10 gallon Freshwater Aquarium with Live Plants

This is an update to a previous video after 8 months of improvements and iterations to the setup. The idea of the setup has always been to create a healthy, long term supportable environment that is low maintenance, low budget, and low tech. A lot of research, trial and errors went into this setup. No major hazards or changes made since the beginning, so this setup can be used as a proven guide that's been running for a year. Suggestion to viewers is to take an aquarium setup serious, as there are many right ways as there are wrong ways. Summary of what I learned in the process, and where I want to take it in a future aquarium is as follows: - General rule of thumb in an aquarium as the size of tank increases setup cost increases, maintenance cost increases, but maintenance effort decreases. Yet bowls, vases and such are hostile to house fish in and are even illegal to do so in some European countries. - An aquarium should always be amongst the highlight of a room, so position, stand, dimensions, filter noise, colors, and illumination should be well thought ahead. - Inside an aquarium consider type of substrate, background, light hood, heating, filtration, and how to conceal them the best. Try to balance color contrast with dark colors on substrate and background, with green of plants, and bright colors of fish. Read about "Aquarium Golden Ratio" for layout. - As setup time progresses many types of algae is part of natural occurences, by no means are harmful, but can be cosmetic annoyance to some. There are natural yet effective ways to fight different types of algae. So get an algae cleaning crew once enough algae grows, then encourage more algae growth to keep the crew well fed. My algae team is consists of 2 otocinclus, 3 red cherry shrimps, 1 mystery snail. Keep aquariums away from direct sunlight. - Do not rush to add fish. Patience goes a long way, add equipment and living organisms in stages. Understand biological filtration, bacteria colonisation, nitrogen cycle in the aquarium first. Give or take 3 weeks is when the first fish should be added. - Avoid overcrowding with fish to reduce maintenance and creating an unhealthy tank. Read more about fish stocking capacity. Achieve aesthetics via other elements in the aquarium, whether with a DIY 3D background, plants, or ornaments. I tried to make a moss wall in the background by using a knitting grid to grow Java Moss inside, but after an imbalanced growth pulled the most moss out and kept the grid. Star of the show is a female crowntail betta, Hayan Paran Balik, her personality steals all the attention from danios. - I go for natural looks and get amazed with symbiotic relation of plants and fish. To support plants I went with DIY CO2 injection with a ceramic diffuser. I learned that in order to prevent mucky clogging white build up in diffuser, attach an inline filter/bubble counter bottle to your yeast bottle. The key is to have miniscule bubbles running through water as much as possible. Also avoid surface agitation, unlike I do, with air pumps. - There are many kinds of aquatic plants to choose from. There are rootless as well as rooted plants. There are plants that can root on bogwood and rocks, or can be just left floating. Even if you started without a plant root supporting substrate and filter setup, like I have, you still can grow many varieties of plants. My plants of choice are listed in tags of the video. For best plant growth lower pH and temperature is necessary to increase water's CO2 carrying capacity. - To reduce maintenance and cost I utilise an undergravel filter along with a hang on back filter. I am happy with my filtration system in current setup, as I never came across any ill effects. Though UGF limits the variety of plants that can take place in a tank. I replace active carbon in filters seldomly, eventhough I found out its not necessary or advised to have active carbon or ammonia removers in planted tanks. - Weekly 25% water changes via a gravel vacuum is the most important task of the aquarium maintenance. If something is out of order, better do small water changes daily. Never do more than 50% water change at once as this will impact nitrifying bacteria. Be gentle or completely avoid vacuuming around plants' roots in substrate. - A sturdy stand is essential to an aquarium as my 10 gallon tank weights 110lbs. sitting on top of the tempered glass of an Elmob brand TV stand, which is not suggested unless you know the specs of your stand. - Avoid air pumps as any bubble popping in the water surface creates noise, works counter productive to any CO2 injection system. Avoid any coated gravels, as time goes coating wears out. Go Natural! My next setup would be a 20/30 gallon with a DIY 3D background, kitty litter substrate with sand, heavily planted with ground cover plants, DIY or off-the-shelf CO2 system. In summary I would just lose the gravel and UGF, add a nicer background and substrate.

10 gallon Freshwater Aquarium with Live Plants sentiment_very_dissatisfied 88

Pets & Animals 14 years ago 305,482 views

This is an update to a previous video after 8 months of improvements and iterations to the setup. The idea of the setup has always been to create a healthy, long term supportable environment that is low maintenance, low budget, and low tech. A lot of research, trial and errors went into this setup. No major hazards or changes made since the beginning, so this setup can be used as a proven guide that's been running for a year. Suggestion to viewers is to take an aquarium setup serious, as there are many right ways as there are wrong ways. Summary of what I learned in the process, and where I want to take it in a future aquarium is as follows: - General rule of thumb in an aquarium as the size of tank increases setup cost increases, maintenance cost increases, but maintenance effort decreases. Yet bowls, vases and such are hostile to house fish in and are even illegal to do so in some European countries. - An aquarium should always be amongst the highlight of a room, so position, stand, dimensions, filter noise, colors, and illumination should be well thought ahead. - Inside an aquarium consider type of substrate, background, light hood, heating, filtration, and how to conceal them the best. Try to balance color contrast with dark colors on substrate and background, with green of plants, and bright colors of fish. Read about "Aquarium Golden Ratio" for layout. - As setup time progresses many types of algae is part of natural occurences, by no means are harmful, but can be cosmetic annoyance to some. There are natural yet effective ways to fight different types of algae. So get an algae cleaning crew once enough algae grows, then encourage more algae growth to keep the crew well fed. My algae team is consists of 2 otocinclus, 3 red cherry shrimps, 1 mystery snail. Keep aquariums away from direct sunlight. - Do not rush to add fish. Patience goes a long way, add equipment and living organisms in stages. Understand biological filtration, bacteria colonisation, nitrogen cycle in the aquarium first. Give or take 3 weeks is when the first fish should be added. - Avoid overcrowding with fish to reduce maintenance and creating an unhealthy tank. Read more about fish stocking capacity. Achieve aesthetics via other elements in the aquarium, whether with a DIY 3D background, plants, or ornaments. I tried to make a moss wall in the background by using a knitting grid to grow Java Moss inside, but after an imbalanced growth pulled the most moss out and kept the grid. Star of the show is a female crowntail betta, Hayan Paran Balik, her personality steals all the attention from danios. - I go for natural looks and get amazed with symbiotic relation of plants and fish. To support plants I went with DIY CO2 injection with a ceramic diffuser. I learned that in order to prevent mucky clogging white build up in diffuser, attach an inline filter/bubble counter bottle to your yeast bottle. The key is to have miniscule bubbles running through water as much as possible. Also avoid surface agitation, unlike I do, with air pumps. - There are many kinds of aquatic plants to choose from. There are rootless as well as rooted plants. There are plants that can root on bogwood and rocks, or can be just left floating. Even if you started without a plant root supporting substrate and filter setup, like I have, you still can grow many varieties of plants. My plants of choice are listed in tags of the video. For best plant growth lower pH and temperature is necessary to increase water's CO2 carrying capacity. - To reduce maintenance and cost I utilise an undergravel filter along with a hang on back filter. I am happy with my filtration system in current setup, as I never came across any ill effects. Though UGF limits the variety of plants that can take place in a tank. I replace active carbon in filters seldomly, eventhough I found out its not necessary or advised to have active carbon or ammonia removers in planted tanks. - Weekly 25% water changes via a gravel vacuum is the most important task of the aquarium maintenance. If something is out of order, better do small water changes daily. Never do more than 50% water change at once as this will impact nitrifying bacteria. Be gentle or completely avoid vacuuming around plants' roots in substrate. - A sturdy stand is essential to an aquarium as my 10 gallon tank weights 110lbs. sitting on top of the tempered glass of an Elmob brand TV stand, which is not suggested unless you know the specs of your stand. - Avoid air pumps as any bubble popping in the water surface creates noise, works counter productive to any CO2 injection system. Avoid any coated gravels, as time goes coating wears out. Go Natural! My next setup would be a 20/30 gallon with a DIY 3D background, kitty litter substrate with sand, heavily planted with ground cover plants, DIY or off-the-shelf CO2 system. In summary I would just lose the gravel and UGF, add a nicer background and substrate.

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Most popular comments
for 10 gallon Freshwater Aquarium with Live Plants

Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
what type o fish are those
Glances_of_Reflection - 7 years ago
A crowntail beta and danios.
ustadsami - 8 years ago
Dear Youtube friends. Unfortunately, I cannot respond to comments and questions anymore. Please don't expect a response from me, but feel free to discuss your views among yourselves.
Eric C
Eric C - 8 years ago
ustadsami - 8 years ago
Wacthed your video. It's a great setup, you've got a healthy looking tank. I'm glad I could give you ideas. Thanks for the comment.
TopGunJAB - 8 years ago
What's the load limit of that tv stand? Would make me nervous.
Race2461 Gaming
Race2461 Gaming - 8 years ago
Nice Rubix
GetInMyBelly - 9 years ago
Betsy Leman
Betsy Leman - 9 years ago
What do you you recommend for lighting. Friends have said I should use a Lumiy Lightline 1250 LED desk lamp. Perfect height for a 10 gallon, super bright, and at less than $50 its alot cheaper than any aquarium LED light on the market.
Adan Huertas
Adan Huertas - 9 years ago
I was wondering what do you use to kepp your water so clear?
Xpowaslave - 10 years ago
wish my 10 gallon looked that good! hope these diatoms go away 
Akeem Mohammed
Akeem Mohammed - 9 years ago
Bristlenose Plec works wonders with Diatoms and various algae.

10. comment for 10 gallon Freshwater Aquarium with Live Plants

Tyler H
Tyler H - 10 years ago
Hey guys I just posted my first video about my fish tank please take a look at it.
brooklyn kearse
brooklyn kearse - 10 years ago
What are those clear things
Benellibuck125 - 10 years ago
Undergravel filtration
g00021906 - 10 years ago
g00021906 - 10 years ago
Those arent live plants. I have the same $4 fake plant front petsmart
Nabil Raziq
Nabil Raziq - 10 years ago
The balls are live plants
Caleb Niederhofer
Caleb Niederhofer - 11 years ago
Are you using a air pump I have a 12 gallon and I am using a bubble disc but I hate it and it's hard to keep it from floating and I was wondering if I even need a air pump for a 12 gallon tank I asked two people petco and got two different answers I would appreciate any help
oddsource - 9 years ago
+Caleb Niederhofer If its tropical yes even if its a small air stone. The hotter the water the less oxygen, you need agitation of the water.
hallyuniverse - 10 years ago
Small tanks don't need an air pump as long as the filter is strong enough.
Princess Bleach
Princess Bleach - 11 years ago
looks great! how is it doing?
Infectedpanda27 - 11 years ago
Dan Duran
Dan Duran - 11 years ago
I have a betta in my fish tank too its a male same color as yours longer tentacles though lol , and he doesnt fight we put him last and hes doing fine been that way for minths now
Arda Kaya
Arda Kaya - 11 years ago
What's the song name ? :))
Aquafreak - 11 years ago
I've subscribed, you' re 101 subscriver! I really like your aquarium! Please watch at my channel ;)

20. comment for 10 gallon Freshwater Aquarium with Live Plants

Kicks4Fish - 11 years ago
btw I am your 100 sub! ;)
Jason Kim
Jason Kim - 11 years ago
Hey ustadsami is that tank a good size for a cory catfish and a school of tetras
ustadsami - 11 years ago
@ttttrigg3r the bottles in the back are under gravel filter's uplift tubes carrying water along with minuscule bubbles. They are not only for show, they perform a function.
MrPonchi21 - 11 years ago
the bottles in the back is diy c02 diffiuser
JJP713Houston - 11 years ago
What are the plants with the banana lookin bottom
ttttrigg3r - 11 years ago
What are those bottles in the back? Where can I get that cool looking knitting grid? Can't find anywhere.
Pacman117productions - 11 years ago
No, I think that could actually be neurological issues.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
sweet song. Awesome guitar.
asemnafiz - 11 years ago
Maybe we would all like to know whether that little fishy survived or not lol!
Hunt R
Hunt R - 11 years ago
74 game u realize this was made 2 years ago

30. comment for 10 gallon Freshwater Aquarium with Live Plants

Hunt R
Hunt R - 11 years ago
u realize this was made 2 years ago right lol
74GamingProductions - 11 years ago
that little fish at 0:58 on the glass is sick because she is swimming head up and head down, get her/him in to a different tank if possible, cuz all of yr fish can get sick and btw yr tank is very pretty :)
savants08 - 11 years ago
In his description he states that it was a knitting grid for moss to grow on but the moss didn't grow right. So he pulled it off and left the knitting grid.
KING - 11 years ago
favored81 - 11 years ago
Bre08 - 11 years ago
Best tank I've seen!
John cene
John cene - 11 years ago
alsome tank was it hard to setup
kyaw htun
kyaw htun - 11 years ago
m- ad
m- ad - 11 years ago
what size and what kind of glass gallop millimeters
Alexa Jones
Alexa Jones - 11 years ago
Beautiful dragon scale betta
Jesus Pichardo
Jesus Pichardo - 11 years ago
can anyone please tell me where i can get the same background he has for this tank?
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 7 years ago
Jesus Pichardo that is knitting grid, you can find it in craft stores
vasumamayo - 11 years ago
under gravel filter .
MrNaturedude - 11 years ago
Go chek out my fish tank with live plants and cleaning crew!
NightBot - 12 years ago
what kinda filter is that? i really like it i want to get one. why is it two there? i have only one filter on 10g, is one enough?
mikelor06 - 12 years ago
@2:31 what's the name of the plant in the corner near your termometer?
iNfinite ReTroZ
iNfinite ReTroZ - 12 years ago
I have 40L tank thinking of putting 2 dwarf gouramis and 2 swordtails and guppies or a school of neons
Alexandra Rodriguez
Alexandra Rodriguez - 12 years ago
What kind of plants do you have in your fish tank? Nice video BTW :D
PlantedAquariumFan - 12 years ago
it looks like a 5 gallon
Sona Sharma
Sona Sharma - 12 years ago
Nope....You need a Gravel vacuum and u can only take 10-40 percent of the water out weekly
aquablade10000 - 12 years ago
How do you clean the tank? Take out all the fish? Gosh.. Getting a fish seemed so easy, but its looking to be hard work for a busy person such as myself.

50. comment for 10 gallon Freshwater Aquarium with Live Plants

Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
T_T make up your mind
Tossdarice - 12 years ago
Jk Its a male crowntail plakat. lol
Steven Franks
Steven Franks - 12 years ago
what are those two tubes in the back of each corner that are producing airflow?
Chili SheepDog
Chili SheepDog - 12 years ago
That is a nice song! Is that you playing? Sounds like a pretty darn good home recording!
Hargak - 12 years ago
add eco-complete and it'll do better with the plants and longer between water changes as it's like a giant bio filter
Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
ok thanks
Tossdarice - 12 years ago
Its a female crowntail -plakat
Cheryl Currier
Cheryl Currier - 12 years ago
The Ghost shrimp are cool, such professional cleaners.I really like having cherry shrimp in mine.
Constantino kokkinidis
Constantino kokkinidis - 12 years ago
How do you maintain you plants
Tossdarice - 12 years ago
Nice crowntail plakat beta! Are those lyre tail guppies?
Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
Its definatly a betta . Hard to tell because of the video but t could be a dragon tail betta or some kind of plakat
llorensl - 12 years ago
Could be wrong but the fish with the blue tail looks like a female Betta.
Jayda Killian
Jayda Killian - 12 years ago
i must say i like the back ground music
Coie Fish
Coie Fish - 12 years ago
what is that fish with a blue tail? it is very nice.
Andrew Curnow
Andrew Curnow - 12 years ago
Under graveled filters are not good for plants.
iSim0641 - 12 years ago
I see some rotalas, anubias and marimo moss balls but there are two others that I don't know the name
Frankie Walker
Frankie Walker - 12 years ago
I love this tank do u have a sump for it
Karan Bhatia
Karan Bhatia - 12 years ago
amazing tank and i love the detail in your video description. subbed you. check out my videos for the tank i just started up and sub back if you like. thanks man!
james guzman
james guzman - 12 years ago
is it possible to have live plants planted in gravel? or does it have to be aquarium soil?
2Fish1Tank - 12 years ago
nice, ive subbed, check out some of my vids let me know what you think of my tanks
KFC PLEASE - 12 years ago
Check out my vids on fish tank!
Andrew Collins
Andrew Collins - 12 years ago
why kitty litter as the substrate? what you trying to go for a good smelling aquarium lol. but i just started my first aquarium and wanted to do the same idea and it was to over a yr or so oof trial and errors and when i find the right idea for my tank to take a picture of what im using and stick with it but to upgrade it to the correct tank size. keep up the good work.
Hannah Bolkcom
Hannah Bolkcom - 12 years ago
Beautiful! Your female betta is very pretty.
F.F. Fox'SFarm Of ALAPAHA BLUE BLOOD BULLDOGS - 12 years ago
Very elegant tank I love the natural look. What is the lighting used? Looks great!.
MiCayla Sandlin
MiCayla Sandlin - 12 years ago
Also this is a top fin 10 gallon starter kit!
MiCayla Sandlin
MiCayla Sandlin - 12 years ago
My friend has a moss ball in her 30 gallon tank and she has had it all year and it is still as green as when she got it!!!
GUPPYFRY1 - 12 years ago
i was thinking of getting some moss balls, but didn't know whether they would die quickly or turn brown , how well did yours survive overtime
GUPPYFRY1 - 12 years ago
is that a female betta ? and orange danios??
milbella1 - 12 years ago
What kind of lighting is used in this tank?
trey egas
trey egas - 12 years ago
ur detta is fuckin sick! i love it colors!
Elbia Del Llano
Elbia Del Llano - 12 years ago
simple yet absolutely gorgeous and amazing set-up I love it it is not overcrowded it just looks so natural. and fish look happy and healthy too :)
john rem L.
john rem L. - 12 years ago
can u plss tell me what kind of fish are those (all of the fish)..i love your tank so i subscribe..
ADJAquariums - 12 years ago
Ludwigia Repens, Amazon swords, Star grass, Jungle val and most mosses are all fast growing plants
Omar Arancivia Bolanos
Omar Arancivia Bolanos - 12 years ago
Awesome,you have a ghost shrimp as well.Do you see him very often?Does he hide in that on cool looking wood thing?I rarely see mine...
Steve Bieber
Steve Bieber - 12 years ago
Hey that's a really nice set up U have there! What are those 3 green little furry plant things you have??
Brizzle412 - 12 years ago
I dont have a substrate but i added a java fern and an amazon sword... am i screwed or with good light and plant food will they be alright?
lolimreally18 - 12 years ago
how much did it cost?!?!?!?
njw1383 - 12 years ago
I like the moss balls! might have to get some of those myself. Check out my vids
pedro penaloza
pedro penaloza - 12 years ago
i lik yuhr betta!
Brizzle412 - 12 years ago
what are the little green bushes?
Project 740
Project 740 - 12 years ago
under gravel filter
mansengkwan - 12 years ago
what was those tube behind bubbled? co2 reactor?
thbklover2010 - 12 years ago
Your fish seems happy! Happy fish living! :D
97krazyk - 12 years ago
whats that bubbley stuff in the back corners called?
Roxy Rose
Roxy Rose - 12 years ago
thank you! i will research and give my betta a happy life.. bte i think my betta has like swim bladder or something cuz i went to a family reunion and i had my granny feed my fish and when i came back he had some trouble getting to the top of his tank(10gal.) and im woried that he might die soon.plz reply cuz im really worried..
LEGOBOY1098 - 12 years ago
Hey, I want to use a live plant for my bettas tank (5 gallon) but I am clueless on what to do! Can you please do a tutorial on how to setup and maintain live plants? Thanks!
Totoro - 12 years ago
great tank but is it by a window :O
moriez87 - 12 years ago
Hi nice video, I am new to this.. but isnt the ugf creates bubles ? isn't that reduced the co2 level as stated in the description... and do you use any kind of co2 reactor?
jacksfreebies - 12 years ago
great tank
Roxy Rose
Roxy Rose - 12 years ago
i have a ten gallon tank and i have a beta fish and i do not know how to care for live plants for a ten gallon tank nor do i know which ones to get so that i do not get ones to big. i want to make a betta jungle i should say. can you make a video about which proper plants to get and how to care for them? thanx and good luck to your fishies!

100. comment for 10 gallon Freshwater Aquarium with Live Plants

New American Fishkeeper
New American Fishkeeper - 12 years ago
UH, male or female betta?
LushianoFajardo - 12 years ago
i have betta fish it blue and it a 10 gallon tank, , can advice me what kind of fish i can add with my betta all alone, or not a good idea?
TheZooTycooner14 - 12 years ago
You're very welcome, and thank you :) My family has a 50 Gallon fish tank that currently isn't in use, but if we ever do get it set up and running then i'm sure i'll come back here to check out all of the plants you used and see if they're suitable for our tank too :) And that's great to hear that your fish aren't overcrowded, I was wondering about that before :)
ustadsami - 12 years ago
Sorry, I couldn't contribute. I don't have experience with the fish you mentioned. Hopefully, your fish are doing well, if you've placed them in a 10 gallon tank.
ustadsami - 12 years ago
Selam, gec dondugum icin ozur dilerim. Background'u kendim yaptim. Iki tane plastik orgunun arasina Java Moss koyup "Moss Wall" yapmaya kalkistim. Istedigim gibi olmadi ancak orgu tek basina degisik bir hava katmisti. Bende biraktim icinde. Sizde yapacaksaniz Java Moss'tan uzak durmanizi tavsiye ederim, cunku bir cok ciliz ve cirkin buyuyorlar, yetmiyormus gibi istenmedikleri yerlerde de yabani ot gibi bitebiliyorlar. Basarilar,
ustadsami - 12 years ago
I'm happy to hear you've researched to find out betta fish can be part of a community as well. Thanks for the feedback.
ustadsami - 12 years ago
U don't need to bribe with subscription :) Answer 1: Just do water syphoning from the water. If you have soil, laterite, etc. as a substrate for rooting plants you don't do vacuuming, as you would vacuum gravel. Dump some amano or red cherry shrimps, along with (non-pest) snails for organic waste management. Answer 2: Sure, you can plant plants ahead of fish. Answer 3: It's a tough question, as it varies with the plants available in the local fish stores in your area. It depends on ur taste. GL,
ustadsami - 12 years ago
A 100 gal tank would just go straight through the stand :) You know, the wait goes proportional with the volume. Food for thought, a 10 gal tank weighs ~110lbs.
ustadsami - 12 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. I agree with what you said, in time my taste in music changes too. It depends on my mood. I hope this video can serve you as a reference to the endless of ways of attaining an aquarium setup. The fish are fine, everyone gets along, there's no overcrowding in my tank. Good luck,
ustadsami - 12 years ago
Good luck with your tank, I hope it will meet your expectations.
ustadsami - 12 years ago
Yes, they are real. Those moss balls can be found in several lakes around the globe. Check them out, they are pretty interesting.
Tony Goose
Tony Goose - 12 years ago
those moss balls are they real ?
TheZooTycooner14 - 12 years ago
This is a very nice fish tank, I like it very much. I want to say that it looks a bit small for the amount of fish in it, but I don't know much about keeping a fishtank so the fish are probably just fine ;) I think you could have used more soothing/relaxing music, but it's a nice video anyways and I enjoyed seeing your fish :) I might come back to do research on those plants since you tagged them all. Thanks for the upload :)
ustadsami - 12 years ago
@Teilaxu I'm glad you've enjoyed and paid attention to the information provided. I wanted this video to be informative besides just being another aquarium video. That is also the reason I spent more time on the information text than the video itself.
Teilaxu - 12 years ago
AWESOME video, cool music and love how you tagged all the plant species - very helpful
Sona Sharma
Sona Sharma - 12 years ago
PLZX...............reply my question ProMise i will subscribe if u reply how do i clean a live plant aquarium? 2:can i let my plants grow while it's cycling 3:what kind of plants grow fast abt a couple weeks.......................PLZxx anser....thank u (or any one who knows anser)
FortWayne Fishtanks
FortWayne Fishtanks - 12 years ago
you have a longfin herliquin? that is interesting
Ramon Castillo
Ramon Castillo - 12 years ago
damn i thought it was a tv the first time i saw it!
Futai Shih
Futai Shih - 12 years ago
what kind of lighting are you using
TurtlesDominate - 12 years ago
epic! that's how i want my house to look like!
nuttela man
nuttela man - 12 years ago
oh, never mind
nuttela man
nuttela man - 12 years ago
what r those green balls at the bottom of the tank?
8995Ryan - 12 years ago
i have just got some mass balls and i was wondering if they actuuly help the tank at all?
arif8504 - 12 years ago
are those rattan sepak takraw balls beside the tank?
Nu Calibur
Nu Calibur - 12 years ago
amazing tank. i just introduced my female betta to a community tank and she is doing better than ever! great set up!
Charles Foradori
Charles Foradori - 13 years ago
@mau5lover2000 if it were a 20 that betta would be huge
Matman B
Matman B - 13 years ago
nice tank but it looks like a 20 gallon not 10
TWSPR - 13 years ago
i have a freshwater tank with live plants in you dont have to take them out but if you want too just but them in a bowl with decloranated water . trust me i am a merine boiloigest im sorry if the spelling is of im dislexic
Renny Kline
Renny Kline - 13 years ago
@mohawkbaby27 sorry my computer froze yes you can fit them animals in there
MilyaAtes - 13 years ago
merhaba ustadsami, akvaryum un cok guzel olmus.. background u nereden buldugunu sormak istemistim..tesekkurler
Renny Kline
Renny Kline - 13 years ago
@mohawkbaby27 gallon
ian fields
ian fields - 13 years ago
nice wait till you see mine
PurpleSpades - 13 years ago
nice marimos
Dany Turcios
Dany Turcios - 13 years ago
@ustadsami what kind of lighting are you using in this tank?
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@BlackCaScorpio & @milbella1 UGF isn't a good solution to grow plants that has to root. The variety drops to a handful of plants, such as the one portrayed in this aquarium. That's why I setup another aquarium without UGF in order to grow more plant varieties. Thanks for watching. Regards,
Gurizin - 13 years ago
pink zebra glofish?
milbella1 - 13 years ago
isn't it bad having an under gravel filter and live plants?
lizziebored - 13 years ago
I wanted to get the moss ball things for my tank but they were about 6 dollars a pop so i just got a banana plant thing instead for 49 cents XD
FlintSparked - 13 years ago
@flipdog0123456789 I use a uv sterilizer that works like magic to keep the tank clear.
mvgwizz - 13 years ago
nice background! What is it?
AcidfartProductions - 13 years ago
Could I make a 10 Gallon tank with: 5 Cherry Barb 1 Peppered Cory Catfish 1 Male Betta (Already own, he's friendly) 2 African Dwarf Frogs (Already own, he's friendly)
Ethan Stanley
Ethan Stanley - 13 years ago
Looks great, if you have time please take a look at my tank, which is almost identical to yours!
gajendra ranganathan
gajendra ranganathan - 13 years ago
@cichlidkeeper89 yo bro we can keep as many females together... only males are dangerous to keep in community
ben tbird
ben tbird - 13 years ago
@DogWarrior327 There called moss balls.
AcidfartProductions - 13 years ago
Ok I would like to put these fish in a 10 Gallon aquarium: Guppies X2 Snails X2 Otocinclus Catfish X2 Black Kuhli Loach X2 (Maybe) African Dwarf Frog X2
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@AwesomeAssassin1000 It is all gravel, no kitty litter, etc. The filter is called undergravel filter.
mrmoenator2 - 13 years ago
ooooohhhhh i when i had a ten gallon....
Chris Farem
Chris Farem - 13 years ago
very nice plants
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@chrisdinskates I asked her to behave; I told her otherwise she would be grounded. Female bettas are more dossile, look them up online as I cannot sum it all up in the youtube message space given to me.
Cris Din
Cris Din - 13 years ago
how can u have a betta with other fish?
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@flipdog0123456789 the answer is Activated Charcoal.
chino - 13 years ago
How do you keep your water so clear???????Please help.
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@TheLONGbow97 Trust me, the content what is on that TV stand has more quality than normally what would otherwise be there. :)
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@equalscapitald Tetras with shrimps are fine. In fact in my current aquarium I have half a dozen tetras with a growing colony of Red Cherry Shrimps.
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@shaelikestaquitos Yeah, having nitrates from betta tank would accelerate cycling process.
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@spurrell It's normal, don't worry about it.
Math Spurm
Math Spurm - 13 years ago
I also have the top fin 10 tank and I also have that milky residue forming around the silicon seams. Any idea what it is?
Sahil Naran
Sahil Naran - 13 years ago
shaelikestaquitos - 13 years ago
I'm an aquarium n00b... How do I cycle a fish tank? ;-; could I use the water I have from my 2 gal. betta tank for it? (I'm planning to move my betta into a 10 gal.)
Cody S. Slaughter
Cody S. Slaughter - 13 years ago
Not bad i used to have a entertainment center kind of similar to that i went and bought a 200 gallon it covered the top completly perfectly i had 2 albino tiger oscars and 2 regular tiger oscars 1 big cat fish and a algae eater and two electric blue chiclids it was the shit that was about 8-9 years ago i miss it i suggest it too !
MrCuddlesWorth - 13 years ago
heftomatic - 13 years ago
I heard smaller tanks are harder to take care of..... thoughts??
Chase LaCaze
Chase LaCaze - 13 years ago
@Caprize2007 i no im not the person u wer asking but if ur talking about the marimo moss balls thn its bn recorded that they grow 1.5cm a year or month i cant seem to remember but the java moss will grow rapidly if given correct light and suppliments
Caprize2007 - 13 years ago
great setup so clear! question tho how messy are the moss balls?
misstamps1 - 13 years ago
Pretty aquarium!
jesuislyddie - 13 years ago
Can you keep tetras with those shrimps?
RussianSpetsnaz0123 - 13 years ago
throw a oscar in there see what happens lol
Staticrado - 13 years ago
cool check out mine, comment rate and sub ill do the same
Donna Hogan
Donna Hogan - 13 years ago
when u clean ur tank & siphon ur gravel do u remove the live plants? or do u just go around them? Very nice set up by the way
just4fun1850 - 13 years ago
what are those two things on the either side of your tank. they look like they are suctions but i really wanna know.
PhillipAndWorld - 13 years ago
best tv show ever ;)
creature609 - 13 years ago
What kind of lighting are you using ?
Uriel Gonzalez
Uriel Gonzalez - 13 years ago
Hello I also have a ten gallon an i have 2 sunburst platys 1 pleco 1 blue gourami 1 dwarf gourami and 1 flame dwarf gourami they can chase each other around but they haven't hurt each other and my blue gourami. Seems to be the dominant fish
MoochagraProphet - 13 years ago
i have a question do you use a fertilizer in the gravel?
benny lopez
benny lopez - 13 years ago
omg , it's magnificent :o lmfao how much did you pay for all that not including the tank or fish? i have a 10 gallon tank & i want mines to look exactly like yours but im not trying to make it so expensive. any recomendations?
FishyDrizzy - 13 years ago
now that's a nice tank. i plan on getting a 10 gallon soon, and i am very excited. quick question, whats a good amount of fish to put in a 10 gallon tank?? thanx!
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@liv4daoutdoors oh, DIY CO2 can be made pretty successful if done right. For that I needed couple of iterations and trial and errors. As the matter of fact I used a bamboo chopstick as a diffuser for couple of months for my DIY CO2, let alone a standard ceramic diffuser :)
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@1peiceaznboi Plants are always purchased as bunches, not from seeds. For that you need a good Local Fish Store (LFS.)
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@JeremySquaredFilms you asked a good question. UGF filter isn't good for plant growth. You only can grow pretty much what I have in this video Java Fern, Java moss, Marimo Balls, Banana Plant, Cabomba, etc. UGF is a good filtration system if you don't care for a variety of plants. Though, ornaments always can be used. It keeps the water clean, fish safe. Solid waste gets trapped in gravel, so when gravel vacuuming solids get eliminated. UGF can be noisy due to air pump, but I got used to it.
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@My2RiceBowls you are spot on. Once I begin looking at my tanks I get in trance.
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@fsume93 Shrimps are hardy. They don't die easily, unless they are small and become fish food or get sucked in filter.
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@TheAlaskanShooter I think you should have a HOB filter or a sump filter. You cannot use UGF system for sure. :) Basically, anything that intakes water a few inches above sand.
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@matikal frankly, through my experience I had reached to limits of this setup, so I gave this aquarium to a friend of mine. I firstly got the plant "fever," and wanted to grow ground cover plants like HC. In my latest aquarium I have fluorite substrate, no more gravel. Though, there are cleaner alternatives to fluorite. If I get back to your question on light, for plant growth go between 6500K and 10000K bulbs. Target a minimum of 3W/gallon, for a generic tank go with a retrofit light system.
matikal - 13 years ago
i love your tank! nice video too. I'm gonna buy the exact same tank set up (minus the UGF, due to plant variety limitations). My question is: what type of lighting do you use? I want to make sure I get at least what you have! =D
fsume93 - 13 years ago
nice video, nice tank, groovy music. Noticed you have a shrimp in the tank. Are they pretty hardy or do they take a bit more care?
Tuan Dinh
Tuan Dinh - 13 years ago
Wow your fish are amazing, looks like fantasy video game type fish haha. Magical fish
Jeremy Rogers II
Jeremy Rogers II - 13 years ago
I recently started a 10 gallon tank and I was wondering whether or not to get an under gravel filter. I've heard they keep your water very clean and clear but I've also heard a lot of negative things about them. What is your opinion on them? Should I get one? Thanks.
GhostlyPink - 13 years ago
@TodayHi1953 in the description he wrote that he's got a hang on the back power filter and an undergravel filtration. The two bottles behind the tank are NOT filters they are DIY Co2 Injection to support a planted tank. Build a filter? You must mean a wet/dry filter which would sit below the tank.
GhostlyPink - 13 years ago
@rezist89 looks like a standard 10gal hood with built in lighting which uses a pair of 15-25watt tubular incandescent bulbs. I HIGHLY recommend LED replacement "bulbs"!
GhostlyPink - 13 years ago
@pawzis doesn't the ghost shrimp become dinner for your Cichlids/ˈsɪklɪd/?
Lachang Thao
Lachang Thao - 13 years ago
Very nice fish, and how would you plant the plant seeds in the tank?
liv4daoutdoors - 13 years ago
i didnt realize that a diy co2 bottle had enough pressure to use a ceramic diffuser or am i missing something
Brian Peck
Brian Peck - 13 years ago
How many filters do you have? I want to build one, so how many should I get?
EmoGii - 13 years ago
@sailorminimoon1000 i have 7 tiger barbs in a 64 liter which in uk gallons its 15 gallons and in us gallons its 14 and they are loving it
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@sailorminimoon1000 I'm not sure about tiger barbs, but there is the 1"/gal right? So, if tiger barbs are 1" fish when they are adults, you should have a maximum of 10 in a 10 gallon tank. But, save yourself some trouble and put 4 of them in a 10 gallon. Consider, you may have algae problems, and you may want a Siamese Algae Eater, Mystery Snail, Red Cherry Shrimps, etc. So, if you have the space, get yourself a 15 gallon tank to have space for improvement.
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@TheTastyMorsel The background was an attempt to make a moss wall with knitting grids. My attempt has failed due to the fact that I did not have christmas moss and enough lighting. I tried it with Java Moss, but the looks weren't good enough. Regardless I kept the grid. BTW, I purchased them either from Michaels or Jo-Ann's Fabrics. I don't remember how many squares are there per inch-square, I think it was mid-size.
spikes4298 - 13 years ago
Nice tank, and very pretty Betta, Good work!
ustadsami - 13 years ago
Announcement: After season change my cabomba died, I got some hair and black algae infestation, and I got tired of this setup. I recently ventured into another aquarium without undergravel filter, so I can use fluorite as my substrate. My intention is to grow HCs, dwarf hair grass, and other smaller plants as ground cover. The new setup is in Nano-Cube DX, I have 48W light for 12 gallon. The setup in the video will be dismantled once the plants in the other tank establishes roots. Video soon,
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@dylanrocks100 I have two filtration systems running concurrently. One is undergravel the other is hang-on-back. They are independent, having both isn't necessary.
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@leopardgeckogurl11 the one she swam by is a banana plant, the one in the corner is an anubias nana.
ustadsami - 13 years ago
@igobyjoey I don't know how you managed that. They are suppose to be the easiest plants to keep. Do you have ~6500K light?
turtlesbest - 13 years ago
Cool beautiful plants!!!
ustadsami - 14 years ago
@FishEXpert11 I did use them in liquid form, but I had algae problem. For my plants I add supplements monthly, as they are slow growers.
ustadsami - 14 years ago
@brettgardner111 there are many variables to have a healthy planted aquarium. I didn't suggest you having gravel, but the fluorescent. Eco-complete you were mentioning should be what you need for best results. Though I should tell you, in my system eco-complete would not work at all due to my choice of filtering, undergravel filters. So, look into some other sources whom have similar setups like yours. Good luck!
E4Easy - 14 years ago
this song...amazing
865_Rostislav - 14 years ago
cool iv got some vids up to but im waiting till iget a better camera to make the quality bettr
ustadsami - 14 years ago
@brettgardner111 You should be knowing the kind of lights you're using. I'm using an 18" fluorescent strip, rated at 15W, with light temperature at 6700K. What you may be needing is getting the bulb that outputs daylight spectrum, something around 4000K-7000K. That should be the start for you.
Lachang Thao
Lachang Thao - 14 years ago
What kind of plants can I put into my aquairm?
TheCarharttBoy - 14 years ago
Can you please write a dimensions of ur tank? Length X Width X Heigh - or at least a lenght in cm? Thanks
ustadsami - 14 years ago
@returnofthezohan see the info
ustadsami - 14 years ago
@curtman81 Thank you! When I was younger I would only think, I can take fish care in smaller bowls. I researched on the subject only to find out it actually gets easier as I have a bigger tank, then I found the benefits having live plants, then I found more and more... Then, in the end I only had to test my findings in an actual setup. It all worked, now I want to test some other findings in another setup :)
curtman81 - 14 years ago
Excellent tank! Glad you also enjoy the natural look in your tank. People often overlook the beauty and simplicity of a tank that looks like a natural habitat as oppose to a colorful plastic world.lol
Adrian Gimenez
Adrian Gimenez - 14 years ago
I subbed please sub back! NIce fish btw and is that a beautiful betta with the blue tail in front of the tank?
ustadsami - 14 years ago
@187WITH357 by means of providing lighting in the photosynthesis wavelengths daily for 9 hours, a bit of CO2 injection, and seldom use of plant fertilizers. There are more elaborate ways than my setup.
Christian jara
Christian jara - 14 years ago
ustadsami - 14 years ago
@ruban12345678 I'm glad to be able to trick you into a planted tank. The driftwood will certainly change the color due to tannins within the wood. The color change is natural, depending on how much you process the wood ahead before you placing it in water you will get dark or light tealike water color. Regardless, you will get the color. My suggestion is accept it, even for a change I placed some rooibos teabags in my filter for a darker color effect. Also, fish love it because it's as in nature
Pushparaj Ruban
Pushparaj Ruban - 14 years ago
tks a lot brother.ur tank makes me to change my tank to planted tank.i have one doubt ,will drift wood change colour of water or any disadvantage?
ustadsami - 14 years ago
@ruban12345678 Thank you for your kind comments, though I am sure this is a mediocre setup. I have java fern and anubias nana "petite" attached to driftwoods. No big rocks in the setup. Here in the US I probably spent $30 on plants $25 on driftwoods. Those extras make the aquarium standout, and help in maintenance.
Pushparaj Ruban
Pushparaj Ruban - 14 years ago
brother really fantatic work.u are so brilliant.please tell me about cost of plant
ustadsami - 14 years ago
@salihonda1 Tesekkurler
ustadsami - 14 years ago
@zoomzoom48 Thank you for the kind comment. I tried to build a Moss Wall by sandwiching moss between two knitting grids. I don't remember which one, but I bought grids from one of those handcraft stores, either from Michael's or Joann's. I also don't remember what the square count per square inch is, but I remember it isn't the smallest or the largest by number. From what I read the best results on Moss Wall is achieved with Christmas Moss, not with Java Moss like I had.
Jacques Boutte
Jacques Boutte - 14 years ago
really like your set up! what type of background do you have on your tank? it looks really cool.

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