How It's Made - Aquarium Fish

How It's Made season 27 Aquarium Fish #HowItsmade episode 5 Facebook:

How It's Made - Aquarium Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4039

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How It's Made season 27 Aquarium Fish #HowItsmade episode 5 Facebook:

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Most popular comments
for How It's Made - Aquarium Fish

wolfslayer 888
wolfslayer 888 - 7 years ago
goldfish forget things easily so I guess that's cool
Typical Cat
Typical Cat - 7 years ago
Fish are made in china
Romi Lapadula
Romi Lapadula - 7 years ago
*gets triggered*
LOLZWOOF - 7 years ago
Uhhh animal abuse? Like I know they’re fucking fish but are you kidding me!? Look at them, their da- shit I just realized I haven’t feed my beta fish in 2 weeks
Mary Gunn
Mary Gunn - 7 years ago
This makes me sad
I care for fish and breed them too I never ever would stress my fish like this
They just toss them around
In doing so they stress the fish which leads to there immune systems being low meaning they can get sick quicker and sometimes leads to death.
Anyone who wants gold fish or any fish, do your research a goldfish of such size needs at least 20-30 gallons of water as they do grow in size after one if you plan on getting another add ten gallons to the tank you have so if you have a 20 gallon add ten buy a 30 gallon and so on. Do your research make sure the sellers have great reviews as well as a good DOA policy
you really don’t want to spend lots of money to then receive dead fish and not be able to get anything back or a replacement.
dsahgkg - 7 years ago
goldfish is the stupidest shit on the planet
Fuzzzy Puppy
Fuzzzy Puppy - 7 years ago
Dave Lol
Dave Lol - 7 years ago
How it's made legs
Cool Cheese
Cool Cheese - 7 years ago
i thought they where gonna be abused and left sick to die but they treat them better (except bags and shipping)

10. comment for How It's Made - Aquarium Fish

Crystal Hs
Crystal Hs - 7 years ago
Wth asians eat them too nooo what the fuck
midder ha ha
midder ha ha - 7 years ago
Now i know how fish are made...
Slfx - 7 years ago
So first you get some water next you get some flour mix it together and boom, You made yourself a fish.
Alexander Agcaoili
Alexander Agcaoili - 7 years ago
"Green solution to reduce stress" they look pretty stressed to me
Glitter kittens
Glitter kittens - 7 years ago
Cat Catt
Cat Catt - 7 years ago
For the people getting of God ! Humans have no consideration for anything any more, no life matter but their own. U make all the money while starving Bc animals are going extinct and not being able to breath clean air bc we polluted the planet so bad. Kudos dumb fuck
MR. MCGRATH - 7 years ago
They would go through hell constantly going through everything like that
Nat's Palooza
Nat's Palooza - 7 years ago
well I thought.. fish or put it in the aquarium
sis copeland
sis copeland - 7 years ago
can i hev 10
PrincessGamer // Xx_WinterFall_xX
PrincessGamer // Xx_WinterFall_xX - 7 years ago
“Ensuring the fish have plenty of oxygen” Dude, fish don’t breath air

20. comment for How It's Made - Aquarium Fish

The Daegu Boys
The Daegu Boys - 7 years ago
*contemplates life* Life just suddenly got confusing.

I thought they just picked up some fish and plopped them back into tanks.

Edit 1: Oh. Fish do breathe. Edit 2: Do they get thirsty though? XD jk jk but srsly, answer me.
DanCouldBeOnFire ButHeSchoosesNotTo
DanCouldBeOnFire ButHeSchoosesNotTo - 7 years ago
So that's where Walmart gets their fucked up fish
Aurobindo Ghosh
Aurobindo Ghosh - 7 years ago
change the video title to "how aquarium fish are farmed".
Dressy fish24
Dressy fish24 - 7 years ago
DIY goldfish
Giraffe AG
Giraffe AG - 7 years ago
How do you make fish?

Ohh, poor fish
Joshua Xiong
Joshua Xiong - 7 years ago
do they not know that fish + air = dead fish??!
Some Person
Some Person - 7 years ago
0:28 What!?
Some Person
Some Person - 7 years ago
They make live fish? Wow.
William K
William K - 7 years ago
Not all fish start life as eggs.
Did You Just Assume My Gender
Did You Just Assume My Gender - 7 years ago
When a mommy fish and a daddy fish love each other very much...

30. comment for How It's Made - Aquarium Fish

Armani Burditte
Armani Burditte - 7 years ago
You don't just fucking pick up and throw fish like that
Duffins iPad
Duffins iPad - 7 years ago
Poor fish, at least they dip them in an anti stress medication.
Lucas's animals
Lucas's animals - 7 years ago
I thought the most common aquarium fish would be a beta
Amir Soleymani
Amir Soleymani - 7 years ago
Dang how traumatizing
Lena Elena
Lena Elena - 7 years ago
I would love to work there
I Princess
I Princess - 7 years ago
This is not right
Yzzami - 7 years ago
Every goldfish I ever got as a kid died within a day or two
girly salandron
girly salandron - 7 years ago
i think you should be more care when handling the fish ,cause the way they did is so abusing..
Kit Lopez
Kit Lopez - 7 years ago
Why the hell are these people throwing fish! mother fuckers!
Mr. Jim Business
Mr. Jim Business - 7 years ago
1:04 fish sex
Angel Nightcore
Angel Nightcore - 7 years ago
I have 3 red and white koi.....and 4 regular fish...had the regular ones since 2015 and the red and white kois since 2016 in a 25 gallon tank and some plants and castles and rocks so they can swim around freely, I make sure to give them food every day when I go to school, come from school, and go to sleep! And we have two filters for the tank!
Joe And fish
Joe And fish - 7 years ago
No wonder fish from petsmart fish die so quick
Periwinkle - 7 years ago
peta is gonna sue them one day
TheKittenClaws - 7 years ago
So people throw there kids in the air and catch them, that is ok. But it isn't okay when the fish are temporarily airborne? And they always make it safely into a bucket of water. Also, the fish don't constantly every day be bagged and thrown, as our can see they have ponds and plenty of food. I don't see the point in complaining.
Project X5
Project X5 - 7 years ago
This video is so powerful... im holding back tears
CharlieTheUnicorn - 7 years ago
Wow, they’re kinda cruel to them:(
Huy Pham
Huy Pham - 7 years ago
They are made when 2 fish make love
Randy Wright
Randy Wright - 7 years ago
"Like all fish, goldfish start life as eggs."


That's a simplistic statement given that livebearers such as guppies, mollies, swordtails, and halfbeaks give birth to living young. The mother retains the ovum within her body, and they are fertilized internally. Egg-laying fish are fertilized externally.
Logang! - 7 years ago
Everyone is freaking out how there raised, but you haven’t seen nothing compared to our Cow, chicken and pig farms.
Ethan tpg
Ethan tpg - 7 years ago
This is just sad

50. comment for How It's Made - Aquarium Fish

Dominique Blades
Dominique Blades - 7 years ago
I agree with all of you because they bagged them so many times but its disgusting like I'm sick to my stomach because it's so sad
Brandi Cook
Brandi Cook - 7 years ago
I came from how trombones are are made back to the odd1sout but dat FSH ABUSE
pelicansdontkayak - 7 years ago
Holy crap, the way they squeeze, drop, squash, and throw those fish around, I'm surprised any of them survive the growing process, nevermind the packaging!
Snow flakes
Snow flakes - 7 years ago
Me: Sees title
Callum Western
Callum Western - 7 years ago
Them poor fish
Shauna Donnelly
Shauna Donnelly - 7 years ago
This is so cruel if I had known I would never have got one!!!!
Daina Zhou
Daina Zhou - 7 years ago
what the fuck so fucked uphow they decide to ship with basically as little water as possible just so they can save on shipping money... imagine how suffocating it is

I mean i know theyre fish but still thats not even a decent quality of life :O(
Eri Daniel Erlich
Eri Daniel Erlich - 7 years ago
So sad…
Sad Pepe
Sad Pepe - 7 years ago
He was quiet when the lady forced them to breed
Heather Larrabee
Heather Larrabee - 7 years ago
they have to protect the fish to keep them alive and available for sale. post-perchase, fish owners should be provided with manuals and proper aquarium upkeep. proper ph messure for water. what fish safe fish healthy life prolonging chemicals to use. that will make the fish perchase worth it. some fish live longer than others taken care of or not.
Lilitu - 7 years ago
Wait, did I just witness forced fish rape??
El tio Pancito
El tio Pancito - 7 years ago
...this is wrong
Bleach Drink me
Bleach Drink me - 7 years ago
METHylenene blue
Ericka Lyons
Ericka Lyons - 7 years ago
Honestly cant stomach seeing a gold fish or any type of fish in those damn bowels like imagine that being ur entire life i hate how cruel people can be
Space Unicorn
Space Unicorn - 7 years ago
Why does she just throw them in the water

Parker's Dominoes
Parker's Dominoes - 7 years ago
fish abuse
Imogen Lyons
Imogen Lyons - 7 years ago
They get so knocked around!!
spike284 - 7 years ago
I can now say I've seen a person make fish fuck...I'm not sure if that's going to come up in "never have I ever...."
Swaggywolf123star - 7 years ago
Bruh you cant MAKE fish
Sonicsis Speedpaints
Sonicsis Speedpaints - 7 years ago
He just tosses it like no fucks given
K Marsh
K Marsh - 7 years ago
you see son when a daddy fish and a mommy fish love each other very much...
Gold Moguera
Gold Moguera - 7 years ago
It's here where a worker who doesn't give a fuck about her job haphazardly throws handfuls of fish into baskets. She then steps on a few of them for fun.
C Lopez
C Lopez - 7 years ago
How It Is Made channel are a bunch of illiterate cunts, fish are BRED not MADE. Dumb asian clickbait fuckwits.
Izzy Gordon
Izzy Gordon - 7 years ago
Remember kids - Goldfish grow HUGE. They aren't as simple pet as people think - do your research.
ryan4112 ryan4112
ryan4112 ryan4112 - 7 years ago
Is this rape of fish
Wingless Bird
Wingless Bird - 7 years ago
Wow. I wish I knew where those pet store were. Where I am most of the pet store suppliers abuse the animals before delivery.
LaoLaoBulan - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who thought that this was really cool and not offended?
Alix MacLachlan
Alix MacLachlan - 7 years ago
The lady just throws them in is that animal cruelty???
Me - 7 years ago
5:00 /5:01 literally dead fish on the side. They are living creatures dont fucking treat them like this. Im mad.
ScienceWorld Maker
ScienceWorld Maker - 7 years ago
Oh and one more...WHY THEY DONT MULTIPLY TO 1000x? Because the sea fish are dieing.
ScienceWorld Maker
ScienceWorld Maker - 7 years ago
So this is how you made a aquarium fish?
Kitty Cats
Kitty Cats - 7 years ago
That is just cruel!! Wtf!? It's fish abuse!!! Their torturing them!!!!
candida bose
candida bose - 7 years ago
So all these animal abuse for human's entertainment? Sad. Very sad.
Emily Wensley
Emily Wensley - 7 years ago
Its a fish farm
art and vlog
art and vlog - 7 years ago
I was bored and put "how it's made "
And saw goldfish?!?!?!?!? So i clicked and ....
Chris Shim
Chris Shim - 7 years ago
Dying For Colour
Dying For Colour - 7 years ago
This seems inhumane
SomeBattleCat'er With a useless Channel
SomeBattleCat'er With a useless Channel - 7 years ago
The comment section is gold
I listen To music
I listen To music - 7 years ago
Yes, we build fish. Bit by bit.
ItsMeLery! - 7 years ago
Why she has to throw them like that!? Wtf!
Lunawolf44 - 7 years ago
Aww the baby goldfish are so cute!
Pinkie Marshmallow
Pinkie Marshmallow - 7 years ago
Don't throw the fishies, wtf is wrong with you
CaNdYsToRm - 7 years ago
How dare they handle the fish so rough! What a cruel woman!
BirdieBronze - 7 years ago
Di- did you just rape the fish?? You're handling them like fucking toys. God I hate my species.
ConnecticutEmporium - 7 years ago
How It's Made - Aquarium Fish
"Well, you see, when a mommy aquarium fish and a daddy aquarium fish love each other very much..."
Grace Niklas
Grace Niklas - 7 years ago
Very interesting! I just got a goldfish today and his names Gary. I love him SOOOOOOO much! He is only 3 weeks old and he is very cute!
Its Crystal And Alex
Its Crystal And Alex - 7 years ago
Damn I wonder how bad the smell is in there
The Gaming Ice Cube
The Gaming Ice Cube - 7 years ago
Um I don't think fish are made in a factory
Kalar Hall
Kalar Hall - 7 years ago
Sophia Gaming
Sophia Gaming - 7 years ago
I don't get how this is cruel I mean they are not hurting the fish and they are shipping them correctly

100. comment for How It's Made - Aquarium Fish

Josh T
Josh T - 7 years ago
This is messed up
Fearless kilzombies
Fearless kilzombies - 7 years ago
"Green solution" more like green food coloring...

1:57 KOBE!!!!!
Animallover0236 - 7 years ago
And once they bought they die becuse they need a 30gal tank with a filter not a 1gal bowl
Tyler Bishop
Tyler Bishop - 7 years ago
Animallover0236 finally a comment with some common knowledge. Thank you.
Lexy Freeman
Lexy Freeman - 7 years ago
Animallover0236 my fish lived to 10 years old I loved them so much and was broke when they died
Mr Locorio
Mr Locorio - 7 years ago
@ 1:00 .............. is this...................... rape?
steal threaded
steal threaded - 7 years ago
sigh, there are live bearing fish.
Savannah Rae
Savannah Rae - 7 years ago
I think it's fucked up, and no I do NOT have a fish tank.
Bernie Bro
Bernie Bro - 7 years ago
50,000 fish a week is 2.6 million fish a year not 2 million fish per year
Leah Xx
Leah Xx - 7 years ago
Loretta Brummell
Loretta Brummell - 7 years ago
This is so sad. If you're going to buy fish from a pet store please get them a nice large tank with live plants and a filter and heater!
Mallory Rebecca
Mallory Rebecca - 7 years ago
i thought they meant gummy fish lol oops
Ome Staaa
Ome Staaa - 7 years ago
Parents: What are you watching
Me: How to make fish
Parents: ...this generation is fucked
Joey's Pets
Joey's Pets - 7 years ago
First off, don't put a goldfish in a fishbowl. The only fish that can "survive" in a fishbowl is a betta, and they need 2.5 gallons. Goldfish grow huge, do your research.
Wade Vandoloski
Wade Vandoloski - 7 years ago
Came for the comments and you triggered babies didn't disappoint lol
MultiApostate - 7 years ago
I always wanted to know how plumbusses were made...
Gus Dagher
Gus Dagher - 7 years ago
Anthropomorphism in the comments
Freaken Qveen
Freaken Qveen - 7 years ago
At the end mostly all were dying
Alvoltic - 7 years ago
My favorite How it's made
Pleco Zone
Pleco Zone - 7 years ago
ohhhh! so nice
Ayça Erten
Ayça Erten - 7 years ago
Öküz gibi davranıyorlar eşya değil hayvan bir canlı !
Skankhuntt 42
Skankhuntt 42 - 7 years ago
"Like all fish, goldfish start off as eggs" nope, wrong as fuck.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
Oh hey there wanna be my best friends
:Moments later Hey dude where are you going into a pet store other fish hey wtf man don't go away suck my balls bitch
Littlemuffin 0x0
Littlemuffin 0x0 - 7 years ago
This is animal abuse


Like-if you support #fishlivematter
Comment #fishlivesmatter if you liked cause you already like sooooo yea.

Budder Knows
Budder Knows - 7 years ago
Also what do they do about hermaphrodite fish?
Budder Knows
Budder Knows - 7 years ago
But artificial life experiments were banned by the Order 300 years ago... Anyone get this reference???
NarcissiqueDawnn - 7 years ago
I don't like her.

She's throwing those fishes around!
Mingles - 7 years ago
elle lache les poissons comme de vulgaires objets!!
Mingles - 7 years ago
no fish in bowl !
TheChocolate Coconut
TheChocolate Coconut - 7 years ago
Carcosa - 7 years ago
what the fuck...
Buru Kinoko
Buru Kinoko - 7 years ago
It is but a small fish. They are meant to be eaten. It is nature. We aren't eating them, we are giving them life in a box for our amusement. We eliminate threats from their life. They don't know what's happening. All the things their brains can think of are "Feed, Fuck, Swim Away." They don't even feel pain. What they feel is a simple instinct to move away from something when they feel like they should. (Which can be trained out of them)

If you think goldfish can feel pain, then you must have the brain of a goldfish.
Buru Kinoko
Buru Kinoko - 7 years ago
RibbonDove The "pain" they feel isn't actually pain. We call it pain, but it's actually just a trigger for them to move away from whatever is causing that trigger. That feeling in no way causes sadness or fear, due to the fact that they can't process emotions. Calling what they feel "pain" is a stretch.
RibbonDove - 7 years ago
this comment is wrong they feel pain they don't feel it the same as mammals
Deadmau5's Pet Coelacanth
Deadmau5's Pet Coelacanth - 7 years ago
Before you comment about how this is "animal abuse."
Think about it. They didn't injure the fish, nor kill them, or abuse them. Don't comment about how fish are being "abused" when people are starving to death, digging through trash cans, hoping to find food. There's more problems in the world then just people "abusing" fish. When will you guys get it?
Miyazaki Ponyo26
Miyazaki Ponyo26 - 7 years ago
This is hell for fish she tosses them
Dtt159 - 7 years ago
This is the pet fish are really are made
KabutopsTUBE - 7 years ago
Poor fish
Ashley Johnson
Ashley Johnson - 7 years ago
They just toss them around as if they arent living creatures
TheOfficialSwampBoy - 7 years ago
SOrry. IM Vegan
Mo R.
Mo R. - 7 years ago
not a huge fan of fish but jesus christ lady i wanna throw u into a bag and ship ur ass somewhere else for throwing them in the bucket
Anna Hendry
Anna Hendry - 7 years ago
Alicia  Prater
Alicia Prater - 7 years ago
what the hell happens to the fish they don't need? the ones that don't meet their size requirements??!
Slothsss - 7 years ago
That's like making a video on how humans are made.
Slothsss - 7 years ago
Golly jee, always wondered how fish were made.
Ritika - 7 years ago
how can the fish live in such a tiny bag!? like how would you feel if you was the fish and got kept in a tiny little room full of hundreds of other people.. seriously
Selena Brown
Selena Brown - 7 years ago
This is all so gross this is why you don't buy from pet stores.
fallin2urskull - 7 years ago
Seems so rough and stressful
drln Blk
drln Blk - 7 years ago
That's disgusting
Miley Kennison
Miley Kennison - 7 years ago
"...took advantage of orange and yellow mutations to breed gold colored fish..." bitch they're orange.
Miley Kennison
Miley Kennison - 7 years ago
Reagan Franks Beauty thats not even the point?? They're saying that the fish are gold and they're not. They're orange. Metallic fucking orange.
Reagan Franks Beauty
Reagan Franks Beauty - 7 years ago
Miley Kennison actually no there's a ton of different patters I like calicoes
Jesse Munford
Jesse Munford - 7 years ago
I've been hopping from chapter to chapter the last few nights. I've done quite a bit of research in planning an Hydroponics business. But this book has already given me several  _*[ Check Details Here ===> ]!*, 'ah, good idea' moments. It will be defaced with sticky notes and on my bookshelf for some time.
rhizah1109 - 7 years ago
This was so upsetting...
RainbowKittydog - 7 years ago
For those of you saying, "Those fish are not toys they are living creatures but they are being treated like toys!" The fish are fine, as long as they don't die, or their fins\gills get damaged, the fish are fine.
Estrella Matute
Estrella Matute - 7 years ago
why the hell is she just throwing the fish
Gia Omila
Gia Omila - 7 years ago
Evwan - 7 years ago
are they in mass production??
Gillian Steele
Gillian Steele - 7 years ago
I love how they use spoons instead of their hands to transport the fish since using their hands would lose water and double the amount of stress the fish already have.
Mask Productions
Mask Productions - 7 years ago
The comment section is too young for the internet and world, if you think this vid is cruel, get off the internet and become vegans you sensitive kids
Mr. swagcat
Mr. swagcat - 7 years ago
Animal abuse in a nutshell
:0 - 7 years ago
Mr. swagcat its not abuse
MMOderator - 7 years ago
Huh, I didn't know you could make aquarium fish

-A fellow betta owner
Roevil Cabalida
Roevil Cabalida - 7 years ago
ang mga isda
Griffin Gunn-Myers
Griffin Gunn-Myers - 7 years ago
This is so cruel
:0 - 7 years ago
Griffin Gunn-Myers its not
Александра Studios
Александра Studios - 7 years ago
Poor fishes! I bet some of them died!
:0 - 7 years ago
Александра Studios they're fine. None of them died. If you cant handle it then gtfo
The d.i. Why?
The d.i. Why? - 7 years ago
This is cruel
:0 - 7 years ago
The d.i. Why? Its not
Ichthusk - 7 years ago
how about "how it's made - how it's made - how it's made"
Everyone In The Comments
Everyone In The Comments - 7 years ago
This is why I get my fish from a trusted independent breeder...
Patrick's gaming 05
Patrick's gaming 05 - 7 years ago can make a fish
Dylan Bingham
Dylan Bingham - 7 years ago
At 1:56 watch BOOM a gold fish hits the cement and gets on land they are idiots
Dylan Bingham
Dylan Bingham - 7 years ago
I didn't know they create fish in factories cool!
Dylan Bingham
Dylan Bingham - 7 years ago
Nvm dangit
Lets Meowz
Lets Meowz - 7 years ago
Did you know that goldfish are now an endangered species!
Wolfsoul 2017
Wolfsoul 2017 - 7 years ago
Wow I never thought i witness fish rape i already witness alot of raped BUT fish rape?! this is crazy
Hung Dang
Hung Dang - 7 years ago
Fish abuse
:0 - 7 years ago
Hung Dang no
SugarKitty Lps
SugarKitty Lps - 7 years ago
I had to say goodbye to my aquarium last weekend...
Heizer Hanz
Heizer Hanz - 7 years ago
Is this how they treat ? Fucked up
Heizer Hanz
Heizer Hanz - 7 years ago
Just handle it with care :)
:0 - 7 years ago
Heizer Hanz how would you do it?
なりかけ - 7 years ago
Luxai - 7 years ago
Now I don't know much about fish, but aside from the somewhat rough handling, seems to me like they are getting acceptable treatment. Diseases, stress, and outside threats is being taken seriously, and the food and water seems to be changed and filtered regularly enough. I mean, a happy fish is one that lives longer and will lay more eggs so it makes sense.
Feel free to correct me though, but have some science to back it.
Inziswap 012
Inziswap 012 - 7 years ago
:0 - 7 years ago
Inziswap 012 dumbass
Alyssa Elliott
Alyssa Elliott - 7 years ago
poor little things!
Latronibus - 7 years ago
Not all fish are born from eggs...smh. Also, that throwing thing looks painful to the fish. It's really not (unless the worker misses). It would be if their hands were dry, but they are not.
Teontae Johnson
Teontae Johnson - 7 years ago
:0 - 7 years ago
Teontae Johnson dumbass..
Matte Edström
Matte Edström - 7 years ago
She don't add air! It's CO2 sha adds to the bag!
Vxrix Verk
Vxrix Verk - 7 years ago
wow, there are more than one God!
Taco Pizza
Taco Pizza - 7 years ago
My goldfish has a penis shaped patch on it so I named him vagina
Flirtybird - 7 years ago
Alpaca Tiffany
Alpaca Tiffany - 7 years ago
Petra Barros
Petra Barros - 7 years ago
Odio como los tratan, hacen que se reproduzcan apretandolos como si fueran un sandwich y tiran a las crias asi nomas en baldess
Kaity Love
Kaity Love - 7 years ago
Look at the dead fish at 5:03
grapezzzz19 - 7 years ago
uhh forced fish rape?
Noodley Spaghetti
Noodley Spaghetti - 7 years ago
How rude!
:0 - 7 years ago
how would you do it
CinderKitty Burn
CinderKitty Burn - 7 years ago
'here have some air so you can breath not too much though got tor educe shipping costs' wtf. forcing them to mate, throwing them around between small containers that they cant even swim in this is basic cruelty.
Mythical Cat
Mythical Cat - 7 years ago
Please don't like dislike or respond to this comment
Mythical Cat
Mythical Cat - 7 years ago
:0 - 7 years ago
Mythical Cat no
Muxloe - 7 years ago
So I'm 39 seconds in... "like all fish, goldfish start life as eggs"... Is this a legit channel or satire? I'm expecting this now to be one of those videos that gets weirder and less factual as it goes on...
Muxloe - 7 years ago
Nope. They just don't know shit.
Serendipity - 7 years ago
Tell your shitty workers to stop throwing the fish. Jesus.
:0 - 7 years ago
Serendipity how would you do it
Amanda Myers
Amanda Myers - 7 years ago
these fish go through some shit
Vrna D.G.
Vrna D.G. - 7 years ago
this video felt like watching a documentary about food :O I didn't know this is how aquarium fishes are made
Arne Draws
Arne Draws - 7 years ago
They just chuck em'. Thats mean
Christian McCarthy
Christian McCarthy - 7 years ago
the green solution is fish xanax
Sīłěnť Bløød hoe
Sīłěnť Bløød hoe - 7 years ago
Let try get a lot of likes in this commet
Hector Salinas
Hector Salinas - 7 years ago
Stupid Haters
Stupid Haters - 7 years ago
Stupid Haters
Stupid Haters - 7 years ago
Its called being an Otaku moron. bakana -
:0 - 7 years ago
Stupid Haters dumbass
KayahDHorseMaiden - 7 years ago
I don't own any fish except the type that's in my freezer waiting to be eaten, and quite honestly, watching these fishies getting manhandled like this is ridiculous... I also saw a comment about how breeders don't care or something, hear me out on this, a good animal breeder worthy of the title would be at their wits end watching something like this, they trade animals, if their product is in bad shape, it can't produce properly, much less reproduce, good breeders treat their animals with utmost care.
Leslie Leslie
Leslie Leslie - 7 years ago
Fish are friends! Not income!
Leslie Leslie
Leslie Leslie - 7 years ago
:0 You? Lol
:0 - 7 years ago
antonio clemente
antonio clemente - 7 years ago
all the other fishes are killed and fed to the others
TaekwondoTara - 7 years ago
0:24 A type of KARP, who knew magikarp are real?!
bguiby bhyui
bguiby bhyui - 7 years ago
Those fish should be DEAD by the time we get them my god..
:0 - 7 years ago
bguiby bhyui they're not
Awesome mustache cat
Awesome mustache cat - 7 years ago
insure marine animals have plenty of oxegen
Reagan Franks Beauty
Reagan Franks Beauty - 7 years ago
Awesome mustache cat yep goldfish do actually need oxygen more than most fish cause water has oxygen in it compounds but who gives a shit about those
GOLDBayside14 - 7 years ago
I never knew aquarium fishes had to go through a process like that.
Faded Gamer
Faded Gamer - 7 years ago
The green solution contains thc.
Sarah Wald
Sarah Wald - 7 years ago
Not all fish start out as eggs... wow great research they did for this
ToyotaGuy1971 - 7 years ago
"The food provides the nutrients needed for growth" Well, I'll be damned! I never would have guessed!
(Edited because reasons)
fordgt - 7 years ago
1:00 does that counts as rape?
Brother Foospa, The Emperor's Wrath
Brother Foospa, The Emperor's Wrath - 7 years ago
3:32 all you can eat buffet
MrCreepyBear RBLX
MrCreepyBear RBLX - 7 years ago
That's not very nice to throw that fish.
:0 - 7 years ago
MrCreepyBear RBLX ok
Mr. Leon
Mr. Leon - 7 years ago
So if they accidentally throw a male with all the female will he nvm...
HellAngeL - 7 years ago
Anyone complaining about their lives should check out these fish..
Jaelyn Perez
Jaelyn Perez - 7 years ago
Yup just throw fish into a basket and dump in a bag
Ethan Lang
Ethan Lang - 7 years ago
The fish do give a fuck, throughout shipping they stew in their own excrement and many of them die.
:0 - 7 years ago
Jaelyn Perez the fish don't give a fuck so why do you
maria crystal
maria crystal - 7 years ago
So they drug the fish
C B - 7 years ago
FUCK even our fish are made in china?!?
Sussy Player
Sussy Player - 7 years ago
Some fishy trafficking going on here...
smit patil
smit patil - 7 years ago
I had never kept a gold fish. My tank Have 1 Koi and 1 shark catfish
Reagan Franks Beauty
Reagan Franks Beauty - 7 years ago
Koi are so big they need ponds so please tell me where you found a 600gal tank
Joleonni Fernandez
Joleonni Fernandez - 7 years ago
Damn no respect
Rage Coder
Rage Coder - 7 years ago
So basically before they end up to u they're all dead :)
Rage Coder
Rage Coder - 7 years ago
1:04 humans forcibly make other animals rape each other
T.V STÅTÏÇ - 7 years ago
Well shit, you can MAKE fish now at home
John Radz
John Radz - 7 years ago
Fucking orientals and their treatment of animals
Pandora & Friends
Pandora & Friends - 7 years ago
can't unhear trumps "china" whenever i hear videos say "china"
the meme is buried deep
Petros Moulis
Petros Moulis - 7 years ago
What you make fish?
Nah - 7 years ago
I mean I never thought about it this way...the treatment could be worse but still I just don't know how to feel about it
AnimalGymnast3 - 7 years ago
That is not a aquarium. Thats a bowl of water, (Which is tiny)
Lillian Klug
Lillian Klug - 7 years ago
HuffyPlayz MC
HuffyPlayz MC - 7 years ago
You get a mommy fish and a daddy fish and they have sex. Boom
Horseloverhear2 - 7 years ago
Omg the woman just throws them!
Abby Wetmore
Abby Wetmore - 7 years ago
And then they all get killed a petco after all that work
AirsoftMasterX - 7 years ago
Ari Kado
Ari Kado - 7 years ago
green solution? hmmh.. weed bro
DON'T SUB TO ME I DARE YOU - 7 years ago
Maddie Husky
Maddie Husky - 7 years ago
what a life
Bubby_25 - 7 years ago
Di just witnesed sexual/animal abuse on YOUTUBE of all places...
ulas o
ulas o - 7 years ago
@5:03 is that dead fish in between the aquariums?
Awesome Eliam
Awesome Eliam - 7 years ago
well hopefully the fish get a good owner
Smart sence Bleach
Smart sence Bleach - 7 years ago
This is nothing compared to Walmart
Lavanya Nirmala
Lavanya Nirmala - 7 years ago
Title is something, content is something.
Cupcakegaming 335
Cupcakegaming 335 - 7 years ago
I thought you were not supposed to hold fish
Tareva Miller
Tareva Miller - 7 years ago
did she make them hump?
Jassymine 2054
Jassymine 2054 - 7 years ago
Omg this is in Thailand
A very high idiot
A very high idiot - 7 years ago
Don't call peta
Kaylee Cocco
Kaylee Cocco - 7 years ago
goldfishes are way under appreciated
Beatbox Nation
Beatbox Nation - 7 years ago
That fish porn got me hard
DeanThDancingDemon !!!!!!
DeanThDancingDemon !!!!!! - 7 years ago
Poor fish
TrueNifty - 7 years ago
The snack that smiles back
Tiffany Brust
Tiffany Brust - 7 years ago
These fish have gills of steel. Why throw them around like that?
Cube Stacker
Cube Stacker - 7 years ago
I clicked on this video, already knowing how they were made smh
J and A
J and A - 7 years ago
Back at the weird side of youtube
A Kawaii Fish Lover17
A Kawaii Fish Lover17 - 7 years ago
Omg this makes me sad how that woman just creaking threw the fish in,
14Animals 42
14Animals 42 - 7 years ago
That lady throwing the fish into bowls is cruel. If its wrong to throw a human than why is it "ok" for us to treat animals this way?
TheOnly 0506
TheOnly 0506 - 7 years ago
You make a FISH WTF
funny knights
funny knights - 7 years ago
Wow everyone are just hating that the fish are throwing around without those people you won't have a goldfish
Zorog - 7 years ago
funny knights Without your mother we wouldn't have you, but that doesn't make it okay for her to throw you around does it?
Luna The Pig
Luna The Pig - 7 years ago
They could be using that money to help the people dying in Africa instead of using it on these fish
Zion Luna & Camila
Zion Luna & Camila - 7 years ago
Poor fishes they are being treated like objects.
Riley Bateson
Riley Bateson - 7 years ago

Do fish ave dicks?
Majestic - 7 years ago
The fish must be severely stressed
тf2 мσм
тf2 мσм - 7 years ago
All these vegans in the comments.
Calm your fucking tits guys
Baron Onel Avancena
Baron Onel Avancena - 7 years ago
Allison Koester
Allison Koester - 7 years ago
just me
just me - 7 years ago
So... how do fish commit suicide? because ik that if i were a fish i'd orchestrate a mass suicide.
no one
no one - 7 years ago
I've never had fish and now I'm glad. Poor things.
Kai the great pig taimer
Kai the great pig taimer - 7 years ago
All these people commenting that this is cruel, better be vegans, cause otherwise your just a hypocrite
Allison Koester
Allison Koester - 7 years ago
There are in fact such things known as free-run animal farms that treat animals a heck of a lot better than this.
lana centeno
lana centeno - 7 years ago
This is um... really sad. They treat those poor babies like objects...
EXOtic Cassiopeia
EXOtic Cassiopeia - 7 years ago
I'm scared of fish but I really feel sad for how they are treated :(
EXOtic Cassiopeia
EXOtic Cassiopeia - 7 years ago
The antifungal treatment liquid looks like algae
abigail mongello
abigail mongello - 7 years ago
they never said what happens to the fish who don't meet the size criteria
Kevin Kenny
Kevin Kenny - 7 years ago
Where are they made?
Royals Eve
Royals Eve - 7 years ago
sorting sorting nd more sorting
Btt - 7 years ago
Narrator: A worker checks the fish tank for signs of illness such as parasites or fungusWorker just has a quick glance at the fish
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
That's a lot of moving and a lot of fish
Nicole3900 - 7 years ago
3:35 what happens to the ones that don't meet the size criteria?? D:
No Name
No Name - 7 years ago
They are not treated that bad because if they were they wouldnt be able to sell them
LovelyDinosaur 47
LovelyDinosaur 47 - 7 years ago
No wonder my fish died so soon :/
Tsuki Kitsune-chan
Tsuki Kitsune-chan - 7 years ago
Everyone's triggered about this, but fish don't have the neuro-physiological capacity for a conscious awareness of pain. They don't give a shit ok
ppvely YT
ppvely YT - 7 years ago
My Goldfish Is 6.
1st Goldfish: Goldie (Girl)
2nd Goldfish: Dorthy (boy)
3rd Goldfish: Cutie(girl)
4th Goldfish: Ember (Boy)
5th Goldfish: Cheetos (Boy)
6th Goldfish: Zaira (Girl)
Violin Lover2003
Violin Lover2003 - 7 years ago
You can make fish?!?! :O imma try this XD
DuhIts_ Me
DuhIts_ Me - 7 years ago
I didn't know you could make "aquarium fish" like wth
Ruth Gryffindor
Ruth Gryffindor - 7 years ago
Excuse me, I really must go. I'm late for my job LADLING FISH
Thowra Thowra
Thowra Thowra - 7 years ago
I'm actually amazed most of the fish actually survive all this chaos and stress
peteypeteypetey - 7 years ago
this is kind of disgusting
Carnotaurus 4.0
Carnotaurus 4.0 - 7 years ago
Even though I'm a Carnotaurus, all I can say is two words: fish abuse
Beckyonhj n Pritchard
Beckyonhj n Pritchard - 7 years ago
We're I find this when I grow me wanna see :[]
V - XVIII - MDCCCIV - 7 years ago
Thousands of years before the Hundred Year War, Tui and La decided to manifest themselves in the physical world to benefit mankind, taking up residence in an alcove in the Northern Water Tribe's capital city. TUI is not happy with our treatment of his decedents. the Avatar will have his revenge.
Allison Koester
Allison Koester - 7 years ago
Toni Honeycutt
Toni Honeycutt - 7 years ago
This video wore me out! Why cant the damn fish live in their natural habitat wow i am done with this got damnnshit ?
Lucas Brown
Lucas Brown - 7 years ago
LOL all the triggered pussies on this video. Jesus, what were you expecting? Get over it.
Parth Patel
Parth Patel - 7 years ago
Fish don't feel pain. They don't have developed nervous systems
정성환 - 7 years ago
My pool goldfish. Hope he's doing well on.., the frypan.
iGrim - 7 years ago
Throwing the fish, if you can even call that throwing, does NOT hurt the fish. Fishermen and people who fish for fun also throw them back into a pond. But I don't see why nobody is disturbed at the fact that they force mate them. It's completely disgusting.
1223333nbahal - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who isn't a pussy in the comments?
Kieran SAUNDERS - 7 years ago
How about How it's made:babies
Oh So Random
Oh So Random - 7 years ago
Seeing how much abuse the fish go through is messed up
Arpita Basu
Arpita Basu - 7 years ago
let's do that to you, then
Buru Kinoko
Buru Kinoko - 7 years ago
The Living Toad I don't think getting tossed a bit and being placed in tanks with no predators temporarily is abuse.
Brogan Heller
Brogan Heller - 7 years ago
Guys this really isn't that bad calm down
Daniel Silva
Daniel Silva - 7 years ago
She low key just throws them
SmokeyStar Of SmokeyClan
SmokeyStar Of SmokeyClan - 7 years ago
If I did this as my job I wouldn't treat the fish like garbage. She just throws them into the bowl like they are nothing!
Hannah White
Hannah White - 7 years ago
Damn that truly looks pretty boot|"promising !!
Elisa Robbins
Elisa Robbins - 7 years ago
I am often to running a blog and i really recognize your content. The video has actually peaks my interest. I am going to bookmark your youtube site and maintain checking for brand spanking new information.
Sarah Bubble
Sarah Bubble - 7 years ago
They treat the fish so badly
Äwesøme Päws
Äwesøme Päws - 7 years ago
How do they survive that? :/
Robster - 7 years ago
3:55 You get them high off there tits so they don't freak out*
Ayano Aishi
Ayano Aishi - 7 years ago
If you think about it this is kinda cruel...because they just toss the fish around like they're NOTHING.Aren't you thinking about how TRAUMATIZING THAT IS FOR THEM?Think about you Being tossed around by a species you don't even know about!AND being separated from your family.
Ayano Aishi
Ayano Aishi - 7 years ago
Wait...Aquarium fish...ARE MADE?
Edit:Nvm sorry
F-able - 7 years ago
Even though the fish don't really feel pain or have very well self consciousness, this is just sad.. the way they're tossing those poor fish is just a little heart wrenching..Bless that lady properly holding them and transferring them..
yadayadayada Yeeet
yadayadayada Yeeet - 7 years ago
They treat the fish like shit
Official Minjoola
Official Minjoola - 7 years ago
At least my fish don’t have to go through that now , damn
LISIANA SUSANTO - 7 years ago
slowly you old lady
Bonnie Multiverse
Bonnie Multiverse - 7 years ago
they give the fish liquid weed
Zomie UnicornXP
Zomie UnicornXP - 7 years ago
just saying that's cruel
Eric Dell
Eric Dell - 7 years ago
I don't approve
Rickey Ramirez
Rickey Ramirez - 7 years ago
Well worthwhile. Clear presentation. Easy to read. Small bit annoying to see a number of cases where the same information is repeated again and again, almost verbatim in some cases, but the author's overall enthusiasm and ability to teach more than compensates [ Check Details Here >>> ]. After reading it, and with no prior experience of fish production whatsoever, I feel pretty sure I could set up an Aquaponic system tomorrow if I wanted to.
NITISH BONTHU - 7 years ago
This crule world..
Audrey Lynn
Audrey Lynn - 7 years ago
How the fuck do you 'make' fish
GermanCliqueSpam TØP
GermanCliqueSpam TØP - 7 years ago
That's why I don't like human
Areli Narciso
Areli Narciso - 7 years ago
No damn respect for fishes or other animals these days.
Sup Bitches
Sup Bitches - 7 years ago
That women keeps throwing Those fish like their frikin' Stones or something - 7 years ago
This is terrible I can't believe they treat these fish like complete trash
Erashaa Muraly
Erashaa Muraly - 7 years ago
Its like fish abuse dammit!
India Lily Doherty
India Lily Doherty - 7 years ago
Fish are my favourite animal, and it kills me to see that they are being treated this way! It's not fair! They have feelings too!!!!!!
Jessica Ali
Jessica Ali - 7 years ago
Animal cruelty
falun gong cult
falun gong cult - 7 years ago
Deadmau5's Pet Coelacanth
Deadmau5's Pet Coelacanth - 7 years ago

Go take your grammar somewhere else, and go join PETA or something.

Nutella 13
Nutella 13 - 7 years ago
Admin Please no, there made to breed and we're watching a video about fish not people eating food out of trash cans so take your bullshit somewhere else XOXO
Deadmau5's Pet Coelacanth
Deadmau5's Pet Coelacanth - 7 years ago
How? The fish aren't injured. The fish didn't die.

However, I bet you don't care about people who are living a terrible life, digging though trash cans to find food that's edible.
Daily TisaTivities,NBH !
Daily TisaTivities,NBH ! - 7 years ago
Freind:so what's your new job?
Me:I make fish.
(Ex)freind:GET OUT OF MT
T-Schnizzle - 7 years ago
They are just tossing around the fish like rag dolls no wonder they are called a hardy fish
a lút
a lút - 7 years ago
Việt nam...
GalaxyCookie - 7 years ago
This isn't okay.
Covered in Shadows
Covered in Shadows - 7 years ago
This is the reason why goldfish die in a week or so... somebody call PETA...
Jollitea - 7 years ago
it's like you get forced underwater for a good 5-10 minutes and then you go back into air and then hands scoop you up and force you back underwater again
Lps girl Pro
Lps girl Pro - 7 years ago
Roficoft you are joking workers made them you know
spin videos and random
spin videos and random - 7 years ago
this is actually pretty sad
TKraptor - 7 years ago

Two fish were forced to reproduce to make fries. The fries grew up to be tossed around. Who cares? Have you ever jumped into a pool? Doesn't hurt(unless you do a belly flop). The fish are to small and streamlined to have a harmful impact with the water. They get stress reliever medicine. How nice is that?
I love Trinh
I love Trinh - 7 years ago
My Msp VLOG CHANNEL - 7 years ago
I have baby koi
Pets, pets, and more pets
Pets, pets, and more pets - 7 years ago
They need to handle them a little more carefully and not overpopulated the bags of fish
TheMortal1990 - 7 years ago
Better than watching Milf porn
Leahbae Xxx
Leahbae Xxx - 7 years ago
The narrator is saying it like its the most friendly and humane way in the world, whilst in the video, it shows fish getting abused, it's so cruel
Sun and Moon Organics
Sun and Moon Organics - 7 years ago
This is F@#ked up. I'm glad i don't buy goldfish and thanks to this i never will
Shane Craig
Shane Craig - 7 years ago
These fish are treated like trash, my god. I know they are just fish, but this is just not correct.
Annie Ponyvalley
Annie Ponyvalley - 7 years ago
A worker more like a fish abuser.
Moe Sykes
Moe Sykes - 7 years ago
No wonder they die right after you get them
muhammad40000 - 7 years ago
Why doesn't pet fishes produce eggs
By vulgarly Vuvutfytfutvgguv
By vulgarly Vuvutfytfutvgguv - 7 years ago
There ponds are so dirty...poor babies
The Rabbit Twitches
The Rabbit Twitches - 7 years ago
I don't know what's worse now, the people that breed the fish, or the stores that sell them.
Sergeant Johnson
Sergeant Johnson - 7 years ago
2017: the year people get triggered over $3 goldfish
Georgia Mincer
Georgia Mincer - 7 years ago
They waste SOO MANY FISH!!!! Just ship em to my house! Jeez!
Robin Adil
Robin Adil - 7 years ago
V Good information ... Thanks
Roura Arts
Roura Arts - 7 years ago
so force breeding okay
John L
John L - 7 years ago
The fish get dipped in weed before transport lol.
Kimberu jane
Kimberu jane - 7 years ago
this made me so sad ):
Mr.Orange sweater
Mr.Orange sweater - 7 years ago
??? ???
??? ??? - 7 years ago
how to disrespect life on any possible level
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 7 years ago
the fry are being thrown like a fucking game of jacks! but in the Asian countries the animal protection laws for so fucking bad anyways, this is nothing compared what happens to mammals in china!
ben bryan
ben bryan - 7 years ago
The "green solution" sounds like weed
CowCow Raiderz
CowCow Raiderz - 7 years ago
didn't know you can make fish, just thought mommy and daddy did some playtime, so the daddy put the sperm, the mommy made the fish, but humans make fish
Alan Solorio
Alan Solorio - 7 years ago
0:56 Magikarp shiny:v
Unkn own
Unkn own - 7 years ago
My goldfish are white
RibbonDove - 7 years ago
racist much?
Wendy's - 7 years ago
Kill it.
Delightra Cardeanne
Delightra Cardeanne - 7 years ago
This is China. They don't see fish as anything but mass profit. Bitching about it? Does NOTHING. Be forewarned.
TheFirstMCJedi - 7 years ago
Well you see when a mummy fish and a daddy fish love eachover very much and that's how baby fish are made.
AColorlessWorld - 7 years ago
This was my favorite show I used to binge watch it
Koshi Japn
Koshi Japn - 7 years ago
Who thought they were going to watch fish porn
Geebz Mcgee
Geebz Mcgee - 7 years ago
All the comments talk about how this is abuse and I'm sitting there... WE EAT FISH
Clàudia - 7 years ago
poor babies..
SuperionGamer - 7 years ago
I had a fish when i was younger his name was fishy he was with me for four years he was part of me and he died on September 2014 i was so sad that I teared
MegaSailer208 - 7 years ago
Maybe you should dip me in that green solution lol
Sheilo Rosel
Sheilo Rosel - 7 years ago
I feel sorry for them
Elz :D
Elz :D - 7 years ago
This is what my fish went
LunaBrush - 7 years ago
These fish have been tortured...
Noureldine Celery
Noureldine Celery - 7 years ago
When two fish love each other...
AustenJane - 7 years ago
Why do I have a feeling they are much less gentle with the fish when cameras aren't rolling...
bitchgvng Memorial service
bitchgvng Memorial service - 7 years ago
Y'all are all sad but you still eat meat though don't you. You get sad from one video then wake up the next morning and don't give a shit. If you feel bad then do something about it.
Mr. KiwiMcGee
Mr. KiwiMcGee - 7 years ago
What has your life become, when you have to make fish fuck so you can harvest their children to sell. Sounds like a horror film if you replaced 'fish' with 'people'.
Havenzz - 7 years ago
Fish have buttholes...
TheAssholeProphet - 7 years ago
freeze at 5:01 and look at the sides of the tank, doesn't that look like mold and rotting dead fish?
J u l i a
J u l i a - 7 years ago
H o w d i d I g e t h e r e ?
Aldo _
Aldo _ - 7 years ago
People complain about the lady throwing them but the same people that complain keep them in a small ass bowl
TheGamingEngine - 7 years ago
Guys please buy goldfish to make them have a better home
Shohei Ota
Shohei Ota - 7 years ago
poor babies.. my own goldfish from a carnival died from parasites because he was stressed and cramped with his siblings like the ones in the video..... and he was only a baby
Nick Savage
Nick Savage - 7 years ago
Poor fishies...
Dorothy Louise
Dorothy Louise - 7 years ago
humans can do that
dogs can do that
cats can do that
what the hell fish?
FirstClassFishKeeper - 7 years ago
I hate fish bowls its murder but legal
Nadder Loo
Nadder Loo - 7 years ago
sometimes it can get to cruel
alex derek
alex derek - 7 years ago
rip fish
David Randolph
David Randolph - 7 years ago
"Even now, having a body of water in a glass box seems like magic"
Yep... magic...
Sum ting Wong Wi Too Lo
Sum ting Wong Wi Too Lo - 7 years ago
Fish don't feel pain
Jack Molotov
Jack Molotov - 7 years ago
Imagine having a job where you have to just look at fish dicks and vaginas all god damn day
Gabby Miron
Gabby Miron - 7 years ago
How do you make an aquarium fish
THE WILD JOLIE - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the fish
Toyz Production
Toyz Production - 7 years ago
1:55 poor fish
no nameneeded
no nameneeded - 7 years ago
Aquariums are so fucking idiotic. Poor fish. I'd just use them to breed and then after that free the fish
Makeshiftlake35 - 7 years ago
How inhumane
Lucas z
Lucas z - 7 years ago
Prudish - 7 years ago
hey treat those fish right will ya
BoldStep[GD] - 7 years ago
My fish has lived for 7 years. I had know idea he went through this.
Queer Anime Fan
Queer Anime Fan - 7 years ago
The thumbnail of this made me very sad

i might be yo daddy as many times as i fuck yo mama
i might be yo daddy as many times as i fuck yo mama - 7 years ago
its just fish
Kami no ko
Kami no ko - 7 years ago
Why are they so cruel to the fish? That's 100% animal abuse. People would freak f someone threw a puppy. Or a child. But no we can throw fish
KFC Manager
KFC Manager - 7 years ago
You are da chosen fish.
Lin J
Lin J - 7 years ago
What the hell?!? These creatures are handled appallingly. Being thrown around in different temperatured and types of water is shocking. Then there is the scooping in and dumping out repeatedly. I would like to know the losses through injury and sickness. Then again they probably just eat them and stop them going to waste.
Alvin Du
Alvin Du - 7 years ago
they are fish, who gives a fuck.
Dude Guy
Dude Guy - 7 years ago
His voice bothers me
Saturnz - 7 years ago
Poor fish...I have a lot of fish and I love them. Breaks my heart :(
Mr. SavageFarts AJPW
Mr. SavageFarts AJPW - 7 years ago
Oml I was watching that one girl throw them into the buckets and just.. how have they not fainted or scared to death??
qwewecf qef
qwewecf qef - 7 years ago
still better than petsmart
sapphire - 7 years ago
oh shit my fish are artificial?
oh ok
DeIicateFynn - 7 years ago
Fish are very fragile, and stress easily. I'm suprised they make it to the pet store :(?
Jensen Kate
Jensen Kate - 7 years ago
And I used to think that they were just caught straight from the ocean (when I was young)
Jaime S
Jaime S - 7 years ago
Everyone is too busy complaining about the cruelty that the fish face. What they don't realize is that the people who handle the fish live off >$0.50 a day.
Paulius Daunys
Paulius Daunys - 7 years ago
"helps reduce stress" I smell bullshit
Louis Draws
Louis Draws - 7 years ago
This is horrible for all those comments saying fish don't have feelings can shut up ok? Like how would u like being tossed around huh?
Louis Draws
Louis Draws - 7 years ago
Ok guys, I'm just stating my opinion. I don't care about facts or that I'm just saying sum stuff. I don't need all these comments telling me they don't feel pain.
Wendy's - 7 years ago
Let me ask the fish what they think...

Oh, I forgot, their fish, not humans.
Xavier Adame
Xavier Adame - 7 years ago
Kat Draws not hating on ur opinion,but fish do not feel pain they don't have to nerve ending and physiological capability to feel it so it so actually a fact not an opinion
Louis Draws
Louis Draws - 7 years ago
Wow I should just not ever have an opinion and just lay on the ground with my face facing the floor I'm sure people will find a way to make conflict out of that, jeez sorry I just wanted to write an opinion.
xXJane WestroadXx
xXJane WestroadXx - 7 years ago
Everyone has their thoughts i'm just saying that fish are living beings just like humans and feel pain.
I am not hating on anyone.
Louis Draws
Louis Draws - 7 years ago
Dr. Atheist just because I eat meat I can't have feelings oh well, sorry I didn't Know that rule
Louis Draws
Louis Draws - 7 years ago
Berfin Bulduk and Jane said they feeel pain read the comment before you write something false
Louis Draws
Louis Draws - 7 years ago
Berfin Bulduk what comment I know they feel pain
Adolf Stalin
Adolf Stalin - 7 years ago
Kat Draws you probably eat meat
Clyde Mcbride
Clyde Mcbride - 7 years ago
Kat Draws Somone is triggerd
Berfin Bulduk
Berfin Bulduk - 7 years ago
Jane Westroad They feel pain.
Berfin Bulduk
Berfin Bulduk - 7 years ago
Kat Draws This comment is stupid
Louis Draws
Louis Draws - 7 years ago
Jane Westroad Thank you Jane
xXJane WestroadXx
xXJane WestroadXx - 7 years ago
Nelson Matos fish have organs, bleed real blood, eat real food, breathe real oxygen and have a beating heart. They do have feelings and do feel pain.
Nelson Matos
Nelson Matos - 7 years ago
Fish don't have feelings and they don't even feel pain...
MsSunhappy - 7 years ago
i guess they kill the ugly fishes?
chris lef
chris lef - 7 years ago
these fucktards dont know how to treat animals
RedDestroyer Gaming
RedDestroyer Gaming - 7 years ago
That goldfish at the begining does not survive in bowls
Get a tank
David Child
David Child - 7 years ago
This is why i bought a gold fish. but he ran away and left me mush.
Rabbi Stealinshekels Goldshekels
Rabbi Stealinshekels Goldshekels - 7 years ago
Comments are filled with pussies
Tru Blu
Tru Blu - 7 years ago
gold fish are fucking ugly
nic vdo
Jaydn Wilkins
Jaydn Wilkins - 7 years ago
Well, I helped make some off my gold fish have a better life...
French Ball
French Ball - 7 years ago
Stop the bitching. You know you try to kill all the ants on the sidewalk. You know also know damn well this is capitalism. What do you expect?
audiolover8820 - 7 years ago
Water in a glass box seems like magic? When was this video made??
AJ Mata
AJ Mata - 7 years ago
Y'all complain about the cruel treatment of these fish. Indeed the treatment is cruel. But y'all still probably eat meat.
Claire Manning
Claire Manning - 7 years ago
im horrified :( animals should be free!
Dylan Miyashiro
Dylan Miyashiro - 7 years ago
The only thing that kills the fish is the cramp spacing it's forced breeding because you can never force animals to mate... Yes they're tossed around but they still live easily as they're never really taken out of the water for long periods of time
SealMaster00 - 7 years ago
this is sorta sad lmao
Jontzur - 7 years ago
When daddy fish and mommy fish love eachother very much...
Cheap Kiwis
Cheap Kiwis - 7 years ago
How it's made
dragon chaos77
dragon chaos77 - 7 years ago
Everyone I know it's sad but let's be happy here have some food
Theoplis Mitchell
Theoplis Mitchell - 7 years ago
I don't like how that lady was throwing them
Zorc Necrophades
Zorc Necrophades - 7 years ago
That's pretty fucked up
Ava Tornetta
Ava Tornetta - 7 years ago
What is it with that lady and throwing. Throwing food and fish everywhere.
Monica - 7 years ago
how "it's" made? how THEY'RE made! My son Walter, who is a betta fish, is a being !!!!
AnimalProductions - 7 years ago
Why do they toss them into black buckets? Cant you just place them in?
Macy Mohammed
Macy Mohammed - 7 years ago
inhumane!!!!!!no need to throw them like that
Ol Eee
Ol Eee - 7 years ago
Lets see betta fish, i bet u that they are in even SMALLER tanks and bags!
Raven2370 - 7 years ago
tldr when a momma fish and a papa fish love each other very much......
The Silent Flute
The Silent Flute - 7 years ago
So you're telling me that these fish are forced to rape each other in order to produce more fish?

I'm just gonna go shoot something now.
CR0N1CS - 7 years ago
I like how they ignore where the black fish go like wtf? Also that is fish racist, I feel if your just going to kill them or throw them away you should at least sell them as some type of new variant. I like how they try to make it seem so happy and safe for the fish. XD
jennifer denning
jennifer denning - 7 years ago
wtf did I just watch. literally all these fish have their bottoms squeezed and forced to mate. they are forced into small tanks and thrown around. like 100 fish were put into that bag with like 2 inches of water. basically the company was just in for the money
Cabbage - 7 years ago
Are those eggs what comes out of mommy!
Veni Aggarwal
Veni Aggarwal - 7 years ago
I never knew you can make fish
beshj - 7 years ago
This is fucking sickening
Ethan Lang
Ethan Lang - 7 years ago
beshj Ignore them, they're spamming shit all over the video lmao
beshj - 7 years ago
falun gong cult what?
falun gong cult
falun gong cult - 7 years ago
Blobble - 7 years ago
My 450 liter (118G) tank is under a snail invasion and I wonder if its possible to add clown loaches. I have guppys, mollys, amano shrimps etc. are the other fish at risk?
Yoongi's skin tone is more brighter than my future
Yoongi's skin tone is more brighter than my future - 7 years ago
U guys eat fish .-. Sooooooo.....
TrueTreeRadio - 7 years ago
Chinese people have kept fish locked up ever since the great fish war.
White Blogger Black Specs
White Blogger Black Specs - 7 years ago
Look at all these pussies in the comments
JehhtV1 CS:GO
JehhtV1 CS:GO - 7 years ago
Sushi is good.
Zombie Hime
Zombie Hime - 7 years ago
my poor cesar ( my fantail) went through this!? ; A; !?omaigawd!!
Nino - 7 years ago
I have 12 In my aquarium for 2 years still alive and happy so sad that my fish got transported like that, so sad I love my fishes :(
Queen Lucy
Queen Lucy - 7 years ago
I never knew that I feel so bad for my poor gold fish been through so much this disgust me
Peridot Pines
Peridot Pines - 7 years ago
thats why my fish dies less than a day
Chaos - 7 years ago
The fish are moved into.. the fish are shipped to... the fish are... the fish are... the first are moved into... the fish are moved into... the fish are moved into... the fish are bagged... the fish are transported... thee fish are moved into... the fish are bagged... the fish are bagged... the fish are bagged.. the fish are DEAD!
SatorialDragon - 7 years ago
PoofyCheetah40 He is using them correct dumbass. You use an Ellipse when omitting words.
Arjy Bajy
Arjy Bajy - 7 years ago
PoofyCheetah40 Periods?
Arjy Bajy
Arjy Bajy - 7 years ago
Chaos Elipses, so many elipses.
eat your fucking vegetables fat cunt
eat your fucking vegetables fat cunt - 7 years ago
Chaos You've got a trigger finger for periods. Might want to go to a clinic to check up on problematic motor functions.
-OSCAR- - 7 years ago
Video should be called ' how gold fish are forced to have sex, physically assaulted , drugged and sold..'' :D
Ashton McHale
Ashton McHale - 7 years ago
interesting process, i just wish they were a bit more gentle in handling them. the employees of this particular company seem to kind of just dump them abruptly. i'd think that being suddenly plopped into another container of water would cause a bit of stress for the fish.
Cindy Velasquez
Cindy Velasquez - 7 years ago
why you gotta throw the fish like they're just toys
War Cage
War Cage - 7 years ago
yes, because you MAKE fish
Haggis Hary
Haggis Hary - 7 years ago
Can't believe they are treated so bad. Makes me sick
Sunniedew - 7 years ago
I love how the opening scene is 2 clamped goldfish about to die from suffocation because they have nothing creating oxygen for them. If the opening scene idea board was of two dogs in one kennel that is 10 sizes too small and they were in different stages of emaciation I'm sure it wouldn't have gone into production. Nice work.
RoseOfHizaki - 7 years ago
Im pretty sure 'air in the bag' does absolutely nothing at all for the fish. Because if thats truly the case then why do pumps for fish tanks exist? you need a pump to oxygenate the water or live plants
J-W - 7 years ago
It's 3:55 am what am I doing?!
Sweetlicarish World
Sweetlicarish World - 7 years ago
I think this is animal cruelty because they just tossed the baby fish without care
Will Tirad
Will Tirad - 7 years ago
Reading the comments below makes me sick. We have become a country of a bunch of sissys. Everyone is getting offended by fish. It's fucken fish for gods sake. FISH!!!!
Syrup - 7 years ago
When i saw the title of this video i wanted to try, but now im depressed.
Iris wants Some fudge
Iris wants Some fudge - 7 years ago
How it's made!!!!!! This episode: ...babies
Chad Ridout
Chad Ridout - 7 years ago
Are we just ignoring the fact that there was dead fish along the sides of the tanks?
fox_in _xxs_clothes
fox_in _xxs_clothes - 7 years ago
My friend got a little goldfish (like 3cm) when he was 7. At the age of 13 the fish was 18cm long. Fish grow too. Dont keep them it small Tanks!
fox_in _xxs_clothes
fox_in _xxs_clothes - 7 years ago
Those poor fishes :'(
Ender Man
Ender Man - 7 years ago
These fish have been through war
Hikari Angel
Hikari Angel - 7 years ago
I mean, I've gotten fish from the store, but I know the fish currently in my tank have had good lives for the most part. Their parents may have dealt with all that horrible stuff, but I'm glad I was able to raise their babies myself. In my tank I have 4 mollies that I've taken care of since they were born. They have a nice 20 gallon tank with a good filter system, water temperature, quite a few plants to hide in, a castle they seem to really love swimming through and the best food I could find at the store.
Pibchingu - 7 years ago
At least there are good fish owners like you :)
Dena Payne
Dena Payne - 7 years ago
You’re doing the right thing! A lot of what this hobby is is opinion - I’ve noticed that there’s not really a lot of consistent information out there because a lot of aquarium hobbyists want to assert their opinion on how to do things because their situation worked for their fish - it’s not always like that. I love that you’re taking care of the babies, and treating them right! Do you add salt to the water for your mollies? I’m trying to breed some but I’d like to breed them for fresh water :)
Joey's Pets
Joey's Pets - 7 years ago
Hikari Angel I think mollies need a minimum of 30 or 40 gallons, but hey at least you aren't keeping them in a 2.5 gallon tank with a betta like some idiot
A Kawaii Fish Lover17
A Kawaii Fish Lover17 - 7 years ago
Hikari Angel wow! Glad you gave them the life they besides all the ruff times for their parents! Glad they have you!
Alpha_duke - 7 years ago
i think its a bit cruel to chuck fix with eggs
Brittney Lewis
Brittney Lewis - 7 years ago
Everyone please stop buying fish, if you want a fish go rescue one, don't put these poor creatures in this much pain.
EndMinX 90
EndMinX 90 - 7 years ago
Poor things...
Malori Zam
Malori Zam - 7 years ago
Next episode of how it's made, human children!!!
6ys gt
6ys gt - 7 years ago
fuck shit bitch they Placing fish by throwing it??!?!!!and they are abusing the fishs too
6ys gt
6ys gt - 7 years ago
fuck shit bitch they Placing fish by throwing it??!?!!!
Dragon Doodler
Dragon Doodler - 7 years ago
This is so upsetting to watch
Marichii - 7 years ago
me: huh. how are aquarium fish made, video?
me: wait, what--
John Carlo Abella
John Carlo Abella - 7 years ago
It should be How to cultivate
Marichii - 7 years ago
Aidan Parks i???
Aidan Parks
Aidan Parks - 7 years ago
Marichii I
Sabrina Daley
Sabrina Daley - 7 years ago
Irk I agree
RibbonDove - 7 years ago
Seddi - 7 years ago
how its made water
daimon hellstrom
daimon hellstrom - 7 years ago
Seddi didn't watch the video i see
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
planetarywaste u need hydrogen and oxygen, not "water atom"
Эмилия Романова
Эмилия Романова - 7 years ago
+planetarywaste oxygen atom not water atom
planetarywaste - 7 years ago
u get a water atom then ya get a hydrogen atom, then wait for it, here's where it gets really wild, you get ANOTHER hydrogen atom (wow exciting amirite) and ya put it all together and boom beanless coffee liquid. welks.
Fiona Howard
Fiona Howard - 7 years ago
How is this legal?!
xoxozozo - 7 years ago
I stopped buying pet fish. Because of how they are treated. It's not okay. Edit : I don't eat fish. :
Jose Martinez
Jose Martinez - 7 years ago
Stupid people :(
Naja Simonsen
Naja Simonsen - 7 years ago
Pals shelf Looks for me booty |qrk association
skater1964 - 7 years ago
Did anyone else cringe at those poor fish getting flung around like that? No wonder they're half dead by the time they get to their destination for Christ sakes.
Saranya Srinivasan
Saranya Srinivasan - 7 years ago
Berlyn Zonix
Berlyn Zonix - 7 years ago
"Aquariums have been around for thousands of years" shows a bowl
aja jordan
aja jordan - 7 years ago
I must confess this is cruelty
aja jordan
aja jordan - 7 years ago
That's just crazy
aja jordan
aja jordan - 7 years ago
being thrown around and shipped in tiny bags for over 1,000years
Matthew ODonnell
Matthew ODonnell - 7 years ago
Shit like this only happens in China bro
Evan Cagle
Evan Cagle - 7 years ago
Boi you can tell that lady hates her job
DERPYCAT - 7 years ago
i got scared that they were making fish
tj of the universe
tj of the universe - 7 years ago
why did i decide to watch this live fish disgust me and i was uncomfortable for 5 minutes
Kimberly Wolden
Kimberly Wolden - 7 years ago
evil lmao
TheShizzleOWizzle - 7 years ago
Goldfish need atleast a 20 gallon tank, and Koi need a small pond.
The MLG Meme Master
The MLG Meme Master - 7 years ago
Wendy's - 7 years ago
Yes, these 'Chinese' peoples have an uncanny ability to grasp a fish, cock their arm back, and swing it forward, while releasing the fish. Sending it flying through the nitrogen (78.09%), oxygen (20.95%), argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.039%, or in other words, air. The fish then lands typically in pool of H2O, or water.
IDontAnimate - 7 years ago
Fish abuse! Kois r my favourite fish they so beautiful
Renars Liepa
Renars Liepa - 7 years ago
better is gonna be if they grab those goldfishes naturally without chemicals
Balloon Molly Luv
Balloon Molly Luv - 7 years ago
:36 ever heard of live bearers???
Snowball - 7 years ago
Disappointed that they didn't create literal fish
Alex Alejandre
Alex Alejandre - 7 years ago
goldfish, worst fish to keep.
Posts sports Casting
Posts sports Casting - 7 years ago
Looks like to much work
christopher solomon
christopher solomon - 7 years ago
No wonder they are called carp. They are fricking crap machines, I tell ya. I know this because I'm the one who keeps cleaning the aquarium at my home.
Lana Del Taco
Lana Del Taco - 7 years ago
omg i didnt know how fucked up this was
i aint buying anymore
AussieAnnihilation - 7 years ago
Pause at 5:02, are those all dead fish next to the aquariums with living ones?
[E]nerg[Y] - 7 years ago
I will never ever buy fish for aquarium. I will never buy aquarium too.
Kyle Ashcroft
Kyle Ashcroft - 7 years ago
She' just throws them wtf
MariaLyn - 7 years ago
This is awful and cruel
jc pro
jc pro - 7 years ago
Wendy's well that might be because fish cannot talk. They can however feel pain so that's nice
Wendy's - 7 years ago
The fish don't seem to mind.

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