500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall

You Can find an Update to the tank on https://youtu.be/Fj99YdEGFas as well as a New DYI automatic Feeder. A 500 Gallon Fresh water set up... with Guppies... Ha ha Two tanks and a sump mounted into the wall. Wet dry Filtration, a 400 gal an hour pump. Guppies, Betta, Mystery Snails, Bristle Nose Plecostamus.

500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall sentiment_very_dissatisfied 106

Pets & Animals 9 years ago 443,721 views

You Can find an Update to the tank on https://youtu.be/Fj99YdEGFas as well as a New DYI automatic Feeder. A 500 Gallon Fresh water set up... with Guppies... Ha ha Two tanks and a sump mounted into the wall. Wet dry Filtration, a 400 gal an hour pump. Guppies, Betta, Mystery Snails, Bristle Nose Plecostamus.

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Most popular comments
for 500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall

LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Than you all for your Patience, here is an Update https://youtu.be/Fj99YdEGFas
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
The Tank update is on linked in the description. Another soon to happen. I also am a reptile enthusiast. One of my best friends here next to me has over 120 species of turtles, dwarf caimans, and hundreds of amphibians. He owns Side Neck turtles, Snake Neck turtles, Fly river, Chirta Chitra, Diamond Back, Wood Turtles. I have a reptile house at my disposal 3 min away from my house.
Sam  Boraks
Sam Boraks - 7 years ago
sorry I have forgotten what I was saying but Im a reptile enthusiast and I think that I forgot the name you called them and I knew that they where strip neck musks and a loggerhead are the same species. Or I thought that you had the name wrong because some people call alligator snappers loggerheads.love the tank make a new vid plz. nice music
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
That's what i said in the video, Fresh water Loger Head Musk, I have 3 Adults, 3 Juveniles and 9 Eggs hatching May 2017
Sam  Boraks
Sam Boraks - 8 years ago
cool tank but that is a loggerhead musk turtle
BAMAZ#1 - 7 years ago
Simply amazing. Just got back from Gatlinburg TN and found a few pieces of wood just not sure what kind but I'm gonna use them anyway.
carisa s
carisa s - 7 years ago
this is beautiful! I love all the snails in there. and the clam! awesome
UnderPaidGamer - 7 years ago
This is the dream tank for any fish it's so big with so much living things everywhere a underwater waterfall and so much more!
Terr Ram
Terr Ram - 7 years ago
amazing bro. one of the best i ever seen
WinnyWoke - 7 years ago
Song sucks
สิทธิเสรีภาพอันมี หมาและกาฝากเป็นประมุข
สิทธิเสรีภาพอันมี หมาและกาฝากเป็นประมุข - 7 years ago
Oh I like it!!! the falling sand.
Kittah's - 7 years ago
Amazing ❤️
eric payne
eric payne - 7 years ago
Wow! So beautiful!!!

10. comment for 500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall

Timothy K. Sands
Timothy K. Sands - 7 years ago
very awesome and creative!
Danejah H
Danejah H - 7 years ago
Water changes must be a beaaaatch!
School Developers
School Developers - 7 years ago
Amazing! What kind of food do you use? Loggerhead are sea turtles . . . I think those are snapping turtles (we have those here in Florida)
H3man 1997
H3man 1997 - 7 years ago
Are those snails??
Lisa Jones
Lisa Jones - 7 years ago
Looks amazing well done
PR1MAL PLAYER - 7 years ago
Great music choice!
Cortland Anderson
Cortland Anderson - 7 years ago
Tank goals
John mendez
John mendez - 7 years ago
I Looooooooove your tank!!!!!
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam - 7 years ago
Wow what a great scapes.
Uwe Oehme
Uwe Oehme - 7 years ago
Tasteless with water turtle .... otherwise other is nevertheless PERFEKT !!!!!!

20. comment for 500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall

Zompocalis115 Gaming
Zompocalis115 Gaming - 7 years ago
Fish paradise
autumn rain
autumn rain - 7 years ago
wonderful !
Vanessa Hansen
Vanessa Hansen - 7 years ago
I feel lame now. I have a 42 gallon salt water tank. now id love having your bottom set up with the water fall and fresh water fish then have a salt water coral tank up top man o man
Rajeera Geleta
Rajeera Geleta - 7 years ago
The song is called sing sing sing
Ouaich Gros
Ouaich Gros - 7 years ago
So cool man!!!
Sean Prior
Sean Prior - 7 years ago
Did you ever find the Mexican?
james bryan
james bryan - 7 years ago
One of the first videos I've made to the end. Crazy tank and most unique set up ever.Wow! Thanks for sharing.
prettygirlzful - 7 years ago
Good gosh this is gorgeous. I can't even begin to think of how much work it took to do it. Subbed, and I'll look at your update. This is just...stupendous.
Emiko Orange
Emiko Orange - 7 years ago
Beautiful! The time that must have gone into this aquatic home
JamesMarathon24 - 7 years ago
How do you even manage to take care of this beautiful paradise..
is the feeding a hassle?!

Cuz goddamn is it worth all the hassle.. this is so perfect.

30. comment for 500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall

creegal - 7 years ago
Amazing tank♥
asif hussain
asif hussain - 7 years ago
you got a lake in your house mam :)
David Caruso
David Caruso - 7 years ago
Amazing tank and set up!
Walter Goldsmith
Walter Goldsmith - 7 years ago
When you go to Alaska, I'm putting your beautiful fish tanks in my basement.
Love it!
Tim Wilson
Tim Wilson - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank.  I' m pretty sure,  I know you.  I use to eat,  a lot,  at a little restaurant, on Hixson Pike.   Again, love it and is there someone, in this area, who could help me get my little 55 gallon,  kind of like yours and is it possible, with that small, of a tank?
Tim Wilson
Tim Wilson - 7 years ago
I will run by Ponds and Plants.  I live in Lakesite.  Around 2 miles, at the most, from the restaurant.  Thanks.
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
You can do it with your 55. We just need to set up a sump or water reservoir under your tank. I would suggest hunting for a 65 or bigger and trading in your 55. If you live close to Dayton. Go visit ponds and plants. It's a fish store in Dayton. They have really good prices on used big tanks. You know like 90's and 125's
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
You can do it with any size, and yes you do know me. If you watch the update video on this tank you will find the 75 gallon tank from that restaurant. And the 175 that is in the bottom of this video the one with the turtles is the second tank from the restaurant.
Tou Fong Lee
Tou Fong Lee - 7 years ago
Teach me master! This self-sustained eco-system is nice.
Kevin Lindsey
Kevin Lindsey - 7 years ago
Ken - 7 years ago
Do you need to do water change?
Renee Littlebird
Renee Littlebird - 7 years ago
Eminem Eminem
Eminem Eminem - 7 years ago
6:23 this rule goes along with tarantulas as well. I had a 300 gallon setup for tarantulas and before anyone gets all butt hurt here me out. All the tarantulas need is enough room to live in their own spaces and its fine. I was breeding tarantulas and when I saw the eegsack was getting ready to hatch I placed them in a nice spot and they all just wondered around and barely ever noticed each other. And the species is one from a small island and with so many T's in nature they have to live together. I put about a hundred wingless fruit flies in every 2 weeks and i haven't had any problems for the 3 years of keeping these.
Eminem Eminem
Eminem Eminem - 7 years ago
I don't have any video's as the company I work at is a private company so i'm not aloud to record. The vivarium itself is one of a kind and is on display. And most herpers do get into arachnids so yeah having a T is something most of us have.
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
Very Interesting, thanks for sharing. Any Videos? I am a tarantula person myself. Have one that is 13 years old. I would love to one day own a Jba Fofi, they have been spotted by tribes in northern Mozambique.
Wilson Chu
Wilson Chu - 7 years ago
What the heck. I was just playing the opening song in my school's jazz band. Lol.
Ronald Evans
Ronald Evans - 7 years ago
thanks for making this video it's is crazy cool and your fish tanks are really nice and cool looking. thank u for lateing me know that Bader's can live together because I keep telling me Bader's cannot live together.
Nicholas Bennett
Nicholas Bennett - 7 years ago
Do those angel fish eggs hatch and stay alive ?
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
No i thing the Angel fish were two different subspecies. Probably the eggs were infertile. They tried and tried. and Tried Again, i never saw the eggs develop fry.
Cole Fournel
Cole Fournel - 7 years ago
wow..that's insane. beautiful tanks. that's like 2 perfect tanks in my opinion. love this video
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
Holy shit this is the most fucking beautiful thing I have ever seen!
Undead - 7 years ago
Do you mind doing a more in depth video on how you created your background?
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
In the near future i hope to do so. I will be redoing the top tank.
Purity Nunya
Purity Nunya - 7 years ago
This is AMAZING!! Wow the beauty!
Craig Stacey
Craig Stacey - 7 years ago
awesome tank setup, I wouldn't get anything done just sit there for hours watching!
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
Hours is right, thats what i do.
John Bellido
John Bellido - 7 years ago
wow !!is amazing !!!!
thnnht - 7 years ago
Awesome tank!

50. comment for 500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall

George Calderon
George Calderon - 7 years ago
yvonne stowers
yvonne stowers - 7 years ago
love the tank
anthonygprisco - 7 years ago
Nice tank ! Check out my latest saltwater tank video !
Sam Carrillo Pompeyo
Sam Carrillo Pompeyo - 7 years ago
I would add dwarf cichlids such as Blue German Rams, Electric Blue and Gold Rams, Bolivian Rams, Neon/Cardinal Tetras, Electric Blue Acara, etc. All of these are good community fish.
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
Perfect List
Sam Fell
Sam Fell - 7 years ago
I live in Tennessee now near Winchester, what local plants are you adding to your tank? And where from? Also which LFS are you going to? Thanks for sharing! Love the waterfalls.
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
The LFS is Ponds and Plants in Dayton TN. The plants come from any stream or pond where i find clean water and a sweet looking plant.
ProfeChiquis - 7 years ago
Es el acuario más hermoso que he visto :) <3
Jonathan Rojas
Jonathan Rojas - 7 years ago
just sick! wow! one of the most awesome set ups
Santino Saladino
Santino Saladino - 7 years ago
Wow dude. This is amazing
I Hatekeemstar
I Hatekeemstar - 7 years ago
Great tanks but why do you have one with just guppies? My opinion I would get something a little more interesting
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
Because it is Ironic. Giant Tank, Tiny Small Fish.
정성환 - 8 years ago
how the poop do you handle all thise apple snails. they poop crazy.
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
Plants eat the Bio-waste!
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Think abt doing water changes damnnnnnn
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
Automatic Water changes. No hassle!
Suhail Basheer
Suhail Basheer - 8 years ago
Love your tank
Vieuchat Boulov
Vieuchat Boulov - 8 years ago
Your fish tank look very nice, you did a great job !
pablo castellano
pablo castellano - 8 years ago
Very nice set up thumbs up,
Water Dragon
Water Dragon - 8 years ago
I love the big tanks all of the fish and animals have space to do there own thing
rabbitears2006 - 8 years ago
That is a beautiful amazing fish tank. Aren't you afraid the turtles we eat the fish how do you prevent them from doing that. Great work!
Tainowarrior00707 - 8 years ago
Tanks look awesome.
Denatra Lewis
Denatra Lewis - 8 years ago
Excellent! Self-sustaining to boot!
Benjamin Brown
Benjamin Brown - 8 years ago
Fresh water loggerheads? Never heard of them
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
Logger Head Musk Turtles. Look them Up. I have 9 Eggs incubating right now!
Halcyon - 8 years ago
This setup is AMAZING!!!!!!
Roberto René Aguilar Villarreal
Roberto René Aguilar Villarreal - 8 years ago
Hey Mexican, your tank is a friking dream! Its just wow!
baba car
baba car - 8 years ago
are you single?
baba car
baba car - 7 years ago
LostMexicanFilms shame on both counts
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
Ha ha. Married to a girl who only looks at the tank once a month.
ininj4killer gaming
ininj4killer gaming - 8 years ago
how do u breed betta and guppies together
Ray Garcia
Ray Garcia - 8 years ago
my95airmaxx - 8 years ago
that's 4000 lbs in your house
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
Only if you don't like your 1st floor neighbors. Cause one day it might collapse!
YeshuaReigns - 8 years ago
Can I have this in my 2nd floor apartment? The floor is wood.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
When i did my calculations i came up with almost 6000 lbs. because of the concrete and rock. Also the aquarium glass is half inch on the top tank. So that in itself ads a lot you need 6 people to pick it up properly. I have supports under the house.
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
Why do you have this bigass tank just for guppies
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
yep Ironic... I have considered trading in all the guppies and doing only inverts, like cherry shrimp and such. A self sustained Ecosystem.
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
I hope you didn't take it the wrong way i too am a big fan of smaller fish like the guppies and mollies i was just wondering because that looked like a big tank to just keep guppies and snails in :)
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Because i Love Ironies. A small inexpensive fish with a high reproductive rate, one of the smallest musk turtles, highly aggressive fighting fish. Everybody wants big fish in big tanks. I have a 500 gallon set up with small fish, a 20,000 gallon with Bonzai Koi. My next aquarium will be 3 times as large and I'm considering Poecilia winger, Stiphodon ornatus, Beta Macrostoma, and Tanichthys albonubes. Don't be like everybody else. Be different!
roshan lal
roshan lal - 8 years ago
i loved it
hatnixzuverlirn - 8 years ago
i love the music as well as the tanks
favoritemusicon - 8 years ago
emmanuel praveen
emmanuel praveen - 8 years ago
kick-ass !! Love the music... love the setup!!
Scott M
Scott M - 8 years ago
Amazing tanks, too many snails in the top one!
Mack Edinger
Mack Edinger - 8 years ago
and you put guppies in it......
ikswozaw ekim
ikswozaw ekim - 8 years ago
How do underwater waterfalls work?!?
Eazy - 8 years ago
O no it's Me They use Pipe with an air pum to suck up sand and spew it out from the top thus creating a waterfall
Sloan  Turner
Sloan Turner - 8 years ago
Can you do an update on the tank
sevenmile - 8 years ago
Really Nice!  ( Love the comment from the dude telling you how this would not work!) 

What do you fish up North?   I did a little long lining for Halibut out of Sitka for my Brother in Law in the 80's.  No way I could handle that kind of work now!!
janitha Ramanayake
janitha Ramanayake - 8 years ago
Amazing setup
fishlaw1 - 8 years ago
Awesome what more can I say ! ! !
DKy0 - 8 years ago
This is amazing, great job. How long did it take for your setup to evolve into this? Looks great.
ClayArtGirl - 8 years ago
Sick tank! I love the bettas
linda chan
linda chan - 8 years ago
rainbow crowntail betta! it's so beautiful!!
Trill Will
Trill Will - 8 years ago
nice fuckin setup
Mike Penske
Mike Penske - 8 years ago
Awesome tank setup.
Muhammad Alkhatiep
Muhammad Alkhatiep - 8 years ago
This is My Dream, It's very beautiful. And How Can I do like this rock ?
Munsoo Kim
Munsoo Kim - 8 years ago
My dream fish tank is just like yours. Huge tank with guppies and bettas...
Kevin spacey
Kevin spacey - 8 years ago
500 gallons for fucking guppies and betta's... sigh lol
KCHstudio Phx
KCHstudio Phx - 8 years ago
love it. good job!
Robert Dunbar
Robert Dunbar - 8 years ago
It' not that serious guys smh.. I agree the title is misleading but give him props on those beautiful self sustaining tanks. I mean seriously though.
Phil Ford
Phil Ford - 8 years ago
In awe...............
Jake Ryder
Jake Ryder - 8 years ago
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat crazy thanks for the share man!!
Austin Sobeck
Austin Sobeck - 8 years ago
at 0:37 you can see harambes face in the middle rock

100. comment for 500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall

Vincey Lee
Vincey Lee - 8 years ago
this is the greatest video I ever seen here on youtube. I'm not even lying about what is so true about this video. I just wish I can own this type of fish tank. I just love all the fishes and all the look you have in the fish tank. love your inside the water waterfall. Amazing fish tank built.
pettyreviews - 7 years ago
SuperFlojoGuy - 8 years ago
Cheers to
Cheers to - 8 years ago
I have watched this video so many times just for inspiration. absolutely amazing. can't wait to see more. even if it's just 10min of a FTS.
World Survivalist
World Survivalist - 8 years ago
This is brilliant
World Survivalist
World Survivalist - 8 years ago
Very cool
YE MAN - 8 years ago
One of the best set ups ive seen well done my friend
Peace ❤️
Thinh Nguyen
Thinh Nguyen - 8 years ago
bad ass tanks bro!
Jerome Arvin San Diego
Jerome Arvin San Diego - 8 years ago
the auto feeder.... so cool…...
debbie foster
debbie foster - 8 years ago
This is really really something. I love that it's self sustaining. It must be a blast to watch.
rooster sideburbs
rooster sideburbs - 8 years ago
one of the coolest tanks ive seen
James Medcalf
James Medcalf - 8 years ago
this is ju st cool. if they dont tell you in this vid, the 'water' is heavy sand pumped up via compressed air-air stone in pvc pipe. not interested in doin this for xmas. just cool
Ramon - 8 years ago
Nice setup
Julia Booth
Julia Booth - 8 years ago
beautiful job
Eric Duong
Eric Duong - 8 years ago
wait you have dragonflies?
WilCrab TV
WilCrab TV - 8 years ago
Lauren Cross
Lauren Cross - 8 years ago
teach me your ways sir
Jerome Arvin San Diego
Jerome Arvin San Diego - 8 years ago
the auto feeder.....
Alex Scamell
Alex Scamell - 8 years ago
Do you feed the turtles or are they able to sustain themselves with the fish?
fox99ist - 8 years ago
I hate talented people!
Shahrzad Ghesehgoo
Shahrzad Ghesehgoo - 8 years ago
Amazing. Tks. for sharing
Eric Carlos esparza
Eric Carlos esparza - 8 years ago
Hussain zidane
Hussain zidane - 8 years ago
Lovely i would stand next to it and watch for hours
debbie foster
debbie foster - 8 years ago
Me too!
Justin Foulk
Justin Foulk - 8 years ago
I am in awe, fantastic setup!
Honey Roberts
Honey Roberts - 8 years ago
great video love that its all bio and self contained check out my video on my turtle tank also i have to other bigger tanks one is 200 gallon stand allone i will be finishing by summer i would like to do live plants algae is my fear
Vicki K
Vicki K - 8 years ago
This blows my mind.

Nice job!
I Rate Your Comments
I Rate Your Comments - 8 years ago
do the Dragonfly larvae not eat your guppies?
Squiperdle - 8 years ago
I love Sing, Sing,Sing it's my favorite jazz song!
Animalia - 8 years ago
awsome dude!!!!
jerrimy seavers
jerrimy seavers - 8 years ago
a few concerns i would like to mention 1 snails leave alot of waste and breed lots you will have a ammonia spike as they breed more and more. Snails shells absorb alot of calcium to grow there shells and you tank wont sustain enough calcium for 2 months . and your plants moss and fish absorb minerals and nutrients from the water and will only grow and demand more and more of them . Only way to replace them is dosing or water changes . Just my opinion i have alot of experience but i wish you luck
debbie foster
debbie foster - 8 years ago
That's fantastic!!!
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
The tank has run for almost 4 years now without incident. And my last maitanance was 2 years ago. I'm gone 3 months at the time so it has to be an autonomous fish tank.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Automatic water changes are scheduled once a week. 30percent every change. Egg shells, cuttlefish bone, deer antlers and the shells of dead snails usually keep the calcium hungry creatures happy. If the snails overpopulate the logger head turtles cull them off to a manageable level. It's all a cycle, keeps things interesting.
The Camo'd Korean
The Camo'd Korean - 8 years ago
Nice setup
Philip lion
Philip lion - 8 years ago
The Crimson Emo
The Crimson Emo - 8 years ago
I am beyond impressed with all of this! Serious Kudos!
At Home With Melissa
At Home With Melissa - 8 years ago
That is amazing!!!!!
rc2300s2r - 8 years ago
Who watched this and thought it was going to be a single 500 gallon tank?
Rebecca Tepes
Rebecca Tepes - 7 years ago
rc2300s2r me
Narwhal Aj
Narwhal Aj - 8 years ago
rc2300s2r me
SirKingHoff - 8 years ago
its not a 500 gallon tank... its 3 seperate tanks.... derp
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
Again: Tank: originally from Indian vernacular for a large artificial water reservoir, cistern, pool, etc.....
SirKingHoff - 7 years ago
+Majestic Wolf Girls 1) he edited the title and description 2) he constantly refers to the tank as 1 tank 3) he edited the title and description.
Majestic Wolf Girls
Majestic Wolf Girls - 7 years ago
It says 500 gallon tank SETUP not just tank
SirKingHoff - 8 years ago
+chris sanchez ughhh, translation? I dont speak primate
P Funk Ryda
P Funk Ryda - 8 years ago
+SirKingHoff sir Jack off can you please just shut the duck up. you're making yourself sound stupid. there's this thing called a smartphone and it gets instant notifications when you want it to. mines extra special, it can tell when a nerd is sitting at his computer screen in moms basement looking at porn and fish tank videos simultaneously. you should get one.
SirKingHoff - 8 years ago
+chris sanchez sooo I dont have a life but you do?? Replying to every single comment on a post hahah. Get out of your bed kiddo.
P Funk Ryda
P Funk Ryda - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms Aha! this damn title has us all riled up!
P Funk Ryda
P Funk Ryda - 8 years ago
+rc2300s2r that is something I'll definitely have to try. these aquas capes are so beautiful and look super peaceful.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
I am honored to have one of the legendary "Youtube Comment section argument" on this video, I have truly enjoyed reading everyones points and opinions. Because of this i will alter the title and hopefully bring a peaceful end to King Hoff's Kingdom. Click bait no more.
rc2300s2r - 8 years ago
chris sanchez do a little 29 gallon long. I don't know where you live but maybe even do a native setup.
P Funk Ryda
P Funk Ryda - 8 years ago
+rc2300s2r ok I guess. I just don't see the importance in it. anyway. I'll agree to disagree. he does have an incredible setup. I'm into jaguar Cichlids so I can't have planted tanks but I wish I could. this is nice!
rc2300s2r - 8 years ago
chris sanchez read his description of the his video. He even says "two tanks". Like I've said the whole time it is an awesome setup. I just come from and a position where proper and accurately detailed communication is of utmost importance. I'm just thinking of all the other people that will come here to see a huge 500 gallon tank and be left wanting. I'm really not nor have I been thinking of myself this whole time.
P Funk Ryda
P Funk Ryda - 8 years ago
+SirKingHoff anyone who has to boast about their "big dick" on a YouTube "fish tank" video definitely has a freshwater shrimp and is a big fucking nerd. go find yourself a life dude.
P Funk Ryda
P Funk Ryda - 8 years ago
+rc2300s2r still just way too serious for a comment about a YouTube fish tank vid. I honestly think it is a great setup and it looks like 500 to me. whether it's two tanks or not, like he said its ran on the same system withcthe same water.
rc2300s2r - 8 years ago
chris sanchez I never criticized "it". I do think it's a great set up. It's not a back handed compliment. There's two different things going on here. I'm just saying he is misleading everyone with his title. You said go watch another video which is a completely overused and tunnel vision comment. How am I suppose to know it's misleading until I watch it. He even says it's a 487 gallon but calls it a 500. Is it so hard to say and type what it actually is or do you think him saying "My 500 gallon tank" makes him feel better? "My 487 gallon multi tank setup" still has a great ring to it. I just call 'em how I see 'em. Trust, creditability and honesty ya know.
SirKingHoff - 8 years ago
+chris sanchez derp derp derp, still gotta big dick
P Funk Ryda
P Funk Ryda - 8 years ago
+rc2300s2r you complimented it right after criticizing it. little back handed if you ask me. but what do I know I'm just a Harley nut who likes fish. but I do know that if you don't like how this man worded his title you could always just find a different video. no need to critique such simple things that really, make no difference at at.
P Funk Ryda
P Funk Ryda - 8 years ago
+Rinnemi exactly this fucking dork is irritating.
P Funk Ryda
P Funk Ryda - 8 years ago
really stupid comment. and who the fuck uses the word derp? lol!
Joe Payton
Joe Payton - 8 years ago
This is still 3 separate but connected Reservoirs, Cisterns, Or pools. 500 Gallon Aquarium Setup would be more accurate and still eye catching. Setup implying the entire assembly is a total of 500 gallons even if not confined to one tank. Semantics aside, its really great a great setup.
sosocrazy1234 - 8 years ago
rc2300s2r - 8 years ago
@Rinnemi. Hey if you're going to say ignorant comments expect to get called on it. I complemented his set up in an earlier comment. Guess you missed that. I also told the OP that his title is going to deceive 100% of people that click on it. Two different points. Kind of like if I tell you to go suck a 12 inch dick but when you show up all excited and drooling it's actually two guys with 6 inch dicks. Ahh bummer for you. Or is it?
Rinnemi - 8 years ago
thx for lookin at my channel. now stop taking everything so personal like a lil kid.
rc2300s2r - 8 years ago
Rinnemi that's it you're grounded you little brat. No phone for a week. You think you'd learn some important life lessons from watching all that "My Little Pony." My six year old daughter has a better attitude than you. Well you'll grow one day and drop that,"Who cares" attitude which is for ignorant simpletons. I hope. There's complaining. Then there is criticism. Learn the difference.
Rinnemi - 8 years ago
+rc2300s2r Why don't you complain about it on tumblr?
rc2300s2r - 8 years ago
Rinnemi Who cares? Um everyone who wants to see a 500 gallon fish tank not 500 gallons of fish tanks. Yes it is nice but they are two completely different topics. Description and quality.
Rinnemi - 8 years ago
Who cares. This tank is amazing!
SirKingHoff - 8 years ago
nice edit...
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Semantics are everything when it comes to YouTube. Would you click on a video that says... Scientist discover a four foot man eating chicken!!!
Or one that says...
Scientist encounter a man of short stature who's diet mostly consists of chicken.
Ha ha...
rc2300s2r - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms oh yeah I almost forgot. Beautiful set up!!!
rc2300s2r - 8 years ago
+rc2300s2r *playing
rc2300s2r - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms cmon man. If someone said, "Do you want to buy a 500 gallon fish tank." Then you show to find that it ten 50 gallons that have connecting tubes you wouldn't feel a little deceived. You're pay some serious semantics with that defense. Your title is very misleading.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Again: Tank: originally from Indian vernacular for a large artificial water reservoir, cistern, pool, etc.....

I titled the Video 500 gallon Fish Tank... not 500 gallon Aquarium... A tank is an artificial body of water all connected in the same cycle. If you want to call it separate Aquariums yes i will grant you that... but even then you don't say "hey lets go visit the Georgia Aquariums" it is said "The Georgia Aquarium is the Largest Salt water aquarium in the world."

Im not trying to start a comment section argument. I'm just letting you know i used proper labeling and proper english definitions.
SirKingHoff - 8 years ago
its still seperate tanks... its fish cant get from one to the other they arent the same aquarium... gtfo. stay lost
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Tank: originally from Indian vernacular for a large artificial water reservoir, cistern, pool, etc.....
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
both aquariums are connected to the same reservoir... its a 500 gallon set up. Same Water. The blood in your hand will eventually make it to the tip of your toes... its all the same blood.
T_On3 YaBoi Phimma
T_On3 YaBoi Phimma - 8 years ago
O dang! TN? I would love to come by and see the tank
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Dayton TN
kyle hall
kyle hall - 8 years ago
Simple beautiful. Well done
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo - 8 years ago
Wooooooow that is amazing!
William Woodward
William Woodward - 8 years ago
Just how do you keep the "underwater waterfall" working? I mean, how did you make it so the sand is not displaced and the pipe still can pick it up? Thanks for your answer!
adameat 35
adameat 35 - 8 years ago
William Woodward make it to where the sand funnels back to the intake...
William Woodward
William Woodward - 8 years ago
I did, guess I did not see what I was looking for....thanks
The Camo'd Korean
The Camo'd Korean - 8 years ago
Watch The king of DIY. Under water waterfall
Ann 99
Ann 99 - 8 years ago
This is the Best tank setup i have seen anywhere in my life, Im serious. Wow!
Mr Suited
Mr Suited - 8 years ago
I'm so confused... How does the waterfall work? I know you said its a styrofoam and concrete mix, but does it cycle. Or does it just flake off and fall. Great setup btw. Looks sweet
Mr Suited
Mr Suited - 8 years ago
Oh ok.. thanks
Zephaniah Trezel
Zephaniah Trezel - 8 years ago
amazing tank tho
Zephaniah Trezel
Zephaniah Trezel - 8 years ago
does the male betta kill the fish
gringoron2 - 8 years ago
I have a pond with waterfall, approx. 150 gal. The tap water here in Ensenada Mx. is salty. I have local Mosquito fish and Mollys that are thriveing and bearing young. But Koi cant handle the salinity. Any suggestions greatly appreaciated. Ron
D Austin
D Austin - 8 years ago
truly awesome
Mai Dude
Mai Dude - 8 years ago
No corrys???
Mai Dude
Mai Dude - 8 years ago
Connor Kime
Connor Kime - 8 years ago
Amazing tanks!!!!!!
Lien Nguyen
Lien Nguyen - 8 years ago
Great Job.. Beautiful
Ivan Villanueva
Ivan Villanueva - 8 years ago
I love the song choice! I played "Sing Sing Sing" in jazz band! I got the sax solo! Love the tank!
Mann Goodroad
Mann Goodroad - 8 years ago
I envy....
Carly Vezz
Carly Vezz - 8 years ago
could you do an update video??
Nonya Busi
Nonya Busi - 8 years ago
Beautiful thanks for sharing
Billy Smith
Billy Smith - 8 years ago
ouch bettas and livebearers, imagine that with haps and peacock cichlids!! also good shit on the sump, I run a 55 on a 220 drilled and havent lost a fish in 2 years.
Ann J
Ann J - 8 years ago
Cri Maron
Cri Maron - 8 years ago
It is a thing amazing. Exactly is an art. I was surprised - Hey I'm up to turtle (* ^^ *)
livetwiceboy1999 - 8 years ago
great set up bro! plus for the water turtles too!!
Michael Schaaf
Michael Schaaf - 8 years ago
I hate that crap that is on the other videos I hate electronic sounds!
Old swing, GREAT STUFF! I've fished the Kenai! The most amazing salmon fishing! Thanks for the video! AWESOME tank!!
Kailash Lang
Kailash Lang - 8 years ago
Sara Buggy
Sara Buggy - 8 years ago
Ive never liked guppies until this video! goaaals
Mya8D - 8 years ago
Guppies breed like crazy! If you ever have a problem you could sell the offspring for just a little pocket money.
Rab Anderson
Rab Anderson - 8 years ago
Love this. Very natural setups. Glad I found this. And your a fisherman. Way to go.
Sora - 8 years ago
Oh God you have turtles ^^
Cole Foy
Cole Foy - 8 years ago
This is the sickest tank setup I've ever seen. Bravo man.
Wyatt Afterglow
Wyatt Afterglow - 8 years ago
oh my goshhh your setup is amazing O_O whuuuuuuuuuut
Aaron Cauraugh
Aaron Cauraugh - 8 years ago
where did you get dragonflies ? how long has the system been running ?
vee aquarius
vee aquarius - 8 years ago
wow....just... wow... i love how you have everything in place... this is what i call dedication... thumbs up dude :3
danmo43 - 8 years ago
Very, VERY COOL! I am glad I stumbled across your video!
bxman89 - 8 years ago
dope setup man keep it up love it
170221dn - 8 years ago
Great setup.
Are there any issues with the guppies and betta?
nguyen luan
nguyen luan - 8 years ago
does turtle supposed to eat fish?
Hex - 8 years ago
Amazing tank!! How did you get your background looking so good??? All of the carved foam rock backgrounds I see look so fake and tacky but yours looks great
Billy Smith
Billy Smith - 8 years ago
damn really? you should see mine, they look so bloody real with water stop cement and cement dye, I use a heatgun to give it a very realistic rock look
RiscutBiscut - 8 years ago
I'm just trying to find the comment where someone thinks you have your tank overcrowded lol. Phenomenal set up man!
Wernbread - 8 years ago
The music goes great with all the fish because it's like jazzy music and there are so many fish that it looks like a mingling party which goes great with jazz
Mrs. Torrita Uzor
Mrs. Torrita Uzor - 8 years ago
oh my gosh!!!!! I am in love and inspiration has taken over.
Halic Agron
Halic Agron - 8 years ago
hey fighting fish dont live withe guppy
Zack Stevenson
Zack Stevenson - 8 years ago
Certain fish such as Tetras and guppies can live with Berta fish
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
that's just straight up incredible this really inspires me :)
Srinivas Kari
Srinivas Kari - 8 years ago
how much did it cost you to setup all this?
The Humble Geometric Figure of Doom
The Humble Geometric Figure of Doom - 8 years ago
It is actually pretty cheap. I have already spent 285+ dollars on a 12.5 gallon tank...
Remy - 8 years ago
+WaterspoutsOfTheDeep lol
DJHeroMasta - 8 years ago
That's it? Wow. O_O
WaterspoutsOfTheDeep - 8 years ago
So do the turtles live off of eating the guppies? lol
Remy - 8 years ago
+John Marchan ikr
John Marchan
John Marchan - 8 years ago
Impressive man. You did an amazing job on this.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Probably 1000 US dollars over a period of 4 years
Jace Martin
Jace Martin - 8 years ago
This is awesome! Crazy how you can make a self sustaining ecosystem in a 500 gal tank! Where's the follow up video?
Teten. Designproduce
Teten. Designproduce - 8 years ago
The Q-Tip J-Hope throws in the YNWA Preview Show
The Q-Tip J-Hope throws in the YNWA Preview Show - 8 years ago
That betta is freakin' gorgeous.
Ruben van der Zee
Ruben van der Zee - 8 years ago
want to trade houses?
Scarredninja - 8 years ago
Tetras would look really cool, seeing a huge school just swin freely.
parsons15 - 8 years ago
outstanding! lovely work there buddy! Think i need some hints and tips from you! id love to do something like this
Brian Green
Brian Green - 8 years ago
Those are the luckiest betta fish in the world, I mostly see them in pet stores inside tiny jars the size of a fist :(
Bone Thug99
Bone Thug99 - 8 years ago
this tank is PERFECT
Island Mike
Island Mike - 8 years ago
dont understand..the tank is a nice natural biotope..but the waterfall looks tacky..doesnt fit in this good looking tank..imo
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
I had seen it before, and I just figured I would try it.
Greg M
Greg M - 8 years ago
Love It!!!
mef1975 - 8 years ago
That must be one of the most amazing freshwater tanks I've ever seen.  I wish I could learn from you.
GingerGamer - 8 years ago
This is a dream tank for the Betta! I see people put them in half gallon bowls let alone a freakin 150 gallon tank! I love it.
Teneshia Gillard
Teneshia Gillard - 8 years ago
you have the most awesome guppies tank inyje world
Haytham Magdi
Haytham Magdi - 8 years ago
EPIC tank!
Mohamed Mustafa
Mohamed Mustafa - 8 years ago
Just awesome
JTS21 •Jeff•
JTS21 •Jeff• - 8 years ago
I put my betta with molly fish and im scared but I gave it a try and everything seems to be blending well the betta fish is acting like molly the betta is scared of my black pregnant molly...
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
please tell me you have a tutorial on how to build the auto feeder?
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
A betta usually has a territory of 3 sq ft. If the tank is around 6 sq ft, two bettas can have their full territory and get along!
Jonas Broch
Jonas Broch - 8 years ago
Feril1 - 8 years ago
Only Betta Splenda are aggressive.
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
+Phuuk Awf`Bech All bettas are aggressive with each other. But if they each have a territory of the correct size, they will not interact regularly. But if they did run into each other, they could easily get away
Phe Ab
Phe Ab - 8 years ago
depending if they're aggressive. two male
bettas aren't a good. idea
Lab Lag
Lab Lag - 8 years ago
I wish I had this tank
Brie Michaels
Brie Michaels - 8 years ago
this is amazing
Curtis K
Curtis K - 8 years ago
Wow very nice !
Bruce Samuelson
Bruce Samuelson - 8 years ago
This is your dream tank? Yes it is very very nice but you use it for guppies? Guppies? I feed guppies to my frogs. Why on earth would you waste a wonderful set up like this on guppies?
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
I am honored to have one of the famed "YouTube comment section arguments" on one of my videos. Thank you all for participating. I have enjoyed reading all your comments and have not been able to answer, I was out of the country.
Nero Zero
Nero Zero - 8 years ago
+Kathy Sonen Actually in Singapore people do and OFTEN ask to Stud out winning males. Sorry you're just a dumb ass american I mean you support animal credulity as your picture so happily screams so that's all I need to know about you.
Nero Zero
Nero Zero - 8 years ago
+Bleu Marina Actually you do maybe you should look it up. Sorry that you're such an ignorant bitch and don't know shit about real betta shows. Ignorant trashy American.
Bleu Marina
Bleu Marina - 8 years ago
Compositions? Wow, your betta must be an amazing writer to win you money with compositions!

but umm...you don't win money in shows...
Nero Zero
Nero Zero - 8 years ago
+Bleu Marina Really now because he's won me over 5 grand in compositions and I've been paid to stud him out to people but oh my you know sooooo much more than everyone else my bad I didn't know you were far supiriour to absolutely everyone . Let me bow down and praise you oh mighty know it all.
Nero Zero
Nero Zero - 8 years ago
+Kathy Sonen Really then why has my betta earned me over 5000 in shows as being a first place winner hmmm??? And why have I been paid to use him as a stud for peoples female bettas?

But oh yes such a scam getting a high quality for a good price I must tell those people how dare they sell me a show winner for only 6 bucks LOL.

Sounds like you are horribly butthurt that someone got a decent fish for a decent price
Bleu Marina
Bleu Marina - 8 years ago
+Nero Zero Nope, I can guarantee you that most winning show guppies will sell for much more. Same with bettas. I attended an IBC show a while back and they auctioned off some fish. My friends sold some quality breeding pairs - they all sold for over $40. So your betta probably wasn't IBC material. If he won anything, it was probably a tiny local show. Look on Aquabid - even bettas that weren't shown yet are at least $20. If you told a betta breeder that a big award winning betta was worth $6, he'd probably laugh!
Nero Zero
Nero Zero - 8 years ago
+Bleu Marina I own a Show betta who is a compition winner I paid 6.00 for him. My friend owns and breed Show guppies most he sells them for is 8.00 ...Sounds like you are talking to the wrong people.
Bleu Marina
Bleu Marina - 8 years ago
I said SHOW fancy guppies, not your regular ol pet store fancy guppies. I know a show fancy guppy breeder, his guppies sold for over $80, not just 2 or 3 bucks. And I'm aware cichlids are expensive, but really any high quality fish can be expensive. Even show bettas can go over $100, and show fancy goldfish can go well over $300.
Nero Zero
Nero Zero - 8 years ago
+Bleu Marina Fancy guppies are not expensive unless 2-3.00 is expensive. They are pretty but far from expensive now Cichlids..those are some fancy pain in the ass expensive fish.
nguyen luan
nguyen luan - 8 years ago
although i agree that he waste this tank with guppy, i must admit that guppy is the most beautiful fish.
Bleu Marina
Bleu Marina - 8 years ago
The guppies you feed to your frogs are probably feeder guppies, not fancy guppies like these ones. Ever seen show fancy guppies? They're quite expensive and really beautiful fish that breeders take lots of time to breed perfectly. Not all of them are used as feeders like yours...
Anyways it's his choice..I think the tank looks quite nice with them.
Nero Zero
Nero Zero - 8 years ago
+Matt Miller I've got 15 right now in my 45 gallon. Stops the aggression and they never need water changes , was told I was nuts when I got into the hobby. Your tank really is breath tanking though, inspires me a lot
Bruce Samuelson
Bruce Samuelson - 8 years ago
I keep Cichlids as well. We have 4 in a 30 gallon. We also keep African Clawed frogs.
Nero Zero
Nero Zero - 8 years ago
Cichlids man. Cichlids. I have had mine in their current tank for 9 months and only had to do one water change. All are healthy and breeding very nicely and that's in a 55 gallon tank. I can only imagine them in a tank like this.
TacoKicker - 8 years ago
Guppies rule!
Bruce Samuelson
Bruce Samuelson - 8 years ago
Nope we are getting close. Just need to save up for that big show tank. Can't wait for my Cichlids to get big enough to start breeding.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
+Matt Miller so your set up is not that far away. dream big.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
+Matt Miller Craigslist, a bit of carpentry skills, youtube videos on DIY, and a lot if foreknowledge on filtration... My whole set up was only 1000 dollars over 2 or 3 years.
Bruce Samuelson
Bruce Samuelson - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms I also keep guppies as feeders for my African Clawed Frogs in a little 5 gallon tank. We may have a problem. We have 6 different tanks in our house. The aforementioned 5 gallon for feeder guppies. A 20 gallon we keep 2 African Clawed Frogs in. A 30 gallon for a Cichlid breeding tank. The 10 gallon for the Mollies. Then my fiancee has a 10 gallon divided into thirds for male Betas and two five gallon tanks she has for female Betas. Our next purchase is going to be a show tank for male Cichlids. I really love your set up and want our show tank to be like yours.
Bruce Samuelson
Bruce Samuelson - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms I can't speak for their reproductive cycle, but if you are looking for another hearty fish. I would suggest Mollies. I bought 6 Mollies to use to help cycle my tank with expecting most of them to die. I bought them because they were cheap and colorful. They survived not only cycling that tank, but are still thriving despite putting them in another uncycled tank. I planned on getting rid of them once the tank cycled but they really endeared themselves to me. So I grabbed a ten gallon tank we had in storage and set it up for them.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
I feed my guppies to my plants, snails, turtles, dragon fly larva, angelfish, and betta fish... So I guess I have one up on you. And yeah guppies are a dream fish... If you have another fish that can survive over 3 months without weekly supervision, or a fish that can withstand 7.4 chlorinated tap water in my automatic water changes, or a fish that can reproduce faster than the predators can consume them... Then please let me know. I would love to find me a more resilient fish. Thanks for asking though.
Mary Ridenhour
Mary Ridenhour - 8 years ago
I love your tank where did you get you fish and clams?
Kathy Lynn Maracle
Kathy Lynn Maracle - 8 years ago
Thank you for sharing this beautiful and innovative set up! Cute to see the angel guarding its eggs. Thank you for the swing music too :)

Question everyone has on their minds - DOES THE GIANT CLAM HAVE A NAME, AND IF YES, WHAT IS IT?!? ^_^
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
+Kathy Lynn Maracle The clam's name is Chowder... ha ha, if it ever upsets me... it will suffer the consequences.
TheDrakenZ - 8 years ago
You get incredible respect, for not only a beautiful planted aquarium, WITH guppies but you also like 20's music. You're a champion, well done! People hate guppies so much, I love them. I've been selectively breeding the same generation of guppies (adding and removing males) for the past 7 years now, recently decided to switch into salt water, and with guppies being brackish water I successfully converted my guppy tank as well as all the pond snails to full salt water (1.024 sg). People are like "WHY?!", the reason is so i can put my guppy tank in line with my salt water and it's sump, and i can use the light from the guppy tank to grow macro algae, so i can double my guppy aquarium as a refugium. Guppies are so much healthier now too, hopefully their colours become more pronounced from generations in salt water.
TheDrakenZ - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms Yeah absolutely agreed. Ever since i made the switch to salt water it's been a hassle. I miss planted freshwater for the aspect of not having to change the water all the time. I'm trying to figure out good methods of keeping the water good without having to change it so much. Salt is expensive lol. Theres a bright side though, i can use the salt water from water changes to de-ice my driveway in the winter.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
+TheDrakenZ Thanks, I love fish that can go back and forth in brackish. I refuse to do salt water because of my automatic water changes. i Like the Don't worry about it set up.
Jacob Cudmore
Jacob Cudmore - 8 years ago
Jane Allison Circle
Jane Allison Circle - 8 years ago
I love everything about your tank. With your background, how did you introduce it to your setup? Did your Ph skyrocket? Did you add it to your setup while it was established with fish or soak it beforehand? I am working on the same thing but trying to find out how to add it without hurting the fish or plants and I heard epoxy coating cut down on time but it's pretty expensive. Thanks for any tips you might give. :)
Monica Martin
Monica Martin - 8 years ago
Holy freaking cow! This is the most incredible tank I have ever seen.
Jane Allison Circle
Jane Allison Circle - 8 years ago
Outstanding. This is living art!
Marc Mears
Marc Mears - 8 years ago
You made my dream tank. Wow
Kyle Grissom
Kyle Grissom - 8 years ago
Thanks for not playing dubstep or looped guitar riffs!!! This is the most stunning tank I have ever seen.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
+Kyle Grissom ohhh yeah i forgot about looped guitar in 80% of all tank videos.
Michael Coffey
Michael Coffey - 8 years ago
Honestly amazing tanks
Zoe Scoville
Zoe Scoville - 8 years ago
it a heavily planted 40 breeder enough for 2 males and 10 females, (bettas), and about 20 guppies
Charles J Gartner
Charles J Gartner - 8 years ago
dammmnnnn... fucking rad. Good work.
Dizzy Viz
Dizzy Viz - 8 years ago
This is amazing!! Looks like so much work. I'm so jealous.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
I haven't given it maintenance in 2 years. everyone who comes to visit still says WOW
Double Infinity
Double Infinity - 8 years ago
No words can explain your intetest
Daniel Thompson
Daniel Thompson - 8 years ago
Spectacular! Thanks for sharing.
Neil Munro
Neil Munro - 8 years ago
Fantastic setup
Morgan Seals
Morgan Seals - 8 years ago
Hello. I spoke to yesterday while doing your passport pictures. You wouldnt happen to know anyone named Kyle Pendergrass?
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Yeah I know Kyle, haven't seen him in long time though. Let me know if you guys want some pleck's.
Dave Smith
Dave Smith - 8 years ago
i think the beautiful waterfall effect looks better when there's less rock for sand to accumulate on - it stops looking like water and starts looking like sand, revealing the trick! not that i could make any better though
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Yeah, this was my first waterfall. I learned my lesson with the first one. Thanks for the comment.
Hundred - 8 years ago
that looks so cool
Eva Yakc
Eva Yakc - 8 years ago
wow. congratulations on a jaw dropping setup... just one question, do the turtles eat any of the fish?
christel1857 - 8 years ago
This is absolutely amazing
TheMarKing18 - 8 years ago
awesome setup! what do you do to get rid of the nitrates? or do you have enough plants to absorb it? And I suppose you have a mechanism that tops off water? I'm particularly interested in the top off system, could you tell me a little about it?
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Another way to do it, now that you have the auto top off system is just to use an airline tube and siphon your main tank into your overflow or drain every once in a while. That way your auto top off will continue to add water for several hours. Just remember to stop the siphon before there is more tap than aged water. And that your temp doesn't fall below 60 Fahrenheit. Like I said i let that run for 6 hours or so. Once left it overnight. Water was clear.... Clear .... Clear... All my critters had to pull out and start using their winter wardrobe though.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Your sump must have an overflow, or your fish tank. Then from Walmart or any store you buy an automatic gardening water timer. Set it up to ad 20 percent of your water volume every 2 weeks. Or if you are a little more tech savi you can buy an irrigation silinoid and set that up with a 24 v power supply also on a timer. I usually do automatic water changes for 6 hours every 2 to 3 weeks.
TheMarKing18 - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms Yes please!
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Go to tractor supply or your cattle or animal feed store. It's called a water top off valve. It cost 10.00 dollars and it attaches to a regular hose. It's a miniature floter like your toilet has and it will keep the water always at the same level. Then if you want to know how to do automatic water changes send me another message.
TheJibootyinfiresme - 8 years ago
omg all those snails
Savana Word
Savana Word - 8 years ago
This is the most beautiful tank I have ever saw
Tyler Rodriguez
Tyler Rodriguez - 8 years ago
I love the tank. Absolutely gorgeous! But I have one question... I thought Bettas couldn't be in a tank with guppys as they look semi similar..? (Granite I don't know if that still applies for a tank of that size Lol) not trying to be a douche or anything just curious
Tyler Rodriguez
Tyler Rodriguez - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms Ohhh okay I gotcha! Still fairly new to the fish keeping game but like I said gorgeous tank hope to someday have something like that!
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
45 gallon with 65 fish
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Tank space, and plenty of hiding places.
Example, if you had a 50 gallon tank that was empty, just water and gravel, you could have maybe 15 to 20 fish. They stress out when they have no where to hide or when they see each other to often.
Same 50 gallon tank, now full of plants, drift wood, lace rock or volcanic, with really good filtration.... You could have 60 to 75 fish. I know because I have done it and it was awesome. Everything needs to be stocked at the same time, that way you don't have fish with territories established when you add new fish. Filtration filtration filtration....
pierre5325 - 8 years ago
Most marvelous, you are an artist and excellent fish lover.
Thanks for the vid. pierre from NM
Mind Riot TV
Mind Riot TV - 8 years ago
One of the best set ups I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing!
Jan Rozema
Jan Rozema - 8 years ago
like your setup. would like to see your followup aswell as more detailed vid of you filter system.
M Arriaza
M Arriaza - 8 years ago
This. Is. AMAZING. I <3 you.
Jade French
Jade French - 8 years ago
This setup is ridiculously beautiful! It is most definitely a life goal for me, oh my goodness. Your keeping of the snails and guppies is so brave! I don't think I could possibly keep so many of either of them without being constantly worried or upset about them overcrowding the tank or dying out. And keeping bettas together? Ten thumbs up!!!! Brilliant and stunning!
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
100 gallon enough for 2betta?
MageTezzos - 8 years ago
+daniel wang female bettas are less aggressive than males, i had 4 females in a 10 gallon tank mate.
Daniel Wang
Daniel Wang - 8 years ago
200 gallons can easily have 18 bettas, aggressive or not. Thats a lot of space.
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
And they are not aggressive
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
+daniel wang not actually , i just search it and i see A 200 gallon with 18 female betta
Daniel Wang
Daniel Wang - 8 years ago
+MageTezzos I think you got your facts wrong. Female bettas are just as aggressive as male ones. If I'm wrong please tell me.
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
+MageTezzos thanks
MageTezzos - 8 years ago
+Victor Techakaisri As long as it's heavily planted, guppies platties mollies and swordtails (females only) do well w/ bettas Females are wayyyyy less aggressive and you can have 5-8 female bettas in there, they will school with one another. :)
AngelJay Jimenez
AngelJay Jimenez - 8 years ago
+nicky B no is not impossible i have two bettas in the same thank and about, 12 guppyes and everybody inside there are so happy going side to side in my 100 gallons fishtank. ;)
Vash The Stampede
Vash The Stampede - 8 years ago
those lillies are beautiful. scientific name by chance?
Ryan John II Redondo
Ryan John II Redondo - 8 years ago
your Betta fish is very cool
Keith Yohai
Keith Yohai - 8 years ago
That's a great set up. Really well thought out and executed. I'm curious about the turtles eating the fish.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Never noticed any live fish missing. Most turtles are not tank turtles though. Fully aquatic turtles are the ones needed. Mine are logger head musk turtles they feed on snails, plants and dead fish.
NME NME - 8 years ago
I have had up to 3 male bettas in one 20 gal. tank before. You just stagger the ages and they do well. Also, have lots of hiding places. I currently have 3 females and one small male in one tank. They get along fine. They do buck for seniority, but that's natural. BTW--Love the tanks!!!!! I would love to have something like that. I was just like you...didn't like fish, but my daughter moved and couldn't take it with her, so my love grew. My intent is to grow mine as well. I recently purchased a 50 gal. and once I can get a full grip on it, I will keep going. My intent is to turn the garage into my fish room and connect as many tanks together as possible.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Nice, I have designed my next house and it is designed around a fish room. The living room wall shows all the tanks, I'm thinking 3 or 4 big ones. The fish room is in the same location as the laundry room, that way I have access to hot, cold water and a drain. Multiple drains. Look me up agin when you plan on hooking 2 or more together. You need only ONE water reservoir and only ONE good pump. A good friend of mine runs 3000 gallons, all in 30 gal tanks.Only one pump only one air bubbler. 3 or 4 heaters only for the whole system. I can draw you some sketches of the plumbing when you are ready.
Josh Vollberg
Josh Vollberg - 8 years ago
This is the best freshwater setup I've ever seen!
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Thanks man, one day, one day maybe I will bite the bullet and try salt.
mdtcheau1 - 8 years ago
1. Your tanks are incredible.
2. Spending the whole summer in alaska fishing? while having self sustaining tanks? Your life is my dream! I'd love to chat with you haha!
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
My hobbies and passions revolve around water. My hobby is a 500 gal fish tank and a 18,000 gal pond and waterfall (keeping fish alive), my job is fishing salmon in Alaska (killing millions of fish), and my passion is freediving and spearfishing, (trying not to be killed by fish, Sharks) thanks for the comments. Look at my other video on Alaska fishing and my Spearfishing survival story.
Chloe Troub
Chloe Troub - 8 years ago
that's one lucky betta haha
Jade French
Jade French - 8 years ago
+Chloe Troub He has two bettas in the bottom and three in the top. So cool!
Jessica Gerken
Jessica Gerken - 8 years ago
Amazing setup. I would love to see more on this tank.
dajoke24 - 8 years ago
what do you mean 3rd generation dragonflies living in the setup?
dajoke24 - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms oh okay.  thanks.  beautiful tank btw
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
+dajoke24 Got wild plants from creeks and springs, put them my fish tank. There must have been eggs in the plants because a few months later dragon flies were flying around in the sump room, they lived out their life cycle, and died. few moths later their "children" hatched and lived out their life cycle, at the time of the video, the dragon fly "grandchildren" were flying around. Right now its like the 5th generation. They eat water flees and surface micro bugs.
Rigel Mc
Rigel Mc - 8 years ago
Id love to be wealthy so I can have the joy of owning something so magnificent like this!!! its so gorgeous!!! but looks hella expensive!! you should get some corals too!!! those are my favorites.
Rigel Mc
Rigel Mc - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms Colombia. Im gonna look the aquarium market over here cos I think we don't have much.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
+Rigel Mc What country? Ps: I started with a 10 gallon fish tank. 
Rigel Mc
Rigel Mc - 8 years ago
ok but there must be a way of self sustaining salt water aquarium I mean then how the sea does it? It must be a way, probably is more expensive. and 1000 bucks here in my country is triple the amount so it would be like 3000 bucks and with that i can feed my family for 5 months!! but again, is gorgeous and the part i love the most is that is self sustained full ecosystem with real plants and all!! I guess ill stick with the "ghetto Im broke aquarium" tutorial that is here on youtube so i can get started at this.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Ha ha, thanks, but I would not consider myself wealthy, the whole set up is custom and I have probably only spent 1000 dollars over a period of 8 years. Seriously the whole thing cost 1000 dollars. Oh and it's fresh water, if it were salt I could not have it take care of itself for 3 months out of the year. Salt tanks require a lot of babysitting.
Cassia Lupo
Cassia Lupo - 8 years ago
Is there Co2 in this tank?
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
No C02 just natural waste and good lighting. From lowes or home depot
tox0tes - 8 years ago
How do you clean it?
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Never have to. It's self sustained. Plants eat all the waste.
baebaeliz - 8 years ago
That's an epic tank
james smith
james smith - 9 years ago
you come up to anchorage to fish?
james smith
james smith - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms i dont do any of those lol i just fish alot. flipping and recently got into fly fishing at the Russian although i go to ship a few times for kings
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
+james smith Are you a Seiner or a Gillneter?
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Cordova Alaska actually. Been fishing out of there since 2003
Bethany Stuart
Bethany Stuart - 9 years ago
That Betta is gorgeous
Kai - 9 years ago
this is my dream set up
Anusha K Murthy
Anusha K Murthy - 9 years ago
awesome gorgeous.
Audrey ivy
Audrey ivy - 9 years ago
that is freakin awesome!!!!!!
choppa gunna
choppa gunna - 9 years ago
this is crazy a waterfall underwater I need it
Sarpa salpa
Sarpa salpa - 9 years ago
where is the freshwater clam from? I have found them in Chicago-land area. Do those tolerate warmer tropical aquarium?
daren barling
daren barling - 9 years ago
man that is a beautiful set up you have,amazing
Quresh Kolhapurwala
Quresh Kolhapurwala - 9 years ago
what a gorgeous setup! lots of hard work into it and it shows! hope your fish are well....
Wagner Santana
Wagner Santana - 9 years ago
Beautiful. .. Good job bro! But I think was expensive... nothing cheap!
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Only 1000 dollars spent over 8 years
Sarpa salpa
Sarpa salpa - 9 years ago
+Wagner Santana actually at least the waterfall is very cheap if that's what made you think so.
Prometheus211 Sun
Prometheus211 Sun - 9 years ago
best fish tank i have seen in years love it bro keep it up
vyck6977 - 9 years ago
Love the set up!
Do you have video of your method and supplies used for building your waterfalls?
Howardo Brown
Howardo Brown - 9 years ago
fcking beautiful
vyck6977 - 9 years ago
beautiful set up!!
Diego Lujan
Diego Lujan - 9 years ago
Nice guppies and fish tank
Nerd Gaming
Nerd Gaming - 9 years ago
The song used in this videois the song were doing for the Provo temple celebration.
Ryan Hill
Ryan Hill - 9 years ago
I would put a few crawfish in there, just in case something dies
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Crawfish are in he reservoir in the back. The snails and turtles handle everything else. Crawfish would devastate the plants.
Boknoy Sandoval
Boknoy Sandoval - 9 years ago
gupppy canal I'm xure
Boknoy Sandoval
Boknoy Sandoval - 9 years ago
gafffy fish ser
khanh tran
khanh tran - 9 years ago
Where you buy the sand? And what kind of the sand you used? Thanks
Adam_Wardle18 - 9 years ago
That is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen... WOW! Congrats!
Ivan Torres
Ivan Torres - 9 years ago
what type of foundation do you have, dirt? gravel?. do you have to make water changes to replenish minerals and do you siphon the bottom for excess poop?
Ivan Torres
Ivan Torres - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms do the rabbit snail eat up your plant's? would you recommend adding them to a planted tank.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Sand and volcanic stone. Neve siphoned the waste. The rabbit snails usually move the rocks upward so all the wate goes to the roots of the plants.
Shawn Olmstead-Leahey
Shawn Olmstead-Leahey - 9 years ago
Wow these are beautiful!
Rod Tabor
Rod Tabor - 9 years ago
I'm surprised no one has commented on the waterfall. That's awesome . . . how did you accomplish that feat? Is there a video or tutorial on that?
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 8 years ago
+Rod Tabor There is one of "The king of DIY"s channel
L. H
L. H - 9 years ago
Best tank ever!! good job
Rachel Rogers
Rachel Rogers - 9 years ago
I would love to see this on a live stream (heh). Amazing. This is just amazing.
Lebron Nate
Lebron Nate - 9 years ago
two Bettas in one tank?
Grayson Pratt
Grayson Pratt - 9 years ago
400 gallons tho.... Lots of room for the fish to swim away.
tatum - 9 years ago
This is every fish owners dream! Haha. It's beautiful!
cooldude Ayush
cooldude Ayush - 7 years ago
LostMexicanFilms u are the guardain of the ecosystem which is growing day by day like in the wild
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
I once spent 6 whole moths away from home, the tank looked clearer than i could ever get it, in fact i began messing with things and murked it up for weeks, Killed all my Aerobic Bacteria in the filter and all my anaerobic bacteria in the gravel.
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
+Cobalt. The video explains Automatic Water changes and i have installed a drip system as well. Nitrates are consumed by the plants.
Cobalt - 7 years ago
Nitrate buildup requires water changes. You have food automated but the tank won't clean itself.
LostMexicanFilms - 7 years ago
+Cobalt .... No maintenance at all. NO MAINTENENCE. Im away from my home almost 8 months out of the year, the tank takes care of itself. Literally. Watch the tank Update in the Description to see the tank 2 years later.
Cobalt - 7 years ago
Maintenance is a nightmare though.
Rus Buda
Rus Buda - 8 years ago
+HelloIt&#39;sme It is so coooolll
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Thank you both. It all began with a 10 gallon over 8 years ago, I didn't like fish tanks cause I thought it silly to own a pet you cannot pet. They make the BEST pets.
Victoria Obricki
Victoria Obricki - 9 years ago
That's what I thought too.
nettocop1 - 9 years ago
how you make these awsome continuous stone on the first aquarium?
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
I was going to make a tutorial on that... and forgot. didn't even take pictures. Take white styrofoam board. Brake it or melt it into the shapes you want on your backdrop, use a can of GreatStuff insulation foam to stick it to the back of the tank. Now that you have your foam structure. Grab a paint brush. Mix cement with a colored soil. (red clay, or black dirt, yellow sand) make a watery paint like mix and brush it on to your concrete. if you want stronger colors lowes and home depot have cement dye.
MrHollowpoint60 - 9 years ago
that music just makes me wanna say SMOKAAAN (jim carey voice) #the mask
cornbread1970 - 9 years ago
You need to do a video on how you set up your feeder. The turntable and jar is self explanatory but how did you set it up so only a pinch of food comes out at each revolution?
cornbread1970 - 9 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms awsome!
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
A new more efficient 5 month food supply feeder is coming.
Asif Ifas
Asif Ifas - 9 years ago
very cool, but serously messy lol. so clutterd so much going on it takes away from the beauty.
Rohit N
Rohit N - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms Deep ^^
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
An ecosystem is my ultimate goal. Not beauty. Nature is messy, nature is unorganized. Nature to me is beauty... Organization is a human fear of chaos.
moon videoz
moon videoz - 9 years ago
dude.. you have a goddamn eco system in your house. so cool
MrEmilio456 - 9 years ago
love how the tank looks
Magid Zaafran
Magid Zaafran - 9 years ago
How is there 2 male bettas?
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
If they have enough space and their own territory, they won't fight.
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 9 years ago
Really cool setup you've got there! How do you deal with evaporation during the summer when you're not around? Awesome how you get to see the end of the tank as well as the front! Love that diy auto feeder!
Race2461 Gaming
Race2461 Gaming - 9 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms this is awesome
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
Automatic auto flow for the sump. $10.00 at your tractor supply or farm store. It's the water floater they use to keep horse and cow water troffs full at all times.
Lars Hansen
Lars Hansen - 9 years ago
That was amazing! thank you!
ThatPigeonOnYouTube - 9 years ago
Vip Keys
Vip Keys - 9 years ago
Nice going, you just made my 1st attempt at this look even more hideous. Back to the drawing board.
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
+Vip Keys Ha ha. Thanks my friend. Let me know what you are struggling with and i will do everything i can to help. Backdrops are very cheap to make. My first ever was the one in the top tank. I cringe when the snails devour the plants and display my first attempt. What exactly are you trying to do?
MasterOfAllGaming - 9 years ago
You sir are the best fish keeper ever its not just the fish but also how awesome the tanks are and the ecosystem
Ahmad Firdaus Mandala
Ahmad Firdaus Mandala - 9 years ago
asu ikk jos gandos tenan
Vip Keys
Vip Keys - 9 years ago
Smog J
Smog J - 9 years ago
Doesn't this set up cost a lot with electricity and water???
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
About 5 to 8 dollars a month added to my water and electric.
honey owen
honey owen - 9 years ago
do you sell these? if you don't you should. lots and lots and lots of wealthy ppl would love something like this. you need to ind the right contacts.
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
I do build them for other people. Anyone in TN interested in one I would be glad to give a quote. I'm 3 hours north of Atlanta Georgia
honey owen
honey owen - 9 years ago
omg awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PuRqL3Haz3 - 9 years ago
That Betta didn't look too good
Kritty Kratfish
Kritty Kratfish - 9 years ago
god my mom would love you.
zaggaona - 7 years ago
God my mom, would love you
Richard Leau
Richard Leau - 7 years ago
No. Her mom is god and would love you. But.....
A Lonely Motherfucker
A Lonely Motherfucker - 8 years ago
You mom loves god?
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 9 years ago
how do you tell from female and male brisle noses
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
Males have bristles... Females do not
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 9 years ago
wont that feeder pa-loot the tank
CheeseSauce - 9 years ago
Honestly I think this is gorgeous. But... I'm not sure how happy I would be having dragonflies roaming around my house. Is there someway to contain that?
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
The back of the tank is separate from the rest of the house. So dragonflies are free only in the fish room
yanr popoff
yanr popoff - 9 years ago
all i can say job well done keep up the good work
Sumeet Solanki
Sumeet Solanki - 9 years ago
Never seen such a beautiful and well organised Tank ever . U inspired me . Exceptional :D
Crazy Fish
Crazy Fish - 9 years ago
THAT IS A PRETTY TANK!! beautiful setup beautiful fish
FishTanks704 - 9 years ago
im still waiting for a update on this tank
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
Ha ha. Soon my friend. Soon. Automatic feeder 3.0 in process
Bodie Breitbach
Bodie Breitbach - 9 years ago
Bodie Breitbach
Bodie Breitbach - 9 years ago
William Houston
William Houston - 9 years ago
thats awesome!!!...... thats not 20s music btw...
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
Yeah, sorry, sing sing sing, is from the 30's.
But what I meant is I love music from that era. From the 20s like Al Jolson, Louis Armstrong, and Jimmie Rodgers.
udaydesai1 - 9 years ago
its amazing man .............u have done extraordinary work its an award winning work...........
Jian Zheng
Jian Zheng - 9 years ago
Amazing tanks
Joseph Luis M.V
Joseph Luis M.V - 9 years ago
wow!! very nice set up.
i wish i have a tank like that.
keep it up
minimalist_82 - 9 years ago
who r U??? this is amazing!
Knightmare6 - 9 years ago
Nice tanks! I'm hoping one day to get a large one some I can implement some sandfalls! I was most amazed with seeing the two male bettas not attacking one another! Are they still peaceful?
Gefest33020 - 9 years ago
This is the best fish tank i have ever seen.
Alex The Great
Alex The Great - 9 years ago
omg. how does that even work?!?!
Jasmadi Syah
Jasmadi Syah - 9 years ago
man.. your blue male betta is really beautiful. and, how it can lives with the other fish?
Jacob Temple
Jacob Temple - 9 years ago
My male beta lives in a 20 gallon with about 7 other fish (mostly guppies)
Orlxndo - 9 years ago
+Jasmadi Syah  The tank is large enough to where he doesn't have to be territorial, if it was smaller, he wouldn't be living with them. (:
rabbit290670 - 9 years ago
9 people are just jealous. Wish I had these tanks. Bloody awesome mate.
Taegan Linnel
Taegan Linnel - 9 years ago
this is a really cool tank !!!!
Mike Oxbig
Mike Oxbig - 9 years ago
How big do loggerhead turtles get? I'd like a turtle in 1 of my tanks but I need to find types that stay small...
Ryan Benjamin
Ryan Benjamin - 9 years ago
+Mike Oxbig Try a musk turtle they are great in aquariums, stay small, and are fairly cheap and easy to attain
FishTanks704 - 9 years ago
this is by far the best eco system and tank i have seen on youtube wow you just inspired me as i just restarted my tank. thank you and i cant wait till you post a update
Sherry L
Sherry L - 9 years ago
bailey7175 - 9 years ago
What a smart and fantastic set up,i love the idea of being self contained, way cool:)
judo king
judo king - 9 years ago
This is amazing.. WOW blew my mind..
Gary Pelaez
Gary Pelaez - 9 years ago
omg dude fucking awesome fish tanks, i love the clam... the rest of the video is amazing
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 9 years ago
hold up, did I see a betta fish with guppies? Is that even possible?! XD
Allen Montalvan
Allen Montalvan - 7 years ago
Nikki The Fox I know and he has alot of bettas
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
i dont know but like this size a bit smaller iam guessing.
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
+Eadyn Clifford and how large is your tank
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
+Eadyn Clifford no problem
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
+Erickson Neithann Ruaro​ thanks for the imfo I will straight away ☺
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
+Eadyn Clifford btw soon get another female betta so one female is dominant and the others are not if there are only 2 they will fight to see who is the leader
Bethany Stuart
Bethany Stuart - 9 years ago
Defiantly possible
Howardo Brown
Howardo Brown - 9 years ago
+Nikki B The Orcinus orca my betta lives with a school and guppies and tetras and a few other fish, even a rainbow shark.
suhas a
suhas a - 9 years ago
+Nikki B The Orcinus orca I have betta with 2 cory cats and siamensis algae eaters.. and 2 female bettas,.. all they need is good hiding spots.. But it depends on the betta some are very agressive
ThatPigeonOnYouTube - 9 years ago
ikr I have a betta and an angel but there in diff tanks
Asif Ifas
Asif Ifas - 9 years ago
Lol. even more shocking is bettas with angel fish. or turtles with fish. it must be because there's so much space and hiding spots.
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 9 years ago
+ThatRandomGuyOnYt Thank you so much! I have known they are compatible with other fish (have heard you can have 2 males depending on the size of the tank and amount of space to hide and they are young when introduced) but I never knew how many possibilities there are XD
ThatPigeonOnYouTube - 9 years ago
Yes this is possible, all though betas are known to be fish to lie on their own because they will attack the others, well this is not entirely true as they will only attack another Betta, I have had guppies in my fish tank for a while now and through out them years I have had 3 betas and yes they can live with them as I have one with them right now. In fact my Betta live with about 4 other breeds of fish. But do be careful with the types of fish as fin nippers will attack you Betta. When you go to ur fish shop make sure the fish to go with your Betta are as what is know as "community fish" do not get anything else in the same tank. Hope this helped
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 9 years ago
+Eadyn Clifford Awesome!
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 9 years ago
+Nikki B The Orcinus orca yes i have 2 betta with 6 guppies or more
Adrian Britt
Adrian Britt - 9 years ago
This is too cool of a set up! I only have a 55 gallon....One day....One day..

But really just amazing water quality. Props on the dragonflies and the turtles look so damn happy to be in there. You should start conducting genetic recombination experiments with all those wonderful organisms you've got there brotha. Im sure people would be interested in some snail/guppy variations and such!! AMAZING! Plants, waterfall, turtles, fish... Im going to imitate this one day...

If you don't mind.
Francisco Penado
Francisco Penado - 9 years ago
Wow that's amazing!
Schmutz Lord
Schmutz Lord - 9 years ago
i love my dubstep on fishtank videos, how ruuuude!
Sandie Newstater
Sandie Newstater - 9 years ago
This award winning stuff, eco system and video. Hope you post more.
Walter Knight
Walter Knight - 9 years ago
This video was way to short. I would really love to see a series just on this unique set up. I never thought i liked guppies until now. I want more of this stuff.
billforigno - 9 years ago
My goodness that's lovely. Most people who grow aquatic plants in their system are afraid to use wet/dry or sump filtration for fear of CO2 loss. Since you're spending multiple months away from home, do you have a contingency in place for automatic water changes? Or does this system not need very frequent maintenance?
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
Automatic water filler, you know kind of like one would find in a horse or cow drinking troff. Also I'm about to install a water timer, so it does a 1 hour water change every week. You can find one in an ice maker, or in the lawn and garden area at Walmart
hackiie Mahomed
hackiie Mahomed - 9 years ago
Hat's off bruv !
Phyllis PhyllisM
Phyllis PhyllisM - 9 years ago
How gorgeous!
Ravi Shankar Buddiga
Ravi Shankar Buddiga - 9 years ago
I like your tank set up , eco system and love your ideas rotating food .. This is awesome idea wen u go out for a long vacation .. Big thumbs up :)
Arnold Lalchan
Arnold Lalchan - 9 years ago
Sweet setup dude.
DrDangerPuppy - 9 years ago
Do you have a video on how you made that filter?
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
Will do in the future
DrDangerPuppy - 9 years ago
My turtle ate my fish. Why doesn't yours?
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
The guppies, Turtles, snails, and plants eat or consume fish food. Turtles eat guppies, fish food and snails. The snails consume plants, dead guppies, and poop. The plants consume uneaten food, dead anything, and poop. Do you begin to see how everything kinda eats everything. "It's the circle of life Simba"
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
The turtles are logger head turtles, they eat snails mostly and the guppies that have gotten sick or died, that is if the snails do not get to the fish first. Part of establishing an ecosystem involves finding a suitable predator or scavenger, in this case both.
Hothtrooper44 - 9 years ago
+DrDangerPuppy His does too. But he has many fish that reproduce very quickly.
Diatomsonmypizza - 9 years ago
Teach me....
Diatomsonmypizza - 9 years ago
That is completely amazing! you have done a great job!
romel bondoc
romel bondoc - 9 years ago
Bảo Huỳnh
Bảo Huỳnh - 9 years ago
You have like 3 or 4 male bettas in the same tank? howww :(
Reshirou Krieger
Reshirou Krieger - 9 years ago
+Bảo Huỳnh it's hundreds of gallons

but besides that, I had two Male Betta in a 20 Gal, heavily heavily planted
they never bothered each other
Ashutosh Jha
Ashutosh Jha - 9 years ago
this is the best setup that i have ever seen
pine - 9 years ago
what a gorgeous thriving tank
Nahid Ahmed
Nahid Ahmed - 9 years ago
I'm so jealous! Lol
Edwin Arroyo
Edwin Arroyo - 9 years ago
Fresh water clam . Nice one. We're I kent. Get one. Biutiful tank.than you .for the video. REGARDS. Edwin Arroyo
Anthony Persaud
Anthony Persaud - 9 years ago
where u get 1 mm sand to buy
fopokev - 9 years ago
This has to be the most impressive tank I have ever seen! I am in "awww". So did you come back from Alaska to a tank full of baby Angels? I"m not familiar with Angels but it looked like momma was guarding the eggs on the front of the tank? Also, you gotta make an update video.
ozmommi - 9 years ago
First thing I have to say, WOW!!! Secondly, thanks a lot. My daughter just found your video and made me watch it. She just set up her first tank and wants a second. Now, I want to set up a tank. Your eco-system you have set up is just beautiful in every way. Turtles, snails, local sourced plants and driftwood. WOW, and I really love your innovative filtration system and your feeding system. WOW, I am so impressed.
The plants/moss that's growing on your faux rocks, how do you make it safe for your aquarium? I grow that type on my giant rocks in my garden and would love to put some in the tank. Is there a place on line that you source your info for your aquarium? Actually, have you thought about doing an aquarium blog or website that uses your idea's on aquarium set up?
My daughter, 17, needs that type of info sourcing website to learn more. Your obviously a lover of nature and this aquarium makes that obvious. Thank you for sharing this with us.
And Benny Goodman piece you have playing, Perfect Touch. Thanks!!!!! (Oh, Im sharing this on my Pinterest page.)
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
"Three betta experiment" on you tube, you can also click on my channel and find some of my previous work. We built a 1,000,000 gallon fish tank for the Fort Worth zoo
Tee Dawg
Tee Dawg - 9 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms what is this betta 3 video your talking about ? Love your set up. I just started and in 2 months moved from 1 gallon to 2 gallon to 30 gallon and now just cycled a 60 gallon haha , but I have 2bettas . 1 is still in its 1 gallon and the other is thriving in the 60 gallon, would love to see this video ur talking about so I can have the other one live with him thanks. I soon hopefully will start doing DIY once i learn how to maintain the tank properly .
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
Please also watch and share the 3 beta experiment video. People should know about betas in community.
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
Thank you, I learned thru trial and error, I would love to see people more into the hobby. I hated fish as pets cause why would anyone have a pet you CANNOT pet? I wish I had made a tutorial. Ask any questions and I would love to help. I can point you to the videos that helped me and also what I learned NOT to do.
Garrosh - 9 years ago
Dude this is fucking awesome!Its like a self sustaining eco system and If I had the money and the time I would certainly build one of these :D
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
+ShreddeRャ| CS:GO,WoW,TF2 and more! Thank you. don't know the total cost spent but im pretty sure it was under $1000 dollars.
Owletfluff - 9 years ago
holy.... shit........
MrAmature123 - 9 years ago
wow! such a cool setup! so diverse as well.
SIDDIQ PASHA - 9 years ago
brother awesome...very very nice..
Ben video aquarium
Ben video aquarium - 9 years ago
+ben vidéo aquarium, I Like your videos and your fishes !!! I'm sure that you will like my best vidéo with my 6 aquariums and all my fishes.. I sub you.. You can sub back if you want.. No publicity... Just love Cichlids !!! Take care my Cichlids friend ! http://youtu.be/cLhh5ACeocw
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah - 9 years ago
ok i just wanna say..
I feel like the plants would attract bugs, and I'm sure you must have some leaking. Somewhere. Does this make it hard to maintain?
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah - 9 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms if i can just say then....
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
+Joseph Farah No Leaks, the only flooding i had was when i left the water running in to the tank for 45 min... the overflow could not keep up with it. Yeah, dragon flies bread well back there. i have a few water bugs and some leaches. its a full ecosystem. Got back from Alaska 2 weeks ago and everything was fine. 3 months alone!
Eric B
Eric B - 9 years ago
Very nice Setup!

what kind of paint did you use for that custom backdrop?
Eric B
Eric B - 9 years ago
cool Thanks for the info, might also steal the microwave plate feeder idea i've got a few of those laying around at the shop.
LostMexicanFilms - 9 years ago
+Eric B I was going to make a tutorial on that... and forgot. didn't even take pictures. Grab a paint brush. Mix cement with a colored soil. (red clay, or black dirt, yellow sand) make a watery paint like mix and brush it on to your concrete. if you want stronger colors lowes and home depot have cement dye.
Jordan Tensley
Jordan Tensley - 9 years ago
What color would you call your crown tail beta
Jose Duran
Jose Duran - 9 years ago
Dr. Anus
Dr. Anus - 9 years ago
Dang main! Dats a coo tank. How many anus fish do u have in da tanks?
rhys young
rhys young - 9 years ago
+Dem Boobies anus?!
J F - 9 years ago
Good music choice. Dubstep
Jacob's Tanks
Jacob's Tanks - 9 years ago
Some of the most beautiful tanks ever

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