NEOCARIDINA SHRIMP CARE! (carbon rili, red cherry shrimp)

General care of neocaridina shrimp, specifically carbon rili, and red cherry shrimp. I hope you can learn some from it :)

NEOCARIDINA SHRIMP CARE! (carbon rili, red cherry shrimp) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

People & Blogs 8 years ago 30,626 views

General care of neocaridina shrimp, specifically carbon rili, and red cherry shrimp. I hope you can learn some from it :)

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Most popular comments
for NEOCARIDINA SHRIMP CARE! (carbon rili, red cherry shrimp)

barcykni - 7 years ago
Very nice video. You covered a lot that people blow over in their videos.
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 7 years ago
Glad you enjoyed :)
Scowling Wolf
Scowling Wolf - 7 years ago
ludwigia lol
Michael Ullman
Michael Ullman - 7 years ago
Square Balloon
Square Balloon - 7 years ago
Yodi Gaming
Yodi Gaming - 7 years ago
I have a question what is the soil or graval you are using?????also what shrimp type do you have??
Don Sturgiss
Don Sturgiss - 7 years ago
Mato Jakopovic
Mato Jakopovic - 7 years ago
Travis Hemming
Travis Hemming - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank and great info. Thanks!
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 7 years ago
Glad you enjoyed!
Random Ryan
Random Ryan - 7 years ago
I know this video was posted a while ago, but were you running carbon in that planted tank? I have a 55G tank that I tried RCS in and they all slowly died. All my parameters are perfect. 4KH, 9GH, 76F. 0 Nitrates Nitrites Ammonia, 0 copper or at least trace only, 220TDS water with seachem equilibrium added to filtered tap water of 150TDS, PH stable at 7.4. tank is medium/heavy planted with anubias, java fern, rosefolia, microsword, flame and java moss, dwarf lilly and types of crypts in ecocomplete layered over thin bit caribsea sand underneath. I use a low dose of Prime after a 15% water change once a week. Filter is canister with sponge and biomedia only. Lighting is LED around 1watt per gallon. I have malaysion driftwood and one almond leaf too so my water is slightly tinted.
I would like to run carbon for a short time to remove some tannins and possibly any bad components that may be contributing to deaths. I do also have nerite snails, otos and about 10 neon tetra. i would try to feed the fish tiny amounts of food and it seemed the shrimp were only active for a day or 2 then they all became inactive and hardly seemed to eat. Over about 2 weeks they slowly died off 1 by 1. I thought it was a molting issue so I added that equilibrium, but then 3 days later the last 3 died, 1 per day. Its a fairly new tank (about 1 month), but I checked the parameters many times and they were all fine. Im almost discouraged from trying again because it seems like all the stuff Ive done to make it near perfect is failing. What is your stance on using carbon for my tank?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 7 years ago
The 220 is a little high from what I know, could be wrong though. I would also get a soil that buffers like the amazonia or fluval srhimo stratum.

10. comment for NEOCARIDINA SHRIMP CARE! (carbon rili, red cherry shrimp)

david ooi
david ooi - 7 years ago
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 7 years ago
None on this tank.
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 7 years ago
None on this tank.
Mireya LaRiviere
Mireya LaRiviere - 7 years ago
i order from shrimp fever in canada
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 7 years ago
Ya they are awesome!
Steve Finestone
Steve Finestone - 7 years ago
Ludwigia BTW
Steve Finestone
Steve Finestone - 7 years ago
Nice planted tank. Just started a 20 gal planted Ghost Shrimp tank to see if I can keep them alive. LOL Eventually I'll add some RCS..
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 7 years ago
Valerie Treuherz
Valerie Treuherz - 7 years ago
Your tank looks nice :)
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 7 years ago
Jake From Maryland
Jake From Maryland - 7 years ago
What is the smaller green plant on the substrate?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 7 years ago
micranthemum monte carlo
xSean145 - 7 years ago
Hi what is that red plant on the left? Is it Cryptocoryne Albida?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 7 years ago
I believe it was yes!
Anthony Reynolds
Anthony Reynolds - 7 years ago
I read that vampire shrimp get along with neocaridina. Is this true? I thought I'd ask someone with experience.
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 7 years ago
That is correct!
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 7 years ago
thanks very helpful
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 7 years ago
Glad you enjoyed!
Nishan Rana
Nishan Rana - 8 years ago

20. comment for NEOCARIDINA SHRIMP CARE! (carbon rili, red cherry shrimp)

Nishan Rana
Nishan Rana - 8 years ago
Do you run CO2 in this tank?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Nishan Rana Good light and good nutrients
Nishan Rana
Nishan Rana - 8 years ago
Mike Tytula wow how did you get the plants to get so lush
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
No I do not!
Zaney's Worlds47
Zaney's Worlds47 - 8 years ago
Steve Finestone
Steve Finestone - 8 years ago
Ludwigia. Nice well put togethsr video, as well as a nice planted tank. Thanks for sharing your info. Was very valuable info.
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoyed!
Jean-Michel Gervais
Jean-Michel Gervais - 8 years ago
ludwigia. and by the way, witch kind of fish can i keep with them? they most obviously be super small. I want to do a community tank in a 26 gallon, so im looking for nice little colorfull fish to add with does awsomes shrimps. I like variety of shape and color :). I would like to have danios, dwarf gouramis, harlequin rasboras, rummy noses, cherry barb, neon tetra, black phantome tetra , black neon and guppies. would their be a problem with does species? and is their other species I could try? I probably won't put all the fish that i list in the tank because it's a 26 gallon so i don't want to overcrowd, it's just a list of tetras and other small fish that i like and would enjoye whit does shrimps if possible
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Jean-Michel Gervais Good luck, even they can have some risk of being little buggars haha
Jean-Michel Gervais
Jean-Michel Gervais - 8 years ago
i meant cherry barb, the relly relly small red one. and thanks for the suggestion, i will look at it right away :)
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
The rosy barbs might not work unless you have a large group of them. I would look at the dwarf rainbow fish as well such as furcata rainbows
Justin Viveiros
Justin Viveiros - 8 years ago
What is that purple/red plant growing over the baby tears?
Vladimir Rusnak
Vladimir Rusnak - 8 years ago
On the bottom of the aquarium need for special ballast?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
Vladimir Rusnak
Vladimir Rusnak - 8 years ago
zdravim. Mozem otazocku? Pri krevetkach treba na dno špecialny štrk , alebo vystaci substrat?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
xSean145 - 8 years ago
is that Cryptocoryne Albida on the left ?
saxodg - 8 years ago
Golden Kappa
Golden Kappa - 8 years ago
What plant is that at the bottom left? Looks nice
Golden Kappa
Golden Kappa - 8 years ago
Mike Tytula Yeah, Im interested to have it in my rcs tank
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
The moss?
Golden Kappa
Golden Kappa - 8 years ago
The short one on top of the gravel

30. comment for NEOCARIDINA SHRIMP CARE! (carbon rili, red cherry shrimp)

crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 8 years ago
Mine are popping out babies at 6.6 pH. My temperature is at 80, but might bring it down a little after your advice. Maybe that is why they are breeding like nuts?
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 7 years ago
They are now in a tank at 6.2 pH and lower Cardinia conditions including temperature of 68 and they are still going great and living a long side the Cardinia's, Otocinclus and Borneo Suckers.
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
The warm temps might lead to increased.
NewReef Royal
NewReef Royal - 8 years ago
Hey awesome videos but I would like to know if the substrate color matters for Red Cherry Shrimp? I am a new shrimp starter so your feed back would be amazing!
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
honestly I wouldn't know, I heard white can diminish there colours but who knows!
Beerelf Beerelf
Beerelf Beerelf - 8 years ago
Kimberley Davis
Kimberley Davis - 8 years ago
Can you please tell me what tank that is?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Bruce Johnson Beamworks
Bruce Johnson
Bruce Johnson - 8 years ago
can I ask which light system you are using?
Kimberley Davis
Kimberley Davis - 8 years ago
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
ADA 10 gallon tank
jakubSHOWSyou - 8 years ago
mike tytula what is that moss plant growing in the front corner of the tank a name for it would help:)
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
It's called flame moss
Joshua July
Joshua July - 8 years ago
Ludwigia! Ludwigia!
Thashka Ranasinghe
Thashka Ranasinghe - 8 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
Megan McGrory
Megan McGrory - 8 years ago
thanks for the info and the canadian sight shout out :)

edit : Ludwigia ( if that how it spelled)
kashewz - 8 years ago
So I have like 12 neocardinia shrimps in my 5 gallon tank, along with some neon tetras and zebra fish. Quick question - well.. more like 2 questions.

1. Out of nowhere I noticed one baby shrimp. Like just one. I never even noticed any of my shrimps being berried. What happened? What happened to the rest? Did they get eaten? I've been able to catch a glimpse of the same baby shrimp for around a week so it's been growing but yeah, what happened to the rest??

2. One of the shrimps I bought was berried. She had like.. 30 eggs? Was really excited. Two days later, all but like two of her eggs were gone. What happened? Did she drop them or something? She's moving around and grazing so I'm assuming she's "happy" with her environment. Was it because fishes were harassing her? (Never saw that happening). Or is it just because maybe she was inexperienced?

Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
+killer slowpoke Pygmy Cory's work
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
Yeah, honestly cherry shrimp should be kept alone, unless with other small, docile fish like otocinclus or MAYBE cories, other fish may just eat the babies and/or chase, nip, and attack the adults.
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
1. Likely got eaten by the tetras.
2. Likely dropped them because of the stress.
Wernbread - 8 years ago
Wernbread - 8 years ago
46 WEEKS!!!!!!????
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
4 to 6 weeks
david fricke
david fricke - 8 years ago
Wet Paint
Wet Paint - 8 years ago
such a beautiful tank!
Jack Jones
Jack Jones - 8 years ago
Does anyone know if cherry shrimp can live with rosy barbs?
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 8 years ago
FrogerzGaming - 8 years ago
Hey mike ! Just asking what type of plants u use for carpeting the soil ? Without CO2 ??
FrogerzGaming - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula thx !
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+FrogerzGaming Those are Micranthemum monte carlo
FrogerzGaming - 8 years ago
Ludwigia !!
eros - 8 years ago
i work at Petco and i learn so much from your channel i always tell people to check some of your videos..

Yesterday i sold a male veiled chameleon and the girl who bought it didnt know what to name it so i told her Rango because when every morning when ifeed them i try to earn their trust like you said to do but he always hissing at me and it reminded me of Rango lol but yeah thanks for all your videos and keep it up man
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Eric Gomera Will do man!
eros - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula thank you man just keep them videos comming
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Eric Gomera Awesome to hear man! Thanks :)
Uwant?iGot_RL - 8 years ago
HEAPS-MORE shrimp care facts updates PLEASEEE

50. comment for NEOCARIDINA SHRIMP CARE! (carbon rili, red cherry shrimp)

Muhammad Akoodie
Muhammad Akoodie - 8 years ago
Corner Tank Corner
Corner Tank Corner - 8 years ago
Excellent video! I just want to add that SKAShrimp does ship shrimps (Canada only) and dry goods and I gotta say he is the best supplier in Canada. You can see some of the his shrimps on my channel.
Ludwigia! Liked! Subscribed!
DoubLe L's Aquatics
DoubLe L's Aquatics - 8 years ago
Great video. Very informative.
Thuddy Waters
Thuddy Waters - 8 years ago
Macaroni. Oh, I mean Ludwigia.
DisFunkShonCity - 8 years ago
But not more than they can eat
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+DisFunkShonCity I'll give it a shot!
DisFunkShonCity - 8 years ago
Cool tank and great vid, but if you want them to multiply quicker, you should feed them at least once a day.
Prometheus211 Sun
Prometheus211 Sun - 8 years ago
ludwigia thanks
victoria parkes
victoria parkes - 8 years ago
Ludwigia.... very helpful. I have a shrimp only tank and have been so confused about how often to feed them. I put food in the tank and they aren't interested, now I will only feed them once a week. thanks for your help.
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+victoria parkes No problem!
Port City Pythons
Port City Pythons - 8 years ago
Amazing set-up as always! Sweet dude
Cody's Aquariums
Cody's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Scarzee - 8 years ago
The Rhino Bros
The Rhino Bros - 8 years ago
Where's your February room tour?
Luis Cruz
Luis Cruz - 8 years ago
lidwigia,and I have a question about chams over night when you have to turn the lights of so they can sleep how do they get the heat
Jan Games
Jan Games - 8 years ago
Oh tnx :)
Jan Games
Jan Games - 8 years ago
Mike, i want a crested gecko terrarium but witch animals can live to whit crested gecko's??
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Jan Games I don't recommend keeping anything with them
jorge hernandez
jorge hernandez - 8 years ago
you should make a vid of big easy to care reptiles
please !
im looking for a big lizard,monitor,gecko
thats easy to tame and care for
besides de crested gecko
jorge hernandez
jorge hernandez - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula
no prob man so looking forward to your next video
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+jorge hernandez No sorry man I don't really do that kind of thing
jorge hernandez
jorge hernandez - 8 years ago
One last favor can you do a shout out cx its not necesarry but it would be awesome !
Remember George lol
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+jorge hernandez thanks man!
jorge hernandez
jorge hernandez - 8 years ago
Will do thanks oh bye the way im george cx because many people get mi name wrong well thanks see you in your next videos
Good luck on everything !!
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+jorge hernandez research it and see if it's right for you
jorge hernandez
jorge hernandez - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula
one i found was a plated lizard
is it a good option ?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+jorge hernandez There's plenty and monitors can be very big so just research man
tangle tail
tangle tail - 8 years ago
i am desperate for one
tangle tail
tangle tail - 8 years ago
when do you post your videos again?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+tangle tail I'll post another hopefully tomorrow or wednesday
Reptiguy11223 - 8 years ago
How's rango doing??
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Reptiguy11223 I'll update it briefly tomorrow or tuesday
Ben Jungblut
Ben Jungblut - 8 years ago
What size crickets should I feed a juvenile leopard gecko
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Ben Jungblut depends on how big it is
PJ yegorov
PJ yegorov - 8 years ago
and you should get a beardie i know there boring to you but some of them are red purple orange and blue! (and a bit of green)
PJ yegorov
PJ yegorov - 8 years ago
lol i want a african bull frog :P
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+PJ yegorov Ya that's not gonna happen haha
PJ yegorov
PJ yegorov - 8 years ago
is this salt water or fresh?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+PJ yegorov Fresh
joshua burgos
joshua burgos - 8 years ago
Jaquan Carter
Jaquan Carter - 8 years ago
Great care video for shrimps.
Maximus Alcott
Maximus Alcott - 8 years ago
Maximus Alcott
Maximus Alcott - 8 years ago
Pls don't ever stop making vids cause there so good
HPD7D - 8 years ago
right on time cause my crayfish are in a new big ass tank since yesterday.
Deformeddwight - 8 years ago
HPD7D I love catching crawfish at my house
HPD7D - 8 years ago
+HPD7D also ludwigia
Daisy Dragonforest
Daisy Dragonforest - 8 years ago
Love ur channel!
Top Notch Reptiles
Top Notch Reptiles - 8 years ago
Ludwigia, I honestly didn't realize shrimp were this much maintenance, LOL!
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Top Notch Reptiles hahaha ya!
Top Notch Reptiles
Top Notch Reptiles - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula Ya, just more than I thought!
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Top Notch Reptiles They aren't really that much work haha
jorge hernandez
jorge hernandez - 8 years ago
you should make more vids
love all of the vids btw
keep it up im soon getting a crested gecko and ive seen all of you recomendations
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+jorge hernandez Sweet! Good luck man
Ciprian Goiceanu
Ciprian Goiceanu - 8 years ago
JaredB626 - 8 years ago
How's tig
JaredB626 - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula good
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Jay-rod 626 She's doing well :)
JaredB626 - 8 years ago
I got a ghost shrimp it died.. I got a cherry shrimp my water frog ate it you can see pics of them on my Instagram
Cuda FX
Cuda FX - 7 years ago
you dont get one shrimp :/
tangle tail
tangle tail - 8 years ago
you sound very smart!^^
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+tangle tail hahaha do i?
tangle tail
tangle tail - 8 years ago
griffin L
griffin L - 8 years ago
Vincent McNair
Vincent McNair - 8 years ago
Not to go against the theme of this video, but... maybe a quick update on Rango.... not to bring up a touchy subject, just wondering lol... hope the big guy's doing better man. -Vince
Vincent McNair
Vincent McNair - 8 years ago
Alright. Thank you. :) looking forward ti it.
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Vincent McNair He's doing about the same I don't want to make a lot of short updates on him. And you'll see him on the reptile room update
sneakmangeckos - 8 years ago
ludwigia btw
Marcos trejo
Marcos trejo - 8 years ago
Ludwiggia nice vid very help full
Oscar Zapata
Oscar Zapata - 8 years ago
AWB12 EXOTICS - 8 years ago
Liduigia, great video!
Arib H
Arib H - 8 years ago
Ludwigia, how is Rango?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Arib Hassam He's still hanging in there. Not sure how much longer he has though.
MCD Reptiles
MCD Reptiles - 8 years ago
ludwigia !! And check out my newest video that I uploaded yesterday:) If you haven't already.
Andy Kroeger
Andy Kroeger - 8 years ago
You ever get nuts and feed some of those shrimp to the lizards?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Andy Kroeger haha no they are to small and the lizards probably wouldn't eat them. And those shrimp are WAY to expensive to feed as feeders haha
Bando Kim
Bando Kim - 8 years ago
lidwidia sounds like a name for a fairy that hides in your garden...
Bando Kim
Bando Kim - 8 years ago
Ok, thanks!
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Bando Kim Probably not but you can give it a try
Bando Kim
Bando Kim - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula I just got my shrimp, and i'm wondering if I can take moss growing on land and have it grow underwater as a carpet or something. Will it survive?
Bando Kim
Bando Kim - 8 years ago
ok. Thank you
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Bando Kim They are in the filter and substrate not water column
Bando Kim
Bando Kim - 8 years ago
I have a question. When i do water changes on my fish tank, am i removing the beneficial bacteria or are they in my filter? and can I use the water from my fish tank for plants?
Bando Kim
Bando Kim - 8 years ago
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Bando Kim (TheBandoChannel) hahah it's a genus of aquatic plants
Bradley Tristan
Bradley Tristan - 8 years ago
My baby Chamaeleon eats like 1,000,000 fruit flys is that ok and also I don't know how to spell what you said at the end
Bradley Tristan
Bradley Tristan - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula ok
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+planet Herp I would feed mine something like that much twice a day
Bradley Tristan
Bradley Tristan - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula bro that ms the least
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+planet Herp That's normal, should eat more than that haha
Bradley Tristan
Bradley Tristan - 8 years ago
she is like 1 month and eats like at least 50 hidie fruit flys a day
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+planet Herp Yes that is fine depending on how old the chameleon is
hanzifaction - 8 years ago
Very nice tank bro, I want to do something similar
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+hanzifaction Go for it!
Boris Betzis
Boris Betzis - 8 years ago
Arizona Vivariums
Arizona Vivariums - 8 years ago
Nice video! Not sure if you do this already, but the water from fish tanks (shrimp as well) is really good for all your other land plants, so keep that in mind when you do you water changes! Also I don't want to be "that guy" but I'm pretty sure cholla is pronounced choy-ya... Ludwigia! keep up the great work!!
Arizona Vivariums
Arizona Vivariums - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula Awesome!
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+andone01red hahaha never knew the pronunciation haha. As for the plant water, that is exactly what I do haha
Chips Ahoy
Chips Ahoy - 8 years ago
Great video!

100. comment for NEOCARIDINA SHRIMP CARE! (carbon rili, red cherry shrimp)

Tarantula Zoo
Tarantula Zoo - 8 years ago
I don't know how to spell that word but made it to the end lol
Tarantula Zoo
Tarantula Zoo - 8 years ago
Do you know any good Canadian online reptile stores?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Tarantula Zoo Just look on local forums and things a lot of people will ship
Tarantula Zoo
Tarantula Zoo - 8 years ago
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Tarantula Zoo Depends where you live
Tarantula Zoo
Tarantula Zoo - 8 years ago
What's the best one?
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Tarantula Zoo Theres plenty haha
Amanda Hernandez
Amanda Hernandez - 8 years ago
Thats a nice tank and collection of shrimp
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Amanda Hernandez haha thanks!
Robin`s aquarium
Robin`s aquarium - 8 years ago
Great video, Mike!
Steven Shiflett
Steven Shiflett - 8 years ago
Don't subscribe
Don't subscribe - 8 years ago
Ludwigia? (Hope that's right), another great vid!!!
Ford Family
Ford Family - 8 years ago
:( for rango
Stevie Exotics
Stevie Exotics - 8 years ago
idk my water *o
mathias priegnitz
mathias priegnitz - 8 years ago
thx for youre work buddy :) nice video
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+mathias priegnitz Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed!
lifeguard212 - 8 years ago
NeMo - 8 years ago
Great video man. I've been in the shrimp hobby for 4-5 years and the info/research is correct. I'm more of a caridina species guy. I like the black King Kongs and extreme blue bolts. Ludwigia is a great plant. Loving that new white species
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+NeMox69x That sucks haha I live at home, and in Uni so I don't have to worry about what I can and can't keep
NeMo - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula I've considered a chameleon but I'm in college so it's really only fish tanks for now sadly!
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+NeMox69x Oh right on.
NeMo - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula yeah they are but its my only hobby so I don't mind it haha
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+NeMox69x haah Thanks. I'm glad I got it right! Those are both some awesome shrimp, just so expensive haha
Walters Repti
Walters Repti - 8 years ago
Dope vid man keep it up! Do more vids on your chameleons!!
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Walters Repti I will be in the future
Kelsey Bordeaux
Kelsey Bordeaux - 8 years ago
I've never really thought of having shrimp as pets but they seem like interesting little guys,they look good. I personally use an AquaClear Power Filter for my 2 axolotl girls and I LOVE it. It's the best one I've used in years,very simple to clean. It uses a Foam, Activated Carbon,BioMax and Cycle Guard for continuous biological filtration. Axolotl's like still water,but this one is very gentle so they love it.You never realize how much a good filter makes your life easier until you get one lol.
Kelsey Bordeaux
Kelsey Bordeaux - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula Even better lol
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Kelsey Bordeaux Ya it's certainly a good filter I got this canister for free and it's even better haha
Kelsey Bordeaux
Kelsey Bordeaux - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula Mhm when I do water changes it doesn't take long for the water to clear. Just nice to find something good at a reasonable price.
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Kelsey Bordeaux I like the aquaclears as well they do a pretty good job. And yes filtration is key
spielmanngedern - 8 years ago
German food...nice
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+spielmanngedern hahahaha
BensAquariums - 8 years ago
I wunna see more updates of this nice shrimp tank please and the scape look beautiful and the shrimp
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+ben walker Well this is the update for now haha
Edvin Franzén
Edvin Franzén - 8 years ago
Can you mix Carbon rili and cherry shrimp
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Edvin Franzén I said it in the video man
Cristi Todoca
Cristi Todoca - 8 years ago
how is Rango?
Cristi Todoca
Cristi Todoca - 8 years ago
+Mike Tytula poor Rango:( I'm so sorry to hear that:( get him to the vet
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Cristi Todoca Struggling but is still alive
Ga_rd Mc
Ga_rd Mc - 8 years ago
nice vid very helpful
Henry Smith
Henry Smith - 8 years ago
AnimalArkTV - 8 years ago
nice care video, there are a lot of subspecies, great information.
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+AnimalArkTV Ya there's a ton haha
Roan Walker
Roan Walker - 8 years ago
wanted to ask im thinking of getting a second leapard geko mines already female just need some advise
Mike Tytula
Mike Tytula - 8 years ago
+Roan Walker Don't en less you have a second tank
Roan Walker
Roan Walker - 8 years ago
No views or likes or dislikes
Roan Walker
Roan Walker - 8 years ago

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