Top 10 Most Beautiful Aquarium Fish for Begginers

TOP 10 Most Beautiful Tropical Fishes for begginers with their names Top 10 freshwater fish
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Most popular comments
for Top 10 Most Beautiful Aquarium Fish for Begginers

Dutch 4ever
Dutch 4ever - 7 years ago
Discus fish and the Altum Angels showed are NOT a beginners fish. and in my opinion, the Ram Cichlid isn't either. the music makes me nervous by the way
thunderrock1197 - 7 years ago
angel fish and discus are not for beginners
Fishy Photographer
Fishy Photographer - 7 years ago
guys !!!!! the first fish were cardinal tetras
Debbie Clayton
Debbie Clayton - 7 years ago
I would have to disagree with discus and german rams, too sensitive for beginners.
Anik's Tips
Anik's Tips - 7 years ago
No 2 is called "Khailsha" in our country. Our villagers use to eat them every day!! :'(
Prithvijit Bakshi Bakshi
Prithvijit Bakshi Bakshi - 7 years ago
discus is nt for beginners
CLASH OF CLANS PRO - 7 years ago
Discus fish is not for the beginers !!!
PickelJars ForHillary
PickelJars ForHillary - 7 years ago
Discus for beginners? Mandela affect here.
Mike12522 - 7 years ago
Be VERY careful with cichlids, bettas, and gouramis. Do not mix them together, or with other species. They are all assertive, and could kill other fish.
Mike12522 - 7 years ago
QUADD4000 - Okay, I understand that. Perhaps my tanks in the past were too small or something, but the Gouramis I had beat up on the other fish. However, I think they're one of the prettiest species out there !
QUADD4000 - 7 years ago
Mike12522 I've had multiple gourami's in 75% stocked 50 gallon community tank and they did fine

10. comment for Top 10 Most Beautiful Aquarium Fish for Begginers

Krzysztof Bluszcz
Krzysztof Bluszcz - 8 years ago
Your neon tetra picture shows cardinal tetras.
The Pickled Plecostomus
The Pickled Plecostomus - 8 years ago
Nice eye
DakPail1068 - 8 years ago
Discus for beginners? LOL it's like saying Chocolate is great in mass quantaties for dieting
Ciompec D
Ciompec D - 8 years ago
Discus for begginers?you are dumb
Dracula Reloaded
Dracula Reloaded - 8 years ago
according to ur title number one should be betta and number 2 must be guppy and third must be dwarf gourami
David Cameron
David Cameron - 8 years ago
Discus aren't for beginners
Stu-ool - 8 years ago
A FREAKING CHILIDE IS ADVANCED IDOIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DON DOT - 8 years ago
do u want to type like a bit more of a spastic
Joseph Rafool
Joseph Rafool - 8 years ago
Angelfish discus and Rams should not be on this list they are not beginners
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
Discus are probably not for beginners.....#4 is the best, super hardy beautiful and definitly worth the 7$ you pay for them
Saeed Samha
Saeed Samha - 8 years ago
discus isn't for beginners
Anna Banana1
Anna Banana1 - 8 years ago
Wait how about goldfish tho
Anna Banana1
Anna Banana1 - 8 years ago
+TheHydreigonOfIdeals-TheRushedGamer oh ok i though goldfish are begginer cause i have a tank that have fancy goldfish and they are pretty easy for me to take care of
It'sJustTony - 8 years ago
Goldfish are terrible beginner fish. First you need a large tank or pond. Second you need high filtration because these fish produce tons of waste. Guppies and bettas are a breeze compared to goldfish.

20. comment for Top 10 Most Beautiful Aquarium Fish for Begginers

JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 8 years ago
discus are not beginners
Dominic Callander
Dominic Callander - 8 years ago
Definitely not the Discus.
jlogan2664 - 8 years ago
There is only one neon in that picture, the rest are cardinal tetras which are not beginner fish. I'd also disagree with discus and rams being good beginner fish.
Gray H
Gray H - 8 years ago
This isn't accurate angelfish discus and the #1 fish aka blue Rams are very challenging
Kadrad - 8 years ago
Kirsty Muir
Kirsty Muir - 8 years ago
discus harder than mawali peacocks. they are very attractive fish but not on here
Noice - 8 years ago
Angelfish wouldn't be for beginners because of their size and the bad aggression level.
dvdfrnzwbr - 8 years ago
Discus is not a beginner fish.  Its a fish for someone dedicated to the hobby.  It needs it own species tank with 86 degree water, they grow to 9 in, and can live up to 9 years.
dvdfrnzwbr - 8 years ago
Those are Cardinal Tetras in your Neon Tetra photo.
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
Nice list but a betta would be NO.1 because of how hardy and easy-to-care-for they are.

30. comment for Top 10 Most Beautiful Aquarium Fish for Begginers

Brice Pugh
Brice Pugh - 9 years ago
discus r not beginner fish, heck even experiened fish keepers r scared of keeping them
richleebruce - 9 years ago
A whole lot of problems. Some mentioned by others. The neons are actually cardinal tetras, which are hard to keep if you have hard water. Real neons belong on the list, but higher up.

I believe your platy is actually platy variatus. Platy variatus belongs on the list because it is beautiful and easy. Many people will be able to keep it without a heater. It can easily take down to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Your angel fish are actually a rare species of angel fish, that are not as pretty as the usual ones.

Discus, rams, dwarf gourami are not easy. I have not found mollies easy.

So here is my list. 1 Guppy, 2. platy variatus, 3. neon tetra, 4. platy, 5. golden China barb, 6. blood fin tetra 7. krib cichlid 8. zebra danio 9. black skirt tetra 10. other little danios.

Ok not a prefect list, but these are hardy fish that generally can take a small tank and a bit of a chill, down to maybe 60 degrees.
Matthew Maneri
Matthew Maneri - 9 years ago
hate to be that guy, but for beginners out there.. Ramirezi Cichlids require much more care and diligence than their Bolivian Ram cousins. Water quality, temps, various levels are more specific. The Bolivians look almost just as colorful, but are much more hearty. Only downer with Bolivians is the males can get up to 3.5 inches, the females a little smaller. Ramirezis.. or Blue/Gold Rams, are like an inch smaller overall.

Assuming beginners have 20 gallon tanks, you don't want more than 2 Bolivian Rams in there. 2 females will do fine, smaller and not as aggressive as 2 males. You can try 1 female and 1 male, but cross your fingers that they're a happy pair or you may have aggression.
miguel pereira
miguel pereira - 9 years ago
Those are Cardinal tetras not neon tetras
Jack the Ender Betta
Jack the Ender Betta - 8 years ago
+vagingo Yep,for breeding cardinal,it must have peat filtration
I Rate Your Comments
I Rate Your Comments - 8 years ago
+slimeball gamer no, they're not. they prefer different water parameters especially in regards to water hardness. Neons are easier for beginners than cardinals.
fishtastic luke
fishtastic luke - 8 years ago
their the same kind of fish
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
Kindly piss off.
Sian Hingston
Sian Hingston - 9 years ago
rams are very hard to keep
why are they on there ?
Sian Hingston
Sian Hingston - 9 years ago
rams are very hard to keep
why are they on there ?
Mario Mario
Mario Mario - 9 years ago
next day you wil find the discus in the toilet ,eating the shiit
Ritom Khan
Ritom Khan - 9 years ago
we eat dwarf gourami alot... its one of our favourite fish :D
Victoria Obricki
Victoria Obricki - 9 years ago
Discus are one of the hardest fish to keep.
bikesh shahi
bikesh shahi - 9 years ago
discus and angel fish are not beginner fish
Sveinn Þorsteinsson
Sveinn Þorsteinsson - 9 years ago
This is not neon tetra this is cardinal tetra at this video ;) But neon tetra is suitable for beginners.
mike wolfe
mike wolfe - 9 years ago
Nice list, but I would have to disagree with the discus.
The prime time player
The prime time player - 8 years ago
Yeah your completely right. Nice list
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 9 years ago
+mike wolfe thank you :)
Stewart Kelly
Stewart Kelly - 9 years ago
Discus and Rams are not beginner fish each requiring very good water conditions. A couple possible species to add are cherry barbs and danios.
Creation Station
Creation Station - 9 years ago
100 000th viewer!!!
Arnav Sinha
Arnav Sinha - 9 years ago
Discus for beginners? They are kinda difficult to take care of and more delicate than most other aquarium fish.
Jin-Young Kang
Jin-Young Kang - 9 years ago
darpan mhatre
darpan mhatre - 9 years ago
Discus are u serious................ discus is most difficult to keep
Dutch 4ever
Dutch 4ever - 7 years ago
No, they are not. But in no way a "beginners fish"!
ziggycardon - 9 years ago
Neon tetra’s (which is this video are actually cardinal tetra's), discusfish, angelfish and ramirezi’s are really no beginner species.
I work at a petshop and I have been an aquarium enthousiast for almost my entire life.
At the store where I work, we have a large aquarium section and I can tell you that Neon tetra’s, discusfish, angelfish and ramirezi’s truly aren't recommended for beginners.
All four are very sensitive to waterconditions, neons and ramirezi’s need more acidic water which can be quite a challenge for beginners.
Ramirezi’s are also pretty territorial and can show aggressiveness towards other fish.
Angelfish and discusfish need pretty big tanks, they can become pretty big, are territorial and hunt smaller fish. They are very sensitive to all kinds of diseases and fungi when the water conditions aren’t optimal and discusfish need to be fed multiple times a day.
I really don’t consider them beginner fish, not at all!!!
Discus are considered fish for the really advanced fish keeper.

Then there is the case of guppies and mollies…
They are considered beginners fish, but there is a huge BUT.
They are actually brackish water fish, the ones in the stores come from fish farms around the world and the pools they are bred in are actually brackish water.
Only when young guppies are bred and raised in freshwater they tend to be stronger, but due to inbreeding and such they have become very weak fish.

So as an aquarium enthousiast who have bee, in the aquarium hobby for over 12 years and as someone who sells fish in a large petshop with a huge assortment of tropical fish I REALLY DON'T AGREE with this list.
Wirty Danker
Wirty Danker - 9 years ago
discus for beginners????
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 9 years ago
I agree with you on just about all but the Discus. Discus are not for the beginner.

50. comment for Top 10 Most Beautiful Aquarium Fish for Begginers

Warren Panayides
Warren Panayides - 9 years ago
And Beginners should NOT get Discus unless you want them to spend thousands on their fish to watch them die :-/ rather stick to the easier things like tetras, barbs and gourami's than one of the most difficult fish to keep in a freshwater aquarium, even if your up for the task rather go for Chiclids they are much easier, but still semi challenging
Tommy Aquario
Tommy Aquario - 9 years ago
Why disscus are on this list, they aren't beginer fish - it is wrong list
Garrison Smith
Garrison Smith - 9 years ago
The was a false neon tetra
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
Golden and regular white cloud mountain minnows are very beautiful like neon tetras but much hardier and easier to care for. I agree with your list:)
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 9 years ago
+ReviewCam thank you so much :)
Richard James
Richard James - 9 years ago
Iron Platypus
Iron Platypus - 9 years ago
I like this list, but discus definetly aren't beginner fish, due to amount of care time, crazy high price, and huge size
Couch Potato
Couch Potato - 7 years ago
dude im 13 and for me those are hella expensive they are like $60
Grimm Reapo
Grimm Reapo - 9 years ago
+Iron Platypus i second that. i used to breed them. The only way to make their care manageable and still have a life is RO units. i had 6 of them running. made discus keeping so much easier.
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 9 years ago
+Iron Platypus Thank you :)
lemuel gayle
lemuel gayle - 9 years ago
good selection acept that discus and rams are not good for beigeneers  you forgot convict cichld overall great job
Watch it
Watch it - 9 years ago
You must be some fish keeper because @ least 3 of your fish are not for beginners. You are obviously good @ what you do and have forgotten the difficulties involved in keeping some of these fish which beginners would struggle with.
ph4tboy - 9 years ago
I heard that most dwarf gouramis from local aquariums have that virus that kills them quickly no matter what you do.
Alex 018
Alex 018 - 9 years ago
Brilliant except some are for beginners such as the guppy but some are not such as ramirezi and discus
De Luth
De Luth - 9 years ago
This list for beginners is FUCKED! Rams and discus but no tetras or mollies. You're fired!
hybrid green
hybrid green - 9 years ago
+De Luth do mollies make extasy?!
Kevin Avalos
Kevin Avalos - 9 years ago
I would say corydora albino white clouds andddddd gold twinbar platy
smilhege100 - 9 years ago
Discus are not for beginners. They are not Way to hard but hard and beginners need cheap and hardy fish
SleepingWithBunnies - 9 years ago
Cardinals are the background for neon tetras.
Гарик  Степанян
Гарик Степанян - 9 years ago
Good but i think discus is not for begginers...
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 9 years ago
+Гарик Степанян thx
sujinair - 9 years ago
Discus for beginners. Seriously? Whatever you are smoking is definitely good stuff :)
Snipercube - 9 years ago
I wouldn't say neons are a beginner fish. Tiger barbs and gold barbs are some hardy fish, so are plecos such as a leopard pleco or a bristlenose. I have a 12 gallon with 11 tetras (penguin tetra, glowlights and neons) 2 dwarf gouramis, a bristlenose pleco, and 2 golden barbs. All my fish are hardy except for my neons, I bought 6 but 3 died (2 got attacked) and 1 died of stress, but the other 3 are happy. It's usually luck but neons are a big no for beginners as they are sensitive. When I was new to fish keeping I didn't know much and bought a single neon. You can guess what happened, death.
Jacqueline Jacobs
Jacqueline Jacobs - 9 years ago
I want to start a 10 gallon freshwater fish tank for my 7 year old daughter. Does anyone know if you can put Neon fish and Kissing fish (a.k.a. Gourami's?) in the same tank? I ask because these are two of her favorites. Thanks and have a happy day!
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+Jacqueline Jacobs a couple of dwarf gouramis and four or five neon tetras would be great in a 20 gallon tank. Neons and a single betta would be perfect for a ten gallon tank.
Luke Bourgeois
Luke Bourgeois - 9 years ago
Yes they can but it depends on how many kissing gouramis you have in the tank because they need to stay in pairs so you either need a bigger tank or you have to pick only get two gourarims or a school of neon tetras
Doris Ho
Doris Ho - 9 years ago
All beautiful although Rams are definitely NOT beginner fish
avaorchid - 9 years ago
When I think easy for beginners Discus would come about LAST on my list.  They are not hardy fish and are very sensitive to water quality changes.
Professional Fish and Herps
Professional Fish and Herps - 9 years ago
The photo used for Neon Tetras was actually of Cardinal Tetras. 
Unrated Account
Unrated Account - 9 years ago
I agree with all of them except for Discus, Angel Fish, rams and maybe even neon tetras
Jessica Hoad
Jessica Hoad - 9 years ago
+Unrated Account  Neon tetras are easy and angelfish are easy if you know have a big enough tank and do a little research. Discus are really hard though. Even experts will struggle to keep them alive.
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 9 years ago
+Unrated Account THX
Ricardo Soares
Ricardo Soares - 10 years ago
Discus for begginer ? ..... ahaha
purple levander
purple levander - 10 years ago
so nice list
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 10 years ago
+ümit şevik thx
Çiğsenur Serenci
Çiğsenur Serenci - 10 years ago
nice list :)
PunkSkaful - 10 years ago
The discussion about discuss in this comments section is right, its not for beginner, so I'm not buying one even tho i like it, and its quite expensive
Louise Hampton
Louise Hampton - 10 years ago
I like any of the disc shaped fish.  such as.....the SUN fish.
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 10 years ago
+Louise Hampton me too :)
mihajlo525 - 10 years ago
Discus ARE NOT a beginner fish... They require easily the highest quality water conditions and a large tank, Plus it's expensive since you need a whole school of them...
Sceptic Aquariums
Sceptic Aquariums - 10 years ago
Discus angel fish and ram cichlids are a big no for beginners. All of these fish can be slightly aggressive and have very specific water qualities
Гарик  Степанян
Гарик Степанян - 9 years ago
The problem is not in the money,my own opinion is that there are far more beautiful fishes,i preffer scalars more than the discus fish,even the most simple selection :)
hybrid green
hybrid green - 9 years ago
+Kyo Jane of course they don't. they live at your grans and old folks have drugs! the fish probably gets antidepressants crumbled in water with every water change)))
hybrid green
hybrid green - 9 years ago
+Гарик Степанян they are cheaper in the us and come with a 30 day money back guarantee, so if one is a psychotic sadist he theoretically can torture quite a few of them with zero net loss
Kyo Jane
Kyo Jane - 9 years ago
I think the fish' life is probably more important than a measly amount of money... Anyway they are beautiful fish and a joy to care for. I set up a discus tank with 12 of them and had the tank moved to my grans, she adores them. They are around 6 years old now beautifully coloured and there has been NO casualties. 
Гарик  Степанян
Гарик Степанян - 9 years ago
200 usd is the minimal price :D
Гарик  Степанян
Гарик Степанян - 9 years ago
In Bulgaria Discus price is around 200 usd.
Manuel Shum Rosa
Manuel Shum Rosa - 9 years ago
i mean, that if you start with discus and then they die and you learn why, then once again they die and you learn and so on. It depends where you live one discus where i live cost around 100 USD or more.
Kyo Jane
Kyo Jane - 9 years ago
+Manuel Shum Rosa Discus aren't expensive, but they are a fish that needs a level of experience to own. All in all i think any fish can be someones first fish, providing they do the research, learn and talk to breeders and understand the commitment they are making.
Manuel Shum Rosa
Manuel Shum Rosa - 10 years ago
Specially Discus, they are too expensive to learn and risk.
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Yep, two Discus fish wrecked an acquaintance's tank, and then one killed the other.
Laurent Casier
Laurent Casier - 10 years ago
i agree Discus ain't a beginner fish, and the angel yes but on the picture it's altum fish kinda hard too a requiert a huge tank cause they grow massive 
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 10 years ago
+Laurent Casier Thx for comment  :)
Marcus Braun
Marcus Braun - 10 years ago
Discus for beginners.....
NIKHIL ANAND - 10 years ago
guppies,mollies, swords and platies are for the begginers
Noah Monkeyman
Noah Monkeyman - 10 years ago
Discus are very hard to keep there far from a beginner fish it takes years of experience of knowing what ur doing in this hobby befor u can keep discus they need bang on perfect water qualitie there's no slacking off wit discus or any fish for that matter
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 10 years ago
+Noah Monkeyman thx for comment
Aj MaGs
Aj MaGs - 10 years ago
Discus are not for beginners they are veryhatd to keep....u lame
Mazuks Love
Mazuks Love - 10 years ago
nice video
Joris van der Kamp
Joris van der Kamp - 10 years ago
nice video!
Daniel Nemet
Daniel Nemet - 10 years ago
you made this video for beginer but why you put discus fish in the list they are not and never for beginers it is dificukt to keep them,
Robert Weber
Robert Weber - 9 years ago
+LeadFaun LOL that just made my day
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Let me use another example, someone could think that terrorists are great, although they'd be wrong.
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+LeadFaun Well you might have different experiences maybe they had grown up together because that is possible... And yet again its personal experience
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Uh, no it doesn't. I could say that Oscars are great beginner fish and should be put with goldfish then that does not make me correct.
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+LeadFaun Its his opinion so if he had discus for ho first fix and the were easy to keep than that's his opinion that they they are a good beginer fish.
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Just cause it's an opinion doesn't make it right.
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 10 years ago
this is my opinion :)
Dora Luckey
Dora Luckey - 10 years ago
I like the Betts fish but never put 2 males in one tank they will fight
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 10 years ago
i know thx for advice  :) u are right
meryem sonasman
meryem sonasman - 10 years ago
thx for help
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 10 years ago
me too
Kikizilla101 - 8 years ago
Dude you and I have the same spelling for our first name! My name is Aydin too!
denis jackson
denis jackson - 10 years ago
i like guppy
aydın şevik
aydın şevik - 10 years ago
me too

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