500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall
Pets & Animals 9 years ago 443,721 views
You Can find an Update to the tank on https://youtu.be/Fj99YdEGFas as well as a New DYI automatic Feeder. A 500 Gallon Fresh water set up... with Guppies... Ha ha Two tanks and a sump mounted into the wall. Wet dry Filtration, a 400 gal an hour pump. Guppies, Betta, Mystery Snails, Bristle Nose Plecostamus.
10. comment for 500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall
20. comment for 500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall
is the feeding a hassle?!
Cuz goddamn is it worth all the hassle.. this is so perfect.
30. comment for 500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall
Love it!
50. comment for 500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall
What do you fish up North? I did a little long lining for Halibut out of Sitka for my Brother in Law in the 80's. No way I could handle that kind of work now!!
100. comment for 500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater Waterfall
Peace ❤️
Nice job!
Or one that says...
Scientist encounter a man of short stature who's diet mostly consists of chicken.
Ha ha...
I titled the Video 500 gallon Fish Tank... not 500 gallon Aquarium... A tank is an artificial body of water all connected in the same cycle. If you want to call it separate Aquariums yes i will grant you that... but even then you don't say "hey lets go visit the Georgia Aquariums" it is said "The Georgia Aquarium is the Largest Salt water aquarium in the world."
Im not trying to start a comment section argument. I'm just letting you know i used proper labeling and proper english definitions.
I did, guess I did not see what I was looking for....thanks
I hate that crap that is on the other videos I hate electronic sounds!
Old swing, GREAT STUFF! I've fished the Kenai! The most amazing salmon fishing! Thanks for the video! AWESOME tank!!
Are there any issues with the guppies and betta?
bettas aren't a good. idea
but umm...you don't win money in shows...
But oh yes such a scam getting a high quality for a good price I must tell those people how dare they sell me a show winner for only 6 bucks LOL.
Sounds like you are horribly butthurt that someone got a decent fish for a decent price
Anyways it's his choice..I think the tank looks quite nice with them.
Question everyone has on their minds - DOES THE GIANT CLAM HAVE A NAME, AND IF YES, WHAT IS IT?!? ^_^
45 gallon with 65 fish
Example, if you had a 50 gallon tank that was empty, just water and gravel, you could have maybe 15 to 20 fish. They stress out when they have no where to hide or when they see each other to often.
Same 50 gallon tank, now full of plants, drift wood, lace rock or volcanic, with really good filtration.... You could have 60 to 75 fish. I know because I have done it and it was awesome. Everything needs to be stocked at the same time, that way you don't have fish with territories established when you add new fish. Filtration filtration filtration....
Thanks for the vid. pierre from NM
2. Spending the whole summer in alaska fishing? while having self sustaining tanks? Your life is my dream! I'd love to chat with you haha!
Do you have video of your method and supplies used for building your waterfalls?
But what I meant is I love music from that era. From the 20s like Al Jolson, Louis Armstrong, and Jimmie Rodgers.
i wish i have a tank like that.
keep it up
But really just amazing water quality. Props on the dragonflies and the turtles look so damn happy to be in there. You should start conducting genetic recombination experiments with all those wonderful organisms you've got there brotha. Im sure people would be interested in some snail/guppy variations and such!! AMAZING! Plants, waterfall, turtles, fish... Im going to imitate this one day...
If you don't mind.
but besides that, I had two Male Betta in a 20 Gal, heavily heavily planted
they never bothered each other
The plants/moss that's growing on your faux rocks, how do you make it safe for your aquarium? I grow that type on my giant rocks in my garden and would love to put some in the tank. Is there a place on line that you source your info for your aquarium? Actually, have you thought about doing an aquarium blog or website that uses your idea's on aquarium set up?
My daughter, 17, needs that type of info sourcing website to learn more. Your obviously a lover of nature and this aquarium makes that obvious. Thank you for sharing this with us.
And Benny Goodman piece you have playing, Perfect Touch. Thanks!!!!! (Oh, Im sharing this on my Pinterest page.)
I feel like the plants would attract bugs, and I'm sure you must have some leaking. Somewhere. Does this make it hard to maintain?
what kind of paint did you use for that custom backdrop?