90cm Aquascape Day 80 Update : Aqueous Reflection

I've made a ton of adjustments, changes, and additions to this aquascape since the last update. I've moved some plants around, added riccia, and added a lot of peices of wood that have really balanced the top and bottom half of the aquascape. I am really proud of this scape and look forward to seeing it progress even further.

90cm Aquascape Day 80 Update : Aqueous Reflection sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Pets & Animals 9 years ago 40,588 views

I've made a ton of adjustments, changes, and additions to this aquascape since the last update. I've moved some plants around, added riccia, and added a lot of peices of wood that have really balanced the top and bottom half of the aquascape. I am really proud of this scape and look forward to seeing it progress even further.

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Most popular comments
for 90cm Aquascape Day 80 Update : Aqueous Reflection

Tomas Badenhorst
Tomas Badenhorst - 7 years ago
This is probably the most beautiful tank I have ever seen! Is it possible to do an update? Also what was/is your CO2 ppm roughly? Cheers!
Tomas Badenhorst
Tomas Badenhorst - 7 years ago
Oh right haha! Fair enough, I'm just using it as a guide. I suppose it also comes with experience! All the best man.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
Thank you! I have taken this layout down over a year ago, the most up to date video I have of it is the 1hour long video on my channel and the tank was in its prime in that video. I don't know what the CO2 ppm is, I honestly don't get that technical with my aquariums. My method is to watch the plants the react accordingly. The general rule for me is to increase the CO2 output until I see lots of pearling a few hours after lights come on, but not enough CO2 to see the fish gasping at the surface, I hope that helps.
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
5:14 what fish? It's AMAZING.
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
You use a inline diffuser. How many tanks like this do you own.
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
Glass Canvas Aquascape thx for th quick reply. Your aquascapes are off the charts. Do you have any tips for a a beginner.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
yes, you can see the inline diffuser at 0:59
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
Glass Canvas Aquascape nice! You are a pro. Sorry I mean to put a question mark at the end of the first sentence. You use an inline diffuser?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
I have 3
Aquascaping LTech Argentina
Aquascaping LTech Argentina - 7 years ago
incredible!! you are my inspiration speccially this tank. greetins from Argentina.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
thank you so much! I always love to hear that I can help inspire people. best of luck!
ITALLO POLITI - 7 years ago
What role did you put in the background ??
Arif - 7 years ago
its so cool
Connor Melnick
Connor Melnick - 7 years ago
Dude.....so pearly
Melvin Wong
Melvin Wong - 7 years ago
how do you prevent hair algae? :( mine crawling with them
Melvin Wong
Melvin Wong - 7 years ago
Only have 2 Amano and 1 oto inside my shrimp tank. Don't seem to see them eating as fast as the hair algae grow. Haha and my back wall is a sump wall which is made of pvc. Razor don't seem to be able to glide. What bout the plant that has tones of hair on them..
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
manual cleaning, amano shrimps and otocinclus help too, but nothing replaces your own manual labor ;)

also don't forget that just because you don't see it in my videos doesn't mean that I dont have the same problems, when I make a video I try to show my tank in the best condition possible, so I always clean before making a video. Same way when you clean your house/room before a girl comes over, you don't want them to see your mess, you gotta show your best side hehe
delmurodesign - 7 years ago
Your scaping is just beautiful!

10. comment for 90cm Aquascape Day 80 Update : Aqueous Reflection

Hawkeye - 8 years ago
This is amazing
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
thank you =)
Your worse enemy
Your worse enemy - 8 years ago
How often do you water the plants ?
Linh Cam Lai
Linh Cam Lai - 8 years ago
Hi Hiep, may I know where to get the small bent scissors like yours? It would be a great tool for small nano lawn... :D
bishop8000 - 8 years ago
Fantastic tank, and amazing photography.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
thank you!
Andy t8
Andy t8 - 8 years ago
Is green dot algae is something we will always have to deal with? I can't seem to completely get rid of them.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
its just a fact of life that we must accept haha.
albert stacy
albert stacy - 8 years ago
Are those ferns at the back of the tank Narrow Java Ferns. And are those ferns in the mid ground Trident Java ferns?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
great choices! they are my favorite plant to work with
albert stacy
albert stacy - 8 years ago
Great, that's what I will be doing. Thanks!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
yep! narrow leaf in the back and trident in the middle
Samam Srivastava
Samam Srivastava - 8 years ago
hey man, i really loved your scape and plan to do something exactly similar because I've pretty much fallen in love with this. i just wanted to know which plant you have used in 3:48, the small bunch plant?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
thanks, that is Riccia Fluitans
Branislav Ivcic
Branislav Ivcic - 8 years ago
Very very nice and Great work. I plan to do something similar. The plan is 200x30x50 :)We will see... :)
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
awesome! good luck brother
Andres Rivero
Andres Rivero - 8 years ago
You should rent a 4k camera and some lighting guys and do a blu-ray/4k hour long movie of just aquarium shots. I bet you could sell on youtube or even press your own discs.
Roman Skorobagatko
Roman Skorobagatko - 8 years ago
very beautiful!

20. comment for 90cm Aquascape Day 80 Update : Aqueous Reflection

Plasse Pierre-Adrien
Plasse Pierre-Adrien - 8 years ago
That's absolutely awesome
Phillip Kampmann
Phillip Kampmann - 8 years ago
hey mate, how are you fertilizing this tank?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I use a very light dosing regimen of PPS pro
flappinganimal - 8 years ago
Seriously beautiful. If mine turns out half as good I'll be over the moon. Thanks for making these videos.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
thanks! I'm glad you enjoy them
TheNewAlias - 8 years ago
Is this the entire AQUAVAS setup with extra ADA parts? What else is needed to go along their setup? Thanks
TheNewAlias - 8 years ago
Thanks! If you were in NYC I would def pay for your services. Keep up the great work
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I use a hydor inline heater and a 20lb CO2 canister with a custom regulator and inline CO2 diffuser you can see in one or two of my videos. The glass inline CO2 diffuser is a prototype that was made by Aquavas but never released
TheNewAlias - 8 years ago
Thanks for the info. Which heater and Co2 setup did you pick?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+TheNewAlias the only extra ADA part I have is the surface skimmer, which isnt really necessary but helps keep the surface looking clean with no film. Everything included with the Aquavas system could stand alone as a setup, only thing that I would add is a heater if your inhabitants need one, and a CO2 setup
Ashley Jeenah
Ashley Jeenah - 8 years ago
@5.10 what fish is it? Thanks
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Ashley Jeenah bumblebee otocinclus (parotocinclus sp.)
Lauren Reilly
Lauren Reilly - 8 years ago
your underwater salads are the bomb diggity. how do you get such nice quality videos of your tank? mine suck.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Lauren Reilly I use a DSLR camera and tripod, the video quality is great on my nikon. coupled with creative camera work, and voila...you get that^
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Lauren Reilly thanks! lots of light and co2 are the key
Clayton Jessup
Clayton Jessup - 8 years ago
man i hope mine turns out this good ..
Acuarios Sulawesi
Acuarios Sulawesi - 8 years ago
Good vídeos! Can you put the list of plants ,and fishes of your beautiful aquarium please?
Rommel R
Rommel R - 8 years ago
Very organized internal cabinet..I like how you used that magnet bar to hold your tools. Keep up the good work!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Rommel R thanks! I organized it even more by getting rid of the duck tape and using some stuff from home depot to properly hide all the cords and wires
Chay Jeong
Chay Jeong - 9 years ago
what's the plant u are using for your background?
Chay Jeong
Chay Jeong - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape ok thanks=D
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
The middle background plant is narrow leaf java fern
Chay Jeong
Chay Jeong - 9 years ago
How bout the middle part? Thanks ur aquascape look very nice
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Chay Jeong Narrow Leaf Java Fern

30. comment for 90cm Aquascape Day 80 Update : Aqueous Reflection

Brian Bloomfield
Brian Bloomfield - 9 years ago
So beautiful.
aji widhia
aji widhia - 9 years ago
awesome, I noticed the co2 reactor, is that DIY stuff?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+aji widhia no, thats a glass inline CO2 diffuser by AQUAVAS, they dont make them anymore
coolwater411 - 9 years ago
Type of fish?
Aida May
Aida May - 9 years ago
Such a gorgeous tank!
One day I shall have one like that.
But Malaysia is too darn hot to go without a chiller. And a chiller sends the electric bill through the roof.
gkooistra91 - 9 years ago
Very nice aquascape. However i do feel like the Puntius denisonii are to big for this tank.
Rahul Rajendran
Rahul Rajendran - 9 years ago
stunning work of art
Clayton Jessup
Clayton Jessup - 9 years ago
very good , amazing set up with this aquarium, the entire setup is breathtaking from start to finish. very well done , making me really considering a Aquavas as my upgrade aquarium .lol
Dennis Wong
Dennis Wong - 9 years ago
Beautiful scape ~
TropicalFish AfterDark
TropicalFish AfterDark - 9 years ago
very nice
AQUA NUT - 9 years ago
Are you kidding me only 58 likes. Mind blowing tanks bud thumbs up
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+AQUA NUT thanks!
Christian Mantione
Christian Mantione - 9 years ago
Fantastic !! Population actually ?
Christian Mantione
Christian Mantione - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape Thanks !!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Christian Mantione Espei rasboras, rummynose tetras, roseline sharks, panda garra, otocinclus, zebra otocinclus, bumblebee otocinclus, checkerboard cichlids
steven tompkins
steven tompkins - 9 years ago
its hard to mirror mother nature, especially with the human hand in such a small space! in my view this is art at its very best.. taking inspiration from the wild and making a beautiful micro ecosystem. i take my hat off to you. beautiful.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
wonderful compliment, thank you!
tovar83 - 9 years ago
what species of fish is seen on 5:12? looks like some sort of otocinclus? very nice tank bro.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+tovar83 it is a bumblebee otocinclus (parotocinclus sp. )
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
Very nice. Glad I found your channel
Luke Stephenson
Luke Stephenson - 9 years ago
Aquatasy - 9 years ago
This aquarium just keeps getting better and better. I've got to ask, which camera & lens are you using to shoot your videos with? The image quality is excellent.
Aquatasy - 9 years ago
I had a feeling you were using Nikon cameras and lenses.  The quality difference between Nikon and say Canon is always noticeable to me.  I'm just about to invest in a new camera and it will definitely be a Nikon.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Aquatasy some of these are shot with a Nikon D600 and some is shot with a Nikon D7000. Most shots are with a 35mm prime lens or a macro lens
Cosmic Ehrhart
Cosmic Ehrhart - 9 years ago
Honestly your updates are some of my favorite updates... great scape, chill music, nice camera work too.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Cosmic Ehrhart thanks!
elvisaquarium - 9 years ago
Amazing!!! Beautiful tank and scape!!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
turned out great man. Super nice. And I love that you have different types of fish rather than just one main type. I usually love a mix myself.
Eden Aquapaisagismo
Eden Aquapaisagismo - 9 years ago

50. comment for 90cm Aquascape Day 80 Update : Aqueous Reflection

Nicolás Cortés
Nicolás Cortés - 9 years ago
Hermoso acuario.
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 9 years ago
Great job Hiep. Your camera and editing skills are just as spot on as tour scaping skills. Very nice vid.
skalar altum
skalar altum - 9 years ago
very nice aquascapes ;)
Greg Fiske
Greg Fiske - 9 years ago
Awesome, loved the video!
jeremiemcd - 9 years ago
The tank has transformed into a beautiful ecosystem, keep up the great wrk :) It's very inspiring, thanks for sharing =)
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+jeremiemcd thanks for the compliments! comments like these always touch my heart and remind me why I do this.
Kristina Lavoie
Kristina Lavoie - 9 years ago
Really nice, man, I can't wait until mine is filled out (hopefully just as beautifully). Also, my fish are still scared of me, they don't know to come up when I grab my glass feeder. Did you add the Roselines recently?
Kristina Lavoie
Kristina Lavoie - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape Good advice. I've been doing the same location, but haven't tapped. Will try it out. I've only had most of my fish for a few days, so we'll see how quick they pick it up. :)
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Kristina Lavoie a while back I saw a video of Takashi Amano feeding his altum angels by tapping the glass with the food container before putting the food in the tank and when the fish heard the tapping they come up to the surface ready to eat. Ever since then I've been doing that and most of the time the fish learn that tapping means food after only a week or so. I do the tapping at the same location and drop the food at the same spot every time, consistency helps
Supmotto - 9 years ago
I'd watch a 10 hour video of ur Aquascape
Cosmic Ehrhart
Cosmic Ehrhart - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape Please do, it would be super relaxing... -)b
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Supmotto I was planning on posting a 1 hour video of a full view of the tank, good to know someone else enjoys videos like that. =]

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