Gorilla Crab eats #Saltwater #Aquarium #Fish and Coral. ALSO: New Coral, Brushing & Vacuum Itchy Dog, aquascaping, Poke Nachos, and Pokemon Go Nest! Fish Tank under attack from reef pest in the Red Sea Max C-250 Saltwater Aquarium. Red Sea Max Aquarium Playlist: Rockwork provided by Real Reef Rock CORGI T-SHIRT SHOP: MY WEBSITE = FACEBOOK = TWITTER = INSTAGRAM = CORGI PUPPY = Send Us Mail: VlogAfterCollege P.O. Box 111124 Campbell, CA 95011-1124 - Gorilla Crab Pest in the Aquarium - Catching the Gorilla Crab using a Mysis Shrimp and Jar - In Memoriam of Crab - Playing Ukulele Pokemon Center Theme - Red Sea Max C-250 Aquarium Update - Brushing & Vacuuming Itchy Dog (Furminator) - Taking Pre Jym Preworkout - Golds Gym Workout in Body-Engineers T-Shirt and Physique Bodyware Shorts - Wiping down with Baby Wipes - Grocery Shopping Haul for Spicy Tuna Nachos & Boba - Going to to get more Coral Frags - Dipping the Coral in Coral Revive - Going to Neptune Aquatics to get Glue and B-Ionic 2 Part Dosing (Alkalinity and Calcium) - New Coral Placement: Alveopora, Mummy Eye Chalice, Acan, Sunset Montipora, Favia, Yellow Brick Road Zoa - Why I won't get a Blue Tang for My Tank (No Dory) - Corgi Dog Plays at Dog Park - Poke Nachos: Sushi Grade Ahi Tuna, 1/2 Onion Chopped, 4 Raishes, 1 cup of Cilantro Chopped, 1 lime, 1 Jalapeno, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp lime juice, sriracha 2 tbsp, 1/4 cup mayonnaise, 1 avocado, chips - Dog's allergy update - Going Pokemon Go Hunting at New Spot that's really good (Pokemon Nest) - Funny Corgi Knows Bark Command without being taught

FISH KILLER CRAB CAUSES AQUARIUM DISASTER - Life After College: Ep. 504 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 446

People & Blogs 8 years ago 653,337 views

Gorilla Crab eats #Saltwater #Aquarium #Fish and Coral. ALSO: New Coral, Brushing & Vacuum Itchy Dog, aquascaping, Poke Nachos, and Pokemon Go Nest! Fish Tank under attack from reef pest in the Red Sea Max C-250 Saltwater Aquarium. Red Sea Max Aquarium Playlist: Rockwork provided by Real Reef Rock CORGI T-SHIRT SHOP: MY WEBSITE = FACEBOOK = TWITTER = INSTAGRAM = CORGI PUPPY = Send Us Mail: VlogAfterCollege P.O. Box 111124 Campbell, CA 95011-1124 - Gorilla Crab Pest in the Aquarium - Catching the Gorilla Crab using a Mysis Shrimp and Jar - In Memoriam of Crab - Playing Ukulele Pokemon Center Theme - Red Sea Max C-250 Aquarium Update - Brushing & Vacuuming Itchy Dog (Furminator) - Taking Pre Jym Preworkout - Golds Gym Workout in Body-Engineers T-Shirt and Physique Bodyware Shorts - Wiping down with Baby Wipes - Grocery Shopping Haul for Spicy Tuna Nachos & Boba - Going to to get more Coral Frags - Dipping the Coral in Coral Revive - Going to Neptune Aquatics to get Glue and B-Ionic 2 Part Dosing (Alkalinity and Calcium) - New Coral Placement: Alveopora, Mummy Eye Chalice, Acan, Sunset Montipora, Favia, Yellow Brick Road Zoa - Why I won't get a Blue Tang for My Tank (No Dory) - Corgi Dog Plays at Dog Park - Poke Nachos: Sushi Grade Ahi Tuna, 1/2 Onion Chopped, 4 Raishes, 1 cup of Cilantro Chopped, 1 lime, 1 Jalapeno, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp lime juice, sriracha 2 tbsp, 1/4 cup mayonnaise, 1 avocado, chips - Dog's allergy update - Going Pokemon Go Hunting at New Spot that's really good (Pokemon Nest) - Funny Corgi Knows Bark Command without being taught

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Most popular comments

Jihye Im
Jihye Im - 7 years ago
Taylor would be proud
Adolfo Salazar
Adolfo Salazar - 7 years ago
Ni how chino
OG penguin
OG penguin - 7 years ago
Atleast they were avenged.
Canada Arrow
Canada Arrow - 7 years ago
Things I want to see him get.(a red cap Monti and a clam) add what ever stuff to the list!!
Mutyi80 - 7 years ago
what are the baby wipes for? For when you dont have the time tó shower
Hope Vang
Hope Vang - 7 years ago
why couldn't you give him away to the aquarium store
Corgi Lover
Corgi Lover - 7 years ago
My parents are like you can't play pokemon go and I'm like "WHAT?!?! But yea R.I.P for your fish and some of the corals
YH S - 7 years ago
Wow pokemon centre song
DeltaRamYT - 7 years ago
I was at a aquarium and I saw a tank with blue tangs but it was about the size as yours. There were 5 of them. So does it have to do with the fact that your tank is a variety of fish or What?

10. comment for FISH KILLER CRAB CAUSES AQUARIUM DISASTER - Life After College: Ep. 504

Miriam Ortega
Miriam Ortega - 7 years ago
a krab killed my betta
Manny Gaming on ps4
Manny Gaming on ps4 - 7 years ago
Song is from Pokémon in The pokey center for healing Pokémon
Newton Tran
Newton Tran - 7 years ago
Y does the ukulele song sound like one of the background music songs from one of the pokemon 3ds towns. All towns/ cities/ locations in the pokemon video games have a theme
Alice Gt Adventure's !
Alice Gt Adventure's ! - 7 years ago
Brushing Gaspy
Gaspy:This Is The Good Stuff
francy thegamer
francy thegamer - 7 years ago
The best music centre pokemon
The Z show
The Z show - 7 years ago
On 2:57 he has this look like "please kill me"

This is the only vlog channel I love
I love getsbi
Evil Knight Victor
Evil Knight Victor - 7 years ago
Pugggy/Nomyo - 7 years ago
He's such a good cook
Ruckus loves cats 2
Ruckus loves cats 2 - 7 years ago

20. comment for FISH KILLER CRAB CAUSES AQUARIUM DISASTER - Life After College: Ep. 504

Stella Zhang
Stella Zhang - 7 years ago
To everyone wondering why you really really really shouldn't get dory/blue tangs.

Do research before buying pets. Please, real life isn't like movies and these are real living beings. Do them justice.

Thank you, Ryen, for knowing better and treating your pets well.
Michelle Holm
Michelle Holm - 7 years ago
One of these dislikes is the crab.
Corgi Lover
Corgi Lover - 7 years ago
The black finger u had my grandma got it slam by the toe
Nacho - 7 years ago
I like when he records his legs in the gym, i have no clue where his knee is xD
FromYourPrincess - 7 years ago
I wish there were cool places to go pokemon hunting where i live
Jonathan Mao
Jonathan Mao - 7 years ago
Your the worst vlogger ever, you spend your time playing with a stupid dog, to much aquarium stuff.
Pusheen :3
Pusheen :3 - 7 years ago
you have such a great life....
Diamond Ma
Diamond Ma - 7 years ago
What if there were more crab eggs .-.
Diamond Ma
Diamond Ma - 7 years ago
When u where vacuuming gastby he was smiling
Lauren Whitlow
Lauren Whitlow - 7 years ago
I have that Cilantro gene and it tastes like dish soap and smells awful

30. comment for FISH KILLER CRAB CAUSES AQUARIUM DISASTER - Life After College: Ep. 504

KokoPlays - 7 years ago
Omg pokemon center theme ukulele version!!!
Lily The Flower
Lily The Flower - 7 years ago
This crab must go!
fridde - 7 years ago
i hope gatzby never dies
Tom Coby
Tom Coby - 7 years ago
Where Jack the dog at the dog park
Kristopher Nielsen
Kristopher Nielsen - 7 years ago
my god! how do you have such crystal clear water? no particles at all! BEAUTIFUL!
Daniel D.
Daniel D. - 7 years ago
I would have boiled the crab.
Yoghurt SSO
Yoghurt SSO - 7 years ago
8:51 so funny XDD
Rx _Snip3r_783
Rx _Snip3r_783 - 7 years ago
But I thought if you eat raw tuna you can get sick
Star eggs dee
Star eggs dee - 7 years ago
im watching this video while playing pokemon and the ukulele pkmn theme is so nice
Yumi Chan Dog Lover
Yumi Chan Dog Lover - 7 years ago
Who is watching Aphmau videos the Mermaid tales the crab looks like zane the crab
Purple.z RBLX
Purple.z RBLX - 7 years ago
Davidplayz I
Davidplayz I - 7 years ago
Pokémon red version
Natanael The Gamer
Natanael The Gamer - 7 years ago
1:50 so beautiful song... That make me sleep
GalacticalStar - 7 years ago
TBH my beagle puppy loves string instruments.... I think your music will make my doggy extremely excited to hear string instruments again!
xX_de4nd_Xx SP
xX_de4nd_Xx SP - 7 years ago
Omg this reminds me about my dad's tank in our old house. It was so big and he did actually have a blue tang
9764 Meme St For Dead Children
9764 Meme St For Dead Children - 7 years ago
I wanna try those nachos. They look like something I would eat
Julia Araujo
Julia Araujo - 7 years ago
I thought he was going to eat the crab when he put that protein shake bottle onto the countertop...
Arf Omr
Arf Omr - 7 years ago
Why don't you cook the crab and eat it? It deserves that for eating the fish
Spark Playz
Spark Playz - 7 years ago
Tan Kheng joo
Tan Kheng joo - 7 years ago
did he just eat raw fish

50. comment for FISH KILLER CRAB CAUSES AQUARIUM DISASTER - Life After College: Ep. 504

Sneech AKA Suneo Honekawa
Sneech AKA Suneo Honekawa - 7 years ago
I'm here wondering to my self did he magicly appear in there?
Trunkz Hertz
Trunkz Hertz - 7 years ago
he played the Pokemon tune!!!
Luke St. Romain
Luke St. Romain - 7 years ago
Did anyone else see the dog at 6:12?
Luke St. Romain
Luke St. Romain - 7 years ago
I love when he plays music, and starts dancing. Especially that annoying song.
Naruto 7th hokage Naruto
Naruto 7th hokage Naruto - 7 years ago
i like your fish
Andrew Holm
Andrew Holm - 7 years ago
you are so awesome
Liam Hunter.
Liam Hunter. - 7 years ago
Your so successful, how do you balance fun, education, a good body and still have money to burn..
GDHDVDHSh Gdhdvdhdhfh
GDHDVDHSh Gdhdvdhdhfh - 7 years ago
Noooo not the gold hammer coral nooooooooooooop damn u crab
Brieonni Johnson
Brieonni Johnson - 7 years ago
The Pokemon center!
Tsz Lam Cheng
Tsz Lam Cheng - 7 years ago
Goddamnit Ryen why are you so perfect !!!
Princess Fluttershy
Princess Fluttershy - 7 years ago
Where did even the Killer Crab came from???
R.I.P. all fishes and corals that died
Awesome_Waddles_713 -I'm a kawaii gamer! BOW DOWN
Awesome_Waddles_713 -I'm a kawaii gamer! BOW DOWN - 7 years ago
Alex - 7 years ago
I think letting it freeze slowly to death isn't the most humane
Jimmy Pham
Jimmy Pham - 7 years ago
Can i have the song name for the workout part of video please
Yo Girl Cara
Yo Girl Cara - 7 years ago
I wonder what Gatsby does alone at home. Could you set up a camera when you go to the gym?
Adrian's Pets
Adrian's Pets - 7 years ago
that song was amazing
Aakaash Bhaskaran
Aakaash Bhaskaran - 7 years ago
What is that black circle like thing your drink
Mike Mike
Mike Mike - 7 years ago
Hey Ryen u love your videos is so amazing and funny
U are so nice
And I love the corgi
Please pin this :)
Therese Salva
Therese Salva - 7 years ago
Are you christian or catholic?
THE Penguin
THE Penguin - 7 years ago
Fun fact the name Gatsby come from the book and movie the great Gadsby
Brian Bockhaus
Brian Bockhaus - 7 years ago
kitkatpepper 'n' ettolrahc Lu
kitkatpepper 'n' ettolrahc Lu - 7 years ago
Just watched this right after watching knight die
XxCaptain_ DogexX
XxCaptain_ DogexX - 7 years ago
Without gaspi I don't think you would have hit 100k subscribers! CORGIS FOR LIFE!
XxCaptain_ DogexX
XxCaptain_ DogexX - 7 years ago
Without gaspi I don't think you would have hit 100k subscribers! CORGIS FOR LIFE!
Isaac Shang
Isaac Shang - 7 years ago
i just realized only you tubers life's are intresting
PlatinumForcer - 7 years ago
You are really good at the ukulele
RedTallon1805 Gaming
RedTallon1805 Gaming - 7 years ago
opening son is from pokemon Silver (the best) Gold, and Crystal
Inkling Boy
Inkling Boy - 7 years ago
Your dog should be a Pokemon!!!!
Melanie Gonzalez
Melanie Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Wow you can play Pokémon Center song?
Kawaii Kitty
Kawaii Kitty - 7 years ago
n000b4u roblox
n000b4u roblox - 7 years ago
the song he was playing was pokemon :o
PistonIs Lush
PistonIs Lush - 7 years ago
i didnt know how i found this channel 2 years ago????? its just sooo interesting to watch this vlogs.
Le Coeur
Le Coeur - 7 years ago
lol I froze a crab too
Memenicorn - 7 years ago
How did the crab get in?
Laurie Paquin
Laurie Paquin - 7 years ago
The Memenicorn probably came from a coral piecw
Ms. Pizza Pie
Ms. Pizza Pie - 7 years ago
you and gatsby dancing is the cutest ever ❤️
Carol Kranawetter
Carol Kranawetter - 7 years ago
Regarding Gatsby's periodic skin irritation: check the brand of shampoo you're using ... rinse thoroughly.
Jp Mira
Jp Mira - 7 years ago
Hey that is the pokemon center music!
YH S - 7 years ago
yes he play pokemon
CJ PL4YZ G4MES - 7 years ago
I love your vlogs keeps me happy
Banaen Lol
Banaen Lol - 7 years ago
What is that instrument?
ice sama
ice sama - 7 years ago
Banaen Lol
I-its a ukulele... ^^;
Khalid Al Nabti
Khalid Al Nabti - 7 years ago
oh sorry and rest in peas
Khalid Al Nabti
Khalid Al Nabti - 7 years ago
the killer grab eats the aquarium fish rip fish 2012 2016
Carly Zahrt
Carly Zahrt - 7 years ago
What kind of brush does he use on the corgi?
Sofi Arambula
Sofi Arambula - 7 years ago
Where did you get gatsby's brush?
Pugriot - 7 years ago
as soon as i go on this video i be like "like like like like like"
Anthony Perez
Anthony Perez - 7 years ago
Gordon Ramsey Approves Of Your Cooking
DynaBlade 10
DynaBlade 10 - 7 years ago
I would've taped the bottle shut,and go to the beach,and throw it in the ocean...
Magical Falcore
Magical Falcore - 7 years ago
Its sad how the funeral music you played for your fish was the one my moms parents were buried in.. ._.
Yoyoyo Momo
Yoyoyo Momo - 7 years ago
It took me a second to recognize the Pokémon music I'm ashamed
Supreme Leader
Supreme Leader - 7 years ago
How did it get th re ?

100. comment for FISH KILLER CRAB CAUSES AQUARIUM DISASTER - Life After College: Ep. 504

Victor Guillen
Victor Guillen - 7 years ago
can you eat the whole bowl
Elite Officer
Elite Officer - 7 years ago
Leroy - 7 years ago
My grandpa had a blue tang that lived for 16 years
Leroy - 7 years ago
Look it up they live 8-20 years in captivity
FotYoi ROBLOX - 7 years ago
they dont even live that long in the wild, liar
Madison Bupp
Madison Bupp - 7 years ago
Your finger got slammed my big toe got slammed by a ladder it black a lot and it was slammed against cement lottery it hurt badly
2k subs for no reason? ?
2k subs for no reason? ? - 7 years ago
The song at 1:52 Pokemon poke centre
Genesis Rosenbaum
Genesis Rosenbaum - 7 years ago
O. o
Jonathan Paule
Jonathan Paule - 7 years ago
hey ryan im from the philliphines you should go here the beaches are beautiful youre goin to land on manila
Jonathan Paule
Jonathan Paule - 7 years ago
The Closet Branch
The Closet Branch - 7 years ago
Who's watching 2017?
BleachIsHere  GT
BleachIsHere GT - 7 years ago
Pokemon Center!!
Vess Vetrii
Vess Vetrii - 7 years ago
Hey Ryan , is the dog park fenced?
Nik Machado
Nik Machado - 7 years ago
Glad a real"crabsical" isn't real right?
gaming apocalipz
gaming apocalipz - 7 years ago
Shpee Main
Shpee Main - 7 years ago
Why would u put a killer sea spider on ya' tank?
Joystikz_ - 7 years ago
I heard that the markings on a corgi's back were left on it's coat because of saddles and harnesses made by the woodland fairies
oxellelii li
oxellelii li - 7 years ago
I thought Gatsby was a girl but when you were brushing his fur i relized that he was a boy....(sorry bad engish )
Schwumble Skittles
Schwumble Skittles - 7 years ago
Your ukulele song sounds so much of the Pokémon center song in Pokémon brick bronze
Jay I. Cueto
Jay I. Cueto - 7 years ago
It is a cool video and all, but really - I just didnt get how you went from the fish tank to dog brushing, gym, catching Pokemon......... I like Pokemon........ but ummmmm, i was expecting more fish stuff!!!
Amethyst Mizell
Amethyst Mizell - 7 years ago
i got really sad during the memorium
That_Guy_._. - 7 years ago
Pause right at 2:55 and he's just like wot in tornashin
Oreo Cookie
Oreo Cookie - 7 years ago
Your life is like the ideal life to live. You're active, you buy items independently, the opposite of mine ;-;
Red Fox Gamer
Red Fox Gamer - 7 years ago
Tingeling - 7 years ago
Wow your fishtank is so beautiful <3 And that tuna-dish looks soo delis!!!!!! :)
Molly Gygi
Molly Gygi - 7 years ago
He should get a starfish to scare the living daylight out of da crab
tryforce lion
tryforce lion - 7 years ago
pokemon song
Dragonite Playz
Dragonite Playz - 7 years ago
Today was the leg day
Raspberry Tiff
Raspberry Tiff - 7 years ago
Genesis Loh
Genesis Loh - 7 years ago
I have a question how do you keep fleas away from Gatsby?
Jaydeen Alfaro
Jaydeen Alfaro - 7 years ago
You Deserve 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000subs plus i love your video
Calvin Levis
Calvin Levis - 7 years ago
Lol you made my day with your video, very informative and entertaining. I was about to get the same crab until I watched your video. Thanks!!!
The Sheepish Paul
The Sheepish Paul - 7 years ago
that song you played was the pokemon theme
Gary G
Gary G - 7 years ago
Ryan, don't cook the tuna in front of your aquarium. It will make your fish nervous.
TheGalaxyWolfz - 7 years ago
Nom Nom
Nom Nom - 7 years ago
Rest In Peace Mr.Krabs
Enrique Martinez
Enrique Martinez - 7 years ago
I would of just took the crab to the store
TJ DA GOAT - 7 years ago
8:43 Gasby Gang
Dominic Almonte
Dominic Almonte - 7 years ago
Jean Mahmoud Ventilateur
Jean Mahmoud Ventilateur - 7 years ago
Pokemon center music, am I right ? 1:54
THE DUDE - 7 years ago
The guitar song reminded me of Pokemon
Joseph Osborne
Joseph Osborne - 7 years ago
enjoy the crabcical
AirAssassin15 - 7 years ago
Emiliano Bernal
Emiliano Bernal - 7 years ago
So... The crab killed all the Zelda characters you had.
SkiSi WoW
SkiSi WoW - 7 years ago
Emiliano Bernal lol
Entety 303
Entety 303 - 7 years ago
If my plate coral would die i would leave it in my tank i will get more corals :).When plate corals die even if it is 1 year after their death , babies will start popping up
Fishmeup - 7 years ago
Can we see the frozen crab
Tom Hunter
Tom Hunter - 8 years ago
Have you seen my son coral
Kryshia Leal
Kryshia Leal - 8 years ago
Fur everywhere
Roblox Family
Roblox Family - 8 years ago
Find it
Anonymous Vendetta
Anonymous Vendetta - 8 years ago
dude i have a huge blue tang in my 65 gal and he is doing fine and i have had him for 1 1/2 years. you can for sure get a blue tang.
Sammy Nguyen
Sammy Nguyen - 8 years ago
Your vlogs give me a good vibe
Crimany Gaming
Crimany Gaming - 8 years ago
Brings. Out my Hawaiian
CannyBow - 8 years ago
that aquarium song is from pokemon sun and moon. or atleast the only place i ever heard it
FluffyTheWolf YT
FluffyTheWolf YT - 8 years ago
TheHardest - 8 years ago
Ryan :"Poke"
Me :"MON!"
Ryan :" nacho"
Me :" damn it, I thought I could have made some Pokemons"
LARRYJAY 2468 - 8 years ago
At 1:50 a pokemon song is playing and am I the only one who noticed that it was a pokemon song.☺
rajesh pillai
rajesh pillai - 8 years ago
i think u should bring one female Gatsby too, atleast he will not feel lonely while u r at gym.
Karla Prieto
Karla Prieto - 8 years ago
Nice fishs
Gage Ferguson
Gage Ferguson - 8 years ago
Try a tortya with butter melted and add cinnamon
Kati Tunnell
Kati Tunnell - 8 years ago
What is the point of the baby wipes after you got out of the gym?
kkkei 96
kkkei 96 - 8 years ago
he shouldve just bought a small fish bowl and put the crab in there
Emmiwy - 8 years ago
I have a 65 gallon too. I have soil under my gravel so the water is tinted a tiny bit brown. Did a water change yesterday and it cleared up a bit.. got the tank a few weeks ago so I just have small starter fish. Love your channel!
Mega Ray
Mega Ray - 8 years ago
1:55 rlly the pokemon center music
Servus •_•
Servus •_• - 8 years ago
I still remember when Pokémon go was the thing back then.... but sense the clown sightings I never heard from that
Lps peacemaker
Lps peacemaker - 8 years ago
The song that played during the aquarium was the background song for the Pokémon games POKÉMON Center
Laura TheAnimalLover
Laura TheAnimalLover - 8 years ago
This sounds dumb.... but I kinda want to be one of his fish.........
Dazzling Chong
Dazzling Chong - 8 years ago
First time seeing a dog vaccumed. Lol
I main Zed
I main Zed - 8 years ago
What ukulele size is that?
Anne Ermish
Anne Ermish - 8 years ago
Do you have a job that you do when your not vlogging or do you make your living off of vlogging if so, that's pretty cool!
The Gaming cat Like
The Gaming cat Like - 8 years ago
I wish I had a cool aquarium
The Gaming cat Like
The Gaming cat Like - 8 years ago
die killer crab
Saber Gamer
Saber Gamer - 8 years ago
cook da crab
chelle palz
chelle palz - 8 years ago
For all those ppl who think he harmed the crab. If he releases it in the wild it might cause a disaster for the ocean and if he gives it to someone they won't accept that furry crab. The best thing for him to do is freeze it! He didn't want to kill it or anything but in my opinion he's a pro at this so he did it
Discord Realm
Discord Realm - 8 years ago
Why did u not do research to see if it was an invasive species to u could release in the wild..... I am soooo mad I at u right now
guitar junkie
guitar junkie - 8 years ago
ryen's ukulele playing is just so calming and comforting it actually makes my day so much better oml
Mira Mlecka
Mira Mlecka - 8 years ago
you could made krabby patty :D
Pamela Olivarria
Pamela Olivarria - 8 years ago
Get getspy a new dog so you can have two dogs
Saber Gamer
Saber Gamer - 8 years ago
pamela olivarria its gatsby
Pamela Olivarria
Pamela Olivarria - 8 years ago
Barby Vargas
Barby Vargas - 8 years ago
i think you was going to do tacos
elite savage master
elite savage master - 8 years ago
do you have a wife
elite savage master
elite savage master - 8 years ago
do an Q&A tomorrow plz
Ricardo Bravo
Ricardo Bravo - 8 years ago
Get it
Ricardo Bravo
Ricardo Bravo - 8 years ago
Dory needs to be in a tank as big as a couch and besides you would end up having to find her every day
John Yuio
John Yuio - 8 years ago
Water Angel :3
Water Angel :3 - 8 years ago
You now have a new subscriber
Guinea pig Adventures
Guinea pig Adventures - 8 years ago
I really like your blog because you are not inappropriate. I am getting a corgi
Princess pony Ornelas
Princess pony Ornelas - 8 years ago
Love your vlog's:)
Akshay Kumar Singh
Akshay Kumar Singh - 8 years ago
Yo nice tank set up really beautiful
red archer raiko
red archer raiko - 8 years ago
he played a pokemon song
Celestia Playz
Celestia Playz - 8 years ago
Good thing you got the crab!
Have a awesome day random person who is scrolling down the comments!
aesth - 8 years ago
All the dislikers/haters are jealous of you. Man I really want a saltwater tank. I have a boring freshwater tank and all my fish survived for 2 years omg.
GaMeOvErRules - 8 years ago
You have a crab in your tank and you don't know where it came from? To me that is amazing and really makes me want to get into the hobby.
Insanity Gamer
Insanity Gamer - 8 years ago
Nice channel, I like that your fit and healthy! And I slammed my finger in a door which ended up cutting off a part of it, R.I.P
Chuy That Kid
Chuy That Kid - 8 years ago
Do you know more about fish or dogs?
Lvkas - 8 years ago
0:06 Run for your Life!
A Man Called God
A Man Called God - 8 years ago
What is the music when you goto the gym and do some workouts?
Rudra Chatterjee
Rudra Chatterjee - 8 years ago
That's outta my mind from BOB
TopSir - 8 years ago
Purple Woman The Goddess
Purple Woman The Goddess - 8 years ago
lenore quiaoit
lenore quiaoit - 8 years ago
What happened to the crab?
Smol - 8 years ago
the song you were playing on the ukulele was the Pokemon center theme!
Logan Eddington
Logan Eddington - 8 years ago
Ryen you make to most amazing meals I have ever seen.
Go Go gaming27
Go Go gaming27 - 8 years ago
where did that crab come from and also I know you were playing the pokemon center song
HammerHead2D - 8 years ago
Do your research before you put shit ın
Purple Woman The Goddess
Purple Woman The Goddess - 8 years ago
stupid crab
Drink Me
Drink Me - 7 years ago
Awesome_Waddles_713 -I'm a kawaii gamer! BOW DOWN what the heck did she /he do
Jive Chip
Jive Chip - 7 years ago
Awesome_Waddles_713 -I'm a kawaii gamer! BOW DOWN what?
Awesome_Waddles_713 -I'm a kawaii gamer! BOW DOWN
Awesome_Waddles_713 -I'm a kawaii gamer! BOW DOWN - 7 years ago
Purple Woman The Goddess Says someone that kiddnaps kids and putting them in suits? So really you are the stupid one
Mia Cox
Mia Cox - 8 years ago
what do you do with all of the food when your full
lilly wilson
lilly wilson - 8 years ago
Pokémon center in the game theme
Tsundere's Gaming
Tsundere's Gaming - 8 years ago
pokecenter music
Bunny Phoniex
Bunny Phoniex - 8 years ago
Three more years till i get a corgi i cant wait
Southern Cross
Southern Cross - 8 years ago
Love all your vlogs... so entertaining and light up my days.
Titanium Beast
Titanium Beast - 8 years ago
I want
Sophie H.
Sophie H. - 8 years ago
oh my nuggets the spongebob ukulele song was in the background!!! Can u play it??
Tiny Turtle News
Tiny Turtle News - 8 years ago
I actually started crying during the memorial because I was thinking of my dads dog and my dog who had to move to another family so I've lost 2 cats two dogs
Tiny Mustard
Tiny Mustard - 8 years ago
Ryan you should get a seahorses in your tank like those tiny ones
Coolrh13 - 7 years ago
LPSkandykat And cost A lot, considering the high chance it has of dying
LPSkandykat - 7 years ago
Seahorses some times dont do well with other fish, and are very difficult animals to take care of
Loli Slag
Loli Slag - 8 years ago
i wanna play the ukuleli too it sounds so beautiful
Anti-Virus Sans
Anti-Virus Sans - 8 years ago
Pokemon center music..
Really dud?
Lolhappygamer - 8 years ago
Andrew Ren
Andrew Ren - 8 years ago
He should have yelled "dragonite!!!!" As loud as he could
OtakuOfNeko - 8 years ago
The best part of this video is when he played the Pokémon center theme on the ukulele
ProjectShiroi - 8 years ago
GoldBowstaff - 8 years ago
Oh yeah mr krabs
Jackson Stewart
Jackson Stewart - 8 years ago
Andrew Ren
Andrew Ren - 8 years ago
GoldBowstaff you feel it now mr. Krabs
Mika Escalona
Mika Escalona - 8 years ago
when he plays a guitar it reminds me of pokemon center song theme
Lexi's LPS
Lexi's LPS - 8 years ago
Mika Escalona it's an ukulele
MegaDweeb - 8 years ago
At 1:51 it's the Pokémon center music!!
Eclips3 - 8 years ago
Is that a magikarp????
Pietro Cassano
Pietro Cassano - 8 years ago
poor crab
Cube Smp
Cube Smp - 8 years ago
The pike center music XD
Hema Gurunh
Hema Gurunh - 8 years ago
Cube Smp lol pike centre a hospital for pike fish, tun, tun, tunnanun
Sebastian Godinez
Sebastian Godinez - 8 years ago
Cube Smp pokecenter
Cube Smp
Cube Smp - 8 years ago
Alison Korte
Alison Korte - 8 years ago
JM - 8 years ago
Do an updated tank tour!
JM - 8 years ago
Gatsby looks better than most of boys at my school
Mike - Roblox and More!
Mike - Roblox and More! - 7 years ago
Same for me
Roger BinnyGaming
Roger BinnyGaming - 8 years ago
how did he get the crab?
Andrew Ren
Andrew Ren - 8 years ago
Roger BinnyGaming in the coral he bought
Roger BinnyGaming
Roger BinnyGaming - 8 years ago
Oh wait but how would a egg get in there?
Brianna Wright
Brianna Wright - 8 years ago
Im a new viewer so i don't know the answer to this question but what degree did you pursue in college?
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 8 years ago
I can tell u spent a lot of time and money in that tank really nice setup including the current making things (forgot the name) that makes it fell realistic
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 8 years ago
And Gatsby looks so funny when u brush him
lolo8068 - 8 years ago
you could say he had crabs
Hero brine team
Hero brine team - 8 years ago
Rip hrambae I ment crab
jaco-jan Prinsloo
jaco-jan Prinsloo - 8 years ago
no that is not the most humane way . not even almost
Okay sure.
Okay sure. - 8 years ago
Oh my goodness I bursted in tears when you played the ukulele! I really miss my childhood where I would be a hardcore trainer and raging because of my tendency to accidentally press A when Nurse Joy asks if I would like to heal again! I was very impatient lmao.
Hema Gurunh
Hema Gurunh - 8 years ago
Okay sure. your thumbnail is bloody annoying, thought it was a small bit of mah hair >:(
Sean Gibbs
Sean Gibbs - 8 years ago
Okay sure. Same:)
_ LowcusTheYellowGuy_
_ LowcusTheYellowGuy_ - 8 years ago
Love the Pokémon song
Platformer games with gamer
Platformer games with gamer - 8 years ago
Wonder''your dog and death crab will be switched''.
Vincent Ngu
Vincent Ngu - 8 years ago
tht is pokemon music
SKY T1 DiaMonD
SKY T1 DiaMonD - 8 years ago
I subscribe and I like your dog corgi it's so cute *-)
Duan Jacky
Duan Jacky - 8 years ago
R.i.p crab rest and peace died In 2017-2017
Angie Hernandez
Angie Hernandez - 8 years ago
You should get more fish
Zebra J Striker
Zebra J Striker - 8 years ago
i like the wavey coral
Jeremy Gomez
Jeremy Gomez - 8 years ago
why did you kill it you should have put it in a lake or something
I main Zed
I main Zed - 8 years ago
Jeremy Gaming A did y hear what he said in the other vlog
Mylesvideos smith
Mylesvideos smith - 8 years ago
I feel so bad for his fish
Anastasia Papazaxaria
Anastasia Papazaxaria - 8 years ago
You killed the crab!!!???Are u crazy !?!?!
Anastasia Papazaxaria
Anastasia Papazaxaria - 8 years ago
They could put it in a separate aquarium till somebody buys it.He would find a way if he wanted
Lexi's LPS
Lexi's LPS - 8 years ago
Anastasia Papazaxaria but it killed everything in his tank what would it do to the shop?
Anastasia Papazaxaria
Anastasia Papazaxaria - 8 years ago
He could just give it to an aquarium shop !!
Buffy  love tyinus
Buffy love tyinus - 8 years ago
Anastasia Papazaxaria crab killed the fishes!!!??? ARE YOU CRAZY!?!?!?
Charles Oh
Charles Oh - 8 years ago
cilantro tastes like soap to me

its the genes
Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat - 8 years ago
when he was playing his guitar it was the pokemon center
Earth & Wind
Earth & Wind - 8 years ago
he played the pokemon theme song wow
alex smith
alex smith - 8 years ago
why the hell are you killing this crab? it's messed up. you could have taken him a pet store and gave him away.
payton the pokemon master
payton the pokemon master - 8 years ago
pc music
Girl x
Girl x - 8 years ago
How the hell did the crab even get there?
Adi Wadi
Adi Wadi - 8 years ago
I would have dumped the crab in a rockpool at a beach nearby
Adi Wadi
Adi Wadi - 8 years ago
+Liberty Cola How about feeding it to a seagull at the beach. The seagull gets a free meal and if that makes it full then theres one less seagull on the beach hungry for a local crab or fish or something. Or I could feed it to a shark at an aquarium
Lexi's LPS
Lexi's LPS - 8 years ago
Adi Wadi but it could kill corals and fishes in the ocean
XxpurpletntxX - 8 years ago
I think the enemy of the crab is mosquito xD

Just joking its a fable from our country xD I just heard it today xD
K'nex Master
K'nex Master - 8 years ago
I had a blue tang in a 20 gallon tank for 2 years
Blase game GTA 5 gamer
Blase game GTA 5 gamer - 8 years ago
I am so sorry about the fish
Kirsten Krier
Kirsten Krier - 8 years ago
Gatsby is a Pembroke Welsh corgi tricolourd
Caleb Pettigrew
Caleb Pettigrew - 8 years ago
Are you gonna by the two fish that crab killed and the coral
Buffy  love tyinus
Buffy love tyinus - 8 years ago
Caleb Pettigrew what???
Leo Williams
Leo Williams - 8 years ago
lol pokemon
3lanore Nordquist
3lanore Nordquist - 8 years ago
When I grow up I want to get a corgi puppy and name it Hannah
Hearts Broken
Hearts Broken - 8 years ago
Can we do the same recipe, but can we cook the fish instead?
Laurie Paquin
Laurie Paquin - 8 years ago
Cupcakes With coco probablh
Raja V
Raja V - 8 years ago
who else can't stop watching this vlog
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
Where did the gorilla crab come from and why didn't you take it somewhere?
Tyranosaurus Rex
Tyranosaurus Rex - 8 years ago
Dear Crab : FUCKING KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!
Meep Young
Meep Young - 8 years ago
rip should have bought another tank and bought fish from petsmart and put them in there
hawaiian_gamer_ 808
hawaiian_gamer_ 808 - 8 years ago
poke is the best i like the hawaiian style its spuce
Roblox Family
Roblox Family - 8 years ago
Do a 360
Bluebird. - 8 years ago
I'm super enjoying your aquarium vlogs and I'm wondering why I still haven't subscribed.
Bluebird. - 8 years ago
Clicking that subscribe button sure fixed that right up! ;)
kris hauenstein
kris hauenstein - 8 years ago
they hatch or hide as juveniles in coral. they suck. they will try or successfully eat every fish you have. r.i.p. Cardinals
Anything Crazy
Anything Crazy - 8 years ago
nice vid. I'd love to know what's the size of your aquarium?
rabar omar
rabar omar - 8 years ago
poor crab :(
HistoricSteamTV - 8 years ago
I had a mantis shrimp intruder who thought it was a bad ass in my 120gal tank and because it was tall I could not get at him. I bought a 6" picaso huma huma trigger fish and it was gone in 5 minutes. Put trigger in another tank and returned my corals and small fish. LOL!
Usaagii_ chan
Usaagii_ chan - 8 years ago
where is the crab :V
clash htoo
clash htoo - 8 years ago
he is really good at that small guitar i wish i can have one
Ender_Rocks 123
Ender_Rocks 123 - 8 years ago
OMG Pokémon center music
Ari J
Ari J - 8 years ago
Ryu TT
Ryu TT - 8 years ago
I'm sorry for your loss
RepOnRep Nation
RepOnRep Nation - 8 years ago
what you do for living ?
Jaclyn Laurenz
Jaclyn Laurenz - 8 years ago
I already thought that maybe having a crab in the aquarium is not gonna be a good idea when he bought it. I also thought that it might easily catch/grab the fish and eat them. And I was right. Lol. No offence, just saying. I wouldn't get a crab and let it be together with all my pet fish if I have them.
GloomGaiGar - 8 years ago
Fairly sure I heard the crab came with the corals,
Kimchi22 GT
Kimchi22 GT - 8 years ago
Jaclyn Laurenz he said he didn't know where the crab came from..
supreme breeze
supreme breeze - 8 years ago
i forgot that spongebob ep when the kids said something like"are you ready mr.krabs"
Na Wg
Na Wg - 8 years ago
You should make a tutorial for the ukulele Pokémon center theme song!
Terry Crew
Terry Crew - 8 years ago
The aquarium is beautiful •3•
Selina Thao
Selina Thao - 8 years ago
good job for portering you're fish from the EVIL CRAB
ItsMeZakPlayz - 8 years ago
Where did that crab come from??
Andrija Mandić
Andrija Mandić - 7 years ago
ItsMeZakPlayz The coral he bought had an egg so the crab hatched
Star Gaming
Star Gaming - 8 years ago
Was that the Pokémon center theme? Or was it the music from riding the bike in gen 1? Couldn't tell lol
Star Gaming
Star Gaming - 8 years ago
Just stomp on it, its over in an instant lol
E Chin
E Chin - 8 years ago
Mamarial part made my cry
Mosin Nagant
Mosin Nagant - 8 years ago
Why didn't you sell the crab? Extra profit yo
Josh - 8 years ago
you just earn yourself a new fan.
signature blue
signature blue - 8 years ago
Hit man song love it
Maxie :p
Maxie :p - 8 years ago
I had a frog once that ate the eye off my goldfish
Game Playz
Game Playz - 8 years ago
sticking it in the frezzer will make him die in pain
Awesome_Waddles_713 -I'm a kawaii gamer! BOW DOWN
Awesome_Waddles_713 -I'm a kawaii gamer! BOW DOWN - 7 years ago
Game Playz No he falls asleep but he will still feel it
stop stalking me jeneesc.
stop stalking me jeneesc. - 8 years ago
8:52 thank me later.. (:
TrapeziumYT - 8 years ago
stop stalking me jeneesc. No thank you lololol
Dj Hammond
Dj Hammond - 8 years ago
Those dance moves tho!
Alex McCann
Alex McCann - 8 years ago
Can you post that Nacho recipe, sounds awesome...
Jimmy Herman
Jimmy Herman - 8 years ago
I knew right away that was the Pokemon oG song
MC SANBERK Erseren - 8 years ago
CRAB is baby fck you
Violet Greene
Violet Greene - 8 years ago
MC SANBERK Erseren And so were the fish.
Jodi Truong
Jodi Truong - 8 years ago
mmmmmm pokeball looking delicious!
bleach potato
bleach potato - 8 years ago
I slammed a door on my leg and a toe nail came out :(
Lettuce Puff
Lettuce Puff - 8 years ago
Hey I like that song! It sounds so good!!!!!!!! Luv it!
FrostedMantis - 8 years ago
i have the same dog comb
HoOtix Gaming
HoOtix Gaming - 8 years ago
can dogs really "understand" music?
Anti Alien's 2nd Account
Anti Alien's 2nd Account - 8 years ago
Rip fishies
mason mccabe
mason mccabe - 8 years ago
Do more aquarium videos!
itz Ghost
itz Ghost - 8 years ago
Pokemon ukulele song
MonsterFishKeeper - 8 years ago
you do realize you cant eat raw fish
MonsterFishKeeper - 8 years ago
Liberty Cola yep
Lexi's LPS
Lexi's LPS - 8 years ago
MonsterFishKeeper yes you can but if it's not prepared right (there is something else I don't remember) it can make you sick. But most of the time you'll be ok
Lexi's LPS
Lexi's LPS - 8 years ago
Trashcan :D Of Rainbows :P I think he was talking about the tuna
Violet Greene
Violet Greene - 8 years ago
MonsterFishKeeper No, he's killing it by freezing it.
Aubrey Moore
Aubrey Moore - 8 years ago
I love your videos
Aubrey Moore
Aubrey Moore - 8 years ago
Your the best vloger I have ever seen and I seen a bunches and bunches of videos
Jackie Beaupre
Jackie Beaupre - 8 years ago
When a dogs life is a thousand times better than yours
Time of The End
Time of The End - 7 years ago
Hema Gurunh do not be rude!
Hema Gurunh
Hema Gurunh - 8 years ago
Jackie Beaupre wow you must be living one hell of a shit life, shanty town? there, there I will light a special candle for you
Vin_Vernon - 8 years ago
What kind of dog is Gatsby? What breed?
Jackie Beaupre
Jackie Beaupre - 8 years ago
Vin_Vernon pembrooke welsh corgi
Ansel Sangermes
Ansel Sangermes - 8 years ago
i kind of feel bad for the crab
3hornthrasher - 7 years ago
I agree, he should have sold it for free. And do crabs feel pain when they begin to freeze? If so, I would have smashed it with a sledgehammer, maybe thats a little cruel, but freezing it seems a little sadistic.
Alex - 7 years ago
Sedan Daniels crabs like that can live in sand or mud during winter. Only a small group of crabs hibernate. I'm just trying to show people like him that freezing animals is not quick or painless
Sedan Daniels
Sedan Daniels - 7 years ago
Clearly it's a saltwater crab, so it doesn't live in mud. Also, crabs can go into dormant states similar to hibernation. The real question is, why do you insist that the crab died in an awful, painful way? You WANT the crab to have died painfully.
Alex - 7 years ago
Sedan Daniels crabs don't hibernate they burrow under mud to stay warm so a cold blooded animal like a crab would die even more painfully
Sedan Daniels
Sedan Daniels - 7 years ago
But crabs are not human and when they get cold they don't shiver under blankets until they fall asleep. It's more like hibernation, it goes to sleep so it can survive through the cold weather, its insides froze, but it didn't hurt because the crab was in a dormant state.
Alex - 7 years ago
Jayden Jam which would have been a quick and less painful death
Jayden Jam
Jayden Jam - 7 years ago
It is the most humane way .-. He could've just stuck a knife in him or something
Divinity Official
Divinity Official - 7 years ago
Sarah Jackson no fvcks given
Alex - 7 years ago
Waddles_Gamer_713 no he froze painfully. You fall asleep after several hours of painful freezing
Awesome_Waddles_713 -I'm a kawaii gamer! BOW DOWN
Awesome_Waddles_713 -I'm a kawaii gamer! BOW DOWN - 7 years ago
BoBoBaconBros Alex He fell asleep -_-
Alex - 7 years ago
It slowly froze to death. Have you ever been cold that's not peaceful
nightlyi - 7 years ago
Don't worry, the death was painless. The crab was dying peacefully in its sleep.
Alyson M
Alyson M - 8 years ago
+Sarah Jackson lol so if you were a hungry person with only plants and animals you could kill around you, you wouldn't eat em? Some humans just don't use logic. How have you been surviving up til now? Have you just been living off air
TheWingedLynx - 8 years ago
ansel sangermes uuuh then what does the crab eat then?
Sarah Jackson
Sarah Jackson - 8 years ago
ansel sangermes shut up... It killed the two Cardinals Zelda and Shiek and live corals.. Justice has been served!!!!
Mr Chicken
Mr Chicken - 8 years ago
Gazi Sahil
Gazi Sahil - 8 years ago
well yellow tang is also not suitable for 65 gallon..
Gazi Sahil
Gazi Sahil - 8 years ago
pokemon tune ????
Java Junkie
Java Junkie - 8 years ago
Made spicy poke today and it was so good!!
DJ CU3 - 8 years ago
Get 2 limes, "yeah."
Posittron - 8 years ago
Perfect vlog. Not a single second was boring
Jacobmart 03
Jacobmart 03 - 8 years ago
+VlogAfterCollege I have a suggestion for your tank, see if you could get a porccupine puffer, ive heard really good things about them, like, they're rly heart,reef safe, interactive and i dont think they need that much room and the most important part they're not aggressive to any other fish
Kenneth Ramos
Kenneth Ramos - 8 years ago
BarberGaveMe ThatFreshCut
BarberGaveMe ThatFreshCut - 8 years ago
Lol, loved that you named the coral
reef junkies
reef junkies - 8 years ago
amazing tank bro but I have a question has your flame angel nip at any of your corals because I'm considering in getting one for my tank
C Fuh
C Fuh - 8 years ago
uh-oh, are you sure that's Gatsby you came home with since he knows that command??!?!? ;)
Little BakPao
Little BakPao - 8 years ago
WTF Pokemon ost's That's the pokemon centre ost lol
SlurrFX - 8 years ago
3:42-3:46 it looks like he has two kneecaps jeez
José Rizal
José Rizal - 8 years ago
TheCreeper XL
TheCreeper XL - 8 years ago
you watched pokemon
Cheiyenne Jimenez
Cheiyenne Jimenez - 8 years ago
this aquarium is great in my opinion i would live to live there if i was a fish
Deersii - 8 years ago
What was the song he was dancing too?
ceejay 1872
ceejay 1872 - 8 years ago
that is 1 sexy setup bro love it
ann53090 - 8 years ago
he knows gorrilla warfare
JL - 8 years ago
Great episode!
mlshuynh - 8 years ago
the crab it kill 8
Thomas Michael
Thomas Michael - 8 years ago
Cinnamon Apple
Cinnamon Apple - 8 years ago
The Pokémon center theme song and aquarium was so calming..
Murderous Sandshrew
Murderous Sandshrew - 8 years ago
Just noticed all the amiibos. Who's your main in Smash?
Lois Ruhl
Lois Ruhl - 8 years ago
why the pokemon center music?!
Keegan Crabb
Keegan Crabb - 8 years ago
you killed my cusen
King Godzilla
King Godzilla - 8 years ago
You earned a sub
I Phone call s life
I Phone call s life - 8 years ago
Your so talented at the ukulele
Billy Smith
Billy Smith - 8 years ago
my god man!! why hikari mysis?? its crap! all things hikari are garbage, no wonder your fish died!!! now compare hilari to piscine and look at the protein difference, from 9% - 68%
rick Lewman
rick Lewman - 8 years ago
what is the baby wips for
Scott Taylor
Scott Taylor - 8 years ago
ryen you should get a goby and shrimp pair.
Onthetrailwithchase Richardson
Onthetrailwithchase Richardson - 8 years ago
Omg that is the cutest corgi ive ever seen whats its name
Fish tank videos
Fish tank videos - 8 years ago
My mappa puffer eats krabs
CallMeBreezy :3
CallMeBreezy :3 - 8 years ago
....He called a coral "Darth Maul"...
Sounds about right
Elizabeth S
Elizabeth S - 8 years ago
Why did you have to do that to the crab I'm sure someone could have taken it, it didn't choose to be born in your tank!!!
Borin Taing
Borin Taing - 8 years ago
I love Neptune aquatic! I'm from San jose by the way.. that's why I know that fish store lol great vlog! subbed
Matarese28 - 8 years ago
So wait, were those coral tanks his?
Black shadow Plays
Black shadow Plays - 8 years ago
U know ur Pokémon style
fire blazer
fire blazer - 8 years ago
why did you eat raw fish
isaac 81135
isaac 81135 - 8 years ago
but doesn't coral die if you touch? How do you get it in?
marshmallow n cream
marshmallow n cream - 8 years ago
you should have let the crab go instead of killing it!You are a devil!
sidney cox
sidney cox - 8 years ago
Releasing it into the wild can cause severe environmental effects. invasive species can kill ecosystems
Gayle Klein
Gayle Klein - 8 years ago
Ryen, I wanted to let you know about a friend of mine who has a 400 gallon coral aquarium and a channel on YouTube called Melev's Reef. Marc is very knowledgeable about corals and fish and I thought you might want to compare notes.
Super Girl
Super Girl - 8 years ago
he was playing the Pokemon center theme song
aaronli - 8 years ago
I'm scared that ill have pests like this crab :$
Corgi Goddess
Corgi Goddess - 8 years ago
What type of brush do you use to brush Gatsby?
Jackson Stewart
Jackson Stewart - 8 years ago
Pokemon center theme!!!!
Dimplestodeep - 8 years ago
Ugh your so handsome
Jonathan Washington
Jonathan Washington - 8 years ago
I swear man, your vlogs are very relaxing. That's why I enjoy watching. I've almost watched all your vids so far lol
Edsel Aquino
Edsel Aquino - 8 years ago
what if the crab had lad eggs ??
aaronli - 8 years ago
That'd be a nightmare!
BUTTERYDIAMOND V - 8 years ago
Thank goodness he didn't kill luma and deedeedee
Matarese28 - 8 years ago
Wow that's crazy how that one crab can destroy the aquariums ecosystem
Veigar's Twitchy Hand
Veigar's Twitchy Hand - 8 years ago
you're aquarium is awesome
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
You should get a figure 8 puffer! They eat soft shelled snails and they are known as " freshwater " but are brackish and live longer in salt and have a minimum of 20 gallons! They also might let you pet them.
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
After the death song it's a happy song of you dancing. Like BRUH.
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 8 years ago
Jose Gomez
Jose Gomez - 8 years ago
OMG what cind of crab is that
Arthur Ferreira
Arthur Ferreira - 8 years ago
Dude. I think this is the greatest video I have ever seen on YouTube!
ARKA ASMARA - 8 years ago
Just today 5 of my fish died because when i was in vacation the water refill stopped working so the fish had no water except for one left
ARKA ASMARA - 8 years ago
There was only a bit of water
Jared Lang
Jared Lang - 8 years ago
What's the title of the song at 1:51?
Jared Lang
Jared Lang - 8 years ago
What's the title of the song that you played with ur ukulele
Daisy Flores
Daisy Flores - 8 years ago
I never had that kind of nachos, now I wanna try it lol it's looks goods lol
Jenny Michelle
Jenny Michelle - 8 years ago
Wow Pokemon go is crazy over there ! Couldn't imagine seeing that many people Pokemon hunting over here lol .. We dressed our newborn as pikachu for her first baby picture tho
charizard king
charizard king - 8 years ago
the music that he was playing on his guitar
charizard king
charizard king - 8 years ago
pokemon center music
blazekid gaming
blazekid gaming - 8 years ago
thats pokecenter music
Kristy Chiu
Kristy Chiu - 8 years ago
Does anyone know the song ryan was dancing too?
j9garcia25 - 8 years ago
The crab
Vicky Lam
Vicky Lam - 8 years ago
ik this is an older vlog but can anyone pls pls tell me what the song was when he was dancing with gatsby before he went to the gym?
largol33t1 - 8 years ago
Damn, that crab is a serial killer! Good thing you caught onto the problem and got rid of it. I've seen tooo many videos of people weeping because their fish/coral were wiped out by ONE crab or other fish and they couldn't figure out what the culprit was. This is why I'm too nervous to get an aquarium. I want a big one with a lot of different species of fish but am too scared of stuff like this. One poor youtuber's entire tank had to be repopulated because of one mean fish that hated EVERYONE! That must have been heartbreaking.
Lærke Bundgård
Lærke Bundgård - 8 years ago
Wauw. You're aquarium is beautiful.
Jak3yB0y - 8 years ago
that was the most humane way u could think of, freezing to death?
Francesca Go
Francesca Go - 8 years ago
Could you please tell me the brand of Gatsby's grey bed? I am looking for a good quality one for my Yorkie.
Adan Loya
Adan Loya - 8 years ago
rip Mr krabs
anderson yang
anderson yang - 8 years ago
Logan Logan
Logan Logan - 8 years ago
I found dory
Kelly Peissner
Kelly Peissner - 8 years ago
You did not have to kill that crab. You could have set up a small tank just for him. It's not his fault he ended up in your tank.I had one the hitchhiked in. He ate all of my opae. That's the risks you take when you have tanks. Instead of killing it, I got him a tank and what an awesome friend he became. I hope you said a prayer for the crab you murdered.
ChainedRuby - 8 years ago
who else wanted to see the frozen crab in ice?
golfmaniac007 - 8 years ago
whats the name of the tune at 01:24?
Pixel Bixel
Pixel Bixel - 8 years ago
Is that a ukelele !!!
Saphy - 8 years ago
What did you do with the frozen crabsicle?
FV2 Freestylers
FV2 Freestylers - 8 years ago
Damn Nice fish tank
Rick C-137
Rick C-137 - 8 years ago
That dumb Harambe crab
scarlet partin
scarlet partin - 8 years ago
that was cruel he coulda bought a new tank and kept the crab
Bigby - 8 years ago
Pick a damn topic
Person Man
Person Man - 8 years ago
Corgi penis
pokemon blastoise
pokemon blastoise - 8 years ago
your dog is so cute
camille medina
camille medina - 8 years ago
Love your channel!
Stuff and other things
Stuff and other things - 8 years ago
Let the dog eat the crab
Theheavymetalhippie 84
Theheavymetalhippie 84 - 8 years ago
crabs suck... ask my cousin...
Bret Crane
Bret Crane - 8 years ago
you got quite the sense of humor young fella!That will get you through life more than you know.Great dog
MEGSTER メグスター - 8 years ago
your vlogs are so fun
so many different segments
keep it up man :DDD
Shrek Kong
Shrek Kong - 8 years ago
Can you feel it now Mr. Crabs? ;-;

1 lik = 1 tear for mr. crabs
Shrek Kong
Shrek Kong - 8 years ago
Dog Penis lmfao
(sorry im immature)
Rosie Montana
Rosie Montana - 8 years ago
i love the music you made!
Joseph Jones
Joseph Jones - 8 years ago
I am considering to put Coral in my tank. Any tips or starter corals?
Stephen - 8 years ago
While I can't say I believe in an afterlife, if there is one, can I return as your dog ?
AshxMoe - 8 years ago
This guy does more in a day then I do in a week....
BunnyGamingYT xD
BunnyGamingYT xD - 8 years ago
aftertimeminers - 8 years ago
Lol its pokemon
Taz Farhat
Taz Farhat - 8 years ago
Is $1995 a good deal for a corgi puppy
Jules Askalotl
Jules Askalotl - 8 years ago
awesome video! but couldn't you have just used a net to get him out? lol
Jeremiah Casey
Jeremiah Casey - 8 years ago
Ur Corgi is really cute!!!
clay lindsey
clay lindsey - 8 years ago
omg u started makin vids again im been here since 50k
Killer Panda Gamer KPG
Killer Panda Gamer KPG - 8 years ago
I got an Oscar fish
Super Saiyan Trunks
Super Saiyan Trunks - 8 years ago
u earned a sub.....meeeee
Ivan Villanueva
Ivan Villanueva - 8 years ago
I love his music choice
youtu game
youtu game - 8 years ago
hey dat son is pokemon son
Chris - 8 years ago
the tuna looks like watermelon cut up
Chris - 8 years ago
the tuna looks like watermelon
Kiesha Thomas-Mitchell
Kiesha Thomas-Mitchell - 8 years ago
You are the definition of a perfect pet owner
oliver au
oliver au - 8 years ago
I like the crab
rycs16 - 8 years ago
MASSIVE bonus points for the Poke-center Song on a Ukulele
Ramon Colon
Ramon Colon - 8 years ago
I thought i would see a magicarp or at least a goldeen when the pokemon theme came on
Greg Williams
Greg Williams - 8 years ago
Nub B
Nub B - 8 years ago
pokemon song lol
blackbunny - 8 years ago
Where is the Pokemon Go hunting location?
Matthew Essex
Matthew Essex - 8 years ago
THAT CRAB IS CRABBY (cricket)(cricket
DestroyerJamie - 8 years ago
Was that the pokemon medical centre theme Gen 1 ?
지명길 - 8 years ago
Like your vids... Seems u have same hobbies like me lol from Seoul Korea :))
Im Chuck
Im Chuck - 8 years ago
wait blue tangs dont live very well in captivity?! ive had mine for a long time and havent had any problems and my take is only 50-60 gallons XD either im lucky or just god
Im Chuck
Im Chuck - 8 years ago
MaloGaming why the hell am i getting a notification on a comment i posted 2 months ago lol
Fexarost Surl
Fexarost Surl - 8 years ago
So frozen crab = crakable crab
Marina Tan
Marina Tan - 8 years ago
Luckily all left is the clownfish,flame angelfish,yellow tang,wrasse,anemone and some other coral.
Marina Tan
Marina Tan - 8 years ago
This crab must be in the volcano. He killed 3 banggai cardinalfish and some coral!
Magical Magikarp
Magical Magikarp - 8 years ago
This is my first time watching and and I subscribe
marley Farinas
marley Farinas - 8 years ago
aww cute corgies!
marley Farinas
marley Farinas - 8 years ago
my dad has blue tane cause he has a huge fish tank!
marley Farinas
marley Farinas - 8 years ago
yay mr killer crag froze! rip all the ded stuff :(
Remington Seehawer
Remington Seehawer - 8 years ago
This is my first time watching your vids but I know I'm gonna LOVE THEM
Blake 799
Blake 799 - 8 years ago
did u cook the fish
J Nav
J Nav - 8 years ago
My dog ate a crab after It jumped out the tank when i was trying to scoop it up with a net. This is way seems more efficient with the jar.
Alexander de Wit
Alexander de Wit - 8 years ago
Krusty Crab's secret
bunny lee
bunny lee - 8 years ago
can we get a update of the evil killer crab.
Erika Gonzales
Erika Gonzales - 8 years ago
Caught aerodactyl and machamp there. So fun.
ASMR Artists
ASMR Artists - 8 years ago
daaam when you were out hunting pokemon and saw all the people all i could think was, wooow the zombie apocalypse has started
kalajel - 8 years ago
Or, you could have released it int the wild?
Alex Gaming
Alex Gaming - 8 years ago
Wanted to see the frozen crab
44theshadow - 8 years ago
thats a small fucking crab.
Ty Rogers
Ty Rogers - 8 years ago
Rip Mr. Krab the serial killer
Emirixxx 66
Emirixxx 66 - 8 years ago
LOL you have Doge as a pett :0
Fatmah Abdallah
Fatmah Abdallah - 8 years ago
i like it it cool
Grandmas Kush.
Grandmas Kush. - 8 years ago
Bitch I ain't evil!
S. L.
S. L. - 8 years ago
you really kill the crab Oo :-( its sooo bad
Rukia Michigan
Rukia Michigan - 8 years ago
Wow Gatsby is the cutest dog ever I like him very much
Life of Dan
Life of Dan - 8 years ago
That's why your quarantine your fish
Jimena sosa
Jimena sosa - 8 years ago
Sorry for all your lost in the tank from a crab
CreepyHoboGaming - 8 years ago
hey, I have a question, I am looking into getting a saltwater tank and I was wondering how the rocks stay like that? Do they just kind of stick together and hold or do you have to maybe do something else?
Chase Molloy
Chase Molloy - 8 years ago
I came back to listening to the Pokemon centre them
Chase Molloy
Chase Molloy - 8 years ago
And. Great work on it
Kevin Chen
Kevin Chen - 8 years ago
at about 2:00 did you play the pokecenter song?
Eric Southard
Eric Southard - 8 years ago
You should get a mantis shrimp, that'll take care of your crabs ;)
Jonathan Goddragon
Jonathan Goddragon - 8 years ago
You played the Pokemon music on your guitar
KateStar124 - 8 years ago
I was thinking when he drank that protein shake. Oh s** did he eat the crab
Team CssC
Team CssC - 8 years ago
Report Me
Marc Espiritu
Marc Espiritu - 8 years ago
Than poke center take me back I'm 13 but the forgetter memories came..


Wait that's a wierd sound
Marc Espiritu
Marc Espiritu - 8 years ago
By the way I forgot to type the 240+ people dislikes . They're just envy of you. Whoa whua whue (cough, cough) lol
LONEWOLF5155 !! - 8 years ago
OMG LOVE YOUR DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GrassGreenz - 8 years ago
Gotta love the pokemon center theme <3
link150 gaming,animations
link150 gaming,animations - 8 years ago
u should have revised the crab into the ocean
JustAPurposelessWeabooScrollingHere •3•
JustAPurposelessWeabooScrollingHere •3• - 8 years ago
That's Pokemon music lol
Christine Banich
Christine Banich - 8 years ago
What did you do with the crab after freezing it?
iNight Flight
iNight Flight - 8 years ago
Hahaha!! This video made my day! RIP Craby.... Now the Fish can partay.
Brannen Payne
Brannen Payne - 8 years ago
What kind of dog is that?
jocrp6 - 8 years ago
Corgi's rock!
NTL Ng - 8 years ago
Really enjoying the moments in your life, thankyou for sharing with us :)
18difway2liv - 8 years ago
@VlogAfterCollege Hello ! I actually really admire your aquarium. May I know what your whole set up is and how much it costed? I was thinking of making a community tank but this tank of yours amazed me!
dun madun
dun madun - 8 years ago
This is a stock Red Sea Max c250. It cost $2000 excluding the rocks, sand and livestock. His whole setup prob cost a little less than 3 grand.
Kylar Grim
Kylar Grim - 8 years ago
Wow that carb had so many victims I was surprised.
KeTO BeasT84
KeTO BeasT84 - 8 years ago
Those nachos looked tasty. Nice aquarium.
Olivia Vega
Olivia Vega - 8 years ago
You deserve way more subscribers your awesome!
Trusty Patches
Trusty Patches - 8 years ago
i would of bought the crab off you i have been looking for a black emrald crab!!!?!!
Boxfoxthegreat - 8 years ago
Where did you go
The New School Old School Gamer!
The New School Old School Gamer! - 8 years ago
Hey Ryan, If you want a Really! Want a Blue Tang you should buy yourself a 200 gallon when you have great experience with your max c 250 tank. Next you should buy at least a 30-40 gallon quarantine tank, and try to cause no stress to the blue tang if you can because they are really a ich magnet! Next Copper, spongefilter, heater, and tubes for hiding places. No sand! No Rock! This maybe an expert only fish but its not impossible if other hobbyists have done it. If you want more info check out reef2reef, reefcentral, or reefbuilders. Also it might take a month or 2 to quarantine the fish. Thanks for reading! Try this if you can.
Lupita Valencia
Lupita Valencia - 8 years ago
The corals with long tentacles are beautiful
Va Cheang
Va Cheang - 8 years ago
did the crab die ?
Rahne Aeon
Rahne Aeon - 8 years ago
I came for your aquarium video and I got way more than I ever expected! Thanks for the insight in your life, you are a great inspiration for all things! Best RA
nenaj1 - 8 years ago
Why did u freeze it? That's fucked up. Should have given it to a pet store or gave it away. What a waste of life.
Daniel Chivers
Daniel Chivers - 8 years ago
Eivom - 8 years ago
1:46 When you waste all your money on a fancy aquarium and don't have any left to buy a REAL couch
xxmk0014xx Roblox
xxmk0014xx Roblox - 8 years ago
Poor fishies
Gabriela Catalina de Fatima Estevez Thimotheo
Gabriela Catalina de Fatima Estevez Thimotheo - 8 years ago
Omg, your tank looks so amazing!
xxmk0014xx Roblox
xxmk0014xx Roblox - 8 years ago
Wat happen to the crab
I subed.

don't let me down!
MidnightDerp - 8 years ago
I have a quick question. Why do people use baby wipes after work outs?
XxFoxBoy2007xX K
XxFoxBoy2007xX K - 8 years ago
Show the dead crab
Sirfluffybutt - 8 years ago
Are you feeling it now mr crabs
Kevin Taalman
Kevin Taalman - 8 years ago
The song at about 6:00 made me think about my kid memories
Soliman Alghamdi
Soliman Alghamdi - 8 years ago
Overwatch rules
Overwatch rules - 8 years ago
You should get a gerbil
Jade Inthapanyavongsa
Jade Inthapanyavongsa - 8 years ago
wait what about the killer crab!?!?!?!?!
Chris Bates
Chris Bates - 8 years ago
You play the ukulele? Cool! Have any tips for me?
Logic Vs.
Logic Vs. - 8 years ago
Did anyone notice he played the theme at the pokemoncenter
Bloodyarcher95 - 8 years ago
i dont know why i cant remember but whats the song on the uke that he played
UnKnown SoldierX
UnKnown SoldierX - 8 years ago
All those people were actually playing pokeman go?
justbartgames - 8 years ago
Gutair song was pokemon center song
A mighty lion
A mighty lion - 8 years ago
awesome vid!
jp Chaser
jp Chaser - 8 years ago
durian is from philiphine
jp Chaser
jp Chaser - 8 years ago
durian is from philipine
Carla Moore
Carla Moore - 8 years ago
Excellent Ryan!!! So fun

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