Top 10 aggressive freshwater fish for aquarium

MONSTER FISHES!!! You knew that the snakehead can live out of water for 4 days. You knew that the arowana can jump up to 100 cm. You knew that the piranhas ( from 30 and over ) can eat a chicken in 2 minutes. *I want to thank all fish keepers for their videos.

Top 10 aggressive freshwater fish for aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 951

People & Blogs 9 years ago 1,150,661 views

MONSTER FISHES!!! You knew that the snakehead can live out of water for 4 days. You knew that the arowana can jump up to 100 cm. You knew that the piranhas ( from 30 and over ) can eat a chicken in 2 minutes. *I want to thank all fish keepers for their videos.

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Most popular comments
for Top 10 aggressive freshwater fish for aquarium

creator 99
creator 99 - 7 years ago
Rip gold fishes
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 7 years ago
Piranhas are not aggressive to strong healthy in fact they are more skittish they only Attack weak or dead stuff
Sourav Chakraborty
Sourav Chakraborty - 7 years ago
i love all these fish
salvo giuffrida
salvo giuffrida - 7 years ago
Tutti gli idioti usano i poveri pesci vivi come cibo,come se non esistesse cibo congelato pezzi di merda senza cuore, speriamo quando andate al mare verrete mangiati da uno squalo vorrei vedere nelle vostre facce di merda se vi divertite!!
ZX Tan
ZX Tan - 7 years ago
I have a silver arowana and a oscar and a redtail catfish together in one tank. Please tell me if it is a good idea but for now they are all fine and eating well...
Salvo Smith
Salvo Smith - 7 years ago
I don't see the point in keeping such fishes at home . I preferred smaller and more peacfull fishes
cichlid are the worst.
Wayne Kerwin
Wayne Kerwin - 7 years ago
Great video.. I love mine
Andrew McCarrick
Andrew McCarrick - 7 years ago
sick fucks. throw these fishowners into a lion cage so they can experience what its like.

10. comment for Top 10 aggressive freshwater fish for aquarium

Wandi Ong
Wandi Ong - 7 years ago
I had an Oscar fish before
And it's predatory af when it comes to a weaker fish + it's hungry
Srijana Shrestha
Srijana Shrestha - 7 years ago
2:58 worst death
Taco Pizza
Taco Pizza - 7 years ago
My red piranha for some reason every time I try to pay it doesn't take the money it just try's to eat me
Kstar Dragon
Kstar Dragon - 7 years ago
Gouramis are one of them
Brandt Vlogs
Brandt Vlogs - 7 years ago
ShocK_66 - 7 years ago
holy shit 3:00
Griffin Wentz
Griffin Wentz - 7 years ago
Are wolf fish fresh or salt water fish?
the kid fish
the kid fish - 7 years ago
But our new freshwater fish is 5 Oscars
the kid fish
the kid fish - 7 years ago
Our arowana named aro died because he eta to much fish
gj - 7 years ago
This page is crawling with pussy's!

20. comment for Top 10 aggressive freshwater fish for aquarium

Yolrres 30
Yolrres 30 - 7 years ago
i have big wolf fish its maybe 3
J C D - 7 years ago
Why do people put live fish in there why not just feed them meet or something
Mistriz - 7 years ago
arwana wow
jomarie tiu
jomarie tiu - 7 years ago
The vampire fish really love the neck.
Junior Yao
Junior Yao - 7 years ago
hello every one , I had bought a fish , the fish is supposed to be a molly but after observing him i do not really know what fish is it i had upload his image please check it out thank you
sagar nemkul
sagar nemkul - 7 years ago
Priest Superretards
Priest Superretards - 7 years ago
So where are themost agressive fish at? The flowerhorn, fahaka puffer, green terror and the asian arowana. At least the atf and the micropeltes made the list
SektundSchnee - 7 years ago
We probably don't need mammals being gratuitously fed to the fish...
Chris Fielding
Chris Fielding - 7 years ago
uh oh. someone forgot to feed their fish!
Hentai Senpai
Hentai Senpai - 7 years ago
silver arowana are badass

30. comment for Top 10 aggressive freshwater fish for aquarium

Hovakimyan Aro
Hovakimyan Aro - 7 years ago
wher is flower horn?? da fuq! u
Vladimir Casillas
Vladimir Casillas - 7 years ago
so ive tried to get lots of passive fish but even they attack each other .-. i put my angel fish with my brothers oscar and some silver dollars he has xD so far he blends in well lol.
Sir Wood
Sir Wood - 7 years ago
I'm gonna get a fish tank and buy all 10 of these fish and see who survives
D A 69199
D A 69199 - 7 years ago
Why don't you put the aggressive fish into same tank and see who wins
Chode - 7 years ago
Everyone, report this video for animal abuse. They're feeding them goldfish and goldfish were selectively and artificially bred just to be pets. No goldfish has ever naturally been in the wild. Plus, frozen food is just as good if not better than live food, and I really hate that people don't get that. I do not know how one can enjoy watching a weak, poor fish get half of its body bitten off and still attempt to swim for their lives. How do these pricks sleep at night.
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan - 7 years ago
I am sad now :(
H U N T E R - 7 years ago
Oscars are actually not that aggressive. I had one for several years that was very kind and lovable.
PhokenKuul - 7 years ago
Exactly. This video is dumb.
rita campomori
rita campomori - 7 years ago
Pura crudeltà,è orribile vedere le persone che si divertono a far mangiare quei poveri pesciolini,cè possibilità di dare altro!!!!!!!VERGOGNATEVI!!!!!!! spero che un giorno possiate fare la stessa fine,vediamo un po' come vi sentite!!!!!! cordiali saluti.
KnowEverythingSeeEverything - 7 years ago
full masti
full masti - 7 years ago
check my aquarium video also
Xig Gy
Xig Gy - 7 years ago
Strange how people get a sadistic high on feeding defenseless aquarium fish to predators that they will never really meet in the wild...
Devil ONeill
Devil ONeill - 7 years ago
very cool fish
Ammar Khalid
Ammar Khalid - 7 years ago
feeding them live fish. these people are sick, cruel son of bitches.
Ice cream Sandwich
Ice cream Sandwich - 7 years ago
lol..who keeps red tail pirahana as pet...shitt
Umair Ahmed
Umair Ahmed - 7 years ago
Top 1 Flowerhorn
First Last
First Last - 7 years ago
Well....if you give a fish a name like 'vampire' what do you expect? It's not going to be your best mate
Korhan Ozkan
Korhan Ozkan - 7 years ago
Exotic Pet
Exotic Pet - 7 years ago
flower horn fish is the most aggeresive giant
tristan vander-molen
tristan vander-molen - 7 years ago
I love the vampire fish looks badass
Snow pea Gamer
Snow pea Gamer - 7 years ago
my piraha even bite my finger!

50. comment for Top 10 aggressive freshwater fish for aquarium

edgar allans poo
edgar allans poo - 7 years ago
those arowana look just like the saratoga we got lurking around northern ozvania
Umar Bashir
Umar Bashir - 7 years ago
Nice Video :) This channel is For all Pets Lovers
Snow pea Gamer
Snow pea Gamer - 7 years ago
my pet affirca fish dares to fight my pirahms
Snow pea Gamer
Snow pea Gamer - 7 years ago
I got two pet pirahma pretty aggresive
Elvin Veeramah
Elvin Veeramah - 8 years ago
You should add the Clown and Royal Knife fish to that video..
Aaron's Fishy world and other stuff
Aaron's Fishy world and other stuff - 8 years ago
That is so cruel
Hystereo - 8 years ago
mooglemania - 8 years ago
anyone know what the little white fish in the piranha tank was? And the brownish one in the shark tank. Were some of those teeny tiny koi fish? RIP.
mooglemania - 8 years ago
With all the comments saying these tanks aren't suitable for these fish and they shouldn't include goldfish in their diets and stuff I'm starting to question if those fish were intentionally fed the goldfish or just put in those tanks and filmed by someone who didn't do their research, not expecting they were gonna eat everything.
mooglemania - 8 years ago
Those were some beautiful goldfish.....were.
Isaiah Sheddy
Isaiah Sheddy - 8 years ago
The snakefish was just brutal
hứa Hy Nam
hứa Hy Nam - 8 years ago
3:0 omg peacook fish
A and S Life
A and S Life - 8 years ago
there's a huge difference from aggressive and predators. and especially u showing the fish getting eaten alive. alot of young fish owners that want to know about aggressive fish and not predators don't wanna see a poor fish get eaten. shame on you bro. die in a hole. u don't deserve the responsibility and love of a fish.
Jonathan Gonzalez
Jonathan Gonzalez - 8 years ago
3:05 are those bubbles coming out of him?
Venancia Vargas
Venancia Vargas - 8 years ago
Arawana redtail catfish and Oscars are semi-aggressive fish you idiot
Aqua fish
Aqua fish - 8 years ago
1) is arowana.
2) please don't revile in comments.
Xylon Stephen
Xylon Stephen - 8 years ago
Must be cool if you put your finger in those piranha tanks
Happy Pets Stress Free Dog Walking, Luxury Pet Sitting & More!
Happy Pets Stress Free Dog Walking, Luxury Pet Sitting & More! - 8 years ago
only the asian red tail is aggressive
Happy Pets Stress Free Dog Walking, Luxury Pet Sitting & More!
Happy Pets Stress Free Dog Walking, Luxury Pet Sitting & More! - 8 years ago
silver arrow is not aggressive wtf my gulper cat ate a 20 inche silver
I'm A Human being Earthlings
I'm A Human being Earthlings - 8 years ago
whoever posted this video should not allowed to have any type of fish's and here your sign dumb a$$.
Aqua fish
Aqua fish - 8 years ago
Sorry for sound, youtube took him and i am very sad for this :(
Lord / Nathan
Lord / Nathan - 8 years ago
poor goldfish
Jacob Chrem
Jacob Chrem - 8 years ago
why is the Oscar even on this list? their are so many other cichlids that make the Oscar look like a rubber duck when it comes to aggression. Like the dovii or a red devil even convict cichlids and the list goes on....
Monsters Fish Keepers Poland
Monsters Fish Keepers Poland - 8 years ago
Subscribe to your profile.
subscribe to my. Watch our monstrous fish…  
Shukor Aris
Shukor Aris - 8 years ago
Paroon shark is aggressive?
I owned 1 before its pretty docile ..
PoseurGoth - 8 years ago
Paroon sharks shouldn't be kept in home aquariums. They generally don't stay the size shown here.
Cody Johnson
Cody Johnson - 8 years ago
Red tail catfish are NOT for a household fishtank
Steel balls
Steel balls - 8 years ago
ugly fish
Mr. Slav
Mr. Slav - 8 years ago
2:18 look at those teeth holy shit that's amazing
jean pierre smk
jean pierre smk - 8 years ago
they are just predatory fishes ... the giant gourami is an aggressive fish
Tyrone  Hayes
Tyrone Hayes - 8 years ago
@5:00-05 had me weak
Slow Runner
Slow Runner - 8 years ago
Wouldn't really call this aggression. I mean it's just fish feeding
ML- Aquaristik
ML- Aquaristik - 8 years ago
Paroon shark is not more aggressive than a oscar.
jenna garnett
jenna garnett - 8 years ago
Scarie Mel
Scarie Mel - 8 years ago
Oh my god I was not expecting to see them eating other fishes . Couldn't get past the first one
daniel - 8 years ago
MrSlowPaper - 8 years ago
I like the music... What is it called?
Orkun Orhun
Orkun Orhun - 8 years ago
MrSlowPaper clubbed to death
David Cassens
David Cassens - 8 years ago
Piranhas are great pet fish but you have to buy them in groups and that gets complicated
Mr. Slav
Mr. Slav - 8 years ago
David Cassens we bought 6 of them and i'm feeding them with live fish but there's one problem,everytime they rip their food apart some bits of it spread everywhere and it gets sucked into the filter then its gonna end up getting stuck
David Cassens
David Cassens - 8 years ago
I've always wanted a gar but $$$
zankki90 - 8 years ago
them who dont understand how the world works is the bigger eats the smaller one, it is the law of nature...
Kornball2216 - 7 years ago
zankki90 yes law of nature but you are the one enacting in that form of behavior by feeding live fish. You can give any fish worms, blood worms, really any type of pellet food and they'll grow up to be same way.
Mohd Nazim bin Abu Bakar Sidek vv
Mohd Nazim bin Abu Bakar Sidek vv - 8 years ago
Zapp - 8 years ago
Could some one help me figure out what to do for the stoking on my 55 gallon. I was going to do a cichlid tank but now I'm not sure I'm thinking of doing Oscars or pacu. I want a fish that I could have maybe 2-3 larger fish in the tank that are really cool to look at and that would fit the 55 gallon nicely. Any input is appreciated
Majestic Muffin
Majestic Muffin - 8 years ago
why does it say frewater fish
Skye Otto
Skye Otto - 8 years ago
arowanas are not good for aquarium's they require a lot or room, lots of expensive food and grow to be too large to keep in an aquarium..
chickengamnig vlog
chickengamnig vlog - 8 years ago
goliath tiger fish is scered of my koi
chickengamnig vlog
chickengamnig vlog - 8 years ago
i have goliath tigerfish but his scared of my 2 year old koi
Muhammad Pope
Muhammad Pope - 8 years ago
Why would you feed your fish a 9 dollar fancy goldfish
harish arora
harish arora - 8 years ago
weekend special.
Sean Wilson
Sean Wilson - 8 years ago
damn someone is keeping a gar in a tank crazy don't they get to be like 5ft +
sumathy vaheesan
sumathy vaheesan - 8 years ago
these people are so cruel to fish.imagine a giant giving your life to a shark to be killed for food.
Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo Ghoul - 8 years ago
Pardon shark is not aggressive its just a mini size shark that eat fish.
FirePikachu 123
FirePikachu 123 - 8 years ago
You know if a fish is aggressive if it has a resting bitch face

100. comment for Top 10 aggressive freshwater fish for aquarium

theskyisfallingful - 8 years ago
oscar should not be in this list
Sheraz Shah
Sheraz Shah - 8 years ago
shaun lomas
shaun lomas - 8 years ago
fish are not agressive , they are fast eaters. Those who feed & film there own fish eating Goldfish, do-not mind watching the fish suffer a shocking death....., as seen
Giovanni Sanchez
Giovanni Sanchez - 8 years ago
i woder if that why people are turning Gay because all the fish are bighting mens ding dings off
OreoNoob - 8 years ago
Finding Nemo uncensored
Marco Mathar
Marco Mathar - 8 years ago
feeding isn't an aggressive behaviour... it's eating to survive. aggressive fish attack other fish or whatever wanders in for territory like certain cichlids ...
Imam - 8 years ago
Is that pbass that the snakehead eat?
Team O_X フェグロFeguro
Team O_X フェグロFeguro - 8 years ago
soo all this fish say...Let go fishing!!
SpAceX Fan
SpAceX Fan - 8 years ago
The REDTAIL is so cool but they get too big.
daniel conner
daniel conner - 8 years ago
Piranhas are so kewl!
BrothersButNotReally - 8 years ago
also I would be so mad if the piranha wasn't the best of all of them
BrothersButNotReally - 8 years ago
that is a lot more than just 10 fish
David Montalvo
David Montalvo - 8 years ago
these are mostly fish that will eat anything it can fit in its mouth,there are a few that are truly aggressive but there are American Cichlids that are far more aggressive then half of the fish in this video.I had a 23inch Blue Nicaraguan Dovi in a 185g with a 3½ foot Red tail catfish and the Dovi took a chunk out of the catfish's tail within 1 hour of being housed together,i obviously had to move the Dovi but the point I'm making is just because a fish is big and a predator eating goldfish doesn't mean squat. Gar,Oscars and such are mostly docile compared to some of the Fish I've housed over the years.
Cichlid MadMan
Cichlid MadMan - 8 years ago
No mention of Dovii or Jaguar Cichlids? Both are highly aggressive. Oscars and red tail catfish aren't aggressive, they're just pigs.
Demolition s
Demolition s - 8 years ago
what's happen if you put all togheter?
Mr. Dollarman
Mr. Dollarman - 8 years ago
Deadman Inside
Deadman Inside - 8 years ago
Hey man, did you have another channel?
Animals & fish
Animals & fish - 8 years ago
зубки прелесть!
critta keeper
critta keeper - 8 years ago
this is totally false. these are just fish eating there food like any other fish. a fish thats aggressive is not what they eat its in the way it behaves.
SirStoneyOfBow - 8 years ago
You're missing the Crystal-Eyed Catfish from the rivers of Thailand. As aggressive a freshwater fish as I've ever seen. Mean, with wicked looking eyes.
Lonnie mullin
Lonnie mullin - 8 years ago
Definitely not the top 10 most aggressive aquarium fish
Chaboii Leopold
Chaboii Leopold - 8 years ago
man, as cool as they are, I just can't imagine buying any of these ;~; I could never feed something live animals,, I just couldn't,, I'm too soft ;~;
I do think these guys would be awesome and badass as pets though. and some of them are really pretty, too!
Diane Wanner
Diane Wanner - 8 years ago
Awesome video
Dragbot25 - 8 years ago
You can buy paroon sharks I had two and they didn't ate live animals they only ate fish food.Mine died when they 10 years old
Brandon Alan
Brandon Alan - 8 years ago
Keeping fish like red tail catfish, alligator gar, goliath tigerfish, etc. is just wrong. These fish grow WAY too big to be kept in home aquariums. I don't care if you've got a 300gal tank; it's too small! Fish as large and aggressive as these need to be in the wild, and it is very selfish to keep these fish as pets. Finally, PLEASE STOP BUYING SNAKEHEADS!!!

Snakeheads WILL ruin ecosystems! You know that lovely pond, lake, or river that you've enjoyed all your life? It'll be destroyed if people keep importing snakeheads to keep as pets. Even if YOU don't put them in a nearby pond or flush them down the toilet, somebody else will. That fish WILL find a way into a nearby aquatic ecosystem and DESTROY IT.
The Best
The Best - 8 years ago
Look at the videos my !!!
SWATpotato Aj
SWATpotato Aj - 8 years ago
a fish eating a rat and another fish is REALLLLYYYYY convincing
Gale ReptileQueen
Gale ReptileQueen - 8 years ago
I sryly want one of these fish
Arshad Khan
Arshad Khan - 8 years ago
Gale ReptileQueen
Doku24 HD
Doku24 HD - 8 years ago
afihome 1
afihome 1 - 8 years ago
out of all of these fish i have an oscar
James Bond
James Bond - 8 years ago
Lol, that fish is aggressive bcos its hungry.
shun beachem
shun beachem - 8 years ago
If a fish has been featured on the show " River Monsters", it is probably an indication that it would not be a good pet to keep in an aquarium . Just saying.
Dicksucker69 Yoyo
Dicksucker69 Yoyo - 7 years ago
Ryan Thomas idiot ...
Dicksucker69 Yoyo
Dicksucker69 Yoyo - 7 years ago
Ryan Thomas you are fucking ideat..
Ryan Thomas
Ryan Thomas - 8 years ago
Why not? I've got a 20 foot sturgeon in my 30 gal. community aquarium.
lost619 - 8 years ago
I have a red tail shark he's a psycho lol but I love him XD
xxSourWingxx - 8 years ago
so it sucks to be a gold fish??
Dicksucker69 Yoyo
Dicksucker69 Yoyo - 7 years ago
xxSourWingxx well love common gold fish...and keep them...I feed all my predatory fish with worms ....the big blood worms...they enjoy it...and my goldfishes are also safe..
Wernbread - 8 years ago
So being a goldfish sucks? I thought it was good to be "cheesy" and fancy goldfish? Is that the x-cheddar kind?
Paneesh Pun Intended
Paneesh Pun Intended - 8 years ago
I was a goldfish, and yes it sucks...
Neon Silver
Neon Silver - 8 years ago
xxSourWingxx no if you are a fancy goldfish
Broly The Legendary THOT Slayer
Broly The Legendary THOT Slayer - 8 years ago
xxSourWingxx pretty much
soulassassin0g - 8 years ago
I want to get all 10 of these fishies and throw them all into one tank and see what happens.
Midhun Mohan
Midhun Mohan - 8 years ago
Piranha is so quick :O
Mark James
Mark James - 8 years ago
I hope I don't come back as a goldfish
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 8 years ago
very beautiful channel im subbing up
Vishnu Murugesan
Vishnu Murugesan - 8 years ago
0:19 is that a baby hamster?????
The nasty guy
The nasty guy - 8 years ago
and the pacú fish
io GAMER - 8 years ago
Song name ?
Stephen Lim
Stephen Lim - 8 years ago
What do the owers do when the fish gets to big, like the piranhas?
The Best
The Best - 8 years ago
Piranha eating live chick!!!
bigfoot torres
bigfoot torres - 8 years ago
The fish you said was a alligator gar is a spotted gar
Poras kinneth
Poras kinneth - 8 years ago
I remember my white oscar. It attacks my two aggressive zebra tilapia
Kresno Wicakson
Kresno Wicakson - 8 years ago
its like watching feeding frenzy
Night Guy
Night Guy - 8 years ago
nice soundtrack
MusculeBH - 8 years ago
не понимаю ни одного человека из нарезки, особенно того, кто кормил крысой аровану...
fish update
fish update - 8 years ago
hello, guppy keepers I know guppy is very beautiful fish, watch my many guppy fry video like share subscribe my video I 100% sure you like my video.
James boyle fish music bonsai and more
James boyle fish music bonsai and more - 8 years ago
i would under any secamstance recommend feeder fish
James boyle fish music bonsai and more
James boyle fish music bonsai and more - 8 years ago
why do you have to show the fish eating goldfish it's usetting ;(
Yenni Yenni
Yenni Yenni - 8 years ago
James Boyle Hobbies Yes There Savage,Brutal and Deadly. I meqn really really deadly
James boyle fish music bonsai and more
James boyle fish music bonsai and more - 8 years ago
the footage of the snakeheads was paticuly upsetting :(
SJB666 - 8 years ago
Orrr that poor steak never stood a chance ) ; ^ } >
JEROME CR7 - 8 years ago
Tator Kator
Tator Kator - 8 years ago
I feel as though you missed a fish or two, maybe the bluegill or a yellowbellied catfish, as an aquarium fish a bluegill can clear a tank of goldfish very quickly, the fish only has to fit in its mouth, no chewing required. as for the catfish. well you don't have problems until they get hungry and then they eat everything even fish bigger than them, catfish are dangerous creatures.
Spencer Staley
Spencer Staley - 8 years ago
good video shit music
Frank Lutes
Frank Lutes - 8 years ago
That's not agressive, it's hungry. Oscars eat whatever can fit in their mouths but if it can't they usually ignore it. Unlike a Red Devil which will kill it cause it's there. Learn the difference before you title your videos plz
Toxin515 - 8 years ago
Though the snake head truly is an overly aggressive nightmare
Toxin515 - 8 years ago
Aggressive fish? More like aggressive eaters
Ethan Fysh
Ethan Fysh - 8 years ago
No fish were harmed in the making of this video
Ethan Fysh
Ethan Fysh - 8 years ago
My marine studies classroom has an Oscar followed by three tanks with about three goldfish in them
Connor Dell
Connor Dell - 8 years ago
what was the first fish eating
Animalia - 8 years ago
a mouse
Sea Muffin
Sea Muffin - 8 years ago
Silver arowana.
75dbest - 8 years ago
You duck your lying
75dbest - 8 years ago
You duck your lying to
Madalina Rosca
Madalina Rosca - 8 years ago
killer fish ):(
Madalina Rosca
Madalina Rosca - 8 years ago
dead fish
steve gussan
steve gussan - 8 years ago
what about puffer fish?
Brad Simpson
Brad Simpson - 8 years ago
I'm going to encourage you to retitle this video, Aqua fish. Call it "10 Examples of Predatory Aquarium Fish" or something like that. You've got a strong theme running in this video; it's just got a poor title. Change the name, and then toss something about it in the description when they're seeing some of the comments. It's not a terrible compilation video, but it's got an extremely misleading title.
Pruthvi PrO
Pruthvi PrO - 8 years ago
youandwhosearmy? - 8 years ago
ALTERNATE title for this video...
 Top 10 fish that you shouldn't KEEP in aquarium if you really love fish.
Evzen Tichy
Evzen Tichy - 7 years ago
Dark Knight MGTOW have
habal vvyuuui888i7
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee - 8 years ago
My Aimara wolf fish ripped one of my red belly Piranhas in half, when I came home after work. Had to move my Piranhas out the tank, cuz now he know the taste of piranha meat.
Aqua fish
Aqua fish - 8 years ago
It is also one aspect. ;)
Θανος κοντωσης
Θανος κοντωσης - 8 years ago
when I can find a botia lohachata ???
eka iswara
eka iswara - 8 years ago
0:25 i see big fish tail beside that arowana, what that fish??
Kiss ねこ
Kiss ねこ - 8 years ago
+Brandon Veracka
Ya but it body shape are so unique
Brandon Alan
Brandon Alan - 8 years ago
Yes, the "Clown Knife Fish" or chitala ornata. Personally I find it quite ugly!
Kiss ねこ
Kiss ねこ - 8 years ago
shane vanvalkenburgh
shane vanvalkenburgh - 8 years ago
are u a douche
Kiss ねこ
Kiss ねこ - 8 years ago
No, it a clown knife fish... R u blind...
io GAMER - 8 years ago
U don't know anything about fishes
io GAMER - 8 years ago
Noooo, It's a big red tail cat fish
Kiss ねこ
Kiss ねこ - 8 years ago
+eka iswara mostly like that but if you put the clown knife fish with the other fish, it will kill it. You need to put it with an aggressive fish like jardini arowana or snakehead
eka iswara
eka iswara - 8 years ago
it must in the same species in one single tank?
Kiss ねこ
Kiss ねこ - 8 years ago
+eka iswara but the fish is so hard to put in the same tank
eka iswara
eka iswara - 8 years ago
wow thanks thanks
Aqua fish
Aqua fish - 8 years ago
this fish is chitala ornata(clown knife fish)
Michael Murdoch
Michael Murdoch - 8 years ago
Don't alot of those fish grow to large, for those tanks?
ACUARIOS - 8 years ago
Me parecen BASURA la gente que tiene acuarios y se dedican a dar de comer a sus peces otros peces con la tipica escusa.les cogia y les ponia el morro fino.putos sicopatas.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
es el ciclo de vida, peces mayores comen peces indefensos, esta bien pero no es recomendable alimentarlos con peces llamados "feeder fish" (peces alimentarios), ya que ellos pueden padecer enfermedades mortales por su mal cuidado y que fácilmente tu pez se contagie, los "feeder fish" consisten en tanques que contienen pecesillos llamados minnows en inglés y/o goldfish que están en un tanque con
sobre población que esto hace que se enfermen
Roeb - 8 years ago
Poor rat
Viraj &sujay Thasale
Viraj &sujay Thasale - 8 years ago
there is no flowerhorn
Olander Banks
Olander Banks - 8 years ago
the snakeheads the king of the tank hands down
Jesset Campos
Jesset Campos - 8 years ago
wtf how is this aggressiveness on any level at all? ? the fish are just doing what they do eat live fish lmao!!
EvilNinjaTeddybear - 8 years ago
Just in case their are any fish newblings here: Watching your aggressive and predatory fish chomp a gold-fish is awesome. That being said, it's usually a pretty bad idea. If you've gone through the trouble (and expense) of setting up a tank for these monsters then you probably don't want to live feed at all. Gold-fish are the most commonly sold "feeder fish" and they are damn near unkillable so they can survive with all kinds of horrible diseases and toxins. Your super awesome (and expensive) fish....not so much. Think of it like giving your super awesome (and expensive) fish a little swimming vial of what could possibly be poison and disease. Unless you really trust your feeder fish provider then the risk isn't worth the gain. Stick with good old fish food. It's healthier for them anyway. Awesome video. Love predator species.
spikesification - 8 years ago
Interesting...but prefer a happy tank where everything gets throwing them to monsters
cobydrei - 8 years ago
oscar is my favorite aquarium fish
Oscar Fish
Oscar Fish - 7 years ago
DarterGaming true
DarterGaming - 7 years ago
cobydrei my personal favorite is the flowerhorn. Their so beautiful and aggressive and have unique personalities
Trevor Baker
Trevor Baker - 7 years ago
All fish eat other fish
blackPinkLalice miracle
blackPinkLalice miracle - 7 years ago
cobydrei is it true they eat fish?
WildWolf1928 Gaming
WildWolf1928 Gaming - 7 years ago
cobydrei I like Wolffish but dang Oscars are super cool too.
Rosie Raffa
Rosie Raffa - 8 years ago
cobydrei a,
grells hoe
grells hoe - 8 years ago
oscars r the besttttt
Wyn Arnulfo
Wyn Arnulfo - 8 years ago
poor lil fishes
AnImAL RaNdOms
AnImAL RaNdOms - 8 years ago
I turned my living room into fish pond..
I live with fishes floating under my bed.
check it out..
ualuuanie - 8 years ago
Wow! People actually keep snakeheads as pets?
Lymuel Dignadice
Lymuel Dignadice - 8 years ago
that cat fish is delicious.
procs81 - 8 years ago
Your first tigerfish is a Serrasalmus elongatus.
Min Syahmi
Min Syahmi - 8 years ago
that's not snakehead .. its giant snakehead.. have a different
Jirred Vang
Jirred Vang - 8 years ago
So how exactly did you get a Goliath tigerfish I think they can grow up to 3-4 feet in length and the one in this video looked like a baby also how did you manage to get an alligator gar? those can grow to be quite big as well even bigger than the tigerfish
Ashley Goggs
Ashley Goggs - 8 years ago
just a tiger fish, the goliath is a strain of tiger fish.
Rottman03 - 8 years ago
Tiger fish can grow around 5 feet
FlowingDepths - 8 years ago
They probably aren't the uploader's fish, just clips from different aquarists that he used to show them...
TheIRonGoatmilker - 8 years ago
Ollen Esteban
Ollen Esteban - 8 years ago
no flower horn really???
Darren Pellichino
Darren Pellichino - 8 years ago
I just read your apology and honestly you have no need to apologize for calling predators aggressive. Predatory fish are the aggressive fish. And nearly all fish are predatory. It's all about being big enough to fit the other fish in your mouth.
When you fish, for instance, the most aggressive fish you will encounter are the tiny bream, or pan-fish. They attack your bait even though it's too big to swallow. They wait in line of usually 3 or 4 other bream, for their turn to munch on your too large wad of worm. Eventually a big enough fish bites it or you run out of bait.

It's your list and the video was well done so I would be a numskull to complain.
Thanks for the video
Dicksucker69 Yoyo
Dicksucker69 Yoyo - 7 years ago
Darren Pellichino you suck....saying all fishes are predators is like saying all female singer is like Milly Cyrus.... and you know that's not see in aquarium fishes are compelled to eat what ever you throw at them but in wild that's not the case....
Krederon - 8 years ago
+Frank Lutes Are you retarded?
Frank Lutes
Frank Lutes - 8 years ago
Darren you're wrong on so many levels that maybe you shouldn't ever post of fish videos again until you get yourself educated
Michael Murdoch
Michael Murdoch - 8 years ago
Ok great no go butt fuck and make up
Luis puentes
Luis puentes - 8 years ago
How big do the oscars get?
EvilNinjaTeddybear - 8 years ago
Depending on the fish and tank conditions you're looking at anywhere from 8 to 12 inches. I think 10 is inches is probably a reasonable estimate on max size.
Jack FuryCat
Jack FuryCat - 8 years ago
I have the red tail catfish
Michael Murdoch
Michael Murdoch - 8 years ago
Don't they get like 100lbs or something
Tyler Brown
Tyler Brown - 8 years ago
half those fish aren't even available in the hobby.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
all of them are.just your going to be paying out the ass for some them.
Shan madusanka
Shan madusanka - 8 years ago
poor gold fish they get abused so many animals do sad world
WILLIAMS AROWANA - 8 years ago
We sell all types arowana fish and black diamond stingrays contact us ( our arowana comes alongside arowana certificate, Our arowana range from 3-30 inches .Contact us for more information and price list...
TyrannosaurusWrecks - 8 years ago
I'm sorry but in my eyes if you risk losing a finger feeding you're fish it's not suitable for an aquarium
Michael Murdoch
Michael Murdoch - 8 years ago
wear gloves problem solved
4theloveofDub - 8 years ago
In all reality, if it wanted to, a dog or cat can do much more damage than one of these fish.
Embcii Bee
Embcii Bee - 8 years ago
couldnt agree more
TyrannosaurusWrecks - 8 years ago

I guess you do have a pretty good point.
kenimaticjuggallo - 8 years ago
I disagree, it's more like if you risk losing a finger that fish isn't suitable for your aquarium, because you don't feel comfortable with the risk and could not deal with it, and that's fine, but for some of us, it's perfectly suitable.
Atomic Jay
Atomic Jay - 8 years ago
I'm getting a baby gar in a 20 gal
Dee Hop
Dee Hop - 8 years ago
Half of these are not even suitable aquarium fish PERIOD. They get too large for even advanced sized tanks, they need ponds at the very least.
Dicksucker69 Yoyo
Dicksucker69 Yoyo - 7 years ago
Dee Hop yup
Dee Hop
Dee Hop - 8 years ago
+Fenny Helgi I agree with you
Michael Holmgaard
Michael Holmgaard - 8 years ago
+Dee Hop True. But I also think this video comes as a warning against housing these fish without the proper research & experience.
Dee Hop
Dee Hop - 8 years ago
+Fenny Helgi
Theoretically, you CAN keep any animal all its life if you have it good like that. You knew what I meant. Most casual aquarium owners are either too lazy or lack the resources to maintain the proper healthy environments on the level that these creatures require.
Michael Holmgaard
Michael Holmgaard - 8 years ago
+Dee Hop You CAN keep themin an quarium for it's entire life. You just have to upgrade the size ;)
Dee Hop
Dee Hop - 8 years ago
I thought that typically the definition of an aquarium fish is a species you can house comfortably in an aquarium for its entire life. I could be wrong though. It just seems unfair to house them as juveniles knowing you don't have the resources to keep them long term.
Michael Holmgaard
Michael Holmgaard - 8 years ago
ost of tem can easily be kept in aquariums in the early times when they aren't that big. Of course, later on you need to find something larger :)
Dee Hop
Dee Hop - 8 years ago
+Brianna Harter
My point is that a pond or their natural environment would be more practical for most of these fish. If you aren't making the annual salary or have the time to dedicate to a wall to wall installation type tank you shouldn't even be thinking about keeping certain species that grow that large.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
there are some wall to wall tanks that could probably handle all of these fish.there is owes a tank big enough but the question is can you afford that big of a tank.
Legendstatus 94
Legendstatus 94 - 8 years ago
Yea I had a lot of questions thanks for clearing up that u know the difference because tthose were just hungry fish a blue Costa Rican division is a very mean fish
Nasir Robertson
Nasir Robertson - 8 years ago
that red tailed catfish is aggressive
Juan tama
Juan tama - 8 years ago
3:09 i feel sad for that fish for losing their tale and now got eaten : (
Hassan Alharemi
Hassan Alharemi - 8 years ago
Oscars are agressive feeders but not against its tankmates though
Turtle369 - 8 years ago
I'm soooooo sorry dead fish
Turtle369 - 8 years ago
Turtle369 - 8 years ago
You cruel person you killed so many fish
josephb - 8 years ago
1:22 why people that's a waste of money and a waste of fancy fish that others can love and care for
F Hi
F Hi - 8 years ago
Ok this makes me a little sad..... Rip fish
tao kaka
tao kaka - 8 years ago
[put one of each in a water tank who survives we all wonder]
Chomper Madness
Chomper Madness - 8 years ago
you guys are mest up
Ryan Moon
Ryan Moon - 8 years ago
why no jack dempsey
Heroi Bolsonaro
Heroi Bolsonaro - 8 years ago
someones Brazilian fish
9#is not catfish his name is pirarara
Thong Yang
Thong Yang - 8 years ago
It's ok
Aharry - 8 years ago
That was not a Goliath tiger fish. Just a tiger fish, but both are fierce
addykreang kreang
addykreang kreang - 8 years ago
โพส หาพ่อมึง หรือ โหดร้าย ไอ้เลว
Mario Santiago
Mario Santiago - 8 years ago
what's the instrumental
nikkolodian - 8 years ago
We had a lot of snakeheads in our marsh. Neighbors would just catch them for food.
Jason Luther
Jason Luther - 8 years ago
Good info but I can definitely think of worse than an Oscar. Red devil, Midas, flowerhorn, dovii, green terror, rivulatus, grammode, jaguar, trimac
M. Stam
M. Stam - 8 years ago
i disagree on the thought that red tailed catfish are aggressive because they only kill for food. but fish like snakeheads will kill always every fish. but stil a nice video.
HIDE HIGA - 8 years ago
The picture at 1:30 is not an alligator gar.
Shafraz Sadiyan
Shafraz Sadiyan - 8 years ago
Kanye West it's a Spotted Gar...
Rick M
Rick M - 8 years ago
+Kanye West actually, it is a spotted gar, not a 'normal gar'
HypeBeast *
HypeBeast * - 8 years ago
it's a normal gar
Fowerhorn Fish
Fowerhorn Fish - 8 years ago
Really beautifull
NANO BBOX - 8 years ago
I've got an Oscar that's about 18 inches long
Albert Ramsay
Albert Ramsay - 8 years ago
More like chewed to death!
Chknwingz - 8 years ago
well the fish lived long good life
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG - 8 years ago
Well you dont really know.
Aro7 McFry
Aro7 McFry - 8 years ago
Get your facts straight you dumbass!!! Theres a BIG difference between aggressive and predatory. I bet you dont know the difference between a goldfish and a shark!!!
Thompson Clepper
Thompson Clepper - 8 years ago
Great video !!
Danish Rajput
Danish Rajput - 8 years ago
No pike ?
SquirrelChaosYT - 8 years ago
i can tell why 450 pol disliked this vid
SquirrelChaosYT - 8 years ago
i mean 405
Danny Caramelo
Danny Caramelo - 8 years ago
Not trying to judge anyone who owns such fish but most of them, in my opinion, are awfully unattractive so.. who would want to keep them? And you can barely have some plants or other decorative stuff. Just water, some gravel and a monster in it.
Jürgen Lamminger
Jürgen Lamminger - 8 years ago
Where is ma steak :(
Silent Killa
Silent Killa - 8 years ago
does anyone know if I can get any of these in Canada
Ryan Moon
Ryan Moon - 8 years ago
clatter he apologized
The - z
The - z - 8 years ago
dude there still ppl bought some piranhas
Kaden Mc Kee
Kaden Mc Kee - 8 years ago
are you high?
MintyMiku - 8 years ago
of course
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
if u take 2 innocent pacu fish and start feedingthem only meat exclusivelly for a week or two .. they will rip apart ur fish and become extremely agressive .. ive seen em literarlly tear apart a big fast and wild catfish with one pulling from each side , they will grow teeth quickly when fed meat and fish ..
Snowie Puppy
Snowie Puppy - 8 years ago
nah...most aggressive ounce for ounce is a fucking Johanni... i hate those. They bully my fishes to death.
Ryan Moon
Ryan Moon - 8 years ago
hey dude did you know that alligator gar are the worst fish to have beacause they grow up to 6 7 or 8 feet which means you would need a tank big as a living room
Andrew Barats
Andrew Barats - 8 years ago
idk if u know but snakeheads are the most aggressive fresh water fish in the world
Ryan Moon
Ryan Moon - 8 years ago
I know it's sad watching the poor poor poor poor goldfish as life food
Ryan Moon
Ryan Moon - 8 years ago
why are fish named after land animals that doesn't make sense
Rick Undead
Rick Undead - 8 years ago
are silver arowanas legal to own in florida
you can catch them in the canals
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
+Andrew Thomas Segrest Farms is in Florida and they grow silver Arowana there so it's likely legal
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
+Andrew Thomas No problem.
Rick Undead
Rick Undead - 8 years ago
Thanks fish
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
Learn To Live
Learn To Live - 8 years ago
neko - 8 years ago
u shouldn't really keep most of this fishes in an aquarium but more in a really big pool do
neko - 8 years ago
+ThatFishGuy sry piranha
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
+neko what's a pirhania?
neko - 8 years ago
and so on… only those pirhanias are kind of okay in an aquarium
neko - 8 years ago
wolffish gets a size of 1 meter - 2 meters so u need a pool
neko - 8 years ago
gnars don't move much but they can get a size to 2 or 3 meters so u need a big pool
neko - 8 years ago
Astronotus ocellatus get as big as 1 meter so u need a pool
neko - 8 years ago
red tails become 1-2m so u need a pool
neko - 8 years ago
an arowana gets 1 meter or longer so u need a pool
neko - 8 years ago
no… pangasius needs at least a river..
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
Actually all of those fish were kept in an appropriate sized aquarium for the time being.
Pandas&Stuff - 8 years ago
poor goldfishes!
ok bro
ok bro - 8 years ago
Indonesian snake head is the most brutal fish in the world dude
Gosh Hecking Elder Dragons
Gosh Hecking Elder Dragons - 8 years ago
Not getting these fish
It's Gumzy
It's Gumzy - 8 years ago
the 1st 1 costs 400000 dollars
Amari Simmons
Amari Simmons - 8 years ago
What about a Dovii?
Aqua man
Aqua man - 8 years ago
arowana red tail catfish and gar or not aggressiv at All.. there or peacefuld but predator fish... shitlist make a real list

here i help you Nr. 1 cichlid
Nr 2 a cichlid and more cichlids predator fish and aggressiv fish is not the same... sorry for bad english
Aqua man
Aqua man - 8 years ago
BS list
Sosna and the Family
Sosna and the Family - 8 years ago
hardcore. No way Im getting those fish
Ben Cook
Ben Cook - 8 years ago
I'd fry up all those fish and eat them
Ben Cook
Ben Cook - 8 years ago
wow so interesting dickhead aka i dont give 2 fucks
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
Well actually very few of these are safe to eat. But in Papua New Guinea they'd probably fry you up and eat you.
Ben Cook
Ben Cook - 8 years ago
yea cool...
Jennifer McAdam
Jennifer McAdam - 8 years ago
+Ben Cook Well actually these species are in danger of extinction so you would be arrested
Ben Cook
Ben Cook - 8 years ago
congrats you fuck i couldnt care less
Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith - 8 years ago
The only fish I'd consider eating is the rtc catfish is good af
Aspidites - 8 years ago
Nice vid, I've seen arowana eat rabbits and oscars eat snakes!
Wicked wolverine 9212
Wicked wolverine 9212 - 8 years ago
that isn't a alligator gar it's a Florida gar
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
Well the one in the video was, the one introducing the alligator gar was a Florida gar.
Wolf Girl6292004
Wolf Girl6292004 - 8 years ago
αωєѕσмє νι∂єσ вυт...


мσѕт ρєσρℓє fєє∂ тнєιя ρяє∂αтσяу fιѕн fєє∂єя gσℓ∂fιѕн fяσм ρєт ѕмαят, ωαℓмαят, ρєт¢σ, σя ѕσмєρℓα¢є єℓѕє вє¢αυѕє тнєу'яє ∂σ ¢нєαρ. ωєℓℓ, тнє ¢σи∂ιтισиѕ тнєу ℓινє ιи αяє ѕσ вα∂, ѕσмє σf тнє fιѕн ¢συℓ∂ вє ѕι¢к. ιf уσυ α¢¢ι∂єитαℓℓу ρι¢к υρ α ѕι¢к fιѕн ιт ¢συℓ∂ gєт уσυя fιѕн ѕι¢к αи∂ αт ωσяѕт кιℓℓ ιт.

ѕσ ρℓєαѕє, ∂σи'т fєє∂ уσυя ¢αяиινσяσυѕ fιѕн fєє∂єя gσℓ∂fιѕн :)
Pacman 050
Pacman 050 - 8 years ago
But nice video though
Pacman 050
Pacman 050 - 8 years ago
There is a huge difference between predatory fishes and aggressive fishes
Frank Peake
Frank Peake - 8 years ago
did that arowanna just eat a cat.. :(
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
What? No. That's not even legal, it ate a frog and a goldfish.
Fish Enthusiast
Fish Enthusiast - 8 years ago
There are many missing and the Oscar should never be on any list that has good fish in it as the Oscar sucks , replace Oscar with - peacock bass, Australian Saratoga , fresh water Ray , Australian bass, mangrove jack, or some salt water - lion fish , many reef sharks , snowflake eel , barramundi cod and I could go all day but I think my point is made
Some of the fishes you put there in the list are indeed aggressive fishes to my opinion (I own some of them) the arowana and the alligator Gar are not aggressive at all, for having 2 the red tailed catfish (45cm each) is really a badass fish as not like the other fishes in the list he just keeps eating and eating all the way and get way bigger than any other fish, eats all and also the other fishes while the arowana or the alligator won't do that. Really cool list anyway
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
None of these fish are "aggressive", but instead predatory. If a fish is aggressive, it kills to kill, but a predatory fish kills to eat.
Brian Juarez
Brian Juarez - 8 years ago
Snakehead straight up bit that things tail off
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
That was a Peacock Bass that they fed the snakehead.
Erza Scarlet Art
Erza Scarlet Art - 8 years ago
I remember my late oscar decapitated two the remaining sharks are 3 times bigger than him...welp this video is like feeding frenzy
Bad Toad
Bad Toad - 8 years ago
aw pour fishes
kelly chan
kelly chan - 8 years ago
Tropical Aquarium Arowana fishes For Sale

Dear Buyers,
We are currently on promotion sale and we have the following Arowana
fishes available in stock: 24k Golden arowana, Super Red, Red Asian
Arowana, Blood Red arowana, jardini Arowana,Chili Red,Golden Arowana and
etc. Our Arowana Fishes are an excellent value that we backup with a
100% replacement or money back guarantee! We do shipped Worldwide
without any problems being encountered. You can place an order with us
and expect delivery within 24hours. We go the extra mile to make sure
you have the Fish you need when you need it. They are a beautiful
investment for the perfect tank. we have a promotion going on now so the
fishes are far cheaper than before . You can place your order with us
now because their prices will notremain the same after this promotion ends.
Please don't miss this Great opportunity to own an arowana Fish for
yourself now.

Serious buyers should send to us a valid cell phone number and contact
email address for fast and easy communication

Reply to:
Animals - 8 years ago
awesome video my man!!!!!! Everyone ple check out my channel i am doing a aggressive fish giveaway so sub and ending sooooooooon so sub quick any aggressive fish ill go over the types of fish you can chooses from but it will be worth it there will be flowerhorns and more that was just a small hint sub
Stumack - 8 years ago
I dont get it why people bay betautiful fish an put them into crappy looking blank aquariums.
Stumack - 8 years ago
+Brennan Ferris
 If the Tank is big enaugh you can put something in. You can glue a log onto the wall so it faces inside the tank near the water line to give the fish a shadow spot from where he can ambush. Just get creative
I didnt meen every tank in the video, I meen the ones tha really dont have anything in it, not even gravel or sand.
Brennan Ferris
Brennan Ferris - 8 years ago
Can't decorate predator tanks because they dig up plants and need open spaces. And it's not supposed to look cute, it's a monster fish tank
Sherry L
Sherry L - 8 years ago
Stop torturing animals!
Sherry L
Sherry L - 8 years ago
I don't disagree with that. In the wild it would certainly be harder to aquire the food that they need for longevity. I just really dislike the whole idea of throwing an animal into a space where they can't possibly escape.
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
+Sherry L Well the fish that eat solely live foods live longer in captivity than they do in the wild.
Sherry L
Sherry L - 8 years ago
I am grown up, lived a little, seen a lot. Your comment makes me wonder if your actually grown up or not. That's a Mommy term isn't it?
Sherry L
Sherry L - 8 years ago
I am grown up. Are you?
Sherry L
Sherry L - 8 years ago
May be "stupid" to you.  Makes perfect sense to me though.  You have your opinion...I have mine.  However, would you like to be thrown into an enclosure with a hungry savage predator, with no possibility of escape and get half of your body bitten off, while people watched for fun?   "Food for thought".
Ray R
Ray R - 8 years ago
+Sherry L well that's a stupid opinion.
Sherry L
Sherry L - 8 years ago
+That FishGuy in nature a fish has a chance of escape and it's not dropped in a tank with another animal at the will of a human being. I would suggest that an aquarium fish that will only eat live animals probably belongs in the wild. Just my opinion and guess what? I'm entitled to it!
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
How is this torture? You do understand that many fish eat solely live foods right? They won't eat pellets or frozen foods, only things that are living and breathing and moving? I suppose it's torture that I feed my Needlefish live guppies because that's all he eats too.
Wolf Girl6292004
Wolf Girl6292004 - 8 years ago
gяσω υρ
Angie N
Angie N - 8 years ago
is that aggression or just feeding habits?
Dirtbike_Kody - 8 years ago
Ade Prisma Pranayuda
Ade Prisma Pranayuda - 8 years ago
2:56 what the fuck...
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
Yeah. Poor Peacock bass.
Shadow Back
Shadow Back - 8 years ago
Poor Beautiful Goldfish that are just use as live food and bait
JP Carcharodon
JP Carcharodon - 8 years ago
Their predatory fish and are only agressive when feeding!
CLITON AROWANA - 8 years ago
Hello Friends we sell all types of arowana and various sizes if interested contact us via for more information and price list, N/B: all our arowana comes alongside arowana certificate waiting to read from your messages....
Doge&MemeGenerator - 8 years ago
i have 3 aligator
Emd Na
Emd Na - 8 years ago
My school had 2 paroon sharks in the faculty, sadly it died because they weren't feeding it often :( also a friend of my mom has a tigerfish and an alligator gar in the same aquarium.....crazy right? BUT AWESOME
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
What size aquarium does she have?
L. M'cGamer
L. M'cGamer - 8 years ago
what song is this
L. M'cGamer
L. M'cGamer - 8 years ago
+Aqua fish thank you
Aqua fish
Aqua fish - 8 years ago
+L. “SuperStarLennerd” M'cGamer song: Clubbed to Death - Robb Dungan
David Post
David Post - 8 years ago
You missed a few.
Cesar Gomez
Cesar Gomez - 8 years ago
No puffer fish??? I had them taking out everything in the tank, including blue lobsters. They just tore their arms right off.
Cesar Gomez
Cesar Gomez - 8 years ago
+That FishGuy Truth!
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
Yeah this is more predatory fish, not aggressive fish.
BadassRandomness - 8 years ago
The Snakehead video was fucking brutal
Lejah Kabaro
Lejah Kabaro - 8 years ago
Piranha is very monster fish ever
Mr.Dilophosaurus Wetherilli
Mr.Dilophosaurus Wetherilli - 8 years ago
I love the Wolf Fish and Vampire Fish they both look awesome and strong
RPG nukes you
RPG nukes you - 8 years ago
It's so mean in the video when they just put an info cent goldfish into the tank to be immediately killed :(
xxXProGamer044Xx Tutorials And More
xxXProGamer044Xx Tutorials And More - 8 years ago
Alligator gar looks like barracuda
Gold Vulcan
Gold Vulcan - 8 years ago
hmmm no flower horn?
tu naiti
tu naiti - 8 years ago
I dont know to
PajamaPantsMan - 8 years ago
That is one mean looking fish 2:14
Kitty Scar Kat
Kitty Scar Kat - 8 years ago
The other fish killing the innocent ones made me cry sooooo much! Why u do this to me
zezu zaza
zezu zaza - 8 years ago
this should be top 10 predatory freshwater fish for aquarium. aggresive is not similar
zezu zaza
zezu zaza - 8 years ago
+Clarence Boddicker haha.. it sound like that is a good idea to me
Clarence Boddicker
Clarence Boddicker - 8 years ago
+zezu zaza Great white shark should have been on the list
INDIGO Viper - 8 years ago
did the snakehead fish ate a peacock bass
General Bilak
General Bilak - 8 years ago
Jess and a I thought my lyretail Molly's where aggressive.
Vivienne Damone
Vivienne Damone - 8 years ago
This is a SICK video
Brennan Ferris
Brennan Ferris - 8 years ago
I know right? Totally badass
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
At 2:11 that goldfish seems so surprised at being caught
Nate Maynard
Nate Maynard - 8 years ago
Need a whole damn warehouse to have enough room for some of those fish to have the proper space (alligator gar and Goliath tiger fish)
Wicked wolverine 9212
Wicked wolverine 9212 - 8 years ago
it isn't a alligator gar it's a Florida gar it doesn't get as big I had one before
BROOKLYNBEAST226 - 8 years ago
Where's the dovii,Jajuar and the red devil? C'mon man!!!!
Olin Neale
Olin Neale - 8 years ago
+Aqua fish i think u should add flowerhorns (Vieja synspilus) on there
LJS - 8 years ago
wrong name vieja synspilus went into the creation of flowerhorns but vieja is a totally different fish (red head cichlid/quetzal cichlid)
Dave Allen
Dave Allen - 8 years ago
umm dovii???
John Arnestus
John Arnestus - 8 years ago
fish AT 3:49 is not goliath tigerfish. it's an elongatus piranha (serrasalmus elongatus) learn more..
daedraprince - 8 years ago
that vampire fish would give me nightmares if it were in my room aquarium
Michael Martinez
Michael Martinez - 8 years ago
My dad use to have a snake head fish I can say this it's one evil fish
Munsoo Kim
Munsoo Kim - 8 years ago
BGM is so sad and gloomy
Nathan Spang
Nathan Spang - 8 years ago
the music tho
WeepingPillow292 - 8 years ago
that man kev
that man kev - 9 years ago
that fuckin wolf fish is a pshyco.. but i love it.. that might be the next fish i set up an aquarium for.
Daniel Jackson
Daniel Jackson - 9 years ago
I think they're using goldfish as a way to show you how they are against other smaller fish.
Cora Vali
Cora Vali - 9 years ago
you are very sick
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
I am pretty sure these are videos found on the internet. He didn't actually own the fish in the video.
No scratch that, I AM sure.
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
You realize these aren't his pets right? These are videos online of the fish he mentions.
Xcrysis - 8 years ago
+Chloe X X X Go be a profesional offended someplace else, idiot
Chloe X X X
Chloe X X X - 8 years ago
+Xcrysis You are stupid !
Xcrysis - 8 years ago
+iyot1020 That was not directed towards you.
iyot1020 - 8 years ago
+Xcrysis why?? predation happens in nature
Xcrysis - 8 years ago
You are very ignorant and stupid
iyot1020 - 8 years ago
So youre saying nature is sick
Carol Zala
Carol Zala - 9 years ago
Why feed live? Go to the fishmonger and get something that's already dead. You people make me sick
Chase - 7 years ago
what do you think they do in the wild tho
Dicksucker69 Yoyo
Dicksucker69 Yoyo - 7 years ago
Carol Zala...yes you are right... I really think this live feeding should be stopped..
sk skrt
sk skrt - 7 years ago
Carol Zala Thank you.
SupaL33tKillar - 9 years ago
damn. those are sure some scary ass mofos.
Joniel Baltazar
Joniel Baltazar - 9 years ago
What is the music tiltle
Fire Tiger Films
Fire Tiger Films - 9 years ago
Who the heck would want a alligator gar. They can break glass and grow up to 8 feet. So why would you want to have one
Joshua Chong
Joshua Chong - 9 years ago
I had only a life time opportunity to see a Goliath , it was juvenile ,sold by a rich Chinese guy
itssugarfree - 9 years ago
My sister had a barramundi (they grow up to a metre in the wild so should not be kept as a pet but anyway...) it was very aggressive - if you went to feed it anything, you had to be careful holding your hand over the tank because it would leap up and snatch the food before you let it go... and they have BIG MOUTHS.
Some dude
Some dude - 9 years ago
Ty Dang
Ty Dang - 9 years ago
I 4got fahaka pufferfish should b in the list
Ty Dang
Ty Dang - 9 years ago
here's my list of topss...1-wolffish, 2-snake heads,3- black piranha,4- doviis,5-Midas,6- jardini, 7-black devil catfish, 8-walking catfish, 9-umbee, 10- zebra talapia
kx xxio
kx xxio - 8 years ago
+Ty Dang I wish I have one they're pretty rare to get, I do currently own a black diamond piranha and red ruby spilo and he's super aggressive, I heard the black mask elongatus piranha is the most aggressive of them all..look it up on youtube you will be surprise
Ty Dang
Ty Dang - 8 years ago
+kx xxio I never owned one... do u have videos of it?..
kx xxio
kx xxio - 8 years ago
elongatus piranha is the most aggressive over wolf fish
Eric Rogers
Eric Rogers - 9 years ago
pound for pound the most aggressive fresh water fish is the snake head been in the hobby for 40 years raised every fish on your list and was never afraid to put my hands in the tank until I got my hands on some 6 inch snake heads tyey tried to bite my fingers off every time damn I miss those days cant even get them anymore.......................
Steven Zhang
Steven Zhang - 9 years ago
The shitheads who feed their fish goldfish need to die
anonymous pinecone
anonymous pinecone - 9 years ago
The tiger,vampire,snakehead,and red tail where my favorite
anonymous pinecone
anonymous pinecone - 9 years ago
Thanks predatory fish is like the only fish I can keep everything else is to boring
CraqZ ViipeR
CraqZ ViipeR - 9 years ago
i miss my two snakeheads,rtc, shovelnose, gourami n aligatorgar :(
KARIM CISSE - 9 years ago
Damn piranhas
avdhut raut
avdhut raut - 9 years ago
flowerhorn is agressive?
Dav Aqua World
Dav Aqua World - 9 years ago
i see your vidios. You have very interesting and beautiful vidios) Do you know that i also have vidios here. If you want u can see and subscribe to my channel
Rianna Fields
Rianna Fields - 9 years ago
i find this kind of disturbing because the poor goldfish are getting eaten and not having a chance to live their lives.i dont think they should be used as fish bate
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
GTFO your fucking vegan!!!!!!!
Madeleine LR
Madeleine LR - 7 years ago
Guenther87 TBCC88 so, you are saying thats is life when you keep a wild animal in a fucking tank
i understand it from a pond or lake but it isnt necesary when there are palents that are more healthy than a living fish
this Is just being savage
nhatnamism - 7 years ago
you should not eat meat or fish
, let the animals live their lives. funny :))
Guenther87 TBCC88
Guenther87 TBCC88 - 9 years ago
It's the way of life.
Nature is so.
freesoul - 9 years ago
seriously there was no need to show these fish being agressive. It was really sadistic.
Mark Behrens
Mark Behrens - 9 years ago
one of the fish was alive when half of it was bit off???
Joey Po
Joey Po - 9 years ago
Watch my vids
Bryan Wang
Bryan Wang - 9 years ago
what a waste of a brown trout! 3:13
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
WARNING: Graphic video depicting predatory fish eating other fish
Erwin Pineiro
Erwin Pineiro - 9 years ago
Poor Goldfish
wINdY - 9 years ago
i do find this video disturbing
Chicago Gemini Girl
Chicago Gemini Girl - 7 years ago
milo san me too. I can't stand to see anything suffer. Even a goldfish.
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
Poor goldies!
yours truly,
~Animal-Obsessed Goldfish Keeper
khenryhector - 9 years ago
Alligator Gar should not be considered an aquarium fish.
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Unless you got a pond in your backyard.
James TOOMER - 8 years ago
+TheApplePie yeah nah threats from a dessert somehow isnt that scary
Vladimir Obama
Vladimir Obama - 8 years ago
+Zachary Brown google it. Brainwashed
Vladimir Obama
Vladimir Obama - 8 years ago
+James TOOMER stfu toomy
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown - 8 years ago
+James TOOMER and up to this day....I still don't know what he's talking about
James TOOMER - 8 years ago
+TheApplePie those threats are real scary coming from a guy named applepie dipshit haha
Vladimir Obama
Vladimir Obama - 8 years ago
+Zachary Brown think about what have u did in the past u devil shit
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown - 8 years ago
I have no idea what you're talking about.... :/
Vladimir Obama
Vladimir Obama - 8 years ago
+Zachary Brown it's time to pay
Vladimir Obama
Vladimir Obama - 8 years ago
+Zachary Brown you betrayed us
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown - 8 years ago
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown - 8 years ago
+TheApplePie fk u I didn't do anything
Vladimir Obama
Vladimir Obama - 8 years ago
+Zachary Brown your a villa
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown - 8 years ago
+TheApplePie why? What did I do?
Vladimir Obama
Vladimir Obama - 8 years ago
+Zachary Brown I don't trust you
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown - 8 years ago
+TheApplePie ??
Vladimir Obama
Vladimir Obama - 8 years ago
+Zachary Brown don't trust Zachary his a Villa
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
+Zachary Brown really? Wow didn't know that!
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown - 9 years ago
+Jack son this fish lived in dinosaur Times my brother ;)
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
is that thing even a fish? it doesn't look like one.
Aqua fish
Aqua fish - 9 years ago
i understand the big difference between predatory and aggressive fish
and i want to apologize for everyone.
Sukumar Thirumalai
Sukumar Thirumalai - 7 years ago
Aqua fish betta fish
Matt DeAnzeris
Matt DeAnzeris - 7 years ago
Dicksucker69 Yoyo
Dicksucker69 Yoyo - 7 years ago
Aqua fish that's alright...are those all your fish?
Can this channelget 2000 subs without a video?
Can this channelget 2000 subs without a video? - 7 years ago
Aqua fish lol np m8
Michael Murdoch
Michael Murdoch - 8 years ago
Steve tu NO NO YOU DON'T!
Steve tu
Steve tu - 8 years ago
Aqua fish I understand
Ursula diva Manatad
Ursula diva Manatad - 8 years ago
Aqua fish
Yenni Yenni
Yenni Yenni - 8 years ago
Aqua fish its a Kingdom Of Savage FISHES
Michael Murdoch
Michael Murdoch - 8 years ago
Aqua fish How could you!
Doge&MemeGenerator - 8 years ago
yay i alerdy have the aligator gar
Gary Jeffers
Gary Jeffers - 8 years ago
Glad you said that because I was going to point out that the featured fish were just doing what they do even though some of them are probably aggressive too. I never thought Oscars were overly aggressive but they will eat anything they can get in their mouths. Don't have much experience with the rest except the Piranha. They never seemed too bad as long as they weren't hungry. African Cichlids, now some are very aggressive fish, and predatory. Then there are saltwater fish. One of my favorites that are also very aggressive are Trigger Fish.
Patrick Hempe
Patrick Hempe - 8 years ago
+squanchy thanx
Patrick Hempe
Patrick Hempe - 8 years ago
+squanchy that s reasonable.
Solaire of Astora
Solaire of Astora - 8 years ago
+Patrick Hempe I saw one on aquabid for 20 last month
Patrick Hempe
Patrick Hempe - 8 years ago
what would a baby goliath tigerfish cost?
Patrick Hempe
Patrick Hempe - 8 years ago
+hans wurst wurst True, the way they eat is very brutal to watch,
i fed salvator monators a couple of times, they shred a rat as dramatically as a channa does a fish or whatever they get between their teeth ,
i had blood from the rats everywhere after feeding them.
RPG nukes you
RPG nukes you - 8 years ago
+Runulfr Rauði my betta never killed any of my 10 male guppies
Runulfr Rauði
Runulfr Rauði - 8 years ago
+hans wurst wurst i have seen pikes in the wild feeding on small caps. they pick one and one. most people think they are agressive and attacks anything. but based on what i saw, they don,t scare away the small fishes by go bananas. brown trout and Norwegian bass (abbor) though, they go in and try to kill as many as posible. and all the small fish is gone. so, in my eyes, pike is smart. greedy when hungry, sure. same as me. i,m hungry, i eat whatever i can get my hands on. ;-) you should see pike, trout and bass in the wild attacking. you would never forget. (btw, pesonal record on pike is 13,2 kilos. broun trout 3,4 kilos and the Norwegian bass, (Abbor) 2,1 kilos. hard to get them over 2 kilos. Norwegian record is 3,2 kilos taken in the lake Mjøsa in the late 60 on the ice. aaaand i should get some sleep. been carving drinking horns since yesterday 9 in the morning. )
Runulfr Rauði
Runulfr Rauði - 8 years ago
+RPG nukes you seen them kill guppys realy fast. under 30 seconds, guppy dead.
hans wurst wurst
hans wurst wurst - 8 years ago
+hans wurst wurst Channa are the best expample this is one of most Aggressive Fish ive ever seen .... i got 2 Channa species at home
hans wurst wurst
hans wurst wurst - 8 years ago
+Aqua fish An aggressive Fish kills all in his territory.... a Predator kills just when he get hungry...
Kitty Scar Kat
Kitty Scar Kat - 8 years ago
+Anshassassin Updhyaya I have a betta fish his name is Ethan
Anshassassin Updhyaya
Anshassassin Updhyaya - 9 years ago
+RPG nukes you yah I know
RPG nukes you
RPG nukes you - 9 years ago
+Anshassassin Updhyaya I own many bettas in many community aquariums they are only aggressive to other males and females and sometimes guppys
Anshassassin Updhyaya
Anshassassin Updhyaya - 9 years ago
+Aqua fish you for got to put the BETTA fish
Kyaw Thu
Kyaw Thu - 9 years ago
Its ok just reminding u bro
Aqua fish
Aqua fish - 9 years ago
+RPG nukes you
yes I have thought about it but if I do it will have to delete some comments
RPG nukes you
RPG nukes you - 9 years ago
Maybe you could rename the video top 10 predatory freshwater fish?
Hay You
Hay You - 9 years ago
should have called the vid top 10 predatory fish man most those fish not even bad
Dev Sharma
Dev Sharma - 9 years ago
Dear Uploader this fucking thing is a deep shit this is not fucking aggression all these aggressive fishes that you have shown are feeding on the smaller fishes which fits in their mouth. So Mr. Dumbass try to upload a fight between the oscar and piranha then will see the aggression
Boltythebro - 9 years ago
really? fishes =(
Dylan Miller
Dylan Miller - 9 years ago
Hardly any of those fish are "for aquarium"... Unless you have a 300+ fish tank. Except for the oscar, I just saw fish that should not be in the pet trade.
Jose ZSolis
Jose ZSolis - 9 years ago
Snakehead is second position
iTzZ LyNx
iTzZ LyNx - 9 years ago
Richard James
Richard James - 9 years ago
There is a huge difference between predatory fish and aggressive fish.
Guenther87 TBCC88
Guenther87 TBCC88 - 9 years ago
blah blah, it SHOWS one thing!
That these fishes shouldn't be with other ones in a aquarium. Good for beginners. They don't know the difference.
Emerson White
Emerson White - 9 years ago
You don't seem to understand the difference between predatory and aggressive. Half your list is made up of the least agressive predator fish available. Oscars? Red Bellied Piranas? Silver Arawanas? All fish you can pet.
Guenther87 TBCC88
Guenther87 TBCC88 - 9 years ago
huh, the Arowana can eat most of the typical Aquarium fishes.
Maybe it isn't aggressive but I think he want to show people that begin that they shouldn't have this fishes in the aquarium!
Kyaw Thu
Kyaw Thu - 9 years ago
When you say the most aggressive fish... where are the bettas?
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
Bettas aren't that aggressive. Only the males with other males are aggressive. Outside of that Bettas are perfect community fish.
LJS - 8 years ago
+The Legendary Koroha Oscars....
Dire Crusader
Dire Crusader - 8 years ago
+Guenther87 TBCC88 But think about it this way, what if there was a betta the size of that Oscar. Who would be the most aggressive then?
mr. m
mr. m - 8 years ago
+Guenther87 TBCC88 wut about a giant betta?
Kyaw Thu
Kyaw Thu - 9 years ago
+Guenther87 TBCC88 we u get that danger from we r talking about aggressive
Guenther87 TBCC88
Guenther87 TBCC88 - 9 years ago
But they aren't as dangerous as the others are, haha
Kennedy Chong
Kennedy Chong - 9 years ago
Daniel Tran
Daniel Tran - 9 years ago
what pufferfish (nile, fahaka)? thats is not agressive fish?
Tropical MN
Tropical MN - 9 years ago
these are not appropriate aquarium fish
Vermithツ - 8 years ago
For starters ;)
Yukki Katsuki
Yukki Katsuki - 9 years ago
why would anyone keep a Goliath tigerfish its in the bloody name these things grow to huge sizes good luck buying an aquarium for these things when they are full grown.
truthbetoldni - 9 years ago
+Yukki Katsuki Same for the giant snakeheads. Four to five feet fully grown. I have 5 different species of snakehead and a rainbow wolf. The most voracious fish I had was a red tail catfish and a cross between rtc and tiger. They would eat fish almost as large as themselves.
I did have a 12 inch Emerald Stewartii Channa in with a 14 inch arowana in a tank with a goldfish for months until I removed the goldfish to another tank by himself.
Russ Polk
Russ Polk - 9 years ago
who ever enjoy feeding live animals to other animals is fucked in the head
Freshfruitz - 9 years ago
What about that sturgeon i keep in the lake out back, its not very aggressive.
SouperMovieCritic - 9 years ago
Jokes on them because they're feeding them feeder goldfish. They're full of parasites and have no nutritional value.
arne vandenbussche
arne vandenbussche - 9 years ago
Eddie Ragan
Eddie Ragan - 9 years ago
this list just shows that they are a restive eaters but not agressive to other tank mates or people the dovi needs to be up there instead of the tiger
Jet Lee
Jet Lee - 9 years ago
don't forget northern pikes and musky and bass they all can be kept in a tank also... dogfish
koukaloukaki - 9 years ago
y a vraiment des gens bizards...
O.G.O.B Outdoors
O.G.O.B Outdoors - 9 years ago
Piranha are the worst fish to keep in and aquarium they are cool for 10 min then really really really suck the rest of the time they are bait where they come from and they know it and act like it
LOOO OOL - 9 years ago
your set up is pretty bad probably ikeeps blacks and ruby reds very aggressive
Lee chez
Lee chez - 9 years ago
+dixie carp catchers They are shy but i bought mine very small, kept them together in a large tank with low lighting and they are fine, just depends how the tank is setup really and how many piranhas are in the tank.
MStebbz36 Cichlids
MStebbz36 Cichlids - 9 years ago
what music is on this vid?
Rizvan P.
Rizvan P. - 8 years ago
Allahu Akbar allahu Akbar allahu Akbar god god allahu Akbar allahu Akbar
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
+Rizvan P. Actually, you can depending on the context in which it is used and the context of the sentence itself.
Rizvan P.
Rizvan P. - 8 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER grammar? You don't start a sentence with "and"
Moon Cunt
Moon Cunt - 8 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER your grammar is cancer and arthritis mixed together my dude
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+bgsgbja Oh, is someone upset over a YouTube comment? PATHETIC!
bgsgbja - 9 years ago
hey dumb fuck, English is my third language, and i do have a right to make mistakes, though apostrophe shouldnt be counted as a mistake, because i was aware that im missing it. You should go, and look at your sentences, and admit that youre just  waste of semen of a fag
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+bgsgbja What happened to the apostrophe, dumb fuck?
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+stebbz36 I need a number, baby.
bgsgbja - 9 years ago
youre dumb as fuck
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+bgsgbja Because I'm. It trying to be perfect.
bgsgbja - 9 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER How can you criticize someone's grammar, when your own spelling, punctuation sucks really bad?
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+TurkeyBurglar Jones Very.
TurkeyBurglar Jones
TurkeyBurglar Jones - 9 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER How dumb are you? 
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+stebbz36 Thanks, brother!
MStebbz36 Cichlids
MStebbz36 Cichlids - 9 years ago someone who gives a fuck...that is all. Peace
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+TurkeyBurglar Jones If you're not going to write a perfectly written 16 word statement then don't call anyone stupid. Why do you have a random comma in place? your punctuation is wrong in multiple locations. And if you can't comprehend simple sarcasm nor are able to differentiate legit statements from jokes then you have a lot to learn.
TurkeyBurglar Jones
TurkeyBurglar Jones - 9 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER So stupid. You aren't born knowing, by your logic no one should be allowed to know.
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
If someone doesn't know what the name of this song is or the makers then they don't deserve to know!
Aqua fish
Aqua fish - 9 years ago
+stebbz36 music: Clubbed to Death - Robb Dungan
Ian White
Ian White - 9 years ago
songname ?
D4RKSID3OFSP4C3 - 8 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER I mean it (つ ⚆益⚆ つ)
D4RKSID3OFSP4C3 - 8 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER God is real, God exists
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
+FarAwayInABlueGalaxy especially not for the love a "God" which doesn't exist...
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+Rock Charles Thank you, ma'am.
Ian White
Ian White - 9 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER You are sweet with your naughty person.
my english is not good , im a german but i understand , that you are very naughty
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+Rock Charles Sweet
Ian White
Ian White - 9 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER No problem , sister
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+Rock Charles Thanks, brother!
Ian White
Ian White - 9 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER stfu little asshole and go home fuck your father.
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+Mark Dale Calling me twelve yet acting like a twelve year old yourself by calling people names. What an idiot!
Cameron Dale
Cameron Dale - 9 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER your such twelvie mate go home squeaker
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+Skowedey That's impossible. There is no sound of my words as your read them, idiot.
Ian White
Ian White - 9 years ago
+Aqua fish Thank you :)
Skowedey - 9 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER you sound like a 14 year old
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
People who don't know the song don't deserve to know. It's one of the most popular of all-time in its genre.
Aqua fish
Aqua fish - 9 years ago
+Rock Charles  music: Clubbed to Death - Robb Dungan
Ian White
Ian White - 9 years ago
Goliath tiger fish nothing for aquarium !!!
Baron Samedi
Baron Samedi - 9 years ago
Many of these fish are unsuitable for aquariums especially home aquaria.
നിന്റെ തന്ത
നിന്റെ തന്ത - 9 years ago
of course every can show their aggression on dumb Chinese eat and poop gold fish
Abhinav Srivastava
Abhinav Srivastava - 9 years ago
feeding Piranhas by hand???? Just a bit mistake and you loose your finger for good.
David B
David B - 9 years ago
+Robert Estrada Black belly is not a thing. And you shouldn't feed live bait if you care about your fish.
Robert Estrada
Robert Estrada - 9 years ago
I had piranhas, they would hide whenever I came in the room,not very active .never attacked my when cleaned to watch them eat live prey.but boring. black belly piranhas are the mean ones.
David B
David B - 9 years ago
+minecraftcreeper52 You obviously don't own one...
mcartus - 9 years ago
+Abhinav Srivastava you are wrong piranhas don't attack humans normaly you can swim with them if you just stay calm there is a tv series called river monsters they have a episode on piranhas maybe you should watch it
Kym Kelly-Taylor
Kym Kelly-Taylor - 9 years ago
Murray cod
Sid/Brian Golding
Sid/Brian Golding - 9 years ago
Do these people know that goldfish aren't a good diet for these predator fish not aggressive fish!!! Only God knows how much this frustrates me
Chode - 7 years ago
Couldn't agree more.
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
Yeah. Livebearers are better for live feeders.
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
+BIGgourami I agree.
BIGgourami - 9 years ago
no, they don't. they're just shitheads who want to see something get eaten in their living rooms. probably the same kind of people keeping dog fights alive and well.
Clatter - 9 years ago
I am sorry, but your list sucks... There is a big difference between aggressive fish and predatory fish.
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Looks like someone is triggered
You mad bro?
XX_mlg_Mr.girrafeXX 77
XX_mlg_Mr.girrafeXX 77 - 7 years ago
Charlie Yang I bet your just a gay little bitch
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
hahahahahahahahahah. That funny Mr. GirrafeXX 77
You think just because you threw a bunch of random hate words together, you think its an insult.
XX_mlg_Mr.girrafeXX 77
XX_mlg_Mr.girrafeXX 77 - 7 years ago
Clatter shut up bitch fag
J Dutta
J Dutta - 7 years ago
+Mystery Man Then why hating bruh? Isn't that ridiculous?
wxt64 - 8 years ago
Are you retarded or something?! Look at the first comment
Clownsrochie - 9 years ago
+Lars Rakstang yes
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+That FishGuy lol fosh!
ThatFishGuy - 9 years ago
Actually, a lot of cichlids are mostly aggressive, there are some (like angels and discus) that are more timid (although they can be aggressive)
Richard James
Richard James - 9 years ago
+That FishGuy "cichlids" is a very broad term, you are inculing fish from all of the continents of the world. You are saying that Angels and Oscars and Peacocks and Apistos and Discus and Rams are all the same. Because all the fish I have listed are cichlids.
ThatFishGuy - 9 years ago
Yep, cichlids are the real aggressive fosh
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
Very true. That's like the difference between big tits and fat tits.
Claude Harvey
Claude Harvey - 9 years ago
Oscars are pretty mellow compared to most CA/SA cichlids I kept ( red terror, green terror, jaguar, red devil, ... Even Jack dempsey beats them... And I know there are more aggressive cichlids out there... )

Silver aro aren't aggressive, just ferocious eaters...

Weird list overall
SYNERGISTIC123 - 9 years ago
+Lars Rakstang Precisely.
Umbi or Dovii for cichlids, not Oscars.
RTC not aggressive at all, eat when hungry.
Micros or H.wckyii just kill for the sake of it, and not bother eating the victim...
Ray Patrick
Ray Patrick - 9 years ago
+Lars Rakstang yes piranhas are predators but all the rest are very territorial and are mostly cannibals
Night of Elements
Night of Elements - 9 years ago
You should also add the abba abba knife fish, those things are mean.
Night of Elements
Night of Elements - 9 years ago
Instead of putting the Oscar on there, u should of put another type of cichlid on there like a Dovii or an Umbi. Oscars can be aggressive, but when compared to other cichlids they really aren't aggressive. Take my advice been in the hobby for ten years and I've been working in a local fish shop for over a year. All the other fish though are on spot.
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
not really.
( The last sentence )
Runulfr Rauði
Runulfr Rauði - 8 years ago
+Aqua fish was a cool video though. some of them i have never seen, only heard about. and to me, it was sooooo cool when they decided to take a mouthful! i used to have pirhanas many years ago, but all of a sudden we couldnt take in more exotic fish, snakes, turtles and other animals. government men it spread water carried viruses. and of course you had those F#¤%KERS who let some weird species out in small, closed lakes just to have some exotic fish to try catching in the summer. those morons ruined everything. tourists are ok. they understand that "do not bring live bait fish into the country or from lake to lake, bait fish is only aloud to use if it,s dead". a few lakes here are completly destroyed because some moron likes to fish pike, and have released plenty pike in broun trout waters.
Aqua fish
Aqua fish - 9 years ago
+Brendeeno Robinson yes you are right
Tam Do
Tam Do - 9 years ago
Sam Janke
Sam Janke - 9 years ago
Where did u come up with that list what about the mangrove jack barramundi and peacock bass
stagonasa - 9 years ago
cool video
GoldFish Ford
GoldFish Ford - 9 years ago
Awesome video!! I love it! Please take a look at my channel? I post a lot of fish videos mostly of my bass and freshwater dolphin. I would love to hear your feedback about it and if you like it please subscribe! Thank you!

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