My First Aquascape
People & Blogs 11 years ago 7,861 views
This is my first real attempt on aquascaping. No fake plants or wood ect. In planing i watched a few How to videos as well as did alot of reading on plants. Let me know what you think and drop a like and subscribe if you enjoyed :) In the tank i currently have 1 red spider driftwood telanthera dwarf hairgrass dwarf baby tears anubius nana petite hygrophila kompakt staurogyne repens Im using eco complete for substrate as well as white inert sand The tank is a Fluval spec V with the addition of a marineland 17" hidden led for extra lighting i walk you threw my layout as well as all ferts being used, updates with livestock to come :) extra tags fish fishtank aquarium tropical fish how to tips how to water change beginner cichlid discus acrylic glass fish tank freshwater fresh salt water saltwater tank gold fish ram tetra pleco l 046 how to start tank to buy fish beginner fish hardy fish plants dirted tank planted tank reef wood drift wood driftwood l 102 snowball pleco lda33 l 201 l 046 zebra pleco angle fish discus dwarf ram LFS Local fish store
subscribe yeayea!!
10. comment for My First Aquascape
Hygrophilia( hi-grow-feel- E- ah)
And awesome tank man wish I could find both those plants lol
20. comment for My First Aquascape