Shrimp Unboxing - Dream Blue Velvet & Tank Setup
People & Blogs 8 years ago 68,144 views
Today I unboxed Dream Blue Velvet Shrimp along with some Wisteria and Cholla wood. I show the process of drip acclimation and end with some great clips of the little shrimps wriggling around their new home. Welcome fish people to Aaron's Aquatics, a channel dedicated to the aquarium hobby! ☻ Subscribe: ☻ Twitter: ☻ Cycling a Shrimp Tank:
I guess I'd need to look into it further and see if any of the species can be intermingled or if their requirements vary too much.
I keep my blue velvets with my CRS's because their parameters are relatively close to one another. I'd just look at species by species and see what can work together.
If you are looking for cheap, check ebay. You'll get what you pay for.
10. comment for Shrimp Unboxing - Dream Blue Velvet & Tank Setup
any recommendations of shrimps?
When I see babies, I start dropping a powder into the tank that gives babies easy access to food (for that, I use Shirakura Baby Shrimp Food).
I also add veggies on occasion whenever I have left overs myself! Stuff like squash, zucchini, spinach, etc. It's just a snack, but they love it.
20. comment for Shrimp Unboxing - Dream Blue Velvet & Tank Setup
30. comment for Shrimp Unboxing - Dream Blue Velvet & Tank Setup
For me though, I love it because it provides 1080p @ 60fps video with zero sound on focusing (Unlike a traditional DSLR).