Eli's 30,000 liter reef tank - filtration and life support system
People & Blogs 8 years ago 942,356 views
Eli's 30,000 liter home reef aquarium introduction to filtration and life support system. Diving and feeding the fish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lM_y42bBis Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElisReefAquarium
Tang police!!
10. comment for Eli's 30,000 liter reef tank - filtration and life support system
DYI - reef tank
20. comment for Eli's 30,000 liter reef tank - filtration and life support system
30. comment for Eli's 30,000 liter reef tank - filtration and life support system
I live on an island in Mombasa KE
50. comment for Eli's 30,000 liter reef tank - filtration and life support system
Awesome setup, this is the largest sea aquarium I seen so far over youtube.
It must be very difficult and time consuming to maintain it.
Thanks for sharing.
Today I was swimming in a saltwater pool and I thought about this too
Lets fill it with water
You need a professional company that build public aquariums to help you, I cannot.
100. comment for Eli's 30,000 liter reef tank - filtration and life support system
I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Add a whale
What i see is just an egoist person who take hundreds of animals from their habits for his own satisfaction .
swimming pool
quality food
any kind of comfort..
You should be fine BUT that's not life so think before talk .
BUT again that's not the point , the point is why you should keep hundreds of wild fish and corals for your own satisfaction ?
I have had aquarium too , sometime whit wild fish but this is way too much in my opinion .
If the animal don't die it doesn't mean they are "happy" , you should know it .
The bad condition of the reefs all over the world is a plus for my thesis , reefs are dying and you catch hundreds of wild animals for living room ??
This idea hurts me ..
Well worth it though.
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nice tank mate
I especially like the idea behind the gravity fed skimmer.
greetings from Indonesia...
that natural sunlight waves penetrating right down to the bottom of the tank is so nice and stressfree to see.
Oh, wait, "Go home and go big."
I dream of one of this in the future ..
Thanks for the technical information and specially regarding the Skimmer .. and using the natural sun light ..
I hope to update us with a video for every month of this rare art piece
This is Eyad from Iraq working and living in Dubai from ten years
a tank like this would cost an insane amount of money, and thats not counting stocking with corals and fish. with them this tank is an easy $100,000 USD..
but quick question, how do you control the temperature? I live in Thailand, We get lots of sun here.
it's about quality, not quantity.
The only thing that's not good about it is that's it's not in my house ;-)
27000l/hr x 18ft lift = 6.5 horsepower worth of pumps x 750w/1hp = ~ 5kw/hr worth of e' x $0.15 (the ave cost of e in Israel ) = $0.75/hr x 24hr = $18 /day x 365 = $6570/year for the pumps alone.
I've seen big ass TV's for literally half a mill. That is crazier than crazy but it's like having a movie theater in your big ass living room if you're rich.
I dont mean to argue with you really
Did you see what it is that he has there? This is not a couple hundred gallon tank that a lot of people may have.
You rude shit(not shite, ya fucking tard).
Imagine sitting in front of this thing at 3am with some blunts. I'd watch this shit all night.