Upside Down Fish Tank on Pond
People & Blogs 12 years ago 1,287,683 views
Making and fitting upside down fish tank on fish pond.
People & Blogs 12 years ago 1,287,683 views
Making and fitting upside down fish tank on fish pond.
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10. comment for Upside Down Fish Tank on Pond
So, if you build it high enough, your fishes may... EXPLODE
OMG OMG OMG!!! :O Do not try it at home!
20. comment for Upside Down Fish Tank on Pond
30. comment for Upside Down Fish Tank on Pond
At the surface there would be basic nominal pressure, the deeper they go there would be more. So when they go up the inverted tank it should go negative ... right?
at the surface of the water we only have atmospheric pressure (about 14 psi) if we go one inch bellow the surface we have the weight of the water (Density*gravity*height) + pressure of the air.
Once we create a upside down tank. we suck out the air inside it, But how does the water rise? The pressure outside pushes the water in.
so we get pressure= air pressure-(weight of water above water line)
so its negative relative to the pressure at the surface.
Also sjyaw is actually wrong, although for most practical purposes in everyday life it makes little difference. Air also provides pressure here on the surface, and the higher you go, the lower the pressure. How much pressure a column of air/liquid provides depends upon the density(weight) of the substance.
50. comment for Upside Down Fish Tank on Pond
Man u need to re-edit this clip. Show the final product at the beginning of the video, then show how it's made
but is it better to leave a little air space on the top of the tank?
I've heard that some kind of fish like goldfish may be too confused and panic to get out of this kind of tank in time and soon be dead because not enough O2 for them...(my friend did this once and that happened)
(some kind of fish(Carp may not) also feels comfortable to gasping some air from the surface of water)
100. comment for Upside Down Fish Tank on Pond
lol just messing with you couldn't resist
do you have updates? thank you man
Your pond looks great, hope all your little fish are enjoying their new view.
I have built the tank and stand and it's ready to be fitted. I have some ideas with references/ concerned about air flow and the dreaded green stuff.
I thought that i would install a small clear air line tube into the silicone joint from the top of the tank to link up to a pump to circulate the water , also I hope this will help keep the glass clean/ cleaner and remove air buildup at the top! I will also try to test for pressures in the tank as my tank is 1400 mm high x 400 mm x 400 mm
I am very new to ponds and tanks so please go easy on me! I will wait till the weather changes before I do my video. Love this video an the idea keep up the good work dude. Regards scott
+GMoneyQ69 No jetting water up wont do anything, because it's a vacuum jetting water up will cause the water to pressurize and create a wall right before the vacuum/container. Most of the water will go around the container unless it's able to come out. Without counter what ever floats will never come out. You should pull water from the top of it back into the tank which could be around 90% more effective.
exctly bro!