Aquarium Sand Waterfall DIY (Using Powerhead)

A sand waterfall inside a planted Aquarium using a Powerhead. This video shows you how to make your very own aquarium sand waterfall. I am using and unorthodox method of using a power head instead of an aerator. It is actually quite simple to make this. All you need is -PVC Pipes (1 inch) -Hose clamps -Couple of Pipe elbows -a T joint for PVC -A submersible powerhead Watch the video for the rest of the tutorial. Like, Share and comment! Your likes and comments are greatly appreciated!. And dont forget to subscribe too! Music:

Aquarium Sand Waterfall DIY (Using Powerhead) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 19

People & Blogs 7 years ago 68,555 views

A sand waterfall inside a planted Aquarium using a Powerhead. This video shows you how to make your very own aquarium sand waterfall. I am using and unorthodox method of using a power head instead of an aerator. It is actually quite simple to make this. All you need is -PVC Pipes (1 inch) -Hose clamps -Couple of Pipe elbows -a T joint for PVC -A submersible powerhead Watch the video for the rest of the tutorial. Like, Share and comment! Your likes and comments are greatly appreciated!. And dont forget to subscribe too! Music:

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Most popular comments
for Aquarium Sand Waterfall DIY (Using Powerhead)

Gicela Domínguez
Gicela Domínguez - 7 years ago
I'am mexican please spoken spanish please
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Lol Just write in Spanish, I will do the translation
Gicela Domínguez
Gicela Domínguez - 7 years ago
Rakazaa Studio hello!! I want to do one and i love herthat way i think that's very nice of you .or write spanish please
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Lo siento, no hablo español!
Victor Gonzales
Victor Gonzales - 7 years ago
This is totally awesome!!! Thank you for sharing this simple yet magnificent design. I now have part one of my plan to build my own waterfall. By far the best design. I love the graphics tutorial as well. Many thanks!
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Thanks alot! Glad you liked it!
Oyuncak Dünyası
Oyuncak Dünyası - 7 years ago
Hi, great sandfall thank you for video why you prefered power head, instead waterpump?
Oyuncak Dünyası
Oyuncak Dünyası - 7 years ago
As I thought thank you for reply
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hi, I wanted to make the waterfall without having any bubbles disturbing my surface so that i can control my CO2 flow.
happy tulips
happy tulips - 7 years ago
Thank you so so much. You save me i have a 158GPH powerhead. But i need to get a higher GPH for my 55 gal and i will do this.. About the sand are you using 1mm?

happy tulips
happy tulips - 7 years ago
Rakazaa Studio hello again i cant find a 1.5mm so hoping the 1mm will be okay. Ill update you soon
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Yes. 1mm or 1.5mm sand is fine as long as your powerhead does not spew them all over the tank.
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Yes. Its 1mm sand
Nicki Anderson
Nicki Anderson - 7 years ago
This is what I I have been looking for, for months. Thank you for sharing!
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Thanks Nicki!, Glad that i could be of any help.
Reptiles 4 Life
Reptiles 4 Life - 7 years ago
im not gay but i could listen to ur voice all day it goes so well with the music
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hahah! Made my day!
Keith Cheney
Keith Cheney - 7 years ago
You're a genius! My question is how far away from the intake / output of a canister filter should this setup be? Or from any waterflow for that matter? Thanks!
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Dear Keith, Thanks alot for the wonderful comment. As long as your powerhead can push out at least 350GPH you should be fine. But my advise is to keep the plumbing works as short as possible for a better sand flow. Or your sand might clog up with the natural sludge/algae created by running water over a period of time.
fil - 7 years ago
why are you not my dad to teach me this :(
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hahah! Its ok. i am fine like this...
fil - 7 years ago
HAHA fml sorry daddy issues
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hahahahah this made my day Hahahahahah
lordkintendo - 7 years ago
Love the 3D model explanation.
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Thank you soo much! :)

10. comment for Aquarium Sand Waterfall DIY (Using Powerhead)

Leroy Snell
Leroy Snell - 7 years ago
Wooooooow!!!!! So since I have a tank that shows both sides, can I put a T piece at the top instead of an elbow and run a 2 sided fall?
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hey Leroy. You sure can!. Just make sure that the return sand does not fly all over the place:)
Jay-R Herrero
Jay-R Herrero - 7 years ago
batdead22 - 7 years ago
Are you from Singapore?
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hi Batdead22 If you are looking for a one stop buy all shop, the most convenient Nanyang Seaview aquarium at Seletar Farmway.
batdead22 - 7 years ago
Rakazaa Studio Hi-5. Any recommendations on a good local fish shop?
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Sir Yes Sir!
leo cavallini
leo cavallini - 7 years ago
can i used a 1/2 pvc pipe or dose it have do be 1 " pipe what do you recommend for a 100gal tank
leo cavallini
leo cavallini - 7 years ago
ok i will try it agian it a 1 pipe
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hi Leo.. 1/2 Inch pipe might be too small and cause the sand to clog up somewhere.. or it could cause the sand to spew out all over the tank due to the water pressure. Tank size does not matter. If you want more complicated layout of your pipe, i suggest that you get a better powerhead.
leo cavallini
leo cavallini - 7 years ago
what size is your aquarium
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hi i am using a 2ft Tank:)
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
Leave it to the asians to make everything confusing
TheTerminator1919 - 7 years ago
Wow this seems like a great idea! I given up on sandfalls because the sand would get blown around too much and wouldn't where it needs to refill. I'd buy a pvc pipe setup with the slit you made if you are selling it?
Michael Edpalina
Michael Edpalina - 7 years ago
i already use a stronger power head and followed the instructions regarding the (slit)T joint but still the water escape from the T it's like the sand won't go down because of the water coming out form the T joint. what is wrong with it?
ddeuerme - 7 years ago
Michael Edpalina did any of these suggestions work for you? I have the same problem
Michael Edpalina
Michael Edpalina - 7 years ago
Thank you Sir for this Awesome video tutorial and for the quick response!
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Problem 1: Something is blocking the outflow mouth of the whole setup
Problem 2: The facing of the slit is in wrong direction (There is no way for the water to gush out if the slit if facing along the flow of water
Problem 3: Powerhead (need at least 250 GPH) is not strong enough to push the force of water to the end of the setup up hence it will retreat and gush out to the nearest exit.
Problem 4: The sand is not heavy enough to sink
Problem 5: The Piping works must have too many corners (each corners will slow the flow of the water hence not enough force.

These are all the problems which i can think off. Please update us if you have resolved the problem.
PETESL2006 - 7 years ago
Dude kind of sounds like Anton Chigurh... Just call it!
Thamiris Reis
Thamiris Reis - 7 years ago
PETESL2006 c nu
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
antonio colella
antonio colella - 7 years ago
Hello give me the type of pump you used is the kind of sand thanks
antonio colella
antonio colella - 7 years ago
thank you
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hi Antonio, You can try searching for pool filter sand or white beach sand. both works fine
antonio colella
antonio colella - 7 years ago
It's the kind of sand
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hi Antonio. -A submersible powerhead also check out of there videos for more details.

20. comment for Aquarium Sand Waterfall DIY (Using Powerhead)

Lisa Ramsey
Lisa Ramsey - 7 years ago
This has got to be the BEST video and explanation for making a sand waterfall. THANK YOU so much!!
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Thank you Lisa! Please continue your support:)
Avideep Roy
Avideep Roy - 7 years ago
can you please do 1 design for me I also need to do waterfall pls do I will buy it from u
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Sorry Roy. This was purely a DIY project :) dont intend to do and sell:)
Avideep Roy
Avideep Roy - 7 years ago
can you send me the link where I can buy it online
Avideep Roy
Avideep Roy - 7 years ago
Rakazaa Studio hi thanks for replying I am from India can you tell me from were I can buy the sand in Indian website
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hi Avideep, Quartz (Silica Sand) will skyrocket your PH value of the water if you are keeping planted tank. try to look for normal white beach sand. And Besides, Quartz sand will make the water look cloudy.
Avideep Roy
Avideep Roy - 7 years ago
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
dawunderdog - 7 years ago
great CAD model. it made understanding a lot easier. in my opinion you got some of if not the best waterfall aquascapes. ty again for this vid
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Thank you Dawunderdog!
ko yongquan
ko yongquan - 7 years ago
i did the same way with you but why my sand flow out from the T pipe? As it supposes to be the entrance of the sand. But the sand flowup immediately when i put it in. Could u teach me how to solve this prob? thanks a lot
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
What GPH pump are you using? I suspect that the pump flow is not strong enough to push the sand forward thus the water is escaping through the nearest hole. Also what type of sand are you using? have you checked if your pipe has no blockage anywhere?
ko yongquan
ko yongquan - 7 years ago
yes i did but when i put sand into the t pipe and the sand will direct come out from there
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hi Yong quan. Did you check the direction of the T-pipe? Make sure the slit is facing away from the flow of the air pump. Also Make sure that the slit closes the t-pipe leaving a little gap for the water to flow through.
Avideep Roy
Avideep Roy - 7 years ago
wow ...... How did u make that I want to buy that waterfall please tell me how can i buy this.
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hi Avideep, Try looking for Pool filter sand (white) or white beach sand. Both should work fine
Avideep Roy
Avideep Roy - 7 years ago
what sand is this where can I get this sand please suggest me
Avideep Roy
Avideep Roy - 7 years ago
Rakazaa Studio can you make 1 and send it to me I will pay you
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hi Avideep. I didnt buy it. I made it. Check out my channel for the tutorials.
rajat sonkar
rajat sonkar - 7 years ago
pls tell about sand also which type of sand to use no one ever tell that
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hi Rajat Sonkar, I am using White Sand - You may just look up for normal white sand. Just remember to wash it thoroughly before use.
robert salazar
robert salazar - 7 years ago
you don't have a DIY video of how to put it together?Is a really good video by the way thanks for sharing.
robert salazar
robert salazar - 7 years ago
cool thanks so much
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago I do have a video on how to put everything together...
ken nathan
ken nathan - 7 years ago
thank you bro, very helpful
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Thank you Ken!
Travis Adams
Travis Adams - 7 years ago
What kind of powerhead did you use? Looks really great, thanks for sharing.
Travis Adams
Travis Adams - 7 years ago
Thank you
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Hi Travis, Similar Powerhead is written on my Description. Check it out:)

30. comment for Aquarium Sand Waterfall DIY (Using Powerhead)

Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 7 years ago
very interesting idea!
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Thanks. I am glad that you liked it!
KrispyAquascape - 7 years ago
Been waiting for this explanation for a very long time. Thank you for finally sharing
Rakazaa Studio
Rakazaa Studio - 7 years ago
Thanks Krispy!, I am also doing up a new video of how i did the whole structure.

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