirito - 8 years ago
?Whet s the filter at the end
Kirito - 8 years ago
Is inta glue like super glue
raj wadia
raj wadia - 8 years ago
Can i Blow Balloons????
DJS S - 8 years ago
where can i get aquarium hoes?
Dustan Eichler
Dustan Eichler - 8 years ago
+FDYTinMineCraft Sombiro From the aquarium pimp.

Walmart, Meijer, PetSuppliesPlus, Petsmart, prolly any major chain store.
Boomj Gaming
Boomj Gaming - 8 years ago
At the pet store
Nero 99
Nero 99 - 8 years ago
how loud is it?
vito4355 - 8 years ago
fico >O
kobe asiama
kobe asiama - 8 years ago
And how can I make the pump portable ? A cell battery
kobe asiama
kobe asiama - 8 years ago
How can I do this for a bubble panel
Anne gravoso
Anne gravoso - 8 years ago
Where can I find a motor
HeroGamer - 8 years ago
From where can i get a 5v motor like in a toy or something please someone reply
عزت Khhhعتهلان
عزت Khhhعتهلان - 8 years ago
TheBestVideo - 8 years ago
From where i get that paper?
Ash-Greninja 2536
Ash-Greninja 2536 - 8 years ago
why do you need to cut your Credit_Card??
Thashka Ranasinghe
Thashka Ranasinghe - 8 years ago
What make u think it isnt a expired cc card?
Or mb he is 1 of the smarter people that realised cc is devils death trap waiting to happen.
Use it but dnt abuse it..
Vanilla Waffle
Vanilla Waffle - 8 years ago
just use an old credit card
Nikhil Shelke
Nikhil Shelke - 8 years ago
Ovidiu Gherasim. iovidiu
Ovidiu Gherasim. iovidiu - 8 years ago
e. da
kumar daniel
kumar daniel - 8 years ago
Thanks for this video. ...
Andrews Boss
Andrews Boss - 8 years ago
Bahaaldeen Ahmed
Bahaaldeen Ahmed - 8 years ago
thank u
Rishabh Gusain
Rishabh Gusain - 8 years ago
Music is great and your work too I enjoyed both at same time Nice keep it up you are awesome
jadilson carlos de santana Santana
jadilson carlos de santana Santana - 8 years ago
bem simples e pratico! gostei!
Ilawarsan Kathirvel
Ilawarsan Kathirvel - 8 years ago
you are very creatif
Naomi Bella
Naomi Bella - 8 years ago
adkodiyan - 8 years ago
Can you use anything other than EVA foam. Maybe felt or balloon?
adkodiyan - 8 years ago
I found that using the rubber from a balloon reinforced with duct tape works
strike of the nolifers
strike of the nolifers - 8 years ago
will it pump liquids too?
euan todd
euan todd - 8 years ago
if for the valve you changed it to thick plastic from a folder i cant see qhy it couldnt if the motor was strong enough.
Simon Lado
Simon Lado - 9 years ago
I have a power bank and I have a small motor from RC cars so can i use the small motor?????
DutchReptiles - 9 years ago
+Simon Lado no problem
Simon Lado
Simon Lado - 9 years ago
+Jimi-ray grotenhuis tnx!
DutchReptiles - 9 years ago
Zero Dexerius
Zero Dexerius - 9 years ago
Why did you put fish in a bowl _" ? Bowl fish aren't good place for them
Gh0s - 9 years ago
do u know how many bitches u will get with a bracelet that big
Isabela Fontes
Isabela Fontes - 8 years ago
Abran DRozario
Abran DRozario - 8 years ago
You are Lucky. I Don't Smack you for Thinking about Leaving. Fuck you Pussy. GET THE FUCK OUT!
Gh0s - 8 years ago
+Hitman Dz
Hitman Dz
Hitman Dz - 8 years ago
+Gh0s 60 ?
Marian Visan
Marian Visan - 9 years ago
dennis Lobos
dennis Lobos - 9 years ago
Tetra Aquariums
Tetra Aquariums - 8 years ago
means great in french
Daniel de Windt
Daniel de Windt - 9 years ago
What are the names of the songs played in the background?Good choice!
Audigaz Audigaz
Audigaz Audigaz - 9 years ago
toxic glue great for fish :)
Leandro Loureiro
Leandro Loureiro - 9 years ago
Good idea but... why tha hell dont you just go and buy one 7€ airpump?...
Luna The Pomchi
Luna The Pomchi - 9 years ago
please tell me this goldfish is only in that jar for the sake of this video...and not permanently
TheGamingLion Pro
TheGamingLion Pro - 7 years ago
Project your mind okay i was worried for a second
ken de grood
ken de grood - 7 years ago
Luna The Pomchi i
Dewi Sulamsih
Dewi Sulamsih - 8 years ago
Luna The Pomchi b
amit yadav
amit yadav - 8 years ago
ron foreman aga
amit yadav
amit yadav - 8 years ago
ron foreman fu dry hi
ron foreman
ron foreman - 8 years ago
+AGA235 I agree with u people are retarted
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
+AGA235 Jesus Christ dude don't get your panties in a twist, it's just a comment....
XAN19936 - 8 years ago
+Madeleine McLeod he put the fish there ONLY FOR AN EXAMPLE!!!!!
jared from subway
jared from subway - 8 years ago
same. its a great idea, but you need a bigger tank
Kirito - 8 years ago
+AGA235 isacly
XAN19936 - 8 years ago
+Patti Coffee Those people don't even see the whole video and start talking shit. He put the fish there JUST for an example
Patti Coffee
Patti Coffee - 8 years ago
+AGA235 don't be a prick, they're looking out for the fish's well being.
XAN19936 - 8 years ago
+Josie Chantel It says in the video that is JUST AN EXAMPLE!
Can you read?
last king
last king - 9 years ago
+Project your mind  is this like a pump from a battery powered sprayer cause I have a battery powered sprayer want to make a small quiet up to 20l air compressor
Luna The Pomchi
Luna The Pomchi - 9 years ago
+Project your mind okay good
Project your mind
Project your mind - 9 years ago
+Josie Chantel it was only sample, I have fish in a larger tank :)
Jon R
Jon R - 9 years ago
This is cool... or I can be lazy, spend $10.00 and buy one.
Ronualdo Pagaran
Ronualdo Pagaran - 9 years ago
vyck6977 - 9 years ago
very cool!

Is the pump loud?
TheInfernoGamer - 9 years ago
And that guys is how to burn youre house down
ابن الشاطر
ابن الشاطر - 9 years ago
Nikhil Gupta
Nikhil Gupta - 9 years ago
I hope this isn't their real aquarium...
Vixon Hexiciah Yang
Vixon Hexiciah Yang - 9 years ago
one thing i forgot to ask where can i find a electric motor 5v?
Orange Playzz Rocket League and more
Orange Playzz Rocket League and more - 9 years ago
No small motors why ?
Vixon Hexiciah Yang
Vixon Hexiciah Yang - 9 years ago
João Araújo
João Araújo - 9 years ago
AMAZING! Pure engineering, pure simplicity. Very good!
Bacon_mitchell - 9 years ago
what kind of fish was that
Chuck Bester
Chuck Bester - 8 years ago
can we build a fish?
Maximum Edge
Maximum Edge - 8 years ago
A fantail goldfish
Boomj Gaming
Boomj Gaming - 8 years ago
Red head goldfish I have 5 of them!
Luna The Pomchi
Luna The Pomchi - 9 years ago
VJ - 9 years ago
I don't know about others but it is good to apply engineering skills. Keep going and not matter which tap you used. It's DC walts so it is not harm anything.
Mustafa Rad
Mustafa Rad - 9 years ago
rachelle dennien
rachelle dennien - 9 years ago
best air pump ever
milky freya
milky freya - 9 years ago
great idea ! nice !
ENVILE DMELLO - 9 years ago
what is the full form of eva
rana jang
rana jang - 9 years ago
actually !! why to make 2 holes ???❔
rana jang
rana jang - 9 years ago
thanks !! 4 sharing your idea
cosey dc
cosey dc - 9 years ago
The Commander
The Commander - 9 years ago
İf you use large silicone you can get more air
Inoku Yaniki
Inoku Yaniki - 9 years ago
Last year: Both goldfish died in 2 months.
This year: Neither goldfish have died because of this air pump!
علي ضياء
علي ضياء - 9 years ago
gooood !!!
NoNamed jff
NoNamed jff - 9 years ago
what theme this music 2
Shifa Ansari
Shifa Ansari - 9 years ago
why we can not use small motor
RaDicAl - 8 years ago
Because it's not powerful enough
Racel Silvano
Racel Silvano - 9 years ago
its working yes or no
Maciek Klubiński
Maciek Klubiński - 9 years ago
can u write me what music do u use in this film
Bullet Gaming
Bullet Gaming - 9 years ago
I'm surprised wow hope you make other videos like this
Dario De La Torre
Dario De La Torre - 9 years ago
you have to pay your credit card man!!
rallekralle11 - 9 years ago
you don't keep fish in that tiny jar permanently, right?
star and fox
star and fox - 8 years ago
they don't get 3 feet in the wild at most they get 20 inches(around 1 1/2 feet).but that is rare and more often then not they get 15 inches.

those are koi which aren't the same thing.
EarrapeVEVO - 8 years ago
+rallekralle11 dude i was just joking lol. i actually agree that goldfish should not be sold in stores or kept in tiny bowls. they actually can get up to 3 feet long in the wild.
rallekralle11 - 8 years ago
+EarrapeVEVO they may be more resilient than some other fish, but "incredibly stupid" is an extreme overstatement:
and just because they can live in a tiny tank doesn't mean they should have to.
EarrapeVEVO - 8 years ago
+rallekralle11 its ok. goldfish are nearly indestructable and incredibly stupid. they wont notice if they are in a tiny jar or their home of the ocean swimming with the sharks. they could proaboably kill a shark if they wanted to.
star and fox
star and fox - 8 years ago
you need a heater for tropical fish.not for goldfish and it's actually very bad for cold water fish to be kept in warm water.
samuel ruben
samuel ruben - 8 years ago
+Always Jihad oh ok now i know thx :)
ओवतंह यदरा लच्त
ओवतंह यदरा लच्त - 9 years ago
+samuel ruben if your serous, unless you want to torture your fish and only have it for a week, a bigger tank is a requirement. Goldfish need 30 gallons per fish because of how big they get if you take care of them, also you need a heater and filter for conditions that are actually survivable. :)
samuel ruben
samuel ruben - 9 years ago
Why tho i want to understand it cause aparently im an idiot lol :)
dead zone123
dead zone123 - 9 years ago
very nice who in the earth are you bro can u tell me
Aris Azamee
Aris Azamee - 9 years ago
that charger is which phone
Xlathon - 9 years ago
This.... is really neat, thanks for sharing!
Santosh Kulkarni
Santosh Kulkarni - 9 years ago
Good Idea Nice project I liked
DieBesten - 9 years ago
cool but you need electrical tape
Fish Lover
Fish Lover - 9 years ago
lady noir
lady noir - 9 years ago
I have the same glue gun
Juho Leiniö
Juho Leiniö - 9 years ago
If I have 12 volt mini motor that spins 36 000 RPM can I use that?
Youlasty - 8 years ago
that would prob give the fish so much air that they would suffocate from too much freshness
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
Marcus D.
Marcus D. - 9 years ago
Remi Gavin
Remi Gavin - 9 years ago
Does it do some noise ?
marion lorizo
marion lorizo - 9 years ago
what is the tittle of the background song
Aleksander Sats
Aleksander Sats - 9 years ago
i have that motor and you need to upgrade it remove the motherboard thats just a voltage lower motherboard i taked that off and the motor was much faster and can get really fast with 12 volts and its really strong aswell trust me ive done it
Aleksander Sats
Aleksander Sats - 9 years ago
+A Google User nope it doesnt go hot it can handle more power trust me ive done that and also it has that motherboard to slow it down because i got that motor from a casette player and it has that motherboard to play the casette at the right speed
Savage. - 9 years ago
Yeah and I bet it gets hot af. Won't last long since it's a 6v motor.
Gxvt Hxll Jxxb
Gxvt Hxll Jxxb - 9 years ago
what's the song you used
FilmHero - 9 years ago
super video. thank you so much
GXIID [미사카 미코토]
GXIID [미사카 미코토] - 9 years ago
Can i use 12V motor
Cihan Mruczek
Cihan Mruczek - 9 years ago
DivX die g ;
yad 그루터기
yad 그루터기 - 9 years ago
.ㆍ' ' ' ' ' ' ㆍ
  .'        '
  :          '.
 :           '.
 : ㆀ ─━┘ .,└━─  :
 '.          .'
Mat Farid
Mat Farid - 9 years ago
Георги Шошков
Георги Шошков - 9 years ago
the song??
mete baykam
mete baykam - 9 years ago
name of the first song anyome?
Y Pop
Y Pop - 9 years ago
wonders why I need adult supervision my eye sight is ok!
rhys young
rhys young - 9 years ago
That's way too small for a goldfish they need atleast 30 gallons and +10 gallons every time you add one
Jason Coburn
Jason Coburn - 9 years ago
I would never rely on something like that to keep my fish alive, there's too many parts that could fail. I'm all for DIY when it comes to aquarium equipment, but with how cheap this thing was, if it fails it will a) start a fire, and/or b) kill your fish
Intigam Yagubov
Intigam Yagubov - 9 years ago
halal olsun maşallah amma musiqisiz verin videolari
RC Reviews
RC Reviews - 9 years ago
odd studio
odd studio - 9 years ago
Ultimante Gamer
Ultimante Gamer - 9 years ago
Great idea check out my mini fountain idea its really easy
Rudra Patel Officials
Rudra Patel Officials - 9 years ago
Nice videos for me and nice experiments
KHIZAR NMO - 9 years ago
how to make micro swich for dc moter
tanvir rono
tanvir rono - 9 years ago
what is eva foam craft sheet? I can't find it. please give me suggestion or other way to make.
Kevin Williams
Kevin Williams - 9 years ago
thank you I've been looking for this for a while now I can make a livewell
Areed Mostafa
Areed Mostafa - 9 years ago
and great job....
Areed Mostafa
Areed Mostafa - 9 years ago
i have no eva foam craft what can i use now?? plz reply it...
euan todd
euan todd - 8 years ago
you can use plastic sheet from a folder.
DutchReptiles - 9 years ago
+Elliot Lockett or dollar store if there isn't a craftstore nearby
DragonFruitBoss - 9 years ago
+Keanu Lewis at your local arts and craft store
Keanu Lewis
Keanu Lewis - 9 years ago
your so right where can we find foam craft sheet
Seth Hardin
Seth Hardin - 9 years ago
+Areed Mostafa ikr... i need it to and cant find where to get it
SUSAN CHAUDHARY - 9 years ago
what was the motor used of? from where did you got that motor
MrTiiRow - 9 years ago
so simple, yet didn't even cross my mind to do such thing. nice job ^^,
fletcher3913 - 9 years ago
Clever and resourceful ... good work.
Tanay Sakpal
Tanay Sakpal - 9 years ago
upload water turbine
RyansAquarium - 9 years ago
that aquarium is way to small for those fish.
Jayson Martinez
Jayson Martinez - 9 years ago
awesome im making it now thanks for showing this ^_^
wazzyl - 9 years ago
what music did you used on the end of the video, i do like it. And great idea with the air pump i made them the same!
Vb746 -
Vb746 - - 9 years ago
ScooterTuning! - 9 years ago
It work's as a 2 stroke
ScooterTuning! - 9 years ago
It's simular work as a 2 stroke
ScooterTuning! - 9 years ago
It's simular work as a 2stroke
Brian Hunt
Brian Hunt - 9 years ago
maybe a can of tuna would work great!
Brian Hunt
Brian Hunt - 9 years ago
very neat i would want to make a big one though could you use the same size motor but make a bigger cap part useing a soup can?
Pertamax7 - 9 years ago
nice black glue :D
Harsh - 9 years ago
what's the actual need of an aquarium...#curious_to_know
Harsh - 9 years ago
thanks pal
Isaac Rodriguez
Isaac Rodriguez - 9 years ago
Replenishing the Dissolved Oxygen in the water that fish breathe
Harsh - 9 years ago
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
to do gas exchange and to help mimic fast moving water which some fish come especially important for fish that require highs amount of oxygen.
Richard Andrews
Richard Andrews - 9 years ago
Maybe use heat shrink tubing instead of scotch tape, it would look way nicer
Molly,Eli,Ethan Prickett
Molly,Eli,Ethan Prickett - 9 years ago
#Ventiratse - 9 years ago
very Nice
chemicallust77 - 9 years ago was all good until the adult supervision
Yohane Pauro
Yohane Pauro - 9 years ago
Dc motors is good to run 24 hours without overheating is that true tell me plss :)
Reddit Gold User
Reddit Gold User - 9 years ago
Those bracelets...2edgy4me
Aperson - 9 years ago
Do adults need super-vision?
Gerardo May
Gerardo May - 9 years ago
Amigo yo no sabía que tenías el canal también en inglés.
Archie Towle
Archie Towle - 9 years ago
killed my fish R.I.P Fishy
Muhammmad Adam
Muhammmad Adam - 9 years ago
i dont like the tape you used it may short....
Abhishek Soni
Abhishek Soni - 9 years ago
I love iraq because it's my country
I love iraq because it's my country - 9 years ago
nice stuff
ThatOneRandomGirl - 9 years ago
Just a tip, use electrical tape.
Ken Rick
Ken Rick - 9 years ago
I feel sorry for your fishes :( You should feel bad!!
CaptainLolz - 9 years ago
you're not supposed to use scotch tape with wires xD
C. Brion Kidder
C. Brion Kidder - 9 years ago
it's only 5VDC, so calm down
Reddit Gold User
Reddit Gold User - 9 years ago
+CaptainLolz You won't be starting any fires with a charger like that.
Ken Rick
Ken Rick - 9 years ago
+CaptainLolz why?
kaka nimo
kaka nimo - 9 years ago
why we can't use small dc motor?
CloudArt ByEYS
CloudArt ByEYS - 9 years ago
awesome man
Oniel Romain
Oniel Romain - 9 years ago
what did was the amount for the one in the video
Donald Keyes
Donald Keyes - 9 years ago
get some electrical tape before you burn your house down
Johnrafael Antonio
Johnrafael Antonio - 7 years ago
Donald Keyes q
PunakiviAddikti - 8 years ago
+Fire Alarm Guy221 It may be low current over a suitable load but when the load exceeds the threshold and demands more current (like in a short circuit) the current becomes (technically) infinite. The only things that can regulate it are the low resistance in the transformer's secondary winding and the wires plus some components inside the transformer, usually a bridge rectifier and some smoothing capacitors. When this happens the transformer tries to exceed its current capabilities. In other words: the transformer tries to pump more current but cannot and fails. This results in very high temperatures that can melt it. Shorting a unprotected transformer is never a good idea. In the best case a polyfuse will trip and you can reset it by removing the load or a melt fuse will snap and the transformer is ruined but the protection worked. Or it has neither of these and will melt.
Damien Electronics
Damien Electronics - 8 years ago
everybody shut the Fuck up if he burns down his house that's his problem not yours or mine so let him use whatever tape he wants
hentai nat
hentai nat - 8 years ago
safety fags scared of 5 volts DC.
ProTech47 - 9 years ago
definitely especially with 110 v
ProTech47 - 9 years ago
low current,still doesn't matter you need electrical tape
PunakiviAddikti - 9 years ago
+ScaniaMF I agree, that type of tape has a tendency to come off. Even better than electrical tape would be liquid electrical tape or heatshrink tubing, because the adhesive in electrical tape has a tendency to become sticky lubricant overtime and will just slip off using its own weight. One of my own projects failed because of this.
ScaniaMF - 9 years ago
+ThePunischer1000 the problem is: electrical tape is flexible, this tape isnt, so it will get off and you will get a shortcut.
the transforma dosn't see like he can stand this (old transformator with coppercoils) and will begin burning. Thats the problem.
ThePunischer1000 - 9 years ago
+me theking dude its the voltage that counts! Too much amps would just heat the cable and burn the insulation. But with 5 or easily up to mains voltage some layers of this tape are enough for this specific purpose it will certainly fail any insulation test with 500-1000V but who cares? I would be more concerned about the little motor failing or overheating than the cables shorting out and melting the little power supply. But yes its never bad to have overkill insulation on your homemade devices
me theking
me theking - 9 years ago
What ever it's his house
JJ Cline
JJ Cline - 9 years ago
+me theking the scotch tape is plenty insulation for 5 volts
me theking
me theking - 9 years ago
+JJ Cline it doesn't mater
JJ Cline
JJ Cline - 9 years ago
low voltage, low current
Jeremy Cuva
Jeremy Cuva - 9 years ago
could of just went to Walmart and bought the cheap pump for 7 or 10 bucks....
C. Brion Kidder
C. Brion Kidder - 9 years ago
you miss the point com9letely. sometimes it's fun to create.
{MLP} Rainbow Dash
{MLP} Rainbow Dash - 9 years ago
+Jeremy Cuva That's not the point of the video, plus to some people, it isn't fun to just go out and buy something.
Oniel Romain
Oniel Romain - 9 years ago
how long will this last the motor
{MLP} Rainbow Dash
{MLP} Rainbow Dash - 9 years ago
+Oniel Romain Depends on your choice of motor, different motors need different voltages. Some motors will have a little sticker or something, or if you buy one, it should say what its rating is.
Oniel Romain
Oniel Romain - 9 years ago
What is the required amount ov voltage
{MLP} Rainbow Dash
{MLP} Rainbow Dash - 9 years ago
+Oniel Romain Provided that the motor doesn't get too hot, or that it isn't overvolted, then it should last a long time.
Nick490 - 9 years ago
Finally somebody calls it instant glue.
vg do grau
vg do grau - 9 years ago
se eu usar motorzinho de leitor de pc
Tang Jun Yau
Tang Jun Yau - 9 years ago
Can I know why small motor can't be used in this project?
{MLP} Rainbow Dash
{MLP} Rainbow Dash - 9 years ago
+Tang Jun Yau Small motors don't have enough torque to drive the pump.
rcrules gamer
rcrules gamer - 9 years ago
fish dont need air but good job
. .
( ---)
Ken Rick
Ken Rick - 9 years ago
+Liam 469gamer They need oxygen... all living things do.
{MLP} Rainbow Dash
{MLP} Rainbow Dash - 9 years ago
+Liam 469gamer You are sort of correct here. Fish do need oxygen, but they don't breathe like we do. It's rather difficult to explain. Google would be helpful if you want to know more on that.
rcrules gamer
rcrules gamer - 9 years ago
fish dont need air but really great job
Ken Rick
Ken Rick - 9 years ago
+Liam 469gamer They dont need air..... but they do need oxygen(you would know that if you ever went to school.) Oxygen gets depleted in the water over time. When the pump pushes air into the water, the oxygen from the air diffuses into the water.
John Arizona
John Arizona - 9 years ago
i subbed :)
John Arizona
John Arizona - 9 years ago
Cool and fun thank you for posting. My son and I will have to do this. (Here's some adult supervision for you my friend, don't mess up your body with tats. This is said out of love, most sincerely. Were all beautiful people. Our skin is an amazing thing. On an infinitely lesser level and metaphorically it is like taking a sharpie to the Mona Lisa. Regret may not be in the beginning but it does arrive sooner or later. Be blessed in divine abundance. )
RIAHI WAJDI - 9 years ago
Good job, but I think that big bulges are scaring your fishes.
مكتبه السلام
مكتبه السلام - 9 years ago
David Chin
David Chin - 9 years ago
Arul Pragevan
Arul Pragevan - 9 years ago
bro cool but atm card
Prasetyo Muhammad Dwi
Prasetyo Muhammad Dwi - 9 years ago
you need to steal an ATM card, or credit card
in order to make this project :D
Ramarao Yeshwanth
Ramarao Yeshwanth - 9 years ago
wow amazing thing u did bro
Gj Gb
Gj Gb - 9 years ago
i mean a small one
Gj Gb
Gj Gb - 9 years ago
could you pls make a table saw
Jeremy Barker
Jeremy Barker - 9 years ago
Using a normal table saw, not to mention a homemade one, is VERY dangerous. if you want one you will just have to buy it, or get a handheld circular saw
roman sedláček
roman sedláček - 9 years ago
the is a music
Charles Adrian Cruz
Charles Adrian Cruz - 9 years ago
hey guys did you play roblox roblox is a cool gam
{MLP} Rainbow Dash
{MLP} Rainbow Dash - 9 years ago
What an irrelevant topic to a DIY video.
faith bennett
faith bennett - 9 years ago
+Skitty™ | Garry's Mod Player you didn't use punctuation either lol
Sithhy - 9 years ago
1. It's not a cool game
2. Use punctuation
Charles Adrian Cruz
Charles Adrian Cruz - 9 years ago
Vlog4anything - 9 years ago
good work bro keep it up
Sparkie - 9 years ago
you very very cool
READY 845 - 9 years ago
Don't know if you know this but fish don't need air.
¯\(ツ)/¯ Still a cool project
READY 845 - 9 years ago
+Everything Aquatics
Thanks for more information
I just got 2 fish and Googled up info on how to keep them alive
And with this extra information it helped even more
And my father had 17 fish before he kept them alive with one of those fish that feed off the algae and their poop is oxygenated
NusknvP PFC
NusknvP PFC - 9 years ago
+Everything Aquatics I am just saying what I had in my aquarium and that I had no pump or such things
Pedro Ramos
Pedro Ramos - 9 years ago
I'm going to be nice since I feel like you just lack knowledge on fish, Fish do need oxygen, with air pumps the air bubbles make water movement which helps with gas exchange (: .
NusknvP PFC
NusknvP PFC - 9 years ago
I had nothing... Just aquarium , water and fish and bit of sand on bottom
Jorge Padron
Jorge Padron - 9 years ago
they do need oxygen
NusknvP PFC
NusknvP PFC - 9 years ago
+Lalith Kishore uh I had fishes, didn't have pump in the aquarium and the lived really long...
READY 845 - 9 years ago
+Lalith Kishore
Thank you for informing me of this cool thing about fishes.
And hope your fish expirence goes swimmingly.
READY 845 - 9 years ago
+Sam Compton
sorry if me not knowing something bothered that much to call me an idiot.
And I had never had a fish before, so I am unexperienced not in experienced.
doni chrisdianto
doni chrisdianto - 9 years ago
+Sam Compton you are right
Sam Compton
Sam Compton - 9 years ago
Clearly you are in experienced because you have to oxygenize the water!! Fish need air just as much as water
doni chrisdianto
doni chrisdianto - 9 years ago
really a idiot
hentai nat
hentai nat - 9 years ago
idiot,they need air,have you ever had one?
Vardan Shahgaldyan
Vardan Shahgaldyan - 9 years ago
caleb rafanan
caleb rafanan - 9 years ago
i have no Eva foam.. what alternative should I use?
Akio Aoiro Takashimi
Akio Aoiro Takashimi - 9 years ago
shit mine exploded
khapa lal
khapa lal - 9 years ago
asm bro....
Saharios - 9 years ago
u can Easy use Small motor too
{MLP} Rainbow Dash
{MLP} Rainbow Dash - 9 years ago
+Saharios Provided it has the torque to drive it. Sometimes where a small motor is used, a gearbox is added.
Akshay Shaji
Akshay Shaji - 9 years ago
simple model like it but i think balloon will tear after a long time
Salih Enes Koc
Salih Enes Koc - 7 years ago
Akshay Shaji hhkkb
Thashka Ranasinghe
Thashka Ranasinghe - 8 years ago
Hehe just replace it(&what ever need replacement over time) when it happen, since he only used sticky tape, it wouldnt b much hassle at all really.
Vardan Shahgaldyan
Vardan Shahgaldyan - 9 years ago
You noticed sherlock homes?
Augustas Valceris
Augustas Valceris - 9 years ago
what is the song
Boberto bedzieszcierpiau
Boberto bedzieszcierpiau - 9 years ago
"Build your own sadistarium, well ventilated sadistarium " should be written -.-
DINESH JAIN - 9 years ago
can we use sponge ?
DINESH JAIN - 9 years ago
what else can we use instead of a EVA Foam Craft Sheet ?
Ethan baylis
Ethan baylis - 9 years ago
Bike inertube
ted clubber lang
ted clubber lang - 9 years ago
Anything light and flexible that will seal the hole under pressure. A piece of a bicycle wheel inner tube or even a piece of duct tape folded in on itself might work.
Danni Trinka
Danni Trinka - 9 years ago
+DINESH JAIN i dont think you can use anything else
KneeCaps - 9 years ago
this guy is a genius
Purple cat
Purple cat - 7 years ago
Avsfreak24 - 7 years ago
He said its only temporary
ProTech47 - 9 years ago
+Rei Drao
Luna The Pomchi
Luna The Pomchi - 9 years ago
+Rei Drao agreed
C. Brion Kidder
C. Brion Kidder - 9 years ago
+Rei Drao agreed. that's not nice
Rei Drao
Rei Drao - 9 years ago
its not a genius idea to keep your fish in a tiny jar
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 9 years ago
+KneeCaps Not really.
Abdu ElRhoul
Abdu ElRhoul - 9 years ago
Cool project. Thank you for sharing :)
Vincent Joshua Alagar
Vincent Joshua Alagar - 9 years ago
nice idea bro! awesome!!
GojiFan 2000
GojiFan 2000 - 9 years ago
can I use batteries instead of a charger? pls reply
GojiFan 2000
GojiFan 2000 - 9 years ago
+ted clubber lang thanks
ted clubber lang
ted clubber lang - 9 years ago
Yes, as long as it is the right voltage. For this particular motor, four AA 1.5v batteries in series would work fine.
ASSASSINS GAMING - 9 years ago
Projectyourmind thank you for doing this toutorial I made my own using a few different things but it works!
Mustafa Moussa
Mustafa Moussa - 9 years ago
What is the point of covering the second hole with a piece of foam?
hentai nat
hentai nat - 9 years ago
hall of foam/hole of fame/hole of foame.
charles savaria
charles savaria - 9 years ago
It's the hole without the tube. Flap opens when the balloon is pulled and allows air in, but closes. With the pressure, the only place for air to go is through the air line rubbing.
Lazer Fox
Lazer Fox - 9 years ago
That hole is where the air flows in, he put the foam so the air doesn't come back out of the input valve. When the air comes in the foam raises up to let the air through. But when pushing the air it closes and lets air through the hose.
ted clubber lang
ted clubber lang - 9 years ago
*one-way check valve
M. Torres
M. Torres - 9 years ago
its a flap that allows air in but not out.
Mustafa Moussa
Mustafa Moussa - 9 years ago
Made the air pump! Thanks
Mustafa Moussa
Mustafa Moussa - 9 years ago
Going to make this. Really like your projects, they are all to my ability as a 14 year old. Thanks
Richie Tonmoy
Richie Tonmoy - 9 years ago
Dont keep your fish in a jar bro...nice project by the way
Pedro Ramos
Pedro Ramos - 9 years ago
+Richie Tonmoy 4 gallons? Thats not the "LEAST" the least is 20 gallons depending on what type of goldfish, please don't spread false info
Richie Tonmoy
Richie Tonmoy - 9 years ago
I said at least 
anirudh 007
anirudh 007 - 9 years ago
+Richie Tonmoy each goldfish requires 20 gallonns bro,not 4 gallons! . They grow a lot and poop a lot
Richie Tonmoy
Richie Tonmoy - 9 years ago
+Super Viagra Each Goldfish requires at least 4 gallons of water. And round shape jars make make very stressful reflection for fish. So fish becomes very stressed.  So you can not keep any fish in a jar.
Super Viagra
Super Viagra - 9 years ago
+Richie Tonmoy why shouldnt he?
Isaiah ban
Isaiah ban - 9 years ago
Especially on top of the bottom of a thrash can but still this can be used for many more uses
kareem bin azeem
kareem bin azeem - 9 years ago
did he really cut an atm card!?
Tech Set Studios
Tech Set Studios - 9 years ago
An unused one old one probably
Swapna Shaw
Swapna Shaw - 9 years ago
+mooradally fardeen of course yes
SkyDuster - 9 years ago
+kareem bin azeem She*
mooradally fardeen
mooradally fardeen - 9 years ago
maybe it is expired
Charles Adrian Cruz
Charles Adrian Cruz - 9 years ago
yes he did cut the ATM card
Mustafa Moussa
Mustafa Moussa - 9 years ago
+Isaiah ban A switch
Isaiah ban
Isaiah ban - 9 years ago
+Project your mind what's the name of the item used at 7:38
Project your mind
Project your mind - 9 years ago
+kareem bin azeem yes, but no longer served, the card is locked.
German Man
German Man - 9 years ago
That's awesome
LEOGTLEO - 9 years ago
Very nice idea ... Great job
Carlos Eduardo Barbieri Ferreira Ca
Carlos Eduardo Barbieri Ferreira Ca - 9 years ago
Shpejtim Smajli
Shpejtim Smajli - 9 years ago
Project your mind
Project your mind - 9 years ago
+LEOGTLEO thank you
Pruthvi raj Chavan
Pruthvi raj Chavan - 9 years ago
which glue u used
Isaiah ban
Isaiah ban - 9 years ago
+Project your mind hey I was wondering if you could maybe make a list of what we would need to do this because I'm considering doing this as a science project
Adarsh Shamloll
Adarsh Shamloll - 9 years ago
Lol ya... instant glue are handy
Project your mind
Project your mind - 9 years ago
+Adarsh Shamloll Yes, but do not forget the instant glue, it is an important part of the project
Adarsh Shamloll
Adarsh Shamloll - 9 years ago
it's a hot glue stick
Mark Quiňo
Mark Quiňo - 9 years ago
I like it
Money 210
Money 210 - 9 years ago
Neacsu Lucian
Neacsu Lucian - 9 years ago
super cool
keicaj - 9 years ago
Sheikh Fahim Hossain
Sheikh Fahim Hossain - 9 years ago
240 views. Yay.
RetroWeld - 9 years ago
Billy Darwich
Billy Darwich - 9 years ago
Dick in bumhole
Ahmed Agha
Ahmed Agha - 9 years ago

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