27,241 likes 2,498,804 views 8 years ago
http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/continuity-aquascape-video-gallery/ Aquascape Journal, Photos & Transcript...
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http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/articles/journals/natures-chaos-aquascape-james-findley-journal This 150 x 150 x...
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Your ultimate eye candies. Indulge yourself in an epic journey of stunningly beautiful aquariums, planted tanks,...
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http://www.aquariumbros.com/my-aquarium/ If you want to know what goes into a tank like this, click here!:...
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http://www.aquascapeinc.com - Now everyone can enjoy a water garden, even if you only have a balcony to enjoy outdoor...
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http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/red-rock-aquascape-journal-james-findley James' recent nano aquascape for...
302 likes 169,944 views 8 years ago
Hello guys.. disini gue mau sharing" kepada kalian tentang dunia aquaspe,dalam video ini gue memberikan sedikit...
141 likes 53,066 views 8 years ago
membuat aquascape aquarium nano uk 27x20x22 (cm) alat dan bahan -aquarium dan lampu pastinya 1.batu (bebas) bisa...
160 likes 37,380 views 7 years ago
kali ini saya mau share tutorial cara merakit led murah mudah sederhana dengan desain seperti menggunakan LED...
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#aquascape #indoaquascape #aquascapesatria #aquascapepurwokerto
50 likes 25,083 views 7 years ago
Bagaimana membuat aquascape yang mudah dan murah dirumah, bisa di dapat bahan disekitar rumah
The "Tutorial merakit led aquascape murah meriah" video is part of the category, which contains similar videos like this one.
ini penjelasan cara sambung nya. lampu jenis ini gak perlu pake adaptor. jd tinggal sambung2 aja kabel nya.
10. comment for Tutorial merakit led aquascape murah meriah
Ane juga bikin seperti tu (Maklum Anak kos cari murah hehehe), hasil nya bagus, sorotan lampu bisa terang sampai ke dasar tank nya,
klo bisa di tambahin yang buat ngatur terang redup nya lampu nya bro, nama nya lupa, klo mau cari di toko lampu ada yang jual, bilang ja yg buat redup terang lampu kyk di kamar hotel hehehe
20. comment for Tutorial merakit led aquascape murah meriah