Shrimp Unboxing - Dream Blue Velvet & Tank Setup

Today I unboxed Dream Blue Velvet Shrimp along with some Wisteria and Cholla wood. I show the process of drip acclimation and end with some great clips of the little shrimps wriggling around their new home. Welcome fish people to Aaron's Aquatics, a channel dedicated to the aquarium hobby! ☻ Subscribe: ☻ Twitter: ☻ Cycling a Shrimp Tank:

Shrimp Unboxing - Dream Blue Velvet & Tank Setup sentiment_very_dissatisfied 57

People & Blogs 8 years ago 68,144 views

Today I unboxed Dream Blue Velvet Shrimp along with some Wisteria and Cholla wood. I show the process of drip acclimation and end with some great clips of the little shrimps wriggling around their new home. Welcome fish people to Aaron's Aquatics, a channel dedicated to the aquarium hobby! ☻ Subscribe: ☻ Twitter: ☻ Cycling a Shrimp Tank:

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Most popular comments
for Shrimp Unboxing - Dream Blue Velvet & Tank Setup

NitaBonita0813 - 7 years ago
River Life
River Life - 7 years ago
Shrimp Day - Fun Day! New subscriber.
Jesse Crandle
Jesse Crandle - 7 years ago
DAMN, that one already had a clutch of eggs.
Jesse Crandle
Jesse Crandle - 7 years ago
So do these shrimp play well with other species? I've seen some opae ulas that look really similar but are red, I'd love to have a tank devoted just to some varied color shrimp.

I guess I'd need to look into it further and see if any of the species can be intermingled or if their requirements vary too much.
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
So this is a tricky question. I would lump these kind of shrimp into two species -- Neocaradina and Caradina. Each type will interbreed with each other, but not the other (So if you want to breed, this is important). Likewise, Neo's and Caradina's have completely different water parameters, so while you might be able to keep them alive together, it doesn't mean they will flourish/breed.

I keep my blue velvets with my CRS's because their parameters are relatively close to one another. I'd just look at species by species and see what can work together.
Jesse Crandle
Jesse Crandle - 7 years ago
LOL nice... cellulose insulation for filler, that's actually not a bad idea. That stuff is only $12 for 40 square feet, a hell of a lot cheaper than packing peanuts or those plastic bags, AND the cellulose will absorb any water that leaks out and keep the box intact until it arrives. If you just had plain old bubble wrap in there and the box got wet there'd be a hole in there within an hour and your fish/shrimp/etc would flop right out in the Fedex facility.
Jeremy Marks
Jeremy Marks - 7 years ago
I really want to buy some shrimp, but every where I look online is super expensive. I don't have any fish stores anywhere close to me, so I have to order online. Where is a place I could get cheap ones? I just want 1 blue male 1 blue female and then I'll breed them.
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
A successful colony of shrimp traditionally requires more than 2 shrimp. I would say a minimum of 10 is recommended.

If you are looking for cheap, check ebay. You'll get what you pay for.
JAumis m
JAumis m - 7 years ago
I want to buy those blue shrimp so bad!!
Dean Daniel
Dean Daniel - 7 years ago
whe i get fish i dump the whole fuckin bag into the 75 gallon with fish and all. whatever doesnt kill you makes you stronger lol
Money Team
Money Team - 7 years ago
Looks like water Sprite

10. comment for Shrimp Unboxing - Dream Blue Velvet & Tank Setup

Tim Oosterwaal
Tim Oosterwaal - 7 years ago
i have the exact same hang box.. it works, comes in handy everey now and then
Tim Oosterwaal
Tim Oosterwaal - 7 years ago
i dont realy know much abouth them, you should go to your local fish store to check them out ask for nano shrimp :) goodluck
Eugene Ho
Eugene Ho - 7 years ago
tks for replying dude. ur waste is nt tt heavy right
any recommendations of shrimps?
Tim Oosterwaal
Tim Oosterwaal - 7 years ago
u can with nano shrimp, but it just looks not that good
Eugene Ho
Eugene Ho - 7 years ago
can u have a shrimp tank just on a hang on box like his? Or did he moved the shrimps from the hang on box to the main aquarium eventually?
El Dal-Cl
El Dal-Cl - 7 years ago
Nice- asbestos.
Santamonica Pieratnoon
Santamonica Pieratnoon - 7 years ago
It's pronounced choy-ya. Or just call it ''walking cactus'' wood.
UnknownContact1 - 7 years ago
Isn't it bad to buy shrimp online?
UnknownContact1 - 7 years ago
Aaron's Aquatics - A² oh ok thank you
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
No, not really. Many people you can buy from our hobbyist like you and me.
KressRudra - 7 years ago
nice vid and great aquaticarts mini review
Patty Vlogs
Patty Vlogs - 7 years ago
What food do you use?? I had about 10 ghost shrimp and 9 died idk why but I am left with 1 that has eggs that might hatch any day now and I really wanna give her (momma shrimp) the best possible food.
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
I should really do a video on what I feed... OK! So for adults/juvi's I use AZOO Aquarium Max Growth (It's a pellet that I break up into pieces since neither tank can even finish half a piece.

When I see babies, I start dropping a powder into the tank that gives babies easy access to food (for that, I use Shirakura Baby Shrimp Food).

I also add veggies on occasion whenever I have left overs myself! Stuff like squash, zucchini, spinach, etc. It's just a snack, but they love it.
mrglopulox - 7 years ago
Amazing video, shot well and you obviously have such a passion for the hobby! One of the best aquarium videos I have seen, keep up the good work!
Splat Attack
Splat Attack - 7 years ago
I subscribed
gmlasam - 7 years ago
Wow cholo wood? Same as Vato wood?
amlan padhi
amlan padhi - 7 years ago
from which site did u order those !?
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
The blue velvets? I actually didn't -- I was holding them for a friend. He ordered them from jtibee

20. comment for Shrimp Unboxing - Dream Blue Velvet & Tank Setup

James Brown
James Brown - 7 years ago
Ayyyyyyy h town
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
Ye boi!
Alexis Chris
Alexis Chris - 7 years ago
where did you get that box I need things like that for my guppies and shrimp
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
The fry cage / hospital tank? Off Amazon pretty sure haha. Just look up "aquarium fry tank" or "hang on the back tank".
Dale Hicks
Dale Hicks - 7 years ago
Really nice video
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
mufalme - 7 years ago
takes too long!!!! you talk a bunch...
Mitch Connor
Mitch Connor - 7 years ago
you never told us the price.
ShenaniganZone - 7 years ago
William - 7 years ago
4:10 me everyday
Marks fish room
Marks fish room - 7 years ago
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
It's a really good video, but PLEASE shoot that awful music band ok ?
K Ts
K Ts - 7 years ago
Bacter AE is basicaly a shrimp food , used to increase baby shrimp survival rate, its NOT! a bacteria supplement used for tank cycle, if You used it for cycling tank, You basically added more ammonia to the tank and tank wasnt cycled, You dont know much about aquarium, learn then try

30. comment for Shrimp Unboxing - Dream Blue Velvet & Tank Setup

Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Wow you have some awesome new shrimp! =)
tri morey
tri morey - 7 years ago
You wanna remove the browns or they will muddy your line breeding with wilds and eventually you will begin to lose all of the blues. Think of it like a recessive gene (super simplified and not that accurate, but a short explanation) that occasionally pops back up.
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 7 years ago
Dan Ferry
Dan Ferry - 7 years ago
Hey nice Guru land art :)
Allyson Chains
Allyson Chains - 7 years ago
You are so fun to watch:) Thanks for sharing this. I've ordered from aquatic arts in the past. They are very good at what they do.
Allison Holly
Allison Holly - 7 years ago
Gorgeous shrimp
Pa. Fish Preacher
Pa. Fish Preacher - 7 years ago
Hey buddy, what kind of light do you have on your 55? Any co2?
Ang Sel
Ang Sel - 7 years ago
I love to see the unboxings <3
Alexis Chris
Alexis Chris - 7 years ago
LeviakenHD - 7 years ago
I have ordered from aquatic arts before and they are awesome
KSMS Outdoors
KSMS Outdoors - 7 years ago
LeviakenHD was
TheEnragedGamer - 7 years ago
the Cholla wood is pronounced choya :)
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
Oh god. I have made a huge mistake haha
Shannon Talbott
Shannon Talbott - 7 years ago
What is the plant in the bottom left/front of your tank? The short lighter green sort of spiral ones?
Shannon Talbott
Shannon Talbott - 7 years ago
Maybe bacopa? The shorter front ones looked like cool spirals at first but now I see it's just the angle... Still cool :)
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
Damn, I forgot. They're in the back left of my tank -- if I remember I'll post it here. It's a stem plant, if that helps at all.
HaveYouEverBeenFarEvenAsDecidedToGoLookDoWant - 7 years ago
Looks like I spot a Corsair AIO cooler in your build.
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
My CPU cooler? I'm using a Corsair H100i closed loop liquid cooler (Radiator is attached to the top of the case). My gaming computer is my other passion besides aquarium stuff :)
birg schulz
birg schulz - 7 years ago
you need to drip for much longer
albert dumaguing
albert dumaguing - 7 years ago
I thinks its a water sprite
Gaina - 7 years ago
This video came up in my suggestions. The minute you started talking to your plants, I knew I had to subscribe!
Gaina - 7 years ago
Block Max Hi, I get everything from my local shop, I've never tried buying shrimp or fish online.
Block Max
Block Max - 7 years ago
Gaina how much money where they with shipping?
Gaina - 7 years ago
Aaron's Aquatics - A² I'll go and check that out.
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
Whoop! Thanks and welcome :D If you've seen my most recent video (Twin Shirimp Tank) talking about the first week of cycling, it's sad to say but one of the plants had some severe melting. The rest are doing fine :)
Kyle - 7 years ago
Have you tried API Quickstart for quickly cycling a tank? It works like a charm or me
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 7 years ago
I'm using Seachem Stability -- same basic bacterial starters. I've heard good things about API quickstart though.
X Royal T Shrimp
X Royal T Shrimp - 8 years ago
Haha awesome video man!! So entertaining to watch!! Like the external breeder box! Your footage looks great what Canon camera you got yourself?
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 8 years ago
Nah, it's not the best for macro shots. The lens isn't removable -- I've owned it before I thought about making this channel, so if you want something for macro shots there are probably better options.

For me though, I love it because it provides 1080p @ 60fps video with zero sound on focusing (Unlike a traditional DSLR).
X Royal T Shrimp
X Royal T Shrimp - 8 years ago
Still a few things I got to work on, though you only have two videos up, you have a lot of talent bro, thanks for watching! Ill be looking at that camera lol any good for macro stuff?
Aaron's Aquatics - A²
Aaron's Aquatics - A² - 8 years ago
It's a Canon G7X Mark II. Thanks man! I watched some of your stuff last night (specifically the moss ledge DIY and loved it. I'll be building one or two myself in the future)
Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities - 8 years ago
So when you start having shrimplets you sending me some right bro?

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