5,238 likes 1,920,395 views 12 years ago
http://www.aquariumbros.com/my-aquarium/ If you want to know what goes into a tank like this, click here!:...
1,727 likes 862,382 views 11 years ago
Update here: http://www.acquariofilia.biz/showthread.php?t=417969...
4,937 likes 798,688 views 6 years ago
hallo gesss untuk link pembeliannya klik link di bawah Speaker bluetooth 99 ribu setara mifa...
1,536 likes 601,249 views 18 years ago
My Planted Betta Tank Setup and Betta Fish Buddha and Betta...Peace and War collide. Shout out to the crazy nice...
9,330 likes 582,456 views 8 years ago
BUILD YOUR OWN AVATAR TANK▼ Invertebrates ► http://bit.ly/aquaticarts Use Code: "DIYAP20" For 20% OFF!...
1,860 likes 571,519 views 11 years ago
Fluval Edge 6 gallon: Unboxing and Setup Want one? Here is a link http://amzn.to/2d9SO4A A co-worker decided to buy...
477 likes 68,137 views 8 years ago
Today I unboxed Dream Blue Velvet Shrimp along with some Wisteria and Cholla wood. I show the process of drip...
28 likes 7,824 views 9 years ago
A nano tank I scaped at Rift 2 Reef in Flower Mound TX.
The "3 gallon nano setup" video is part of the category, which contains similar videos like this one.
No filter no pumps?
10. comment for 3 gallon nano setup
20. comment for 3 gallon nano setup
30. comment for 3 gallon nano setup
Psst I liked it
50. comment for 3 gallon nano setup
100. comment for 3 gallon nano setup
Don't discourage anyone
Sand is an inert substrate (almost no nutrients). So, the roots would be basically absorbing the nutrients from the water.
Therefore, cotton might be enough substrate?
But you have already aquascaping with only good lighting and enough substrate? Correct?
> "[...] enough substrate for the plants to root in [...]"
Do you think only gravel might be enough?
This means that most of the nutrients in aquatic plants come from the roots instead of the leaves? Correct?
> "The fishes are almost like a source of fertilizer [...]"
Considering that most of the fish waste is ammonia, this means that aquatic plants needs basically ammonia to survive?
My betta is in an 8gal (40litre) and most betta keepers recommend a minimum of 5gal. I guess it depends on personal preference and budget really.
desde CHILE.
Nice vid and very successful scape!
I'm wondering, why do you use so many different products in the substrate?
What is that heater you use? It looks nice and neat
Watch my channel, I need support for soon
Very simple tuto for the beautifull effect, goog job
I keep bare bottom tanks tho
and can you then filter it as it is for like 2weeks before introducing your fish/shrimps and snails?
If you take all the water for the new tank from the old one you don't even have to acclimate the fish from the old tank, you can just dump them straight in to the new one (provided temperatures match).
I always do that when moving fish as I hate having buckets of stressed fish (especially with my cats around) waiting for drip acclimation and would rather just move them instantly to their new tank.
everything I've said has come from professional breeders,biologist who study bettas and people who live where bettas live.everything you've written hasn't been from opinions not facts.it's pretty easy to tell your information is false cause you've never stated anything that disproves what I have said instead just stating information without anything to back it up like information about their habitat.
everything you've said so far are lies based on romanticized version of the wild.
bettas do spend their entire lives in their territory.there's no reason to search all over the place for food cause they eat insect larvae which there is a abundances of every where they live.the whole reason they have territory is to mate.wild bettas can't afford to go exploring cause death is around every corner in the wild and they don't want to loss their territory.
they also don't live 5 to 10 years in the wild.the average life span of a wild betta is one year cause during the dry season most die leaving only the fry the carry on.
bigger is better but that doesn't mean it is cruel to keep a animal in the minimum.
they spend their entire lives in a small territory if they dare to even travel a few feet outside their territory in the wild they risk losing their territory,running into another betta and getting into a fight or worse running into a predator.
trying to compare a betta to a dog,cat,bird or human doesn't work cause their needs and behavior is nothing like those animals.when dealing with a animal you should owes treat it according to it's needs not your own personal feelings.
this size allows the water to be clean and allows the betta to feel like it has a small territory(just cause there's miles of rice patty or stream doesn't mean they use it all).
Ps. Thanks again for the root tab tip for my s.repens. Been less then a week and it seems to be improving already.