How to set up a Freshwater Aquarium: Beginners guide to your 1st Aquarium
People & Blogs 9 years ago 421,848 views
Hey folks, do you want to start up your first fish tank and are a little intimidated by it all. Start small with these few simple instructions and you will be on your way to enjoying your first Aquarium. Do you know someone who loves fish and aquariums? Ever struggle to buy them an aquarium related gift? Problem solved. Give them the gift that keeps on giving. Get your water conditioner: My water changer:
Do you recommend drift wood for freshwater fish and aquatic turtles? Will it hurt them or the plants?
can I keep neon tetra with them?
10. comment for How to set up a Freshwater Aquarium: Beginners guide to your 1st Aquarium
That's why their in water because they don't need air LMAO
U could get bad advice on here make sure u have a couple of books
20. comment for How to set up a Freshwater Aquarium: Beginners guide to your 1st Aquarium
30. comment for How to set up a Freshwater Aquarium: Beginners guide to your 1st Aquarium
50. comment for How to set up a Freshwater Aquarium: Beginners guide to your 1st Aquarium
Can u add a layer of eco and then small layer of sand
100. comment for How to set up a Freshwater Aquarium: Beginners guide to your 1st Aquarium
You are very well spoken, and composed!
also, what plants are easy to maintain (I'm a beginner)
I know you said it was an AquaClear but when I seared on amazon I wasn't sure which one it was
I have a 10 gallon tank and I plan on getting Neon Tetras but I'm not sure which model I should get
i did intense research on each fish
every fish is a little different with care
with a goldfish prefer colder but get it to cold and there organs can shut down do your research for any animal even if its something small as a fish
My pet supermarket is informative and awesome!
guess not.
Great vid bro thumbs up
thanks again so which kind of fish you would recommended.
oh I'm sorry made a mistake 30x18x18 (LxDxH) in inches.
Is it recommended you also put the plants in AFTER 4-5 week? Or just the fish?
also i was told at the fish shop, that there needs to be a ripple ontop of the water to allow oxygen in? i have a FLUVAL U3
but only have it on a low setting.
mainly have corys and tetrus fish at the moment as they came with the tank, any info would be helpful on the changing everything, thanks
Should i use co2 injector in my planted(life plants) aquarium?
Oh ya...
that's what I would start out with. you have to acclimate them the same as you would with a fish. match temps. slowly over the course of an hour add 70% of the bags volume, 10% at a time, of tank water to the plant's bag. when the hour is up take only the plant and place it in the substrate pour the bag water down the drain.
if it doesn't work out, don't give up. planted aquariums are very good for water quality.
Edit: your tank is 17 litres or about 19 gallons.
the reason I say this is cause the most common reason for aquarist to have trouble keeping neons is their water parameters.they really can't stand hard water.
2 dwarf gourami's
2 German Blue Rams
1 or 2 glass cats (although I know they are best in a group of 6)
1 red tail shark
1 Bristlenose pleco
2 mystery snails
3 shrimp
Maybe 6 tetras or 6 cory's if I really want to, but I consider that optional
I have to upgrade my goldfish's tank, upgrade my hermit crabs tank and I really want to get 1 more low-tech tank with plants and tropical fish but I can't do right now......many reason I thought I don't have good enough skill and the other reason is my apartment small. I will try to getting a better knowledge about fish's tank and I know what I can do! Thank you again for all your awesome video❤️
so I do have a few questions, I've had a 29g freshwater tank for about 3 years. I do have live plants in the tank, and they all seem to be doing well, but I want them to do better. i use liquid fertilizer and CO2. the majority of the plants have been in the tank for over a year. however I don't have a "substrate" I just have a medium sized light brown river rock. I've been thinking about trying an appropriate substrate to help my plants. how do I go about changing what I have to a good substrate? what brands do I buy? and how do I layer the substrate, are there multiple layers? thank you for help:)
As far as the fish room, all is good! I almost got a 400 gallon tank for the fishroom....priced at $750....thats cheaper than what I paid for my 210 gallon....the only reason why I didn't get it was because it can't fit in my basement entrance☻ So I settled with a 125 gallon for $150. Other than that all is well!
Choose your fish, then the tank size, then the planted or not, then lights or is it substrate next and then the rest of the hardscape but maybe the filter needs to be earlier. You'll never please everyone with this video. ROFBL
As they say, get a child hooked on Tropical Fish keeping and they will never have money for drugs!!!
I hope you feel better soon!