Pets & Animals 8 years ago 107,608 views
[ADAview] IAPLC2016 WORLD RANKINGS ====================== 世界水草レイアウトコンテスト2016。今年は世界68の国と地域から2336作品もの応募がありました。参加者の皆様に深く御礼申し上げます。 こちらの動画では、世界ランキング127位から1位までの作品を発表いたします。世界が注目する結果発表をぜひご覧下さい。 ====================== The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2016. This year, we received 2,336 layout works from 68 countries and areas. We would like to thank all the participants most sincerely for supporting this contest. This video shows the announcement of world rankings from 127th to the top. Don’t miss out the result announcements that take center stage every year! ====================== 世界水草造景大赛2016。今年共募集到来自世界的68个国家和地区的2,336个作品。在此表示深深的感谢。 在本视频当中,将会公开发表世界排名第127名到第1名的作品。成绩的结果请大家拭目以待。 ====================== ADA Website http://www.adana.co.jp/
10. comment for [ADAview] IAPLC2016 WORLD RANKINGS
They should be proud of creating such beautiful microcosmos.
20. comment for [ADAview] IAPLC2016 WORLD RANKINGS
My local aquarium has a lot better layout than that.
Overall very high level.
30. comment for [ADAview] IAPLC2016 WORLD RANKINGS
Altough i don't think that the 3. place seems to be in that position the overall quality of entries is really stunning this year. Especially those impressing hardscape arrangements are worth the attention.
Thank you ADA for keeping on the tradition of initiating this great contest.